HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-25, Page 8EXE T1 R ADVOCATE, THLTRSIIAY, SEPT. Zig 1131B - Exeter Markets Changed each \'VednPsday Fall Wheat Varney • ... 1.20 Oats ►... Family, Flour Shorts ,, Eggs • Butter dairy Creamery Butter 1.95 to 1.25 85 5,70. 55.00 52 45 60 Lard 40 New Potatoes, per peck 60 1 -lay ,.. ... .,.,..... »,...... 16.00 Hoa, , ...16.50 Trivitt Memorial Church .rakes as usuiL , Joe Marks wui offer 1). W. Gri:- ith'a :est And mightiest Photo drama, .he Great Love,., with spec- ial Or.li.:tra and refined Vaudev;le. in Op:a House, Exeter. Tuoselay,. Otte, •er ;de SeC ad. next week. E. A. Feliek wishes to auwunce to the pubic, that he has given up bust-. i<es end s vacating the premises this week, It would be much appreciate; it ill: outstanding ttecounts wou1=1 be promptly paid, \Ve wish also to thank the public for their kindrsesa aid patronage during the many years of our bus.=aiess career, Every moving,. p'tture tan should see the two great attractions at the Strand Theatre, Scaforth, next week. On Monday, Tutsda}, Wedne lay "Douglae Fairbanks will be shown •n "He Comes LTp Smiling," and ern Fri- day day end Saturday afternoon and even- ing ven irg "Mickey" will be presented. This picture is the greatest sensation of the year and has just finished a sx-• teen week engagement ta the Gran.? Theatre, Toronto. PEACHES FOR SALE. "Golden Prop", "'follow Fleh "Free Stone a The bet pe zeless for earning Pio-sae your order to Wilson & Sims, as thin, s the last week, LEFT IN. OUR PARLOR. On Exeter Fah Day, lady's purse with money end mirror in it. Owe::: can, have saline by tahling aad proving property :and payin, for ad. Wilson & Sims. aliridroabow ELGAR LADIES' QUARTETTE have many fine programree a oasisting of good, humorous. and novelty num- bers. Let us have .,°ur next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prizes mod- erate. Write 37 Oxford St. \Vest, London Ont. BROACH LOST -In Exeter, a black jejo„„broach set in gold, with pearl .en centre. Reward by rretarni:ng to this office. sseesesCOME TO THE SCHOOL FAIR at S. S. No. 1, Usborne, Friday af- ternoon • October 3rd, Have lunch arid stay for the concert. Admission to the concert 25 ,cents. CARL. OF THANKS. Mr and Mrs. \Viltilam Ford desire ' to thank the neighbors and .friends for the many acts of kindness shown at the Rime of the death of their be- • loved slaughter, CIDER AND APPLE BUTTER Our cider mill will be open for maks ing cider ;and apple butter WVednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week. Mrs. Cottle has charge of the cooking. 5. J. V. CAN. GIRL WANTED Experienced Dining Room Girl wanted at Central Hotel, Exeter. DOG LOST White and tan hound, 5 months old', Finder rewarded by returning to Rich. Welsh, Exeter 30x31,2 NON SKID TIRES AT $15.?5 There are just a few .of these left at this price, Better get yours be- fore they are all gone. Everyone is abs,o ut .e a "First" and fully guaran- teed We carry a complete line of Auto- mobile Accessories. W. J. BEER, Exeter, IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE. 1 Massey -Harris Hoe Drill, 1 Sin- gle Furrow Riding Plow; 1 Maple Leaf Gang Plow, good as new. C. W. ROBINSON itleammeml HONEY FOR SALE. Choice Honey in 10 lb. pails. Buy early. It is good. WILSON & SIMS. GASnLINE AND FREE AIR. Hav'ng installed a gasoline and air give outfit we invite outcasts to us a .all. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR PROPERTY FOR. SALE The property of the. late William Welsh. :ituated on the ,south side of Mill street, Exeter, a frame cottage with tourlarge lots, a never failing well of water, a number of good Fruit trees. It is excellent garden, land and is in a nice Locality, Apply or. write Mrs. Wm 'Velsh, 448 Ridaut Street London Ont. n. - or to Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, Cochrane Machine Shop J. G. Cochrane (returned) has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is 'now open for business. Re -boring automobile cylladers and fitting pistons a sepcialty. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to, Connor Gasoline Engiknes for sale. Phone 135. LocalPoin>s • r• 15 The trout season closed oo. Sept. October 13th has been proclaimed Thanksgiving Day, Sundae was a wet day. Rain fell du*ing most of the 24 hours. . Mr. Trueman Elliott is moving into the shop south of his preeent rooms. Rally Day will be conducted in the James Street Sunday School on Sun- day afternoon neat. ' et the regular meeting of the _Misr sionary Society, ;Mut, Street 55,00 was donated to the Referendum fund. Mr. and Mrs.. R. Cooke have moved into the house vacated by :Ir. and Mre. Ff:a..,land, e;:tst of Caves church, Miss Howard of Blyth has accepted position as milliner with Miss `1c - Donald commencing her duties yes- terday. Frank Gil .has disposed of his frame dwelling on Elizabeth Street to, Mr, Henry Squire, who gets possession October 1st. Rev. A A. Tramper occupied the pulpit in St. George's Church, Lon- kmn Township and also the English Church at Birr on Sunday. Venn, Archdeacon Jones -Bateman of Bermuda conducted services in Triv- ia Memorial Church on Sunday last; preaching two excellent sermons. Dr. :McGillicuddy Is preparing to tr?nster his office supplies• and fix- tures to the building formerly occup- ied by Dr, Rollins for many years. Mr ,R. T, Luker & Son attended Godez,ch Fair with their race horses last week. Carl Todd won third in the F:.rmers• Trot, and 'The Emblem g ot fourth•. The Methodist Churches will hold union services next Sunday -in. James treet church in the ,morning and in Alain Street church in the evening - Rev. Wilson being the preacher. In the report of the " Exeter Fair pre list errors were made, which e iseu:.1 have been. as follows, -Home- t.;LL brats, W. H. Dearing; Rose Comb White Leghorns, first for old :nd first ani second toe young, W. I•I. Dearing. _\Ii:s I. 13. Case .of Alma. , :laughter of the late William Case of Exetee. in renewing her subscription 'o the Advocate for 1920, pays The ' A_voestte a compliment in the follow- f -.leg "'We enjoy your paper it is re- liable. bright and interesting." Fire on. Sept 17th detroyed the sine bank barns of Barnard Mulligan of Logan Tp. He had threshed two days before and his season's crop with 10 fat hogs, some small pigs, a new .kinder and other machinery was coneunsed. The cense is a master;,, The Edison Recital with hfiss Marie Morrisey, Contralto, assisted by Mr, LVilliam Reddick, Pianist, tendered by J. Willie Powell, Edison Dealer, to ille pe hle. of tee elietri h,.., {eaC4eeEI.J a very large crowd to the Opera: House on Monday evening, and all were greatly pleased with the re- creations of the Edison Phonograph, .n:1 the singing of hiss Morriseeteand piano selections by Mr. Reddick The evening was a real treat to lovers of music, bliss Morrisey has a wonder- ful t-oese. and a pleasing and gracious manner, while ;fir, Roddick is an ac- companist of rare merit, The re -crea- tions of the Edison are remarkably true, and a delight to the listeners. GODERICH MAN SENTENCED Last week Albert Jardine of God- erich was sentenced to four years in Kingston penitentiary on a charge of having carnal knowledge with an im- becile. In giving sentence Chief Jus- tice Falconbridge severely lectured the prisoner on the seriousness of the crime. WON TROPHY R. G. Seldon's rink of bowlers won the McGibbon trophy at Sarnia. last Wednesday with four wins and aplus Mrs. N J. Dore ,has 'returned from a visit in Toronto. Miss Whimster has returned from a visit in St. Marys. • Miss Webber of Tavistock is visit- ing Mrs. W. J. Heaman. Mr. Jos Bawden of London is vis- iting among friends in town, Mr. Frank Oke of Toncento is vis- iting his grandmother, Mrs. Clark. hire. McGillicuddy returned from a. treat in Welland and West Lorne,. firs. Hobbs of Toronto is -visiting daughter, :Mrs. T. 0. Southcott. Mrs. Newton Baker has returned after a visit of souse months in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd of Sea- forth spent Monday here with rela- tives Mrs Grace Hill and Miss Fanny Bis- sett spent a few days with friends at HennaMrs, R G. Seldon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Newman, in Kingston. Mrs. McCreath of Lucknow is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Fuller and child of Sarnia are the guests of Mrs. John Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Webb of London Tp. were 'here over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Crawley. Mr. and Mrs. George Winelsorleays, Thursday for n, .'isit in Saginaw and other Michigan points. Mr, Victor Hogarth who sometime ago returned from overseas and has since been in hospital, returned home on Saturday. Mrs-sw . 1 B. A resl1e of Le!ngton and Mrs. 3, N. Campbell of Blyth are visiting their sister, Mrs (Dr.) Medd at the parsonage. Mr. Ben Beavers of Woodham, also Miss Alice were visitors with the former's nephew, B.W.F. Beavers during the week, Mr. Leon Treble left Monday mora-• ;ng for Toronto, where he will enter on a designing course in arts at the Vocational Ceillege. Botubadier F. A. C. Cook return- ed Saturday from overseas. He was accompanied by his wife, whom he married itt England. Mr, John Hooper of Moosejaw,Sask, late from overseas, arrived here on Tuesday ,night to spend a short time with Mr. Chas. Hooper. hir. and Mrs. John Carroll and two thin leen, after a, -vi it with Mr. and hire. Fred Eilerin.gton, returned to their home ea Toronto Saturday. Mr. Wm. Francis and his daughter Mrs. Temple and Mrs. Edwin Fran. eat of Croswell, Mich., ..fished with Mr. end Mrs. Henry Francis of Us - borne Mr. and Mrs. Short of Bowman,viilie are visiting with Mr, and. Mrs. Frank . C ill r and ?4irs. A4 zry ofIrngersoll were also visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gill during the week, _Mrs. Reg. D. Turnbull, who has been visiting with lir. and Mrs. Turnbull, at Farquhar, also Mrs. Beavers of lets left last week for St. Thomas to visit for a short time before returning to her home in Dundas. Mr. Chas. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Abbott and Mrs. B.W.F. Beavers attended the Referendum Commit- tee meeting in Clinton last 'Wednes- day when reports were given and important business discussed. Mr. Arthur Doupe of Usborne also Mr. John Morgan were present at the. meeting. . Mr. T. H. Prior of Hanna, N. Dak., is here dieting among old frie,nirjs; having come to Canada with his frie.nel Mr. Wm Dew, of ,whom we made mention last week, Mr. Prior worked on the farm for ,the Messrs. Hunter Bros. about forty years ago, but left about thirty-six years ago for the United States, wherehe has since re- of 44. In. the finals for first or sec- Rided. and Seldom won, over hie opponent be, five shots. Twenty rinks were n- Exeter Council gaged in the play., The Exeter rink eonsisted of Messrs. Heaman, Foeveil Taman and Seldorn. SUNDAY SCHOOL SERVICE. Main Street Sunday School is pre- paring a special Rally Day . program for Sept. 28th:. (The service will be held in. the Atrditoruen of the church, beginning at 3 pm. Eacji , of the children: attending will be presented with a badge, being a special dons.s tion. from Mr. W. j . Abbate. The teachers and officers are malting ex- tra efforts to see that there is one - hundred per cent. attendance. The Orchestra will have special music, decorations will he special, and no pains will be spared to make the ser- vice pleasant and profitable,. The service is fo- young and old, and any- one who willl take an hour to attend this service wilt be well repaid. A c`orclial invitation is extended to all returned men ,to be ,at this service; as it is expected a War --Memorial Shield., containing n ng thename5 of the boys from this Sunday School who, lost their ,lives in the geeat European war will .be unveiled. POST CARD ,SHOWER. On Sept. 11th, the auxiliaries, Circles, Bands of the Exeter,, District W.M:S., sent a shower ofcongratul- ations and good wishes, 'to their es- teemed superintedant, Mrs. A. M. W ilson, it being the occasion of her birthday, Every auxiliary circle and. band, in the district sent greetings 1 g sway to her, showing in a mall the respect and love in which she is held among all the women' and girls with whom she has labored during the past nine years as their leader, do- ing her Master's work. Mrs. Wilson was indeed surprised and pleased on receiving 110 letters and post cards on that day and wishes me to men- tion that she would like to reply to every person who - wrote her, . hut sends her thanks through the press instead. Roxie E. Beavers, Exeter, Dis.` Secty. Treas., W.M.S. Thee Municipal Council of the Vill- age of Exeter met in regular session on Monday, Sept. 22, 1919. Absent Councilor Penhatlea Minutes of the meeting held Sept. 8, were read and appno%red. A. number of communications were read and desposled of, Under the provisions of the High Schools Act, the following •resolution was passed: That it is expenduent to forst a Municipal Board of Education; And the question to be submitted to the electors at the forthcoming Jan- ary ,election; the Municipal Council appointing Messrs, Creech, Harvey and Grieve as members of the present board. The former to. serve for the balance of . the year, Mr. Harvey to retire et the .end of the, year 1920, and Mr. Grieve at the •end of 1921. Motion. per Councillor Snell, sec- onded by Councillor Elston, -Carried By-law No. 53 of the consolidated by-laws of the Village 1900, was re- crn'aecl and struck out, and a bylaw No. -.o1 1919, a by-law governing the conduct of person ,or persons les the sidewalks, roadways, or ares of the Village, was given its necessary readings and : finally passed, on: mo- tion of Day and.El sston, the Reeve and .Ci,erk signing the same and fixing the seal of the Corporation, thereto. - Carried. The following accounts were head and passlekl c -Dam. 'Rubber Systems,. fire hose„ washers, etc., 5234.09;` The Grigg Stationery, books library, $50.- 01 cemetery, ; K. Ford laborm n 5ce S , Y, ,. .10 ; W Vele, labor ce,m jtery, 33,7.5; C. Ford, do., 326; W. E. Pfaff, Hernsall cement 'R. B., $30.38; J. Gillespie,; Jr. cleaning crossing, $4.50; J. Norry, R. 13. $38; T, Sanders, da, $46.80; J. Parsons. do, $32:10; R. Cooke, ' clot, 532.10; J. Paper, do., $29,10; Eli Snell do. .5511.10; J. Hunkin, ,labor and ma- chine hire R. B., 5111.20; R. Quance,. labor R Be .R9; F. Mallett, do, 52.50 W aVestcott, do., 518; G, Appleton., do, :`~26.110; A. Sanders, dot, 521; .A. Dow hay, horse labor, and wheat for park, 533.30,; Jos. Senior, Cierkt JONES IVIAY 'MOM 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 genuine Bargains For Early Fall Buyers Ladies' all Wool Cashmere Hosiery at 69c a pair 10 dozen. Ladies' Ali wool Cashmere Iloriery, with slight imperfections bought two years' ago, worth to -day d eublc price asked for early Fall 'selling; at ^niy 69c. a pair. Men's Heavy Socks, 3 pairs for $1.00 5 dozen pa,i.rs only Men's Heavy Winter weight grey Socks, good .wear- ing quality; while they .last at 40c. a pair or 3 pair for 15.00. Two big bargains. in Men's Underwear Lot No, 1-10 Dozen Shirts and Drawers in heavy rib, wool and cotto mixture, slightly imperfect; sizes 34 to 44, for early Fall selling, only 1.25 per garment. Lat No, 2-8 Dozen flat knit Mens Shirt. and .Drawers, good winter weight. Fe,nman's make. on sale at only .51.29 per garment, SPECIAL -A few dozen, only of Men's Fine French Merino underwear -wool and cotton mixed -.nice weight for early faall at $1.25 garment, or 52.50 a suit in combinations, Two Towelling Specials 15 webs heavy Jute crash towelling, very special at 21e. a yard. 3 webs good quality dish towelling .on sale at 150 yd. or 8 yds. for 51.00 Stylish Fall and Winter Coats We have an exceptionally fine stock of Ladles' Misses' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats. See the, new modified Dobnan Styles in Silver - tones, velours, etc. Special black Coats in Salt's Esqu'.tnctte Plush, Baby Lamb, also Velott'rs Ladies' Bath Robes and Kimonas We have just received a shipment of Ladies' Winter weight Kimonas :tztad Bath Robes. A splendid range of colors and patterns at reasonable price3. , JONES & MAY Heacl;•quarters for 'ISR ..batted. Sandford & Leon Brands Cloth'ig Or Men and Boys. Corner Duodad and R cIian'ond Streets Fall term opt September 2, 1919 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers. Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. J. Morritt, Principal. Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work gua.nteejd, Cash for old tires.. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter, DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons. All calls promptly attended to day or night Office - Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. I DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Of><ice-Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. MONEY' TO LOAN We have a Marge aimlount of private funds to loam on farmand village ' rates of interest. property at laws r GLAD IAN & STANBURY Barreeeters, S,olncitors, Exeter• ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Banris4,er, Soliciltor,' Notary ' Public, CiommIssioner, Soliict'tor far the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at Vowest rates of interest. . Office -Main Street, Exeter. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL eyldiReS t5 -F 7 -FORD, OtaiT. The largest and best Commercial Schaal. in Western Ontario. We give individual . instructione and students may enter our COMMERCIAL, SnlORTI AND or TELEGRAPHY Departments at any timed We as- sist graduates to positions,Write aoFs: for . our free ctaataltegue and Learn the nature of our 'work, U A, McLachlan, Principal. HORSES WANTED I want an melin iite d number of Horees In goad condition. 6e1di ngs 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds us. Mares from 4 years odd up, wring from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the. required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. ' G.f.DOW Dr, G. F. Rouaston, L., D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Offke over Calling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Hepar Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad cows. Office over Gladman & Starrbniy'e Office, Mani Streei, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counities of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable amid Satisfaction guaranteed. Creditors:, - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counittiies of Huron Bergs; Middlesex and Oxford. Fame Stock Sites a Specialty. Office at Coclesbeift Wahier'ooms, next dace to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Ooffee ' Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and ever* thing in the grocery Ifs. Call and see as, A Mal t as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exahangew Jas. Gould Furniture and. Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRELTOR AND FURNITURE DEALUR w, e x1.106. . SOUTHCOTT BROS. Rubber Boots For the little fellows, for the girls women and men,. Our "Miaee" Quality white Rubber Boot for men is claimed to be thebest' rubber boot made, Our price is 56.50 Are cordially invited to visit our Store and become acquainted wi ai the lines of merchandise we carr We tip" t d Y. nil have ma to show you. • many special i ayii es. NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY LADIES' CLOTH & PLUSH COATSALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEAT, We want you to see them. - NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN Four Colors ERS You will, dike the new styles. SILWOMEN 59.00 _ I HOSE FOR All 'epic: 's FOR MEN. New Fall Hats: New Fall Caps. New Fall Shirts. New Fall Neckwear. New Sat Collars.. New Raincoats, New Overcoats. New Sweater .Coats, NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER. $1.50 ti a; a 0 1, y. Si h tr 0 p tl 0 e. tt it f a, h t) a:. a Ir n 0 I d n c b 11