HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-10, Page 599% ErnoE '`- i MICC Ru R MATISM.NEUR ITIcS ycIAT II A GU BRO,NEU , pSUBS REIIr R i- t,pS»Nc42 Keso A Scientific preparation which eradicates every trace of Rheumatic Trouble:;, ' Stay young! Keep your best years free from pain. T. R. C.'s will do it. BROWNING'S DRUG STORE, OPTICAL ROOMS AND STATIONERY Sole Agents for Exeter. Mail $1.04 to, thiss address or to 1'empleton,'s 1.42 King W„ Toronto, and T. R. C,'s will be sent postpaid. 1NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK W. C. T. V. ANNUAL REPORT has been received which includes The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held in the Public Lib- rary on Monday, June 31st at 3 p.m, The report of the secretary and treasurer were given and were most encouraging The membership for the previous year was 45, while this year the report showed a membership of 200 with 1S honorary members and the L.T.L. with a membership of 70 boys and girls. During the year the crusade for new members has been very successful and several ladies have won the Star of Honor pias, viz.e.---Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers, oar County President, a grand Star of Honor pin for having secured fifty members during the year which. is a very distinctive record; Mrs, Havil- ancl a Grand Star of Honor pin for 30 new members and the following secured Star of Manor pins for hav- ing secured tell luemhers each- - Mrs. (Rev.) Medd, Mrs. Abbott Mrs. W. G. Bissett Mr:. (Rev.) Baird, Miss Sweet. ;1rrs. Fitton and Mrs. Hastings. The union has been doing splendid work and during the year over MO ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray. Animals --One insertion SOc. three insertions $1.00,. Farm or Real Estate for sale SO. each insertion for ane month of four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion Miscellaneous articles of not more than five linea, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Loet, Found, etc., each in- sertion Z5c Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line pet ;insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10e. and 5c. a 1in,e Auction Sales' $2 for on,e insertion amid S3 for two insertions if moderate size. Processional Cards not exceeding 1 inch—St') per year. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Xavier Ziler, late of the Township of Ste- phen; in the County :o1.: Huron, far- mer, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 1.21 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others baying claims or demands against the estate of the said Xavier Ziler, who died on or about Degerlber 31st; 1918, are required on or b_ .a; o the 15th day of August, 1919, is send be- pest prepaid or de- liver to H. Eilber & Son, at Crediton, Ontario, their Christ- ian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their chaims, a statement of theirec- ctiounts and the nature of the secur ities• if any, held by them, duly ver- ified by affidavit. And take -notice. that after i d el last mentioned date .the said Exe.cu- tors will proceed to distribute. the assets of the deceased among thepar- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Exlecutore will not be fable fo;' said assets or any part thereof, to any persar or perrsons of whose claims notice shall not have been . received by them at the ,time of such distrib- ution. Daniel Ziler and Cyrus Viacent Eeeecutor s Dashwood. P.O. Dated June 30th, 1919. $114 grant from the County Caun- oil, The society has made the follow- ing donations; For blind soldiers at Toronto $10; Children's shelter at Goderieh $10; Soldiers' Christian Association $10; Sailors' Fund $5;. and help along other lines of work in connection with the W. C. T. 11. prineipal among which being the Travellers' Aidwork in connection with Willard Hall, Toronto. by sub- scriptions received through the var- ious churches of town, The Travel- ler's Aid is a veritable God -send to girls going as strangers to a city where they are meet by the Travel- ler's Aid officers who shields tlleiu and protects thein from seemingly harmless but luring paths and in every way serves as a Christian Guardian taking them dome to Wil- lard • Hall until such time as they have found. their friends or become otherwise comfortably settled. Every women eau essist and is respectively ,, eel to dr O. Magill regret was felt by the Union in ,lie removal of their worthy Pres- ident, Mrs. Baird, who is moving to Hemiltou, as very Much success in the work this year leas been through her untiring efforts, and she will he greatly miesed -here, but the good wishes of aur women follow her to her new field of lunar where no doubt her amiable disposition and. her taetful industry will .inspire her new associates to further press on in every undertaking which counts for uplift and righteousness. The election of officers after the business resulted as follows: President ;firs. (Rev.) Medd; 1st. Vice Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Pestle; 2nd, Vice -Pres., Mrs, (Rev.) Foote,; 3rd. Vice -Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson; Cor- responding Secretary, Miss Sweet; Treasurer, Mrs. Fitton; Recording Seey., Mies Gregory. While our strivings have been erowuncl with reward this past year we prayerfully and earnestly beg every W. C. T, U. Member whether of years standing or just newly ad- mitted, dmitted, to manifest a live, personal interest in the work this year for there is a great task ahead, and "the fields are ripe unto the hurvest" for we stand firth for everything that means for purity, justice, righteous- ness, and uplift of mankind. We ask every woolen and. young lady ie town and cornunity to attend o1'i meetiins held on the last Mor.ti:iy of each month at three o'clock ;1! the Public Library. Become interested and see what the "White Ribbon., Badge of Purity means. Coale and see if you wile uat do us good, and we may do you good. Signed: Stella L. Gregory, 4.:fret .r•: CLINTON—hisses Alma and Louste Watt of New Liskeard, niece of Mrs. Jabez Banda of town, Nvcre dro' :e e'1 en. Lake Temiskaming recent °It ellen a car containing a number .of yWUil pec le ran. off the wharf ',nto tha water. The Watt family formerly lived here. ;RED HEIR. 50201 important Events Which HAYS Occurred During the Week. The busy World's Happenings Care fully Compiled and Put into Bandy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY: Vancouver street car risen returned to work, and the backbone of the general strike seems now broken. Vancouver and Regina Labor halls were raided by Mounted Police and searched for seditious literature, Toronto boot and shoe workers were awarded the 46% -hour week with increased pay for piece -workers. G. T, Clarkson has made public a report on the financial condition of the Standard Reliance Loan Corpor- ation. The Board of Grain Supervisors issued instructions forbidding the re- moval of grain from elevators with - put a permit. Frank Hogg, while shingling the'. scantly roof of his killbrothered's house, near Sea, Se - forth, fainted and fell off, being in- , Twelveminers were Trilled yester- day in a coal, renin explosion at Alder - sou, Oklahoma. Three others are ex peeted to die, Bavaria will have a, floating debt of five hundred million marks at the end of this year, according to Fin- ance Minister Speek. Denmark itas borrowed a large sutn of moiler from America to cover the estimated expense of re -uniting Schleswig to Derunark, C. S. Garland, the American tennis star, has qualified to play in the semi-finals at Wimbledon: Wan. Greensides, of Toronto, aged 19, employed by a farmer near Col- lingwood, was drowned while battl- ing athing in the Nottawasaga river. The American relay team again broke the 800 -metre record when they defeated the Canadians tit Parse yesterday by a scant three metres. A returned soldier, believed to be G. Bilade, No. 2,497,307, laid his neck across the rail in front of a train at Mileage 98, west of Cha- pleau, and was instantly killed. Ontario defeated Quebec in the interprovincial match yesterday, pre- liminary to the national amateur gold championship which opens at Lambton with an entry list which is a record. The famous Wilkes Standard bred Trotting Stallion will be at his .own stable, Metropolitan. Hotel, E eter, for season of 1919. See cartels for pr d- igrne and terms.—Wei, Mitchell. Enrolled and Inspected in accord- ance ccordance with Chapter 67 of the Statutes of '"Ontario, 2 Geo. V. Enrolment No. 2593, Forth 1, 1919. • Statement of Enrolment was inad- vertently omitted from large cards. "sMoo:rHER THAN VELVET" Ice Cream like mother•used do .retake ? No indeed! Ice cream far superior to that. Nothing but pasteurized pure cream, cane sugar and pure flavor extracts go into Silverwood's Ice Cream. That creamy, Velvety taste that mother never could have given to' her home-made ice cream is the result of homogenizing and scientific freezing. SILVBRWOOD'S LIMITED .' LONDoN, ©NT Bricks in all Flavors Look for the Siluerwooil s Sign 15 For Sale by Wilson & Simms WEDNESDAY. . The Toronto open-air horse parade was a big success. Ottawa street railway nlen are on. strike for an increase in pay. Two thousand ladies' garment workers quit work in Toronto. The Belgic docked at Halifax with more than three thousand troops. Harold I3ounsell, the Toronto cycl- ist, won two Canadian titles at Lan- don yesterday. Ex -King Constantine of Greece has left Lucerne for Lugano in order to reduce his expenses. A live wire in the Humber caused the death of one swimmer and the near drowning of two others. Next Sunday has been set officially in Britain for holding thanksgiving services for signing of peace. The aide-de-camp of the former Crown Prince denies .that `Willie Hohenzollern has left 1ti icringen. Several Gerreen guns captured by Canadian battalions were a feature of the peace celebration in Petrolea. The tuunit'ipality. of Greater Berlin has decided to purchase the big Ber- lin tramway 5yst r .i. :1 ; lrike of the workers is threatened. A mue.,midi siva,. to members who made the ruprer11e sacrifice in the war eves unveiled et i'.., Broad- view Y.1i.C.A., Tepee R. C. Harris will ask lo-,-,iao Rail- way • tuploy'es to resume operation of the ,. : s temporarily on the basis of the n made by hint last week. Feiner. Lieut. H. E. Foster, flew front Toronto to North 1 tl two hours and forty minutes 1,1 ell:. part in the Dominion Day celebraiii):l there. John. Durran, sin of Edward nee - nen, professional champion , i , __ i smiler of America, yesterday won II: - junior L•junior singles at the Dominion Lay Regatta. Mowat Walt, a switchman, was fatally crushed and two other men were injured when. the track buckled under the C. N. R. engine on which they were riding at Trenton. • THURSDAY. Seven hundred teamsters decided to. go on. strike. The body on an unknown lad was taken from. Toronto bay. The .Domestic Servants' Union de- cided to ask for a nine -hour day. Shipments of Canadian cattle have arrived at Antwerp to be distributed among Belgian farms. The Wright Rink of Owen Sound won the Wallace Cup, the feature of the Guelph tournament. John ,Creeper,: of Bellevile, aged about 75 years, was suffocated in a gravel pit on his farm. David and Earl McTaggart, of Eton, Man., aged 19 and 17, were drowned while bathing on Sunday. • Robert Hunter, the oldest Orange- man ire Canada in years and mem- bership,• died at Winnipeg in his 59th' year. The Germans expect to ratify the Peace Treaty early next week, ac- cording to a note sent to the Allies et Paris. Leagues and other organizations are being formed in Germany to pre- vent the "handing 'over of the•, war Criminals demanded by the, Allies. Hindenburg signifies his willing- ness tobe given" up no: the Entente and to be placed against a,.wall to be shot if the Allies are insistent, The Ulaited States 'Bureau"'of In- ternal Revenue expects:to derive up `wards of. $100,000 in war taxes from the Willard -Dempsey boxing .bout at Toledo .to day The Senate : reported the bill amending tke Griininal. Code, extend - !fig protectiontto all, employed girls; and increasing the penalty for pro; curing from five to ten, years. Berman Bleasy, of Augsbttry, Grattan townshIp, n Piganville, { Ont., was fou.td d aa'j in his hayfield, Ik having bled to death, his legs being badly cut, presumably by the mower knives; ' FRIDAY. The Preneh soldiers and 'sailors. killed in the war number 1,366,000, Patterson of Australia won the sin- gles tennis title at the interallied .games, Zinderstein of Boston yester- day defeated Miss McDonald of To- ronto et Buffalo The Canadian Association of Nurs. ing Education. concluded its convert tion at Vancouver. Bela Kun has executed, by hang- ing, 40 Hungarian students ,opposed to 'his Government. Heavy rains during the last week- end may save considerable of the wheat crop in Saskatchewan. The Privy Council decides that the courts. of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta have powers to grant divorce, Fred Alford, who was thrown out of a side -car at the twilight meet at Brantford, Wednesday, died of in- ternal injuries. Former Premier Viviani has been 'chosen President of the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to exam- ine the Peace Treaty and report to the Chamber. The rattling of barrels on his Wag- on frightened Albert Pritclaard's team, in London, causing them to run away, and he fell through the wagon, being fatally injured, The G,W.V.A. decided to keep clear of party afellations, refusing D. p. McKenzie's invitation to send delegates to the National Liberal Convention in August, Jo.eeph Miehener, an unmarried fernier, 70 years of age, tell from a to:td of hay he was building, breaking his back and fracturing several ribs, and he died shortly after. S 1TCit1UY". Rains have queneized many of the bush fires in Northern Ontario. The Baltic, with 2,347 returned soldiers, including 14 nursing sisters, docked at Halifax. William Meikle, a dairyman about 74 yearn of age, was decapitated by a train at Eastwood, near London. The Allies are preparing to take adequate measures to inforce the execution of thin Polish treaty terms, The props in Alberta and Manitoba are very promising, but the prospects in Saskatchewan are by no means br nr]it, Iter. Bon 5pen•te's appeal against t ntiv a t t: 11 for I+'tbii lying ''The Parasite ,..s heard and judgment It i:- exit •,'te el that all Ger'nlan. prisot.ere of u.tr le Id by the Allies will hi. •)n their way borne within a few ee. 1"i°t u 1' 1':ay tzlntua ntadde a trial 111;:n y ,t.,.y is his liartinsrde bi- 111 ew, elet el has been reconstructed after its accident. Tito til'inat 1G .r Veterans' Associa- tion 1;u,17.a sev t it re, elinin ridutions in I :gard to sul titer s'ltlement and undesirable alien'. Morrison and Bien of the ;sigh Park Club beat lioga rth and Taylor of St. \Iaitltew's ixi, tile final e'f the td rtual a.imoth e tournament. "nob" Dibble, of Toronto, won the dil r tt'r-lilt' i vent at the People's eta at Philadelphia. In rhe chile , vent lie led until the half -way mark, when he dietoe .t.'tt itis thigh, Food riots have broken out in 1 to e:ltt and other Italian titles. The 1110.) Sacked Several 51101,: in fileout- skirts ut- sknis of Floren e and hold ld t .sue+r- t'llants cooling 1:1 with Ito Hon. Walter Long stated aneterday in iter House of Common: that the k)ug of German wiuships o.luld not result in u:o if ittg tire Midst' eavel pe` . Yuri ion 1,.- ±1, Jacek 1..' -111ps y •;t. 't 1.0.1 t1i. t'ri.1i'ttl'i` l:tct y'«: !~..i 11 1 z.iieli '.. +•1e.,1 out V, i .td iii 1Vit';`.O iii a t11i1 ! 1•t1 1., boo. V. a .:.l;ut)il Oil'. ilia^ b aghi't •.. .ii tliroil`•=110..1,. Children Cry for Fietcher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's me .,tine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common, ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of res srch,. and no claim has been ,made for it that its use for ov>..r 3 years has not proven. What is CASTORik, Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Farepric, Drops and Soothing Syzups. It is pleasant. it coma -ns neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulrnc—, Wind Cone and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness as sh therefrom, and by regulating tine Stomach and Bowels, a,. ; the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural The Children's Comfort' --The Mother's Friend. 'G EN V IAL r`++ x . r: 3 f Bears the Signature n Use For Over 30 Years THS CENTAUR COMPANY, NSW YORK CITY 4i"ell, t C.: , ig leis ail+peint- en a, ;,1,., i;'1 :1,•.,•,•l1)rl:i erne; Com- e. ince. icing to i rt elteke le., e t r .h- d a tielon, ti 1i ,1 high 1. .ttultl s :s+otut of wind, i .ed and 1.1ait•h 'entre in itcm 11) 1'eatt•. 1.: were held in u.0 e: •.. - lief:' the coun- try, 1 , ' Pee', t:Lt t en, Aeeo: t.1..,a , tit by Secretary 'T,ilitt.l,-', i°itsi,t.:.t. Wilson will address the , nate 011 'i it ursday. Jack Tweedie, 13 years, 3 Lutdsay avenue, Toronto, died while swim- ming with companions at Paterson's pond, near Maple. Grievances against the Peace Con- ference were summarized by speakers at the convention of the Eastern Can- ada Chinese Nationalist party. Two persons are dead and two oth- ers seriously injured as a result of an excursion train out of Winnipeg crashing into a stalled automobile. The Great War Veterans' Associa- tion concluded its convention at Van- couver, as also did that of the Cana- dian National Association of Trained Nurses. Miss Isabella Palmer, domestic at 10 Oakmount road, was seriously in- jured when struck by one of two motor cars racing along Bloor street, Toronto.. 1:I: W. Murphy,, of Midland, first mate on the steamer Glenshee, was killed at Port William dock by being struck on the head by a lump of coal dropping from the hoist. Engineer Jarvis was killed and Fireman Von Buskirk fatally scalded in a wreckon the C,P.R.,. 30 miles from Chalk river, clearly the delib- erate work of one or more mis- creants. The authorities, : of Switzerland have refused entry to Madame Bela Kurt, wife of the Budapest Foreign Minister. She issaid to have a large sum with her for Bolshevik propa- ganda. Field Marshal von Hindenburg, former chief :of the German; Staff, dei clues that he is responsible for acts of German main headquarters Melee lee August, 1916, and also for: the pro- clamations.: of, former •,Emperor Wil" Ilam concerning the waging of war- fare. Dominant Value The Gray Dort is the dominant value -car for 1919. There are other cars bigger and heavie-. There are cars lower in price. You do n need the co= tly weight and size and y will not saeu .. ice Gray Dort refinements t'z save a few dollars. What you want av need is the balanced Value Ga the Gr Dort. Sufficient power and spcol from wonderful motor ample room and t preme comfort in riding and driving standard equipment; beauty of line at .. finish ; a real car, sturdy and long-lastino, ; and all this at a low price. The touring car is $1245; the Gray Dort Spin a ---the car vn added refinements and extra equipment, is ;~I35 extra; th .t are also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham 1-:.d are subject to change without notice, GRAY DORT MOTORS, Limited - Chatham, Ont. In the i:,S.: Dort Motor Car Co. Fti':',Mich. T. H. 1i{- .,' 0,n`. 41. r WHALEN Walter Gunning and Earl Johnston with their lady friends spents the 1st of July fin Goderich—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunning of St. Marys has been spending the past week here with re- latives,= --Our Public School teacher Miss Perkins has been reengaged for a second term the inspector giving her school' here a splendid report. Miss Perkins is highly esteemed by both scholars and parents.—Our new Pastor Rev. Sinclair was given a hearly wel- come here ,on Sunday arnd preached a splendid .sermons He will preach anniversary sermons at Zion, on the Woodham Curcuit next Sunday when Rev. McKibbon sof Woodhill win 'take his work here at 2,30. -Nurse Bessie Morley underwent an operation at St Joseph's Htos.nital, London, last week. for her throat, KEEP STRONG As an aid to robustness, thousands zr, oz thousands use in as regular as clock work thliOoll's e year around. A rich"tonic,' Scott'=- abounds in elements that con- tribute to the up -building of strength. Be sure,that,you buy Scott's Emulsion. Scott & Bei/U. Toting. O. 49 i TUCKERSMI'rH—On V1 coil: d a: June 25th, the home. of Mr. and Nlis, Georg; Bell, Tuchersmith, w v the scene of a pretty wedding, when in the present of the immediate relative.; their third daughter, Myrtle Anda became the bride of Mr. A:n•lre,, j„ Houston of the sante Town, h'.p, SEAFORTl3--The death occu Bred at Drayton on July 2nd of Louisa 5. _. Atkinson, wife ;of James McEtiving, .x- M.P,P. for West Wellington, at the. age of 68 years. Mrs. McEaving was a daughter of the late Thomas At- kinson, formerly of Seaforth, and resided here for a number of years• 'RO R dl L;?{T;'[11'SYSTEM; THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTn. Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO s erv'ce, t3'¢rdxc el aead dining cary Sleeping cars, on "n,ngll.t trains and Parlor care on principal day trains, Full information from any Grand Trunks Ticket Agent, or C. E..Horn- stg District Passsiig;er Agent, Toronto N. j• DARE Agent, Exeter 'hone 44w.