The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-17, Page 8• EXETER ADITIMATE0 TH,URBILAA JULY 17 'BIB Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat .. . . e Sprees; Wheat eeteee 0.e. 2.06 Oats 75. BOxley • . ,,„ 1.1n Family Flow. 5.70 Bran, buyer' bags 42.00 Shorte, buyer's bags 44.00 Eggs 42 to 44 Deity 13utter.-..- , 42 to 45 Creamery Butter 56 . 6.... see,. 40 Lard Potaloes .................i.o i'es, 2.25 ei'ay . . 16.00 Hogs 22.00i 2,11 Trivitt Memorial Church Service., as usual. elise t Short. who attended the MsionCeevention at Columbus, /e, lea u' her home here Moridee CARD OF THANKS The Exetee Lodge of Orangemen is pleaseeto thank the cettzens of Ex- eter fee the Way they eared for the visiting 0:aagenners and others es well as for -the spirit shaven in decorating for the Twelfth, TEACHER WANTED For S. S. No. 7, Usborner, state qualifleatiene and enlary. Apply to Geo. Brock, Grantoa, R. R. No 1. isle We: CO LTAGE FOR eseei.E. er cottage n tirreoleo re :pair wtth one acre land. Good frame' stable 13 hen house 14x24; fruit: trees and:email inlets; house heatee with furreere and is beautifully situat- ed m Exeter. For particulars -epply. to L R. Carliestg. Local Doings geseee Mr Eli Snell, nee° underwent anoth- er operation at the Victoria Hospital,' Lendon, for a growth, is expeceed I home this week. Miss Davis, who taught at Win- ehelsea last year has been engaged to teach in S.S. No, ,4, Ushorne, for the next school year. Three hundred years ago any man absent from church on Sunday was fened a shilling. What a war-reveaue that would produce to -day. Dr. Henry A. Corsaut of tome last week puiehased the dwelling oroperty on Huroa street owned by Mrs. Drew possession to be given, November 1st uext Mrs. J. A. elcDonald, who left here with her husband to spend, holidays at Tavistock, is now en the Kitchener Hospital undergoing treatment for a nervous breakdown. Leonard Macklin, son of Dr. Macklin of Goseerieh, was drowded Thursday night last when. his canoe capsized in the lake at. Godeeech. He was 19 years of age. The body was not re isov-ereel until the next night. em••••••••, NEW MACHINE SHOP. Mr. Goldie Cochrane, who recently returned teem oversees, has leased the Connor Bros. anaehine shop ore Sta- tzon street, and will equip same with • a full line of machinery for an up-to- date machine shop. To entourage the industry the Exeter Couneie has prom- ised free installationof hydro and free Pewee also free taxes en the ;prem.+ ises in accordance wtth the present assessmeat. GA.SOLINE AND FREE AIR. Heving installed a gasoline ense air motce outfit we invite autoists to give us a oil,: Free air furnished. • JOHN TAYLOR •••••••••...4, TE AC 1.1 ER S WANTED. Twc teaehers for Exeter Public Sehosel-foe Primary and Second •Grade Reems. Apply Miss K. eleFaul, Exeter. Machine Shop for Exeter. I. G. Cochsane ;,returned) has taken over the C °MID; 'Machine Shop and is installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention given to al/et:pare AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED. Having rented the mechanical end of the Ford Garage Business we are prepared to give full satisfaction to all who require servIce on, automce biles or gas enginese. We repair all makes of cars and engin e! Special service on Ford and McLaughlin care for Milo'SnlL Gas for sale. Free air GRIFFIN BROS. LOCAL TOURNEY. Every bowler is expected to be on the green Friday at seven o,elock when a local tournament will be held. Be on hand sharp at seven. ,111•••11111.1•10 Harvey's Flour is good flour. STRAY CATTLE Strayed from E 1-2 Let 21, on. e, Hay Townsino, three yearling calves, I two red and one spotty. .Any inform- ation leading to recovery of amwJ be suitably rewarded. Oscar Klapp Phone 18-93 Zurich Zurich, Ont. Beerling's Store, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday nights during June, July and August. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Breed we made from thatlast sack of Model is the best we everhad in. the house"; 'Our bread made from Manitob es Rest goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; can give names 'f you wish. Harvey Bros. THE WATKINS AGENT leandles all kind .• al pring tonics for both man and be- .t; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the mar bet. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andre -e, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 TURNNG AND CIDER BUSINESS FOR SALE ewes= off e- my plant and business of Tureen. aad Cider Making for sale at a reaeoneble price. Good oppor- tunity for the right man. A1311.0SE COTTLE Exeter, Ont. Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of busineas on 'Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. fie M. Martin and Son. e. A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. Beaman B. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins Ile W. W. Teleran Me F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wre Tvers' Grigg tationery Co„ peR.N. .Rowe, , B. W. F, Beavers. 0- M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton je Lawson -Telephone The Times 6. The Advocate 6 • , • , Office open. ' • ,, I . 'DEATH OF MRS. 'CROCKER. Mrs. Beanie. Crocker, of London a termer resident of Exeter, died at the home of her son Wesley Crocker a,n Wednesday July 9th, very suddenly whea the suffered a paralytie stroke. She was 71 years of age. She is sur- vived hy two daughters; Mrs, Lid- Oicoaet. Dufferbe Av., and Miss eoplue at heme. Two brothers also' tstovive-teeith Jory of Crystal City,: Men- anel ,Obadiah Jory of Sa.ekatelte- wan The funeral was held on Friday NARROW ESCAPE Little Rowe Din.ney, the two-yea:- eld sort of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Dine ney, nerrowly escaped serious injury if r,ot instant death, on Friday abut neon. Mr. Dtnney had driven up with a load of furniture supplies and was unloading a large bun.dle of mat- reeserse The little tot, who, a. few seconds previously was some distance away, had rurt up to the side of the rig unnoticed, and the large bundle, obscuring defr, Teinney's view, landed on top of the little fellow. Luckily the writer happened along at the time of the accident otherwise the little chap may have been smothered before he was discovered, When picked uo he was appairently badly in- jured, but onbeing examined by a pigs/elan it was found that no bones were broken, and that no bad result are likely to bellow. BOWLING TOTJRNEY. A. mix-up of Ailsa Craig ,and. Ex- eter bowlers to the number of eight ...mks engaged in, a successful tourney on Friday evening last, when four games ot six ends each were played. The skips were Dr. Kennedy and C. Neirn of Ailsa Craig; R. G. Seldon, W. J Heaxnan, C. B. Snell, F. W. 'Gladman, W. W. Taman and R. N. Ceeech oi Exeter. Sn,ell's rink, come pose i ,ol. Rivers, Morgan, Stewart and Snell e csn first prize with /Our wins, an l Creech's rink, composed of Scuthrott, Smith, Rev. Fartjoy and Creech won second prize with three wins and high plus score. Hensali, bowlers were. expected but did not appear. Another tourney will. be heel on Friday evening of this week and all Vocal bowlers are requested to be on the ground at seven. o'clock sharp. Bowlers of neighboring towns are al- so invited to send as mann players as they can. Players are requested to be on hand promptly at 7 o'clock to ensure their getting in the game. RETURNED SOLDIERS Private W, G. Aptaion, who en- listed and went overseas with the.161st Huron Battalion, returned home on Saturday morning. Private, 'Appleton spent many months on .the firing line and was only once wounded. The wound was slight and e was off only a few days. We are pleased to state that Private Appleton was awarded the military medal for bravery on the field of battle. Delver Will Da*, son. of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Davis, returned home from saverseas unexpectedly on Mon- doy morning. Will went over in 1917 with a draft from the' 64th ;Battery, which trained at Leaden. He passed through much serious fighting but was unwounded, 'and, is now the picture of good 'health. His brother, Archie, returned several months ago. Sergt, C. A. Dunsford, son. of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford of Exeter, another of the Exeter bays to ar- nve home from overseas. He came in on Sunday. Charlie enlisted at Sud- bury and spent many months inFrance Pte. Fred Hopkins, who joined the colors in December of 1915 ance went overseas with the, Second Pioneer Bat- talion from London, returned Tues- day everuing, after over three years in France. Fred was living in Usborne Township whent be enlisted and his old friends welcome him home again 'rhe Advocate welcomes these boys back to their homes. Pte C, A. Beetling of Dashwood, Privates Butler, leIcGarva, McGregor, and Parker of Clinton; Pte, Woods and L -C. O'Neill of Sealorth; Pte. Col- quhoun of beechen, Pte. W. E. Mc- Pherson sof Parkhill; Pte. E. Lewis& of near Ailsa Craig, Pte, T. Laing of Cromarty, Pte. Addis and Corp. Car-' roll lof St Marys, Pte, E, Faulkner of Creditton. Pte, W. C. Moffatt of near Brucsefeeld, also arrived home frOrn overseas. Several carloads of Exeter petiole held a "weener roast" at Grand Bend Tuesday evens. Mr. Paul Coates sustained a, broken collar bone when he fell off a load of hay ,last week, owing to the, trip rope breasIdng. The 22nd Annual Convention of the Huron Co. Woman's Christinu,. Tem- perance Union will be held in Meth- odist Church, Wingham, on July 24 and 25, commencing at 1.30 first day, Mn W. J. Russell was in Toronto last week. Miss Vina Fisher of Hamilton is vis - Wog relatives here, Mrs. Phelps of Buffalo visited, •her sister Mrs. S. Fitton. Miss Vera eluxsvorthy of Forest is visiting here with friends, Miss Whimster of Ottawa is visit- ing her sister, efre. le, Johns. Messrs, Richard and John Bissett of London visited here Monday. Dr. Harrison, wife and family so' Detroit are visiting relatives here. Mr. Earl Spackman and family are holidaying with relatives irt town. Mr. Henry Gould of Windsor spent part of the week with his mother here. Miss Fern Short of London. was home over Sunday, accompanied by a frtend. Mrs. Win. liedekehaw .returned last week from a visit in Detroit and LQd Mr. 3'. j. Armstrong of Gs tmore City Iowa, is visiting with Mr. John Hunter. Rev. and Mrs. Trumper and family lett Tuesday to holiday in London for two week. Mr Norman, Ford of Detroit was home toe the Ilth, and assisted the Band that day. Mr. Geo. Palmer and Mr. Alex. Stewart of Londen were here for the races Wednesday. Messrs, Leon Treble and Gerald Fitton of London spent the week end at their homes here. Miss Hettie Sweet and Mr. Harry Sweet leave on. a trip down the St. Lawrence on Saturday. Mrs. Renshed and brother David Hall of Detroit spent a few days at their home, Exeter North, Mr. Harry Sweet of Windsor is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mr, Reg. Elliott of Norwich, visit - ea relatives here for a few days. 1 -lis daughter accompanied hitn, Mr. Norman jarrott, after a couple weeks' visit in anti around Exetr,ree turned to his home in Toronto Satur- day. Mr Homer Russell of Wetaskievin Alta- is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm, Russell for a week or two. Dr, Rollins of London epent a few days in town the latter part of Just week with his brother, iefr. William Rollins, Mies Olive Imrie of Toronto is Ring with her grandmother, Mrs. V. Mitchell in town and other relatives in Usborne, Mr. Samuel Willert of Niagara Fails N. Y., one of the oldest subscribers of the Advocate, gave. us a pleasant call on the 12th. Mr. Clarenee Smith and ouldren motored here from Windsor last weee and are visiting the former' mother, Mrs, Jehr SneJL Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Insater and dau- ghter of Pares, and Mrs Shaw of Lon- don visited at the home. of Mr. and Mrs W. J. Bes.sett. Dr. and Mrs, Stevenson, of Wetas- kiwin, Alta, spent a few hours here last week, Mrs Stevenson was form- erly Miss CobbledicIC. Mr. Wm. Blayney of Toronto visit- ed here last week, and Mrs. Blayney, who has been here for a couple of weeks returned with him. Mr. W ,T. Mallett and family of London. spent the lith July as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Esti Heywood. Mr. Mallett assisted the Exeter Band dur- ing the day. Mr. azo Mrs. Jarvis Dickson. of Chat ham. and Mr. lad Mrs. W. E. Mitchell and Mrs. Taylor of Lon,dan, visited the letters sister Mrs. M. E. Gardener over Sunday. Mr. E. Fowell, of Windsor received word on Saturday of the death of an aunt, Mrs. Kenning at Windsor, and he and Mrs, M. Fowell left *Sunday to attend the funeral. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Dignan, Miss Helen. and Master Alan, wiflJ. arrive in Exeter from Toronto, this week and visit Mr. Dignan's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Dignan, Mr. and Mrs. W.. J. Beer are,,in Tor- onto this Week. Mr. Beer is attending Masonic Grand Lodge. Miss Olive Quance, after a visit here.,returned to Toronto with them. and Mrs. John Davidson of To- ronto former iesidents of Exeter, but who have 'been away from here for over canteen, years, visited with old friends here ,during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle, received. word this week that their daughter, Mrs. John Wolper, is quite at her home in Harrow. Miss Gladys left Tuesday morning for that place, Mrs. D. F. Ferguson, of Winnipeg is visiting with hber parents Mr. and Mrs Chas. Birney, for a couple months, she having arrived last week, accom- panied by a friend, Miss Cameron who will visit for a month. Mr. Frank Taylor surprised his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, on Saturday last, when, he arrirved home after an absence of thirteen yearS. During the past six years he bad been with the American Navy, enlisting en .the Pacific Coast, and receiving his diseharge 'last week Mr, Harry Shelton of Detroit was in 'town ewer Saturday night ebaking bands with old friends. On. Sunday he visited with friends in, Crediton. and left on Monday for Loacion, tot spend a short time before. returning home. Harry was a former resident of both Exeter and ,Crediton, and he always makes a pleasant visitor. JONES & MAY ritIONN 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 This Store will close each Wednesday afternoon at 12,30 during June, July and August. NOTICE-StOre closed all day Sat., July 19, (Peace but will be open this Wednesday afternoon also Friday evening. Visit Our Shoe Department The continued hot -weather has created a big demand for WHITE SHOES and OXFORDS, and has made these goods scarce. However, we bought heavily and can stip. give you a nice assortment, and at moderate prices Try us for the following lines of cote shoes for summer wear - Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps ...$2.00 to $3.00 1.. -dies' High White Canvas Shoes . Ladles' White Oxfords, rubber tole and heel -.3i0t 20.00t7O S$3.5 A102 - Big assortment of Patent or Kid Oxfords and Pumps; long English vamp, high or low heels, and at medium prices. We also have many odd sizes to clear out at a bargain_ RUNNING SHOES FOR MEN, BOYS AND GIRLS The most ciomfortable 'Footwear for hot weather. All, styles, high er low, with er without heeis, in. eolors of White, Brown and Black. MEN'S SLATER SHOES. We have in our new Slater Shoes for Fall. Come in and see them. Leather or Neolin Soles, English or plain toe, in, Dark Brown or Black. Men's and Boys' Clothing YOUNG MEN'S BELTED OR WAIST LINE SUITS, long rents, in all the best selling colors, in price from .e„.$17.50 up to $29 We also make them to your measure if desixed. BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS -A big selection of styles and colors at low prices. 14 Lt Men's Furnishings FINE LINES OF MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS, SOX, TIES, COLLARs HATS AND CAPS, ETC. Bargains in Ladies' Whitewear LADIES WHITE UNDERSKIRTS From ... ..$1.39 to 32.69 LADIES' WHITE COTTON NIGHTGOWNS ... ., . ' ...69c. to $1.79 LADIES' UNDERWAISTS from . .......... .... „....... 25c, to 75r, Also CAMISOLES; and SILK AND VOILE BLOUSES to clear at very greatly reduced prices. JONES & MAY Headsiuorters for the Cetlebtatted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing few Men and Boys. Io--eseesesse-elpeeepeos 46 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE Situated. in the Corporation of Cen- tralia, nearly all in a good state of cultivation There is on, the premis- es small piece of bush, good frame house, kitchen and woodshed; bank barn, drive shed, hen house; 3 good wells, 1 with wind mill forcing water to barn. aad pasture field; gooorch- ard all well fence,d; close to church and school Possession given in fall. For particulars apply on the premises, or by mail to Thos; Oliver, Centralia Ont. Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work guramanteekl. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All coils promptly attended to clay or night. Office - Dr. Sweets old ,office , Exeter DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Surgeon, wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and aporec- iates the patsronagehe has received in the old stand and hopes for a contin- uance of the same ite his new office. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loom on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ANBUR.Y Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R.. CARLING, B. A.. Baerister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commisstioner, Solicitor for the Mel - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. • CENTRAL VA -,Ft). WS T.. We hate Telegraphy, Commercini & Shorthand .Depactrnents. ' We . give individual instruction, Students are entering each NV epic Our grrduate secure positions of trust. Get our free catalogue now it may interfest. eon D. A: McLachlan Principe' HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year. ofd up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, vreigbing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Erecter. G. J. DOW Dr, G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. • DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 1CINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter • • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunon assd Middlesex Prices Reasonable arid Satisfaction Guairan,teta. CredIton, - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON * ' LICENSED AUCTIONEe,R AND VALUATOR, for Counties of Hume Perth, Waddiesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Saes a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Workrooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. • Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trail as to quality will convin- ce. t Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRhCTOR AND FURNITURE DEALUR SOUTHCOTT BROS. SPECIAL CLEAN UP SALE --- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Stock taking is over We have had our opening clay, and it was a big day for. us, While stocking we, set aside several lines which we are placing on sale at prices that should appeal to the thrifty. THREE SPECIAL LINES- MEN'S RAIN COATS SHOES & OXFORDS PRINTS' 6 only, easily worth 38.00 About 50 pairs of They sold' for 25c. a t. o 310.00. We may have odd styles and sizes yard. We want to your size. Our sale price 32.00 and 33. values ,clear the lot, end is 36.00. m Take your -pick-31.48 reduced to 18c. , SHOES SHOES SHOES We know something about shoes. We knew Mr. Beavers carried a ,large stock, but this stock was a sur prise to us. It wilt lie to you. We can shoe the whole -family. Shoes that we are selling now cannot be re- pl•a:ed and sold for the same inoney, Conic in we *believe we cen save you money. By saving you money and giving you satisfactiOn we make rou a customer and we are both bcriefittee. Southoott Bros. „,„