The Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-2, Page 3Weekly Market Report Breadstuff Toronto, Sept. 30.—Manitoba wheat --No. 1 Northern, $2.30; No. 2 North - .ern, $2.2T; No: 3 Northern, .$2,23, in store Fort William. Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 87%e; No. 3 CW, 87%c; extra No. 1 feed '87%e; No. 1 feed, 867/st; No, 2 feed, •86%c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barley— o. 3 CW, $1.26; No; 4 CW, $1.24%; rejected, $1.18%; feed, $1,18%, in store Fort William, American corn—No. 3 yellow, nom- inal; No: 4 yellow, nominal. Ontario oats—No, 3 white, 87 to '90c, according to freights. outside. Ontario wheat—No,. 1 Winter, per car lot, $2 to $2.06; No. 2 do, $1.97 to $2,03;; No. 3 do, $1.93 to $1.99, f.o.b, Shipping Points, according to freights. Ontario wheat—No, 1 Spring, $2.02 to $2.08 No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2.05; No. 3 Spring, $1.95 to $2.01, f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights. Barley—Malting, $1,27 to $1,30, ac- -cording to freights outside. Buckwheat—Nominal. R e--Noneinal. Manitoba flour ---Government stand- ard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flour—Government stand- ard, Montreal and Toronto, $9,40 to $9,60, in jute bags, prompt"ahipment. Millfeed—Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $45;, shorts, per ton, $55; good feed flour, per bag, $3.50. Hay --No. 1, per ton, $24 to $2e; hawed, per ton, $15 to $20, tuck, To- ionto, Straw—Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11,. track, Toronto. Country Produce—Wholesale, Butter ----Dairy tubs and rolls, 33 to 40e; prints, 40 to 430; creamery, fresh made solids, 52% to 53e; prints, 53 Eggs -51 to 53c, Dressed poultry—Spring chickens, 28 to 30e; roosters, 21e; fowl, 18 to 25c; ducklings, ngs, 25c; turkeys, 35 to 40c; squabs, doz., $6.. Live poultry—Spiting chickens, 22 to 25c; roosters, 20c; fowl,' 18 to 26e; ducklings, 22c; turkeys, 30c, Cheese --New,, large, 28 to 29e_ twins, 28% to 29%c; triplets, 29 to 30e; Stilton, 31 to 32c, Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 47 to 49e; creamery, prints, 57 to 58a Margarine -36 to 38c. Eggs—No. l's, 57 to 58c; selects, 61 to 62c. Dressed poultry -Sprang chickens, 30 to 35c; roasters, 23 to 25e; fowl, 30 to 34c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; duckl- ings, 34 -to 35c; squabs, per doz., 37, Live poultry --Spring chickens, 22 to 26c; fowl, 23 to 25e; ducks, 22 to 25c. Beans—Canadian hand-picked, bus„ $5.25 to $5.75; primes, 34,25 to $4,75; Imported, hand-picked, Burma, $4.00; Limas,. 15 to 16e. Honey Extracted clover, 5-4b. tins, 24 to 25c; 10-1b, tins, 23% to 24c; 60-1b. tins, 23 to 24c; buckwheat, 60-1'b, tins, 18 to 19c; Comb, 16 -oz., $4,50 to $5 doz.; 10 -oz,, $3,,0 to 34 dozen, Maple products—Syrup, per imper- ial gallon, $2.45 to $2.50; per ,p imper- ial gallons, $2.35 to 32.40; sugar, lb.,, 27e. Provisions -.Wholesale. Smoked meats—Harns, med., 44 to 46c. do, heavy, 38 to 40e; cooked•, 58 to 600; rolls, 35 to 37c; breakfast bacon, 49 to 55c; backs, plain, 51 to 53c; boneless, 54 to 57c; clear bellies, 32 to 34c. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 23 to 34c; clear bellies, 32 to 33c Lard Pure tierces, 33 to., 33%t; tubs, 33% to 34c; pails, 333/.,, to 34%,c; prints, 35; to 36c. Compound tierces, 29 to 29%c; tubs, 29% to 30c; pails, 29% to 30%c; prints, 30% to 31c, Montreal Markets. Montreal, Sept. 30.—Oats, extra No, 1 feed, 98e; flour, new standard grade, 311 to $11.10; rolled oats, bags, 90 lbs,, 34,90 to $5; bran, $45; shorts, $55; hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $22, Cheese, finest easterns, 25e; butter, choicest creamery, 54 to 54%e; eggs, fresh, 68e; selected, 64c; No. 1 stock, 57c; No, 2 stock, 52 to .54e; potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1,65 to $1,,75; dressed hogs, abattoir killed, $26.50 to $27; lard, pure, wood pain„ 20 lbs. s on Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Sept, 30.—Good heavy steers, $12,50 to $12,75; butehers' cat- tle, choice, $12 to $12.50; do, good, $11.25 to $11.50; do, med., $10 to $10.75; do, aim, $7 to $7.50; bulls, choice, $10 to 310,50; do, meds $9.50 to $9,75; do, rough, $7,50 to $8; butch- er cows, choice, $10,25 to $10.75; do, good, $9 to $9,25; do, med., $8.50• to 39; do, corn., $7 to $7.50; stockers, $7,50 to $10; feeders, $10 to $11.25; canners and cutters, $4.75 to $6.25; milkers, good to choice, $110 to $140; do, corn, and med., $65 to $75; spring- ers, 390 to 3150; light ewes, $7,50 to $8.50; yearlings, 39 to $10; spring lambs, per cwt, -$12.50 to $13,50; calves, good to choice, 317.50 to $21,50; hogs, fed and watered, $17,75; do, weighed off cars, $18; do, f.o.b., 316.75;. do, do, to farmers, 316.50. Montreal, Sept, 30,—Choice steers, $12.60 td'$13; good steers, $10.50 to 311.50; medium, $8.50 to $10e common, 37 to 38; butcher cattle, choice bulls, $8 to $8.50; good bulls, $7 to $8; med- ium, 35.50 to $0.50; choice cows, $8.50 to $9,50; good, $8 to ° $8.50; medium, $6,50 to $7,50; canners' cattle, $4.50 to 35.50; lambs, $11.50 to $13; sheep, 38,50 to $10; milk -fed calves, $12 to $15. LONDON PROFITEERS Events In England HAILED* TO COURT Lord Tredegar has given the format Newport Drill Hall as an ambulance centre, The Corporation of Newport, Mpn- mouth, propose to borrow £1,047,300 to build 1;316 houses. Wiliiani Barber was fined 3250 at West Hartlepool for having used his house for betting purposes.' All the military schools in the Ald- ershot command have been' closed owing to an epidemic of measles, W. . A. Cadbury, chairman of the, Birmingham Health Committee, has been asked to accept the Mord mayor- alty. Princess Mary dibve from Bucking- ham Palace to Lambeth to open a new Church Arniy hostel for girls, A Camden town lady who had saved '100 for her son; who was killed. In the war, gave the money to St. Dun- stan's Hospital for the Blind. New potatoes from jersey have dropped from forty-two shillings to twenty-seven shillings per hundred weight. General Sir Hari Singh, commander of the Kashmiran army,. has arrived in London for the purpost of buying horses. A- schoolboy named Palmer jumped into the Thames at Weybridge and rescued a child agedthree from drowning. Queen Alexandra has formally open- ed the Queen Alexandra Hospital Horne for disabled men at Gifford House, Roehampton. The British farmers have sent tee the French farmer peasants 37 short- horn bulls, 266 heifers and 1,000 head of live poultry. Major-General Fabian Ware has been appointed permanent vice-chair- man to the Imperial Graves Commis, sion. Baker, Butcher and Saloon Keep= er Pay Fines—Journalist Knocks Prices. A. despatch from London says:— Curiously en9ugh, nobody in London thinks he is a profiteer,' Always the profiteer is the man on the next street, away'off over yonder, like the desert mirage. However, the daily trill of the London Police Courts grind out fairly good imitations. A baker was fined $500 for expos- ing for sale thirty-four loaves of bread each two ounces less than the regulation weight. A butcher was fined 3100 for selling:imported mutton at the home -killed price, and making an overcharge of eight cents on four lamb chops. A saloon I keeper was fined $15 and 310 costs because his barmaid charged thirty cents instead of twenty-five cents' for two large glasses of stout. The recent slight fall in prices is largely due ton clever journalist writ- ing an article in his paper, which other papers copied, saying prices were down. The public int' forth after reading, and all over the city demanded reductions which the mer- chants had to grant. NO HALF -MILLION GRANT TO GENERAL CURRIE A. despatch from Ottawa says:— Authoritative denial was -given to the report current throughout Canada that General Sir Arthur Currie had been or would be given a grant of half a million dollars. in recognition of his services overseas. "We oto not contemplate making any such grant now or at any time in the future," said Acting Premier Doherty. PRINCE AND BRONCHO,. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at the Saskatoon Fair after tackling a bucking broncho, BRITISH WITHDRAW FROM ARCHANGEL Bolsheviks Raving Lost Corn Country May be Forced to Make Terms. A despatch from London says:— Unless the unforeseen_ should inter- fere with Lord Rawlins n,s plans, evacuation of the British forces from Archangel should be cempieted by the end of the month, Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice says in the Daily News. It `vii'll then remain to look after the withdrawal from Murmansk, which is much the simpler problem of the two. He adds that the "immediate abat% dmiment of the Russian adventure is simply net possible unless the Allied powers agree to come to terms with the Bolsheviks." It seems possible since they have lost the corn country of, Ukraine, that the Bolsheviks may be reduced to extremities by cold and hunger. Gen. Maurice says that, short of some such development an which there are no solid reasons for count- ing, the,ie is no probability of obtain- ing a settlement in Russia by present methods within the next six months. "That is where we stand to -day," he says finally. BRITISH AVIATOR+ FLIES OVER ALPS A despatch fri3m Geneva says:— Captain Bradley, a British aviator, has landed at Lausanne after having flown over the Alps and lasing his way in the clouds above Mount Blanc at an altitude of more than 15,000 feet. He made his trip in a 110 horse- power airplane, and came from Lon, don by way of Paris. ,c Where One Word Gana From. A fascinating study is that which searches for the origin of words. Much of the history of the world is locked up in the words we use every day, ut- terly unconscious of their derivation. When the Arabs carne into Europe and learned from the nations they en- countered the wisdom of all the ages then past, they became deeply interest- ed in the attempts that the old Greeks had made to turn other metals into gof. d That it bad been declared to be a secret and mysterious process made it all the more fascinating to them. And so' they became alchemists, and called themselves Hermetic philosophers, be- cause tradition declared Hermes This- megistrs about two thousand years before Christ had discovered how to convert the baser metals into gold. To melt the mouth of a glass tube so as to close it was called securing it with "Hermes, his seal,'" We know little or nothing of Hermes,or when he lived, or whether he ever lived at all; but it is curious that even"*o this day when a bottle or jar is closed so tbat it is airtight we call it hermitieal- ly sealed, after this same Hermes. TI#ANKSGIVING DAX, OCT. 13TH A despatch from Ottawa says:— Hon. J. C. Doherty stated on Thursday that in view of Thursday's action in the House giving the bill for a fixed holiday a six months' hoist, October 13 would be Thanksfiving Day, Autumn Wonder, "A haze on the far horizon. An infinite, tender sky; The rich, ripe tint of the cornfields, And the wild geese sailing high; And all over upland and lowland The charm of the goldenrod; Some of us call it autumn, And others call it God." 1Jl1`J, r f, '1 tti aretet A THIRD PARTY. "Gentlemen; Is there room for one more?" HURRY AND 44•ET Orka'SSEO WE ARE COIN TO THE 5M1TFI5 FOR £INNER; eta •RATHER HURRY J HQME • YOU WANT TO GO OVER AND 'TALI< To cvI R 5 r MITI.1 NOW- , 1 rii • YOU M.EAty. I HAVE TO =' J,_.... IT'S 'A NICE EVENING• ISN'T ry - ARE:v'r. Yvu 4,4AO TI-tE WAR it OvERa ao 3c From Erin'sGreen sJe While searching a house in Grattan Street, Cork, the police found a revol- ver and two live bombs, A small farm of twenty-seven Irish acres, situated near Thurles, was re- centlysold for £ a4,400. 00. J. F. Drennan and J. Walsh have i been reelected chairman and vice- chairman of Kilkenny County Coun- cil. • Owing to the lumnberman's strike the itatliclaren district is patrolle continually= by military and police p trots, Lieut: Col. Charteris, high sheriff ;recently entertained one hundred an eighty returned soldiers at Ca}ii Castle. It is understood that Judge Cook County Court judge for Donegal, wil succeed Judge Todd in the recorder ship of Londonderry, Miss Lucy E. McNeil, daughter o Col. D. McNeil, 'Larne harbor, has been married to Rev, R. Kirkpatrick, rector, Castledawson. Capt. F. Aylmer hamlet, youngest son of Mrs. Hamlet i3remore, Balbrig- gan, County Dublin, has been awarded the Military Cross, A petty officer was killed and three seamen wounded by an explosion dur- ing firing practice in the torpedo boat Cuckoo, at the Eddystone. The Tralee bakers have acceedqd to the demands of their employees for higher wages and the strike has been called off. P. J. O'Neill has been unanimously re-elected chairman ,of the Dublin County Council for the twenty second time, A, Anderson, president of the Gal- way University, welcomed the mem- bers of the Royal Society of Anti- quaries to the Galway meeting. Alderman Moran, J.P., of the City of Dublin, has ,been presented with the Aldermanic Chain of Office. Major George A. Harris, D.S,O., General Headquarters, Dublin, has been awarded the Order of the British Empire. The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs has appointed Mons. Jean Vacher Vice -Consul at Dublin. Oriel Temple, the estate of the Vis. count Massereene, situated near Drog- heda, has been offered for sale. Sir lVlaurice Dockrell presided at the annual meeting of the Dublin In- dustrial Development Association. The Earl of Meath, president of the Advisory Committee of the Royal Dub- lin Fusiliers, has received a letter of thanks from the King for their splen- did war work.. A. new scale of charges for electric lighting has been put in force by the Dublin corporation, The building trade workers of Lim- erick have struck for higher pay and shorter hours. BRITAIN TO HOLD PIE.AR TRADE 1 'ainess nineForesight Shown in Dealings With Germany. A. despatch from London says: --- British business interests are prepar- ire the groundwork for a great trade of . �e net only meetom c *pe•�i;ion but to to try andAmericrnaintain i the status which British trade held before the war. Although America 11 has aecercd many contracts aggregat- ing millions of dollars because of dis- turbed eonditiona in the rB•it1ish in- tuebed condition., in the British in - that the .shrewd heads of business in Great Britain are figuring on a time of stability in the near future, when the netwcrl; of trade communications will serve well the purpose for which it is being laid. One example of this business fore - eight is seen in the arrangement which, it is reported, has been made with the German Government, By this agreement Germany is expected to take 50 per cent. of British manufac- tures along with quantities of raw materials. What big business is doing to per- feet trade communication is further shown in the scheme of the Federation of British Industries to have trade consuls at the world's chieftrade centres who will keep Britain inform- ed on market conditions. BRITAIN WANTS CANADA'S FRUIT Canned C d P o ct r du s Eagerly Pur- chased ur chase — Diversity er -t D� sx and Ex- cellence Revelation to Publi A despatch from London says:--. Canadian canned fruit representatives operating here report that distributors , are ready to take all they can offer. d The British public is found to be a_ willing to purchase a Dominion pro- duct to which the diversity and excel- lence are a revelation to most people, d because they have never seen it be - ✓ fore, save in its alluring but unattain- able form in windows of the Govern-, Cooke ment offices, A large distributor states that, as 50 per cent. of these goads are sold to restaurants, careful grading of fruits is essential, and the question has been raised whether a system of Govern- ment inspection would not prove ad- vantageous as a guarantee of quality and a safeguard to the reputation of Dominion canned goods, which incl./ dentally are a valuable form of inter - Imperial education, besides being an excellent advertisement for the ex- porting Province. Financial Wisdom, "1 can't raise $50—that's all there is to that! I got a notice from my bank this morningthat I had over- drawn!" "Well, try some other bank. They can't all be overdrawn." HOA YOU'LL ENJON( THE, DINNER - pY THE en/AY wHA`r P RT OF TURrCY Do YOUease ate-!' LIKE? J " ONTARIO MILITARY HOSPITAL AT ORPINGTON CLOSED A despatch from London says:— The great Ontario Military Hospital at Orpington is empty. Mrs. Mac- pherson, wife of - the Commandant, who saw the first convoy come in, also saw the• last patient go out. During` the three years of the hospital's exist- ence she has been a mother to thirty thousand men, collecting and distri- buting gifts, taking the welcome gramophone around the wards, hold- ing fathous garden parties for as many as 5,000 people at a time, and doing countless kindly things to sweeten the Iot of the suffering lads whose homes were far away. CANADIAN AVIATOR SETS NEW WORLD RECORD A despatch from Kingston says •-- Capt. Dallin, who is to perform flying stunts in a German Faker biplane at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, arrived in the city by air on Thursday afternoon. In his biplane he left Toronto at 2.15 o'clock in the afternoon and ar- rived in the city at 3.25, making a non-stop flight of 160 miles in one hour and ten minutes. It is claimed that by this flight he has established a new world's record for speed in flying. NO POSTAL NOTES TO UNITED STATES A despatch from Ottawa says: --- Owing to the high rate of exchange on New York, the Postoffice .Depart- ment- has issued instructions that no further postal notes whatever will be sold for remittance to the United. States. T H E HAREi'*'l - 1 L # •