The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-31, Page 8ESE FE1 ADVOCATE, THU1 aDAY JULY 31 1918 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fail Wheat , 2.11 Srgine, Wit `eet`, ..e1.e ..n, 2.06 Farley 1.20 Oats85 ..... ..... Family , Flour ..5.70 Shorts 50.00 Bran ...,..,.. ; 45.00 Eggs 46 Butter „ e 42 Creamery Butter n... 57 Lard .4 .r.;•,, ., 40 New Potatoes per peek 85 Trial ......... ......... 16.00 Hogs ........ 23.25 Trivitt Memorial Church $'-vices a; usual with Mr. Heath- coat, Lay Reader of St. Paul's Cattle ed al, Lon`?'aa, sin charge, AUTO MARKER FOUND. Owren nee have dine by caaling at this etc c e, peeving rreeerty and pay- ing foe tilos advertisement. nen - sets- Ail* . re TEALUIER WANTED For S S. No. 7, Usbarne, state ctuaiifitstion;, and salary. Apply to Geo. Bieck. Grtntan, R. R. No 1. ?✓i� sCn CO'I TAGb. FOR a<e.t.; , a burl. cottage to tree re pair with on: acre land. Goo.' frame stable 18x311 hen house 14x24; fruit tress and enali fruits; house l,.;ace.l with furnace and is beautifully 'ituat- ec', :n Exeter. For particulars apply to I. R. Carling. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Hating installed a gasoline and ;fir inotoe outfit we invite .ayetolats to give us a cal{. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR TEACHERS WANTED. Two teachers for Exeter Public Scheel -for Primary and Second Grade Roosts. .tipsily .miss K. MlcFaul, Sec.. Exeter. 2achine 6hop for Exeter J. G. l: ochi'ane (returned) has taken over the Connor 11achine Shop and is installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention given to all repairs AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED. Having rented the mechanical end o£ the Ford Garage Business we are prepared to give full satisfaction to all who require service on, automo- biles or gas engines,. We repair all makes of cars and engineer Special service on Ford and McLaughlin cars for Milo Snell, Gas for sale. Free air. GRIFFIN BROS. LOCAL TOURNEY. Every bowler is expected to be on the green Friday at seven o,clock when a local tournament will be held. Be on hand sharp at seven. Harvey's Flour is good flour. $TRAY CATTLE Strayed from E 1-2 Lot 21, Con. 8, , Hay Township, three yearling calves, two red and one spotty. Any inform- ation anon rcad:an to recovery y ofsa ��r1 l be suitably rewarded. Oscar Elope Phone 18 e3 Zurich Zurich, Ont. Bruerrliatgi s Store, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday nights during June, July and August. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from thatlast sack of Model is the best we ever had be the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; can give names '.i you wish. Harvey Bros. THE WATKINS AGENT bandies all kinds os, spring tonics far both man and beast; 41.30 toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma' ket. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm And:ew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 House for Sale A T e y desirable reeklerelia3 ,prop,- erty. F'ne white modern brick house conta`.ri n ; six good sized rooms, large s �erarudalt . Ona balcony v Convenien- ces :-el c r is lights, furnace, hard and soft sca.e,, barn with lift and motor garage :+._.ante ,stn splendid positilon, close to school, churches, depot, store and pillar box. Aeply Mrs. Harrisjan Gambrel;, Exeter;. Half Holiday. We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to ciose our places of business on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. E. M. Martin and Son: A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. Neaman 181: Spacknan. H. ; S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer,., P. Frayne Wm. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner. S..Fitton J. Lawson -Telephone Office open. The Times The Advocate Local Doings Dr. Roulston swishes to announce that. his Dental Office will he closed from two to four s5 ei'ks while be is away an vacation. The Ames Street Sunday School is holding their annual picnic at Grand. Benet 'this Wednesday. tesday. Main Street Sunday School held a successful palcittie pt Grand Bend cn Wednesday (of last week. Monday next, August 4th, as Civic Holiday in Exeter: Many other towns are having their holiday on the sane day. :Liss Florence Triebner, who recnt- ly resigned as teacher of S.S. No. 3, Stephen, has accepted a school near Florence, While this district has had some reins sof 'late, the ,showers have not been heavy and a real, old soaker is what is needed, At the 22n4 annual convention of Christian, Temperance Union held in ,Winghaan on. July 24th, Mrs.B. W. F Beavers of Exeter was .elected president. Five stets, teams have been organized in the t ounty due, The past year. Mr. Edward Tay list'„ son of Mr. and 1Jrs. - James Taylor of Exeter, saved It young lady from drowsing at the Bend,Et week ago, She got in be- yond her depth and went down Eye witnesses called for help, and Edward. who was sat his bathing suit swami out and rescued, her, . The Exwhoeter bowlers who to the W. O. B. A. tortb:ey at Ltondon. last week failed to get int the money,teakalthough fthe k consitituting of W. W. Tainan, W.; J. Heamaty, R. N. Creech and Rt G. Sel.:oa gob in the ai- 'f pals cn both the secfond and third events, but unfortunately lost each of the s�e u -final games by two shots' They titan' five and lost three games One (more win would have 'fined them fP-i ,the, ip�'*ite Usti. Huston County Womens "When They Get'Into Civeee Again." is the title of a. song that has been head ,.1 ua by • the author, .lir. Case Reward, for ssh_cIi' we rich Co. return our thanks. While. we are not a mus- ical cries: we. feel! thee we can -assume that it .v".f be ap. reciateed by lovers of music. The author has dedicated his unique gompo;i.Iitoln. to his moth- er, Mrs. J. North Howard, and the frontispiece bears an, appropriate ipal- rietic design to the song, as well as a .striking :Weave of himiself.+ Doubt- less this inemespun composition will be found ,in all mu(sitcel cabineitls, both home and abroad. A PEACE STAMP: The issuance. of a special Ctuna,diati postage stamp, commemorating the eigning of the peace treaty, iso stow under coe sriederatipn of the posltal de- partment at ,Ottawa. This stamp will be of the three cent deniomutatiact, if it should ;be d'ecieled Upon, and prob- ebili.ttes are •that it will 'be • preneed ur two e;a1o:s, or possibly ins three. Already a number of Allied countries have issued peace stamps, the first to appear being the thrlee!-cent pur- ple of the United States, showing the flags of the /settees --- FACE AND ARM BURNED. els. E. D. Armstrong, anj emp3aye, of M:. W. G. Medd at the Exeter cream,- eee, evas severely burned on Tuesday of last week,, A .can of cos* ail is ks: p•, handy to eight the- firest Work- men, who w.e,se installing the refrig;- .eaatoi plant had needed a can for ,gaaaline, and used this can. leaving at quantity .of tgeealiiri;'e therein .Mr. Armstrong took'uli the Can in the us- ual way and pre;iared to light the firer. When frhn gasoline struck the fire bed there happettsed. to be some lave' coals and he ores immediately•eu veloped 'alp. flarrtesf One arm and the side of his face were severely burned, but it is beaky ,thee injury is not much worse. BOWLING TOURNAMENT. The Ninth Annual Bowling Tourna- ment ciorninernces on Wednesday next, August 6th at 10.00 ann. and continues the next day et 9.00 aen. (;old time.) Exeter has had a mtost successful tourney far the peasit eight years, and prospects are that the 1919 tourney will beeven a greater success. There are .three contests -The Lon cion Free Pres Trophy Event, The South Huron Trophy Event, The W. J. Heaman trophy event, and aloof a special Consotatioai event for those who lose ,their first three games. Bert Aides the trophies valuable prizes are °leered. it `vele be remembered that the first South Huron Trophy was lot last year, it leaving 'beepn won three tunes by. A. -X. I e`tamaines rink of .London. Thiistlre Bowlers, but the -eeonars, 2eDesees., J. j. Meiyn1e{r and H. Eilber, have kindly presenteid another which wile be played ,t,oi- this year. Entries are ta bet ijn thel hands of the Secretary by 8 p. n. on Aug. 5th. HELP WANTED• A woman, to workby the, day. Ap- ply at Central Hotel, Exeter. CARD OF THANKS I hereby wijssh to thank ale who so kindly contributed to my benefit dur- ing any recent stereos sr illmieeg WESLEY DIXON. "SPECIAL AUGUST SALE" AT Mrs. W.;p. Yen's, commencing onFri- day enernrag, Aulgu;set set; of Sumnner Goo fs-Latdiies' and Chiidrereeleress. ses, Ski:rti'ngs, Prints; Apnont Ginghams Table Linens., Towiellling's,, Shllrtings, Table Oilcloth, Wheite Spreads, Cur- tains and, cothier goods too numerous ho "mention. A,:calll solicited. Phone VILLAGE OF EXETER CIVIC HOLIDAY Asper eresoltetion of .the Council of the Vii ague of, ,E'xelter, Reeve B. W. F Beavers hes :proclaimed Mon, day, August 4th, ;Civic Hioledey for Ex{e'.tier. All cattireins are `hereby re- cueste d to observe the day as su'cb. God Save the King, J.. Senior, desk Mrs. F. W. Gladran hare been quite ill daring the week. Rev. jT T, Gelorge ,of Parkhill, will occupy James Street pulpit an Sun, - day next. The pastor, Rev: \'V'eson commences his ,holidays this week. Mrs- B. W. F Beavers', l2ne, Hoin- Eion, :\fart, Haveleteed and Mies Gregory were in Winglea;m lttst Thursday and Friday attending the County Convene tion of the 'We C. 'Ts U 1\1esQters Stuart Stanbury and George Hind ' ent es delegeeee from the Loy j' Temperance Le.g len, of Exeter. Mrs. Bea -sere was ,returned to office as Craukty President. Silas Reed holidayed in Sarnia last week. Vias Blanche Senior is visiting Kitchener, in Grant Jollied sof London has been visiting here. Mn Case Howa,rd .is holidaying at Port Stanley:. Mr. Maurice Semler has ,been visit - in' •sat Toronto Mr. .C. H. Mc A.vay left last Thurse day for Detroit. • Miss Luett Haste gs is visiting her uncle 2. Guelph; - Mrs 0. T, Southcott leaves to -day to Visit in Preston; 'Hass Irene Rivers has returned from visit in. Hamilton. Miss ;Fern, Short of London, ie. holi- daying at her home here. Miss Pearl ,Brodernck of Landon is visitng with esfre. J. Broderick, Mrs. Sharp an'd clatsgihter are 'sleet- ing Mr, and leer's. J. G. Stanbury. eer .acrd Mrs. T, H Newelwere in Chatham this week for a couple days Mrs. J. eBrdde{rsck and daughter, Margery were visitors in Gaoderi'ch last weak Mrs. A. Sheere, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hockey and stars, are visiting iiri Lans- ing, Mich. errs. Johnston, and, Mars. Wm, Baker left last week on a trip tot Hargrave, :Manitoba. Mrs. �N. Ogde i; left p Saturday to attend the pm Boys' R-ei-uneen. at Palmers ton. Mr Jos. Davis of the Maisons Bank statl, liorrisbur , is holidaying at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldjon and, two sons are on. a motor trip ere Kingston, leaving Satulrdaye Mrs. W. May and daughtter Miss Lily of 7'.iilteheli were teetttars there during ,the week'. Mrs C. E. Dale :of Elmira, NN Y„ visiting withher sisters, Mrs. Ache- son and Mrs. Bi liatgs. Mrs. Harold D. Burdick and son, Robert of Lawrence, Kansas, are vis:- itittg Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. C. W. Robilnsion; was in Toronto over Sunday, two of ,hie sons having arrived homefrons overseas! Mr, end Mrs. N. J. Dane returned last week from a twee-wleiek's motor trip through New Ylo c Stater Mr. Nelson ,H L left Saturday far ICingstton, where he will again enter an the Bank of Commerce staff. Mr and lelrs. Chief Spackman and family, after a visiit here,, returned to their hone jun, Guelph on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Boyd McBride and sen of Springfield, Ohva, are visiting res,, Wives and friends here for ten, days. Mrs. Shapton_ dasiseeter, Miss Ella left Saturday to vilsilt relatives in London Haul Hamiltoin ear a few weeks. Mr. Thos. Jeckell, of Detroit visit -T e l relatives here this week. Mrs. Jeck- ell and three children a re visiting in Lond.on. Miss Ruby Tneble of Toronto is spending a couple week's holidays in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Treble. Mr and Aire. Freed, J. Sanders and ehildre.n of Toronto are visetiu,g with. Mr, Sanders' patents, Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Sanc1ers. miss Elea, jainle left Monday for Ham titan to spend a ;sheet time with her aunt, Mrs;. Israejl Smith, prior tialeav- ing for Muskfokia, faran outing. Mr. Wallace Fisher returned to Morse treat Friday after a visit here with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Fisher'Mrs. Fisher \vill..remaln, for a timet; Mies Hettees Sweet and brother Mr Harry ,Sweet returned Saturday from a trip to Quebec Cijty.t They motor- ed to Toronto and took the haat down to Quebec. Mrs. T. Brevard and edusen, Miss Myrtle Halal, returned to their home en Fl:ilnl, Miiclet, Saturday, accompanies ted stls far as Loarldjau bythe form:ee's neathe r, Mrs. Thos. Elliott: • Mrs. G eorgeMoyr of Traverse City, Mich., who was 'here attending he funeral of 1'.Ds. Tp•aq►eanr, is' .calling an. old friends i;n U borne, the guest of -Mr, and Mrs Peter Moes. Mr. and ,Miss. Fees* L,eje ainldl U til s. daughter left ,Tuieselay morntjnlg to vier it at Brantfoed, Part Colbotrne and Tloronto .after w,hec3t they wilt gra to Seaforth arid tee houe;eekeieping.-' The follow' sold' rsare following sle, an thein way home, having arrived in Canada i -Pte: `M. R. Boater kaf. Gaderich Tp., Gnr. J. E. Fashen of Kipper, Pte. T. H. Dick of Seafarth, ,L1eut. R. I.: Dougall of Hansell. M. George We.e{kje's' of Cinci,nnatie; ,Ohio, iinspedear Of the bitidgeis and;. buildings of the Baeteneoh-e and Ohio. Railroad, the Oldest railway in Amen iica, ,its visftning with his brother, Mrjr. James We'eices and sisters, Mr. iAq uiljla, ; iShepre of Detroit us visiting with his mother and other rieIadves' here. For some, time helms been ,suffering )from a severe attae k. of rheumatism, and es a result is bake iv crippled, having to walk by, the aitd'. o'' a stick. weelloeselleemellosesepeseel JONES& 1VU:,Y MOM 32 CANADA FOOD *BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Thies Stoice will close each Wednesday afternoon at 12.30 durin g June, July and August. Civic holiday, being Monelay, Auguet 4th Store ei:ll; be open all dal, Wednesday, tAugulet 6th. ARGAIN$ BARGAINS Clearing Sale of Summer Shoes LADIES' FINE BLACK KID OXFORDS, Regular $5.00 and $6.00, for $3.75 LADIES' FINE PATENT OXFORDS. -Regular $5.00 and $6,00,... for $3.75 LADIES' PATENT OR KID PUMPS, -Regular S6.00, ...for $3.75 LADIES' HIGH LACED WHITE CANVAS SHOES, Red. 3.75 and 14.75., , , , • ., for $2.75 LADIES' WIITE CANVAS OXFORDS, Reg. $3,e5, ......for $2,50 LADIES' WHITE CANVAS .PUMPS t ..r,.,, at $2.00 MISSES WHITE; HIGH LACED SHOES, SIZES; 11 TO! 2 c .............at $1,98 CHILDREN'S PATENT ROMEO SANDALS, REGULAR $250 for $1.98. CHILDREN'S PATENT SLIPPERS ALL SIZES, TO CLEAR 'AT ee ' ...• FROM 98 CENTS' TO $1.98 Special Discount off Rubber Sole Shoes We will give a Discount ,of 15 per cent,off all Running Shoes, Men's Women's, ror Chip,dren; s, for the ba::lance sof the seas(ant Come early be- fore the best srfee are picked out. JONES & MAY 13eadsqu'arters for the Cejleltlrajted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing fa; Men. and Boys. LONDON BUSINESS COLLEGE Corner Dundas' and Richmond Streets Up-to-date Courses', Day and night • Cleesles. J. &Ionxtt, N. Sttonehouse, Pristncipal Vices -principal Phone; 7380 Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work guaranteed. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS SWEET & VINING Veterilnary. Surgeons All calls promptly* ,attended to day or night. Off a e- Dr. Sweets ofd office Phone No. 120 Exeteer. DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Siirgeon, wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and a.porec- iates the patronage;he has received in the old stand and 'hoes, for a contin- uance of the tsame in his new office. Calls promptly attended to day ar 'night. Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN '.We have a large amount of private funis to loan on farm and village Property GLADMAN & Slow rates of T AANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAACR.CARLING, B. A. • Banister, Salaiciltor, Notary Public, CommIssboner, Soltcntor for the Mal- tions Bank, Etc. 1dontey to loan at lowest rates of interest.- Office-Main nterest.Office-Maggi Street, Exeter. CENTRAL a T RA,TFCRO. ONT. We. have Telegraphy, Commercial & Shorthand ,T,)epaattmenits. We give individual.iiustructiori. Students are entering each week Our graduates secure positions of trust. Get .our free catalogue now it may interest you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in goad condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pound; up, Mares from 4 years Old up, weigh2g. from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone -83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. RouIston, L. D, S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr' A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Harr Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Glad.man & Stanbury's :Office, Maian Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR - 4 Licensed Auctioneer far Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable arid Satisfaction Guarantee. Crediton, - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER ` AND VALUATOR. for A OR f Counties of Huron. Perth, hcsiddles,ex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockelrutt Warierooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Sttreet, Exeter. Tea & Coffee . Store re For the choicest • groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trail as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gpuld Furniture and Undertaking • R. • N. R. OWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER' SOUTHCOTT . B - FOUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. K E'O., A, SLATER SHOES FOR MEN., We ser sties well known make' of.:Shioes . .etarea;s of Gejo,Slater' ,hoes arc well sat4SA, �iV eld wpitii thel quad sty, style end ser-vlcle• ,thieiy. A tipee. Shoe men, ,say prices will be much hijgheee Why net huy a aur t o beige's? .Prices $8450 and $10.00. Other makes et •$4450,- 540 e a lel $ e atrjd.:$6:50. , CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON, 42 INS. WIDE, , PER YARD -60c. If you pre in rncted of circul,'ar t - low cotton Ihie one :we are Offering this weeie` iti errcle:ee: value. We'll. he "glad •to show ie t carom Pee yard, 600.. PLAIN BLEACHED SHEETING, 72 INS, WIDE, PER. YARD 75ec. . This Shee•fng shioulid" ain(terest you; if lour s''t of bedding , low. I . � � :, tag is gq$t�n1$ It es a good 'qualiity and 1aund; ries ,wel•1. . ' Pier- .y .rd 75c. 25c. PAIR LADIES BLACK COTTON HOSE 25c. PAIR It is almost •iennolai;ibee. ,to buy a hose tois e t'ti .'at tliCrs pri,cee We bau�ht this luau.. ,from a w; eceestale firm that as going` out of:ihu' ' b" we are able qo queen this'°'c . d PAIR 25c. is.why t1 low ; pals ce • rEiR PAIR. ,25>c. SOUTHCOTT BROS