HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-28, Page 1MIRTH -SECOND YEAR
AUG. 28 1919
' SANDERS .8r, CREECiirs
During June, July and Aug-
ugust the Advocate will go to pros
Wednesday morning. The type
forms will close on Tuesday
evening. Correspondents will.
please get their budgets in one
day earlier than before.
Our Corner
Clover and basswood looney was a
taliure in this section and a No inmost
parts or Ontario.( It is the poorest
crop in many years. There was a fair
honey flow during fruit -and 'dander
lion bloom, of which there is a limited
Large worms are.....
.now waging war
tin tomato plants in these parts, Many
citizena, who .notices green, tomatoes
half eaten, .investigated bo find the
crintirae. Lzrge worms were found,
nte<tsuring as much as four inches long
and half an ,latch across. The worms
have yellow bands, As many as five
or ate have� been taken from a small
It would help matters somewhat it
more people had the clarkey's luck. IHe
was married three year and had six
childrean. The first year his wife pre
seated him with a beautiful. baby boy.
He then moved to Fort Wi.piam and
Part Arthur, the "Twin Cities" and
slew presented him with twin boys
Next he moved to Three Rivers, and
there came enter their lives triplets,
three sweet little girls. Now he says,
he'll hevei take* a joke at the Thous.
and Islands.
4 Bill 158 of the 'Pension Act" be-
comes saw on Sept. lst The Canad-
ian. government seems determined to
pay th" highest p°einietas to Soldiers
or any. country ',n the great war, The
clause which will be most widely.wel-
camed is that which provides forthe
granting i+1 a bonus for one year, to
the Ioew el ranks. A 20 per cent. in-
crease to: ea -privates and 13 per rent
for those who held the rank of ser-
geant. 'phis means that to the total
disability pension of $600 per annum
there wsri be added a bonus of $120.
payable for ane year only. The first
orphan child of a deceased soldier
will ri:e ttive $360 instead of $288, and
the 'other e ildren have a like in-
-Summer Goods
Summer is here. See our stock—
And all kinds of
Ordered and Ready-to-
wear Clothing.
Pa lock & : 'urniuher
The Canadian Wheat Board unlnoun
eed the sale price of wheat to mills
in Canada ,by the Board at, $2,33 per
bushel..imcluding five cents per bush-
el carrying charges, basis No, 1, Nor-
tlaero in store public ternmitnal -eleva-
tors Fort William: and Port Arthur.
Ir. William Hinchliffe of Wingham,
whose ;,eft arm had beennpartially par-
alyzed for eight months, following a
severe wound he received in the muse
cle of the arm in France, stnetethed
his arms recently and heard some-
thing in, the disabled arm crack, He
moved it again and found that he had
perfect control over it, The` sudden
and .unexpected cure of what . was
regarded as a. severe disability h as
created considerable ,ineerest among
medical omen.
WOmeru prate of 20th Century lnde-
pendeace and as far sats I east see they
are still slaves to the mandates of
fashion Theyspend more on, their
wardrobes eacyear than their hus-
bands can lay by land givei no better
reason than that fashio dentanxls it)
It has been hard enough to keep them
gowned in expensive textures and
supplied with accompanying accessor-
ies. To shake matters worse ostrich
leather+: are again in. But a decade
ter so :bads many a man wan forced to
•erartgaae his home to supply his woo,
menfolk with "willow plumes", Now
tea, ate to be demanded, too,: IL rd
ave us. --Economy.
Are you 21 years of age, or wri.'I3 yoy
be 21 on; or before Sept 9th, 3919?
Every man or woman ,in Huron wvhese
twenty-first fatal day falls pa or be-
fore the above Slate is entitled to w ote
on the Referendum providing their,
other qualifications are correct, We
have heard of several parties advanc-
ing opuaions regarding the last date
a. person may reach their majority and
yet have a vote and are ,riving this
attormation to make it clear t., ore
who are atfe..ted,, See that he gets
sew woo. co. it if .you want to vote
on this question. See the lists aftee
they are printed . If it is not in; them,
and you are twventyi-one years Of ege
before Sept. 9th, appear before the
court of revision, which will likely be
field early in, September anvil get it
pait 'aa.
The candidates named below in
Huron County have passed the mid-
dle school examination for entrance
into the Normal seliools.
Successful candidates who desire
to attend the coming session of the
Normal schools are advised that
their applications for admission
must be made immediately to the
deputy minister of education.
The Normal schools will open on
Tuesday, September 16, at 9,00 a,m.
at which time all candidates most
present themselves, Applicants are
required to be 18 years of age be-
fore October let.
The answer pagers of each candid-
ate whose marks- would appear to jus-
tify an, appeal have been already re-
read by the appeal, examiners. Where
such a candidate kas stilt failed the
statement of marks will be stamped as
re -read and ne further appeal will be
allowed. In all other cases of failure
appeals will not be refused if made
before Sept. 1st, and accompanied by
, the fee. of $2.
i Cextif catcs and statements of the
marks obtained by unsuccessful can-
didates are in the course of preuara-
tian, and will be mailed in due course
to the principals, to whom all candid
ates are referred for further in-
The ecessful Exeter students'
names are in capita..:,
C. M. Armstrong, W. Aberhart,
i (honors), E. Adams, (honors), A.E.
Archibald, (honors), Ji. L. Ashton.,
E. L. BEAVERS, W. R. Bristow, J.
I3'. Burrows, M. Al, Bennett, K. M.
Bone, J. A. Bosnian (honors), D. A.
• I3rcoks, (honors), S. P. CANN, W.
C. Cooper, G. K. Chapman, II.Coates,
(honors, M. C. Crosbie, R. E. Currie
(honors), W. P. Doig, (honors), E.
Dodds, (honors), W. H. G. Dyer,
:H, X, Dowzer, I, S. Foster, II, A.
Gibson, F. F. Gibbons, V. M. Haisy,
i M. G. Holland, M. L. Rutile, 1. A.
1 Hog, (honors), C. E. Isard, A. M.
Jackson, M. I. Jefferson, (with L. S.
' arithmetic), M. H. Jones, (honors),
1 M. I. Kreuter, M. V. Kelly, G. R,
KELLERMAN, E. Keating, (honors)
K. J. L. Kerr, (honors), W. Laing,
M. Livingstone, E. M. Lamb. (hon.
ors), C. B. Lewis, J. Cr. Lindsay, M.
M. Lowe, J. Mcalurchie, (honors)
J. 'A. Marshall, C. M. McDonald, E.
McDonald, G. R. McKay, (honors),
T. M. MacKenzie, E. A. Mogridge, A.
A. MacKay, H. A. Miller, D. O'Con-
nell, A. Oke, (honors), M. V, PICK -
ARD, L. M. Potter, M, R. Powell,
(honors), T. Pehick, H. D. Rotten -
bury, H. X. Ross, L, M. Rosa, E. Ms
STRANG, A. M. Skelton, E. J. Sper-
ling, I. B. 'Sinclair, .(honors) F. M.
Smallacombe, D. Stephenson,ME.
Stirling, (honors), 13. E. Scott, L
Souter, (honors), C. G. Stogdill,
(honors), M. W. Shaw, K. Smith, G.
I. Stocks, E. J. Turner, O. E. Turner
J. R. Townshend, (honors), C. L.
'Tyndall, C. D. Tape, N. Woods, F.J.
Washington, K. E. Weston, S. W.
The Exeter ;School Board has been
fortunate 'in •sa+cuirtrkg as their teach.
.ng ,stuf:' l'or their newly formed High
School the follow'`ng highly qualified
and competent teachers :Mr. Edmund
J Wtethey, M. A., speciabbit int math -
entatic, who has had many years ex-'
pea:nee, the ',eat mmhe; of which have
been Spent as Principal of Cart,e;tort
Pla::e 1•ligh School; MLiass Stella Greg-
ory who holds! an enviable record of
twelve years successful, experience as
a High Schots, teacher, and who holds
a prominent ,place among the High
school teachers of the Province, hav-
ing been On the .staff of the Collegiate
Institute in aloe city of Chatham for
the last eight years. Miss Gregory
wai boric and ralsfe<d ,nn Exeter, being
the daughter pf the elate -Thos, Greg-
ory, ea Principal sof Exeter school;'
Miss Josie ,B, Medd, Spec ialtst in Art
and molding an Elementary certificate
in P.hysicial ,Culture, who so capably
fillecl the ,piosittion last year' She is
a daughter of Rev. (Dr.) Medd, of
Main Street Church. We bespeak
splendid results from such a staff of
well qualified and experienced High
School teachers, and the Board is to
be cougratula<ted ern their chance of
Percy Datunc:ey's barn was complete-
ly destroyed by fire on. August 21st
about 6 o'clock In the evening. They
were just ,preparing to thresh and
were eats the act ,of backing' the separ-
ator into the barn when a spark' ram
the engine blew into the maw: amid in
a minute the -barn was in flames. Mr
Dauncey's full crop was burned, also
a lot of pmpleme,ots. The loss will be
about $7,000, covered only by $2,5001)
insurance. M. Dauxncey's ,Blouse fell
a prey to flames about a year and a
half ago,
Dennis_ Costello iaf Logan, was
chargee' bel'+are Police Magistrate Da-
vis ,on, Ttuewsiday, at Mitchell, lby the
Chief Preveuitiee ,Oillucer"'6,f• Inland
Revenue for the Domntiont, of Canada;
"for that he din without a Al eanse,-
haee a tit, this plosts;esispon a still, worm
or other apparatus for the manufac-
ture of epirgts.". Costello pleaded guil-
ty and a fne of $100 or sax- rointhe
in the. ;county jail was imposed.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of
lave poultry, delivered on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of each week
Parsons -Davis Co,.
Mr. Albert M•i/tchell,lof ,the 3rd of
Biddulph last three caws recently dur-
ing a heavy storm. The cattle were
pasturattt'g in the wwnoceis at bhe tune:
The concert igivten in the church
here .,by ,the. Three Students of the
Ontario School for the Blind was
enjoyed by aril who listened 'to the
ent a agaaaner s .'
Mian E. Moulton, of near• Toronto
is visiting friends around Centralia.
Mr. T. Poy,etsr is ereeturig a .new, vcrA
aadah to the front of hos house.
Mr. Cj,ifforid Hi(SS. has gone to visit
friends en Detzo(ilt.. We understand Ise
will root ,return alone;
Missies Gertrude Andrew of Lone
moan and Pearl Sc,c(b of Luicai viusfvted
friends in Centralia and other places.
Exeter Council
Exeter, Monday, Aug., 25, 1919
The Municipal Council of the Vil-
lage of Exeter met in regular ses-
sion with all members present The
minutes of the meeting held August
11th were read and approved.
Letters were read as follows:.
From the Hagersville Crushed.
'Stone Co., re prices on crushed stone
From the Thames Quarry Co. Ltd.
St. Marys re prices on crushed stone.
From agent of the G.T.R. re
freight rates on shipments of stone.
Clerk to make answer.
Letter from the Clay Products
Agency Ltd. Toronto. re supplies.
Mr. W. C. Rivers waited on the
council regarding having a crossing
placed over Simcoe St. at the head of
Elizabeth. Referred to Road Com-
Mr. G. Mawson auditor gave his
report for the month of July. Ac-
cepted on motion of Penhale and
Elston. Carried.
-The following accounts were read
and passed.
William Ward drag scraper15.50;
The Utilities Commission Water
Works an 200.00; Dr. H Cor'saut
medicine for horse 1.00; Cecil Ford
labor, cemetery, 9.00 I. R. Carling
Tieasureres Bond 8.00; Peter Gole-
man, team RIO 43.2.0; George Ford,
team, RB., San 0; Robt, Gillies,team
RB., 45.30; John Hunitin, team R B
37.20; D.Russell, Sr.,labor: RB. 4.37;
Joan Norry, labor RB, 30.50; Rich-
ard Cooke, labor, RB., 27.00;. Rich
Quance labor, RB. 26„2.5; Walter
Westcott, labor, R.B., 21.87; Rich-
ard Davis, team, RB., 41.25„ Harvey
Bros. team, RB., 46.20; John Par-
sons, labor, -RB., 25.50; Theo. Wal -
per, team, RB, 14.25.
Pas"sed on motion of Elston and
Penhale. Carried.
Instructions were given to the
Road Commissioner to construct the
curbing along North St. in front of
the Library Building..
Adjournment by Day.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
I—A, posts mster . is regtt'red to ;give
notice by letter return,:ng she paper does
not ariewe• the law, when .a subscriber
does not take his paper' out of the
OCttce and Mate the reason for lts not
b.,.i ;• e
l g taken. Any.' neglect to do so
!Ile lies the postmaster responsible to the
publtsher for .payment. •
Local News
The Fairs have statted.
Word rd has been feceived that Mr,
Norman Hockey has arrived in Que-
bec from overseas, amid will name on
to Exeter to -day.
Mrs B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. Gor-
dtary-Mtara) and Mites Stella Gregory
motored over to Crediton Monday ev-
ening where Mrs. Murray addressed
a large public meeting io the Evangel-
ical church in the interest of temper-
ance, and Mrs. Beavers, County Presi-
dent; also spoke inafew well' -chos-
en remarks- Master George Beavers
rendered a beautiful ,solo; Mrs. Mur-
ray addressed five meetings in Credi-
ton on Sunday,
After au iltl.n;es<,s of about a year
of heart trouble and anaemia, the
death oecurred on, Friday, Aug. 22nd
of Sarah Putn, Smiths wife of Charles
Harvey, at the family residence, on
Huron, Street, Deceased was aged 54
years, 11 malaise and 24 clays, The
late Mrs Hanley was born. near Kim -
tore, and after her .marriage she; resid-
ed largely on the farm eat, Usbore, the
lentils meting to Exeter about tour
years ago. Besides the husband ehe
is survitred by three daughfters, Mrs.
Latimer Grieve of London, MissesEl-
w•a and Florence at home; also asister
Mrs Whetstone and a brother John
Smith of Kintore. The funeral, whin..'h.
was patents, took place to the Exeter
cemetery on Monday afternoon,
At a meeting of the Exeter -School
Board on Monday evening, all mem-
bers were presaeaet-•,,,..The building and
grounds committee reported the; the
school was now nearly ready for the
openiag of the term on Sept. 2nd; the
sidewalk:, are ;nearly finished. The corn
nrittee recommended the trimming up
of many of the trees, and also that a
spare nom 'i.n the school be converted
inuo a lunch room, and that running
water be conducted into this room
ant' oleo the science room. The whole
Board agreed to attend school on the
opening day and note the recommend-
ations made: The teachers' commit-
tee relyorte'd that a complete staff
et teachers had be.enengaged: The
matter of the ,estebltiswhmeat of a
Board el Education for Exeter, • ut-
stead of separate High School and
Public S:hoOl Boards, was
and it was Imsatnamowsly agreed to ap-
proach the council with a view to
this end. A number of accounts wvere
passed A number of applications for
the janilorship pf the school wererel-
ceivecl and recommendations made.
Mr Rich. Bissett of Landon visited
in town Saturday.
Mrs John Brolderfck is visiting in
London this week.
Mrs. John. Duncan, sr., is visiting
friends in London.
\Lues Ella Link its attending the mil-
illinery wopertungs in. Toronto.
Miss LiU4a Jtahlns and Mrs. Goadisan
spent Tuesday fen London. .
Miss May Armstrong is attending the
millinery openings in Toronto.
Mrs. S. A.`tkin,slon left Tuesday to
visit in. London, and .Oven Sound.
_firs Geo. Atkinson of Landon
was a visitor here during the week,
Mr. Eldon Howald of Stratford spent
a few days Isere With his brother last
week. •
Mrs. (Revl) E. Medd returned on
Thursday last from a visit eat Lon-
'Miss Amy Trevethick ,of A.ira Craig.
is vieiting at the home of Mr. Nel
spa Kestle.
Mrs. 3.lS. Tuailcioner of Wclodlstcck
is visiting meth ber s',ster, Mrs. Net -
son Resile.
Mr. Adolphus Evans of London vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Treble
over Sunday.
Mr.. anti Mrs. George Easterbraok
and Miss Phoebe' are visiting in Ham-
ilton. with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs, F. Boyle amen Mr. and
Nrs. N. Sheere were .in Deteoit for
a few days last. week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silber and family,
of Ubly, Mich., have retuned after a
week's visit atilth Mrs, Wm. Kuntz.
Miss Corsina and Ruby Parsons re-
turned Saturday from a visit in 1:o-
ronto.',. Darlington and Bowmaanvilie.
lir. Jim Cease and hkse Marton, Nil -
ler of Wcodstdck were callers at the
home of Mr. Neilson Keet,le an Sun,-
Mrs.- John i1Ia.d,ett and son, Kenneth,
of London, spent a few clays with rel-
atives and friends here -dturing the
week. - -
Mr, and Mrs. Esli, Heywood and lliiss
Salome Finkbeiner motored to Lon-
donpit'lltursday, of ;last week, rnturn,-
ung Friday.
Miss Lilllialn Boyle has returned to
Iver home in 'Parente, after a few
weeks' 'vi;sitt with friends here arud ,at
Grand Bend.
Mn. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve of
London were lr.ere this week owing to
the death .:of the Jatter's mathle,r, Mrs1:
Charles Harvey.
atiend Alas. Benson Tyreman and
MMissville of, Seafarth were guests
at Main St. paeslantyge ono Frilday; also
Mrs Gracey of Edmonton.
Mr. Rei;. Parsons returned last week'
am Toronto, where he Was attend.
l the Summer Her - cHe has a-
11L,.� h n ri S hpaa� 'C
cfcp'te:l r selltaal' at Ericatu, his duties
bo commence • Sect, 2.
Miss Stella Gregory is -spending to dr. fio:tz and Mrs. Hendry of 1'ocit
day (Thursday) on London.. J Elgin are. veldts; at the have fat G„
;Hiss Gladys Kesttde returned this JS'-1,g`h0nift:r-
'e eek front a vt slit with ber fi'.iend, I Mrs Tran;.. Case and daughter Kath
bass W.mmee Mc.Geary sof Strathtese leen, o:' alerriton are visiting at the
•, ,he
Rev i>r. Medd,gun 'Toronto this;tonne of Wm. Roeheermal this week.
week attending the annual meeting .of
the Ge,tncrail; Boazd of Evaingelism u,nil ` Beath 'r'f• 112rs, •Gen.:: Gt;Ierine Steele!! Service. He will return; in tune Barbara H�au;lr, enly atf h eor e le io
nor services of next Sunday. .ermarr, .diad suddezzly her home in
Daelesood, on Wednesday everting,.
Alt, anal Mrs. ,John Hunter left 1 August 26, 1919.. The deceased had
neclay or, a tr'p through the 'Thous- : not been well for some time, but the
and Islands. The/expenses of the lr'p i. Iasi wee; was ixnpr,oved so much fico'
are pa,d by the Oniar"lo Win's Engine rez'overy was looked for, but was:
aaa d Pump Co, 'n recow;rdtion of Mr , su:tdealy stricken Wednesday evening'
Hunters se w,',:'.:n se?irt :heir good .. 1 when feast exptected. She was
They y+r.'1: spend a day at Toro -'c1 March al, 1859, on the 14th conc,es,-
Fah 1 s:on of Iia Tp., and h..1 reached the
\1z. an`l..1rs, Byteof Toronto nee; age of 62 years and two months In
soled here and spent SatualayMav x87; elle was niarr :d to her now
x11 s Stella Gregory. \1r. Byrd is a bereaved husband and ;rived ea the-
of the tate Lieut. Byrd of • farm "14 and a qu'lrter rnles wvesC of
(-hathem, who has visited mere, ;,nil * ltashwvootl fora few years, alter which
wvho paid the supreme sacrifice izt 'they
mK#wed to na-hw+aa:i, where they
Plain:V. Aug. 31, 1918, at the battle. 'lav, epee Eyed. Into the famrly
of Arra.. white leading forward his t `here v: er'e born six ch i',dr,n, three'
Hien of whom died before the Tri0ee
flan el an ,1892, L fy »iii 1896 sand Era -
Dr, \V E. Brown"ng, Mr. and Mr,. mental in 1901. Mrs. Keflernian, was
Sprague: and son, Mr. all Mrs, I -hl ' a ,s„>:0aat of !eel. clispositio»'t, always
ecksan and daughter, Blanche, Mrs. wvileng to give a helping hand to ?sty -
and Mass Co- hren,e and air, and airs, ` one, anal dur`-t. her lit r here made
Patterson of Cal.edo'n a, Minn,, motor -`many ,warm 1r en`.l'4 who regret her
ed here in twva cars Not week and t denei-c alio was a member of
spent Sunday with the farmer's par ' : .Y.. the
l.v,zn•„ 1a sl a•hurth foe many yearn.
Rets, Di'. J. W. and She Bnowwn n .' There realan to mourn her 1o:s, the
They ere ,now spendin,, a 1 as :keys ! deeply bw.rcaved husb.mnJ, three sons
at Grand ,Bend and wili mike a mo- the homestead, Arthur,
or? trip to \,,a ara Fat ;, alter wrh , h I pesterof 'Trinity Evangelical e bur, h,
thee all. return here. i CJiesiey, and Norman, an business at
Kitelttmer. They, their wives and
,a aa'titt ant) five at t r:,, .w1r:,. Henry
r endei Mt"s. T. Johnston, Mrc. S
eetaluthtea, Me., A. Birk and .Mrs, 3
Twitt'hen lot London,lhe last named
ext'e'pted were present at the funeral,
--- z'so three! brothers, Join, Dan°.e, and,
The Y. P. A. of the Calvary Evan :• Christian Haugh) The funeral which
ge1'cal church held ;s annual election.
of officers recently. The new amend.
menu to the Ca:car tura'*, "' on -'i.1.,
anent to th eConshtut,, ”. omina,-
ton dtu•1ng Eleatioca", proved very
tettisfa :tory. The result; of the steel.
tiou were as follows :—Pres., Euiw•een
Guenther Vico-Pres., Clarence Vag-.
er; Rcic, aec'y, Pearl Tiernan; Cor.-
Sec'y,. Peart Kraft; Miss-Sec'y,
ton Haugh; Treas., Clayton Wiidfong;
Pianist, Hazel Snell; Assist. Pianist,
,airs. A Oe,streicher; Librarians, Liz-
zie Hartleib and Gladys Guenther.
Mrs. Granger and daughter, Thelma,
of Sainia and. Mn and Mrs. A. Dad'
pia of Detroit visited Mrs, H. Barber.
Pte Erwin Mcisaac returned from
overseas last week.
Mrs C. W. Gage of De,tre:it is vis-
iting her mioftlrer-, Mrs. Balli,
The members of the Ladies' Aird
of the Evangelical Church spent' a
social time with Mrr. and Mrs. Dan.
,Truemner one evening last week.
Miss Myrtle Taylor of London is
visiting friends in town,
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Rest,emeyer are
ependin, their vack�(tian in Windsor,
Miss Cathern Finkbeiner has return-
ed from a visit wiitth friends in Sarnia,
ear largely attended, was held Satur
day afternoon to the Goshen Line
t•emeta`,ry ,Rev. Yager officiating. The
:onnmuntty ea,.esols their s neer, sytrr
pathy to the bereaved esoiUy. Among
these whim attended the fuaas,:r :were.
air and '1r:. Henry Ke'icrrna.n, Mrs.
J. Liege and Mrs. S. Schlueter of Elk-
ton, Mich Mrs. T. Johnsiuoe and her
daughter, Mary of Blake, and Mr. and
' lir., C Haugh of Brucefifeld.
lealand—At M. Carmel, on Aug. 15
to Mr and Mrs. Ed, Boland, a sant
Regan—At Mt. Carmel. on Aug. 19tJa,.
to Mr and Mrs. ;'\fat Regan etdauglx"-
liillson-At Granton, on Aug. 17, to
Mr. and Mrs, Hector Miillson, anon,
ri3arve; —In Exeter, on Aug. 22, San-
arah Ann Smith, beloved wife of Chas,
Harvey, aged 54 years, 11 months, 24
Eder—At Varna on Aug 113, Mrs. J'as
Ester, aged 88 years.
Exeter Fall Fair
Monday and Tuesday
September 15th 86 6th5
PURSE $300.00
2.80 Trot or pace $125.00
2.20 Trot or pace $175.00.
B. W. F. Beavers, $3.00 pair of
Shoes for Best Bird House made
by boy under 15 years of age. $1.00
pair of hose for second prize.
H. Either, M.P.P., $5.00 for calf
of 1919, any breed, exhibited by
boy or girl under 16 years of age.
its, $2.50; 2nd, $1:50; 3rd, $1.00.
Wm. Andrew, $5, for Test Halter
brokefoal of 1919 handled by boy
16 years or under,; 1st, $2,00; and,
$1,50; 3rd, $1.00; 4th, 50c.
. J. Senior, Siz Cabinet Photos,
value, $3.00 for best.coileetion of six
pieces of fancy articles in Children's
Department, work and arrangement
to be basis of winning prize,
Write the Secretary, R. G, Seld on, for Prize List,
Re- pened Garage
`Pe. have re -opened the Garage recently conducted by
T, Baker, Main Street, Exeter, and are now prepared to do
Oar Repairing, Vulcanizing, etc.
All work promptly executed
Auto tires
We carry a stook of DoniinionnTires-The best made,
Ed: Snell, Repair Man
Taylor's Tire Shop