HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-25, Page 4FIRE PREVENTION DA.Y, OQTOB R 9, Prevent Fires In Your Home By renaming all Rubbish and Litter. dace }aur .furnace and :ave papas in proper condition. Properly installed Li htning Red: cera more thte 4 per cent. e firient In Your Factory and Shop Ile removing c y waste- anal 0 t:r :'ire menaces. Prohibit zat.3king as the premises. Cle.t : u: s. corder itad ioretltaught are inspermalt factors a reducing tire waste. Providz better altd 14:44C systematic it +71!^ t:t?a and wat:Iant:ia service anti a'so mare e, =cent tire -fighting equipment. In Your Office at $cave lighted ,agars eigarettee where they may start Da not throw a lighted match into the waste: -aper In Your School lit teas fees the. a liil leen incl danger o FL:e'. Beeart leaving t , h night see that there een be r) overheated stoves or ,.,.r....... reach elf: . h ,siren not to pley with ratehee. In. Your Church I t ='h nrteys pr:ap'erly taaettin: starting yiauur t.rz!i''.'e. Neter put on est extra lore except zwlten someone is ae nett•; to atten.`l to it. Ontario Fire Prevention Leagpei Inc. At +;=:ted with ()a:aria Fire Menem Bulb i s, Toroato: Att;prneey General, Paraelarshai s Ottic.e. Department of GEORtxh F. 1. WL'$0.c.-Trek.:,, � �...�..,�..:.._.. Y.. ,.._..._ ., -: 111tlzs n ape, , P..'Keegan, H tieeb; slumber rug, C. Eiiber; hand sewing ' Baldwins. F. Keegan, P. Dzcchert, R, Mrs. Q, Hess. C,' Eilber; cotton 1.. Greenings, L. Schalk, F. Keegan; d stockings, P. Keegan, , H. Wells" The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech, Ptvprietar' Subscription Price -In ;Avow* $139 per year in Canada; $2,00 in the United States. Ail subscriptions not amid in advance 51k. extra charge& Tilt:'R:SDAY, SEPTEMBER Z5, parte Farquhar The real:Ian monthly taac"ting tit the Far.luaar Women's Institute will be held in the Hull, Tuesday, Sept. 3uth, at 2.3"?. A paper will be given on "Tile E,tiucation of a Fariner's Daughter" Good attendance is asked for. A ehieken pie supper will be held in the stall„ On Friday, t)etober the 0th. Suppler to commence at aye o'cloek, A Food programme, is being arranged. .Ldmieeion 5t,e and child- ren 2,c. Walleye will soon. be ring Me In Perinate,^.r. Lumley siverely ly I: °ured -Mr-. john `1,' Queen wan the victim of an ee,•ide:.t one even5:tg last week, which might yet prove serious. She. was going dawn cellar with a lighted lamp and other articles in, her hand, when, she ripp. 1 and fel;, to the bottom, with the result that. she sustained a fract- ured s',...411, a broken collarbone, and other bodily injuries, as well as being rendered un, on6-cions for sometime. Medics aiei was summoned and Nurse Swan is in chargy. of the ease., The patient is now resting a a't'e easier. Mrs. 'M Quee i s two daughters, Mrs Hemery and Mrs. Bartlett were calked home axing to the accidtin:. , THE WATKINS AGENT jiandles ail kinds of spring tonics for both roan and beat; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the maikest. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 Spitzenberg, F. Keegan,; Can, Reda, P. Reichert, W. Synth Ribsc?it Pip - pen, F. Keegan, J. Pfaff;- Golden Rus- set:, F. Keegan, C. Schell;.; .Ben Dav is F Keegan, W. Smith.; Swears, E. Kropp, F. Keegan; Wagners, F, Keegan, C. Truemner; hlanns, W. Smith, T. M. Snowden; Wolf f River, F. Kean, J. Pfaff; Maidenis Blush, F. Keegati, W. Smith; Blenheimpipe pen, T. : is Snowden; Pets -auk -ea, F. Keegan, H..Neeb; Colverts, J. Pfaff, H: Neeb; 20 Boz. Pippen, J. Pfaff, P. lleichert; Talton Sweet, F. Keegan Miss E. Snowden; Russets, F,Keegaa fall pears, F. Keegan, H. Neel); win- ter pears, F. Keegan, R. Geiger; .1li ar. pears, F Keegan, ?hiss Snowden; Bart lett, ditto;, Clapp's. Favorite, H.Claus- ius H. Neeb; peaches, W. Smith; prunes, \dsss G. Hess, F. Keegan; red arab apples, H. Neteb,..;E. Krueger;.. yellow crab apples, F. Keegan; J. P;;zff, ;Hiss Snowden; col. ;,rapes; F. Keegan, W. B. Battier & Son; plums, T. Haberer & Sons, T. John- son; col plums, T. Johnson; canned deu t. J. Decker, sr. A Mittleholtz, R. Welsh, Judges. VEGETABLES Potatoes-- World's Wonder, J. Krncge;r, W. J. Blackwell; 'White El- ephant, M Rader, Blackwell; Rural New York, Blackwell, 1,i1'. Smith; ai» late variety, J. Hey, sir., H. Clausius, ti Krueger; any early variety-, C. Truemner, M. Rader, 11. Neel); Gr. ?,IotteitArt. M. Racier, E. Krueger; Ir- ish Cobbler. E. Wurm, H. Krueger; „veiiox conn, J. Hawke & Son, \iiss E Snaw,dun; sweet corn, T. M. Snowden Miss Snowden; black sweet eoraa, R. Gtsi.ter Yct.szw, Dent, T. M. Snowden J. P. Rau; red onions, F. Keegan, A. 4I.ttleheita. ; yellow onions, ditto. ; dut:n sets, l). Koehler, R. Geiger; ult Hog carrots, P. r Haberer, M. Re- ; real garden carrots, i), A. Me- 1,i.ea-eo.r, J Hawke & Son; red field, Mrs. C; Hess,. Swedish turnips, W.J. ., 13.a,:kiwel;, A..Renn,e; yellow ,;lobe • nzaaag,.o;+1.s, Miss S. Snowden, T. NI. AN ENEMY OF MANKIND A Subtle Foe to Deal Widi The subtle, unsuspected enemy, wL.ielt, taking ho1,i nn the kidneys, sales three of tie. it streegth and vital. itv, rendering; th,,n1 'suaetive and unable tr+ :enlace the p cisme and waste sub stances fem the ld»n'i, should immali- ;dols be 'i,°'lit with, All who suii:er fra+zti backache, pains in the sales, sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, con- stant beadaehes, constipation, that helpless feeling of lassitude; stiff, swollen joints, hands and ankles, sore muscles, sleeplessness, floating apecka before the eyes, irritability, should at once begin treating the kidneys with Orin Pills, v.hich are by far the most effective remedy for diseases of this vital organ. The first sign of pain in. the bark or side is warning enough. Do nut delay. Onee the kidneys and bladder get out of order, most serious, and often fatal consequences are likely to fellow in quick sequence. Get a box of Gin. Pills today, and correct the derangement before it is too late. At all druggists or dealers, 50c, Money refunded if not satisfied. Free sample on request. The National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto._ United States A1.ir+'ks, Na-Dru-Co., Inc., 2ti2 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 250 Zurich Fair Continued from Page 1 C. Truemner, A. Reichert, W. J. B1ac,`kwell; Alsike clover, W. Smith; timothy seed, A. Re3t=hert, W. B. Battler, W. J. Blackwell; field beans, P Foster, W. Smith, M. Rader; grain in heads, R. Geiger, F. Keegan, 1. Deichert HORTICULTURAL Apples -F. %eegan, J. Pfaff; also for fall and for winter apples; King of Tomkins, H. Neeb, E. Krueger; snow apples C. Truemner, F. Keegan; Nor: *hiL !, 4,gj.,''•f �.� AIG Not n prepared stock feed, but a selected, pure sugar -cent molasses. Very reasonable cost. Superior to corn. Endorsed by Government Experiment Stations. Successful dairymen and farmers aro continually re -ordering its ever-increasing quantities. They realize how good 'and =nominal Cane Viola is. - Vse Cane Mola with old hay, straw, shredded corn stover, fodder, ensilage, screenings, etc. Also with grains in the feed box. Dry.ua' tempting feeds become palatable and digestible, because of the sugar and natural salts, Your animals will be in prune condi. lion always. Roughage is eaten up to the hast atm. Na 'waste. Cane Viola is the best conditioner you could pos< sibly have. Use it for cows, hogs, horses. sheep, etc Feeding Costs'Redtxceel'to a 'Minimum You save the cost of expensive prepared feede.tbusprao ticingrealconseryation. Youwill experience asspid, health. ler growth of stock. Cows yield 15% to 25%u -mare Milk Car load' of "Cane Mola" is novr. ea route. Place your orders with our distributor. Local Distributor, R," G. Seldon Exeter, Ontario. Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited ?p St. Put :St. West, _ Montreal, Que. anow len.. real masngotds, Alex. Ren - ole; Intermediate marigolds, Ed. Hab- c:reT, s». %% urnz; yellow man;;o ds, J. taseho, 11. Krueger; sugar Wets, A. tiiittetho;tz Miss E. Snowden; Oxford iabage, J G'asebo, Mrs. G. Hes,.; Drumhead eallb.3;e, J. Gascho, A. Johnston & 'Sea; blue cabbage, H. U. ,Neeb; black Spanish radish, W. IL Battler, P.Foster) white rad- ish, P. Foster, W. B. Battler: cauliflower. k;. Hauerer; garden beans, H. Well; puaat1lcin, ye11o' , E. Wurm, C. E. Truemner; mam- moth pumpkin, H. Clasfns; 3 heads celery, C. Fritz, John Gascho; citron E. Kim, P. Haberer; table squash, :Miss E. Snowden, E. Krueger; mam- moth squash, J. Hey, Jr., H. Clasius; blood beets, H. Krueger, F. Foster; root beets, H. H. Neeb, lir. B. Batt- ler and son; watermelons, P. Foster, Miss E. Snowden; muskmelons, W. Smith; red tomatoes, A. Johnston son, D. A. McKinnon; yellow tomat- oes, Miss E. Snowden, T. M. Snow- den; garden vegetables, .'lei, H. Neeb, J. Decker, sr. MANUFACTURES Collection of Shoes, C. Fritz, DAIRY PROD -COTS Butter in. tub, Wendel Smith; a pounds butter, Wendel Smith, W. 13. Battler, J. Decker sr.; butter prints, Alf Reichert, W. 13. Battler, J. Hey, Jr.; home made cheese, C. Truemner, W. Smith; home made bread, Ed. Haberer, A. Johnson & son; extract- ed honey, J. Haberer # Sons, Ed. Haberer; collection of honey, 3. Hab- erer & Sons, Ed. Haberer; Maple Syrup, W. 13. Battler, & Son, W. J. 43Iackwell, woollen stockings, ftae, H. I3, Neeb, H. Well; woollen stockings, coarse W. B. Battler and son; woollen mitts • fine, II. H. Neeb, T. Johnston; wool- len mitts, coarse, W, 13. Battler and son, T. J. Berry; wool socks, T. J. Berry, F. Keegan; UP. wool socks, H. IL Neeb; .darned stockings, D. Koehler, T, Johnston; farmer's bleu= leets, homemade, wool, H, H. Neeb, de, union, M. Rader; col. crochet,il. H. Neeb, -C. Silber, child's bonnet in wool, crochet, H, IL Neeb, lt'I, l Rader. SPECIALS -Day slips, W. L. Sie- bert; table linen, C. Either; boudoir cap.A. Mitt1elw1tz: lunch cloth, W. L. Siebert. Judges, Mrs. R. Walsh, Exeter; Mrs. S. Fitton,Exeter. FINE ARTS Oil painting portrait, 3. G. Forrest oil painting landscape, J. Preeter, oil painting landscape, J. Preeter, May Lamont; water color, landscape T. Johnston, May Laspoat; crayon work, portrait, J. G. J'orrest, T,John- ston, oil or water colors, flowers, J. G. Forrest, hair dresser's work, H. U, Neeb, J. Decker, Sr; pencil draw- ing, W. L. Siebert, 3. O. Forrest;pen and ink sketch, J. G. Forrest, T. Johnston; peumanshiu, J. G. Forrest T. Johnston; painting os, felt, 3. G. Forrest, T, Johnston; painting on silk, J. G. Forrest, R. Wells. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Col. flowers, J. J. Barry, A. John- ston and son, maple loot, T. John- ston, A. Johnston a*d son; bouquet flowers, 3. J, Barry, T. Johnston; col, geraniums, J. J. Harry, E. Wurm col. cacti, T. Jolazlston, J. J. Barry; col, calla lilies, J. a. Barry, ,A, John- ston; col. pansies, A. McKinnon, A. Johnston and son; ool. fuchias, A. Johnston and son, 3. J; Barry. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Col. vegetables. H, H. Nesta, 3. Decker, Jr., col, mounted weeds, L. Prang. H. H. Neeb: col. weed seeds, F. Kalbflelsch, W. Traesaner; cro- chet work, L. Prang, Dorothy Camp- bell; writing, under 10 years. Doro- thy Campbell, T. ¥ ttleholtz; art under 10 years, Freed* Decker, Mrs. C. Heyrocic; art aver 10 years, P. 1- albf1eisch, W. J. rntekwdu, Judge, N. N. palms, HARVEST EXPENSES Harvest time brings expenses which must be met with ready money. Should yoti need an advance to help you over this busy season, interview this Bank. We are pre- pared to help all responsible farmers. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MA. EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH A. E. KUIW Manager 3. A, McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager Incorporated In 1855 Over 100 Brioches TEE MOLSONS BANK 0 you Begin Saving Now And deposit a sn a little at a trete In the Molsona Bank you will be surprised bow quickly your balance will grow, The opportunity for profitable investment can only be grasped by one who has aooumulated some Gash, EXETER ;BRANCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centraila Brazach open for business daily. LADIES WORK ORNAMENTAL Embroidered tea cloth, Mrs. G. Hess, Roland Geiger; Embroidered oval tea cloth, C. Either, W. D. Sieb- ert;" embroidered centre piece, D. Koehler, C. Either; embroidered tow- els, W.L. Siebert, C. Eilber; em- broidered cushion, L. Prang, R. Geig- er; emb. dresser cover, D. A. Mc- Kinnon, R. Geiger; emb. pillow cases W. L. Siebert, G. Glen; emb. on linen Geo. Glenn, A. Mittelholtz; har- danger, T. Johnson; wallachian, 3. G. Forrest, Mrs. G. Hess; Mount Meliick Thos. Johnson; eornation centre piece, R. Geiger, S. G. Forrest; pin cushion eye -let, C. Either, W. L. Sie- bert; ladies' fancy work bag, Mrs. G. Hess, J. G. Forrest; battenburg lace J. G. Forrest, Mrs. G. Hess; teneriffe. lace T. Johnson; • Irish crochet lace F. Keegan, W. L. Siebert; drawn thread work, Mrs. G. Hess, G. Glenn; fancy apron, F. Keegan, D. Koehler; Kitchen apron, T. Johnson, 3. Deck- er, Sr.;, Linen laundry bag, J. G. Forrest, T.. Johnston; hand or fancy bag, Mrs. G. Hess, H. Well; button holes, H. Well( T. Johnston; Col. of tatting, W. L. Siebert, D. Koehler; cushions, F. Keegan, W. L .Siebert; hemstitching, T. Johnston, R. Geiger;'i bed room slippers, F. Keegan; braid- ed mat, F. Keegan, G. Glenn; dining room linen, 3. G. Forrest, W. L. Sie- bert; crochet towel; W. L. Siebert, C., Eilber day slips, C. Eilber, 3. G. For- rest; col. ladies' underwear, 3. G. Forrest, R. Geiger; infant's crochet set, H. H. Neeb, M. Rader,; table mats, J. - Gescho, G, Glenn,; table runner, F. Keegan, J. G. Forrest; pierced brass, J. G: Forrest; Roman cut work, J. G. Forrest, 3. Johnston; col. ladies' work, R. Geiger, 3. G. Forrest.; end piece, Ft Keegan; quilt sewed on ground work, H. Well R.F. Stade; quilt, woollen, course T. John- ston, J. Decker, Sr., quilt, ,woollen, fine J. Decker, Sr., Ed. Haberer; cov- erlet, woven wool, T. Johnston; log cabin quilt, II. H. Neer, J. Pfaff; patchwork quilt, silk; T' Jonston, 3. G. Forrest; patchwork, quilt, cotton, It. Geiger, T. Johnston; counterpane, tufted, W, B. Battler and son, H. Wells; do, knitted, F. , Keegan, H. Weil; do, crochet, H. Well, 3. Decker Sr; do etching work, 5. Pfaif, P. Haberer,; do drown, J. , Decker, Sr.,; ladies', cape; T. Johnston, F: 1':'eeg/m; carpet raga, T. Johnston, H. Well hearth rug wool, ,J. 3. Barry, John - Gaseho ;, hearth rug, -El. Keegan, J. J: Berry;' cotton warp, M. Rader; H. H. Neeb; wool yarn, homespun,., H. H. Neeb, M. Rader; tirly, crochet cotton, H. Well, C. Eilber; tidy, knitted, T. Johnston, M. Rader; T is every woman's right to ha�i,,��re, the best kitchen equipment the can be had. The Pandora saves trouble, saves work, and gives a woman the joy of baking things just as she wants them. it is a woman's choice. Let us show you the smoothly working grates, the clear oven door, the fine ther- mometer. Let us explain why-' the ova} is so evenly heated. You want the best for your kitchen. 1'hen see the Pandora. ie, Sold. by Geo. A. Hawkins .,.,.. . tk., (.1,11yisszsamassognm Those Who Fought Endorse the Citizens' Liberty League TI e Citizens' Liberty League is proud to state that the following Organizations of. Veterans have signified their approval of the League's objects and are supporting it in the endeavour to obtain sane, moderate temperance legislation. Great War Veterans' Association -:-Toronto Branches: Parkside • Central Riverdale West Toronto Earlseourt. The Grand Army of Canada. ; His Majesty's Army and .Navy. Veter*as' Association. The Naval Veterans' Association. 75th Battalion Association. 75th Battalion Officers' Association. The Originals' Club. 83rd Battalion Association. These great Organizations of men who were the first to answer the call in the fight for liberty_ are endorsing the platform of the Citizens' Liberty. League because they know, with the League, that the Ontario Temperance Act undulyrestricts the liberties of the - citizens of . the Province.:, These nom ask, -and what men in the Province have such a right to ask ?-that you vote "YES" on questions two and three on the Referendum, Ballot --and so assure to the citizens a beer containing 2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight, absolutely non -intoxicating -the Beer of *e Ballot. Vote "YES" on all iourQuestions Remember, every voter must vote on every question or his . ballot will be spoiled. CITIZENS ' LIBERTY LEAGUE rROVIIal►L HEADQUARTERS --22 College Street, Toronto. T L. Carruthers, Seoreterp Hon.,?tesident: SirEdmund£B. Osier" President: Lt. -Col. H. A. C. Mechin, M.P.P. Viet-f*eeideot I. F. fielimutb, R.C. Hon. Treasurer: F. Gordon Osler