HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-24, Page 5T P E ATIC CAPS R UIK RREU pGTISM,4OaRITIS.S CIAT LUig' LGiA GOU'I gy A SURE RELIEF F4gN$ O ;OKI How old are YOU? "A woman is as old as she- looks— a man as old as he feels." Stay young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of life and wastes your best years. Fight Rheumatic pains with T. R. C. BROWNING'S DRUG STORE, OPTICAL ROOMS AND STATIONERY Sole Agents for Exeter. MTai•1 $1,04 to thiss address or to Templeton,'s 142 King W,, Toronto, and T. R. C,'s will be sent postpaid. Lucan LUCAN—John. Caen, an aged farmer living near St. Patrick's Church, while driving home on Friday afternoon with his two clattClttteftss, Mrs{ ,E, Binkiey and hire. Michad1 Carroll, trout of De- ' troit, lost central of his horse, which became frightened at a passing automo bile and 'dashed into a ditch at the side of the road, threw the occupants Of the buggy to ,the ground. The two • women escaped without serious In- jury. Lut their father, who is 75 years of age sustained a fracture of the ea- ter boar enol three broken ribs. Alt auto truck be beleageee, to the 7 u an Milling Company, ='aft; inxo a hot ,e running loose on. the highway west of the village on Friday breaking itsi leg: The animal belonged to. Ri Butler, and was destroyed. Owing 'to the busy season of the year among the farmers the crowd that gathered to celebrate peace d•e.y on Saturday was snnar;, The pro:ess'on of det,orated automobiles did not ma terialize, but 10 carloads of ,:oavales- cent soldiers from London reached the vine -tee about, 3 ncy'cloek in time to wit - rage the ball game between the m':lit try medical club of Carling's Heights mei the Irish Nine. The game was list- less after the. fourth inrengs the latter winning the fie. by 15 to 3. There was a tug of war and a prejt,talt ron of meda1s from the grand stand to some iof the 'Wel returned ',Whirs. AUCTION SALE TURNING FACTORY AND CIDER MILL AND CHATTELS There will be sold by public: auc- tion, on the premises, Ann. Street, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 At 2 o'clock, the fotllowing property: 2 spring wagons, 1 dray wagon, cut- ter, wheelbarrow, quantity clothes reels step ladders and long ladders, dr,indstene, new limed cider press, gates, a quantity of toted wood wh,iffletrees and neckyokes, clog house horse and harness; also many articles too numerous' to mention, There will also be 'offered for sale at the same time and place; the Turn- ing Factory and entire equipment, in,- eluding nteluding land, cider mail and all equine meat Terms :—Chattels—$5 and weder, ca$h; over that amount 6 months' credit on apo roved joint note„ Real etaltte—made known =on day of 'sale, or applying to proprietor at milt A. COTTLE C. W. ROBINSON, Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE 1NEWS TQPICS OF WEEK Hensall Mora =oil is to ,be put on, some of our streets as the first dose was not heavy enough, --Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Pepper and family, after a visit here, have returned to Toronto.—Miss Mary B. Murdock of Winnipeg is spending her holidays with her father, Mr. Wm, Murdock, -Rev, Mr. Tough, a Stan- ley boy, is occupying Carmel church pulpit for a few Sundays, while the pastor, Rev. McConnell is recuperat-', n;, from his late serious illness at his hems int Toronto, --Mr, Geo, Harburn, retuned soldier, has gone to Flint, mirth„ to work in an auto concern. — Rev, Garrett and wife are holidaying for a month ren London, --Mr. Charles t'(,o': of Chicago is holidaying with ]tit mother and brothers here.— Mr, Hall of Pittsburg called oa friends :hs village last week.—Mrs. Donaldson who has been in Gravenhurst hospital, hat returned to town, accompanied bv he: husband, They are at the home of Mr. G. Petty -„--Dr, B. Smillie and Nies, Smillie motored here from Iowa a.n4 are visiting relatives. --Miss Chris- tina McEwen, after several months in the west, has returned. —Saturday last Peace Day, was a public holi- tay here. --•Miss Florence Reynolds, teacher •of Calgary, is home for her n motion.—Mr. J. Miller of Detroit, visited friends here last week.—Miss ld t Cudmote of Toronto is holidaying with her parents here,— Miss Mary JltGregor and nephew, Roy Todd, have returned from a visit in Mieh- igan,-.Miss Dorothy McDonell, who has been attending Stratford Colleg- iate has passed her examinations, and will 'teach school next terns. OF SHORTHORNS Mr J J. Merrier M. P., of Seaforth,. -who recently purchased the entire herd of Scotch and Scotch -topped Shorthorn of At R. McLachlan. of Renfrew. has decided to ,sell by pub- lic auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919 At the Fair Grounds, Seaforth, the following ; — •Noapariels, Matchless, Crimson Flower, Wedding Gifts, Fan- ny R. and other straight Scotch sorts and an. array of good Scotch topped cows, seldom found in one auction These cattle have size and substance, in good breeding condition, right off the grass). 25 pews sell. with calves at .foot (mostly got by a Clipper bull) and rebred, 20 cows and heifers, all of breeding age, and 3 young bulls: You will be surprised sit the qual- ity of this offering. Catalogue by ▪ writing Mr. Meaner at Seafoeth, Ont. • T. E. Robs=ott, Frassk Tayiotr, C. W. ; Robinson and Thos. Brown, Auction, • eers, PARI HILL—On July 5th the mar- riage took place in Brampton of Mary Muriel Garbutt to Arthur S. Pedlar of this place. They will reside here. Normal Weight Perhaps you are worried because your child clods not pick up in weight? Better try Scoti's Emulsion and watch how it helps make a thin child grow and put on weight. There is nothing quite so strengthening as Scott's Emulsion fora child of any age. Scott & Bowne,Toronto, Ont. 19-5 t :RAND TRUNK WNW THE_DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cabs on principal day trains. Full information fnorn any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger •Agent, Toronto lN. J. DORE Morse 46w Agent, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. IL Sanders at the Advocate Of leen Strictly confidential; no witness required • -,... WS A/C20 aSeXeCtin "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" The finishing touch to a good meal-Silverwood's Ice Cream. Its creamy taste and pure fruitflavors are a real delight. , Many fine dishes can be served with ice cream, making dainty desserts for special occasions._ Silverwood's is pure pasteurized cream—homogenized. SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON ONT, Look for the Siloerwood's sign For Sale by Wilson & Simms Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid. Bout's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. The teamsters are still on striae in Toronto. A victory parade marched under the Are de Triomphe in Paris yester- day. Canadian Salt made a ten -point advance on the Toronto Stock Ex- change. Winnipeg strike leaders addressed a mass meeting in Queen's Park,. Toronto. Premier Borden issued a statement regarding industrial and labor con- ditions. The Crown Prince of Italy is to leave during the fall for a tour of North and South American cities. The Ontario Referendum G'otn4t tee is busy organizing the rote for prohibition at the coming ^.eteren- dun, Three of tine ringleaders connected with the murder of art English, rail way official in Egypt have been hanged. Gen. Allenby, Commander of the British forces in Palestine, has been awarded the American Distinguished Service Medal. Leo Muller, an interned German, died at Vernon camp, B, C„ of in- juries sustained in a brawl with a fellow prisoner. Hon. C. J. Doherty, who reached Ottawa Sunday night from Paris, re- sumed his duties as Minister of Jus- tice yesterday. Lt, -Col, John A. Amyot, C.M.G., of Toronto, has been appointed De- puty Minister of the new Federal De- partment of Health. Premier Venizelos of Greece has taken the initiative in the formation of a new Balkan League, Rou- mania, it is said, will not join. William R. Tilden, jr., and Samuel Hardy yesterday qualified to play in the fifth round in the U. S. A. Na- tional clay court tennis champion- ships. WEDNESDAY. Four men were killed in a fright- ful motoring accident near Trenton. Gen. Pershing has arrived with his staff in London to take part in the peace celebration. Count von Brockdorff-Rautzau has been accepted by the Vienna. Govern- ment as German Minister to Austria, Janes Dyer, a Militia Department employe, living at Westboro, a sub- urb of Ottawa, was killed by a motor truck. Hamilton Controllers have chang- ed their minds and the city will hold au official peace celebration on Sat- urday. Mrs, Jos. Colon, o1 New Waterford, N.S., was nearly killed in an assault by her husband, a French reservist, at their home. The Undine eight -oared crew, which defeated the Argonauts in the People's Regatta, will compete in the Canadian Henley. It is estimated that 50,000 men have quit their vessels in Atlantic and Gulf ports; the strike has assum• ed a serious aspect. The American Distinguished Ser- vice Medal has been awarded to Gen. Currie and Major. Walter Miller of the Canadian corps. North Toronto ratepayers passed a resolution favoring secession front the city if the Metropolitan Railway is not acquired by September 1. An explosion • occurred in the American oil tank steamer Roseleaf in the channel drydock at Cardiff, Wales, in which 12 lives were lost. The British airship NS -11 is be- lieved to have been struck by light- ning, falling in a mass of flames into the North Sea. Two officers and ten men were aboard. One of the great features of the peace celebration will be the naval pageant at Southend, which would attract tremendous numbers of visi- tors to the metropolis. THURSDAY: Members were elected for the On- tario College of Pharmacy. Kenneth Patterson, eight years old, was drowned at Brockville. The British Government is con- sidering the question of withdrawing its envoy from the Vatican. Former German dye stuff agents are seeking to re-establish their con- trol of the American markets. The Australian tennis team has ac- cepted the invitation of the Toronto Tennis Club to .play in Toronto. Four definite measures intended to induce the cost of living have been decided upon by the French Cabinet. It is officially announced that the Prince of Wales will embark on the battleship Renown for Canada on August 5. Chatham Board of Education rais- ed the salaries of teachers and voted a bonus of $50 a month for four months. The Government" of Great Britain last night gave a dinner in honor of Gen. Pershing. It was essentially a military. function. A general strike, accompanied by rioting, has started at Stillin, capital of the Province of Pomerania. The strike involves all trades. Maimed soldiers are eligible for Masonic membership, provided they •can master the art of Masonry, the Grand Lodge of Ontario decided. A general strike may be called by organized labor in the border muni- cipalities in sympathy withthestrik- ing carmen of the S:; 'W. A Ry. Cel.. E GE,,Davis, C.M.G.,.M.D., .has been. appointed Acting Director of Medicsl services, Department op� Sol- diers' „O vii, .11,e-establishinerlt 'suc- ceeding Lt. -Col. .. moic6iyey Be11, Soldiers who have violated the On- tario Temperance,AcanWereliberated from jail at London and at Kingston, in accordance with, instructions frons Toronto, that they may participate in the peace celebration on Saturday. "Autos Skerrick, a respeef ed farmer • in Nottawasaga'' to;vnship, about 6.4 years of age, shot and mortally wounded John Mooney, a returned soldier, about 30, whom he found in his pig pen, and later in the morn - mg, when in tile police court facing a capital cliarge, died suddenly of heart failure. FRIDA.Z The Hydro -Electric may open ne- gotiations with a view to taking over the Pere Marquette, F. W. Harcourt, LO„ Toronto, was. elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of Masons for Ontario. Judge Hugh Robson of Winnipeg has been offered the ehairmanship of the Court of Commerce. The Alabama. State Senate has re- fused to ratify the -Federal wothan suffrage amendment. Rev. Joseph Novotny, of Prague, Bohemia, told a Toronto audience 01 the. Czech revolt against German power. Boss Croker, former Tammany chieftain, is returning to New York to live. He will sell his racehorses in Ireland. The three -months' -old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Royle of Belleville, was strangled in a peculiar manner itt a lawn swing. - The St. John Valley Railway is New Brunswick As to be ready for operation by the 0, N, Rye, on tate 1st of August, The Petrograd Bolshevists have of- fered a bribe of $250,000 for the assassination of Gen, Mannerheim, the Finnish Regent. The .Vernon, B.C., branch of the G.W.V•A. will organize a chain of co-operative stores throughout the O'Kanagan Valley. Ex -Gunner Mossman, of Belleville, was acquitted by court-martial of the charge of assaulting an officer in. Bel- gium last November. Twenty-five shiploads, about 150,- 000 tons, of American coal nave been discharged this month at Rotterdam, and 17 other United States vessels have arrived at Wantzig. G. P. Burton, vice-president of the English Yacht Racing Association and a famous skipper, will sail tate Shamrock IV in the America's Cup races. Lipton will build a fifth Sham- rock if the present challenger does not win, SATURDAY. Important changes in the lotr school course of study were announc- ed by Hon. Dr. Cody, The Acting Prime Minister, Sir George Foster, issued a Peace Day message to the Canadian p ea Ple. George Throop, of Cobourg, was killed by a fall from the cupola of the Methodist Sunday School Hall. "Fighting Dick" Atkins was out pointed by Gooderich of Buffalo in a ten -round bout in Toronto last night. Regulations have been passed by the Ontario Government to keep closer watch on the activities of fur dealers. Clp to the lst of June Canada had expended on pensions $21,983,- 360:77, 21,953;360.77, not including contingencies and salaries. ' The London newspapers are com- menting pessimistically on the Vic- tory Loan campaign, which they say is disappointing. Count Michael Karolyi, former President of the Hungarian repub- lic, has escaped to Italy and proposes coming to America. The municipality of Greater Ber- lin has purchased the street car sys- tem and plant of the city. for 137,500,000 marks. Mrs. John T. Martin, of London, on returning from an afternoon's visit, found her husband dead at the job of painting the bathroom. • Four shots from a Toronto con- stable's revolver prevented four men from looting a freight car loadei with Red Cross supplies. Nine hundred Germans from the internment camps at Vernon, B.C., and Kapuskasing, Ont., will sail en Wednesday next tor Holland. Postmaster Burleson of the U. S. has reduced the postage rate on air- plane mail to two cents an ounce, the regular rate for erst-class mail matters. The Ottawa Street Railway Com- pany strike has ended in a victory for the company and the uncondi- tional return to work of such men as the company still had vacancies for. Children Cary' for Fletcher's CASTORIA Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is ev,n more essential for Baby., Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been§ made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It pleasant. It contains. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it ha3 been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arisin therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural slee+. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS • r Bears the Signature of 4‘17e4e11:* In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY MONDAY. Cobalt miners voted to strike on Wednesday. The Khaki College personnel sail- ed for Canada. Ontario celebrated whole-heartedly the Peace holiday. Louis. Anberson, of Toronto, was drowned at Kew Beach. A Cornwall, Ont„ woman andher. two children were burned to death.' Marshal Haig was','taken Ili `dur- ing the great Peace'procession in'• London, Canadian soldiers headed the over- seas troops in the Peace parade in England. Pte. James; Borland, a returned soldier, was drowned in the Humber river at Woodbridge. Rev. Manley Benson, D.D., .a vet- eran preacher of the Methodist Church, is dead; at Toronto. A Greek restaurant at 294 College street, Toronto, was stoned by youths early Sunday :Horning. New York market speculators 'few labor troubles " as only temporary, and bid stocks to higher levels. Mrs. Bowlby, widow of Major ; G. Herbert Bowlby, of Kitchener; was fatally injured in a motor smash. The Cedric and the -Royal George arrived at Halifax Saturday and Sun- day. with troops, and the Melita at Quebec yesterday. Sister St. Prudence was killed in- stantly in Beauport Asylum when lightning struck the buil`ding, gaug- ing a chimney 150 feet in heightIo crash down through it; Georges Carpentier, the great. French boxer, niade his first public appearance in- the ring since 1914' at Paris on Sunday, defeating Dick Smith, fornaer English champion,; by a knockout: The little daughter of Mr: and. D1rs. J, P etriess,' of Wilsonville, ,was killed by a lady's motor car runlding ever her when she darted out o! a group from getting' an ice cream`$one from a, street vendor in Brantford.• Patriotism and Profit In June 13T s,s. Cosi $4.45 It is patriotic to buy War Savings Stamps because Canada mast have money for reconstruction. But it is also profitable to buy War Savings Stamps because you are in- vesting in Government Bonds yielding over 4%%. You don't need to be a capitalist. You can start with 25 cents. Buy a Thrift Stamp for a quarter. When you have sixteen of them, exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, and you will have Iaid the foundation of a solid invest- ment with your odd savings. You can add to this investment as often as you save $4.00, and in 1924 the Government will pay $5.00 for every War. Savings Stamp you buy now for $4.00 odd. This is the biggest opportunity ever af- forded to wage earners to become in- vestors. war Savings stamps Make Your Savings Serve You and can be bought whir- t Titers ever this sign is :::Serve You! ;?Fit' Co?wiry'—roves in displayed. War Savings • he Western Fair London, Ontario September 6th : to 13th, 1919 This is the Great Agricultural Exhibition - of Western Ontario Exhibits Two Attractions Johnny J. Jones the Speed Event! Better MidwayVery But Daily;., Than Ever B position PLENTY ,O•F MUSIC PUREFOOD ,SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT .• TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Auto Enteence cats, Dltitdes and ••Egerton Usual Entrance at Gaited. Grand Stand 50c. and 25c.' Prize Lists, Entry :Forms and -.all•-information from the Secretary LL -COL. Wtia 11/. GARTSHORE, President, A. U. HUNT, Secretary T O CORRESPO IPENTS Write: °00' One . side off tom' Paper iCbecld iolff tr is li 1# n as ilk to remetattor aaa anpnaft t;titem = Deaths Msrtilages, Births. 'jccldennts, Cbw News, ,Suppers, or Flee tataihlotaa, Reultovata, i V tors; public • Impn,vcmients, Law Ci sea, The Crtupt, School Matiters. A, 2 id' all iteint reflecting en per- clonal charracter, but send ALL THE' NEWS: ..