HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-18, Page 8Mlr, Wellington Johns has •been ap- pointed •Deputy Game Warden of this' district. • ;Mas Vera Rowe of Exeter has been appointed Candidate in the Free Press European Trip .Contest, DIED IN DETROIT. The death occurred in Detroit on Monday last of Miss \linnae.::l)lanehe Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Ford of the 4th concession of Usborne, aged 23 years, 4 months and 4 days. Delceasect •was a victim cif typhoiri fever and had been 111 'only three weeks. At first her rase seem- ed to b&of a mild nature, but as time advanced her condition be ame more alarmingand despite the best care and medical treatment she pass- ed away. Miss Ford was born III Us borne, but left that township between five and six years, ;age and .she has since• made Detroit her home. She was a kind-hearted young lady and much admixed by her friends z'or her, good qualities and lovable disposition. Besides her father and ,mother she is ,survived by five brothers and three sisters Her remains were brought here for burial, the funeral taking place horn the residence of her par ents yesterday, (Wednesday) to the Eu'eter Cemetery. Miss Brown ofn Windsor visited- Mrs Downie last week. Mr. Archie Davis has returned:from a visit 9n Hespeler, air. Wilbur Luker, was up from Long don for a day or ,two, C A. Redmond was alsiting friends in. town last week. Mrs. George Watts and daughter of Rainy River are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Sid. Sanders. Rev. D. W. Collins of W,i'ndser vis- ited in town over Friday night, the guest of C. H..San;ders. Mr. Chas, ;S. Sanders left Saturday for Windsor where he wild visit rel- atives for a few days. Mrs. Brown, nee Jennie Balkwill, of Dutton, formerly of Exeter, is visit - ring with relatives and friends here., Mr. George •Cuibeet of Ripley and miss Ena Culbert of Kinlow, visited at the hone of Mr, James McFallse Mr. B C. La1s of Clinton and Mrs. John l ritcb were guests ere Mrs• John Jahn E Dignact and daughter last week. airs, John E. Dignan and Mrs, G. Witten -1 Brown and little Marion vis- ited triends in Clinton, Goaerich end Bayfield. air. John Ma?'oft and family spent a iew days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Esti Heywooda Mr. Mellott as- sisted the Exeter Bancl on Fair Day. . Mr. John E. Dignan and Dr, Ham- ilton 'visited with Mrs. Dignan and firs. G. W. Brown before Mrs: Brown. left for her home ,rat Kiatgsv' le, ars. Ribble of Windsor, Mr, John McDonald of Windsor and air. James McDonald of Stratford visited their sister Mrs. T. G. Creech, during the week. Mr. and Mrs, Locke of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,Oke of London and. Garvey Acheson, of St, Thomas visited at the Central Hotel this, week, Reeve Sidney Wyatt and Mrs. Wyatt of N. Gosfield Tp,, Essex County, ac- companied by Mrs. Wyatt's brother,' Mr. W. J Jackson of London, motored up one day last week and visited their niece, Mrs. W. J. Smith, London_Road South. Voters' list Revision Motive It appearing that it is expedient that with the view !of preparing full and complets, lists of voters for the dif- ferent polling subdivisions in the elec- toral districts of North Huron, South Huron and Centre Huron, that the time for delivering complaints and. ap- peals against the voters' lists should be extended, the Voters' Registration Board have ordered that the time for delivering the complannts and appeals to the Revising ,Officers' Clerks be extended to the period of two days next before the times fixed for the sittings pf the . respe?cti.ve Revising Officers in. the 'various municipalities, in the said electoral districts. LEWIS H. DICKSON, Chairman Voters' Rega,stratianBpard, County of Huron. 1 L ExE r•EE ADVOCATE, THURBD AY, SEPT. 18 1e18 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat 1,95 Bary 1,20 FOamily Flour ...... 5,70 Shorts 55.00 Eggs.. 1 1 gg> 5{1 Better dairy 45 Creamery Butter 59 Lard 42 NevePotato,=, per peck .... bit Hogs .......... tt . S.a00 Trivitt Memorial Church Spet.i$. ere a '):; 71t.,rn.ng uid even ing Van Ar :a can Jones Batentan of Bermuda. CONSERVA TI VE NOa1INATED I\ NORTH HURON. nt.. U.—North Huron Conserv by e. a largely attended and enthusiast;: convention, held in' the Tawe Haea here .this afternoon, u.nanimeu::y seeei:ted Mr, John Joynt of Lie:know, :sumer, who gas re -- aided in the riding for 40 years, to be their Lan,,i:late in the .next provineial el'ectata: Mr. °oynt declared his in- tention to stare four square on the temperance, platform and to support the Btnrst G,ov arnment as one that bad thew more for the farmer than any other Onttr'o has ever had, A Peasant sant f e..ture of the eon, -era arson was the su.'ces_tu1 effort mole by Mi. George Spotton of Wingham to brim. about mutual, understan,' ng and good—will between these Con, . weaves vvhe had differed in. their opin- ions o t the o ease,on of a by-electlon. here lest )eember, in which Br, Spotton ran as an Independent .`on- scrvi.tive candidate. thus k .:using a sp°,it in the party. PURSE LOST. On Sept. nth small brown pit se ontaia ng $13 ered o d ehange. R,. turn to this oefe..e and .eoe„ ye: reward 12AR1) OF THANKS'. Mr. aref Mrs. George Hunter desire to thank. the friends and neighbors far the rn'n, wares ani :ekindness; during the illness and sxtbsequent death of tiler b.loNe l son. SA\VMILL EQUIPMIEN 1' WANT - ea. Apply to Geo. He.man, Lonacn. L'oN"1' BL'.RN CHAFF OR STRAW", Mix Cane oidia with old hay, straw, .:haft, ensilage, etc, and feed to all your live ,stock. Cane Nola produces more mirk, buu,lds flesh faster, keeps stock healthier and reduces feeding costs to a minimum. Used by successful breeders ell s over the country. Sold by R. G. Seldon, Exeter, Ont. Local Doings Rev Foote of Exeter conducted am' niversary services in the Psesbyterian Church at Varnixs On • Sunday. Mr J. A. Stewart was a member Of the winning rink at the London wooti Friday evening tourney, Rev. Tramper will preach Harvest thanksgiving sermons at St. George'.; anal Bar London Tp., Sunday. The L' F, O. will hold a conventipn at Seat.oz th on Sept 2.4, to place a eanditiate in the field in Centre Huron for the Legislature, Mr James Essery el Exeter sold his ;tend.trd bred trotting stallion, The Salvage, 0992, at Landon Fair to Mr. ?at vie l ar ty of Toronto, ,getting a trice figure. • air, A, \Moore 'has purchased the bakery and c•onfectioaery business of Mr E. .A F+ollick, ir, Follick has ?r.e t a successful business man here far that} years, and his retirement :taut business is to be regretted: air ,R 1'. Lt\leer of town. got sev- e°r 1 prir.e: at London Fair, securing viz stt tor standard bred filly in buggy, ;,e and for standard bred filly .in road .aess, second for standard ,bred filly ea halter, and fourth place in; the 2.30 trot, in a heat made itt 2.20. Air, \\•m. Johns' team of horsesleft standing an Jaynes Street Thursday af- ternoon became frightened and ran. ::way. The wagon was loaded with bags of oats and it was surprising to see team and wagon pass between the telephone post and Taylor's Tire Shop ,',thout touching post or building. rhe team: was caughht on Huron St. East, and me damage was done. .sews, 'RETURNED FROM OVERSEAS. Pte Bert Rivers, who went over- seas with the Huron Battalion re, - turned. ca. Thursday last, accompani- e a by hie wife, ,whom, he marziied in Eatgland. Only a few ot• the boys are • il? in England. eke, I'C MOBILE BURNED. eutnmobsle shed of Mr. Ricil >1 the 3rd condessiten of Us- item- w:., totally dtotroyed by fire a Tnunele regal ,-t,,, together with nls buggy, cutter and other arta, es, The fila is supposed to have origin- ated from a hot box ,on the intorno, FINGER AMPUTATED. How:rd, ..oa of Mr. ,and Mrs, R. 0, Hunter of Usborne, while assisting in working a grinder, got his hand caught 'n the machin:* and severely crushed. The second finger was so injured that et .had to be amputated close to the nand The young lad.. sustained a hroke,i arm last summer wh'1e playing at school STATION ROBBED. Considerable dry -goods, groceries, obacco, candy and other articles were tolen from the G. T. R. freight sheds here on Friday night last. The thieves grained entrance by prying open the frieight shed door, and after enter- ing preeeeded to open the different containers to make a choice of what they would carry away, There is no trise whatever of the missing goods. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Mr Wm. Kuntz, blacksmith, met wall a ea;ntul accident Friday even - ng last He and Mr. James Handford c'eta bringing arta horse from the pas- ure and while coming up the Landon xtd the horse they were :Nerving rade a sudden start forward and the ne they were leading pulled back, rith the result that the small rope attached to the horse he was leading tightened on the finger and complete iy severed it at first joint. So quickly was it done that Mr. Kuntz did not realize anything was wrong until he aw part of the finger missing, WON MERNER TROPHY. Messrs W. J. Heaman and R. N. Creech were in Seaforth on. Friday afternoon east to play the final game for the J. J. ,.Berner Trophey, emble uratic of the Scotch Double Chem - tendril: of Huron County, and won rem their opponents, Messrs. Ronnie rd Whitesides of Henson, by a score of 10 to 9. A :peculiar feature was that this final game was between the same players as was .the final game for the. Stewart. ,Trophyin Seaforth two weeks before, when the Exeter players also won. The three trophies won by Messrs. Heaman and Creech are now on exhibition in the window of the former's hardware store. PROUTY—GREEN. The marriage took place at she parsonage. Bayfield on Wednesday of lest week, of IVLiss Janet E. Green, to Mr. T Clayton Prouty of Exeter. The young couple were unattended and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. L. Anderson, pastor of the Methodist Church, The bridle looked very pretty .ire her wedding gown of white silk with tatted ,lace trimming, and wear!i,ag the groomr's gift a gold wishbone broach, set with pearls, After the ceremony the brid- al party mvotane.d to the hone of the bride's sister,' :that sof Mr. and -*Mrs.! D, N. ,Welsh, where th•e wedding feast was serf=ed, ,asinl motored ,the same; ev- ening to their own home near, Exeter. • 30x3 NON SKID TIRES AT $15.75 There are just a few of these left at this price, Better get yours be- fore they are all gone.Everyone :s absolutely a "First •' and fully guaran- teed. We carry nempletc, line of Auto- mobile Accessories. J. BEER, Exeter, • IMPL.EIIEN TS, FOR SALE. t 1 Massey -Harris Hoe Drill, 1 Sin- R gle Furrow Riding Plow; 1 Maple z Leaf Gang Plow, good as new. C. W. ROBINSON L CIDER MILL. Mr. Sylvanus Cann, who has pur- chased the Cottle factory and cider mill, announces that the former em- ployes will be in charge, so that first- class work is guaranteed. HONEY FOR SALE. Choice Honey in In lb. pails. Bur early. It is :tool WILSON & SIMS. HELP WANTED p A woman 'o ,verk by the day. Ap- ply at Centr L. 'motel, Exeter. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having ino:a ed a gasoline and air motor outfit we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR THE WATKINS AGENT bandies - all kinds of apr rig tonics far both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma; ket- Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wrn Andre .v, Agent, Exeter, Phonje 43 Cochra ; Machine Shop J. G. Corhane (returned) has taken over the C enaor Machine Shap and is now opal for business. Re-hozzn. au:omobii'e cylinders and fitting pnst:see a sepcialty. All. kind, of repair work promptly attended to. Connor Ga:aline Engines for sate, Phone 135. REGISTERED SHORTHORN CAT- TLE ANL) REGISTERED CLYDES- DALES WANTED . Wanted—A number of Registered Shorthorn Heifers, one, to three, years old; cows up to five yearee years:Can also do with a few good Bulla, Clydesdale Fillies, and Mares one to five years; Stalliions one to three year We do not care about the fancy breeding, in Shorthorns, but they must bewelts-made, size and quality, and rooklike a purebred: , Clydesdales must also have size and quality I expect to visit the. Exeter district in the course of two weeks' 'tithe. `'Anyone with well -made Short-• 'horns, or Clydesdales for sale, kindly, croinmune:ate with Mr. Thos. Camer- on, Kirkton Phone; or with me direct. W. J, McCALLUM, Brampton, Ont. n a{ SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. The Board met on Sept. 9th, Messrs Dignan aind Grieve being absent. Sup - piles were requested and lists referee ed to the comm,ittteJes;, The lardy teachers sent in a request for a teachers' gloom in the school., The Board decided ,to visit the schaoland ;gook into thie matter of such a rooms, and the making of needed waterworks' connections with he science room, Principal Wethey gave a satisfactory report of the staff, the attendance, and the work of ,the janitor. Some'i further impnov1ements to the grounds were discussed., The Board retain mended the appointment of the janir for as truant officer, and that Mi,s"S •IHortari be;made a,meinber of the Enc trance. Deard,awhaph consists of the ?ra:rtcipalr ; Muss' H•or'tora, and the In- speattor,. A few .accounts were or- dered to ,be paid. I3Af2i3ARA CASTLE TON IRViNG CUMMvIilKiS ".TheHeart ot'a Gid" Start b, A.AvtNE TXOMP30„ y JOHN ADOLFI "The Heart Of A Girl" Story of Maravene Thompson Directed by John Adolfi Fi11ed With humorous little incid- ents which add to the charm of the story this delightful lovetale cone stitutes an unusually pleasing eveniazg entertainment, The Heart of a Girl' a superreancellent picture; In Dome Theatre On :Saturday even- ing September 20th. JONES & MAY RIME 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Genuine .Bargains For Early. Fall Buyers Ladies' all Wool Cashmere Hosiery at 69c a pair • 10 dozen Ladies' AU wool Caslunere Jiosiery, with slight imperfections bought two years' ago, worth to -day d ruble 'price asked for early Fall selling at ^nly 69d. a pair. Men's Heavy Socks, 3 pairs for $1.00 5 dozen pairs only Men's Heavy Winter weight grey Socks, good •vear- Leg cxutlity; wl itle they last at 40c, a pair or 3 pair for 1$,00. Two big bargains in Men's Underwear Lot No. 1-10 Dozen Shirts and Drawers in heavy rib, wool and cotton mixture, slightly imperfect; sizes 34 to 44, for early Fall selling, only 1,25 per garment. Lot No. 2-8 Dozen, flat knit Mend's Shirts and. Drawers, good winter weight, Penman's ,make. on sale at only $1.29 per gaa-me;nt, SPECIAL—A few dozen, only of Men's Fine French hlerin;o underwear —wool and cotton mixed—nice weight for early fall at $1,25 garment, or 52.50 a suit in combinations. Two Towelling Specials 15 webs heavy Jute crash towelling, very specat,1 at ale. a yard. 3 webs good quality dish towelling on. sale at 15c ,y d, or 8 yds, for $1.00 Stylish Fall and Winter Coats \\re .have an exceptionally fine stock of Ladies' ,Misses' and Children's Fail and Winter Goats. See the: new modified Dolman Styles itt Silver r - tones, velours, etc. Special black Coats, in Salt's Esquimettc• Plush, Baby Lamb, also Velours Ladies' Bath Robes and Kimonas We have just received a shipment of Ladies' Winter weight Ramona,s and Bath Robes., A splendid range of colors and patterns at reasionabie prices. JONES & MAY Heads -Diallers for rt$' litilebrarted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Aar Men and Bays. Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets Fall term opens September 2, 1919 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. J. Morritt, Principal, Vulcanizing ALL ,KINDS OF TIRES. All work guar+a'rttee(d. Casli for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended day or night. Office— Dr. ffie —Dr. Sweets old off&ce Phone No. 120 to Exeter, I DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offiice—Baalcers' Livery Barn, Calls promptly attended to night. Phone 8. Exeter day or MONEY TO LOAN We hasvle a large amount of private funds tto loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S'IANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Soli,ciltoa•, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bask, Etc. Money to loan at Uowest rates of iesterest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 s't7U*TI ORO. ONT. WESTERN ONTARIO'S 'LARGEST & BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. We have COMMERCIAL, 'SHORT- HAND and, TELEGRAPHY depart- ments,—Have experienced instructors, give' ;thorougI„couirses and we assist graduates to•;posielptfs, Wrn:e, for free Cstabgu ,,,••• • D,;:A. McLachlan, Principal HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in goad condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rougstosn, L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain otr any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury'i Office, Maim Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auc•tafanleer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonalbie, and Satiufacti,on Guaranteed. Crediton.,: — On'tario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, hriiddes;ex and Oxford, Farm Stock Sated a Specialty. Office at Cockthutt Waitlr�rooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, ep oe% teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line (lair and see ns. A Will as to quality will bonvin- Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRk,CTOR AND FURNITURE IZEALLR SOUTHCOTT BROS. 134 Rubber Boots For the little fellows, .far the girls women arid mein,. Our "Miner?' gnuaaaety ,white Rubber Boot for men, is claimed torlye, the best rui bey boot Our price isf $6.50 Are cordially invited to visit our Store and become acquainted witfi the lino of merchandise we catty. We will have many special mama to show you. NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY LADIES' CLOTH & PLUSH COATSALL WOOL PULLOVER. SWEAT - We want you to see them, ERS, NEW 'FOOTWEAR FQR WOMEN Flour Colors You wiil:•Jake the„thew ,•tyles, SILK HOSE FOR 19.00 R WOMEN New Fail..Hats. New Fah .Shirts. New Soft Collars, New Orereoats All colors • ...1:30 FOR MEN. New, Fall. Caps, New Fall Neckwear ,. New Raincioa#S:„ New Sweater,•,Coats, NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER.'