HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-2, Page 4r." ••••4•••,••••••••••#•.... THE MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility is assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE EXETER BRANCH - clEDITON ANCH USHWOO BRANCH - neassannatenee A. E. Kutin, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager INCORPORATED THE MOLSONS BANK tpirel.uni it-eserve $9,30 ),000. Over J00 Branches The Molsons Bank offers you a safe and convenient depositary for your money, and allows you interest on same. The use of cheques obviates carrying sums of money when paying accounts. Moreover such pay- ments cannot be dtsputed. Over 100 Branches throught Canada give the best possible attention to the banking requirements a any lYiolsons Bank customers. T S. WOODS, Manage: Centralia Branch open for busiuess daily q *JP K • T • • • • • .• • 41410 • ArlOIC &&& * IMIIP*90.1it,,,C • ,101. TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES FOR RHEIMAnSlieNEUMTIS,SCIATICA LUMBAGO,NEURALGIA,GOUT Efl ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST READAOIE 31.1o? PER BOX TEMPLETONS L tions,1,42 MK SIX TOR014111 Irtinuinity hots lacked a practical rheumatic remedy since thee began, Fortunes are spent Yearly at hot splings. cleetrie baths and hosp tals to obtain relief, yet better results are achieved right at home by using "'the common sense treatment." just compare cost and results with any other treatment and You will be eov!nceL Ask yout druggist,: or write us for our new booklet; it is interest- ing and costs yon nothing (Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto). tVe meal anywhere WI receipt of ELK BROWNING'S DRUG STORE ". Optical Rooms and Sta,tbonery Sole Agents for Exeter Mail S1.04 to this address or to rem (*ton's, 142 King W., Toronto, and T.B.C's. will be sent postnald. ton —Mi : ani Mrs. Sutherland 3nd tinny a Alin Craig.. visited at the hem,: of Ed. Gill, sr., Sunday.— :Sirs, Nlaurive and Mrs., Ezra. Brenner were n‘Vationi last week.—Asaph Gravelie whohas been visiting in The.lford,ar- rived home Sattirday.—Mr. Ecclestone attended the funeral of a relative in ' Sarnia. litste.week—Harry Purdy and 'Non of neat Hensall visited around h•ere Sunday. ',, • Mount Carmel The Exeter Advocate Sanders ft Creech., Proprietors Subscription Prica—In adveatte $1,50 VAT yearin Canada.; S2.00 in the Uniteall St**. A.1 ealsocripthons mat mid in advanscw 511e. extra charge& THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1)19 Grand Bend •0110.01.0111•••• Mr. and Mrs. Takes of Hensall visit- ed Jolla Baird Sunday.—While orank- lag his car Sunday morning Nelson Ravelle broke his arm.—Mrs. Ed. Gill jr„ lett last week for a visit in, Ham- a•MINIONIMMINIIIRIMOYMOMMI. Me „ad hire. John. Nartgle and fa- fly.- jf 1.12con called ort friends here ti ;Imlay Miss Tessin Glavin of Toronto is sly:el:ding a few weeks here, the guest of .her aunt Miss 'Josephine Glavini The Slaters of St. Joseph's, Lon- don, cal,!ed on the parishoners of this is tnic t 1SC week. Pte. Francis Flynn, arrived home last weck, ,Iooking fine. Miss Joann Regan of Detroit is •••••,..• OPERA HOUSE, Exeter, TUEELAOCT. 7th.. •D. W. GRIFFITH'S Newest ad Mightiest Photo -Drama T11 • GREAT SAME OAST AS "Birth of a Nation"and "Efearts of the World" LOVE PRESENTED ON THE MOST ELABORATE SCALE EVER ATTEMPTED IN MOTION PICTURES WITH sruchui. ORCE-IGSTRAt- AND A NOVELTY MUSICAL, PROLOGUE ephiadminogusth JONES FAMILY Vaudeville ntertainers, This Picture skeis the Transfiguration of Woman by War Scenes showing the Dowager Queen Alexandria and the first families of England, DOING MENIAL WORK TO BEAT THE HUN, WHICH THEY DID 8PEOIA.L PRICES CHILDREN UNDER. 12, 37c, rush 55c RSD. SEATS 80c, .Door open at 7.30, Porrerraance at $a51 Seats 13.42w on. sale at Howey.P SCHOOL REPORTLof S. 5. No. 14, Stephen for the month of Septem- ber, in arithmetic and composition. Those ,marked with an asterisk were absent one or more exams. —Sr. 4— Mrtx. 200; min. 120—H. Hill 178, M, Neil 142, L. Abbott ,123, I. Wiade 108 L. Hanlon 100., Jr. 4—F. Huxtable ip.nrilaZ a few weeks at the home f (absent 3—H Steels 1/0 H. Hicks o i. H. , hi' mother, Mrs. Nora: Regan_ 109, G. O'Brien 162, M. Nell 153, •V, Miss Loretta Morrisoj left last week! Conner 91, Sr. 2—J. Smith 79„. Jr. for Detro-ii, after spending sereral ' 2—According to class standing—L. weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Ryan I Wade, H. Hodgins, H. Wade, G. A number -from here attended :be. ' Nell, J. Flynn, V. Smith. 1—'‘yi Wil- ra,, es at Parkhill on Tuesday.as, M. Hicks, H. ,Smiith, E. Whde, Mr. and Mrs, John Kipper of Zurich :rteinc,her, E. .11L Weston called on friends here Sunday. t Miss laaragayan is visiting friends in Detroit. - '.-- . Mr Jack Lenard of Parkhill called on friends here Sunday I Miss Julia Mahoney a Detroit vis4. itetie,with friends here for a few days last” Week . Mrs. P. Glavin and daughter left last week ior their home in Detroit !eller spending three months with friends here. t.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wild and family . rannyi ot the farm formerly occupi- -` ed by Theo. Deterich. We welcome \In an,i Mrs. Wild to our midst. "Completely Discouraged", Is the feeling and plaintNEW GRIFFITH PICTURE, 'THE of women wbo are "run-down" so it thGREAT LOVE", TELLS OF bead work drags, head aches, back aches dragging down NATION'S SACRIFfCES. feelings, • dizzy, ' The Stary.—When Jim Young re - pale and weak, C.Q.iste:: news of German atrocities in little thin p an- Belgium, it arouses him to great an noy and "every,- ger, and he enlists elm The Canadian thinggoeswrong.' anny. On, his arrival in London, Eng., Look the other Young begins active trang. t92y, Jseeust whata minDfule. on (leave of absence, Young 'gave's Favorite meets Susie Breedplains, a young Aus- tralian Who, inripee,nce •nersonlilfied, Preter4Pgion h" and Who is milt flattered by the at - done for moretentionx ri her by real live, vigor - than ginulitilithe'mhviwa; ous Canadian soldier. fiftiyears, • Susie..fahls heir to 20,000 pounds and hat jaw ckyne at .once becomes the object of much fr sows jiais, solicitude on the part of Sr. Roger ' do far you.• Brighton an unscrupulous fortune A. helping hand hunter-. He forces his unwelcome at - to lift up weak, ' tentions upon the girl, and wh en tired, over.ta, Young is called to the .front;-- Six women—that's Roger seeks to force her to marry -what ra Saba is Dr. Pierce' s Favorite him before he leaves on. a business Fresenptaaa. It pew you lust, the help trip for FranceShe repels him. that you mooed. To be bad in liquid ot 'The story itlIG:W cleats with the ad- tablete. Tablet Urn, 50 cents, at all dr1.44 ventures of Snsie and her two suit/ stores. ors, which are interrupted freqttent- It is a medisine that's made especiallY ;1 Y by tinternatiOnnt complications and to build up WallitietS strength and to cure the Maschipations of Germane adven- •wornesee *iiments—an invigorating, rhm e- turers asinie,radirig as radicals, with •gorative toaie, main cordial sad whom Sir Roger- becomes entangled. bra nerriae.. purely vegetable, nen. The transforma/on of, the fair woman alcoholic, east pialieetly harmless. and social ,butt rfOes of England to w,orlcers n. hospitals and munition fac- You min pawn* a trial pkg. by @and- tories, is shown in a series of remark- able pictures. Among these .celebrated workers for their country im,,Sunieneelns fin44"the great lave" in service for her cOUntry: h 13i"atne sceines such as have ad - suffer thshate,kaelle, reWaa... ailing, for"n' . ed 'materially to. the fame of D. W. e about two years. Had doctored but did Griffith as producer, are sltawn in this ins 10c. to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. e TILLE.OFtstIRG, Ozerneek fewevears ago 1 had a severe nervous',:(breatOrnin. I wonldh WEIS in, my head and would Farquhar •••••••••• A chicken pie slipper will be held in the Hall„ on Friday, October the 10th. Supper to commence at five o'clock. A good prdgramme is being arranged. Admission 50c and child- ren 25c. Hensall Mr. and Mrs. C. Ai McDoneji spent a week visiting relatives in Tot onto.— J. Burnie returned soldier, virell and AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ' On Lot 11, Con. 3, .Stephen, On WEDNESDAY, ,OCT. 15, 191.9, • At 1 o'clock shar'n, .the following: Horses—Mare 12 years, horse 5 yrs: general purpose horse 4 years, Per- cheroa Horse 4 :yeairs, driving hdrse 4 years driving snare 3 year, team work horses, draft cot. Cattle -3 cows, due in 'Jnne, cow due in July, 3 yearling steers, 4 spring calves, cow ,due in Delc., cow due in May. _ . Hogs and Hens—Sow in, peg, sow d ue time of sale, 4 young pigs, 7 weeks old; 11:1' hens. Implements— Massey -Harris binder, 6 ft. cut, mower and seed dribl; hay loader, disc barrows, cultivator, set harrows Massey -Harris low down ma- nure spreader; land,' MONT, hay rake, 3 walkine plows, riding plow, gravel box 'Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow, 2 lumber wagons. set ,sleighs, cutter, buggy, root pulper ,cutting box ,fanningmill, "Maple Leaf grinder, (scuff -ler, cream separa- tor, Nation4; 3 (steles ,double harness, britchen, 2 sets single harness, saw and axes. hay fork, ropes, car and pulleys, water trough, wheelbarrow, cow chains, hay rack, wagon bowl, horse blanket, robe barrel blackstrap 75 sap pais, an for bOting, sp,iiee, auantity hay and straw, tio, ,be fed on the tsl.ace: Daisy churn, mangolds, turniP5 artd;eorn; forks, shovels:, hoes wbiffle tr e e.4 barbwire lieckyokesl, and 'atherecartides too numereus to men- tion. ATerms ..neAli,' sums of $10 and under, catbe'‘oV.Er''that amount 12 ,monithM credit on approved joint notes. 4 per ,rentnelff for cash on. credit amounts;FrankTaylor, i Frank Taylor, Jonah Sims, . , Auctioneer Proprietor - A, Hodgins, Clerk. „ tot seem to get cured of the ailment., At Li .Z. ,intet"6At Moo and it did me more good than an, dramatic and appealing story, At Op - Medicine I ever took. It built me up and era Eip„tikgy i,16q:bm one titalt.' 1 felt better in every way than I had for ue.s. ,orchastre two years prevlonsly.0--Mns: L. .and refined vp.edevgle. Seats now on eteenn„ sale at Ileveey'S. lust I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip. develoPithevit' 0. an."'"'Imlfsiiit/Y favorably known. here, is returning to his home in Scotland,—Mrs. Lunn of Detroit us visiting Mr. Samuel Iior- toin. awl his sister.—Mies Jessie Bu- chanan and Miss Margaret Lamont left 124 t week for London. to attend Business College,—Mr. Wm. Sangster has moved his tailor shop into elle nremiseq lately occupied by Messrs. Buchanan Wickwire.,-Mrs. J. El- lis and daughter, Miss Mattie, return- 1111~11.1111111~IM*11.1#0111111410M.11011010.1•M*••••••/...., ed last week from Binscarth, Mare,' where they have been visiting for two months,—Mrs. A. ungblut of "Ver- million. Who has been. spending two months With her parents, Mr. and Mrs Richard Welsh, returnedto her home last week.—Earl Palmer who went ov- erseas with the 161st Huron Battalion and wasemPloYeid in the records of- fice in London, returned. to his home ia liensall last week. • • . • • • • • • 1 Comradeship ADMIRAL Sir David Beatty, when speaking at Leicester a few days ago,said :— "We have been through four and a half years of a great struggle. We have all learned something— the trine value of comradeship. Comradeship has enabled us to win the war." Realizing the significance and truth of this statement the Citizens' Liberty League ap- peals to the people of this Province to develop the spirit of comradeship, mutual forbearance, toleration and sympathy. Let us be fair - Admiral Sir Donk: Bents minded, less rigid, more reasonable, and more willing to give and take. The areohiannas of Ontario appeal for bet. ter homiriotexicating leoer—beer Salt alcohol by weight — THE NEER I BALLOT. Samosa illeasnoos, the wades greatest tuber leader. 4111011 eke workiogasea's positioa clearly yin his sisW "The aonstol ors, the men of Labor wise work addle thaw a day sad so mere, the workman' wire sans dasent pay, the work. men. tie Ions sosaparatively comfortable hewn. Ifitny do art wait the artifieiel spirit. The Mall 1110mal spirit fiats noinfort pkeseat ensionadiags ; be does not need, and, as manlia, does net partake of intoxicat- iagalriambegiso dams the effects of latexicants. What no own oak is that the men of Leiser, the osamone ear pe.pk, shall have the ap- pointer*, t dr .k. glass of beer of not more than NOM by weight of alcohol in that Samuel Canopies beer, and I am told you cannot drink enough of that character of bier to get drunk even if yea tried." Scientific tests, practice' experiments and thorough research prove that beer of even greater strength than 2.51% of alcohol by "weight, is absolutely neo -intoxicating. (The results of these tests have been filed with the limited States Circuit Court of Appeals). As no harmful results can possibly come trews drinking beer of this quality—is there say fair or logical reason why the working amen should not hare the more palatable beer for which they ere asking — THE BEER OF THE BALLOT? Support the working men and• the Citizens' • Liberty' League in the endeavor to obtain . , a fair, just and reasonable compromise on the present too drastic prohibitory 'legisla- tion. Vote "YES" to all Four Questions Mask your -ballot with an X. Any other markings will spoil it. Remember ab.—evety votermust, vote on every question or his ballot will be spaikd. Citiz▪ , • ,11.4.7k1, ? • y League Hea. sPiritalittati'mf vivo 1. oos.: 4111:722V41,144c0SCII?"::.11:::P.,mit'A'r!:0Q, Tt Vice -President': . Hou..Treasnrery I. P. nituz,,annag, cc. — „ CARVarraltitS, •9ecre_tsr7 11. GORDON 'Cigi;11,* , 44 --.9[6..•••••• ere 0-enn