The Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-4, Page 4Children Cry ter Plead'er's
.'o v`�L"+.. v, y4�Vr
for .tx..., ..;a ...'.as C isidrei.
t'ae. ".'" +: r :r`ibit's, A
'pr:ca .`a7ily hb_..:y,,ared
s r- -+c It in a4 t'+. deed CI
ren..t.a.,i for 0:410.C a _t€2Te'71
tla...t, .Kp-.w 4tsef4r ' r 3a
yC tea"
has t,.,..,.t provt',i ,.
T. -�▪ aa
1. .
Cq�..*., `te, r .. �:. a b +..,..w? Otto -. . :Ca Cast.: a..., Pe.reg.. "t
Dr?- s r t'a, � .4?t+ ;7 C"{}l•xs•-�, `T{' T * - _'' 'at,.'+...
• iS its gn r • r r more than thirty years it h :;,
iZ en in co.asta.^t •.' ef : the rs.liel c;;' C.7ast4 ::t::an;, F13tulenc'",
Fe erishsiess t tg Y
Ma ifi:1! �a
r.::; ....."3 the S ''c:h and Be` els,
▪ izssimik.sica cf :>' IA g1- healthy and naei,:rari sleY^
'The Children' . ' F,t .:a -.. v!:er':3
in Use For Dere 3.
Tii� Cf:hTAI» :,Jf.7 i'aKY. NEW YORK CITY
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors.
: ulreeription Price—In advance $1,50
,•rpet year in Cascada; $2.00 In the
(5eited Stales. Al subscriptions not
,road in advance 50c. extra charged
THURSDAY, SEPT. 4Th, 141x)
ares ._v,
when th•it '
R:ar nr:' Wed \V h:te»Hes won
t g tt3ta:ioc : the s::tio':a'l event at
Il4aw` i omen?v last Sx eeic
elea in the sem..,-renals tor the
�I Ems, trophy, which well bl; played
a € on i hur;d:tt o; this weel.
air Sn i Mrs. Geo, Case are en a trip
t tie'end- Toledo, and Datr&t.
1.'ti.- : l+e'iT int?u,^,al of Detroit ishal
i.?ey .n't :t her hunt' here.
Mr. Alfred Clark has bought the
•lase re.'entty oceelrr:ad lay :air. D.
ales, Crooks :s of \t alkervlile has as-
BIDT,I 'LPI.1 t unt.'d her tut s as an',: finer at the.
Rare Front.-
, \le
\le Cook Brrr:. are mak'ng l ar ;s
Mr. an l :lr. ''aloe, ."h.p.nat.. - of fruit eel
o.' town. Plums
.rh e.the e < , ere rare p.ent.,fuilhere.
fid ee,: t,„ae e e ale • Mr:.. Niattice of 1Jetro t • Ls visiting
;;tt:i tri :t; le tries:. to- ^t Mr. Geo. Glenn's.
r• th r 'i orde r tar a i::ebrattt
t; < 1,1 n,;,,. About t'_ . a ..•�..n
to a hn o:st bounteous table
1Y' deerteata . 'the gtte.its were en:.
,ex ed tfi 'n t;?it.'e t',erSe style by tin pro,
praetor and Melt t o the t n:ra!,
T31e evening wet, ,peat^ toedite d:
beg. spec., Iles and sone4, •:tri•1 fattier
amusements f3'•c t'es't be *i l
dress art! pra.sentat,,one from die cam -
17,y •af a gold watch, gr}: 1 ental i . i
umbrelle end a purse of g+.r: i a.1
ritimeaou, valuable ifts artm calk;
the and. fricn.14.. Telegrams and let-
tere of '`t}*t+'gratu let„ons were rete:v-•
ed from many bcent friends.
Dickins, on behalf of his wife,
*Jade a very suitable reply to the;
ndir,.a; coed thanked his family and
friend., 1)re,Sent tor th )tilt.: Ail .tci
va1uel e eine wh,='h the a.t.l r-. e:e'-
Mr laity tlrs, P ek'ns tt'=,
of B_detaph Te'tn`•h,p for the ^,.i=t
1eet'. :'•lS:n'3)s fron' L '4e, se';
irs 17' k:r.; *as born. i ln. h -,
a len.: :'arnTy, five sons and 'lee
deughtern tratrelerl, 1)u r'tr. and
sl.: were present for the evrat, i;u:
4ona ...ox, who resides in Sa It•: tel to '
Thar., e5' -,re u._,:•:> it 17 ti .i ,.+
cha dren.
They ,11+0tr resile .in Lu •an, Ilan :ee
retired from farm'ng abeue ;even, !
years- ago Both are in excellent
health considefng the;.r age, 74
68, respectively.
aliss Kerrie Reynofds left Tuesday
reeu ie her ,'.u.,i.s ;ts teacher in Cal
Sin, Alta.
'el is lea Tw.t.°hel of Brandon, plan.
veOtel ,hal brother. Orville, here last
SFr Ii Rt:yn'thls ani daughters, Miss
Beatrice and ;firs. Rebinsoe, :Are vis -
:ane in fort Doe -ter a:ad Tem -sate.
News of Week
The Canadian Bear Asso iation con-
vention opened at Winnipeg.
The Prince of ''Gales presented de-
corations to veterans in Toronto
The United Fanner.; of Brant Meld
their annual demonstration at 'ale -
o -
hawk Park.
The price of new,;,rint has been
fixed by the Paper +.)':trot Tribunal
$60 a ton.
There is a rush of prospectors to
The Pas. Man., where a rich goer' vela
i.' aneovered.
North Middlesex United F craters
these Janis C. Brown of Parkhill as
province 1 eandidate.
The n .e..: i+,; of educating the pub-
lic in fire prevention was emphasized
at the fire marshals' convention.
Martial law, which was pr)claimed
in Budapest some days ago, has been
extended to the whole of Hungary.
The price of flour in Canada was
fixed by the Wheat Commission at
$10.90 per barrel, the same as last
itopm year. •
Lady . ho
ndda,. daughter of the
p� ”-'"""' ' late Lord Rhondda, passed throagh
As i,:: aid to robustness, thousands Toronto on her way to the Peace
River country.
Renfrew Town Council decided to
buy, at a cost of $10,000, a property
in the business section as heaa.quar-
ters for the G.W.V,A.
A demonstration. was started on
the boulevards in Paris because no
tobacco could be procured. Wiidot•.e
of two depositories were suiuslieti.
The Roman Catholic Mutual 13t•r.c
fit Association changed its headquat
ters from Kingston to Montreal an•
may reduce the amounts of, ineuit,er.e
I ,r.lic-ics-
eannene ''._ousands use € .
� S
as r . uta: as clock -work the year
rc• $1. ;:d. A rich tonic, Scott's--
abouAids in elements that con-
tribute tothe up -building of
.strength. ' Be sure that you
buy Scott's Emulsion. c
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Oat. 19-3
President Wilson's ItInerary to ap-
peal to the country for ratification of
the Peace Treaty will be coineieien
with the Senate debate on the pro-
posed amendments and reservations
Sir Joseph Ward, Minister of Fin-
ance and Post:, since 1915, in ti(Nt
Zealand, has resigned office. He re-
gards the liolitteal truce as unneces-
nnee ssari since the Peace Treaty has bee;'
-Result: era announced of -sumer
eourses' for teht rs.
John G. Leth ,ridg, wvs nolilinated
by the United Farmers of West
Middlesex for the Leislatur<.
Western Canada Flour Mills de-
clared a quarterly dividend of 2 per
cent. and a bonus of 2 per cent.
The Prince of Wales has accepted
an invitation to visit New York and
reeeie the f. cnlonh of the 'city.
A morel -meat t reefed by the town-
ship of Erauaosa to 1114 memo* of
eleven soldiers was ten:•.i1ed at Reel; -
All three Australian players eon:-
peting in the unit,.,q states tenni.=
eh2atlAlno hshipr \,..+a i r °. „U.:e:• •'_ «
to ,<etluit't' lite cotttp:tnt°s linee iai ala..
etl\1 ta�hiiD,
Se. i' A il: i l! 112:5 ft"i t it -"i
4i t t`t .t B.. & apest in
:At• ^: 1...<+i. t•lh+.'
nos:: of M ni:i, a is.•
he Interior.
Frani: Wright. of Dt .d; io, won the
eoul►les title at the CanadianNa-
tional Exhibit i zn Trapshooting Tour-
d':.h• hat iastpteey.
Th a ;Watford Woollen Mills bus ra-
+•3ti a:.1
an order for 1 i .toot yards of
:h. ki frit: • worth eaten itaret,00,
k army,
Ineeliee ''ester'..tnt eel thh•'.t
'+;, , . i evi,pi',)t,lti)1;,• tee,
r it'.• : ,i. .,i.• e };a o; lite':lt .
awe, e nojea over tee
•ti ia�., .�
, ea of tit. ia� ;�.,e91'b .x11 saro:
.i•vil'7,,,zoo,70 of Lig
-"rte lr:)h'.t those A,.'. .heel,
t?'.•li`'ttl •r C1urk o the Brent:::n'
... t t1 a. Blit) Le..gen.bele,
d t iSeedre Dore et , 3 elon
..: let ar8.
Adjutur Girard ;a21'i i'.,i.tU (leo • t,
lads employed by the Dunneee•..
Puller i'rcntpany, were killed t ..
premature explosion of dynamite az
Pont Rouge.
British troops began leasing t :.••
l ueaRas region on August 15 en .
will be all out of districts where they
Tc. -ere protecting Armenians before
.September 15.
The Roman Catholic Bishop of
Ripon has unveiled a wayside Groes
a3 Imperial and Cuuadlan soldiers,
ubscriptiails for which came largely
rem Canadians.
The fire marshals' convention is
Sir Arthur Currie arrived in
tlail< munleipellties will revert to
stan,litrd time almost immediately.
Russian Bolsherviki are
dunning. further capture of cities cm
le Dun river.
Physicians in London have in-
augurated two new and effective
schemes to minimize ligator prescrip-
Workers met at the Labor Temple,
Toronto, to protest against holding
Western labor leaders without bail
pending trial.
Frank Wright, the Buffalo trap-
hooter, carried off the chief honors
f the Canadian National Exhibition
ournament, whichclosed yesterday.
Estimates for the Hydro -rachial
;Always are expected to be ready for
.ae municipalities to vote on then`
t New Year's, Sir Adan) Beck states.
it is likely that Hon. A. K. Mac-
zan will shortly become Minister of
I:,riete and Fisheries, Hon. C. C, Bal-
lai.ty ne desiring to retire from that
The Cine Big Union movement,in
he opinion of R. A. Rigg, organizer
for the Internationals, is definitely
efeated in Regina, Saskatoon and
:loose Jaw.
In a recent letter to former Chan-
: 1c,r Michaelis, Marshal von Rin-
; snburg charges 13ethinanr.-Iloilweg
:ith atlaged fellures which caused
,e,atoraiization in Germany,
President W. J. Taylor of the
::.nudian Prt•sa, at the Toronto Ex-
hibition directors' luncheon yester-•
day, appealed to the newspapers to
help in the new Victory Loan.
A party of 500 British settlers will
flail for Canada next March under
ale auspices of the Church Army, It
.vill consist mainly of young men who
will go on the land 'and young -wo-
men domestics.
The United States Senate Foreign
Relations Committee has adopted an
amendment to the Peace Treaty pro-
viding that the 'United States shall
have as many representatives as the
British Empire on the League of
Builds ';p Marine; Asks No Profits.
LONDON, Sept. 1. -Without profit
or commission to himself or his firm,.
Lord Inchcape, chairman of the
P. & 0. Steamship Company, has now
completed the distribution of 196
standard ships, aggregaeting 1,400,-
;400;000 tons, and costing approximately
These vessels were originally lain
down to the order of the Govern-
ment and when the war came to
an and shipowners evinced little in-
,elination to take over contracts, me -
.11 Lord Inchcape, formerly James L.
,iacicay, India merchant, stepped in -
:o the breach, acquired the whole,
.and allotted them at cost pl'ice
a,lnong owners who lead lost heavy
tonnage during the war.
CLINTON—On. Sunday an accident �.
happened to James McNeil, engineer'
at .the knitting factory. which might J
have cost him his ,life.; He was •-lean•
;sag out the boiler, in readiness for a
fresh fire, when an 'exp.osiol, it is
the compoundusedinthe
supposed of h ,,n . e
cleansing process, occurred and the I
et•:t, severely burned about the fate
anal hand.; and arms.
CL1N'i'ON The death •occurred at
the. hosp;tat of Mrs, J. 1'. McNeE•<, Iola
lowing an. operation-' She leaves two
sonsher husband, three brother;,
J A Cooper of New York, A. TI Ceo
par of Cl'nton, Ernest Comer of Lon
don Eng., and three s stere t She was j
born in CLlitta! and,live I here 'Ail her
Denmark Wants British Coal:
COPENHAGEN, Sept. 1. --In vie-,•
of the desperate coal s;tuation a,`
ielegetioe will be sent to England
tram the Danish Government in ,the
hope chat the British authorities niay
aline, an increased amount to be ex-
Child, Trampled to Death,.;
ST. 'MARY'S, Sept. 1. — Orindnd
Farnsworth, five years old, was
trampled to death at Grentau,;,wlYeo
a team of homey attached'to h loaf
or hay ran away and pulled the load
ov.;r the eet of Lunate little bey.
Clean, airy, sunlit workroozna.
Short otirs—a 47—'our week,
with Saturrily half-ho'.id<.y.
Valuabl_ ..i: _, , .10 ec ;)l;
N. ,a),;, for tit
A good livvingwage to beginners
which materially iy e e -•es with
experience and probe" ncy.
Write or call—
0 i FICIEl .`t
This Bank not only ha
branch organization, with ((Iv i .::s in
every part of the \varld, but ha: .: .. Y , t rain-
ed officers who are capable of 1;..
business with promptness ati..i
Let this Bank make your c_o11e„ us,
J. H. DENT, Acting Manager
• J. A. McDONALD, Manager
• F. S. KENT, Manager
FULLA.RTON-Fire on Meaday : f
terntoon about 5 o'clock, completely
destroyed the home of ,.\ir. Edward
L.eibler, on. the Fuflatton .road, cite
milia and a Quarter south of '\Iateht 1l.
The fire is supposed .to have been
caused by a defective chimney and
started in. the attic. --Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Colgan-, ,:St. Catharines an -
nonce the engagentenit of their
daughter, Iva 1111dred, to Mr. Freeman
Clyde Woodley, Fullerton, the huar-
rlage to take place in September.
FII1.l SGREEN,--Joseph Brown of
this pkae.e was before Judge Dickson
at Gad rich Thursday last, charged
with setting bush fires which inxur-
etl live stock and destroyed other
l>e ep, r ty beton. ;'ng to farmers la this
„ r••ghbor'iood, Mr. F. W. Glaclman of
u'atei, weal the Croton Attorney,
p. o e.:uted .and. Mr'.t M. G. Cameron,
K. C., was the defence counsel. The
eharee tea., d suhis3ed. •
The Legacy of
Canada's Dead and Missing
Canada's Wounded -
Canada's National Debt -
Soldiers' Annual Pensions
- 63,038
•- •- 149,709
THE WORLD is staggering with debt. Some of the leading
countries are verging on bankruptcy. ,
Five years ago Canada had never dreamed of the financial burden she
carries to -day.
Canada entered the Great War with a National Debt of $337,000,000,
or $42 per head of population. Canada emerges with a National Debt
to date of $1,670,263,691, which is expected to approximate $2,000,000,-
000 by the end of the fiscal year—or about $250 for every man, woman
and child in the country. Interest charges alone will eat up nearly one-
half our present national revenue, and soldiers' pensions will have to be
provided as well.
Can Ontario Afford to Spend
$36,000,039 a Year on Booze?
REVlOUS to the Ontario Temperance Act the drink bill of the
Province approximated $36,000,000 per year, an amount about
equal to Ontario's share of the Annual interest on our National
Debt. In the face of our financial responsibilities alone;. is this the time
to repeal the Ontario Temperance Act or relax a single one of its restric-
tions upon waste of'money and man power? To every question on the
Referendum Ballot vote
9 9" our Ti es
No Repeal—No Government beer shops—No intoxicating beer in Standard Hotel-bars—No Govern-
ment beer and whiskey shops. Be sure you are on the voters' list. Be sure you znark your ballot
four times—X—X X—X—in the column headed No.
Ontari'eferendum C
Chairman. Treasurer. Tice -Chairman and Secretary.
(1001 Excelsior .Life Bldg.)
to na r r - Ne rd nN;(Fi .. OV r HMn■
Baking Alwa.ys In Sight
THE clear glass door is only one of the
modern features of this dependable
range. Its baking qualities you know.
The cooking top will take the boiler either
across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook
the regular dinner on wash -day.
Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel
and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther-
mometer takes all guess -work out of baking. No other
range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora.
!-fcIaris Pandora
Sold by .Geo. A. Hawkins