The Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-11, Page 86 EXETER ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 181€i Exeter Markets Changed each Wedniesdlay Fall Wheat Oa Fa y Flour,.... Short; Bran Egg Butter Creamery Butter Lard New Potato,..a, per peck Hay ....,.... ,..,... Hogs ......... 1.95 1,28 85 5.70 55.00 45.00 50. 42 59 42 60 16.00 18,30 Trivia Memorial Church Serve:e., ....xt Sunday as usual, CONCEi3 , ..- AIR NIGHT The lee.- n Dramatic Club wil put on a e.ey in the Opera House Exeter, et, 'ir Night, Sept. 16th. under tee elopiees of the Agrieultur al So;.ie - . elle play is entitled "It Pays To Advertise". Admissio 40 cep'-<. 1o:served seats 60 rents Ticketa se at Cole's Drug ~tore n • KELP WAN FED. Help wantee at the Can; -ting Factory Busking corn v heat the factory starts about Sept. 1. Good ray, pleaseat work to men women and children ov- er 14 gears age. -Exeter Canning Co. Harvey's Flour is good; flour. DOME TIIE ATRE The program for Saturday &got will be, "Women; of Redemption. For Fear Night, „Bad Mara," 2 reel' be Wm. S. Hart; "The Hurst," 3' reels and Keystone Comedy, single reel, The Itineto Orchestra, will be in at- tendance Fair ;night, and the admission, that night 25 cents. MILLINERY OPENINGS. You ars: invited to see our Misplay of Pattern Hats September 13th and . €o low . days A11 orders for im- mediate u,.ar will be promptly' attend - to, -E. T. V. CVRLISS. CRANI. SHAFT LOST Oft to. Eeser. auto. Finder please retur t to Sous Stan; alto. Lake Road. or to this office: IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE. 1 MMssey-Harris Hoe Drill, I Sin- gle Furrow Riding Plow; 1 Maple Leaf Gang Prow, good ae new. C. W. ROBINS ON FOR SALE. One 5 -year -gold work horse ; also snare and colt. Apply Mrs. T. G. Creech, Exeter. CIDER. MILL. Mr, Syivanus Came wlio has pur- chased the Cottle factory and cider mill, announces tbat the former- em- ployes will be !n charge, SO that first - 9 ass work is guaranteed. HONEY FOR SALE. Choice Honey in 10 lb. pails. Buy early. It is good. WILSON a SIMS. HELP WAITED A woman to work by the day. Ap- ply at Central Hotel, Exeter. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air motor outfit we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR Cochrane Machine Shop J. G. Cochrane (returned) has taken. over the Connor Machine Shop and is now open for business. Re -boring automobile cylinders and fitting pistons a. sepcialty. All kind: of repair work promptly attended to. Conno• Gneeeine Engines for sale. Phone 1333. x'RT7,i+7 LISTS READY. The Prize Lists for the Exeter Fall Fa.: ars out and may be had from th _ Seen etary, Mr. R. G. Sel- dom, In the General Purpose class for horses tee team was omitted, prizes for which are $4, .$3, and $2, Report, in regard o our flour are great, "Bread we made from thatlast sack of Model is the best we ever had in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba' • Bet goes to the top of the oven". Fives is a true story; earl give names 1 you wish. Harvey Bros. THE WA nctgs AGENT handles, all kinds r. ,pr'ng tonics for both man and beast ; =Is() toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma• .et Only sold by their. agents to the consumer. Wm Andre 1', Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 REGISTE e'D SHORTHORN CAT- TLE AND REGISTERED CLYDES- DALES WANTED . Wanted -A number of Registered Shorthorn Heifers, one to three years ,old; cows up to five years:, Can also do with a tew good Bulls. Clydesdlla Fsillies. and Mares .one to five gear, Stalliions one to three year We der not .care about the fancy breeding in .Shorthorns, but they must be w elilrmade, size and quality,: and look like a pure bred. Clydesdales : must also have size and quality I expect to 'visit the Exeter d.stric+ in the course of ,wo weeks' time, Anyone with well -made Short- sea horins o: C,) cl ,tl les for sale, kindly b. communicate ash Mr. Thos. Cather -an cit;• isirkton Phone, or with me direct. ill -W. J. McCALLUM, Brampton, Ont. 'Hunter. Local Doings Exeter Fair Monday and Tuesday next, Sept. 15 and 16. Ali roads lead to London this week -the Western ;Fair being the attrac- tion. A giant corpse has just been un- he?irthed at Jackson, Mich., measur- ing 12 feet, 7 Inches, ' Lurnbet prices will take another step skyward s,oan, say the manufacturers, The scarcity and increased building aper:ation.s in the cities is awen as the cause. A deputation waited on the Council o a Monday evening, to draw attention to the necessity of a larger supply of water being. kept in, the tank for pur- pose:; of fire protection: A rink of bowlers, ,consisting of C. W. Robinson, W. T. Acheson, Robt. Mawhinney and R. N. Rowe motored to New Hamburg tourney Monday and made a 50-50 record, winning twoand 'rasing two ;games. A number of young men. from town and surrounding country were up be- fore Magistrates Hawkins and Beavers on Friday last for disturbing the peace which has been so common in town Lor so long. They were fined $5.00 and costs, amounting in an to 59.35. 1�" e understand there will be a number of others .up for trial to- morrow (Friday) evening for similar offence. We trust this will serve as a warning to these young men who will persist in making the midnight 'air hideous by their ungentlemanly 'con- duct. We are sure the authorities have been more than lenient in the matter. NOW OWNS 350 ACRES. Mr. Robert Sillery of Usborne Tp,, has purchased another tarm, being Mr, Sandy Grey's 100 acres in Tucker- mith, north of Brucet;ield. Mr. Sit. .ery now owns 350 acres. JR. MATRIC. RESULTS. 1 he Junior Matriculation Results pp o ed. last Saturday in the city p.zp:n,. and we notice the following c ",.neidate., front the Exeter School weweresuccessful,-..Complete, E. M. Strangg`;thos of a whorobtainedcenonawith4st an eight papers, but failed to obtain the minimum on the whole, and who are awarded partial matriculation, are, E. I. Beavers. S. P. Cann, arid M. w Pickard, BROI E HIS COLLAR BONE. Mr. Richard Davis met with an un- fortunate accident while drawing gra_ vel for the town on Saturday ;last. The wagon -box had been filled with gravel at the pit and he had mounted the load to drive it down town when in come manner he lost his balance and fell to the ground with the re- sult that he sustained a broken -collar bone. Strange to say,:tfr. Davis had been working on the job for some- time and everything had gone smooth-, 'Ey until he was about to. deliver the last load, when the accident happen- ed. He will be laid off duty for a few weeks. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES. The Clinton New Era of last week says, -"There passed away at her home 9th concession, Grey Township, on August 24th, a most estimable and highly esteemed woman in the person of Mrs. John. K. Baker., Her maiden name w•a., Selena A. Snell, daughter of the late James Snell of Exeter. She was born in the Township of Biddulph July 18, 1855, and was consequently 64 years .of age, and had passed the 40th year of wedded life, being mar- ried to her now bereft partner in1879 A noble mother she was and also act- ive in Christian work. Practically all her life she was a consistent member of the Methodist Church. She was organist in Centralia church for some time and for 18 years served. in the same capacity at Henfryn," Mrs. Ba- ker is survived by her husband, four sons and one daughter, also two sis- ters and six brothers, all awhom were present at the funeral, except Mrs. Bissett. SAD DEATH. A couple weeks ago we reported the accident that befel little Joseph P. Hunter, son. of ,Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Hunter, of the 4th concession, of Us - borne bre having been kicked in the head by a colt. Since then his life has been hanging in the balance, hov- erinst between life and death. Short- ly after the accident he was brought to Dr. Hyndman's Hospital in town that he might receive the very best care and medical treatment, but the injury proved fatal, the little fellow having passed away on Friday last, at the age of 7 years, 9 months and 2.6 days, An exa iination of the brain was inane after death when it was found to be in a very disordered con- dition, surrounded by virulent pus, thus showing that it was next to'im- possible to save his life. He was a bright little' boy and his death .las caused deep sorrow and regret in the e s hon ha1d . The funeral 1 took place from the, home of the parents on Sun- day to the Exeter cemetery, and was largely attended. FOR SALE. A 10 hp. Fairbanks -Morse 'Gasoline engine, guaranteed in good order. Would suit syndicate for filling silos, grinding crushing grain etc. Cash or terms. -Wm. Ward, Exeter. • 30x3% NON SKID • TIRES AT $15.75 There are just a few of these left at this : price, Better get yours be: ( of e they are all gone. Everyone is absolutely a "First" and fully guaran- teed. We carry a •complete line of Auto. mobile Ac'ces'sorises, W. J. BEER, Exeter, CARD OF THANKS . l'Ira• Phineas Hunter and family cle e to that*, ;the friends and sleigh-. o «.rs fa>'the.. many acts of kindness d sympathy shown them during the ness and subs,ea_uent death of 111r. PLAY FAIR. DON'T ; , ffiY TO CONCLUSION& What le the difference between rem- edy and met Any disease whieh is. liable to recur cannot be indefinitely 4 cored." You may dispel the germs front the system but that is simply remedying it. A man suffers for years. with Rheu- matism. After trying numerous treat- ments without success, he takes Tem- pleton' Rheumatic Capsules, and is re- stored to perfeet health again, .A year or $o later Rheumatie symp- toms appear again. What does he im. mediately conclude! That it is his old trouble returned; that the medicine he took ]tad only a temporary effect; that he will never again be well. This im- pression is the one we wish to eradi- eate-because it is .entirely false. Whenever Templeton 's Rheumatic Capsules are given a fair trial they remedy Rheumatism, Seiatiea, Lim. bago, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or any of their kindred diseases T.R.C.'s won't make you immune from the above diseases. They will remedy them and drive them from your system, but whenever you feel an attack caning on start using T,R.Q.'o again.. BROWNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Statlomery Sole Agents for Exeter Mall S1.04 to this addtieaa OA to Tem-- plletan'a, 142 King W., Tiorontoe and T.B.C's, will be sent posttaaid. Miss M.A. Tom visited in Toronto last week Mrs. Wm. Saielltis visiting in:London for a week, Air" James Ross of Belleville is vis - 'sting friende here. Mrs, Thos. Bissett, Sr., of Marliette, Miele. visited with relatives here. Mr. Leon Treble and lady friend were up from Landon over Sunday, Mr. David Hall of Detroit is visit- ing with his mother, Exeter North. it Miss Laura Steele of Landon vis ed her grandmother, Mrs. Hodgson Miss Flattsvfl e tolla lresume hermillinereas y du ties. Mr. Dan Dew returnea last wee from attending 'the State Fair at De trait, M. Lloyd Rivers left teriday for Sinncae to resume his duties in the ,llolsons Bank. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay and son of V e' ton, Sask., are visiting at Mr. Alex. Dow's. Mrs, Salkeld or near Goderich vis- ited with relatives in town the latter part of last week" Mr. Fred Me herson,who has been visiting his parents, Exeter North has gone to Regina. Miss Vera Simmons of London vis- ited with Mrs. T. H. Newell. a few days during the week. Mrs. Wright has arrived here from Owen. Sound and, has taken charge of the James Street choir. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steele of Lon- don visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, R. Skinner, last week, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gillies and two children .of Sarnia visited with the former's parents during the week. Mr and Mrs. W. 1. Statham and family and Miss Olive McDonald vis- ited in .Acton and Toronto last week, Mr. Fitzgerald and daughter, Miss Geraldine of Winnipeg are visiting relatives here, the guests of Mr. and llrs, Wm Pe,nhale, Mr. Peter Bawden was a Toron,to Fair visitor last week and had the privilege of seeing the Prince of Wales during his visit in the city. Mr. Ed. Snell has moved with his family from the residence on William street to the residence of the late Mrs_ Wilt'iams on Simcoe street. Mrs. Belly and daughter and Mr, `r'V'm. Smith of Detroit have been vis- iting Mrs E, Sanders and other rela- tives near Exeter during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dearing, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Isaac and Mrs. James Stanlake of Stephen, left yesterday, (Wednesday) morning on a motor trip to Marlette, Mich., where they intend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist and other relatives and friends, I1r. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech and Mr. Wil- frid Stewart motored to Toronto last week and attended the. Fair. While in the ,city Mess:. Heaman. and Creech played .in the Globe Scotch Double Bowling Tournament., They won the first three games but lost the fourth. Mr. John, H. Markham, who has been employed at' the Jackson. Factory left Monday even ing for London, where he Will visit among friends until Sept. 20th . when he will leave 'for Montreal and there take the Steamer Scantlir navian and sail for England to join. his wife, who left here several weeks ago.. His •iniany friends here will wish v' c and him bon ogag , n hope at some future time for his return. 4 k Auto to London Fair; Anyone' wishing . to go to. London Fair by auto may do so by phoning Wilson & Sims, and making, arrangements ahead as they have two cabs making daily trips. We will be an the ;Western front of..; the . Mid -way ' at Lonely Fair running a booth selling,,Ice cream, Cider and Baloons. Wilson & Sims JONES & MAY 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3610 Fall and Winter Coats For Ladies, Misses, and Children. 'EVERY FEW DAYS' WE ARE RECEIVPv*G SHIPMENTS OF FALX. AND WINTER GOATES FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. For Ladies, and Misses the modified Dolmaat is the popular style ve;ouas, silvertones, etc, In Black IC.oats we have a beautiful range of Velours, also the eele- brated Salt's brand of Esquinettee Plush and Baby Lamb. Prices very moderate and stylesexclusive. in Coat Sweaters for Everybody We have ate immense range ,of, Coat Sweaters for Ladies, Men, e nd Children" for the coming season, in all wool garments, also wool and cottah mixtures. These are a, necessary item of .Clothing for the coo/ Autumn weather We also have new Pull -over Sweaters for Ladies, Girls, and Bova. , Young Men's Waist -line Model Suits The fall ,styles in Young Me.neeeSuite are here. The waist -line model wej appeal to the young man who rants the very smartest clothing. Cloths are of ,;cod quality worsted yarns and fast dyes. Tailored -to -Measure Suits Don't forget we also make clothing to your order, We have a fine range of blues, blacks and colored worsteds. Perfect fit guaranteed. Boys' School Suits and Odd Bloomers Our boys' echool suits and odd bloomer pants are .here shown in „ rest variety lof good wearing fabrics. We can eavti you money an these' lines, -Fall and winter hosiery and under wear for Ladies, Men, and Children now in Mock, JONES & MAY Headgnarrters for the Qel teattted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing fIer Men, and Bays, Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets Fall term opens September 2, 1919 Individual. instruction. Efficient Teachers. Courses up-to-date. Enter any day - J. Morritt, Principal, Vulcanizing ALL BINDS OF TIRES. All voc;t guasiantee4 Cast' for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Ehler, DRS. SWEET " & VINING Veterinary Surgeons A11 calls promptly attended to day or night. Office - Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. I DR. HENRY. A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Ofilcc-Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day er night, Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We Llama a large erniowit of private funds to Loan on farm and village at lowrates r of e rapenot rest property GLADMAN & S7AND URY Barristers, Solicitor•;, Exeter ISAAC R CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Sloluciltor, Notary,,., Public, Cocnmisslioner, Solicigtor for the Mai- sons Bank, -Etc. Money -to lean : at lowest rates of interest. , Office-idIaiia Street, Exeter. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL 62/S •'PRA'FFO R DD. ON T. WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGES'r & BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL We, have COMMERCIAL, SHOAT I\ and TELEGRAPHY depart - in meats. -Have experienced instructors, give thorough courses and we assist graduates to ,positions. --Write for free Ca4alogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal HORSES WANTED I want on, uteemeted n umber, of Horses 11! good nonditi n,. Ge1 '"ngs 3 year. 414 up, weigliing from 1.30e pounds Mares from 4 years old tzp, G frota 13000A ired ponds tip. write er Parties h�e 33 Exestuff, -w- G, J. tow Dr. 11. a totestin, L, D, t.. D. •D. S. DENTIST Oboe ens. Carlisi'i Law mos good Weelnesd y afternoons. Dr. A. R KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Hardt! Graduate Toronto Utsvbtltity bad dt1Aile i cted Offiice OYer G1 or i Stealer" Office, Mico Stet xeteer FRAM ,„TAYLOR Licensed Auctaloneer for Counties of Pitmen end Middle!eex Prices Rea noble a¢n! Sat fact ' Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. C.. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEleR AND VALU - R for Colli of Hato es,ex and O'eforct.. Forth Y Office S.tae}r a Specialty. Of iof Coebalett Walderoomis, next doom to Central 13e~tei, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choiesst groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery HU Call and see us. a trail as to quality will aonitin- ce. Produce taken in exchan }r Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRLCTO•R AND FURNITURE »EAL,eR SOUTHCOTT :Rhone 134 FAIR VISITORS Are cordially invited to visit our Store and become acquainted -the lines of merchandise we carry.' We n. q a .fed acini to show you. will have many special valittes NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING: DAILY LADIES' CLOTH & PLUSH COATS ALL WOOL PULLOVER, We want you to see therm. SWEAT- . WEAT- NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN Four Colors You will like the new styles. lois 9.00 Y SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN w All colors ...c$1.50 SPECIALS FOR FAIR DAY ONLY 25 pair of Ibex Flanneillette Blankets, The best quality of Flannellette Blanket made. i 4 Size, Splendid quality. On liSal;a,for ..F;air Da - 53.50 $,50 Y, FOR M;EN. New Fait Hate, New Fall Caps. New Fall Sha s; �''�� New Fall Neckwear. New Soft Collars: New Raincoats. . New Overcoats, New Sweater Coats. NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER.: $3.50 THl yea: wor W. the ninf ,Hos Jfr” ta7 der: lean ing tOW, whrl sire time 4iust. to t Aft( they Wag) wise titer also xll. boon 14t visit visit Zil int ing M: ipe 'd"e" Dela W. s? Al: it it tuft to h 11t sir lex• ells Heal t •tit Red