HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-31, Page 7Charming Styles fQr ,Children No. 8292 --Child's Paddling or Beachs Apron anti, Sun -slat. Price, 15 cents. Cut in 5 sizes, 1, 2, 476, and 8 years. Size 4 requires, apron and stat, 2 yds, 27 ins. ~vide, or 1% yds. 40 ins- wide; taring for hat, IS yd. 27 in% 'Wilde. Nc. 8804—Child's Hot -Day Dress Price, 15 cents Body and sleeve in see. Cut in 5 tilees, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 years, Size 1 requires, with or without belt, 1% yds. 32 or 86• ins, wide, McCall Transfer Design No. 848. Pince, 10 cents. al. Shoo No. 8690—Child's Rompers Price, 15 cents Clo;t'.ng centre -back, or to be slipped an over the head; dropped back; sides snapped or buttoned.. In 4 sizes, 1, 2, 4 and 6 years, Size 1, either style, 1% yds. 27 ins. wide; collar and fac- ing, 'belt and sleevhbands, % yd. 27 the. wide; sleeve facing, belt, w yd. 27 ins. wide. These patterns *may be obtained from your legal MCU dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. - SUMMERCOMPLAINTS SPEAKING FROM THE SKY.. KILL LITTLE ONES • At the first sign at illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby's -,4y Own Tablets or in a Lew hours he may be beyond aid. These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will Promptly relieve these troubles if they come ou suddenly. Baby's Own Tab- lets should always be kept in every home wlhere there are young children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother lias the guarantee of a eovernuient analyst that they are ale eolutely safe. The Tablets are sold sy medicine dealers or by mail at 25 :'ents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. VERSAILLES' HAUNTED PAL/ACE. Prom the Days of the 'Grand Monarch' to Date Has Been Under Troubled Shade. There is something of irony in the tact that democracy's greatest victory has been signed and sealed in that •dream of art which Louis XIV. '''wrought lordlfke into stone" to sym- bolize and perpetuate the•• magnifi- cence of royalty. It ti ,a haunted house, that palace of Versailles. The 'ghosts of the illus- trious and notorious, the beloved and the execrated, walk down its hails. First of all, the "Grand Monarch" who lavished the people's substance in in- credible sums for a grandiose depic- tion of himself and the splgndor of his reign. The troubled shade of De Pom- .padour comes back in lonely hours, again "to rule a king and misrule a nation," to witness the triumphs which ended finally on a dismal morning when lackeys tossed her coffin care- lessly into a Coach. There was that life which was a r' 1 idyl, into which the despair and i. 'or of the nibb were to come thut;leer:ng at last, to splash the elegance with blood, to jeer Marie Antoinette on the way to I the guillotine, to make of France a shambles. Thus ended the palace as a chateau. sIt was never again a place . of residence. But two centuries after the "Grand Monarch," the Icing of I Prussia occupies the" palace and the Iron Chancellor's dream is realized in the proclamation of William I., Em- peror of Germany. A Star Shower. The soft mosaic of the Milky Way, That arches heaven with loveliness by night, Has floateddown, across the floor of • day To pave a primrose path forearth's delight. Every Ward Distinctly Heard Fifty Miles Away. Wireless telephony has now been definitely adopted on the London to Paris air route, states the Air Millis - try, and its value in night flying was recently proved by a test, Soon after Handley -Page machine bad left Henley communication was. opened, ond, after speaking to the ground station, the receiver was turn - eel in and speech was very clearly beard from Henley. The ofacer con- ducting the test states that he easily recognized the voice as that of an of- ficer known to him. To a distance of dbout 25 miles the strength of signals was so great that speech from the machine could be distinctiy heard at Henley with the receiver laid upon the table. At 50 miles it was still distinct and constant, and was heard until the aero- plane was crossing the Channel and was in touch with Marquise, the first ground station on the French side. On the return journey conversation between the machine and Marquise was again picked up at Henley, and the latter station itself was in com municatfon with the machine 30 minutes before it Iauded. One of the recent developments in this connection is the production of an aeroplane set which can be converted within a few moments for transmis- sion of either voice or Morse signals. LiS'il lii'iS PEEVISH MIS LAKE LOUSE A THE ROCKIES. _ To the ancients all roads left to. When a girl in her teens becomes 4 Rome, and it was the ambition of peevish, listless and dull, when nosh- S young and old to behold the ,`Eternal ing seems to interest her and dainties do not tempt her appetite, you may be certain that she needs ' more good blood than her systei is provided with. Before long her pallid cheeks, frequent headaches, and breathless- ness and heart palpitation will con- Too Careful. Arizona Joe, the animal, hunter and trainer, was telling an after-dinner story: "Old Bill had charge of the animal tent, and among his pets was a leo- pard. He was a bad leopard, too, and gave Bill no end of trouble. Orae day I went away to arrange some busi- ness. While I was having dinner a telegram was handed me. It read: 'The leopard has escaped. Prowling about town. What shall I do? -13111: "Bill was one of those fellows who had to have explicit directions to do anything, 'even in an emergency. He was always afraid of making a mis- take. " `Shoot him on the spot,' I wired. I forgot all about the affair until about two hours later, when I returned` to the hotel, and another telegram Was handed me. It proved to be from care- ful, ponscientious Bill, and asked: " 'Which spot?' " The cycle of cultivation daring the crop year consists of after harvest cultivation, full ploughing and spring seed bed preparation. Each of these three distinct phases must be prac- ticed systemnaticaly if the most suit- able iseed-bed uit-able.iseed-bed conditions axe to be con- sistently maintained. %A Health-Bririer'a Make your morning, ce- real dish a strer. thener. is not : only most ...deli- cious in: taste; but is • a builder of tissue. "There'sa Reason see,.n...• City" and its wonders.. Now, however, one might say it is the ambition .of every Canadian to beehold the "Eternal Snows," and as the Appian way led to Tiome, so the great iron road, the Canadian Pacifse Railway, leads to the NURSING. AN2'VD-PROBATIONERS IrQ f. the Montreal Women's HosPlial, Two years' course, Monthly salary (Mr, ing period of training. Apply lady Superintendent, la0» St. Catherine Street West, Montreal. TE21;c4tElaS W4l*r4.'ZP z, A'^:d, 1?:I.<)CI?TIO�I <t?�l? RINGING ' Teachers Wanted, Addresa Conser- Anyone Could, ''atony ;of ;'i tsip, Lethbridge, Alta, Elsie--"hiy grandpa has reached 18T.,'tbT41r—•x°EMt. I41 • T E A C 17Es R IRocky dountains. Canadians have a th firm that sho is anaemic, Many wide field topick and choose from in mothers as the result of their own the matter of places to spend holidays, girlhood experience can promptly de- but the West bas an attraction all its teat the early signs of anaemia, and own. the wise mother does not wait for the Like Louise is one of the many trouble to devaopur further, _ 1 f tY but at once beauty spots in the Rocky alountalas, gives her daughter a, course with Dr. e age of ninety-six. Isn't it wonder-Chil(Pr's estant).for thehe.Jane Lay-cocb drenotJame; must of Good Chris* ful?" Bobby ---"Wonderful nothiif! Look at the time it's taken bim to do it)" From Bad to Worse, . - and a trip Wiest is not considered com- "Sedentary work," said the college Williams' Pink Pills, which renew the plete without a stop. -off there. Lake .lecturer, "tends to lessen the ender - blood supply and banish anaemia be- fore it has obtained a hold upon the system. Out of their experience thousands of mothers know that anaemia is the 1 ions. Now, however, thanks to the sure road to worse ills. They know t enterprise of the C.P.R., it is, visited the difference that good red blood by thousands of tourists yearly, the makes in the development of womanly railway p"hssing through at this point, health. Every headache, every gasp for breath that follows the slightest exertion by the anaemic girl,' every pain she suffers in her back and limbs are reproaches if you bave not taken the best steps to give your weals girl new blood, and the only sure way to do so is through the use of Dr. Wil - tiaras' Pink Pills. New, rich red blood is infused into the system by every nose of these pills. From this new rich bleed springs good health, an increased ap- petite, new energy, high spirits and perfect womanly development. Give your (laughter Dr, Williams' Pink Dills, and take them yourself and note flow promptly their influence is felt in bet- ter health. You enu get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post- paid, at 50 cents a box' or six boxes for $2.54 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Louise is one of the Lakes in the "me - Clouds (the others being Lake Agnes "In other words;' butted in the and 'Mirror Labe) and at one time its smart student, "the more one sits, the existence was only known to the Intl- less one can stand," ° Exactl)", :. CARIBOU FOOD PRODUCT,: Explorer Stefansson Also Suggests Musk Ox as Source of Supply. Vilhjaimur Stefansson, the Arctic explorer, by a reefed address before the Canadian Commons and Senate, has awakened Canada to the import - fume o thecaribou i musk o�: as a. �tce f ca bon air(. source of food supply for thenation. The Dominion Government, upon the recommendation of Arthurlleighen,l minister of the interior, has appointed a commission to ivake a, thorough in- vestigation of the Arctic and sub -Arc- tic regions with a view to the conser- vation et these wild herds. There are between thirty and sixty million caribou in the North according to estimates. They range as far south as Churchill river in winter and retire to the tundra region in the summer. Thousands are slaughtered by wolves and hunters every year. Their meat Is equal to fine venison and their hides tan int° teethe^ that resembles cham- ois skin. The completion this year of the Hudson. Bay Railway, a branch of the Canadian national system, extend- ing from the Pas to Port Nelson on Hudson Bay, will open a route by which the animals can be conveniently shipped to market. The musk -ox are not numerous. They never venture south of the Great Barrens. Their meat is like beef and they yield a wool equal to that of merino sheep. Mr. Stefansson be- lieves that if the herds were superin- tended by a force of rangers they could be greatly increased and would become in time a valuable commercial factor. The Old Melodeon. There, like some ancient visitant Of bygone days it stands; Its yellow keys a welcoming", Extending to the hands. No fingers wander o'er the keys, No feet its pedals press: 'Reft of the soul of music there It 'waits some hand's caress. It leans" against the chamber wall Like some old broken form, Too weak to stand alone without Assistance in the storm. Bar, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any Its bellows gaping wide is hung drug store or toilet counter will sup - With cobwebs to the floor; ply three ounces of orchard white for The dust upon its yellow keys a few cents. Massage this sweetly Is strewing thickly o'er. fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands/ each day and see how -eh, in the stillness of the night freckles and blemishes disappear and The ancient thing it grieves, And plaints in echo to the soft, Low whisper of the leaves. Then from the lonely chamber float Sweet tones of Beulah Land; A spirit song from spirit throat Chorused by spirit hand. But when the light of tmorning falls In glory everywhere, The dust upon the yellow keys Is strewing thickly there. From Beulah Land the player came To spell away the gloom; And passing, left behind the same Sweet lavender perfume... retorted the lecturer, "and it one lies a great deal, one's standing is lost completely." and a palatial hotel, the Chateau, hav- l Nat What He Meant, ing been erected on the lakefront, an A University lecturer began an ad- fording d fording ample accommodation. dress to the students the other morn- Stepping orn Stepping off the train at Laggan the' ing in this 'way: "Now I'm not going t tourist boards an electric car, which to talk very long. but if you get what! runs up the gradient to the lake, the 1 I'm going to say in your beads you'll trip only occupying twenty minutes.; have the whole thing in rienut-shell:' The drive is a most delightful ono. the I .Axel he looked surprised when a car. being open on both sides, affords an uninterrupted view of the wonder- ful scenery with the mininntm of exer- tion. The Bow River is crossed by a pretty little bridge, and in the early morning $unshine the, waters sparkle! like opal fires, tossing furiously in', eddies as the river forces its way down the valley. Arriving at Lake Louise ane feels transported into, another atmosphere, it not to another world; feelings of wonder, awe, and admirationgrip the mind, compelling a reverential silence. The lake itself is small, but a perfect gem, lying at the base of the Victoria r of blighter followed his unihhtelh• tional slain, "Don't t talk to no about the wonders of past ages," said Uncle Joe Cannon. "The world today is far more weeder- ful than ever before. Just think. Its took Columbus as many months as it now takes days .4,o cross the ocean, and we talk about flying and traveling A Wonderful World. amile a minute as though they 'were nothing. "Why, the other day I dropped into 1 y Glacier from which it is fed, its waters a coon l th trsc hoa l jus in t time to hear ar Ban character and willing to tape an interest' in the children. not only during school hours. but at other times as well; there are about 22t children in the school;', boys and girls ages ra,ngIng from seven to fourteen years; salary thirty dollars per month. with board arfel residence; duties to commence Septezloher.. AWAY Cocltshutt Securities. Limited. Brantford. POU'LT1 Y WA2rT,ED: stir1IAT RAVE_ 'yoU FOR $ALT'( IN i Live Poultry.. Fancy Rens. Pigeons,, Eggs. etc.: Write I. Weinrauch & Sen. 10-18 St. Jean Baptista :Warhol, 'trout real. Que. 1'CR, SAnt, TI:wSr'APER. WEEKLY. IN ,Bl.1JCE 1 County. Splendid opportunity. Writ{ flex W. Wilson Publishing Co.. I(inked. ^,5 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. tiELL EQUFlteezia se::4� en-ere/LA and job printing plant in Eastern O arta, Insurance carried, $1,500. Wil[ Ito for *i.200 on quick Bale. Box. 13. wliisoo Puhlishinc Co.. Ltd.. Toronto, 3.rc BU DEB$1 fill rl: P(a Qt l« FRBB i1QOr,: Q8' lfeuse .Plans.'and information tell. inn how to save from Two to Pour Iurt- elreO Dollars on your nets homer Ad- dress Iialltday Company, 23 Tacksots �P.. Hamilton, Ont. TaISCEr asNEov$. (1 'CEO- TUMORS. LUAU'S. ETG NIJJ internal and external. cured with- aut. ith- aut pain b3' aur borne treatment, Writ. be before too late. Dr. Reitman Med eat Co, Limited. Callinlewood, Ont 1' e teacher ask: being pure turquoise in calor, that 1 „ "Johnny, into 'what two great deep turquoise so difilcult to describe.l classes Is the human racy divided?' i and Johnny answered promptly Behind the lake :11t, Leroy towers " 'Motorists and Pedestrians: i like a giant to the heavens, reaching, "That'swlhat I call progress. Atter, an altitude of over 10,000 feet—one d a while there won't be any pedes - huge mass of dazzling snow and TCC,1 trues" i resembling the Matterhorn in. Swit- zerland, Mt, Aberdeen and the. Vic- toria Glacier form a background uusur- passedfor grandeur. nearly severed and was for about nine The surrounding country suggests months that 1 had no use of my band, ,, an Alpine valley. Ranges ot snow- and tried other. Liniinents, also doe - r clad mountains stretch as far as the ' tors, and was receiving no benefit. 13y eye can reach, while the air is filled , a persuasion from a friend 1 got MIN - With the scent of the pines. Flowers of 'brilliant color bloom everywhere. Facilities can be obtained at the Chateau to escort parties going to Moraine Lake and the Valley of the Ten Peaks by automobile or carriage; ponies can also be hired to take tour- ists to Lake Agnes and Mirror Lake. On the way to Moraine Lake a splen- did view ot hlt Temple is obtained This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist ". This, mountain is one of the highest' petks• in the Rockies, rising town alti tude of 11,000 feet. Its -sides resemble walls of solid ice, and its crest is cov- eredwith snow. At this point a fine`' view of the Bow Valley „ is obtained' from a height of 11,000 ft„ the river looking like a• slender silver thread down in the valley. Still other beauty spots are the Giants' Steps and Para- dise Valley, where the opalescent wa- ters come thundering dawn from the sublime heights above, forcing their way through the mountains to the dis- tant valley. Moraine Lake is soon reached, and the tourist is allowed half an hour to rest before the return journey, en- abling him to enjoy the magnificent scenery. Moraine Lake lies at the base of the Ten Peaks, a chain of mountains all over 10,000 feet high, covered with snow. LEMON JUICE IS * FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a battle containing three ounces of orchard. white, shake well, and you have a 'quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beanti- ARM'S LINIMENT and used one bottle which completely cured me, and have been ung MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family ever since and find it the same as when I first used it, and would never be without it. ISAAC E.IIANN. Metapedia, P.Q. Aug. 31st, 1903. "Paying Qff." esident Salesman Waited TO SEL1. THE INTERNATIONAL KEROSENE GAS BURNER This burner turns Kerosene (Coal 011) into gas. Fits into any cook -stove or neater and ie. conceded to be by fur the mu: t practical Gravity Fed Oil Burner introduced. No wick used and ab- solutely odorless. Applicants must be men of responsibility and well known in their community. Address Sales - Manager. NATIONAL BURNERS, LIMITED 114-116 JARVIS ST. . TORONTO .tt poor farmer will ruin even a rich farm. A good farmer wilt m a run-down farm behave itself and grow fat. 24iaar0.'a Liniment Cures Cola, Eta She --"Were the British soldiers happy when they came back front. France?" He—"Happy? They were in transports," The act an "paying off" in a big item , ONLY dus�rial plant is a considerable ONE of expense when there is taken into consideration the accounting, the money in envelopes and the loss i of time of the employees in going af- ter their money. Pay day is abolished by the latest scheme for handling this problem which has been suggested for adoption at :a great. English soap manufacturing establishment. Each employee would be required to bave a private bank account, either in the firm's bank or in any other; the week- ly or monthly pay roll would be sent to the firm's bank, and the sum each scan is entitled to would be placed to his credit. Then he could draw what- ever lie needed for .household or other expenses and leave the rest to his credit, where it would draw interest. The firm would supplement all bal- ances with additions. This would do away with pay envelopes and standing in line and would encourage saving. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. putting GENUINE ASPIRIN Royalty and Movies. The. movies have a great fascination for several members of the Royal Family; Princess Arthur of Con- naught visited the .Cinema Palace at Marble Arch some time ago to see a special film depicting the work of the Church Army among the troops. Lady Patricia Rai'nsay is another enthusiast, and takes her father to see the pic- tures occasionally. Prince Arthur thinks that the most enjoyable films are those of current events,, and she delights in seeing "the week's news .in pictures." Scarcely a Windsor visit passes off without a cinema Showat the Castle, when the Waterloo Cham ber is transformed into a miniature theatre. how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. GREATER PARIS SEEN. Statistician Expects City to Have 6,000,000 Inhabitants by 1970. A statistician who has made a study of . the growth of the population of Paris estimates that the city, within its present limits, will have 6,000,000 inhabitants in another half century, and that the population ofathe Depart- ment of the Seine, which he thinks. will then be a part of the capital, will have increased to 14,300,000, says a Paris despatch. He bases his figures on tire actual development of the city since 1800 and on the progressive density of the popu- lation which went from eighty-five to the acre in 1361 to 146 to the acre in 1911. "In 1961 he anticipates - Paris will cover 432,000 acres, virtually the en- tire territory of the Department of the Seine.and'some communes of the De- partment of'.Seine 'te Oise. The greatest. fortune - a man can leave, his children is not a big bank aocOunt,' nor a: fine residence,. Thor la place among the aristocracy, but the legacy of an upright, gentle and use- ful life. Tdir-:ird's Linitnent Cures Distemper. Gooseberries. Gooseberries produce fruit both on the old and new wood. Pruning, which is best done in the spring, should be confined to thinnfhfg out the branches so as to secure well rounded bushes with open heads. Cut back to an upward pointing bud any branches that bend down to the ground. Gooseberries like water. Not that they cannot have too much, but in well drained soil they enjoy a good sprink- ling daily so the ground about them will not dry out. A mulching of welt rotted manure about the plants as soon as the fruit buds have set is beneficial, enabling the plants to perfect their fruit and form flowering buds for the following year. Keep the mulch damp. Hurrah 1` How's This Cincinnati authority says corns dry •up axed Ilft out wuith`•fingers. Fp o o o- s o: 000 o o,•..� Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock- jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cin,Cinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezone can be obtained at lit- tle cost from the drug store but is suf- ficient to rid one's feet of everyhard or soft corn, or callus. You simply apply a few drops of freezone on 'a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short- ly the entire' corn can be lifted out, root, and all, without pain. Thdritg Is sticky but dries at once and is claimed, to Plat shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irri- tating, the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she will be glad to Lnsew .0Y t13is. Y �� ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. if You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them -They Are Not Aspirin At Alt. Your druggist gladly 1011 give yoll the genuine `Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" because genuine Aspirin now is made by Canadians and owned' by a Cana- dian Company. There is not a cent's worth of Ger man interest in Aspirin, all rights bets ing purchased from the U.S. Goverhl ment, During the war, acid imitations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other containers. But now you can get genuine Aspirin, plainly, stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross" —Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Colds,, Neuritis, and Pain generally. Hendry tin boxes of 12 tablets, also larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade Mark, registered in Canada, of Bayer IVlanufacture of Monoacetic-acidester of Salicylicacid. 1 Use Cuticura to' Keep ,. Your Hair From Failing How many -times have barbers given this advice to men who are losing their hair because of dandruff and scalp irritation.-' At night rub Cuti- cura Ointment into the scalp. Next. morning shampoo with Cuticura'Soap and hot water. A clean, healthy scalp means good hair, _Cuticura Soap 25c., Ointment 25 and 50c. "talcum 25c. plus Canadian duties.' Sold everyaihetre. For sample each iree address: Codeine, Dept. N, Boston,U. S. A. j$SIIE No, ao ,t'19,