The Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-11, Page 5u
24 Years the same
"good" tea
TE&is good tea'
Sold only in sealed packages
hem pirated in 1855
Over 100 Branches
Open A Savings Account
With The Maisons Bank.
And pay your accounts by (heclne. You avoid
the rt.k of carrying stuns of to lney, and tike
cheque is an :,;;Sell;i; c' receipt. In, Brest allowed en
deposit s.
roe wee f3leANC %i
T. evf)01aa, Jana , r
Cen.raliaa Branch open for business da,Uy.
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30 Years
Alwaya bears
the /P Jl •�
Signature of yFieQ;�
on Lot 16, Con. 12, Stephen, two, and
a half miles south of Dashwood, on
Wednesday, October 1st, 1919, at 2
o'clock ip,m,, the following,—
Horses-1 aged horse; 1 mare 'n
foal, 9 years old ; 1 horse, 6 -years; 2
' colts, rising 4 years; 1 colt, rising 3
years ; 1 mare colt rising 2 years.
Cattle -1 cow, due Nov. .11, 1 cow
due Dec, 3, 1 cow due Dec. 11, 3 cows
due in. April, 1 farrow cow, 2 steers'
rising 2 years; 6 heifers rising 2 yrs;
6 spring calves,.
Hogs -2 brood sows, 15 little pigs
7 weeks old time 'of sale; 50 hens.
Implements—Massey-Harris binder, 6
ft, cut McCormicl~ mower; steel rake
cultivator, disk harrow, set diamond
harrows, 2 gang ploughs, 2 walking
ploughs, wagon. box, hay rack, 2 scuf-
flers; fanning mi]L land roller, lumber
wagon, set of scales, truck wagon, 2
bugg ies, 2 sets of double ,harness, 2
sets of single harness, 3 chains, Stan-
dard cream separator; Daisy churn,
2 cider barrels, sausage grinder and
filler, 12 •cords stove Wood, 30 tons
first class timothy hay, fence stretcher
gr .vel box 25 -grain bage.
- A !quantity of household furniture.
i e, and under cash, over
that amount 12 months' credit will be
given. on. approved joint :motes. A :lis -
count of 5 per cent per amine off
for cash on credit amounts.
A. HODGINS, Clerk.
by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate 01-
s fico Strictly confidential; no witness
"Just can't
work any
more." The
faded, jaded,
over - worked
woman, with
pains here or
should a s k
her neighbor
for advice.
Ten - to - one
she was
down by the
pains and ail-
ilments of her
sex, and was completely cured by
that temperance tonic made from
wild barks and roots, andknown for 50
years as Dr. Pierce's Favorite. Prescrip-
tion. When, a woman complains of back-
ache, dizziness or pain -when everything
looks black before her eyes—a dragging
feeling, or bearing -down, with nervous-
ness, she should turn to this "temperance'i
herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce's .Favo-
rite Prescription. It can be obtained in
almost every drug store in the land and
the ingredients are printed in plain Eng-
lish on the wrapper. Put up in tablets or.
liquid. Dr. Pierce, of Invalids' Hotel, Buf,
falo, N. Y., will send a trial size for10-cents
TORONTO, ONT.--n Dr. Pierce's Medicine,. has,
been a wonderful help to me and I •recommend
It in hope that others may be benefited by its
•pee. Wherif was a girl 1 was always delicate.
!MY mother thought she could never raise nae.
',As II got older I grew worse ; doctors said I would
time to have an operation. I eufi;ered at. :times
'untold agony. My mother started giving m!.
'Favorite Prescription,' and it finally cured me
of all my trouble. After 1 married 1 used it
again. My children•' are all healthy and strong.
This medicine did wonders for me, saved me much
outfoxing, . and I can highly recommend it to weal:
women or those raising a family."—Mas. A. W.
BOBS; 113 Tecumseh Street.
The Temperance
Referendum Act
Form 10
(Referred to in Section 34,)
to Wit:
Take notice that the rotors' lists
for polling sub -divisions numbered
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 in the municip-
ality of the township of Stephen; 1,2,
3, and 4 in the municipality of the
village of Exeter; 1,2,3 and 4 in the
municipality of the township of Us -
borne; 1,2,3,4, and 5 in the municip-
ality of the township of Stanley; 1,2,
3.4,5 and 6 in the municipality of the
Township of Goderich; number 1 in
the municipality of the Village of
Rayfield; 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in the mun-
icipality of the Township of Tucker -
smith; number 1 in the municipality
of the Village of Hensall; 1,2,3,4,5,
6,7 and 8 'in the municipality- of the
Township of Hay; have been deliver-
ed to the Clerk of this hoe: d by the
Returning -Officer.
And that His honor J'1,14e Lewis
H. Dickson has been appointed Re-
vising Officer for the purpose of hear-
ing complaints and appeals as to 'the
said voters' list for the Township of
Stephen and the Village of Exeter.
His honor Judge E. N. Lewis has
been, appointed Revising Officer for
the purpose of hearing complaints-
omplaintsand appeaahs as to the said lists for
.,the Townships of Usborne and Stan-
R. G. Reynolds, Esquire, has been
appedeted Revising Officer for the
purpose of hearing complaints and
appeals as to the said lists for the
Township of Goderich and the Vill-
age of Bayfield;
D. McDonald has been appointed
Revising Officer for the purpose of
hearing com'plaints and appeals as to
the said lists for: the Township of.
Tuckersmith and the Village -of Hen -
hall; d
C. Seager, Esquire, has been ap-
pointed Revising Officer for the pur-
pose of hearing complaints and ap-
peals as to. the said voters' list for.
the Township of Hay;
And further take notice that the
sittings of the said Revising Officers
will be held as follows;
In the Township Hall, Crediton on
-the 26th day' of .September, 1919 to
hear appeals and complaints as to
the said voters' lists for the..township
of Stephen. : c,,
In 'the Town Hall, Exeter, on the
27th day of September, 1919 to hear
complaints and appeals as to the said
voters' lists for the Village of Exeter.
In the Township • Hall, Elimville,
on the 26th day of September, 1919
to hear the appeals and complaints
as .to the said lists for the Township
of Usborne.
In the Township Hall, Varna, on
the 25th day of September, 1919 to
hear complaints as to the said voters'
lists for the Township of Stanley.
In Holmes Hall, Holniesville; on
the 26th day of September, 1'91.9,`" to,
hear the appeals and complaints' as
to .the said lists, •for,.the.Tpevnship• of
'Ln the'Tieeen I s'11,' Bayfield,•oa tihe
27th` day1of• September, to'hear the
nomplain.ts 'iriad appeals as to the.
said lists for the Village of Bayfield
in Wailrer's Hall,.Brucefield, on
the 2Gth day of September, 1919 to
hear complaints and appeals as to
the said lists for the Township of
' Tuckersmith.
In the -Town Hall,, Hensall,' on, the
"7th day ,at September, 1919, tohear
.ao upia, ats and appeals' as to the said
lists for the Village of Hensall;
In the Township Hall, Zurich, on
the 26th day. of September,, 1919, to
hear complaints and appearis as to
palling subdivisions 1, 2, '3, and 4, in
the said Township of Hay, and
Ir•. the ,Township Hall, Zurich, din
the 27th day, of; September, 1919,
a: to the said ,lists for sub'
division 5, .6, 7 and '8 ire -Aire said
Township of Hay,
Such Sittings to . Commence at 10
o'clock in the foremen,
Ansi further Take Notice that any
voter who desires to complain that
the names of any persons entitle
ed to be enitered ,on the said lists
have been omitted from the same, or
that the xiames sof persons who are
not entitled to be voters have been
Centered on the same may, tt,ot less
than 5 clear days ,before the elates
fixed for the sittings iof the Revising
officers, apply, pomplain, or appeal to
have his own name, Oar the name of
any other person, corrected in, enr
tcred ,on or removed 'from :the said
And Further Bake Notice that such
appeals must be by notice in writing
in the prescribed form signed by the
complainant, and givlell or left for
him at his residence, or place of
;business to the Clerk of ttie Revis=e
ing Officer, as follows:
To Herbert K, Either, Crediton, as
to the se,i.d lists for the Township c'f
To Joseph Senior, Exeter, as to the
said lists for the Village of Exeter;
To Henry Strang, R. ,R. 1, Hensall,
as to the said lists for the Township
of Usborne;
J E. Harnwel'i, Varna; as to the
said lists for the Township of Stan-
A. Carite1on, Clinton, as to the said
lists for the Township ,of Godetiich ;
H. W. Erwin, Bayfield, as to the
said lists Lor the Village of Bayfield;
D. F McGregor, R. ,R. 3, Seaforth,
as to the said lists for the Township
of Tucsznith;
Alex Murdock, Hemsaill, as to the
said lists for the Village of Hensall,;
To Andrew Hess, Zurich, as to the
sake lists for the Township of Hay.
Chairman Voters' Registtration Board,
County of Huron.
Copies tof ,the Voiters' Lists may be
seen, with the Municipal Clerks, Post -
&$t & i owne, Tot' 'oto, On . 19.4
�' here are many ways in which this Bank
can assist you in addition to granting loans
when. required and providing a safe place
for,,� our savings.
Call upon us at the first opportunity rtunit y and
let us explain what a complete banking
service means to you.
Masters, Chief Ennumerater, Henry
Horton, the local ennumerators for
the several ;polling subdivisiona the
member$ of the municipal councils,
and/with the undersigned,:
Clerk Voters-iltegistratioa" Board,
larlitn"lers first
Sco#'s 0nu1s10n
regularly-- and then take it
themseke,s. It is a tonic -food
1 that contains elements as needful
to an aault as to a child. -Build
up your strength—try Scott's.
VG et2t.
.. � , i , �. IV
° Cllili,il it 11;!I '
' 4 1
1 IP FII ` lLs 1,
4,• mels 'I' yy1";1141%,-----
� .ice
• A, E. KUHl7, . •naAer
• J. ,A, McDONALD, f taager
F, S. KENT, Manager
WCiaiy's Pandora
0 well known as to have become a
Canadian institution is this grazed
working Pandora.
Glass oven door; tested thermometer; an oven
so evenly heated that even. the beginner can
bake well with it. Grates work smoothly;
reservoir is enameled and may be removed
for cleaning..
. There is a lifetime of satisfaction in the
Pandora. 24
Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins
um Ba
1. Aro you in favor of the repeal of The Ontario Temperance Act ?
The repeal of The Ontario Temperance Act does not mean a return to the general sale of spirituous
liquors, as the Premier, in his speech of April 7th; said: "Now, practically no one suggests a return
to old conditions. The distillers in a recent manifesto say that they themselves are opposed to it.
Many hotel -keepers say they are opposed to it. The brewers say they are opposed to it. Honour-
able gentlemen in the House and people out of the House, who are opposed to the present Act, say
they are equally opposed to the old order. The labor men who ask for stronger beer, say they
don't want .the sale of hard liquor,"
The Premier and the Go•rernment, realizing,this, would not be parties to a continuance of the gen-
eral sale of spirits as under the old license system, but would amend the License Act in accord with
public sentiment. This would be in keeping with the policy of the Provincial Governments of the
past fourteen years, which have from time to time amended the License Act to conform to the
wishes of the people. To vote "Yes" to .question number o"i would enable the Government to pro-
vide for the sale of beer and light wine in the hotels, and beer and spirits in Government stores for
home consu .tion.
The. Citizens' .,i',erty League does not want a return to the conditions ural -r the old Lica^aa Act
and the sale of liquor over the bar. It does ask, however, for the general save of beer 2.51% alcohol
by weight (non -intoxicating) and light wines, and that the Government should only allow the sale of
heavier beers and liquors through agencies established and maintained under Government super-
vision and control. It is, therefore, necessary that question one should be answered "Yes," repeal-
ing The Ontario Temperance Act and making it possible for the Government to enact a newt
temperance measure in accord with the expressed will of the people.-
By voting "Yes" on question'number one you will be in agreement with Premier T'rearst when he
said: "Mai y good and conscientious citizens, as good and conscientious as there are in the Pro-
vince, do not approve of the Act as it stands today." Vote "Yes" onquestion number aria and repeal
the unsatisfactory Ontario Temperance Act.
2. Are you Ens fa for of the sale of tight beer containing not more than 2.51 1 00%
alcohol weigtat measure through Govep ntnent agencies, and amendments to
The Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale? •-
Vote "Y,es" on question number two. This provides for the sale of light beer in Government stores
for home `consumption and removes the necessity of procuring a doctor's certificate.
3. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than 2;81/100%
alcohol weight measure in standard hotels in local municipalities that by
majority vote favor such sale, and amendments to The Ontario Temperance
Act to permit such sale?
Vote "Yes" on question number three. There can be little doubt that the majority of people will
vote "Yes" on this question. There is a demand for a beer of good flavor and body that is non -
intoxicating, 'and the piiblic want to obtain it by the glass as well as by the bottle,
A beer of 2.51 % alcohol, by weight, no matter in what quantities consumed, is absolutely non-
intoxicating. In European countries beer of this strength is sold generally without license and
without excise duty.
In voting "Yes" on questions• :two and three you can be assured that no one can become intoxicated
by beer of this strength.
4. Are you In favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through Govern•
ment agencies, and amendments to The Ontario Temperance Act to permit
such sale ?
Vote "Yes" on question number four, which provides ,for the sale of all liquors for home consump-
tion from Government stores under such regulations as the Government may deem it wise to adopt.
The public will be able to purchase ;from these stores without procuring a doctor's certificate.
Study the Referendum • Ballot; if there any point not
clear, call or write the Secretary of the -League at Corh-
mittee Headquarters. It is to your interest that fou vote
wisely and intelligently. And if you are a lover of liberty
and an advocate of true temperance, you will vote "YES"
on all questions on the Referendum Ballot.
The Citizens' Liberty League is not in favor of the sale of
spirits over the bar as under the old License Law. It is,
however, in favor of the general sale of non -intoxicating
beer of. 2.51 % alcohol by weight and light wines, and the,
sale of liquor for home consumption through Government
stores under such restrictions as the; Government may
deem: wise to adopt.
Remember --every_, voter must vote on every question, or his ballot will be spoiled.
22' College Street, Toronto -
T. L. 'CARRUTHERS, Secretary