HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-21, Page 5TEMPLE N'S
ASRoopg8��la2 K
-t"gt �a YEARS
I5 sucCES$
A preparation which has won its enviable reputation
solely on its merits, The safe, sure and speedy remedy
for all Rheumatic complaints,
Sole =Agents for Exeter. Mail $104 to thiss address o- w '4'empleton's
14Z King 1$'., Toronto, and T. R. C.'s will be sent postpaid.
lncosp n•. -ted in 1655
eel it .1 uid Reserve nasal) %WO.
oee.' 11rt) 13r:rnulee,
ra i'vtil, i't-s st ix-ilei:ltll; mit : he habit of s'av'ing
left.; : t iialrtit"tt.r, .'.'"}lit' {la•Itctatlttg the fin-
al an el standing,
S M�"9 t1 .; t's1;11 . IA -tea 1 , ;la:,trig nsul1
11llll a. •i,•. t.:i' ,vi. g- .i ;! f io:sohti Bank,to 31• , it . �' + t'l;t ntey nee iv. Nti • :11:411 1 ht. saiis-
1 I t ilea E•:'f'+' WIC(' t . -tIl -we
r'tf't ' ° at the
M t t ; Va•..
d on ee .i,. d •te* system
)rail :t , r:.1 CH
:. s ' is \I. n tr.a•r.
, c tt: an. Bran, '1.1
Its ASS,AM quality gives it
that rich flavor
TEAs good tea
Sold only in sealed packages
If you are renewing or subatcrib-
keg 3 or any of the Canadian daily or
weekly pavers', you may do so at this
office. We have always looked after
this !or scorn of oar subscribers and
acre still diking do. We can give it to
you, cheaper ass well as save all expen-
Des in. cormeectieto, avid nowadays it
oosta at least 'eiglrst cents in cash be-
sildes 3ta'ttilonery, to order a paper
Take Notice that the alunicipal
Council of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter will take into con-
sideration, and if approved, will pass
at its meeting to be held on. the Sev-
enth day of September, 1919, at the.
hour of eight o'clock p.m., at the
Town Hall in the said Village of Ex-
eter a by-law for stopping up and dis-
posing 01 the road allowance, being
that part of Brock Street between
the North Side of Wellington Street
and 'the Northerly Limit of Brock
Street aforesaid, and disposing of Lo1
Number two hundred and five abutt-
ing on the said Northerly Limit of
Brock Street aforesaid, which saii3
street and lot are shown on the map
or plan of the subdivision of part of
Lot number twenty-three in the First
Condession of the Township of Ste-
phen,; known as the Isaac Carling Sur-
vey,- but snow in the 'said Village of
Exe ter.
- Ansi the Council will at that time
and place hear . in person, or by his
counsel, solicitor, or agent, any per-
san who claims that his land will be
pre)udic:ally affected by the by-law
and who ap.Ties to be heard.
Dated this Fifth clay ;of August 1919
Joseph Senior,
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9
-of "The Voters' List Act" the eop-
les required by the said sections to
be sc transmitted or delivered of the
list made pursuant to 'said act, of all
persons appearing by the last revis-
i. ed Assessment' Roll of the said Mun-
icipality to be entitled to vote in :he
said Municipality at Elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal Elections, and, that
said list was•;first posted up at my
affice al Crediton, .on the 3lst day
of July, A D.1919, trod' remajiria there
for inspection. , ;te
And I hereby „call 'upon affcwoters,
to take immediate proceedings to
have any.errors or omissions, correct-
ed according .' to law: ..
Dated at Crediton this 31st day of
July 1919.
Clerk of SteDhe.rt Township,
Ailsa Craig
St, Marys
West McGillivray
Sept. 23•-24
Sept 22-'23
Sept 15-16
Oct. 1-2
Sept 15-17
Oct. 2-3
Sept 6-13
Sept 23-24
Sept 18-19
Sept 18-19
Sept 18-19
Sept 24-25
Aug 23 -Sept 6
Oct. 3
Oct 8-9
Sept. 17-18
Nalawni Victory
�� e
CDebs anon
TO BE OPENED 13Y H.11.11.,
Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6
British Grenadier Guards Band
War Memorial Paintings
Sensation Of the art world,
recording every phase of
Canadian operations overseas.
Mammoth ' assemblage of
,monster guns, aeroplanes and
all the instruments of . hellish
warfare captured by Canadian
soldiers from the Hun.
Canada's Flying Circus
Cols. Barker and Bishop and
other world famous acesin
surrendered German planes.
Festival of Triumph
,lLe'Moat Ctirring of all Grand Stand Spectadea
Th render° d the Go m u, Fleet'
r yp'i Vers;iltes Castle—Victory Arch,
A11e y's c t -y 'n'o J3raysalera.
Ant a nc re t111,1: , x r or. in_ry ` eature:
t., G _.,._,:. _1.3.':0.i oi' ALL TIMES
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During The Week
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Ppt into
Handy and. Attractive Shape for
the )leaders of Our Paper ..— A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Export of Canadian milk may be
stopped by the Cost of Living Com-
The Women's Labor 'Dion held a
mass meeting in Queen's"Park,
Ilon. Frank Carvell commenced his
new work as head of the Dominions
Railway Board.
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, the
new Liberal 1e Wer, May tour the
West this fall,
Dr. S. F. Tolrnie, the new Dom-
inion 'Minister of Agriculture, enters
upon his duties to -day,
We. -tern Canada Flour shares ad-
vanced S() points to 170 on the To-
ronto Stoek Exchange.
The $3,000,000 Province of ,Osx-
tario bond issue sold at 00,67, which
Makes the rate of interest 5.75.
Guelph ratepayers defeated the
railway bylaw, the vote being over-
ver_lrhelmingly in favor of public owner-
The Roumanian Geavernwent
mantling additional territory in 13a-
nat at ':
, tc orditrt; to d+ei:apattchf''s Yx'ana,
'f"lte Toronto polio'- erre ted a era -
teen for slropliftina, and clairn slie
tote a bag hi whie:lt to Barry outer
stolen goods,
itnce riots its Jatl alen on July 30
were suppressed after West Indian
1t'arers and suurineas,with machine
guns, had been called out.
The London police have seized a
q'rranttty of seditious documents of
Bolshevik origin, and important ax-
rc.3t:r are likely to take place.
The Dominion bowling tournanieu;
opened in Toronto yesterday under
auspteioas circumstances, 01 nn en-
try list of 200 there were only ten.
The Commercial Cable Company
announced at New York yesterday
the resumption of direct communica-
tion with China and Siberia through
the repairing of the Manila -Shang-
bat cable,
Forest fires arta again raging near
Sault Ste. Marie.
The railway shopmen are return-
ing to work everywhere in the West-
ern States.
Honduran revolutions have suffer-
ed defeat at the bands of the Gov-
Thomas Allan, a. school teacher for
1 years In Durham, was honored by
former pupils.
Sir Herbert Antes, M.P. of Mont-
real, may be Financial Director of the
League of Nation.
Twelve thousand farmers from the
district about Bridgeburg attended a
plenic at Crystal Beach.
Cort of Living +omtnissiouer Mc-
Fall makes eharges against the Re-
tail Merchants' Association.
It is believed that Viscount Grey
will accept the post of British Am-
bassador to the United States.
Dr. R. A. Thompson, Principal of
the Hamilton Collegiate Institute for
27 years, was called by death.
Toronto letter carriers have receiv-
ed from Ottawa a statement of the
conditions governing their bonuses.
Andrew Carnegie's remains are to
be buried on Thursday in Sleepy
Hollow Cemetery at Tarrytown, N.Y.
The executive cef British Labor's
Triple Alliance bus decided to post -
'pone its direct :..tion referendum on
political demands.
The Black le -nights of Ireland
commemorated the tenet of Derry by
a parade and rally at Scarboro'
Beach, Toronto, with speeches and
Marshall B. Young was arrested in
Ottawa and will be oaken to Toronto
to answer to a charge of having ob-
tained $5,500 worth of Victory bonds
by fraud.
Frank F. Troeh, of Vancouver,
Wash., yesterday established a new
world's record when he broke the
entire 200 targets at the American
handicap trap shooting tourney at
Chicago. J. E. Jennings of Todmor-
den finished in second place with 198.
The new Board of Commerce was
Frank S. Wright won the American
doubles final.
Canada's net debt is over 1,600
million dollars.
Fares on the Hamilton Radial Rail-
way are to be increased. •
The Union of Canadian Municipali-
ties discussed the high cost of living.
Attorney -General Palmer- of the
U. S. has entered suit to dissolve the
"cement combination."
Hon. James Calder and Hon.
Arthur Meighenleft for the West to
investigate crop conditions.
Maj. -Gen. A. C. Macdonell took.
over his duties as commandant of
the Royal Military College.
James Enright took his own life at
the home of a friend in Toronto by
cutting his throat with a razor.
Forty thouea,nd Polish Jews have
made application at Warsaw for per-
mission to emigrate to America.
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King will
probably be the Liberal candidate
at the bye -election in Glengarry,
The Toronto Board of Control re-
jected the proposal to spend $25,000
on decorating the city streets in hon-
or of the Prince of Wales.
An interesting find of .diamonds
has been made on .the African Gold
coast. The stones' are said to be
small, but of good` quality. ' ea.
It is expected that the great Inter-
Church_movement will be deferred in
order that the 'Government .Peace
Loan may )take tiaightr of way.
Then ;orewers of the 1J;. S. have
called a big conference at Atlantic
City for September 28 to?concentrate
action for repeal of ".the liquor
The Prince of Wales, it hasbeen
announced, will review 30,000 vet-
erans' its Tomato a.hd present more
than a00 war decoraticns during his
visit to: the eity.
The Hydro-electrie Commission
has applied to the Dorrxinion Govern-
ment for reimbursement for extra-
ordinary war expenditures totalling
more than 54,900,000.
A portion of an'airplane, with the
end eharred, bas been washed ashore
on the Connecticut coast, and one
theory is that it is the machine of
the lost Canadian nee, Capt M, R.
The Board of Commerce issued its
first instructions regarding proee
A British munition dump at Co-
logne exploded, killing fourteen
W. 3. Snelgrove, London rink, won
the Ontario Trophy at the D.B.T.
Two were 'killed and several injur-
ed by an explosion in one of Kitch-
ener's big industrial plants.
trite British Government as a re-
sult of danger to the earnertlans May
leave troops in the Caucasus.
Bail was refused Rev. Wm. Ivens
and the other Winnipeg strike lead-
ers who were committed for trial.
The United Farmers of Ontario
will have candidates in the four SIM -
coo mutely ridings in the 'provincial
elle tions.
Many arena:tie has"e bed•n made re-
garuin ° alleged omissions and in-
accurac•ir-s in the Ontario referendum
ftneea German t.'tnnnxieeion-
e=r ti• Argentina rttina is negotiating for
s3t£t purela tee of large tracts of land.
a that o;t,rtltry,
Fire t^lie t ltuateell hu.. lttlritditted
a startling , :hurt to tint mayor re-
rdinte Toronto etrrwteras, which be
•agards as are -traps.
nnere e 1, arn.'art was placed under
areal l ar.i a ill be charged with man-
-laughter as the result of the inquest
into the +leach of Norman I1avole.
,1st istino Uri of Toro:,to was ar-
r•'tt, .e charged with criminal n<gii-
ence t.1 ata re;`ult. of having struck
with l•i; —' ,t,ireyvle and injured Mer-
le Cairra:a.
The ilri=ish exxpenditurts for mili-
tary and naval operations in Russia
from the date of the arn.istiee until:
the end of July amounted to $350;
Thorn+ is to be a shake-up in the
Quehee Cabinet.
The Prince of Wales was given a
great r.-,. +iron at St. John, N.14.
«•:.' txaain-growers want the
Carl':+° ,", •' £+,r their wheat es United
States 're tit.
A we• e. matin on Bathurst street,
Toront-e, :.cart* last night and flood-
ed tlt • .-rre•'t ;or many blocks.
The Athol Governments will try
Bali Krrn fur weirder, and have want-
ed Au ti int to keep him safe.
Tire Polish campaign in the Minsk
district is s,teeec',iing, the Red tomes
eetreating on the whoie line.
One boy was drown to and two
etivetI by climbing a tell ate.ph pole in
.e dramatic accident ar Cornwall.
An advance. on Petrograd, which
it to hoped will be decisive, is an-
n'a.:nre:l from anti 130 aicvik sources.
The. Premier of Japan says resti-
1 utio.t of Shantung and Klao-Chau.
111 be made without nnnecessary
i. er.
rhe ,etaners Saxonia end Baltic
satyr) from Liverpool on Wednesday
vise +,:madi,xn troops ant depen-
dent s.
11x, Hastings submitted his report
to the Toronto Board of Health ask-
ing for better care to tameless
The Carranz.t Government is not
to be permitted to import. more arms
from the United States for the
C. it :=.,e rtsor_ of Canadas won the
singles foal at the Dominion tour-
nament ye, :;•day. The doubles final
was won by St. Matthelw's.
Lycett anti Thomas, the Austra-
Tian tennis players, were both beaten
in the singles yesterday at Cedar-
hurst, N.Y.
A. E. O'Leary, ex -president of the
Toronto Trades and Labor Council,
issued a writ against James Simp-
son, claiming $10.,000 darrtages, for
charges made against him.
The former Kaiser has bought a
country house in Holland.
Thomas Hoar, ha• bormaster at.
Iiowmanville, was killed by lightning
while lighting the lamps Saturday
Ernest Pratte, of Sorel, was drown-
colliindedthe. St. Lawrence, near Pierre
Island,' when a barge and a yacht
D. J. Taylor, a farmer, of Wiarton,
was nominated Saturday as joint
U. F. O. and Labor. candidate for
North Grey.
Guelph Junction Railway, the
city's municipal road, has yielded a
12 per cent. dividend for the quarter,
or $20,400.
Seven thousand men and women
have been imprisoned in Budapest as
a result ,of anti -Bolshevik raids by
the Roumanians.
John. Mills died as the result of
his being struck by lightning in To-
ronto during the electric storm of
Saturday evening.
Cholera is raging in many parts of
China. Shanghai, Dairen and Tien
Tsin have become infected, and there
are numerous deaths,
Mr. Perkins Bull, founder of a.
military hospital in England, is visit-
ing the province;: and described the
war work of, that institution.
Hon. A. L. Sifton, •Minister of Cus
tons, who, with Hon. C. J. Doherty,
signed the Peace Treaty at Versailles
on behalf of Canada, has returned to
Clifford Wilde, aged 14, was .acc-
dentally'kiiled in Toronto by a ;bullet
from a revolver which was disehai•g
ed while -.his' mother was about to.
pack it.
R: L. Braekiri's nomination. as Lib-
era) candidate at. next, election for the
Ontario 'Legislature ewes ratified at a'
convection for West Kent at Chatham
Toronto luagistrate announces that'
reckless motor drivers could no, long
er expect to get off With lines, but
would be given a jail term in every
ease of eonviction, r '
Children Cry for F letcher's
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Cb- .n.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's nett ?�e
is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily pi;. tied
for .grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the r of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and C' ' - ri
that brought Castoria before the public after years of rt
and no claim has been made for it that its use for c> ..: J
years has not proven,
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cast :r Ola, Pa=
Drops and Soothing Syri' jr It is rl2a2. rt. It c
neither Opium, Ater/thine nor other itar+;st c substan--.
age is its guarantee. For more thea thirty years
been. in constant use. for the relief of c,oinst;ipatio:, i'fa
Wind Colic end Diarrhoea ; allaying ris uness
therefrom, aril byr.e4 tr ,. ,.-r the F. '�,,;'' Bal. t'
the icssimilatsoxi G,.f 1"i Irl � , �3x in4:' Itee alt "R at.d :la B�,:xp..
The Children's Canift.rt -Tits:
L Se OT over64
:Hfi CfitiTALIR . r.},;.•..• e e CawY
F°RD Touring Cars and
Roadsters can now be supplied
with newFord electric starting and
lighting systems as OPTIONAL
This electric equipment is a Ford
productbuiltby theFord Company in their
own factory, and consisting of Generator,
Starting Motor and Storage Battery.
It is as reliable and efficient as the Ford
Motor, into which it is built.
The Ford Standard Magneto also supplies
ignition independent of the batteries.
Ford Runabout, $6So. Touring, $690
On open models the Eleatic Starting and Lighting Equipment
is Poo extra,
Coupe, $975. Sedan, $min. (Closed modet'prices include
Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment).
"These prices ate f. a. b. Ford, Ont., and do not include Wac Tax.
Electric Starting and Lighting
Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September 6th to 13th, 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Attractions Johnny 3. Jones
Better Midway
Than Ever Exposition
Auto Entrance eor. Dundas and Egerten, Usual Entrance at Gates.
Grand Stand 50e and :256.
1'arize Lists,Entry Forms and all informatton from the Secretary
LT. -COL. W.. M GARtSHQRE, ' President; A M, I#UNT, Secretary