The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-17, Page 6Youth Writes a Letter to Love
PART IX. of his ;Lest day downstairs, a his first,
Finally one of Musseine' sueseff ride in hie car. And then, before you
hands releas.ed the fingees that ee, can believe it poseible, came the uews
6 I, GN POSTS 0 TE Al RIVI E N. I W. x.. mclOnnon Bean en Pette•
Over Weter Different Thing to I VletOry Bondc-
Flying Over Land, I !'")
Sellers cf victory Bonds win And definite,
It is one thing to fly long distances prices quoted. on the financial eaee of the
over land, hut quite i different matter! esororeo morning papers.
when it conies to flying over water, I
Iii order to ravigate the At'antic by neezere ne eovernmont mei Municipal
lairplaeo, the pilot must make exact
meginnon Bldg.. le 'Melinda st., Toronts
and minute celeulations befOre start i
mg. These tire taken in conjunction '
meee, and that is the cold -peek e 1
: • ' doine nis while the middle room re- . e proportioes. The statue is said tc
, the speea and direction Of wine ere 4all
porta an le
seems dwarfed bealde his giant
d latest seientific methods of gauging .
hand; and then„hiet ae ehe had her Ana then be was gone wiehoet at e g ,,.. is but otie sure way to can room. Of course, there was no '‘Vae°'
two hands sefely egain in her lap, geo,i-lIe, without Mugge ns having. a
t led. The vegetable whether 1 • & ".
n alue I bed room. ' measure fifty feet in height, the head
I employed. No eaev wetter this when
som 1,900 nautical n'files have to he
site beard a eela stsp reash the doer, g::mrse a him, without even a „,„„s,
asparagus, string beans, corn alone being nine feet Ingle This giant
bcard the ecntro ef e :lintel kreiii, end chanee to knew. Delirium, ' Why should the middle room be
ti°thing''' vo;)reens, should be canned inneedis a into aceount, The pilot must Sudden is 000 of the relics of Kama
the cl;:?-
e c, ee e.e.neie nee., einem, - • • • - •
e te • . e •• e. : - b -t oe.H.‘ m People say anything;
i aaey after picking before it has used for a bed room? Why should. t hen0
chance to Wilt. Clean thoroughly. • •
a not the bed rooms be confined to the,
I make use of the sextant and an instru-
stucly the position of certain eters. has surge ee because - •
: kura's thirteenth century greatnees. It
nee It is xuade of. &lode,: the receti teith a 1,,Iin,3,..,. then,
next step is blenchince upper stories or if it is ncessmy to
ment called the course and distance ht°111'4 piste'. fashioned by the best
•,...,,, • sl.,,, means cooking for a limited time,TIlis
• serarated from the living rooms.' calculator, a lie, •• • , .
have are downstairs, let it be ennre y ,
. . metal worhere in Japan. It is one of
ine trillianze. TI•e d•iv- went on eri -he kent at. The-
Mrs. Hanamerd. vtry leergeeue •,41:"'.. •""ing.' rd k'211t Fatting ''fi
one to f ft ' t ' ' ' alma peite, auu, auove Japan's very few monuntents that call
i water ozi, ,leierne. nsittenaurzs, This is
ibsoding Tie little formalities are safeguards' en .,. , ,d t. .. - g
' Rapid and c'31oli.7.e4ttet Calculations must • ast re to rival 14 1°11gevitY the pyra.
her teste_sugesnte„, re e• . c„1 1.„ eezeue, tine keIt •ssedt.'.eg, ti ,,,ga . ...,'t weiting. . ' done by tying the vegetable ina.
,.„...1. to orderly living ar.d should not be:
! be made, ae no meeus are exitilable -
the foot of the ken:, leekieg at ner,
'''''”' ' ' - tell hereelf flatly enmesh that she'
son. disregarded without reason. --0.-----,
' equare eheesecloth of a size conven- ,, , once the start is made of plotting and , satnanaa zinimen—t cute -g ea•rget in cow
"I thought. 1 heari CJ ,: voiee:' she • mother kept VII erigang a resentment
, ' fent to fit easily into your kettle. grovi.1 and the rooms spread out in; laying off the course by the u.suala
In mane cases our farm homes have
• l'aeanyshlie. in Godfrey's home his'
eanlaiue•i• "Jar:: he 'ellY "s•-•:. • • tewead ni-ggals• E • After blanching the eat time men- every direction. We all know oldei ine.ane a parrallel rulers, dividers and Lone chewing of food helps the ap,
! -see"' . . , , e • yen when Goa- •
"He's very res.:less." tioned izi the table remove the cheese- , protractors. 1 . e . •
petite to be sateseed with smallei
--17-"eud ').-I'l frey. so innocently unaware of what fashioned farm dwellings where it is.
thE-'• fe...cr2d. upeettieg words be had spoken in his e . istruct- .
nereqsary to eo through one room to; The aerial compass is so cox
Cold Pact Your Veg t bi with the sitting -room and the canine-
with meteorological re • d The grove which surrounds the Bua•
that hed enlisted. There 'e eS,
conenle7vey hnrgieentd. her other
cloth containing the vege,able from , amounts.
At the egand ef Ilea verge ale hoY ' F -, even then his mother's re- • • ` apt to be bed -----------------------
, watt, . nnmediately into cold water. The ead. the card, which, is tloa.tecl in pure °
Seven rnillien bags of wheat, 761,00t
t°,...rne,1 heat.F.y ',seer on hie side. ' eentsran-g persisted. ' esnes tops and rubbers should be privacy possible for the occupants of • alcohol. so that the liquid will not
bales of wool, 310,000 boxes of butte],
readv sterilized that is put in cold either room. The situation is even more ' freeze when flying is tat tug place at •
s and 511,000 carcases of mutton were
Meryl" he ealled egain, fretfully.; en ., • ire.111 designi-alt," she. told, ,
- k :)e . ,
Megenes' hane went to the table ` her husband. -That's what theY go - ' ' ' unpleasant hen a bed room must. high altitudes.
, water, brought to a boil and boiled Waned to Great Britain from Aus•
tee: le, her to etereiy herself. :tiro nursing elor, arel -when. a man is not , s e • Pack serve as the entranee to a living room. In the Ciliz.e of a long eight the cone .- - -
..i... V‘ C i• 'S,
'R ..' 1 •eal a.rd helples- what ean
cans with the vegetable; it should When we plan the new farm honse• pass requires the closest attention be- tralia in the first four triontbs of tIg
.e.s than nve minutes. your
sea' re d. present year,
"irs.. Haneraerel leekea at her eeri- -•
sesely. "Doee he mean yen?" she in- • •:,..11 smpegtee • not he allowed to rernaill in the cold '
let ue have a place where the daughter fore starting. The machine must be
=eh." tlerrinni, had enlisted and gone to:, the boot - get to second room. These are verY; ed that the pilet navigator '.tit 41J
ieng water or steam and dip
i It is queer tnet even the bet ter- water, merely dipped in and at ence may entertain a young roan caller and, swung, and tli., compass corrected and ----
"ne's l'een '''''111'14'-° nic:' th'It- '11'1' '''' ' -- 11 r' • e"iterete thee
removed, nnd allowed to drip a where she may have a simple party. adjusted by means of small magnets,
tesee nee, ink .o. ai .
evcri;nen'' Miege::ies terneeeleed. i mother's resentment. Following the with boiling water to overflow!' lig, The parlor should adjoin the living to remove any deviation that may
She r.okidea. . : itrae bunitte (ye Godfrcy's possessions. Put on the rubbers and tops, turnine
.room where the family gather > and, if exist owing to local magnetic attrac-
the dining -room is at hand, so much tion caused by the engines and other
-IA Mary ;seer nen?- : news. there came in One the pitiful.
the tops down until they just touch
Mrs,. liammend lea:el thoughfue , inswing an old wallet which had Iv.
the rubbers but not tight. Then niece the better; there will be more room steel parts of the nutchine. A card
, y TZ your canner, cot er
• , and conveniences either for a sit -ion which deviations are plainly mark.
"1 illdn't know it *xas.:4 she st'a.1- longed to Gocifrey's grandfather and, immedietel i ,
"They always .is eall you Mug,gins.". which the hoy always "mesa with down supper or for informal passing ed is ;Awed at the side of the coin -
the tap, and process -cook the time
Then ea:eel came the wise i -if the' him. In the wallet was a pieture of •ven. i the table If ,ott Itee a around of refreshments. pass, so that a. pilot can take these
fevered SIA tii,', this time startnii." Godfrey's mother, taken when she was . Igi lot watner bath t1.10 'water mus Come` A farmer who had: taken up a home-; Into account when plotting his comae.
them into siienee. , a child of ten; there were photo- u two inches ab ve th to
of th. stead. planned and built the home for The position of the Pole Star can
mus e tu mg .,.1,),he-h. t.he- himself and family. He did not stint be fixed by finding the Plough, and
For—"My nearest." the bog sai'l in graphs. too, of his father and of his Pi It *t b° b 're
re entered and kept balling on quality or quantity of lumber, but the two pointers, Dubhe and alerak.
his broken delirious voic'e. "Oh. MarYs. rttle brother and sieter. In it they' Talus,' a
dearest." , . also found a letter, hastily written the 'tire time. Enter each can as when his home was finished he had a A line drawn through the pointers
Mary Hopleins' mind went seareinng and a eet erusnp.i,ee, ' fest as filled If y I then, square structure of a story and a half, will lead direct to the Pole Star, and
frant'ealle- for sernething. to say. '‘I Mr. Hammond read the little letter ' 4 ' ' - '- the lower part divided equally into if continued will also locate the tdithe table until all are
Cas -
don't think—" she etartell to say, bet _repel it over twice, thoughtfully and filled they become ehilld and crack four enormous means, without closets. siopela group. which for direction is
didn't finieh ---------------think, -that . gravely before he handed it to his when ' • the hot The windows were many and large— the simplest and easiest method of
put Into ot water.
that she ..-crean to doebt: Inter. wben t.To be continued.)ulterior. "When the children are older at all times as indicating the true
• -------------------------------- e- • •
Irs. Hannuengi heel gene 'with her iv • tables most usually put up follows, ,
.....--.---. end the mother elder also, and per- north.
diF,approval. leaving thorn alone again,! , the time being expressed in minutes:
i •
with the darl:ness of the 5$5.1 settled ' SIGNED WITH FOUNTAIN PEN. ; Processing. for that inconvenient hone, imagine
haps worn with the work of caring
down upon tin---- :e darli.nvi4!, (-4:* ef ea had ,..;:rat,.. tasa one etreege flesh premier Lloyd George introduced An
et' rereanee. i innovation at Paris.
he meant It wasn't lentil later Nr:f..e, they needed to be—to Light up the big fixing the two groups, and is accented
the steps that must be taken when
e• =,ze, ceninany coxnee. Autoznatxcall,
in Ruins.
t aunt of Wood, Most of Them Are Now
poorly -planned house will make home
aseens -;k2er, c,-;1,1 she aerording to 11. B. :\lorrie, *Blanching.4-,°.;1',.4me%-1469414%! entertainment either very hard to
Aa$ ii•ICOrk:rg row twee there,
have or the flesh and blood of the Egypt built her monuments in stone;
1'i-mir I lov,I °Porn. ,4izned the St'wberr.ies ... DOnf 16 12 10 mother and her girls will pay bitterly Japan built most of hers of wood. The
here slept? It's somethine you don% r ' • - " • ' - -
0,0 wee!, seeeeeny rom.p,,,.. -,s 1,$hed - env., Treaty with o founnein Pen. Raspb'lies ... none 16 12 10 for the hard work. Needed: better Egyptian pyramids were thousands of
Faye t London deepatle This is said • Hkle'berries .. none 16 12 10
of gray raut'ele.
to be the first time in history Met Plums ....... none 16 12 10
Only, had h flaelte:1? Tlent was the '
much a pen has belief used for the sit • Grapes .... .. none 16 12 10
thilt grew and grew. At first
nature of 0 treety. Mr. Morris thug Currants ..... none 16 12 10
it Ar:s only a elenlow of a doubt, for
tht 'tory: Cherries ..... none 16 12 10
was rot the sound of his eMary time, ten" ----' ' •
'I desired serne thue ago to gill the Brkberries ... none 16 12 10
eq still ringing in her ears, and the '
Prime alinieter a little souvenir, and, Peaches
feel of It's einteav young hand stilt
'A 16 12 10
;seeing that he writes euch a lot, I . Quinces ., „ „ Sae 20 2 8
upon laer teen? But how could ehe
thought it would nut be a bad ideo. to , Greens ....... 15 120 90 60
knew fur sure? It was all sn new,'
give him a fountain pen. The holder ' Peas .........5 to 10 180 120 90
and she felt herself as ignorant about is heavily gold mounted and adorned Beans . .. . .. . .5 to 10 120 90 GO
this sort of thing as the greenest' Welsh words, 'Natio Lig, Corn (sweet). 5 180 120 90
little prchationer in the hospitel could. with 1"
1,W ' it •ilso is inscribed etththe• 10 180 120 GO
he aboat anaeetheties and hepoder-i -' ' '' 3. Corn (field)...
Prime Minister's signature in fee. Tomatoes .... 1i-, 22 18 15
mies, e
t simile Poultry and
With dawn dount had waxes hue a' '
When it was taken Down- game none. 180 180 120
great grim thing. How could it be -
, ing Street. the Prime elmister at once none 180 180 120
:rue? They alwaye se7d queer things rns' ' v d towritewithBeef it, and he on everything that is too heavy to be
with a temperature. And. anyhow, ! h. -,7,1,111,e,u( e*Where blanching is necessary the lifted.—Mrs. 3, J. O'C. a correct likeness. The figure is
tho could feel that way about her? tr wring v,-ith it ever
hot water method is used withall the
pointed out as the result of the order.
Isince, neReeen y, when another was , . ..—.-0.—
Certainly no one like him. above products except with "greens," The most remarkable image in Ka-•
l offered to him. he replied -I have one Simple Perfume Making.
Only, dear Godl she wanted it to be of my own, with which I'am going to in whiz•11 case
• •
steam is required. makura is not in a temple. It is the
• ' ht At first thought it might seem an im- well-known Dal Butsu, or great Bud -
From the Housekeeper to Another.
years old, when Kamaltura was built.
To -day the pyramids seem no older,
but Kamulturtes greatness is only a
A spoonful or more of lemon Juice memory. A few temples built from
the wreck, after fire and tidal waves
05 good cider 'vinegar added to apples
had destroyed the city, are all that
that do not cool: readily will hasten
have remained, and they are fregile
the process and improve the flavor.—
M. A. P. temples of wood.
Keep a blackboard eraser near the In one temple the image is a Japan-
kitchenese conception of the god of the lower
range and use it to brush off
world. The figure has an unusual his.
tory. An image -maker, it is said, died.
'When he appeared before the lord of
the other world, he was told that in
his lifetime he had never represented
thee lord of the world properly, and
Mat be must return to earth and make
dust or ashes when you have not time
to polish the stove.—Mrs. L. M. T.
All verandah boxes should have cas-
tors on them. It saves calling a man
when they are to be moved, and they
cost but a small amount. Put them
he ° Oen the Peace Treaty.'" When p ,
rue. Let juet that one little thing
:rue, and she would give her whole' en the tops and turn upside down to
—0-----"'e see if they leak, If they do, remove
ife to nureing other pimple's lovede
top, put on new sterilized rubber and
Weddings in China.
When he ehould nwake she would boil ten minutes longer.
;MOW for sure. But Ale wa.s almost! A novel method of arranging wed- If you cannot buy a commercial
afraid. to have him wake. lding .ceremonies is adopted in China.
He was still sleeping when the mes'el' The "go-betweens" are usually the
came to summon MtIgg.':11Ei to her busy old gossips of the district, who
breakfast. • 1get a. commission on the amount paid
Mrs. Hamiriond had aIways beer0 bY the bridegrooin to the father of
, .
canner you can. use your boiler, a lard
can, large kettle or pail. Put a small placed in an uncovered bowl filled with
board with holes bored in it in the water aad set near the "collector,"
fun -
bottom to rest the cans on, otherwise which consists of a common glass they are likely to break. Do not use nel with the small end closed. The
patronizing. and superior, but nowe • paper or straw packed down. The ele- funnel is filled with a mixture of
there was a new and special chill On the wedding day the bride is clad partment of agriculture finds this crushed ice and salt and suspended in
anont her mariner. esupte,,ins was well: in red and carried in a Sedan chair method unsatisfactory. A slat bot- an upright position. Moisture from
aware of it, and knew why it was covered with red. Anybody has the tom like a basket cover will do. Good the air of the room forms on it and
there. But she went plodding some-, right to turn back the chair curtains commercial canners may be bought unites with the emanations from the
how through grapefruit and soft-: end take a look at her. Her hair is fax or $4.50 or $5.00. If you have a flowers. As the inoisture collects it
runs off the tip of the funnel into a
boiled eggs and toast and managed to elaborately oiled, and so all the other great deal of canning -to do it would
reply, "I think so," and "Yes, indeed," , girls throw hayseeds at her, which pay you to buy one. receptacle. If this liquid is mixed
. stick. On reaching the home of her with an equal amount of pure alcohol,
to Mrs. Hammand's conversation. In canning peas handle carefully so
But when it was all over, even to1 husband the bride has to submit to the as not to break the skin, If the skin the perfuine of the floevers is pre-
wedding ceremony eon- I served indefinitely.
finger bowls and folded napkins, yrs.: candid criticism of the entire family. lig broken the liquid becomes "cloudy!'
Hammond raised her eyebrows at her ,This does not spoil the vegetables,
The strange
plate and said: ' sists in the husband and wife eating but gives them a bad appearance. In evneara,s Liniment cures- Diphtheria.
"Miss Hopkins" (Muggins felt a I canning corn it is better to cut just
rice from each other's bowl, then mix -
possible feat to collect the perfume of dab, which sits alone in meditation
flowers after it has escaped into the with only the sky for a, roof, and co.s-
air, yet it seems simple enough by ual visitors and a priest in attendance.
method that the Scientific American
Fresh, high -scented blossoms are
shiver run down her spine). enough off the cob for one can at a The French Government hes select-'
"Miss ing the rice, and both eating from the •
Hcpkins, a former nurse of ours, Miss time, Corn that is packed slowly be- ed abbut 140 famous Rites along the
' same bowl. Of course, there is a
Edmunds,. will be able to come to us comes soaked or "water-loggecl." whole front, which will be preserved
feast, but it does not cost much, for -
this morning. Any time you can find' something. When the directions say to blanch in (M their present state as monuxi. lents
e -very guest is expected to contribute
it convenient to get your things ready, steam, lay your cheesecloth in a, of the war. Among the sites in the
I can have James take you in the; British sector will be the Butte de
limousine -wherever you want to go."' - Served Too Hot:
"I can be ready, Mrs. Hammond, in Grandpa's little weakness was for a
exactly twenty-five minutes," and, to , specially strong peppermint candy,
steamer over boiling water instead
of dipping directly into the kettle.
Entertaining in the Farm Home.
Warlencourt, ruins of Bapaume, obser-
vation points on Hill 80, Givenchy
battle field, and the famous slagheap
"----- and recently he gave one to four- ear- Many a farmer plans to build, or and tower bridge at Laos.
herself, "There," she said. There!:
"laid Muriel, d
an waited to see what she re -build his house "when the children
I hope that's soon enough to suit her.
On the way to her room she had toi would say. grow lip," bet the years slip by until
pass Godfrey's door.
A little while later, he saw hen slip perhaps the boys have left the farm
"Shall I go in now to say good -by?" the peppermint out of her mouth, and and the .girls are saying "there is no
he asked herself. And then it came place it on a table 'by the open win- way of having company at our
to her that when she did that she dow house." Country boys and girls have,
would know for certain. "What's the matter, dear?" he asked. to depeed largely for recreation on
"1,4- 11 wait until I've packed," she "Don't you like the candy?" the good times they have in each
thought, "and stop in as I ate leav- "Yes, thank you," said Muriel, polite-
ly. "I'm only letting it cool a little,
she went on to her room and with
these swift, capable hands of hers
gathered together and packed. her Not So Foolish.
things in twenty minutes. friends.
"FiV rcliirgea.11 ;41.1.' i-hought "to A Youh3 mill hana 'having some
It is easy to become so accustomed
So she dropped her suitcase outside ' asYlum• After he had been there toe to our eierroundings that eye do not
tee g•oos-oye and get down -stairs:, 1 slight mental trouble, was sent to an
Gerlfi.ey's door, but when her band a iew weeks a fellow worker visited realize their deficiencies. The home ,
'a -az on the knob she hesitated. hil; - nasiwamyss sstlfitiacbieelietftoor the eel
"Shall 1 or ehan't I?" she dexnancl- "Hence Henry!" he said. "How are folk'
ed cf herself. "Quick—shall I or shan't. you gettin' on?" s ideas of entertaining. The
writer recently saw a.rather Pathetic
All grades. Write for prices.
others' homes, and a good house to , ggsggsa,„emaeeeee.,,seeeesaeeeeeeeese
which company may be asked is the!
farmer's best investment if he wants
to keep his children at home and
noelos the place attractive to their
And while she was hesitating there
tare, the sound of Mrs. Hammond's
• IC in the hall below.
"I'm wattle.' on fine," said the patient. 1 letter feone a girl who wanted to give
"Glad to'hear it. 1 suppose You'll be ' a party in welcome of some home-
comin' back to the mill soon?" 1 returning soldier. She drew a plan of
"'Arnett" exclaimed Henry, and 1a ; the lower floor of her home which
So her hand elipped away from the look of great surpris.e name •into I1115 -showed a bedroom separating the,for_
docr knob. She picked up her suitcase( face. "Do you think I'd leave e big, mat parlor from •the sitting -room and
• went enently down the staits. 1 fine houet like tb'es and a grand garden • dining-roorn, where the family. genera',
. te - es- through Dr. Biggins that he to come hack to work in a mill? You
. ' all gathceed, and she wanted advice
'-i-ess :le of Godfrey's conealeseeeue,„ I must, think I am wrong in my :head?' 1as to hoev she could connect the .parlor .
• 1 1 '11 .. 02.7•Ta310
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This is the only phonograph with the wonder-
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The "TJItone." is the only 'all -record" repro-
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Another exclusive feature is the all -wood tone
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Eureka Harness Oil
—gets into the leather.
Keeps it supple—looking
new and strong as new.
Keeps insects and moisture
out. Prevents drying and
cracking. Keeps breakage
and repatr bills down. Sold
in convenient sizes.
Eureka Harness Oiler
—Makes oiling easy, quick
and thorough. • Should be in
every barn.
Mica Axle Grease
—prevents spindles wearing
thin and hubs getting loose.
The powdered mica and
grease coats both spindle
and hub lining with a cover-
ing of perfect lubrication that
fills all pores and smooths all
rough places. Makes loads
easier to haul, reduces strain
on harness and horses. •
Sold in many sizes—I lb, to