HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-8-14, Page 5FREED APER SERVING
A ease whielt deserves much
thoughtful consideration is that of
Wm, le. Barron, 1.03 Morgan Street,
Bennington. For ten years ¥r. Bar-
ron suffered the agonies caused by
-Rheumatism. At times he was bound
stand and foot by tine grip of Rheu-
matic pains. Oa the advice of • a
friend he stood for a new trial and
'used T.R.G.'e,
Read what he has to say:—
"1 bare been a sufferer from Rheu-
matism for ten years. Hare been so
tad at times I could not move hand or
foot for months. A. friend advised ago
to try Templeton's Rheumatic Cap-
sules, and I have been thankful ever
.since. They worked wonders for me,
and I have never felt any return of
-the disease."
It's practically impossible to obtain
evidence stronger than this testi'
gonial, and a word, to the wise is
.always sufficient, If you suffer. have
a new traial-•-•use
Optical Rooms and Stationery
Sole :4geines for Exeter
'1aii ;1.04 to this address or to Tem-
p:aeton's, 142 King W., Toronto, and
T:B.C's. will be sent postpaid.
Ailsa Craig
St, Itf; rys
West McGillivray
Sept 23-24
Sept 22.-23
Sept 15-16
Oct. 1-2
Sept 15-17
Oct. 2-3
Sept 6-13
Sept 23-24
Sept 1A -19
Sept 18-19
Sept 18-1,
Sept 24-25
Aug 23 --Sept t
Oct. 2
Oct $-•x
Sept. 17-18
, .otice
Tak; Notice that lihe Municipal
Coun+:i ot the Corporation a:tf the
Village of Exeter will take into con
sideration, anti if approved, will pass
at its meeting to be held on the Sev-
enth day of September, 1919, at the
hour ot eight o'clook pen., at the
Town Hall in the said 'Village Of Ex-
eter .a by-law for stopping up and dia-
pesing et the road allowance, being
that pert of Brock Street between
the North Side of Well n tots. Street
and the Northerly Limit of Brock
Street aforesaid, and disposing of Lot
Number two hundred and five abutt-
ing on the said Northerly Limit of
Brock Street aforesaid, which sail
street and lot are shown on the :nap
or plan of the subdivision of part of
-Lot number twenty-three in the First
'Contrces€ion of the Township of Ste-
phen, known as the Isaac Carling Sur-
vey, but now in the said Village .of
Ana the Council will at that time
and place hear in person, or by leis
counsel, solicitor, or agent, any per-
son who clangs that his land will be
prejudicially affected by the by-law
and wet) ap, iicts to be heard.
Dated this Fifth clay .of Apgust 11119
Joseph Senior,
MITCHELL -Mary Freil, widow of
the late John Cul1iton, died at her
home, Lot 15, con. 11. Logan Town
ship, as Friday, aged 90, She " was
born in Donegal, Ireland, and came) to
Canada when only seven years of age
She wan married to her late Iausband
la, Dente over 50 ';years ago.
iileKILLOP—Solomon J. Shannon, a
pioneer of this township, died sudden-
ly Sunday. He was in good health on
Saturday lout while in Seaforth be-
came iI1 an z died on Sunday, He was
82 years 'et age.
Miss M. Jackson of Laxtcion is
speneeeg a vacation at her home, Lon-
don Road, south.—Mr. Glennof To -
canto is visiting his grandmother, Mre
:Ulclelougal.—Mrs. A. J. Hummel of
Bloomsburg, Pa., visited at T. J. Ber-
er-ry's.'-Mr Jack Reichert of Detro;t is
spending a few days visiting iris par-
ar-ent , 1'1r. and Mrs. Adam Re•i*h e to
Mr. Jae. Chesney-. a former well-known
reaidcnt of I lensail, now living in To-
ronto, was let town, aecompa-n ed by
Mrs. Chesney, renewing, aceueintartces,
—Mr. eV H. Johnston of KipPen t on-
ducte.l the services in the .Methodist
Church on Sunday morn`:ng ani even-
.nb —Last week the boy who works
for Sam'1 Cudmore of Kiptaen has the
misfortune to break Ms arm at the
wrist --The new motor hearse for
Bonthroa .' I)ry'sdale arrived 9n town.
SINGE 41870
Half Boliday
We the undersigned merchants
of tins town, agree to cios4 our places
of business on Wednesday at 12.30
o'clock during the mouth at June,
July and August, with the exception
that when a holiday comes during the
week stores will retrain open.
S. M. itartin and Son.
J. A. Stewart
Jones and May*
W. 3. Beaman
zT. Spackman
II. S. Walters
G. A. Hawkins
W. W. Taman
F. M. Boyle
F. x'rsyne
Wm. Rivers.
Grigg Stationery Co.
R. N. Rowe.
13. W. F. Beavers.
M. E. Gardiner.
S. Fitton
J. Lawson --Telephone Office oven.
The Times
The Advocate
Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms.
Short hours—a 47 -hour week,
v.i1.11 Saturday ],alf-holiday.
tranirzg i:7: agreeabin
I wcn-k f. i..exptx:enced,.
A good 1ivi- tra bcginne- ;
i which neaterient Increases wit'.t
I experience and ytici,.ncy.
Write or call—
Nutlet: is hereby givei that I have Hamilton 0 Ontario
trensmitte.l ar leliverei to the per-
stiffs mentioned in Section 9
of a. VoterList 1 "te op -
les r ;'z;red h-' the call 'set' see to
be sc tr;a-astu.tte:1 or ise.setre 1 el the a , aso
ale pursuant to s ti 1 •tit, o; all l a y
person~ appearing by dm last reds -
list mlo-gl EC
ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun-
`� 1
icipality to be entitled to vote in the 4i
said Municipality at Elections for
members of the Legislative Assemely
and at Municipal Election,. ant th::t
said list was first poste.] up -lt
office at Crediton, on the 31st day
of ruly, A.D. 1919, and remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call aeon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law.
Dated at Creators this 31st day of
Clerk of Stephen Township.
Plu, ;ai Cent per Mile beyond
August 19th from all stations be
tween Lyn ant Toronto, Weston,'Pal-
grave and North Bay, including Pelee -
tang M' eaford and Midland, Depot
Harbor "rand Intermediate stations.
August 21st from Toronto and all
statitott'; west and south thereof in
On tarifa:
Fos further parti;culars:..aeply to any
•Grahcl Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.
H'oett ing, ,District Passenger Ageing,.
. Toronto. - Ont.
Phone 46w
Agent, :Exeter
If you are renewing, or subsc,rib-
log dor any of the Ca¢tadeate, daily or
weekly papers, pan may do so at this
office. 'We have always Looked after
this far scores of one su,lascrtbers and
*e still doing so. We cepa give it to
youcheaper as w-cll,as save all expen-
tes in connection, and nowadays it
.adstt at least eight cents in cash be-'
*tea ltattt'fonery to order a ''paper
ul fa. Y.
79 B2 07'3143D B3
11.INC2 OF .;,,ALES
,X�� friL' `i7 ,Ii
Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6
British Grc-oatlier Guards Band
War Merznrial Paintings
Sensation of , the art world,
recording every 'phase of
Canadian operations overseas.
Mammoth assemblage of
monster guns, aeroplanes and
all the instruments of hellish
warfare captured by Canadian
soldiers from the Hun.
Canada's Flying Citrus
Cols. Barker and Bishop and
other world famous aces in
surrendered German planes:
Festiva [ of Triumph
The Moat ;time; a all Grand Stadd Spectac
Thesur e;t ca -&i the Garman Fleet.
PE Versailles Caste—Victory Arch,
a6 ,
A'a..:;;• s en,`.:y, in:o reraase!em.
. C 1 `a 0:27e :, S. ,: i it :r, .a.uraa
Tr1 ?ATr.5t ! tat
Stites have been given orders to pro
eee . intra a'. t'u y itz tit . prosecution.
d ' ,1 `k 1
NEWS UPICS OF WEEK of food hoarders atm profiteers.:
By an overwhelming majority the
creditors and shareholders of the
Standard Reliance Mortgage Corpor-
ation approved the .plan for a »re-
organization ofthecompany.
Ron. W. L. Mackenzie King was
chosen leader of the Liberal party.
Welland Canal workers are een-
eidering the Governtneaat's wage offer.
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig
will take the title of Earl 01 Berme-
The Convention of Liberals at Ot-
tawa has ended after a three days'
Toronto bread drivers have been
awarded $24
per week by the Con-
ciliation Board.
Henry 3. Tudhope, for 2 years
clerk and treasurer of Oro wnsltip,
is dead in Arillle,.
An Admiralty statement reports
the sinking of a Buishevik submarine
by two British destroyers,
Wm. Woolatt, jr,,, is to be the Con-
servat"eve candidate for Windsor
against Major J. C. Telltale.
Canadian yachts captured roost of
the prizes at the Lake Yacht Racing
Association regatta at Rochester,
Gen. von Falkenhayn is the latest
German eorntnander to offer himself.
to the Allies in lieu of the Raiser,
Major Herold Hay. D.S,Q,, son of
itis. Hay ,af Hamilton. Is reported
missing. and probably killed. in,
Kumagae, the Japanese star, el nx-
mated R. Lindley Murray in the Sin-
gles eo aipetitian at the Westport ten..
nis tournament.
A strike which haft broken out on
the trans -Siberian railway is becom-
ing serious, according to a report
from Pekin. China.
Serious eharatrs were made at the
Labor Temple, Toronto. by Jaynes
Simpson against two. former officers
t the Trades and Labor Council,
A witness in the inquest into the
death of Norman Lavoie, held at the
Morgue. Toronto, stated that the dead
titan had said that Kennedy did not
strike Paint,
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
k i
The Busy World's Happenings Care.
fully Compiled and Tutt Ianta
Bandy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers ot Our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment..
Canadian railway shoptnen wild
take a strike vote.
Wm, McMahon of Petrolea was
drowned at Ford,
Mayor MacBride of ltrantford is in
hospital with diphtheria. - -
iloy Baker was drowned while
swimming in Lake Victoria at Stmt-.
Many Canadian cities and towns
celebrated the axxniversary of Bri-
tain's eatry into the war,
.A revolution has broken. out in:
Honduras against the Goverztmep;t of
President Bertrand.
Cotton dropped $10 per bale in
New York,as a. result of the Agitation
for lower cost of commodities;,
Dr, -Max Levien, the Bavarian Com-
munist leader, has beep atrested,
while trying to snake hid way into
Two Glasgow builders are visiting
Toronto, and are investigating the
Methods of '.Toronto's Housing Coxa-
A feast of "national gratitude„
was held on Sunday throughout
France and ire the provinces of Alsace
and Lorraine,
Geo. F. Fenton and Earl Pocock,
both of Toronto, were drowned atone
a canoe Monday afternoon in the
river at Dakville,
Banes oe armed Turks are report-
ed from Salonika to be terrorizing
the Greek population along the south
shore of the Black Sea.
James Latimer, wanted by the pa -
lice on complaints of shopbreaking,
was captured after officers bad fired
upon him with, their pistols.
The Japanese Government has an
nounced it,s decisionto make a for-
mal statement as to its intention re-
garding the frnal disposition of Shan-
tung, China.
Plans for a permanent peace time
array of 51'0.000 officers and men and
a system of universal army training
have been submitted to the U, 8, Con-
gress by Secretary Baker.
Tho Cobalt fire chief has been ask-
t'd to resign.
The Western, Canada Irrigation
Association is in session at Medicine
Rev. 11. 0, Light, of Brantford, bra
been called to a workingmen's church
in Halifax, Nova. Scotia.
Frank McFarlane, aged six years,.
was struck and killed by an autozno-
bile at Sunnyside, Toronto,
Belleville City Council has consti-
tuted itself a eontni.ittee to Investi-
gate the high cost of living.
A large majority of the Reliance
Loan Corporation creditors are said
to be in favor of reorganization.
An later -allied Military Mission
will be sent to Budapest to make a
full investigation of conditions there.
The Toronto Separate School
Board unaniznously favored the se-
cret ballot in the election of its
York Township Council held a
stormy session overthe complaints of
ratepayers regarding alleged Hydro
extension delays.
The Allied powers will send war
ships to Flensborougla to assure or-
der during the taking of the plebis-
cite in Schleswig.
The Austrian delegates at Ver-
t sallies ii.. v.t n"titled the SuPrenxe
! Council that tiny will deliver their
eounteer-proposels to -day.
I The Preston rink Weal 'lac Bow-
man Tropliy:, defeating the Batchelor
rink of Owen Sound by one shot in
the final at Southampton.
A whiskey still and seven 10 -gal-
lon barrels of liquor were seized in a
house on Parliament street, Toronto,
by officers of the morality depart-
A man believed to be John Cuddy
Bell of Osborne avenue, and an un-
identified woman, thought to be his
wife, were killed by being struck by
an engine at Riverdale Park railway
crossing, Toronto.
Itobt. Wright, a member of the
Board of Education, Hamilton, has
been expelled from his branch of the
G.W.V.A. because he did not support
a returned man's application as
school caretaker. -
The itinerary of the Prince ot
Wales in Canada has been arranged.
Extraordinary hs'avy building per-
mits are being issued in London for
The Belgian Chamber of Deputies
line ratified tate Peace Treaty with
The Rournanian forces of occupa-
tion in Iimagery hew interned the
members of the d,=I,tz,x'd Peidll Cab-
The first tnnelaltu' gun raptured by
the Canadian.t at Ypres will be shown
at the Exhibition art'nng many outer
Dr. James W. Robertson is back
in Ottawa. efter an overseas trip to
eco abortt tea disposed of surplus
Canadian farm products.
Robt. Grabanai of IIiglt Park beat
E. 5. Munroe in the final of the sin-
gles competition of the York Lawn
Bowling Assoetatioa tcturnaitu tit.
Brig. -Oen. Gunn issued an empha-
tic denial of James Sfrnpson's charge
;mit he had melted the manutteturers
:')r money for ex -Labor ofiil•ials.
.gents of the 1.. 5, Justice Depart -
part -
are investigetine reports of the
dt•struction of fish food by dt.let's
along the Atlantic coast to keep up
Capt. 1;. C. Hay, Vanou-
ver, tlew across the Rocky Mountains
from Vale:le ver to century, He is
the first to accomplish the feat in
Both of the Australian pairs woe
their games in the Newport tennis
tourney yesterday. They will r=un -
',Pete in the n ttt,+ nal tournament %'.t
Boston this we, h.
Hon. \1.t,ke„xie, King, Sir 11.1nry
;)raytoa are. Hoe. Dr. Tolmie will be
r Clic to lzc,1dseats in. the coming
House L.:cause ..t the provisions of
sic .net govereieg elections.
Lloyd Harris, meta of the Cana-.
.zn Trede )iissur.:. lees returned to
rt.ion fret., P cis, end stats that
ere is good eroegt;e•t of the whole
ro1portable survive of Canauaan
ti.ri.rc+atces. l.being .uccd at favoraeie
Cuttingof wheat is general in the
Neepawa grain grcwers favored a
bonus for the soldiers.
More of the workers on the new
Weiland Canal are out on strike.
Mrs. Charles Brooks was killed in
a runaway, accident near Colling-
wood. ' •
One hundred and fifty thousand
iron workers in Italy have goneon
strike. .
Brazil is getting ready to invade.
the European cotton market with her
native product..
The Mayor of Lauzon, Quebec, has
asked for the militia to protect men
on strikes going to work.
A MVlontrcal judge has ruled that
military exemptions coaild not be can-
celled by order -in -council.
Admin! Koiehakhas won a signal
victory over the I3olsheviki and is
advancing without opposition.
Dr.. James Miller has been appoint-
ed Assistant Director. of Industrial
and Technical Education for Ontario.
The Dominion Bowling Tourna
meat Comxnittee announced that two
hundred and nine entries have been
received. '
Arrangements have been complet-
ed whereby: the Dominion Barak' be-
comesaffiliated with the British
Overseas Bank.,
Provincial inspectors seized thirty-
two dozen -quarts of Uguor from a
truck bound for Burlington on the,
Hamilton. highway.
The Provincial Government will be
asked by the Ontario 'Veterinary
Association to protect the work of
the Ontario .Veterinary College.,
District attorneys .in the United
o cket i .1'
AYetelabiel'ieppar of
tingthestemarlis afxl&+ 1S
1N1- Ni S :°!�IIILDREY
latm,2eI`T0T 1'lA3op'11d
ham,,. f
AlterigaRedtae Yor
Gon5tipatiolt1dpiarncoc '
And EevefiS Sep d
TaSitna c-si a Sitnatureof
Tint Cerrskurt Ceti'."
T�tO,is'r .1L NSkk'' 01tt{'
At b zuo.nths o1" •,' •
om5 .3 11:
For infants and Children,
Mothers Know That
• Genuine Castor
JW_ ys
Breaxs the.
For Ovu.
Thirty Ys
Exact Copp of Wrapper. Ftii6 IKMTAti$ COKUA$ , IW YeNM
A big yie1.1 cf tobacco is expected
in Essex.
The bakers' strike in Britain has
been settled.
An unidentified man was found
drowned at Port Manicy.
The Lapland r.rrived at liazifax
with a large numbez of troops.
Premier Hughes of Australia on
his way home was entertained. at
Durban, South Africa.
The Sons of England in Toronto
honored the memory _ of their com-
rades who died in the war.
An unsuccessful attempt was made
Sunday night to steal a motor car
belonging to the Toronto police.
The employes of the Toronto Rail-
way Company have decided to ac-
cept the findings of the Conciliation
Warden Biggs of Wentworth was
nominated for North Wentworth in
the Legislature as the U.F.Q. can-
The retail milk price in Kingston
this winter will be sixteen cents per
quart, an increase of two or three
Itis stated by a London paper that
the post of Ambassador- to Washing
ton has been offered to Viscount
The British Government has aP-
proved° a loan of $225,000 to the
Government of Jamaica to provide
work for returned soldiers.
'''The Bolsheviki are suffering a
shortage of munitions and have been
obliged to cease operations against
the troops of Admiral.IColchak. •
Lt. -Col. E. W. Hagarty, principal
of Harbord Collegiate Institute, re-
turned from overseas' after having
located the grave of bis son at Hooge.
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie. King, the.
new Liberal leiftlea';, has established
himself in new quarters at the tem.-
porary Pai•lianaent Buildings - . is
Samuel Scott was wounded in the
hip by a richotting bullet from the
pistol of a constable, in Toronto, who
mistook him and his companion for
two notorious burglars,
Electric Starting and Lighting!
O car has a better starting and
lighting system, than that now
available to purchasers ofFordCars.
It is a Ford product, built into the
otor—a positive starter as reliable as
the motor itself:
—a powerful lighting system,
uniform under all engine speeds.
On the open models—Touring Cats
andRunaboutst is OPTIONAL
On closed cars ---Sedans and
Coupes—it is STANDARD
On all models the Ford Standard •
Magneto also provides ignition
independent of the batteries.
See the Ford car with this new
Ford Runabout $66o; Touring Pp*
On open models the Electric Staring and Lighting
Equipment is zoo cxtre.
Coupe75, Sedan $rr79 (dosed model prices in.
dude Starring and Lighting Equipment).
These pnOtFre
eLldaOZ. 1't''ar Opt. and dozzs
Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September 6th to 13th, 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Two lttractions
the Speed Events Better
Very Best Daily Than Ever
JohnnyMidway J. Joneb'
Auto Entrance coy. Dundas and Egerton Usual entrance at Gates.
Grand Stand '50c. and 25c:
'Prize L l sits, Entry Forms .and all informnt information from ;;the Secretary
LT. -.COL W. NL GARTSHORE, President, A. lg. HUNT, Secretary