HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-28, Page 5Ml FALL FAIRS Ailsa Craig Blyth Exeter Forest Goderich Kirkton London, Mitchell Parkhill St. Marys Seaforth ne Thedford Toronto West McGillivray Wingham Zurich Sept 23-24 Sept 22-23 Sept 15-16 Oct 1-2 Sept 15-17 Oct, 2-3 Sept 6-13 Sept 23-24 Sept 1849 Sept 18-19 Sept 18-19 Sept 24-25 Aug 23 -Sept 6 Oct. 2 Oct 8-9 Sept. 17-18 tL tf A Tfl,i VIE THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car slervi.e Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cam on principal day trains, Full in'f .rmateoln Erato any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent„ or C. E. Horn- ing District Passienier Agent, Terototo P.hoae 46w N. J, DORS Agteat, Exeter SINCE 1870 �R. 30 RTO�`sa COUGHS VHS If you are renewing or suba.:ril, Inet 3br atne. of the Canadian daily or weelny papers, you may do so at th1, sdfice. We have always looked after this for score, of oar subscribers and are still doing so. We can give rt to yule cheaper as well as Save al! expen- ees in con alcct&oa, and nowadays 't aorta at least eight cents in cash be slide; etad enery, to a der a paps* aktaY Notice Take Notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter will take into con- sideration, and if approved, will pass at its meeting to be held on the Sev- enth day of September, 1919, at the hour of eight o'clock p.m., at the Town Hall in the said Village of Ex- eter a by-law for stopreng tap and dis- posing of the road allowance, being that part of Brock Street between the North Side of. Wellington Street and the Northerly Limit of Brock Street aforesaid, and disposing of Lot Number two hundred and five abutt- ing on the said Northerly Limit of Brock Street aforesaid,` which said street and lot are shown on, the map or plan of the subdivistion of part of Lot number twenty-three in the First Conoession of the Township of Ste- phen, known as the Isaac Carling, Sur- vey, but now in the said Village of Exeter. Anal the Council sviil at that time and place hear in person, or by his counsel., solicitor, or agent, any per- son wh+s claims that his land will be preju t' • a11y affected by the by-law and wh , applies to be heard, Dated this Fifth day of August 1919 Joseph Senior, Clerk. VOTERS' LIST 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN - SHIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY 4OFHURON Notice is hereby given that L have - transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' Lis. Act" 'h.: •op les required by the said sectio-rs to be sc transmitted or del:vere9 a the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Crediton, on the. 31st day of July, A. D. 1919, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at Credilton this 31st day of July 1919. HENRY EILBER Clerk of Stephen Township. FOUND GUILTY OF NEGLECT TImEE: YEARS' PUNISHMENT FOR MAN WHO ALLOWED A - SERIOUS SITUATION TO DEVELOP, Failure to take proper precautions has been responsible for many deaths, and is the cause of much sefering and hardship to -day. Take the case of Win. Dunn, 313. Gerrard St. Fast, Toronto, Ont. Mr. Dunn was a chronic rheumatic sufferer for ten years, Three years of that ten he spent in bed suffering indescribable torture. rku e. Picture the joy of this man ori- finding that Tenipleton's Rheuma- tic Capsules were restoring him to nor- mal health again. Here are a few ex- tracts from his letter to us "During the past ten years 1 have been laid up with Rheumatism. Ono attack confin- ed me to my bed for a year, and a sec- ond attack left me helpless for ever 'two years. After 1 had tried almost everything, a friend got nee a box of T.R.C.'s, and a few doses eonvineed me that 1 had at last found the proper remedy for my trouble. 1',R.C.'s iru- proved my condition rapidly, and 1 feel that had it not been for T.R.C.'s I should have been laid up for years.'r T.R.C.'s aro certainly wonder work- ers. Try them, BROWNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Statijnery Sole Agenits for Exeter Mail $1,04 to this adclrress or to Tem- pteton's, 142 Kiang W., Toronto, and T.B.C's. will ,be sent postpaid. `EAFORTH —Mr. A. A. Naylor;haa reb ;ned his peaaition as Principal of the Seatorth Public school, which he hit'; 1 "led for the past seven years, to z.. ep' the pretei~palshisp of the Queen Mary Public school, a .new sfieteen somee school at Chatham, at an in. - tial salary of $1,500 per annum. His resignation is to take effeot ori Sept. 1' GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, atziilit workroarns. Short hour3---1. 47 -hour week, �. ith Saturday ' '.'holiday. Valuable training in agreeable 1':.rk for tail t1;G: rt. * 11Ct Gt. A goo,' living . at^ , w D , ,t,'iaxr ;.r which materially >:,e, _- .s with experience an,' pr :. ...eii :•y. Write or call-- MERCURY all— ERCUR Y MILLS LIMITED Hamilton - Ontario National Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H.; THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph Tho Most Stirring of all Grand Stand Spectacles The nrrender of the German Fleet Versaiiles Castle—Victory Arch. Allenby's entry 'n`o Jerausalem.' And a score c� other cz;raor:inary -nitres \TY,S GREATEST 1.17IIr.iTloN or ALL TIMES .Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea —the same every time 1S g�o4 teaSold only in sealed packages NES TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which. Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Hand, and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper-- A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Rains have quenched the bush fires in Northern Ontario and the Parry' Sound district, The President of Finland has tak- en over the portfolio of War in the new Cabinet. Albert H. Backus, barrister, of Aylmer, died at his residence in St. Thomas, aged 68 years. Patrick McCurry, of Parry Sound, stipendiary magistrate 1811-98, and district judge till 1914, is dead. Niagara District Grape Growers' Association has been formed, with. :in initial membership of three him- dred. The milk producers of Axford county and the neighboring distiis,t have organized to obtain higher prices. Four Hungarian monitors, maimed by British seamen, have arrived at Budapest to take charge of Danube shipping, The Toronto Jury in the Bell in- quest laid the responsibility for the tragedy at the door of the Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners. Sato Medis, driver of a motor car which fatally .iuJured Murray Mellish, aged three years, was arrested in To- ronto on a charge of t?lanslaughter. Moroccan brigands under Raisuli are reeorted to have ambushed a Spanish force accompanying a, food convoy and to have killed twelve soldiers. The ease against the Carnation Milk Products Co. of Aylmer, chart". ed with violation of the Lord's Day Act, was dismissed by. County Magic - trate Hunt, Sir Robert S. Horne, British Labor Minister, has announced that the Government hopes at the next session of Parliament to introduce a, bill pro- viding for unemployment insurance on a contributory basis.. Mr, H. H. Dewart, LC., leader of the Ontario Liberal party, at a meet- ing in Toronto, charged the Govern- ment with deliberately instructing its enumerators to omit from the voters' lists names of electors known to be opposed to the Government. WEDNESDAY. David Jolley, of Brantford, about 21 years of age, was drowned in Muskoka river. The Niagara grape crop promises to be one of the largest ever taken off in the district. The city of Toronto will spend nearly three million dollars on var- ious improvement schemes. Joseph Coburn, a farmer near Westport, was seized with apoplexy while tending his stock. and died. The Toronto police found several human bones on the roof of a lavatory in High Park Forest School. A lucrative trade in moss for the use of nurserymen and florists has sprung up in the district around Brockville. The strike of the international unions at the Montmorency plant of the Dominion Textile Co. is hopeless- ly broken. Hon. Alex. G. Cross, Justice of the Court of King's Bench, Montreal, died at his summer home at .Rideau Lake, Ont. Refugees rim Odessa, report that the German peasant colonies in Southwest 'Russia have joined the anti -Bolshevist partisans. Mrs. Mary T. Gagner, of Dover township, died as a ir•sttlt of burns received nearly two weeks ago when using kerosene to quicken a fire. Four norses were electrocuted on the bridge crossing the Esplanade at the foot of Spadina avenue, Toronto, by the short-circuiting of an electric wire. Clarence E. Dickson, a young grain merchant of Sackville, while spending the week -end with his bride of a week at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que., was drowned while bathing. Invitations have been sent out to many cities by the Police Depart- ment of New York to co-operate in a wholesale drive against automobile hieves, whose operations have reach- ed an "astounding scale." THURSDAY. Spencer Dafoe, fifteen years old, of Crookston, was drowned in the Moira river at Tweed. Dr. J. G. Stewart, V.S., of Toronto, died suddenly in his office as the re- ult of a stroke. North Middlesex Liberals' unani- mously nominated John Grieve, the present member, for the Legislature. Viscount Grey will leave for the United States to take up the duties of British Ambassador early next month. H. H. Mellinson was arrested in Toronto in connection with the forg- ery of cheques to the value of $24,000. Thea United Farmers of Stormont lad Glengarry will enter the politi- cal arenas, both ,Federal and pro- vincial. Serious charges are ,,made by rela- ives of a veteran who died in the Hamilton Asylum, also by members of the G.W.V.A. Delivery of coal to France from he Ruhr region in Germany has be- gun. A million tons will be shipped he. present month. Archdeacon Malcolm Scott, for many years an Anglican missionary n the Peace River country, died at he age of sixty-eight. On the. instructions of the Ontario Government one arrest was made and two summonses issued, under the ections of'the Ontario Companies Act. The Bavarian Government has re- urned to Munich .from Bamberg, w here it established .headquarters wring the recent disorders in Ba- varia. Six persons are reported killed as result of a head-on collision be t s a t t t f t s t d a tween a passen;,r and freight tram on the Pere M•.rrt,lette Railroad, near Traverse City, last night. FRIDAY. Joe Wilhoit set a new world's bat- ting record when he hit consecutive- ly in sixty-nine games. According to a despatch from. Budapest martial law has been pro- claimed, throughout Hungary. The Baltic docked at Halifax yes- terday afternoon, landing 753 sol- diers, 838 wives and 319 children. Viscount Grey, the new British Ambassador to tate United States, will sail for New York on September 16.. C. E, Reardon, a farmer in Tilbury .East township, forty years old, was fatally shot in the face while clean- ing a gun. One man was killed and another lies in a Hamilton hospital as the re- sult of an automobile collision on the Hamilton highway. Martin Valiquette, a forest engi- neer, was drowned while with a party in the Manieouagan river re- gion, Northern Quebec, Twenty-seven collieries aroma a Ferule, B.C., Lethbridge and Edmon- ton. Alta„ have resumed operations after the strike of several months. Archduke Joseph, Dictator of Hun- gary, has sent a long Tetter to King Ferdinand thanking the Roumanians for having crushed the Bolsheviks. Floating mines in the Atlantic have spread to the north, south and southwest of the Azores, and are floating toward the coasts of Eng- land, France and Spain, SATURDAY, Many divorces are asked at Ottawa, The Baltic has arrived at Halifax with Canadian troops. An important conference on high- ways was held at Ottawa. Clarence Dunn, aged 11 years, was inetantly killed by an automobile in Toronto. A committee for political defence has been formed by organized labor in Toronto. Thomas Nelson Page of Virginia has formally resigned as U. S. Am- bassador to Italy. James Glovanzzo was hanged at Guelph for the murder et hie wife and two daughters. iota. 7.'. Jones, in, and S. D, Her- son qualified to meet in the final for tate *United States amateur golf cham- pionship, The Ontario Hydro Power Uniform Rate Association was formed at Lon- don by delegates trona various naunt- eipalities. The final draft of the Austrian Peace treaty will In all probability be handm to the Vienna delegation on Monday. Sergt. Steele lvon, the Lieutenant- {{' Governor's prize in the final day's shooting at the Ontario Rifle Asso- ciation reatches. The A Iu u-iart Government has re- moved Bela Kurt and his associate. communists from the Thaya valley to another prison, ":hike" O'Dowd, middleweight champion, outpointed Jack Britton, holder of the welterweight erown, in AR eight -round bout. Mfrs. S. Irwin, living on a farm ' near 'Ieaford, was seized with cere- bral hemorrhage while milking, and died two hours later. A general strike or a general elec- tion, but probably the latter, will be the result of the Government's de- claration against the nationalization of mines in Britain. An expedition conducted by air- plane over Labrador has returned and is at present at Newfoundland. The members of the party say that immense wealth in pulp was dis- covered in the territory visited. A Motor car, driven by Mrs. Kriel, Niagara Falls, N.Y., went over the bank and nearly into the Gorge just above the Michigan Central bridge. Mrs. Kriel and her nine-year-old daughter are dead; two others are seriously hurt. MONDAY. The Prince of Wales arrived in Toronto this morning. A. Hillyer was nominate.' as U.F.O. eandi,:tate in East Wellington. Featherston A; leswortlt, son of Sir Allen Aylesworth, and well-known lawyer, is dead. Decorations have been awarded in connection. with the transatlantic flight of ,he airship R-34. The attendance on the opening day e the Torono Exhibition (Saturday) was 35,500. as compared with 33,400 last year. Mr. H. H. Aseuith, former Prime Minister of Britain, is making ar- rangements to return to active politics. The United Farmers of South Wellington nominated J. A. Cockburn of Puslinch as their candidate for the Legislature. Georges Gaston. Quien, charged with having betrayed Edith Cavell, is to be placed on ,trial by court- martial at Paris. Operations at the Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co.'s plants have been in- creased, and the coal mines are now working 100 per oent. S. Davidson Herron of Pittsburg won the U. S. national amateur golf title by defeating Robert T. Jones of Atlanta on Saturday. The strike of 6,000 employes of the Co-operative Trading societies in North England hes been called off, an agreement having been reached. Premier Sir William Hearst, speak- ing at a Conservative rally in Brant- ford, declared his sympathies and personal influence to be on the side of the drys in the prohibition issue. Three hundred soldier were arrest- ed at Southampton for refusing to embark for France. They objected to embarking because they had heard that they would be sent to the Black Sea after their arrival in France. The schooner Francis A., 83 tons,, of Yarmouth, N.S., was .maimed and sunk by the steamer Lord Down shire of Belfast, owned by the Ulster Steamship 'Co., of Belfast, with the result that six of her crew, including the captain, perished. Frank Greenlaw of St Catherines was. nominated by the Independent Labor party of Lincoln country at Moulton, and the United Farmers of Ontario, represented by Harrison St. Clare Fisher, pledged him their unit- ed nited support. New 'planks in the hL.P, platform were 'announced. A w ATA 1' PLENTY OF MUSIC PURE FOOD SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Auto Entrance 'con Dundas and Egerton Usual Entrance at Gates Grand Stand 50c. and 25c. Prize Lists, Entry. Forms and all information from the Secretary LTJ -COL. VWi M. GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary ,. .' ,. • t ; ,, 3+ ' k �v ll : ` .� • l !, p ' r `...to 15DosEs3 „ ,AYe¢efabiePfepamltimli sunilatingthelbedby I' ngtht�St4m9.c1is INFfY.` Therebyl'rdI G>ltieeduf 11QltherOpIf[1, �t11Cis1�1.:TmuSti molar ire ]"'d it aantritsitar lifglosinragitror Ahci Gonstfpatio�ta W field {{t���, jaSiesi-n ___ t , . i__. ..,.. For and. ChII,�:�. til R� ,I>t 9 ooDIWPS, --Mothers h Orl'tt�l'I IClne ....� ti r'CiIILDHF� est i . �tXQb1RCn OTN t`tdTl Axiretf .' Iremloilstr iggioggeado ruiBemedi or P, Diarrhoea.: Fur tsfttte$$ aft d Lossor.,.s.—em' ,ifa,ry t°uC1UBWITAn_'X o11t.. _od 6 month? tENTs -- Genuine .Awa Bears (� v ThirtyYears RNs Rnnswt,ll Know That Castor a s r �.h U ' a , 4 3„ For Fib sToR A as Mr.ws+r, Na„, VO..,C a1TY Exact Copy o}fapp r. , TO CORRESPONDENTS Retpotlgle, Yid, Write co are side of the paper Lodge Ness, Yireisi adz Public lmpm'Ce itti ij, Check off the lido, 3t .naps mitt Law Cases, The Cfblpa, you to reatte blab an impoelpnt item , Scbatt Mutt. Deaths Marriitgca, Births. Avoid all items reflecting on per- Acckients, Church News, conal character, but sand ALL THE Suppers or Preslentanons. NEWS. 1 ss fil Make , ts. hi It rte �, i1; II FOR 1' tractor—the there"—the Through rough town, rapidly Ford open Equipment Coupe: prices equipment). and non-skid ment These 700 Canadian �,��; ��2'l Snell, Every country Runabout modals $975. include on closed prices Buy li the salesman, Ford the traffic the Ford and economically. $660. the Electric is $100 Sedan, Electric Demountable tires cars are f, not include omit/ Genuine dealers Garages tl roads extra. on only o. supply Hour collector, man who "must Runabout.. of the city, to the Runabout Touring $690. Starting and $1,175. (Closed Starting and rims, tiro rear as optional at $25.00 extra. b. Ford, Ontario War Tax. Ford Parts and over 2,000 them. M►,4; !t Count con - get over outlying travels On Lighting model -Lighting carrier equip- and do Service 181 1 - 1,1- t<; jr 4- I -- l'Ifill'1;*--A Milo 7.\,, 1'1\ rte---� ,-4.44111 VA lir _ = Dealer, Exeter The Wester. Fair London, Ontario September 6th to 13th, 1919 This is the Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario Exhibits the Very Best Two Speed Events Daily Attractions Johnny J. Jones Better .. Midway Than Ever Exposition PLENTY OF MUSIC PURE FOOD SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Auto Entrance 'con Dundas and Egerton Usual Entrance at Gates Grand Stand 50c. and 25c. Prize Lists, Entry. Forms and all information from the Secretary LTJ -COL. VWi M. GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary