HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-21, Page 8EXE rER AIB /ORATE, THUltBDAY, ATG,. 21 1818 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednfesiday Fall wheat 2.05 Barley Oats 95 Family Flour ... 5.70 Shorts 50,00 Bran ... 45.00 Eggs .,.,..-„ .., 47 Butter 42 Creamery Butter 58 Lard 40, to 43 New Potatoes per rack 55 Hay ......... r..., ..,,...,, 16,00 Hog; 23,25 • Trivitt Memorial Church Servce w , s } n Ora nIn`i-4,• Evert n rt... late Fred kir. Rev A A. Tr;trapr morning ,evening;. the and The t v Fair s e zt v a riew weeks o'i. Hays, you dose anything tohe:p make It y. stt.tacss? If net, why not? A nice .r z sp,-..c ,as are being of- fered nal nt..ety special attractions are being arrange,: for. CIDER MILL AIr. Sy.ivantIF Carel, who has pier - ML zs °d the i't 4 �.a� toy y and :,Sl -.der ;, h the forth cm- p4oy e't 1.`...that snthat ,rst- e:ess work guaranteed, CARTAGE kGE R A TES Mr t ra , it n t \Vn Gillen -len: h.tve raised rta;L rates to 4 eats per cwt: .nil rye e;nt` BUGGY FOR SALE. One ete.4 tire bugg'c , auto • c:at, t>.", t»,ry let,- —Thorn Baker. +t t a1+,`*» FOR SALE. One 5 teen... lee to 2:th, geod, tl'•" berg• , CF one •Ott e:n : :,a , a :Ostia, ••• 't' JA' 1TtkR \\ TED. f•or the position - +. Jan.to: :v.:: ia. re v, d .sat` t'„k Au; t 25. Fn ranee .,at,on ape'',,e t Secre- taty n7iliin K. `,M .a°l= Ott'... I'.'.' ice.'.^. IIANI, eONt'Ela The band will gtve an. ulnen air concert in 171vtcor:a t"ark on S;ttur- day evening next. ''omee oat end hear "Sliding Cid" the Trombone Vlrtao o. by Air. 7. Wzallle.r. I•IELP WANTED Iiclp vv;•n,ted at .r< t . r l,r F;..'tory husking corn when 'al :a.. -ton. -tarts about Sept. 1. Go:l nay, pteas.:nt work to. mea women sited hiltl to ov- er 14 years age.—Exeter Canning Co. STENOGRAPHERS RECEIVt, GOOD POSITIONS. 'l'c;•o sisters, without ::n} High Sed:ool educat°.on, who. ree:cntiy :',t • tended the Central I311. to le. t 011e e of Stratford are now earning a. d 595 per =lath, bnth vely, as sten- ooglaphers. Commercial ',:e of els splendid tur t , z for .;iris as well as for boys, ccs t le the tent ; one of c.?ntatio - best i't;n mere ..s HELP WANTED A woman to work by the day. Ap- ply at t'entrel rio.t:, l; eter, V. V. M. An. Air •rtioe \.n i -too a :o: _attle, that does. the work. k. It cleans your herd of contagious abortion and l pre- vents yor.' caives from haying, White Soo uri, t_ orsu t Drs. -Sweet z V a?n;, Exeter, GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having in.stalle.d a gasoline. and air motor outf,* we invite autoists to give us a cal:. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR Chchra r. € . Machine Shop J. G. Coch,ane (returned) has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is now op; . for buss;a2ss. Re -b ,:n; automobile cylinders and fitting r an, a sepcialty., All 1-nnis :of repair work promptly attended to.. Conno: Gaoline Engines, for sale, Phone 135, AUTO.IOBILES REPAIRED. Haring ented the mechanical end of the Fo-d Garage Business we are pre ered to give full satisfacttion to all w-equire service on; automo- biles or gas engines), We repair all makes o1 :-ars and engine:: Special service en Ford and McLaughlin cars far Milo ~ n 1L Gas for sale. Free air. GRIFFIN BROS. Harvey's Flouris good flour. _ Bmea`linr.'s Store, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday nights .duriing rune, July and August. Reports in regard to our flour are great,. "Bre td we made from that last sack of Model is the best we ever had in the house"; "Our bread made from. Manitob.Vs Best goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; can .give names if you wish. Harvey Bros, THE WATKINS AGENT handles, 411 kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their. spices andflavorings are the purest. cinthe market Only said by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent; Exeter, Phone' 43 MARRIAGE' . LICENSES:, ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witless xenuired Local Doings Dr. Rctulstan will re -open his den- t I office on. Monday of next week. One more half holiday after this week. Toronto Fair starts on Saturday and lasts till Sept. .6th. 3Irs. Wm. May is recovering from her recent severe .illness, Mrs. F. W. Gtacirnarnis .still eon_ fined to her room owing for illness. Keep in mind the Exeter Fair on the 15th and 16th of September. ;lire. S. Skinner has purchased Mr. Janie, Dignan's residence on Gidley Street south. Mr, Henry Strang occupied Caeca pulpit on Sunday, the. everting service' was withdrawn. Exeter and McGillivray played 'a game of baseball here on Friday night the former winning by a score of 4-2. Mr. Ambrose Cottle, we understand, has disposed of his factory and eid- er mill to Mr. Sylvauus Cann of town who shortly' takes passession- A Memorial,Servicee will be preach- ed in the Truitt Memorial, Church on Sunday evening ;next by Rev. A. A. Tramper, for the late Fred Tuc'lter. Clyde. Heathen ,tool; a rink of bowl - ere to Stratford tournament Wed- nesday morning, and R. G. Seidon a rusk to the Asylum tourney, London. The past week has been a wet one. Some day ,t we had two or three more or less heavy showers. In several ioea'litic s near town, however, little or era ran fell, and harvest continued as usual. Felrtyg-tive cents will pay for the Advxate to JRn'y 1st, 1920, Have it sent to a distant member of your fam- . y or triend. Remember tv e can nv g you money if you subscribe through In for your daily. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.: Ha:., Ainsley St. Galt; ttnnotutce the engagement of their secartd daughter, Mary Roberts, re Dr. U Fenton Bant ng, eldest eon -4 Dr. and Mrs, \Z':llliam Beating, of Lu'a.a, the marriage to take gace in September, Man.. peon?e from Exeter went to - read lien, for Gala Day. 'The day. .v.3s fine an2 the a"sp; ane aupeare l nd did .stunts of various kind; up in he blue for an hour or two, until the pe.:tators got •kinks in their nick: watehvne it. Bathing, boating and the nfcrry dance were on tap. Union Services. Were held in. the hiethodtst churches on Sunday — in Main Street church, in the Morning and in jellies Street church in the, evening Medi preaching. Rev. Walker who sown go:., to China, assisted in the services. A similar arrangement has been Made for next Sunday. The, Anniversary and harvest Thanksgiving serv'1ees of the Trivitt Memorial Church will be held this. year on Sunday, Sept. ill,. *hen fikev. Coitlins, rector 'of Windsor, a former incumbent of the Trivitt Memorial, willl have charge of both services and special: music will be rendered 'yy the : la•air, Announcement has been made of the amalgamation of Wm. Gray -Sons - t ampbell Lomited, and Gray -Dort Motors, Limited, by which change the entire energies, building and other, facilities of the former will be turned over to tree use of the latter to pro- vide additional space needed to pro- perly handle the rapidly increasing huntress of the Motor Car factory. Mr. George Snell Landed a beautiful giike front the river west of here on Wednesday ref last week, that was three feet long and weighed nine pounds. We did not see the fish but Gorge vouches for the authenticity & both measurement and weight, so we are obliged toaccept it as not being an exaggerated fish story. hiss Irmo Sweet 3s vi;i;ting in In- gersoIl, 11Ir, Gordon, Apneton.- Was in Loan - don Saturday, Mies Edith Davis is visiting her sister at Winham. Hiss Edna Bissett is holidaying irl London. and Sarnia. -Miss Lilly Collingwood spent the week end itt London. Miss Ethel Sweet, milliner, has re- turned to Tilt sonburg, Miss Hcrney, nurse, of Chicago, is visiting her mother here. Mrs. Davis of itlitchall visited her daughter Mrs. FredAlay, Miss _Margaret Pickard visited Miss Margaret Sharp at Simcae, :Hiss Katie Collins of Toronto is visiting ' hiss Kathleen Stewart. Mr. Gerald Fitton of Loudon was home for a few days this week, Mr, and Airs, J. G. Stanbury vis- ited 401'a few days in New York. Mr. Victor Sweet of Windsor is holidaying with his parents here. Mr. T. S. Woods has returned from a holiday in Dutton and Detroit, Mrs. S. Fitton has returned from a Visit ht. Toronto and Owen, Sound.; Dr. Sam. Thomas of London spent a few days with Mr. Wilbur "Martin; Afrs, Jas. _McIntosh of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew. Mr. J. A. Sanders sof Woodstock spent a few days last week with re- Iatives in town, Air. Gould of Detroit is visiting„ ret- atives and friends here, the guest of Mr. W. E. Sanders—lits Medd has returned from spend - leg a lew weeks' holiday in the south part of the ; rovinee, Mr. and Ars. Campbell of Hamilton are vi:ltors here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs F. J. De;Ibridge. \Iia.r Annie Sanders after a two we- eks visit at her home here, returned to Stratford Saturday morning. Mr. Frank Sims left last week for t Snowflake, ;Ian.. to spend several weeks helping with the harvest. Itte Fred 'McPherson, who enlisted in the West, has returned from over- seas and 's visiting his parents, Exeter North, Miss Emma Fisher left haat week to visit her brother in Montreal, airs Wallace Fisher accompanied her, after a visit here. Mr. Harold Boyle has returned to Toronto. Ilia sister, :glias Lill ian,who has been quite ill weith quinsy, is re - malting tor a few days, Mrs. Emma Sanders, who was here attending the funeral of her sort, Ed- ward R., ppent a few days with friends at Zurich during the week, Messrs. Alvin Moir, Arthur Mitchell, Gordon Oke and Lorne Oke, left on Thursdays for Crystal Ciiy, Man., to help with the Western harvest. Mr, Chas. Kerr and son of Benmiller were pleasant callers on the Advocate Monday. They had been visiting rel- atives and friends at Crediton over Sunday. Mrs. Shosenberg and son Roy, who recentlj returned from overseas, vis- ited Mrs Hawkshaw and Mrs. Newell: for a few days, returning to London Saturday • 1 Mr John. Quirk, a former conduetor on. this branch of .the G. r. R., and Mr, R. F. Wil?] I .qts, manager of the Bank of Commerce, of Wingham, all ed fluent:, in town on Thursday night. rtir, Quirk .is now ,over 87 years of age, and moves around with remark- able agility and is more sprightly than many a man thirty years his junior, Musical CAR TURNED OVER. While driving his father's 1l Me vii- 011CePt, lin car on .Monday evening Algville Gladman experienced an unpleasant accident. He was meeting another car driven by Rev. Foote, just west of the culvert at Mr. H. Smith's on the Lake Road. The road there is narrow and the wheels of one side went into the ditch and the, car over- turned. The occupants were na; injured, but the top of the car was badly damaged. Melville was running slowly at the time, which accounts,for the mktimunl rof damage being done. FORMER RESIDENT DEAD. Mr. W. J. McRoberts, of Pa,rkhili and a former well -known resident and grain -buyer ,01 Exeter, passed away in Parkhill ran Tuesday, Aug, 16, af- ter tter a few weeks' .ill suss. He was en- gaged in the undertaking business un- til a few months ago. Mr. McRoberts was a school. trustee .in that town, al- so, a northwest veteran and served as captain, in the 26th Batta}Ithon:,, He is survived by his widow, Mary McRob- erts, one soli, Noble; of Sarnia, and two .brothers, David and George of Chicago. The funeral took place. on Thursday. Dr, and Mrs. Reulston and son have returned from their holiday in Mus- koka.. Alis Audry Webster returned to her home in "London the latter part of last week, after a three weeks' vis- it with th.e Misses 'Disnney. Mr. T. H. Newell, who is now . en charge of the Gray, -Dort district of Huron, and Perth,. is in, Perth County this week, appodanting dealers, TO CORRESPONDENTS W rite o at one side of the paper Check off this list, it .nap assign you to remember an important item: Deaths Marriages, Births. Accidents, Church Nsews, Suppers' or Presentations': Remtovals, VWtors, Lodge- Nws, Fires, Public Improvernenta, Law Cases, The Crops, School Matters. Avoid all items reflecting on per- sonal character, • but send ALL THF NEWS. R ,the Opera House, Exeter Thurs. Evening, Aug. 28th. givlen by MISS GLADYS SLAY, Soprano Solo- ist and reader of Sarnia. MISS KATHRYNO SELLS, Pianist, London • MISS GRETA LAMMIE, Violinist,. Hensel!. Senior Students of the Ontario School, for the Blind, Brantford, Come and enjoy a varied program, ar- tistically rendered. Program at 8 o'clock. Admission 35c. Reserved Seats 50c. Plan Halal Hawey''s Drug Store. MARRIAGE LICENSES, ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants,. of this town, agree to ciose our places of business on Wednesday at 12.30. ©'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception that 'when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Tones ,and May W. J. 'Beaman H. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle, W. J. Beer. P. Frayne WM. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers, M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton J. Lawson—Telephone Office obeli. The Times The Advocate .i ,. If JONES • & MONS 32 CANADA MOD DOARD' LICENSE NO 8-3620 This Stare will close each Wedoeaday afternoon at 12,30• dorm g June, July anal' August. Stylish, comfortable— We omfortable—We have in stock a C/C a la Grave Corset to suit every type of figure. Colne and see them. FIRST SHIPiMENT OF LADIES' & MISSES FALL COATs. We have just received our first shipment sofLadies', Misses' ani Children's Fall. and Winter Coatst. The popular caors this fall are the browns, taupes, silver greys. greens and nervy. The most popular cloths are silvertones and velours. Prices moderate. We would advise an early selection of fall; garments as many lines will be StXace on account of thq strike situation causing such a. scarcity of good NEW FALL AND WINTER FURS. The new Fur Styles are here. We mould also advise early buying in this line! Prices in some.'linea are, slifhtly higher and in 'athero about the same as last season. Cape styles in neck aur.= with small muffs well W the most pouular styles. WOOL SWEATERS FOR COOL EVENINGS. We have a beautiful range of wool .sweaters fo; Lades, Mere ar. Chicdren for early fall selling. These garments are very ne-.•t.-,sary for the cool evenings in late summer and arly fail. EMBROIDERY SPECIAL—T11:'s week 21,0 .yards fine cors. t •over rrzx- broicdery worth 50c, yd, good patterns to clear at 29c. yd. JONES & MAY Headquarters for 'the Ce1'eb' ated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing for Men and Boys. Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets Fall term opens September 2, 1919 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. J. etorritt, Principal. Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF -TIRES. All work guanan.teeid. Casli for old tires, TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Surgeon, wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and, apnrec- fates the patronage he has received 'in C. W. ROBINSON the old stand and hopes' for a Contin- LICENSED AUCTIONE1r,R AND uance of the same in his new office. VALUATOR for Counties of Hurpn Calls promptly attended to day er Perth, Waddfesex and Oxford. Farm night. Phone . 8. Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at MONEY TO LOAN Cockebatt Ware -rooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses itt good condition. Geldings 5 year' old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up, Parties haring therequired stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. Se DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stagtbuay's Office, Maims Street, Exeter FRANC TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Prices Reasonable alniC Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. We have a• large amount of private funds to hoes on farm and village' property nt low rates of interest. GL -ADMAN & S'I ANB#JRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Gommissctorber, Solicitor for the Mal- loons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter, FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL IVY R r*aRt7. oN7. WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST &, BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL We have COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND :and TELEGRAPHY depart- nlents','-Have experienced instructors. ;give tbrrotigh courses and s -e ass::,st graduates to ,positions,—W ri`e' for free Catalogue. D. A. McLachlan , . . . Priri c,i,pa". Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee atnd every- thing in the grocery .hmie Call and see us. A trail as to quality will convin- ce. Producetaken in exchange. Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. _ ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER SOUTHCOTT BROS. DRESSY SHIRTS FOR MEN We are showing new patterns in good wearingmaterials "Arnow" "Lang" and "Tooke" makes., See our new crepe as , Ts fish Arrow Shirts, They are nifty. Priced at 52.00 $2.50 $3. NEW NECKWEAR FOR MEN. You are sure to like the new patterns. They arel made from good duality silks. Pr•.iced at 75c, 51.00, 51.25 SWEATER COATS FOR MEN You will need ane to slip on, these pool evenings.r Splendid check pat- terns io, al wool ,coats. Priced at , 59.00 HOUSE :DRESSES Made from good quality, good wear ,ng print.,, in dark ,grey colors. Very neat and ,serviceable. Priced at `` 52:60 an,d .2.75 BLACK UNDERSKIRTS 'You will wonder how we gat them to sell at the pric,ett Sizes 34 to 424 Price,c1 at 51.85. SOUTHCOTT BROS