HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-4, Page 6lier Housebreaker Florence Morse Kingsley. CIIAP. ll.--tCont'd.) Then another thought swiftly eros-: :tend her mind. Hurriedly :the opened; r -n unlocked drawer in her desk; the little roll of bills lay in the corner, just where she carelesr y had left it. i Nothing had been disturbed in the; dining raven. where the bowl of mig-i nenette and:tweet peas gave forth a: slehly ceder. ;311e o rened the windows;' than, till ; a.r.:ie:leg the cire•unestanee' of the meetly tl r .and the misstug` sande, ",ant out "# the kitehen. For 2n£ te• - 'it her iteent stcoti stili as tier frig -mental eyes .melt. in the empt;, plate teal ther nee on tae kitehen table. Il. ,.: y :the exaam:ree;l the tenter. Seen ecr et had eattefiel ateite 13 ,r thaate. e her rt t..ei.,'e The leitathenet-inlewsed. whle o,3 ot,`r 2- ..... hen ant tfr. Thie tete n,te to e : r atonta. e ' eeateared Ian '1 ''n. *r ^ rac;z lit e'ei- �. t a eway in which net ::fel ere—ten. enhenhen e call. :the. tett arm Z the taet et: •ir .:".e ,, the tai. wear. Bret— neereet . f to tat .; • „ r i1'7,`_ : 1 ,reared .;o1 r . they le .R : e� He drew a deep breath. "I think—I should like to tell you everything," he said slowly. Then he added, as if to himself: "I never had a 'pother." "You metro that you don't remember your mother?" she corrected him. His blue eyes studied her face. "You look like—sornQbodL's moth- er," he said, still as if thinking aloud. ani,' she told him. "My son--" she lifted her head proudly:—"has gone to France." His gee*, Omen ti'iiid, ret rned to her after a srift glance about the. roone. She ni:ddell confirmation o his un-' spoken uuestien. "Yes; this was his room," she said. He left inti on:e yester:1ay." e s yo s li hate to think I slept here. when ! tell -tae what I've done. he suet. after a p„ eee. "But I'll tell. ye I. She was neeteirte the little beads of pe" s eir r tin on hie f er ehead. •;fie new." to G..uden'y decide i.' "You ete ,.;abtt;ry; se em L We will have est, and efter'war41-------" She '.N.1 vel tower:d the door; then pettent t. tla e staiden impulee. �'.. Will find neerything to make ten:re:if areenn the thins he tiz:. He I, :? gree i.eei them—for a hen: ;',l ;et: rn cit out war.: nee wet. `:" •".l l'.- ,.` 9 '.tl'..:i ;:1:-.rei3O% She smiled at hint as she might' of halt pork and salt, pepper and but -1 UNIQUE TAXES OF OLP. RAYS, have smiled at her boy. Then swiftly ter,cover with milk and bake in thei --- she went down stairs. t usual way. If you have some cold milk Great Britein's r'xchequer Wes en - "If he has lied to tile," she said to gravy left, add it in the place of part ricked by Meng Original Methods. herself, "he will take the opportunity of the milk, This saves the gravy and One of Parliament's hardest tasks to escape" i makes the potatoes better. t is the preparation of the Iludget, For the salad I use cold boiled pota-;'axes must be imposed, but, as no about overhead. m moving • to cite ii toes, onions and cucumber pickles snit one likes paying them, they must be ed and peppered, and chopped 'to -'framed so as not to place too great Silence followed and her heart beat gether. For the dressing I use one a burden upon any particular class. suffocatingly fast, She had left her tablespoonful of prepared mustard to; For origieality of schemes to re• bag containing ,honey on the bureau titvo tsb;eeheolis of s+-eet. Cream, one plenish the Exchequer few have rival" in her room—and there was the loaded teaspoon sugar and vinegar to taste. led William Pitt. It was be who de - revolver'. She bent over the broiling. Line the dishes with wisp lettuce wised the dog tax, an institution which bacon, striving to steady herself. Why leaves, garrieh with a couple of sliced still thrives. He also originated the had she not telephoned to her son's hard -boded eggs. salted and peppered, income tax, which, during his admin - friend in the tillage? ' and then watch the men wade in, istration, was fixed at 10 centsin the His voice from the doorway startled I found that the men preferred cold dollar on all incomes. exeeeding $1,000. her. tea, and as we had no ice I ateeped . It was the fashion of his time to "I thought," he said apologetically,' the tea in a granite dish, with as little wear the hair in a powdered queue, "you wouldn't reamed my wearing his water as possible, letting ,it cool, and' and hair powdered appealed to Pitt slippers till I could clean my shoes. at the last minute pumped in the cold -,as a vanity for w -web every man They're not fit, you know." est water to be had. From three to would be willing to pay five dollars a An immense reef, arnountipgaX-six grosses to the man tens what they; year. He expected the Treasury to• thought about that. n benefit to the extent of oyer $1,000, - most to joy, toe. possession ,of her, , Clean and fresh, an appealing light Another thing, perhaps not so econ-1 000 annually, but everyone had his in his blue eyes, he stood. gazing at mica' as the before mentioned, but queue cat off, her with a look which put to 'shame on the rapidly disappearing order, was' A tax on sholskeeners, though onlY brown bread. Our recipe is as follows: a small impost arranged on a sliding her dark suspicions, One cup of sour cream, two cups of, scale based on the amount of rental "I'm sure you are aa gcaci boy," she buttermilk, one scant cup of sugar,' paid, was stoutly resisted and even- said -warmly. Come, everything is four tablespoons of cooking molasses Wally defecated. A tea on female ser - ready:" stirred together well. Sift in graham rants,. amounting to 60 cents for one. She had found time and courage to flour, to which has been added two $1,2•"5 for two, nod $2.50 for three or fogather a atrelt of the purple aster's teaspoons level of soda and one heap-` more, was more successful. Births. Her the dentee of thecu br:slyast a sae ing full of baking powder,. also one marriages and deaths were all made gazed at them curiously a, he h say teaspoon of salt. Stir rather thick and, to contribute to the national purse, downhrather awkwardly in the chem bale in two loaves. It is better to A dupe's bride cost him a trifle over the indicated. She felt rather than bake a sample the first time, for un-; $250; the arrival of an heir need:ut':a' saw that the simple appointments of less the batter is thick enough the contribution of $1;,0, tint^l subsequent the table wereu ar to hirci and bread will fall and it is rather too ex -t mule additions to tine family ellen that he still not understandrthe sever pensive to waste. For gems you will, carted for tl'?5. The death of the t r;t bowing; of Iter heats before the fund this recipe hard to improve upon. wife neeeesitated the payment to the : untested meal. Some inner voiee I also put a mirror, soap, comb. tow--Oovernutcrrt of $R ,O, and smaller suur5 givinpted her to utter her th znks- els and dishes to wash in at the well, were payable on the dearth of other giving aloud. under a hid shade tree, setting' the members of the fancily. (To he corttitrued.) table on the verandah, and fancied I These life and death tax5s were as• got along easier this year than ever sensed en every subject lir rhe king• before. I find that simplicity eombined (tom who had anything to pal, the with p]ahi sub teuntia] food, quits the steeliest stun eolleeted being for mar - men better than all the annoy dishes I used to make before the old H. C. of L. put his foot on my neck.. For the Pickle Shelf, fueun:',er Cat:tape -1 dozen large ridge, some 60 cents, paid by the neau whose income was leis than $a50 a year. This mai paid 50 cents each time h,, became a father anti $l. ap- rraxluuately upon the death of his tv lie or son. caareefs, quart ,. Ilaehelorr of every rank nese tnaest eati MEN'S PULLINERY IN INDIA. 1 q r rr t vinegar, I table- tram le ee, to 1,706, the l:<iynnt its xaa'y- AND It least twice 'ice a, week cCM►heal ail wise housekeepers serve sir ka s Pork ;.nn141 Beans either with To - tato, Chili ,or Plain W. CLARK, LIMITEI MONTREAL Manufacturers of Clark's Park and Beans and other good things. C.2'S9 si as n sa .y ea paeon eayende pep- ing with the rank et the inelivid utl. per. Gaith.e i er duh rs before the incl relights front .01.2z., to so year, pla;•e until used. Peel awl grate the tivas ;t b rehelor�unde • the law. ea, einahers and drain off the water, Two of t1i, most short-sighted Ilan' the vitae<mir oriel spires to boiling taxes ever levied were tlrnse 011 paper point; pour at onee over the grated eu.uumiler, bottle and Real. Cucumbers bottled in this way retain their fresh- nese and make a particularly good :sauce for steak. Curry Pickles --.Boil together for five or ten minutes, two quarts of vinegar, ane tablespoon of salt, one r teaspoon of bhuek pepper; take one tc:hle Poon cif carry powder, one and one-]taIf table=roons of corn starch, four ta.;lespooiis of ground muetard, one tablespoon of sugar, or more if desired. ;1ti then thoroughly with a little cold vinegar, then put into hot vinegar mixture and stir all until it thickens. Take about three hundred small cueumlrers and wash thoroughly. If medium-sized ones are used, cut in small pieces. Pour the boiling sauce over the Bold encumbers, bottle and seal. Apple Catsup -1 quart apple sauce, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon cinna- mon,. 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tea- spoon onion juice, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 pint vinegar. Simmer slowly until thick, bottle and seal. A similar cat- sup can be made from plums or grapes, and spiced to taste. Sorghum oremolasses may be added if a sweet sauce is liked. • ,� sun etritics thcmn and keep in a cool a aria over twenty -five end unworried I ler "le Saba Steps. yin` w.,rk easier '.f :ec are , hta thee ie the great :'C+:cf e lits hou ektrep- - r..e . I�:let:tri:ity anti • :;....a.ni ry go a ling way Cr.(' riot. !Cru in torn. #:�'; nz, ell to help out the tarns.': a rapt 'r a small run.ber et la there :are ai great many, :vat , .... wo..e�lt the far-seeing country waran c•,.a r: the her wok ea ler .ton ur nen nein.i and is willif:g as i, l t r;,,.ea n ethede in the kitchen <a*cal i in the fields. 1' r el ee . a ,.11: r: --.home-made or . sn:::ae possitee to go without rluri::,r :he heat of the day. • ^ ttatelere re' et arcaai irons, mangles elet , ret eel et. ,;';•,i ..ill ate the unsturihed pieces, •a•'. `aa lit .e rrat-;r 1(2elren wagon for ,'e. wt.:' ea_rg rhe ii.hces to and from the .. .� ... wine:* in ria _ house before there :am! ;teal to him t a.i.r •'1*.', '.t tante cte t' l herar e? trey., ;wee t..', tart,;, y� FI enamel £' ee et a I t the floe". hl;. hat :dela," to uRonettnat 1 w s reining. I- -.c I ler " **Yea; 1 1ua rl ,..." a, feint . ache, hec-i her lipe. I ---I • . .'r, t mean r = to sleep.' f thonen:t I'd re -or Then I meant to on. I s glow a"1? Y r r ' me erre.`e ?" He rennenahere i thee .w was weer-, the ntlee bath -vete "areas the gay e.„�