HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-14, Page 8Exeter Markets Changed each Wednasiday 2.05 1.25 5,70 "50,00 45.00 42. 58 40 to 43 New la/nouns ours per peep,. 16.00 IiHoga.... .......« r 23.25 Fall vv heat Barley Orals Family Flour Shor"ts Bran Butter Creamery Butter Lard Trivitt Memorial Church samosa Sees Oeh as usual. Rev A. A. Trump. r morning evening,. ,. : you had new corr. an the .•ob yet Bay, hot ias good. Mara: a; our people went to Grand Send Wednesday to attend the Gala Day spurts• Mr A M. Gamble, welding' anaiateer, with tha Preat-O-Lite Company of Canada. Taranto, was here on rues - dal an I ;metalled a welding outfit fox Mr.. T Nelson at the Gray -Dort Gar- age Whitt: here he did several pieces of we ding an! instructed Mr. Nelson its the working of .the alma. 'rite 'T' • position to dolatter wilt he in a work of this nature, w h w h is fre- quently quer tly required its reps ring auto- mobiles. mobiles. The outfit consists of art oxygen and a Prest-O tank, does tubing, blowers, acids et.:, and e a complete job. CARD OF TII AN'K'S The tam ly° .>: the late airs. y r,.les Uarris, a wash to return thara'i:s to tr. t: rlit r, : r:l arieltds who eXtOidt: heaa .i o v repatha lttr.r the illness and ..ulasau.:t death at their odt- er STENOGRAPHERS RE. EIVta GOOD POSITIONS. Two aistars, *aloes any itta;h S hoai edu aticn, who recaattav at,. tended the C mfrs: Bu- ness College a+f Stratford arc now earning $Qai and $95 per rnanth, restfe::t vely. as sten- nographers. Commercial .ite offers -splendid ,onportunit._s for girls as well ;as for boys, wh r le the Central is one of Ontario's best i, arum.re ial c: hovels. HELP WANTED A woman to wort: by the day. Ap ply at Centrax Hotel, Exeter. FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE —shock absorbers, speedometer, extra ire, tire carrier new tires, tire titbits full; set tools, instrument board freshly painted, first class running cr- der—Gets. E. Hay, Centralia V i1Iae, V. V. M. An Abortion Anti-tosize for cattle, that does the work. It cleans your herd of: contagious abortion and pre- vents your calves from having White Scour: Consult Drs. Sweet se Vining Exeter. Ida 'Cad CO1'1'AG. ruR asaisE. r, buet, :ottase .a a st- ,.lass re pair with one; acre ,and. Good frame stable •18x3:+_ hen house 14x24; fruit tree, ata.! ;mall frtuts; house hated with furnace and is beautifully situat- ea in Exeter. For particulars apply .o I. R. Carling. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air motot outfit we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air JOHN TAYLOR • SPECIAL All Silk and Voile Blouse: reduced for week., Thursday, and Saturday, Summer Goods still continues at Mrs. W D. Yea's, . Machine Shop for Exeter J. G. Cochrane (returned) has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention given too all repairs AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED. Having rented the mechanical end of = the Ford Garage Business we are prepared to give full satisfaction to al who require service on automo- biles . or gas engines,. We repair all makes of cars an -1 engines: SpeciAal service on Ford and McLaughlin. cars for Mao Snell. as fFIo le. Free air. Harvey's Flour is good flour. Bi,erlimg's Stare, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday flights during June. July and- August Reports In regard to our flour are great. "Bread we made from thatlast sack of Modell is th:e'best we ever had in the house" ;. "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top •of the oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. 'THE W'.VATKINS AGENT bandies sal kinds of :spring tonics for both man and beast' also toilet articles. Their ices ane flavorings are the purest �t an kret. Only sold by their < on; the:. m rigeats'to the consumer- ... 'OVm• Andrew, Agent, Exeter, phone 43 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanceonat dhealAdvocate Of- fice. Strictly ess :required •- EXETER .1 jlVOCATE, THURBDAY, AUG, 14 lel €i Local Doings Rev T. T. 'George occupied James Street Church pulpit very acceptably on Sunday. air Thos. McCurdy of Usborne•.has purchased the residence of lir. 13enre S t uires or, the South Boundary, The summer is dry alright. In more ways than lone, but a little rain on Tuesday brightened things up a little a gain. The popular pastor of the Baptist church at Ansa Craig for the past five years, Rev, A. A, Fanlay, has accepted a call to Burges,sville. The "I•riv tt .lIemorial Sunday Schaal p.r..ked at Grand Bend oa \Vedne4-. tray or this we*, and the tittle ones enjoyed their usual annual outing. air, John Pedier has for some weeks been suffering from an ;effectio,t in hi right eye, the .disease having com- pletely banded the sight, and o is leaned It ? ; now beyond recovery. Mr. Wright, organist of James St. Methodist Church has been engaged for another year. His mother, airs. \Wight, will move to town and will lead the singing in James St. Chtu ch: air ZVm. Waal has purchased the haus(' and four acres of land next tq Mr. H. Edw*rthy's farm, Huron Street East. from Mr. Chas. Perkins. The present occupants are Mr. and firs. .D Richards. A number of petty thefts front psouttle's buggies have been reported n town of late. A few nights ago Mr. Wm. Bowden of Stephen, made. 3 nn t I n t ae of purchases at Messrs. Jane, es May's store. anal placing them the back -of lila ran pttt the too uta and drove home, but to their dis- apnointment when going to remove the al titles found all had been stolen. The thieves had evidently Watched Mr, Bowden put the goods to the buggy anyl taking advantage of the upraised tate retrieved •thein while he was driv- h s, A .harp lock out is being ;soot tai t91, hilly parties and ;f 'augtht will due as v : r. y:Lois with. A v. • ;dna picture has 1>een on rain pinus, In Mr. Jos. Senior's w'at dow tor sometimes, The owner is Mr. limner Bagshaw, he having had it cnlargi. i from a smaller one which he brought with him from overseas. Tsars ptograuh embraces a large area. of the fighting- ground in. France, chow ins." the trenches of the Allies and Ger any, vast fields of grain. in. various stage :f ripening, which had been sawn before: it had became a fighting grestral. and many other interesting features. T•w o villages are clearly visible and the -grain fields show a mase or spots cut :down by shells fire. Mr Bagshaw prizes the •picture very much as it was on these grounds that he was fighting about a year ago and teas wounded. CAR BADLY SMASHED. Mr, Mahon of the Bank -of Corn -t move, acc-ompattied by his brother, wh•t was visiting him, met with an auto accident on the way home from Gland Bend Saturday night. He was driving Sar. Vining's car, when they .,u°' ieniy ran into a fog and going inti the ditch the car turned tur- tle, and windshield, top and doors were badly smashed„ The car was brought home on its own power. For- tunately the !cascupanas were uninjured, The damage wilt run into hundreds of dollars. DEATH-. OF EDWARD R. SANDERS Last week mention was made in these columns of the serious illness of Edward R. Sanders.( This week St is our sad duty to record his deatth, he having passed away at his home in Muskegon Heights, Mich, at the youthful age of 18 years, 7 months and 12 days. Deceased had enjoyed his usual good health until five weeks previous to his demise, when he wan taken down with an acute attack of Addison's disease and sinking daily passed away on Tuesday, August 15, Declassed ed was a ,son of the late Ed- ward and Emma Sanders, former res- idents, and was born San the, town ` of Elora. For a number of years he and his mother have lived at Sand Lake and Muskegon Heights, Michigan, He was a young man of exempliary habits kind and affectilosmte and had en- deared hianself to a large ,circle of friends who deeply regret his early demise. His remains were brought to Exeter by train on Thursday and the funeral took place from the home' of his grandmother, Mrs. Thos: Snell. Huron Street, on Friday to the Ex- eter cemetery, Rev. Truinper officiat- ing. RETURNED SOLDIER FILLED. On Monday morning Exeter citizens were shocked to read in the daily pavers of the accidental death of Fred Tucker at the Speedwell Milit- ary Hospital, Guelph, due to his fall- ing over all-ingaver a cliff into a stone quarry 150 feet in depth., Fred .left • here only t few weeks ago for London foe further r medical treatment, and from London he was sent to Guelph. It an - pears that while walking about the grounds on. Thursday or Friday of last week he fell over the edge of the quarry and was: killed. The body was found by a ;farmer who was passing on Sunday, and o.ir an inquest being held death was stated to have been purely accidental. The body was badly pruiyed in the fa]Il. The hos- pial officials had missed him for two or three days, but thought ice was on leave: Mr. Tucker who was 45 years of age, had been a resident of Exeter for several years, being anom- ploye of the Jackson. Factory. Hel •en- listed with the Huron 'Battalion and saw a year in the trenches, and was returned to Canada about a year ago ow•iug to rheumaltisiria Until a•:few weeks ago hye. worked ,withthe. °Jack•-. son:corn any at . Clinton.; ' Fred was well and famarablY known here and . n.. hits death. is?:greatly- regretted, It was his intention to zetuen to Exeter in a few weeks, and he and Mr. Davis, the manager of the Jackson Company, had been corresponding to that end. • Mr, Arthur Sanders sustained a pain- ful injury to his eye on • Saturday, when a chain that goes around the wagon box flew up and struck the eye Luckily the si ht was not in- jured. - . The death, occurred on Monday of this week of Essy Case; widow of the late .William Jeckell, aged ' 77 years A fuller ob ituary • notice will be prepared and given Advocate read- ers in our next issue, - Therc seemed to be a cloud of smoke over this district all day Mon- clay, so that the sun was scarcely vis- Bble at any time. There was no smei.'l t.> the smoke, and gaa Dane knows from what quarter it came, lies; rs, James Bell, G. E. iafcTag . gart, W. J. Neaman and R. G. SO. - don went to Toronto to bowl at the Dominion Bowling Touraey this week. J. A Stewart accompanied them, E J. Christie's rink of bowlers con- sisting o —.sisting of W. Rivers, W. 5. Russell, N. J. Dore and E. Is Christie.atte,nxl:- ed the St. Marys bowling tournament on Monday, making a 50-50 record,. winning two and losing two games. Oa Monday the Seidon rink at Tor- onto lost their first game and,.woai the second by default. Se -Idols also play- ed its the AIF -Conners vs. Toronito contest Monday night and lost • his game, BROKE HIS LEG. Mr. Ed. Shantou of 'the 3rd con- cession of Stephen was painfully in - ed while drawing in grain, on Mon- day of this week': He had taken a load in the barn and while adjusting something an. the top of the. load fell to the, floor below And la the Sall e injuread hi: shoulder and brokebrokeIntis left leg just above the ankle. Medical aid was summoned and he is now resting easily, but it w'o1d,be some. time before he will have use of the injured limb. DEATH OF MRS, HARRISON. On Saturday last Exeter lost orw o£ its oldest and .most resj o ted citiz- ens, in the person of Mrs. Charles Hatrisorc in her 87th year. She was bora near Holsworthy,. Devon, En.. When she was nine years of age :he. with het parents. Mr. and Mrs, John Jones sailed for Upper Canada, At - ter lanlang at Montreal they made their way to Beverly Township, near Hamilton. While there she grew to womsnhool, facing bravely all the hardships of pioneer life. Shortly t ter her marriage she, with her hus- band, moved to Derby Township near Owtlt Sound. Again pioneer life more real than ever was her tate. She bravely faced her trials, common tool) its that new settlement, for twenty years, when the family moved to this vicinity; She was well known in Ro- erville, where they carried on trust farming- She is survived to mourn her loss, b, one mar and five daugh- ters Dr J. W. Harrison. of Detroit, Mrs. Samuel Holman of Crystal City, Mrs. Richard Taps? hof Virden, Mrs. G. Rooke, Mrs. Arthur Francis. and Mrs, Wm, Ford of Exeter and vicinity., The funeral was held on. Monday to Exeter cemetery, Mrs Ed. Treble visited in London last week. Miss Stella GiVijies is visiting near Chatham for a few weeks. Mr. J. R, Inksa,ter and family re. turned to Paris on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and son of London are holidaying here. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Coates of Pe- troia are visiting relatives here. Mr. Davidson of London is visiting at the rectory for a few days. Mr Perry Windsor of Owen Sound ;pent Sunday with his parents here, Mr. Jos. Taman. of Toronto visited his brother, W. W.I. for a few days, Mrs. Richard Sweet of afaattoba is visiting at the home of Dr. Sweet, Miss _Madeline Carling of Toronto is holidaying at Exeter and Grand Bend, Miss Belle Gould of Windsor is holidaying with her grandmother in town. Miss Marguerite K.untz returned last week from a visit with friends. in Sarnia. Mrs Ernest Webber and child are visiting with her parents Mr. and ivfrs,. S Hardy. Messrs. H. Smith and .R. E. Pick- ard attended the Liberal Convention in Ottawa. Miss Fern Short, after two weeks; holidays' at her home here, returned to London. Misses C•orsena and Ruby Parsons. left 1vlonday t o'v sit at Toroatta and Bowmianv le Mrs Yager ast,d Miss E. J4 Cunningr' ham sof Hamilton are visiting with friends in. town, Messes Mable Saunders'' of Coru.nna and Velma Jewell of London are vis- iting at Mrs. Hedden's. Dr. McDowell and family of Lis- towel were gue,i!ts of Mr. and'. Mrs). W. J. Bissett 'an Sunday. Miss Ruby Treble, after a coupe of weeks' holidays at her home here, ret turned to Toronto Monday. Mrs, Graham . Johnston and sone of• Toronto and Mrs. Thornton and fam- ily ipf. Woodstock, have returned• to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns of Tor- onto are spending their holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Well. Jahns. Mr. Frank Taylor, who has been vis- iting `his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W.•Taylor, left laslt week to visit his sister at Winnipeg, and his brother at Alsask. Mr. R N. Moir, swhio has, been vis- iting his another here for amonth, res. turned to his home ,in Lomond, Alta., Monday. going by boat is fan as Fort. William. 'Rev, and Mrs. John Walker and Miss Sadie Walker ,of Toronto, and Miss Jean Walker of London are vis-, iti+ng 'Mr and Mrs, ,W. ";Weaker •,1 Ex eter. North. : Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hanidfeed and family left Monday for Renfrew;where; Mr. Hanford will go into partnership with his brother, 'Mr, Gus. Handford, in the photography busineiss. I JONES & MAY MONS 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-x,620 This Stogie will close each W.edneeday afternoon at 12.30 during June, July and .August. SHOE 0 PEOPLE WHO MAKE A PRA€-TICE OF READING THE DAILY PAPERS HAVE NOTICED MANY ARTICLES REGARDING THE BIG ADVANCE ON ALL KINDS OF SHOES. MANY CUSTOMERS IN THE LAST COUPLE WEEKS HAVE BOUGHT TWO AND THREE PAIRS APIECE FROM US FOR FALL. YOU CAN SAVE DOLLARS BY COMING IN NOW AND 'BUYING SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT THE OLD PRICE. WE HAVE A BIG STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING LINES ..)N WHICH YOU CAN SAVE MONEY FOR FALL. LADIES' HIGH LACE KID OR PATENT EMPRESS SHOES. LADIES' HIGH BUTTON EMPRESS SHOES. LADIES' CUSHION SOLE EMPRESS SHOES. LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS AND HEAVY WORK SHOES. ODD LINES LADIES' OXFORDS, PUMPS AND WHITE SHOES. MEN'S BLACK OR BROWN SLATER SHOES, MEN'S HEAVY"WORT,'. SHOES, AS CIHEAI' AS YOU COULD BUY THEM TWO YEARS AGO. Childrens Shoes OF EVERY KIND—BLACKS, BROWNS AND FANCY. GOOD STOUT SCHOOL SHOES FOR. BOYS AND GIRLS AT OLD PRICES. REME II3ER WE ARi, SOLF AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS CLASS- IC SHOES FOR CHILDREN. RUNNING SHOES — 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF ALL RUBBER SOLE SHOES. Men's & Boy's Clothing WE CAN GIVE YOU GREAT VALUES IN THE FOLLOWING LINES,- , MEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS MEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING MEN'S TWEED RAIN COATS. MEN'S FALL COATS . BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS BOYS' COTTONADE PANTS. MEN'S OVERALLS, SMOCKS, AND ODD BLOOMERS, AND WORK SHIRTS. . MEN'S FELT HATS AND CAPS. JONES & MAY • Headquarters for the Ceiebrated Sandford R:' Lion Brands Clothing tot Ken and Boys. 110-4100...4110.41.10.4111...0101..41111 Corner Dundas` and Richmond Streets Fall terns opens September 2, 1919 clividual instruetiOn. Efficient Teachers. Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. J. Morritt, Principal, Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guamatnte . Casli for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP, Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons , All calls promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. DR. - HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Surgeon, wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and, apprec- iates the patronage he has received in the.old stand .and hopes' for a contin- uance uance of, the. same inthis new Calls ,promptly attended to day or n.igh't. Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We bane a Barge amount of private funds to cam . on farm and village proD'erty at low rates of interest. GI. -ADMAN, & S7I NBURY Barristers, Solicitors, .Exetea- ISAAC R. CARLING; B A ' Barrister,, . Sooliciltor, Notary Public, Commissinomer, SolLlciltor for t, e. Mol- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates Of interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL !, r ATFORo. ON'r. WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST &. BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. We have COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND :'and ,TELEGRAPHY depart= lnents.-Have iexperieneed .instruetors, give 'thorough eau sesr aind w.e asai,st ' graduates to''npositions positions.—Write for free Catalogue, D. A, McLachlan, Princi,pa HORSES WANTED I want an undimitrd number of Horses 4 good condition Geldings 5 year' oX up, weightmg from 1500 pounds tsp. ares from 4 years old up, weighing. from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the- required stuff, wtite or Anne 83 Exetea. G. J. DOW , G F. R,ot*iston, L. D. S., D. D. S. Dr DENTIST Office ewer Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. XINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honer Geaduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over G,Iadman & St—Imbues" Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER• AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, IVraddle.ser and Oxford. Farm stock Sales sSpecialty. Office M Cocksllett Waoterooms, - next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and e'veryr thing in the - grocery line Call and see us. A.. trail as to quality will convin-A ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Could Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROITF TIDE FUNERAL DIICTOR AND FURNITURE DEALB,R SOUTHCOTT BROS. QVERALLS, PANTS AND SMOCKS We want ypur trade for these goods and we have ,In stock; a complete range in ail sizes Sof goodl-wearing materials. Our ,prices• taco should inter- est you ..$2.00 $2.50 , $.2.75.. SMALL BOYS OVERALLS 'LARGE APB.ONS $1:00 Inlight and dark patterns made from goon quality print. Just -arrived, Your pick for $1,00. YOUTH'S OVERALLS VALENCIENES LACE 5c. Yd. 1000 yards of fine „Laces worth id the regular way 7,`,8, 10 and 15 ce¢ntS ] a yard. They go out this ,Weele at per yard 5c. TOWELLING Per Yd, 35c. Two god :vaiues in Iisuand cu sh , loseelling-elinen weft and cotton varpSaa great we(atr•eir: Best wed have• seen for sometime: Peia yard 35c. BLACIti, AND WHITE SHIRTING Per Yard 40c. good A ` wearing sliirtin; in 3 goad . patterns, .We shy it . a ood 1>a M s Y is g( Come in aaixl pass your amnion. Per yard 40c. SOUTHCOTT BROS