The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-24, Page 8EXETER Anvoc,ATE, THURSDAY, JULY 34 1818 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat .:.. ,, 2.11 Sarin,; Wheat ......m seas,.....,. 2.06 Oats , 75. Bayles. 1.10 Family Flour ,,..... 5.70 Bran, buyer's bags ... . 42,00 Short:, buyer's bags .. .... 46.00 Eggs 42 to 44 •Dairy But.tee ..,.,.... 42 to 45 Creamery Butter 57 Lard , , n e ..y.! ...s,.•, 40 >Po!ta'toes .. ...1.75 to 2.25 Hay.....,,.. ,,,.,.., 14,00 Hogs .....,,.. .,{ 23.25 Trivitt Memorial Church v -w: es as usual with Me. Heath- coat, Lea. Reader of St. Paul's Catth:- edral. London, :.n charge; SILK GLOVE FOUND. BIa''. silo glove on Main Owner call at this office: street. TE ACI IER WANTED Fu: S. No. 7, Usborne, slate eu.(lrtications anti salary. Apply to Geo. Brock, •Granton, R. R. No J. I-RiCa: COTTAGE FOR SALE. , bat_, >: ottags to t' et ..lass re pair with one acre land. Good frame arable 18x30, hen house 14x24; fruit tri c s and small fruits; house heated ►yit11 far i ce and is beautifully situat- s (i ;n Exeter, For particulars apply VI 1- R. Carling, GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air motor outfit we invite autoists to give us a ,-all. Free air fu;-nished. JOHN TAYLOR TE AC ITER: WANTED. Tse• teachers for Exeter public Sehe.a1—Tor Primary and Second Grade Rcoms Apply Miss K. McFaul, Exeter. Machine Shop for Exeter J. G. Cochrane (returned) has taken over the Connor :Machine Shap and LS installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention. given to all repairs AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED. Having resited the mechanical end of the Ford Garage Business we are prepared to give full satisfaction to all who require service on, automo- biles or gas enginease We repair all makes of cars and engin,,! Special service on. Ford anti McLaughlin cars for ;Alio Snell. Gas for sale. Free air. GRIFFIN BROS. LOCAL TOURNEY. Every bowler is expected to be on the green Friday at seven o,cloek when a local tournament will be held. Be on hand sharp at seven. Harvey's Flour is good flour. STRAY CATTLE Strayed from E 1-2 Lot 21, Con. S, Hay Township, three yearling calves, two red and one spotty. Any inform- ation leading to recovery of same will be suitably rewarded, Oscar K1opn Phone 18-93 Zurich Zurich, Ont. B3,ealin.g's Store, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday nights during June, July and August. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from that last sack of Modell is the best we everhad in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the. oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. THE WATKINS AGENT ,handles all kind; of spring tonics for both man and betst; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market: Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 House for Sale A, very desirable resaideri sial ,prop- erty. Fie white modern brick house conta`erg six goad sized roans, large balcony and verandahs,. Gan.Cenaen- ces :—electric lights, furnace, hard and son. teeter,, barn wiith lift and . motor garage. .Situate in splendid position, close to school, churches, depot, store and pillar box. Aoply Mrs. Harriisjotri Ga nbiiii, Exeter'. Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to ciose ourplaces of business on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception' -that when a holiday comes during the, week stores will remain open. 8. M. Martin and Son: .T. A. Stewart Jones and May W..1, Beaman A. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle • W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Win. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. .F Beavers. W. M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton Office one ' a — ee h n Offn n, J Lawson T 1 p pe The Times The Advocate • Local Doings iisow Dr. Roulston wishes to announce that his Dental Offihe will be"closed from two to four weeks : while be is away on vocation. Miss Josephine Davis has aecepte'd p. position asieelerk with Messrs, SDA & Sams. R G. SSeldont and C. B. Snell took rims of bowlers to the W.Q.B.A. at London, title week. Mrs. Wm • Treble has been cantina ed to her bed and, undert the doctor's care for the past week` Rev. A. A. Tramper, who as halo Baying in London, bad charge of the aiervices in Sri, Paul's Cathedral that cit} on Sunday, R. G. Seldon's rink of bowlers did not get into the prize lig M Lain - beth tourney last week, but won two out of four games. The Band gave a very entertaining open: air concert in Viietoria Park on Satter:ay evening and was rewarded by a. eat ailver collectiiare F. W. Harcourt, K.C., of Toronto is the new grand master of the Mas- onic Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Onlariot He was elected at the Grand Lodge meeting last week. Miss Gladys Ford, who was visiting at her' home here and returned to Sar- nia last week, has accepted a position as nurse in a Buffalo hospital and has gone to that city, accompanied by her mother, who will spend a~ week there. .Many of our people have been tak- ing a day off the usual run, of bus', neee artct ,go ne to ;the woods to piele raspberrie . Besides being out in the open for a few ,hours, a pail of fruit that is worth some dollars may be gathered. , \fr Wm. Creech. while iernovi g shingles from the root of the Shed at Jaynes street parsonage on Wed` aEsday last, had the misfortune tofall to the ;around, when he lost his foot- ing owing to, some shingles breaking. Itt the fall, he ,cut` a severe gash im his head and was badly shaken up: Ne bones were broken and it is hoped he wit sora be well again] M:. Wm. Thomps.on,, for sntveral y ars traveller Hn, this district far Struthers and latterly for Gordan.- MacKay ordan-MacKay of Toronto, made his last trig to Exeter last week, accompan,ed by his successor, Mr. Ernie Barr, late- ly rettuned from Sibera., Mr. Thomp- son is to engage in the manufActtl'e of hosiery in London His many friends here and elsewhere will wish him ev- ery success 6n the ;new venture. The Thedford Tribune of last week contains. the following :—"Nicholas Erie Dyer-Hurdon and Miss Edith Irene, McCurdy, slaughter of Mr. Dan McCurdy, south sof Exeter, were married at St. Paul's church, here, on Monday evening by Rev. j. H. Whal- en. The groom is the sari of Capt. N. Dyer-Hurdan of Exeter, end has seen three years service overseas. Mr. and Mrs Harden, will reside in. De- troit," , Mr. C, .W, Robinson, implement sales agent for the Cockshutt Farm Impli- meat Co,, has just received one of the three medals awarded for Huron be that company to the agents', selling the most machinery. It is a very pret- ty medal suspended on a niece of black sill; ribbon, the front design Le- in„ a number of farm implements sur- rounded by a wreath ,and the name of the company, while the back bears the words, "In commemoration of 19t9, the year of peace, and the return from swords to plowshares." Charlie feels justly .proud ,of the gift. BO\WING TOURNEY On Friday evening Exeter and Hen - :mil bowlers .innixe{d up ort the Exeter green and ,had an enjoyable 4 games of six tends each. R. N. CF.lt ch's rink won first owner and Jas, Tay- lor's aylor's rink second money. The form- er had three wins and a plus of 14; and the latter three wins and a plus of 6. Brock and Johnston of Hensall played with ;Creech and R. Southcott and Christie with Taylor, On Friday night next a similar tourney will be held attseven, sharp, and outside bowl- ers are invited. ENTRANCE APPEALS. Candidates evlio are unsuccessful at the. High School entrance ,examinations are officially notified that they should consult their teachers as to the, advis• ability of ,entering appeals to the En- trance Board. These appeals should be made not laterr than August 19th, and in case an appeal is rejected a fur- ther appeal may be made to the Dep- uty Minister of Education n,at later than August 2e. Up to August 26th the cost [of am: apteal to the Deputy Minister will be $2. If the appeal is made later, before September 9th, the cost will be $5i. A PLEASANT GATHERING A pleasant evening was spent on Wtednesday, July 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,C. H. Harney, Sinn: coe street, Exeter, in honor of their son, Flight Candet, E. J. Homey, of the Royal Air Force, and his bride, who have just retufned from over- seas, The home was prettily decor- ated for the 'oc'casion, with "welcome home;;' btr!nitimig, eilate, eta It was a complege family gathering. Those present were, Mrs ._James CoI- Lii ngwco , IVLisis LOON and Master Aldwin of Hamiiltion, Mrs. George E. Colwell, ,Rath and Verna 'oaf Car- g811, Mrs.. Wm. Wilson and Mess' Haz- el, Gladys amid Bertha .of Petrolea, Mr. and Mrs' W. J. Homey of Kipper, Mr. and Mrs.. Wm, Motz of Crediton, arid Mrs. Williams (grandmother), aged 91 'years. Edgar 'J, Harney enlisted in the C. A. M. C. at Sarnia, . in August 1915 trained ,ors Carlii ng's Heights, Landon, until',proceedinng overseas in. April 1916; was instructor at Shiomncliff, Kent. then .pino`ceecled to France in January, 1917, where; he served in the t e, with � th .tit... 10th Canadian Field eft h a A:Ttiliiilancc anti. March, 1918, when he, p, odde ter1 ; a ,Eangl`(ratnd to join 'the Royal" Atii:',tFearele •bwt",owiitg •te' the. signing- ' of 'Ace err s$iee ,:he did . riot receive hie commdssinr as a flying .61 fie e corm �.�. Miss May- Sanders is visiting with friends in Iciachenert Miss Pearl Rollins of London, is. vis- img Mrs. Wnt. May, a Mr. T. Neleotrand family vette the week end in. Chesleee Mies - Florence Wood Os holidaying 'with friends in London; Mrs. CnitviU.iaevisiting her brother W. J. Idorney, at Kippers._ Mrand Mrs. H. W. I)oer,r agent last week visiting its Detroit. Mrs. A. F. Passmore :of Toronto is visiting her bister, Mrs ` Giadman. .Hiss Vosper and Miss Mame Sen- ders visited in London „this weeld Mrs :McMurray of Winnipeg is vis- iting with Mrs, G. \Iatttle for a weekk. Mr. and Mrs. John Payne and fame ily visited in Landon aver the holi- day. The Misses ,B'ertha and Alma Mack of \Montreal are visiting at their home here, Mr. Wilbur Haatldforidr of Sarnia vis- ited with his parents here over Sun,-. day, Miss Annie Pay of Ttoranao is vis- iting with her parents, Mt!. and Mrs; L, Day. Mr. Wm, May spent a, few days last week in Mitchell with his mother and sister. Mr, and Mrs. Shosenburg of Landon v a ted at 1ert, T. I, Newell'sever the, week end, Miss Lorena Johns of London vis- ited over Sunday with her cousin, Mrs',. E. Parsons. :qr. George Armstrong of Paris- vis- ited hia brother, Mr,. f, Arnfstrong during the week. \It', and Mrs, John Hawkshaw left Saturday for Lt1,can to spend two Qt three: weeks: Mr, and .Mrs, E. J. Homey are vis- iting the Tatter's sister, \Irs, Wm: Gleyn Sat London. Mr, and Mrs. W. ,T: Gopodisan of Sarnia visited Mrs], D. Johns art l Miss Lilla over Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. J. P, Rost of Calgary are visiting here and in Forest and camping at the Bend. Mrs S. M. Sanders returned Thurs- day from v visit with her sister, Mrs, Sam Rowe, in Gat, Miss Curliss, who has been here for the mil ineey season, left last week for her home in Bolton. Miss Lillian Hodgert and Beatriete of Regina, Sask., are visiting with Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert. Mr. and \Mrs, Samuel Rowe and (laughter, Miss Florence, are visiting with relatives in town. Mr. Wm, Parsons left Monday to visit with his daughter, Mrs} Je S. Clubine at Stouffvdee, Rev. Martin. of London and son Alex., of Kitchener, visited friends in town during the week!. Mr, Eli Snell, v+ho was in London at the hospital undergoing treatment, returned home Thurselay. Air. and Mrs. W. Nadiger and daugh- ter of Dashwood spent Sunday at the home tof Mr, earl Mrs. N. Ogden. Mrs Duncan and, cion, who were•vis- iting with \Irst Geo. Manttle, return- ed to their blame in London Tuesday,. \fir. and Mrs. P. B. Dignan and two C=hildren are Waiting with the form- er's parents, Met, and Mrs, .Jas. Dig; nail. Mrs. Buckingham of Kansas City, Mich., and Mrs. Jackson. of Walker's ale visiting trelativle,s en and around Exe tet', Mrs. Frank Mallett, Jr., and family o!: London are yii iting with relatirv'es in tower, Mr. Mallet was up .over the holiday. Mrs. WTtn, Wilson, and three, chil- dren, after a visit here with relatives, returned to their home in Petralea on \ionday , Mrs. Combs 'of Beileville e,1 tied Mrs. Jas. Pickard andother relatives in townover Sunday, being a former resident. Mrs. D. Ross and children left Wed- nesday for their home. in Sarnia, ac- c,ompatneed by herr brother and '11Ir. Silas Reid. Mt. William Essery of Edmonton, who recently returned from overseas, visited his aunt, Mrst John Hawkshaw last week. Mess Gerti,e Short leftTuesday ev- ening for Brent -',inn, Mast, where she will take charge of a government con- trolled schioo4, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Nichoasl and :fasn- 3dy 01 Ade,,,a'ide moored here la,st:week and spent the holiday width MIT and Mrs. W. H. D,earang, Mrs,, T. Brevard and her cousin; Miss Myrtle Hill of Flint, Mich., are here visiting with the fernier's parents, Ma and MTS Thos. Elliott. Mrs, James Collingvvood and two children, Lila. and Aldwin, returned to their Biome :in Hamiltann, after a short visit with relatilve,s heret Dr. R. Y. and Mrs. Fergtnston `. and family .of Pontiac, Mitch!, vilseted adur- ing. the week at the homtel,of the for- .river's sister, Mrs, C. B. Snell. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Miss Kathleen Stewart, Messrs. Douglas and Wilfred Stewart .and Jack S•outhcott motored' to Toronto last week and are now vis- iting•. i that city. , Mrs. Da ly and (daughter Evelyn; who have been visiting Mrs. John ,Lawk- shaw, :left last week for 'Toronto to spend a few days before returning to their home; in. Edmonton. Mrs. Cotter aid : son returned, ' n a tgTa- ledo last week'. Mr. Ernest Gregory returned to Re,gitnta and Mn W. A. Gregory, to North Batel(fotrd,,, They had been vaisiitiinlg their mother Mrs, Thos. Gregory entd sister Miss Stellla. Mrs. Wm. Pincombe of Usborne visited with , her sister, Mrs;, R. N. Chadwick in. London last week.' Myr. and Mrs. Chadwilc"k left the ]atter part of .the week for Hardesty, Alita, where they ,intend making their future ure home, Mrane . `t : Mrs,, Caldwell, J: Jr.,of� : Eaete. o::.. ac compaati>e,cl. by Mr. John Jo_. Caldwell, Sr., Robert Caldwell and George Parker of Hensallimatared `to, A;mherstburg, Wenidslar and D`ett4ait last week.' returning homer by way of Grana Beard. JONES &MAY PrictNE 3Z CANADA FWD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 This Stare will close each .Wednesday afternoon at 12.30 durin g June, July and August, Clearing Sale oiSummer Goods IN ORAER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW FALL GOODS THAT ARE ARRIVING WEEKLY. WE PLACE ON SALE THIS MONTH MANY ODD LINES AND BROKEN RANGES OF SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THESE LINES IN- CLUDE LADIES' VOILE AND CREPE BLOUSES, GIRL'S WASH DRESSES (in loamy patterns), BOYS' WASH ,SUITS, (excialen�Mt goods) WASIf DRESS GOODS, HATS OF STRAW FOR MEN, ETC. Clearing of Ladies' Embroidered Underskirts 5 Do' zen Ladies' Ur eesieirts, nicely embroidered an fine quality of tnatetrials, Our special clearing sale price at ,,$119, $1,49 and $1.79 each. These are real bargains, Ladies' Middies at $1.29 - These Middies pale well worth double this serieei However they are in broken size attic] Codd lines, so they must be sold out quickly. Sptecial clearing price 11a9 each. Girls' Middies at 59c. 3 dozen Girl's Middies in whine with colored trimmings, si zes 4 to 10 years, to•clear ,at 590', eac tit Don't miss these, as they' are the regular $1.00 quality,. Ladies' Vests at 3 for $1.00 10 Dozen Ladies' Summer Vests, sleeveless and quarter sleeves, While they last at 354 each or' 3 for $L00. Ladies' Fine Lisle Hosiery, - 40c. pair 10 Dozen pairs, Ladies Fine Lisle Hosiery, in black ,only", si zes 9 9 1-2 and 10, well worth 75ci a pair. Clearing Sale Price 40c. a pair. SPECIAL -200 yards SPaol Cotton, Coates' make; black aatd white— Se, a epotol. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the caelebtrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Meso and Bony; 46 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE Situated in the Cbrpiaration, of Cen- tralia, nearly all in a good state of cultivation. There is out, the premis- es small ,piece of bush, giood frame house, kitchen and woodshed; bank barn, drive shed, hen house; 3 good wells, 1 with wind mill forcing water tnibarn and pasture field; good orch- ard. rch-and• all well fenced;. close to church and school Posisession, given in fall For particulars apply on the premises, or by mail to Thos; Oliver. ..Centralia Ont. Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. A11 work guarantee. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old ,office Phone No. 120- Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Surgeon, . wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next d apprec- iates to Overland Garage, an prec- p iates the patronage he has, received in the old stand and hopee for a contin- uance of the same inl his new .office. Calls promptly attended to day or night, Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loam , on farm and village prot>'erty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S 1 ttNBURY BarristeIS,. Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. •CARLING,, B. A.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, CommIsslioner, Solicitor for the Mol sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at bowest rates of interest. • Office-M'atnt Street,' Exeter. CENTRAL s'TRATRORO. ONT. We have Teieg,t+a,phy, Commercial & Shbilliatdiaa Depitmentts. Wes d 't. cti 5 el •s ere iastrltva rex ,urs, ru ton. td end ere entertngeeach weeile. Our Oure graduS.es secure positions=•of trust. Get: our free.': catalogue now it may intertest you • D. A. McLachlan, t yl Principal. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds' up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phase 83Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Routlston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R.. KINSMAN; L. D. S., -D. D. S. Honor Graduate Taronuto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Maim Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED 'AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sakes a Specialty. Office' at Cockadtutt Warerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, Fruits, spices, teas, coffee and, every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. 8 trail as to quality will convin4 ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND .FURNITURE DEALER SOUTHCOTT FOUR SPECIALS FOR -THIS. W -EEK CANVAS SHOES AND OXFORDS 'We have ala unntls,'ualpy large s tock of ,Whitt,e Canvas Shoejs and ,.Ox- fords, These' ,lines are very popular this sejalson and they are 'c oil, acid cornffortablle ase wetll ail ;beitrvg very dressy fol summer wrea s„ Thies t foods. • arc reasonably pieced, Oxfords franc $2,1,5 'to $¢,00; Shlaes $2.50 to $5.00. CORSETS $1;15. • These Corsets are, worth In the seg - . way $1.75• They ,are made of goad fine cootie, with four .suspend- ers and is one of t'the seas:ors's „beet celhng•style: Ssze,s 20, to 26. Whtde they last our clearitn,g price es $1.15. BED SPREADS ,$3.25. These Spreads' are very -speciate >It is the Hast opportunity you will have of buying rep:'eads at this price from us this seasonl. The patterns are goodlt and they are 72 inches wideNby 90 in- ches. long. Our special price is $3.25 SANDOW WORK SHIRTS FOR MEN r:;.r' ozen \1em.,.Wcirk : .. Shalrrt: si .,, Shine, sizes 14 to 17. These 'shirts': ., , ,.. . • .., . , . . • h sle sha,rts artet. beg: in c� erg; �.ay. Extra long length, extra wide' widthandextra to g sleeves!. ide' suede .of goad wearlg ina,eva1, calors;of grey and• balck;and whete st-ipee., You'll pay .$1.75 for themlater ca ;S eei4i price for this;; SOUTHCOTT BROS