HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-31, Page 1, '1THIRTH-SECOND YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY 31 1919 SANDERS & CREECI•i TO CORRESPONDENTS During June, July and Aug- ust the Advocate will go to press Wednesday morning. The type forms will close on Tuesday evening, Correspondents will please get their budgets in one day earlier than before. Our Corner Clover and bassw,00d honey was a failure in, this section, and also in most parts of Oniterief, It is the poorest crop in. thirty yeassf Theme was a fair hc i1 y flow during fruit and dandelion /Aeons, of which there is a leniteed )supply. It iia els::,meci that the potato crop this year is very =certain,. The dry weather retarded the:,, growth, and in many ;places the Tants have not blosslamed.. In this disteicnt the plant Iclok: healthy, but eta digging few and only smell petato:,s are ,found The Might has apneeeed in some districts, The Ontario oMotor Lhasjust t completeerecting mare than. 1,500 road signs ort the principal highways, The road -sign ;car during the past three ,months has covered more than 5,000 xiulee, A number of the signs were special notices erected on sep- arate pales cat some of the' important road junctitons, egving directions and intormat'toxt tto,motoristst Is Allot abut tiime that country ed itors were strileing flee ae eigl>(t-hour da:• with double play fear overtiante, a in.s tutu n w tge of $5.00 per day, the yment tot all arrears of subserhee :done by the State, old age eension of a retiring al,`iowanee, two montths' holidays each year with double pay and f s ee transport:item, and a com- pensation om-pensation foe voluntary idleness, and a partic'ination iri other people's prof- its ? Everybody else :s doing if. Harriston Review. GOAERICU MAN HELD ON A CRIMINAL CHARGE, Goderich. July 25—After searching the town police constables arrested Albert Jardine in a freight shed at Meneset at 3 o'clock this morning, in company with a young girl with whom he disappeared last night during a band concert in the park. He is lock- ed up and charged with a criminal of- fence against the girl. Magistrate Reid remanded ;him after a prciimineey hearing this mortaring until August , PRONE 81a TAMAN'S 1w Summer goods Summer is here. See our stoclt SUMMER SHIRTS ,. SUMMER NECKWEAR SUMMER HATS SUMMER CAPS SUMMER CLOTHING Andall kinds of MEN'S WEAR FOR SUMMER =t ` 'rderQd and ReadY o wear Clothing.' OLD.BLUES,AND OLD BLACKS ?,WEEDS, WORSTEDS, ls.TC. B!G STOCK OF 12.EADY-TO SUITS AND PANTS IIII. I Tarnan - Furnisher T •lor & EDITING A NEWSPAPER Editing a newspaper is a pleasant business—tit you gain' stand it. If it contains any, adve ntelements the ;subscribers claim they take too ,inch space. If there ms e. scarcity of advertis i,n , it is ulipot,u1ar, and the people won't have it. If we attend church regularly, they say we .de it for effect. If we stay away from church, they say we are ,moist rouser heathenish, If we accept an iutvitation to a wedd- ing they say we are invited, to a"uvrrite it Ifp we are one the streets much, they say we neglect our business. If we ava:.i? going on the street, they say we don't hustle around af- ter fter the :news. If we reject a ltoae-winded cam- munirttion, its author becomes furl- ovsly enraged and discontinues his paper. If we publish lengthy gommu sear• tions, our .subscribers say we lack die- cretion, and ptit them tin to Ale ope If we ice windows an. Vitoria t to Day, they, e our olfsay we leek enterprise and that there is nota drop 'of vatric(ti.c blolod in our raegenzated carca,ss.. If we •omit jokes, they say we are goo;, miserable ,fossies,, If we are single, they say we are ton helpless to get married. it we ere merri,ed they say it is a pity fn; our wives. If we publish a man who has brought disgrace) on his family, the )friends of the ,anely never forgave us. If we, out of the goodness of our heart, decline_ to say anything cin, the subject, the .mare's enemies are di.:s- appointed, and eve are branded as white -livered cowards. We ate ea* to receive these raps and mans more, and we are al. - ways ready receive visitors, if ac. ooMnanted by dog or not. Of course We tlo not claim there i.,any work in. running a newspaper. Everybody knows cit's a snap. Exeter Council Exeter, Friday, July 25th,1919 The Municipal Connell of the Vil- lage of Exeter met as per call of the Reeve. All the members were pres- ent. The minutes of the meeting held July 14th were read and approved subject to change of date on the is- sue et 1920 pavement debentures. Date being fixed as August lst, 1920 instead of Sept., lst„ 1920. A. letter was read from the Secret- ary-of ecret- h arY oft1ne 001 rd askingthat Sc Boa the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars be raised for school purposes for the current year. A. letter from tete County Clerk, G. W. Holman stating that the County Council had directed that the sum of Two Thousand Four Hun- dred and . Seventy -Five Dollars and Seventy Two • Cents be levied for County purposes for the year. General County purposes $1668.42 Good Roads Rate 807.30 Per Elston and Day,—That the Reeve -proclaim Monday, August the 4th as Exeter Civic Holiday.—Car- ried. Accounts were passed as follows; Edward Treble, cemetery 7.50; R. B. a -c, 5.10; Mise. 13.20: 25.80; H. J. Kuhn, tile R.B. 16.85. Passed on motion of Snell and El- ston. Carried Adjournment by Day. . Jos. Senior, Clerk. DROWNED AT GRAND BEND Aittenn,pti,ng to seeps the river at Grand Beard pn Sunday Morning in ardor to ,get back to the) Boy Scouts' camp before the return of his come re des .,Leon Canton(, , aged 15 years, son.. cif Mrs. Feed Cananan of Parkhill became 'exhausted and was drowned, Two little children were the. only ones who witnessed the ,eve(tn(t.t The body. was 'recovered a;few hours afterward attd •taken to the home in i Parkhill, The 'lad bakd `been left . on camp duty while the resat of the boys were out with the, scout master.: He went to .the river bank and across in a boat, aryl aftenipted to swim back, but ebe- ing only a learner the swerve. was tad much for him., The boy's father was a section man at Parkhill artd, . was killed by a ,train four years ago. The ,mother is in delricafe health, and the good hearted campers collected $150 to defray the 'expenseis of the funeral. There is no life-saving ' appliance whatever, we ixnderstand, at - Grand Beni I , aril it ils surely up to the municipal aiftharities of Stephen and Btosanctuet ea provide., some anplie,n,ces for pureoste., In one week alone ties 'summer there .were four near-' drownings. FATALITY AT GODERICH' Goderich, July 23.—A. fatal nccildeat Occurred thleree ,about 5.30 o'clock this afyennoon nt aBilse tt Brothers' dairy, Saltford, (when a Harry WW(ts(or, a prominent 'e'itactrilciaru of this town was electrocuted. Watson had beem! work - Nig rat ,the dairy Oil day Benxi had almost completed (111i -work, when a high volt- age ,wire ,siliprred obit oil hose h'arnd and touched his arm above the, rubber glove- throwing him agaunst another live wire, where he met euus(taat death, The victim was about 40 'years' of age and' hard. /lived here all hist Jif H,e was a Icon, of the late Capt. We Wart - eon He is •survavted by' his wildlow, mother and two, brothers, George and' Fred, , both sof - this' ;towel. Entrance Results Crediton lire... Results of the West Huron H. S. En- trance Examinations,; 1919 't ~a.• The following are results of the 1919 entrance examination in West Huron. Total number .of Marks ob- tainable, 750, History being added in 1919. Marks necessary to pass, 450 with 40 per cent in each sub- ject and 60 of the total. First-class honors require 562 marks and are marked (A). Second -Class honors need 525 marks and are marked B. The highest mark obtained in each subjects's as follows: Reading, Clarence Towi 47; spelling, Madel- ine Gamut and Alex efeLennan 50; writing, Melia Bender and Florence Welsh 41; literature,. Madeline Rog- ers, 94; composition, Lillian .Brooks George Strickland, 30; geography, Ford Steedman93; .history, Isabella Frazer 94; arithmetic, Dorothy Armstrong R. W. Busch, Hugh Mc- Donald. 100; grammar, Annie Pan- zar 96; total, Annie Panzer, 639, The marks of those that sailed are being mailed to them. The eer- tifleates of the„successful candidates will, be sent to the teacher or to the secretary. of the school about Aug- ust 23rd. Number of entrance candi- dates was 219, The following were successful: Godericib Central School 'Millie Beck, Mae Campbell (A), Louise Cooke (A), Doris .Fisher (13) ~rank Galion' (13), Annie Partner. (A), Sanderson (A) George Strickland (A). Goderich Victoria School Billy Andrews, Thos. Cutt, Ernest Doak (13), Evelyn Dougherty, Phyl= lis Duckworth, Harry Edwards, Alex Fowlie Willie Gauley, (13) James Godfrey, Monteith Leckie,' Willie Longrnire, Countess Lyeuburner, G. eletheson, Edna McFarlane, Edith Reinhart (A), Elsie Reinhart (13), Grace Videan. Gocierieb Separate School Muriel ,Austin (13) Harold Dalton John Fellows, (13), Willard Grwavelle Phillip McDougall, George McKay, Helen McKay. Exeter Public School Joseph Bradt, Ruby Davis (B), May Eiworthy (13), Leverne Harness Florence Harvey, Bertha Russell, Lyle Statham, Isobel Stewards= (A), Reggie Taylor. Bayfield Public School • James Drehmann, Lola Elliott. Crediton Public School Royal Hoist, Walter Hauch, Chas. Hoffman, Melvin Sims, (13), Alma Sm (13),Severna Winer. ithe e Sv Dashwood ublic School Evelyn Howard (B), Czar Stein- hagen, Mervyn Tiernan, (B). Dungannon Public School Mary Mole, Thelma Reed (A), Ford Steadman (A). Hensall Public School R. W. Busch, Helen Elder, Vera Johnston, Laird Joynt, Hugh Mc- Donald (A), Helen Smith, Grace Stone, (A), Florence Welsh. Zurich Public School Whitney Brokenshire, (13) , Doro- thy Fritz, Euloine Geiger, Hilda Neuswanzei4, Bert Siebert, Gordon Walper, (A), Bennie Weber, (A), Inez Yungblut, Centralia Public School Aurelia Anderson, (A), Lillian Brooks, Irene Essery, (B), Kath- leen Hicks, (13) , Marie. Hodgins, Truman Mills (B). Colborne S.S. No. 2.—Beulah Long. S.S. No. 6,—Agnes Buchanan, Vio- let Fitzgerald, Margaret Graham, (B), Jean"McLeod, (B), Bert Mc- Manus, Leonard McManus. Goderich S.S. No. 1.—Ira Oke. S.S. No. 6.. -Helen Belt, Minnie Johnston.. S. S. No. 10.—Stewart Middleton, (A), Bert North (A), Mary Stewart (A), Iiay S.S. No. 2. --Percy Campbell, Maurice Ford; (A), Harry Greb, (A) Isabella .Murray. S. S. No. 4.—Bertram Kiopp, Ger- tie Ortwein, (B). S.S. No. '8.—Idella Bender (A), Laura Rader, (B). S.S. No, 1;—Lottie Laporte. Stanley S. S. No. 3.—Clifford Clark. S.S. No. 4. north—Freida Talbot, (A). . S. S. No. 6.—Carl Johnston (B) . S. S. No. 9.—Eleanor Meyers. S.S. ego.. 10.—Isabella Frazer (A) Madeline Rogers (A), Frank Welsh (A), Austin Wheeler. S.S. No. 1a.—Ruby Erratt. • Setephen S.S. No. 1,—Janie Hogarth, Saph- rona White S.S. No. 2.—Elsie Brandon. S.S. No. 3.—Celia Christie, Gertie Francis (B), Laura Knight (B), Ed- ith Schroeder. • S.S.,No. 6',—Cyril Doyle (A), Ger- aldine McKeever. S.S. No. 7.—Mary "Houlahan. S.S. No. 8.—Vectra Page, Geralil- ine Rexene. S.S. No. 10.—Byron Brown, Lil- lian Hayter, illian''Hayter, Jean Hodgins, t lsbor ne S.S. No. 1.-Clarenne Down. S.S. No. 3.—Elgin Copeland, S.S. No. 4.—Morris Coates (13), Whitney Coates, S.S. No. 5.—Dorothy Armstrong,:. (A) > Anna Jeffrey, 'George Moir. S.S. No. 6.—Horace Delbridge. S.S. No. 7.—Clarence Towl. S.S. No. 10.—Hattie Etherington, Mary Horner. We. the undersigned merchants of Crfediton, agree to close our places of business on Thursday, at 12.30 o'clock during the months of July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open.. F. W. Clerk J. W. Orme, M. D. 5. KHoltzman B. Brown. W. el. Sambrook H. Eilber & Sore. C. Zwieker C. Trick 0. Ewald August l C, Beaver J. 'G. Young & Sort rFaist Bros. F. Wuerth 8: Son G. K. Eckert, V. S. Mcisaac & Wolfe Toevethiek & Hodgins A. Morlock,. h,elieleying at ;the home of his peer ents here. 1 Mr, A very pretty church wedd;gine took p xese at Crediton iefeithlodist Church ,i. ,r. 'Vfi e'S d r on W. ay, July 23, at eight noon when Gleetas 1•Hi 1, nus united us mar- riage to Revs: Earl B. 'Walser of Tortanto. Rev. C. e4V, $ober: 13. 1).. pastor of the church offielsetedl The bride looked sweet, gowned in white silk crepe Kee chine pard bridal veil, trimmed with orange blossoms, ••arry- in.g a shower bouqufet of sweetheart ropes and white sweet pease,, She was asserted by her sister,"Beryl, who were 'channpagne crepe de rh?n and carried mauve sweet peas. The groom vias assisted by MC Percival N. Cas- e; at e; St. Thomas. The-wedtiin msf'ch was played by Miss Merle Clark, or- ganist kof ,the church and 'k' trsivat of the bride, The ushers were Mr. Wel- lington lington Baker and Mn Russell Clark. The bride is+ a graduate nurse of Beaneford Hospetal and also a grad, ease of the Deaconess Horne, after wards serving ,sev!era1 years .as dear. conese in Broadway Tabern aclee'eo-• route, The groom, the only child of eIrs, rWiljan Leslie Walker of Toe ra'ntao, 'studied at Albert and Victoria colleges and went overseas with the 1st Canadian tank battalion After a 4n me wedding breakfast at the home of 'the bride the happy teauplte left for a. trap to Muskoka, the bride.trav- oiling in pearl gray. Tater Mfr, and Mrs Walker will leave for the West. where Mr. Walker has been appointed to a cj Oto t in 'the Saskatch'ew nn eon- ferenee. Mr. Ilan::hwanz of Colborne spent last Sunday in town. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hoist. Eckert is having some improve- ments made 10 his Ford', Just now it is disnnant led and ;looks pretty such like ,the cheeses of an acro rias. n hk ,1 c a ,p4 Mr, and Mrs. Telfer and children of London, are visiting 'Airs. August Ewald. Joseph Lawson has commenced the cement work of the culvert to be cone structed at Ratz's mike., A good tem- porary road has be -en built on the side so that the _public will have no difficulty 'in. passing. Miss ,Queeniie Hodgins has returnee home from Grantor where she visited 1'Iiss D,aris Jeffreysoa for a few days Messrs Jacob. and Charles Ether. and their wives returned to Corumna on Friday. They were accompanied by their father, Christopher Eilber who will nnaake „hes home with them„ We are indeed sorry to lo se Mr. Eilber as a citizens_ He is,,onc of our pioneers and Wald resilclled in the, village the past twenty five years. His many friends .hippie he will ;live to enjoy a few ',more veal's of good health with his children. Before leaving he sold has house to Freeman Morlock who will move into it before Tang: We are .s(onry to (state filial Miss Lillian Ga,ister ,is reeking slow progre towards recovery of her health. We trust, 'however,, theme @vi1;1 soon' be a change for the better. Miss Beulah Smith spent the week, end at Griand Bead, the guest of Miss Kraehn. Mr and Mrs. Clayton, ,Sens and the Misses Smith' motored to Granton on Sunday and spent the day with Mr; and Airs. Wm. Douglas. Mrs. Wni. Sanish returned home from Kitchener last weeek. Mrs. Ed, Bertrand and daughter Thelma sof Detroit are vielting 112r.. asd Mrs • Herb. E.iclber. Nelson Baker, commissioner- for the County road thraugb the ,Village is having the street gravelled. It is even a good" coat which will . soon pack and make the road: in excellent shape. Alvin taller. is acting cam- mdssioner. Miss Ells. Betaver is \susiting her sisr ter, Sirs. Dyer in Dettrp?(t, Dr. and Mss. Fromm of Cincinnati, Ohio, motored here last week and visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ivbarlack, Mills Esther Hanc(,h `of •Chicago is ;visiting beer parents' at the Evangiel!- iic•al parsonage. Mr. Nicholas, sisters and friends of Tavistock and Toronto, ere spend- ing a few days here the guests of Mr. and Mrs `f)an Oestreicher. A meeting of the Waman;s Instit- ute will be held in the 'Fiore,itlert'a Mall (next Til(es,da.y, the ,5th of Aug;- use ug,'. ust at 2.3(1 'p:,m. A cordial invittatifoan is extended to :a1. Centralia POULTRY WANTED. Highest prices valid for all k•uttds ,of live poultry, delivered on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of each week Parsons -Davis Co. Miss May ,Hlotclgge(rt of ' Exeter is it9,tug her aunt, Mrs., T. Wtillie.. Mr. and sirs. A. Hoo Ir of Clinton visited Mrs. jBowaslaugh on 'fhttlrslday Mr Earp I- odgsa:i of Tariontio ;s • ,weal News Mr and Mrs. _L2oy d Bays -team- o: i Exeter s ±oent the nock end it ti e hoose •est the fo eer;s parents here. Mi e . Westlake ,ape chy,;ciren. spent the wee'i: ten-w,iith friends at Dash woad. Miss Lieeiata Elleett of London. is holidaying at ,the hone of lie father near hexe. We •un derstarel that Mr. Wm. T. GsrItill :hes pue tleese'i. the forte, '. a.•r e.. of land freer Mr. Thos. C t ver situate within the vittlage Eiarvesteng 1' tensed along free this •nelghb:r:hood. • Sneeze grain•, are ',cawbe!ty, cut, anti area peci e tial, sample, -even if ,the stalk :s .herb er than newel. elise \'lar ea Nell, p:;'3i'. of Miss M. BreunSen, London, pesee'l. her eti - atiiinations at •the I,,o;tdon Con,erve- tor\ of MIutti,:, talars; (les.111n ors for 4th grade. R-ev. Mr. Sinela?r p'.avh:d two very interesting anal i.:.structiv, Ser• mons oun Sunday. The - eBseee Mara • an -I Mlar ucry:; l-Iaolon ,att.here on Monday morrenes for Detroit, where they jo'n,e;l apart h., of ir:..n . a1 a boa, Lrtp un the Great Lakes. Dashwood DASIIWOOD HALF HOLIDAY We, the undersigne-1 business min et Da.hwood. agree to ek.n cur r:, snective ;@:aces of business every Thu.,sday afternoaa from 12 reel ek• noon to following morning earnmen,'- ?.n s Jute 26th, arca t,a°ling Aug. 2e -h. except when a holiday conies the nxc- eedin.; day. then the business places, trill be open Thursday afternoorti.._ Philip Fassold Wes. Wolfe Alex Zimmer John Kraft Edward Nadiger Peter McLsaac E F. }aft Thomas K1umpp Louie Adams Ig \Veitin Miss L leartleeb Canadian Bank Conner ee, 1'. S, Kent, Manager. Reid, Edeghoffer & .San. David 'Henan Hartman Elsie l., The Exe Shoo' Board has tn- oaged Reta Rowe and M.ss Medd on the puhlr school staff. Ifon Sar Wm. Hearst, K. C., M, Ie. Pe will address the e1e,'tors of Mitch- ell astel C, ste:et -w-, the Opera Hall cn Thursday, ,day , July 31st, at 2.31 p.m,, The 90th ine t ne ,af the Grand On - azar Ln^;e of Brsaish America op n- e:i in Ottawa tea Moseley and win a r:c vas IFriday;, It proenrhes to he ti :largest tever ha :td in Ca raglan Ler lendey Mair S. and, Cavice f;inur.he, tese need t n.oe services, the R w. Di Medi C4.101;.",7 t • la, them e t-- ngs. Forenoon 'meeting, at 11 :n Cae- en PresbyterL n Chur:h; n g scrg •c '^x :1124;n, St. at 7. Mr. L. J. 1Vieert shipped two, car In;nds cattle to Buffalo Net week. \ti Wi,ijeert and Mr. A. Musser ate companleci them. Death of Mr. Ehlers.—The death of John F. 'M. Ehlers azteurred su lden,- r. 1 , ly •o Wednesday,u,.v 1. t, a, n23. e My ed had been 3n good health tint ', a week previous, when he complained or not feeling well, but was soonmuch better and Sunday seemed ncuti h im, proved. Early Monday morning he was stricken ,with a praraly tic stroke and lingered until Wednesday even.- in when death relieved him. De- c'eased, who had reached the age of 67 years and 23 days, was a general i'arerite and of a most kindly dispos- ition, ,being highly respected by all who knew him„ 1 -Ie is sureesed by three daughters, llrs., Richard Baker Mrs. Clarence Kelleirnia.n, and Mrs. Thos. Klumpn, u-ith whom he wa making his home, Three brothers, Fred of Kitchener, Henry and Will. - lam ,at town. and two sisters, Mrs. Jnn. Schroeder and irs. Hy. England of Dashwood also survive. The funeral took place from bks late residence; on Friday afternoon to the Goshen Line cemetery, Rev. 1tey-er of Zurich and Rene. Haugh ,otf Crediton offie1a.tingi Asxton:g those who attended the fun- eral taf etlre late Jahn Ehlers an Frday were MIr -and Sirs. Dan. Bieman an' family for Hanover, Mr. Rahn o. t 1: t - ford, fix. and Mrs. John. Rieman Naris fa .s'ly and MT. and Mrs. Peed B,:tci :non said fam,'i`iy .'of Ayton, Mr. Frei ti`h"ori and daughter Mary of Kitchen- er and \Ier. and Mrs. Louis Pre ,ger o'f Detroit: Don't forgiet the Blackbush Farm ers' Club meeting ; Zimmer's .Ha;:; on Thursday ,even.hig, July 31st. Mfrs. A. J. Brunner and little girl of Chicago are vas(iting Mr, an,c1. 'Mrs, G. O'estrc cher. Mrs. Ezra Bender and children of Kitchener are vL titian; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bender. Pte. Wm. Gossmtisn and Sgt. Geo. Gassman. have returned from overseas Mr, 5 Irelantd inf Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. E. Tiernan. Miss Rets Rowe of Exeter spent the week end with Miss _M{iut•nt Ehlers. Mrs. R. J. Arni(sinoag tend family of Lon.don, are at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Mcisaac, Dr. Brau•ghto:t and sister of Whitby are visiting at the home of Mr, J. Kellerman. Messrs. Herb Rinker and .Iferb Geis- er left ,last week for Detroit. Miss ' Nettle Baiokenshwe . of Strat Gond ,vs ,v:ieitiing frieelntdls anti relatives in tonin., Miss Matilda Muller of Toronto and niece Mildred Shore of Woodbridge are spending their vent -titian wijth Mrs, Mes rs. V. Siebert and Maida Rout- ledge nt Zurich anal Ruth Greazebach pit Welland spent Su,znday at the hone pt if. Kraft. • Misses Rose an;cl'Antianette Zim- mer of Stratford •retur-ne.1 home on Saturday. • - Mrs. Sand•encio tt ; of London • visjitec' ,relativ..es (aeale tovle(r the' weekl-end. Mrs.; Wm. 'Ehletis and daughter, 'Atte", ,.are spend:tng, a few weeks in, I(itchener. Miss Ella Zilrnm,e.r retujrneld tto De:- d . trout olu-.'VLani aY Miss Mitchell. t05 Strathroy is visit- °:.^.•* M.-'; \ eldrel l ' S'chilote+der. Mgr. aad Mrs, Wm..B,resmear ,of Strati-- fiord trati-fiord ',spe•nt Sunzlay in tows 11ANI) CONCERT, The band will give a concert in Victoria Paris on Monday evening, Civic holiday at 8.15. Collection. ANNOUNCEMENT. tir:. Gambrel we,hes to inform he r punt,, end thane wishing to atucly ie that she siren`ls tre remain in Exeter and wee continue her teach- , as ux,ua.l. ii ghost mu iry_ai edu-- c, ,'n a: i ure ':n voine and planes. OF +ILA ' iiANIil' ORI). A. were known awl highly r<}p .'ted a' '°cut +tr link:te*r passed away abort r.ir. ikon:: on the morning ell Ince- ''s, July 29th. \'slip refer to the Jt reise• teof Ml'. Seae 'Ilandforsi at the age 't 75 years 7 mon,h ; and 11 .1n8 I"hZ .at Mr. lian+l ere bee ,;cot, bete n noose health for a year or mor., be- n a .ufierer :ram its sre o2 the =o set et ant bowels. He was Asp nal atsukil however until abatis' tee month, ago, @th:1n he b:°r„amc :wit and tea; fo.,'i;.1 to remain int leore, , an 1 nue jt or the t ,n: lit, bed, .A few we i:s 's*y,r fear were i.n'e,:- ain:rl ani the fair'; was summoned to hitt, ,bel t-:, but he. recovered to 'erne extent, The end however, was only post an.d, an l getting worse ties:ntly he pa ,,ed away as :,talte,;i. Mr I'Iandto:tt was bot•n au the hoarte- stswi tarda pa the London Road south nn<t res.Jed there and in Exeter all his, lite He war, or re rhi4 aril quiet 4 spo,it on, hon.st and trustworthy in all his st aleves, ani estareme:i by all, For many yn!trs he'VMS a teamster, and faithful ant pro:itlint in the businees. In rel g oln he we; a Meth- odist ani ea politics a t'onser•vaitire: I'ttty years agar he norm.: Elizabeth Lewis, and they celebrate) their golden wedding )ding anniversary last fall. t. •1 Y • B hie _ survived n.. v .., hby t y three sons ,and two daughters, Agu - tus ,ef Renfrew, Thames of Palmyra. Was., and ZVllbl:r of Sarnia, Mra. Thornton of Sarnia and Miss Allie et home, Two ,brothers anti two, sis- ters also survive, James of /Exeter!, Samuel tot ,Snowflake, Man, MIrs, Hick:. toe W tnniipeg and Mrs. May of Mitchell. The funeral will take place to Exeter cemetery, but the day and hoar have not y ett been fines Mrs F. . Niatlth'ews ,of \Vlarcford ;s visiting h;er sister, Mrs. Fred. May. . rs Rowland of Clinton. vSsjted this Mrs. Fzte;1. MAY over the weeke end. Mr. John S. Medi, brasher of 12t v-. Dr. Medd, was a visitor this week. at Main street p,•trslonage. Mr. Harald and Miss Lillian Boyle of Toronto motored here on Tuesday to visit fiiientds and. relatik!es. Mars. McTavisth ,and three children of Shakespeare are visiting with her parents \Ir. and Mirs, John W. Tay- bor. Miss ?:ea,'ti of Chatham, who spent a few c .y s a t 'Dein Street parsonage; he guest sof Mrs. Medd, ,r, 7u.nn:., l hone :on Saturday last. kir Wm. .Clark ,of Winnipeg, Man., and Mr.. Wsn. G•aueleof M aami, Mars. were pleasant vilsltors in town this week, both being former. weerknown , nes:dents of Exeter, the former being in. bu,s'.lnuess herefor many years, and. the latter served his apnreiit.Neship as clerk with Mir. Clark and hiss broth - • Mr. J. P. Clan* Both however, ,eft here many years agla. Births Corbett -In Hay, ton July 27, to Mr. and :Mrs,. Fred Corbett, twins, a son and a laughtert Marriages. Wa,1leler-Haid.--At Crediton, tan July 23. Reg Earle H. Wiayker of 'Toronto to Glade's O. Hill, daughter sof Mr. and Iv'Irse.Isaac Htei of Cretclijaon>ei Venln(ei--Watson,,—At Ches'ley, on July 1& CPI Rueben Allen Ven(-•. trier, son of Mr And Mrs., Vim. Vei ii- ner, of Tac•ehtirst, Styslse(x; England. to Mary ,Irene Watslorn,• second daughter 'of Mr(god Mrs, Charles 'Watson. sof Parkhill*, Deaths - flanclford=ln • Exeter,. an July 29th Sims Hand:Bard, a(gie)d 75 ye,a,rs, 7 mionths, :a(td. ;11 days,. • Ehlers—In• Dashwopd, on Jule 23, John FeederickiM Irtin, Ehlers, aged 68 years, 23,. day,:: MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by. C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly, confidential no witness