HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-24, Page 1Q
SDAY JULY 24 1919
During June, July and A.ug-
ust the Advocate will goto. press
Wednesday morning, Tlie type
forms will close on Tuesday
evening, Correspondents will
please get their budgets in one
day earlier than before,
Our Corner
Go on almost any of our streets
and you cant find burdocks or other,
noxious weeds that should be cut. It
will soon be their seedling time when
there will be a great multiciplietty of
their kind.
One pushing advertising reereharxt
does mare t4 bring ,thrift intq a, coma -
triunity than fifty who huddle by their
stove'• and wait for business to•., be
brought uo them by the energy .of
some one else.. A dozen live men
reeching out fn the by -ways and the
hedges for business can make any
town hum with prosperity, and the
town eswee he mach for the hustle
and bustle wathin its borders„ Don't
be a ,-1 onge azal simply absorb;
show a tittle enterprise and a spirit
of helpfulness in the town wheret you
live, and to some extant join hands
with others in keeping to the front.
The sun ds s ttirnng; en, the west -a.
first rate place to set -and 'swath my
tree and vitae 1 rest, all loathed is hon-
est sweat. The sky is .grand with col-
ors bleat in strange gorgeous tones;
and 1 am feeling quite content, foe
I have earned Three bonen Titereis
nothing half so sweet as rest, when
one has done his chores, and his wag-
es in his ve.st, and credit at the stares.
There': no such thing as rest
by Gc er;ce, unless it's earned by toil,
by swinging hammers at the forge, or
scrapuang with the soil, by doing
something, that's a strain on nerves or
mind' or theirs, by digging postholcs
in the rain, or chasing after news'.
There are a thousand varied brands
of t•o°•I, for which to heat; and some
must labor with their hands, and oth-
ers wrtb their gala But only those
who do their best, whatever be their
trade, can know the luxury of rest,
for wearied mortals made),
Summer Goads
Ws a man's outgo that plays havoc
with hiss income,
It Was exactly one year ago, Friday
that the Alliee began the brilliant, ir-
resistible counter offensive, that broke
Berlin's last great effoa{t to evin a mile
itary decision. '
efotorists should remember that the
new law which permits increased speed:
at both town: and country, calls also
for reduced speed at corners and
`wross;ngs. It would be svela, for some
motorists to mace grope .of the latter
Summer is here. S'ele our stock-
And all kinds of
An adveitisentent in your local pa-
per will work nights ,and holidays, in
bot weather and, cold, in wet weather
and dry. It will. talk to customers
before you are out of bed at the
morning. It has never struck for an
eight hour day, always earns its wage
ea and atever gets .#iced
You believe The Advocate is the
best local paver coming to your home•
Very good. Help it along then: by
recammendrztg it to your neighbors
and frieride, end be seeing that your
own subscription "!r promptly paid.
:t takes tante and money to get out
a goad .ttetvspauer every week.
Get the community spirit and prove
Cot- your own satisfaction that when
you AM paur own: ,fellow man, you
help yourself. Almost anything pos-
sible can be accomplished where ev-
erybody' is willsmp to "J.ifa 13e an
optimist anti talk urs your town ;tad
community instead a4f doing your best
to rte; et clownLeave the kicking.
to the mule and get iota the traces
,anal help .u11.
Ordered and Reade -to-
wear Clothing.
Tailor& Furnisher
A::cording 't•a the Canadian Year
Beeek fo• 1918 the male po, uaation of
Canada is over 400,000 more than the
female, or for every 1;000. females
there are over 1,125 males!. The dis-
vitt is esnenially marked in the
Veatern proVatos
t The last eeast
i.ltotvecl that the number of females
per 1,000 reales for each province; was
British Columbia, 469; Manitoba 622;
Alberta 673; Sall. tleihewan. 688; On-
tario 942; New Brunswick 956; Nova
Scotia 961; Qulebec 980, and Prince
Edward Island 991.
Dr. J. -A. Rollins of London, a form-
er well-known resident of Exeter,
contributed a very interesting letter to
tae London. i \ eie Press in the iesue
of July 1.5, entitled, "Is Attraction; of
Gravitation a Falacy? The tittle
speaks tor eits'elf, and th.e Doctor goes
a tothe present
to reason contrary pr s nt
so-called law al gravitation, accepted
to -clay by the masses and the classes
as Indisputable -fat fact beyond argu-
ment, as he pate it, A;feer reading
the article one almost comes to the
;7ondusiian that there are pretty good
reasons against the 'old and accepted
theory or the laws ,of grlavitaltioni
React it for yourself.
Enttrazators are now at work
throughout the province ascertaining
by a house -to -shouse ,canvas wire are
entitled to have their names placed
upon 'the votoes' lists to be used in
the ap mroaching referendum and the
ensuing gene;:a1 'election„ Every per-
son iqualified should be on the look-
out for the enumerators and in every
House there ishould be ready for him
when he cales a complete Bust of all
parson: residing therein., whose names
should be included. Thin will not on-
ly facilitate the week of the, enumer-
ator.;, but wail ensure accuracy and
tih000ulghnees in thalt wor14: It must
,..he remembered that no matter .what
their qualifications may be, only per-
sonsivhosieum.mes are upon the voters'
lists can votes The immediate- duty
therefore, ie that every perston quail -
feed should take the necessary steps
to see that hie pr her namie is Oven
to the enumte>,ratece s when they come
around, thus s venig trouble an:d ex-
pense lamest •
Local News Crediton
Mrs. � 1 op n
Dr', and Mr , R au st and son1eave
to -day (Thursday) on a few weeks out-
ing at Muskoka._
The foggy re:gorts ;ice some parts of
the West are not very 'encouraging
perticularly in; parts of Saskatchewan..
The trustees of S. S. Na'. 3, Ste -
hen, has engaged Miss Lela Sanders
as teacher for that school, hiss Flor-
ence Triebner having resigned,
iir. F. A. Copus of Stratford was
last week selected District Deputy
Grand Blaster of alasoTO Dietrict No,.
4 South; Huron, at the Grand Lodge
ineetitza. -
It :ha,s been stated gut the daily pap-
ers that the Provincial teections and
the referendum would take place on.
the same datesome time this fall:
This has been deeded by tholes wale
are 'ea authOeity,
Mr: Rich. Davis having purebaaseed
the dwellina premises of his brother,
the late Joseph Davis, sold the cottage
he now resales isi la Mae. j. a. Stan-
bury, We understand the purchase
was made for another party,
I toiled along for malty years at hoe-
ing beans and grooming steers, with
weary bone and thele; and I leaked
forward tba the clay .when I could
throw -the tools away, and have no
work to da. Then I would have 'no
grevious task; on; downy beds of ease
I'd bask; and drink red lemonade; for
me there'd be Brio ,beastly grind, I'd
sleep ' ail day if so inclined, and
through 'chem novels wade. At last
the. day I longed for came; bliss per-
'colatecl through my frame; "At last,"
I said "1'm free; this getting up at
break of day to m llk the cows and
pitch the hay -no more of that for.
me," Then for three( weeks, or maybe'
five, exulting thaet I was alive, lloaf
ed around the geed; pitdhed horsier-
shoes on the village green,, anal, inonk
eyed with the slot machine, and fanc-
ied I was glad. ' But scion miy lnife+ be
came a bore; 1 yearned to have a
mare -sized chore, to make' me tired at
night, i longed to plow the rows of
corn,.and hear the tuni.dieniner horn,
and have an appetite. Another month
df•eseelded ease, .and ney oldi dome was
full' of fleas, end bats arid)' things like
those; the loafing life; had lost .its
thavm-and• I went woopinga'to then
farm, where toll is all that igen T
pity all the' slothfulsheirks true blisss.
i5. for the, man who works) and sweats.
the Bong day through; who knows
when comes the, close of day, that he
has grown a belle of hay, or, perad+
veniture twq.
Hvlr. 1'Ieathcoat, lay reader in St.
Paul's Cathedral, Jeenci;oa, had charge
of the tservice+:, in the Trivrtt Mem-
orial Church last Se day, preaehir�ig
two excellent ,sernxons, He will also
be the preacher for ,next Standar
The ratan on. Monday has freshened
the raspberry erop and many more
quarts w.'i1 be sought by the gond!
hous•evelle, The weld berries, are a big
crop Citi; sreasoat an.l quite a large
number have been brought to lawn~
\e editor WWI in clover this week,
he havin? shared be the eater% of two
Undone 'tomatoes, grown ion our, own
garden. They were beautiful epo, i
and one meant -eel 11%,in dreamier -
exam These tomatoes may not have
been any better in, flavor or tasty than
any other tomatoes, but there is
pride and satisfaitction to know you
art: eating the fruits of your ;wit la-
Mr. Wm, Whiteford was very eunuch
worked up last week over the disap-
pearance of his horse. The animal had
wandered away and was eventually
found in, Mrl G. Dow's pasture field.
Mr. Whiteford hearing that a number
of gypsies bad passed through town
and this very much intend,fied his
anxiety as to the aporehenseon of his
A Kamen correspondent says
C, 1-1. Russell. B. ea., a lawyer of Wes-•
taskiwin, Alta., spent peace day at the
home sof his former teacher, Mee W.
H. Johnston, Mn Russell event to A1-
'herta as a teacher, rapidly rising to :r
princinat in Edmonton, a pub)
school inspector, an instructor in the
successful lawyer V ks inla
A woodstork correspanalent says. -
On Sunday morning :early a maxi nem
ed ,Marshall, night mechanic at the
Reliance Garage, disapoearedt When
the proprietor came down on Sur.( -
day tnornitng he hound the garage was
locked and the man absenti Inuesfti-
gateau shosvc{d that an automobile be
longing tea jamas Sande•s ,of this city
was also missing. The, ,only report of
either car ar man since his disappear-
ance was from Shaeleslpeare later in
the 'morning. It Was, to the effect that
the car had passe•ctthrough there a-
bout 5 o'clock. The police sere on the,.
trail: Mr. Sanders' is ai former res-
ident of E,e1ter, and a son oe the late
Samuel Sanders
The followinlg punas gained first-
class Honlors cartiffia:ates at the re-
cent examination held at Exeter: -Miss
Lila Sanders, advanced senior vocal;
.Liss. Gladys Harvey senior pjdanp;
Miss Ruth Wild,foa , senior piano;
Miss Mabel Brown, intermediate piano.
They were prepared by. arra Harri-
son. Gambril•1.
Following are the successful stud-
ents in this viicioety, at the' Conserv'a-
tory of Music, Lonndoin -
Ailsa Craig -Grade ,2 Piano, Eliza,
beta. I-lotsion 6.
D7otlhya tiore79 y 1-2, Jean, c Iner t r
i ae
79, Grade 1, Piano, Ila Clark 87, Ag-
nes Torrance 86, Margaret Maicalm
75 1.2, Mary- Toohey 75 Jean Dignan
Hensall-Grade 2 -Piano, GraceChap
main 79, Grace Cooper 78 -1-2, Dorothy
Welsh 82, Ferris Cam!telen 72. Grade
1 -Piano, Caeca Evans 85, Collenuso Sal
ter 87 1-2, Beryl 'Satter 86, Beslsiue
Watsort 67. Junior-Sinbing, Gladys
Petty 86, Mrs,( Mabeale. Rennie 86 1-2.
Zurich -Grade 2, Piano, Mabel Pree-
ter 81 1-2, Euijoine Geiger 70; Grade 1
Piano. Newell Geiger 73; Matermedirate
-Singing; uVfi-sl• Lydia Geiger 85; Jun -
tor -Singing, Euloinie Geiger 89, Elva
Heyrock 85 1-2,-. Newell' Geiger. 82,
Ida Thur 82 1-2.
We, the undersigned merchants of
Cele bion, agree to close our places
of • business on Thursday, at 12.30
u' lock during the months of July and
August, with the exception that when
a, holiday comes during the week
etores will remain open.
F. W. Clark
J. W. Orme, M. P.
J. H. Holtzman
Ii. Brow n
W. H. Sambrook
H. Either & Son.
G. Zwicker
C. Trick
O. Ewald
August Hill
C. Beaver
J. G. Young & Son
Foist Bros,
F. Wuerth & Son
G. K. Eckert, V. S.
Mcisaac & Wolfe
Tttevethiek & Hodgins
A. Morlocl€,
Highest prices toed for all kinds of
live poultry, delivered on leionday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of each week
Parsons -Davis . Co.
sa _
Mr; Frank Necks matted with his
brothers over Sunday,
Mrst-Andresr lecke itakel'-rfivo chiildrele
who have been. visilta:4 in Detrlo it, re.,
tureted home lase • Thu(rselay....
11fiss Hazel Hicks has returned bonne
from Calgary, ash she has , bnee
teachiin;' schoo;3,, She wiptl`spend'.the-
holidays here'ii+atthe her rnlathei;.
Miss; Winunie Esssery' of London,spesit:'
the holiday at her h{omue hereto.
Many of our eeazens spent the hol-
iday out 'of taws sortie at Gorcleal'ch
some at L rzdo-t, and somd at Grand
Bend, ,
William I3awsnael zs having his re
dense re-pa;intad.
• eliss Doris Jeffeanon of Granton
visiting Mss Queen e Hodgins.
Mrs. Hallman and chiild of Toronto
rte,: visiting Mr, and Mrs. Zwickek
Mr. and Mrs. Sambrook visited
friwnds is Chatham over the week-
Michael Finebeiner is mcticatg some
alteration;; to. the 'interior of his dwel-
The raw). an, Monday was a welcome
lane and will d4 a great deal of good
to the crops;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker have
returned from Chicago, after a few
days' vacation,
\Irs. 1MeEwea of Ailsa. Craig visit-
ed her daughter, :Mrs. Paris Ander-
son last week'
Mn and Mrs. George Treater and
Ma. and Mrs. George Benke of O
troit are visetin; relatives beret
CIa•euce Haber, who has ,been over
seas with ,the U S. Aeney in the trans'
sptat section, has returned home and
the .p?etuse of l.ealtht
Arthur Sambrook has returned to
Toronto, after spetnd'mb his holidays
here. He was accompanied by his sis-
ter, Lorcen, who walk visit her uncles
to the city,
Peace Day was observed on. Sam --
:ley. A Civic Holiday was declared
attd the majority* •of our people went
to Grand Bgael, where our Band was
le attendance, The ball game between
Fullerton ansi Ailsa Craig proved very
Unfortunately Evarett
kahner received a bad cut over the
eye from a. foul ball.
The grim reaper has again entered
our midst and removed therefrom one,
of our egad and respected citizens in
the person of Mrs,. Christopher Silber,
who .passed away on Sunidae morning
at the age of 86 never,, Mrs Either
has been afflicted with rheumatism
for some time artd before her death
had to suffer a great dealt Her re --
mains were imtextreid in the Creld4ton
Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. She
Leaves to mourn her loss her husband,
now he hie 90th year; two: daughters,;
Mrs Dan Sweitzer and Mrs. William
Lewis of Algonquin Park and two sans
Charles and Jacob of Coruna., Mich.
to whom is extended the sympathy of
the vicinity„
Aged Lady Passes, -The death oc-
curred at Cher residence here on Thurs
day last, July 17th, ,of art aged. resid-
ent,iin,the person of Magdelem. Brown
relict of the late Adam Gainer, cit
the age of 91 ,years, 3 months and 19
days Deceased had been in, her us-
ual good health, considering her age,
and was about the house a;ni hour be-
fore her death ,occurred, She had
gone to her room to lee dawn for a
while and an hour eater her daughter
found her dead. Born at Wittenburg
Germany, she came. to Canada es a
young woman of 21 years of, age. She
lived two or three ,years rear Guelph
and after her marriage they moved to
Stephen, and tofbk u.te a bash farm
me the 7th cioncessiont There they
evade a home for themselves ardrais-
ed a family of Mater sons and tiv,e.
daughters.' About 30 years agothey
retired to Crediton, where Mr, Gaits
er died six years later} Decea,sted was
highly respected by all. Three eons
end three 'daughters survive, W. B.
on the homestead, Lee and John at
Denver, Color, Mary at home, Mrs. S,
L. Staebler of Toledo, Ohio, Mrs.
Chris. Finkbeinner .of Shipka, The
funeral took peace from her late res-
idence to the Evangelical cemetery on'
Sunday afternoon.
We, the undersigned business men
of Dashwood agree to close our rem
speetive aleaes of business every
Thua;adae afternoea from 12 o'clock
nags to following morning cOmmetac-
Ig Jane 26th, and ending Atm. 28:h,
except when a holiday comes the Pre-
eedirtr day. then the business places
will be open Thursday afternoons...
Philip Fassold
Wes. Wolfe
Atex Zimmer
John Kraft
Edward i' adiger
Peter Me -Isaac
E F. Kraft
The oeae Klurnote
Louis Adams
1g Weltan
Miss L Iiartlieb
Cnn'td en Bank Comment e,
Kent, Manager.
Reid, Edeghoffer & Son
David Tiernan
Hartman Elsie
Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms.
Short hours -a 47 -hour week,
with Saturday half -holiday,
Vali}able training in agreeable
work for the inexperienced:
A good living wage tosbeginners
which materially increases with
experience and proficiency
Write or call -
Hamilton Ontario
F. S
Mr. aivt Mrs, Wm, Kleinstiver and
family- Mrs, P. AMclsaae anti Mr. M.
M Isaac matin: to Yale, Mich., and
spent the week end with --elatEcoi,
Miss Dora Kraft xtf Lon:ion spent
the holiday with her paresis.
Mr 'Melvin Guenther of Tay.sta-''c
span. the holiday- with his areata
The Misses Ramsay of. Hyde Pa 1.
we visiting :Mr. and Mrs. Frei Preete.r
Pia;. Wm. Musser -returned from av-
e; sea•: last week.
ll and firs. George Siituot ox I.oa.
:''in were Foe "Tay genitors ht tozrn.
TD:. and Mrs. Detwillt.'r cit l:ondonn
Spero Sun.lay yeah M (. and Mrs J.
le.' Goetz,
Grand Bend
11t and Mrs. Silas Grave le of Bat
Axe, Mich., etre v ieeting relatives in
and wound Grand Bend. -A very Large
z rnwd gathered here Saturday to cel.
eb:ate Pest e Day. -Mas, Jos. G'L, whn
has been vesting here, has returned
to Arkona. ti1r. Mauriee Brenner as
in London Friday on business, -At the
p-est~nt times alt the s'otta es are fill-
ed tang a great number of people are
leaving dally on account of not being
able to pr pure cottages. •
Me Ezra-Keercher ani two "laugh -
tea, of Kitchener visited relatives for
a tett days last week. --M;. J. E. Meyer
of Blake. who recently returned from
overseas has accepted a uas'tion on
the London police force and has gone
to that city, -Mrs, M. Ayers of De-
troit is vesting at the home of her
mother; Mrs. Eliza. Truemn,er.-Mrs.
Faust, who has been visiting relatives
here, Left for her home In Chicago
an •Tuesday. -Mrs. A. J. Raabe axed
daughter, Myrtle of South Beni, Ind,
visited ,ela: ves and triende here last
v als.,•-11r and Mrs. Wagner, also
Mr Arthur Well ox , De:ro:t are vis-
ng at the home of Mr! H. Wele-
\lr. Menson of New 'York le spending
few months ,cath his st<u ins,. Messrs.
John arsd Peter Maxs n, e ealel,.-.
1 i h R d, vin; along theDaub a line
the buggy ,lriven etre Alex, Chai ,t
was hit. ,by an auto and barite Smashed.
Fa tuna'rely \lr, {:hallet and Mr. Etuq
the other• occupant. escaped unhurt: -
Me. Ed. Beaver as visaing, relatives an
e i4,higan --Messrs. Jacob and George
;) nc he:t have • returned home from
oversea;, -Rev. H. Remhe• is hole-
Jayin t .gin Hamiltorn,-Mr. and Mrs, Ed,
Anna, who spent some months n Dee
it. returned ea their hone here last
wa ek.- Bliss Ida Tour is visit:tng at
h' home in Elnt'.ra;.-Miss I., Rowse
c,f Mievee ton is visiting her friend, Mss,
L Sm.the-Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Stel.k from the West are vsiting at
the home 'of he latter's mother, Mfrs.
a. Renernee eMr. Andrew Page return-
c 1 to eve home here, aitr being over-
- sea,; toe 6xansc .ear,,. tic enl`sted with
the lblst.-On Jul} earl the death
r' eu r..;t atter a t'nger'na ellnees <tf
Mas Lycles, Kehn, nee Le'he Brawn.., •
u„ e:l 29 years. she was born Isere and
:•e .lett here u ' i 8 year..tet+. "tare
survive .1 by Icer husband. a tittle
a zghte . her parents,' t•ve errcthere
eat tau: se iters. --Grant lie *rte , a for-
mee peen ical of our saw:, passed h:$
',tal median exams .t I•: f n peg, wine
lane tate Gold Medal far les�s•t standing
to tis. years ':ourse, aind. 67(�l1 Medal
in 'obetretrea. He also tom prizes
surgery and hosp•t'sl work. -Mr. Ed
Beano is visit n; :.z \1i higan,---Jacob
an•l (;israso..Ueichert have returned
front overseas, -Rev. Renmbe :is hole-
ole`doin.. at llam.ilton--The 19th, Peace
Day, was observed as a holiday.
Word was received here on Sunday
owning of the death of Mrs, John
Trac uair. she 3iaving been in very near
health. for pause times. Ort Thursday
she underwent on operation in. Visa.
toria Hospital, London, which proved
too much for her weakened :.nnstttu:•
tion, and she gradually sank, dying
Sunday morn; n:„ about two e:lock:
Mr, and Mrs, Donald \Iclnrtcs sof Ex•
eter motored up Thurstl sy� morning
and spent the day with M.., and Mrs
McQueen, --Miss Hellen Millar, a pup-
il of Seaforth Collegiate has just re-
turned home, after spending a week
in the Summer School at St, Thomas.
Russell Brown is suffering from a
:revere attack of intestinal indigestion.
-Mrs. Mrs. J. Hickey •is .in, the'St.
Joseph's Hospital, ,London, taking the
rest cure, -Mr. and Mrs. Murch and
family spent the wecle-eund in Park,.
hill. -Mr. and Mrs. J Brophey and.
Mrs. Edwards are Asrkona. visitors re-•
cently,-A. little sort has come to live
with Mr, and Mrs. L. Stone• -Miss B.
Faliis and Miss Marriott, Sherritt vis-
ited friends in Grantoni.--:Miss Emma
McPherson es visiting friends in. Ailsa
Craig, -The Greenway Patriotic As-
sociation held, an. enthursiastie recep-
tion at the home of 'Mit Fred Durr
last Thursrlay evening in honor of
their. eon, Pte. Melvin, Durr, who has
returned from oval -sea On Sunday
n.tght they also met at the home oe
efr. Jas. McPherson. 'UO, welca.ne Pte,
Waltzer 'McPherson ;to his home and
fiends. We are very pleased to see
our boys corning home.
Armstrong -In Weser, on Judy 22, to
Me. and Mrs. W. ,11. Armstrong., a
daughter -Ellen Lor,tirrd.
Pearc:c-In Hay on July 4th, bed„ e r.
and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, a alatasater
Long-Tn Winnipeg, an July It, to
Mr. an.1 Mrs. Chas. Lona, a daugh-
x ages
Iitt,tlen--McCurdy-At Thedford, on
July lbth, Nicholas Eric Dyer Har-
den, eon of Mn N. le. Hurdoa of Ex-
eter, to Edith Irene, daughter of
Daniel McCurdy of Stephen,,
White -Sanders -In Detroit, Mich., on
July 15, Mr, William Notart. White,
to Miss Vera Olive Sanders, aoung-
eet daughter of the late •Mr. and
M. William H. Sanders of Seer
phen, and ,sister of Mfrs. Heiden ,af
li ibcar-I:n Creriiiton, on July 20, 1919
Catharizie Eilber, wife. of Christne
pher Either, aged 86 years, 1 month,
and 8 days,
Gaiser-At Crediton, on July 17, Mag-
delena Brown, relict of the lata
Adam Gainer,. aged 91 years, 3
months, 19 days.
Troyer -in Hay, on July 16, Mrs, El-
iza Jane Troyer, aged 60 years, and
2 months
Ca. -reek -In Clanton, on July lith, Al -
be; t Arthur, son of .las', and :elan
Robert Carrick, in his 15h years"
Di.n,ey-Ir, Goderich township, on July
1?, Keppel Disney, aged 76 years;
Spaz'kman-Ln Bayfield, on July 14th,
Lavna Gramm, wife of Mr. James
Spa:akman, aged 63 years,.
Why You Should Bake With
"Manitoba's Best "
-the equal of any :flour on the Can- ,
a:lian market to-dpy;.
-made from high grade hard West-
ern. wheat
-modern ,milling and experience be-
head it.
-makes wonderful bread, of which
you'll be justly proud. Many praises
from our cust.omerrs• peave it
-if you an buy beater aiihomme, why
use outside flour?
-our lather grades, "Model" and
"Welcome" are ietsceelent floers,
and give marvellous resniltl sl. ,
-you'll :never know till you give
'them a trifle: Let your neat iaeder
be Eaete flatlet