HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-10, Page 4c.ASTO R IA
FOt Infants and Children
in. Use For Over 3QYears
Always bears
Signature of ., '��
The Exeter Advocate
Sander, & Creech.. Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advance $1.50
per year in Canada.; 32,00 is the
United St :Cu. +i+ afibscripttolfr$ not
said in advance 50c. extra charged
If you are renewing or subeerib-
log dor any of the Canal m daily or
weekly papers, ytou may de, so at this
office. We have always looked after
this for sc:oree of our subscribers and
ate set , doen.g so. We can give it to
you, cheaper as wen as save all expen-
rbcs in 'or.xtiectilon, and nowadays it
mete it least eight cents in cash be-
side, >t.itlomery to terrier a • paper
Tt it•R e -DAY. JULY 110th. 1919
\\'.. the undersigned merchants of
.. n r n ,= o
<., i t n a +.€. t e,< r a es
la u pl
v' btu r =^ on Thursday. at 1' ;^i
u`.''a t. during the months of Jule and
W.=`.,11 the exception that when
• lt�
i� wl.( .:+ Int . sill .
�rn„ the, week
eteres wee retnela apei.
F. \t c.:a. k
J. W. ():rrc M. D.
11 Holteman
li Brown
\V. II. Sambrook
li. i T r .ti S'on.
Zei,. Ser
C_ Ts, e
itt las a :
tee Beaver
j. ti Yonag war Sea
F, Wt—01 & '* an
ti. tel.
lieeeert. Y. w.
\LIsaac tC Wolfe
rtitei9rtn 3
,a i tlr
v: -„:34,4%-t• th, 411e,;
.r F e ,Er J k.t
ti a e k 1` ^ a l s 'a t t•, h 4t
to :. t l P z e guest of \ir. ,tr:1
11 i; t herr,
-Mr. M. I.'ente;d Of the Bank tp.".' Come
tee.teea. ei f thyro; Mr. steward eft
E. et lf,>:it h ie taking hes work here
Mrs el E. RaIfle: y and , M.,., Nee=
,:stint tet• week end in I.onrlo:a.
Rev Iia + preached to the °r to
rt n a the alethod st a hole: h on Sun
fteeneeeteand gave en interesting
d a•. efa 'r
Mr:fir€1 Mrs. M IDonald >f Detreeet
a e i surae the latter'v parents, \ir.
arel 11 and Mrs, Norman ITott:rmann
I'.:troi, slant last week at tit,' liana!, ter
tine fn- m :nether. afre. Geo. lie>Etr.
We, the underlined business teen Gampa ll Advocates.
of Dashwood agree to elate, our ret to Destroy This Shrub.
spective places of business every
Thtasda) afternoon from 12 o'clock
noon to following morning commenc-
ing Jane 2tith, and ending Anlg, 28th;
except when a holiday Domes the pie-
cedine; day, then the business places
will be open Thursday afternoons.,.
Philp Fassold
Wes, Wolfe
Alex. Zimmer'
John Kraft
Edward Nadiger
Peber eicesnsc
E F. Kraft
Thomas I, lump
Louis Adams
ig Weltin
Miss L Hattreeb
(:a-*esdian Bartle Comne,rtce, F.
Kent, Manager.
Reid, E€l:ghoffer & Son.
L)av d Tieman
Hartman Elsie
Mrs, E. Flynn of London is visiting
with relatives in town.
ease Emma Eidt of Detroit is spend
•rah a few days with friends.
Mess Str:cker and Miss elitehell of
littehcnel' are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Get I>(lighofter.
Me. atvi Mrs. Herman. Eidt of For-
esee Mr. airs Mrs, Jacek Eidt of Ailsa
Craig alt; and ` eir.. and firs. R. Stade of
Zuri.'h spent Sunday with Mr. and
.I 1 C. Stade.
M s., 1~Pa Zimmee of Detroit is
with her parents.
Mr, lla••ek and fr'ttnd of Detre:i and
' c o' Wend •or
and ۥ lren 1
\I ,:. � t rnon n h 1
,pent the week teal with lI . el€ l tee
fto•.'t'pher Senior of Exeter was
ntown last week taking the pii'ture
:'f our sehoal and echoer harden, 'rhe
p € lets are on exh bation at the home
,;f the pemc.inal. elany •ar.i,:rs ere
la n,; ta,:ea.
Ma G. S. Uowarl lett far Guelph
(1.\.te on Tuesday ta € o:nplete the
ours.' l a.len,=, to a .'ort., e•ate in Ag-
;'h,i,lren's Day was obierveed in the
:hu:ee•h on Sabbath t:ven-
.i., 1 h,• ,'hur.: h was fairly terowded
't lie a':¢' ne wag ties« to $100,
i h, sstt,w <r> c+t Satur,lay were wen
;•.feta. The ga-dens, ;rain fields,
ere., pretty will scorched.
ilee'ne is about complete, Farmers
f n- f aer +'r:ftf. \\'haat will be cut
lira y s.
Mio Jsseie .'Isle of To:•onto spent
:a ars tlati , lees week with lir and
Sne r
Ne•r,s1a e B:. kern sprint last 'I'hurs
e:.ta *t' Lun.att.
Missionary services were h«i:l in the
Lathe 'an church on, Sunday. Reev.
ot lavistotk contltitte.l the ser
v e e•t in the morning and Rev. I)ede
of Mitchel. In the evening.
M: ani errs. E. Otterbein e:p nt
the week t'nl with relative% in Kix-
: near ' an.l Preston
Tilt• pe e n.e of this neighborhood
.r.: ,tip -hocked on Fritla • morn -
era; ve Len the tames went over the. line
el the sea sudden death ,of lir. An -
>i•. Melfi.,::;::;, the t'hiselhue'st V1age
Mount Carmel lila •kseath whsle in elle a .t of shoeing
I,iell. Rev. Diel _ep, t e, `!•n al l.nt»
:1 a 1 to 2,1 the S,.,: r tri +rat
re:: • hsie ea e rtlnesfl t-, ll\,30,._Meesrs
t -du, (t::teen aml Bee!" Sellivan ,of
S.anr1 ,. .elaeo.`t' veitinetne
tire, ht ar,, , 1 e. Messrs, 1), llorri-
een, I, D elo r: =ten, airs. Liar elorri-
..sen. Mee ene ?Ors. eherir mai etas
Ileene Lc. „i Itc w;a•t. . ..se erten
• the Fel Ryer, rule at. —
le i M ,l
e: ni
1. a ' )i .I l +i" eel. eta, ,e. came
eon !ay. M3.4 Veil' enen
:. t. T. J. Hall v
elen d
&&'a1 9
e.,e.er • *^a cors .: 1 • 7,a'r.».T..IRS�"t.m ce
14n :.Tern plaint ref women elle �
fere t L y n" so low that work drags,
he: a relera 'beset aches, dragging down 1
feelings, dizzy, 1
-1e- and weak,
little teings. an-
noy andory of t•heag "ucsworng ,>
Look. the other
sca?I just a minute
cher sce what Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription has I
done for more
than a million wo-
men. in the last
fifty years. •
What it has done
for others . it can
do for. Wu- •
.A helping hand
Currant and. Gooseberry Worms.
Causes Greet fosses -- How to
Ideniify It ---Simple Measures of
Control--"Spruking With Arsenate
of Lead Solution Most i' ffective,
(Qontributed by Ontario f2cparetnent of
Agriculture. Toronto.)
TFIE Barberry should not be
tolerated by thu fanners of
Ontario. It is a thief in
their midst, which every
year takes money from their pockets.
by increasing the amount of rust up-
on their grain, and thus reducing
their crops,
The Barberry 'nemeses the Amount
and severity of Bust,
It is not necessary to go into the
complicated life -history of the • tun-
gus avhielt muses stem rust of grain
Scientists have known for many
years that one phase of its life -cycle
is passed on the Barberry, and all
who have made a study of this mat-
ter agree* that the amount unci sev-
erity of stem rust is very much ti)-
ereased by the pros•=n+ee of the Her -
berry in the to iglfborhsaod of grain
thids. Willie scientists do not expect
to see rust cntttily disappear if the
i3ar•bet t y is destroyed, royed, the eene'rei
eaonse•n: ars of opinion is dial if ,r
were. €Arit, t lv t xi envImo Pi III,
• a h f: s, far Ed. 1I.•Kay was stricken
.;;tie e very heavy paralytic Stroke..
11•: v.;t,- helped to hip: leeidenee and
1' k ua, ?i ineti'at.:ly called, but
nothing t euld be done., He died in,
Lk tea huu: s later. Mr elel egg was
,,t a reserved dep),itit n, vary Indus-.
Tel owe anu re`;peeted highly. ilii fun-
eral too, p.a.ee on Sunday afternoon.
t� C;: rat ,I ,y cemetery and was very
largely att.nde:l,---Mr. John. \IttCh.il
had the misio:rune ;:Lela coming cut
tr Suntlto a h rtr. tib e here were
Ater;;, tri . a1 a d belly ire:tU e lie •
a. u, yep .\I= :ditched; ••e- 1i be lei -.el
up for a lone time: Mr, Charles Ken -
n -eon of Lnnde'n '5 spending a ie eek or
se la this vieraste. while he end has
1 n+:l•fire 4 Sennione motored
ly !a,ri. e , a n,311 and Haroerhay th :'
, tl t'.4 on a nu ober rf their tri n.i.,:
'et • a lit >•. Joe \ an.ee who used to
l:ttie cent 4:.f he , but Sold their
i t:t •let and meccas le neer L stoxell to
ed with • their
11, :1011 ;i V.,!",!.:111' .t their Old neigh,
Lars,-\\edlns; Belle away dawn on
,er t'iuunta: y are ringing,
ee to lift up weak
tired, over -taxed
what you'll find in Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. ' It gives you just the help
that you need. To be had in liquid or
tablets. Tablet form, eo cents, at all drug
It is a medicine that's made especially
to build up women's strength and to cure
women's ail»lents—an invigorating, re-
storative tonic, soothing cordial and
bracing nervine; purely vegetable, non-
alcoholic, and perfectly harmless.
You can procure a trial pkg, by send-
ing 10c. to Dr. Pierce, Buf eto, N. Y.
TI'LY,eotZBUBBG, OttT.—" A. few years ago
I had a severe nervous break -down.: I
would have pains in my head and would.
suffer with backache. I was ailing" for
about two years: 'Had doctored but did
not seem to get cured of the ailment: At
last I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion and It did me snore good than"any,-
medicine I ever took. It built me up and
I felt better in every way than I had, for
two years previously.^• Mena. RE,A.TH.
I"h 'sheds ;,n connection with holy
i n ty Church are being re -shingled,
tic,:t streets were ,o°led :net t•eec,
and some that had been prey eerily,
delve was given =Other coots{.—Mrss
Alice Grey, who re5:,de:t with her aunt
the late Mrs, Robert. leleLean, fox
many yeers,has -gone 'tao levewall Mr,
W. A McLean at . Aivns ton•.
,enne'e e t,i >' Vero t'p,•le-nsie$' or 41,•:ii
rust n e"iv : 1 a uoule be .•.1'eat1o,
roe acrid,
team( 4. the t,n tf it larding tlr
nal Missy .
in 51 .atfir, t gief eti-,n P1>s hr'+•.
� 1�-a,•+t P. Y.;'' llAfY,L','. th.e eoe,lieu i'^
Ode ser,ttt het all coneetnee t (ria
that tee ) :berry does ercreeee' t!'
,.11+f••i:.5 .ot r,•ti?} tf. 1•1.1
and a seethe. ni twill bi created to
the enforcement of the preeent art
This net should be e>nforeed. Th
Barberry in Ontario should be de-
stroyed. There Is strong evidence to
show that Barberry bushes are cen-
tres of infection which in wet sea.
sons may give rise to severe epi•
(1Onli4S of rust.
rhe CoruInon Barberry and Its Pur-
ple -leaved \'uriet% the Culprit.
The Common Barberry and its
rpurple -leaved variety harbor grain
us . The average ratan doenot
know this shrub when he sees it. is
is a spiny shrub from six to nine feet
high, with yellow wood, arching
branches and gray twigs. The leaves
are bright green, smooth, somewhat
oval, from one to three inches long,
the margins with bristly tenth, The
flowers are small, yellow and borne
in long, drooping clusters. The ber-
ries are oblong, red and sour. The
purple -leaved variety is similar ex-
cept for the color of the leaves, avhielt
are purple. Unfortunately, the Bar-
berry has been much planted in some
sections of Ontario for ornamental
purposes and has become wild In
many localities.
The Japanese Barberry Harmless.
If I3arberries are required for or-
namental shrubs the low growing,
small leaved Japanese Barberry
(Berberis thumbergii, D.C.) may be
planted, as this species does not har-
bor the rust.—Prof. J. E. Howitt,
t). A. College, Guelph.
Wedded. -A very quiet wedding was
solemnized at •the,, manse, Thames Bead
on _July 2, when Agnes V. Alexander,
was united tin holy bonds of matrimony
to S' George Davis, Dr. Fletcher of-
ficiating. Mr. and Mrs WIn. 'Thomp-
son acted as witness,. The -bride was
charmingly attired en, a dress of pearl
grey crepe de chene.
'eta J. H. McGregor bought a Dodge
car recently.—Mr, rind Mrs. George
Oliver •and family a St, Marys were
holiday visitors with l lr and \Ire.
Thos Stewa4 ds^on.:- ear'r, etirs .was
London Saturday,—Mr. Geo. Cotteriill
es visiting \s niece, Mrsi
The funeeeT ,of the. late Mrs: Ware
Olivet Wee..held on Sunday afternoon
front the home of her son-i,n ,law,Mr.
Jos, Ca.-ruthers and was largely at-
tendee by feioatis and relativet The
decrease e• ha:, been in failing health for
seveeal months and death came as e
merciful release The sympathy of
man: friends is .extended to the be-
'reeved ones.
Write on ow,' side of the paper
Check off this .list, it pap+. assure
,'ou .to rem+embea a:n icnpoiritaslt Bete:
Deaths Marriages, Births. '
Ax ciidents,Church; News,
Suppers or,;:P Preseenxaititens,
Rerrrovals, Vss.Ltasa,.
Lodge N'eves,
• Public,' lmpiiavemtentie
_.Law Cases, Thee, Chaps,
School `.Matter,,.
Avoid alt 'stems reflecting on per-
;��a' character,•,but send ALL THE
Thomas Lewis, a pioneer of :McGil-
lcG llivray Township, deed in St. Joseph's.
Hospital .L:endol, on Wednesday,July
5th . in his bSth year, from blood pois-
oning. Iie had suffered with a bad
tooth, which he undertook to extract
b) himself causing blood poisoning, to
set in. He had lived in elcGillivray
all his life, He leaves Sive sons and
one daughter. The funeral was held
Friday afternoon from his late resi-
dence, on the Leah eonceseion of Mr-
G"=.Ilivray to Grundy's cemetery.
Mr Wen. Potter sof Bud Creek, Mc-
Gillis:a)- had the misfortune to break
bi; lea above the knee on Saturday.
Repot of S. S. No. 12, • Usbo: ne,
Names are t'o a1pl
order, a
nictecto Jr. LV,, Morris • Brooks,
Jav:k Dultield, Cora Ha,raess, M ere
Morley, . o -
s' Leverne.irl I+r
•i Johnsen, o o
vin hn n),
care Pullen, joe Whelilman; Promoted
t,e Form III, Sr., Verna Hazltetrood,
honare, Milne Pullen, Kenneth Ster-
en5on; Promoted to Form III. Jr. Mary
Bell Duffield, ,first class honors, Wil
Ile Fren :h honors, Ray Parkinson hon-
on-rrttrs.; P 'pmo•.:ed to Form II. Sr., Moss
i)ut't•rid Hazel Webb; Promoted to
FC+rnt II Jr.. Howard Morley, Dorothy
rade on ; Pornoted to Form I. Sr.,
tla'nl:l il'. '.eweo.1, Ralph Parkinsoa,
r dne Scitere, Cle,fford Webb. Prize-
awa"d. •l for best conduct, punctuality
anal regularity was won by Florence
Platen. Prize awarded for best kept
b eeee. Vetna Ilaaicwoad,— Ivy L.
pore in teacher.
Sudden Death.—Angus McCaig, the
l ilaailei bltwksmithfor many years,
died suddenly on Friday morning fol-
lowing a stroke of paralysis the •pre.v-
low; afternoon, sustained while shoe-
ing a horse in. his sleep. He was 51
years of a e and had resided in the
sw s hbotheod all his life. 1-te was a
highly* respected citizen, He is sur-
vived by hiss wife Mary Newell, and
• one son and one daughter, also ane
brother James. a farmer near Crony
arty The funeral whia'h was conduct
ed by Rev. Ritchie and Rev. Dotut,
too.: place on Sunday afternoon to
.Cromarty cemetery.
Sir, and eIrs, L. Garlock and there
dren of Ta is e't are visiting at the-
hehome of Mr, and Mrs, T. Cook, Mrs,
Garlock's parents.—Mr. and Mrs.
Strang of 1)aisphin, Man.., wile have
been spending several weeks with their
relatives hers:, ;e£c Wednesday even -
ire; for a tree to S a:land.—Mr. Roy
White of \ \' nde o i spending holi-
o-lidays here- with his parents, who lately
moved front Relish ',., to our vil-
latre,—The Rey. A. R. h. Garnett
prea4•hed a snecial sermon to the Or-
an`emett on Sunday.Ou 1 ucsday cf last week Mr. and
;Sirs Jc•ltt Zuefle celebrated the stag
annive''.isy oi, thea wedding, when
eve thirty .rif their relatives and
Irie,nde .t-scmbled at their home nal
a Pleasant time was spent. -
•llr, Alfred Carlisle of Detra.t is
Currant and Gooseberry Worm.
The most common insect enemy ot
eurrants and gooseberries is the
Currant and Gooseberry Worni. The
larva is a greenish caterpill about
three-quarters of an inch long when
full grown, with a black head and
numerous black spots over the body.
The larvae attack the foliage et
gooseberries and of red and white
currants but seldom injure that of
black currants. At first they work
chiefly in the central part of the
bush, stripping the leaves nearly alt
off there, and doing much data:e -
before they are observed. Later
they may devour the foliage any
place. It is common to see nearly all
-the leaves eaten off amine uus
bushes. •
The life history of the Insect is
as follows:—The adults, --winch are
known as SawUtts—are small four -
winged flies, about a quarter of an
inch in length. The female has the
abdomen 'yellowish and the rest of
the body blackish in color. The males
is for the most part blackish or.
black. The files appear in spring very.
soon after the leaves have expandeu.
Eggs are laid on the under surface
of the leaves in chains along the
main veins. The young larvae on
hatching feed upon the foliage and
become full grown in two or three
weeks. Then they drop to the ground
and form tittle cases in which they
pupate. A new -blood ot dies emerge,
lay their eggs and from these there
comes a second brood of larvae,
which may be seen en the plants at
the time when the currants are ripe.
When these larvae are full;: grown
they enter the soil, form little cases
or cocoons, and remain there till the
next year, when they pupate and
emerge as adults.
Method of Control. — These are
easy insects to kill. Allcurrant.
bushes and gooseberries should be.
sprayed with from two to three
pounds arsenate of lead paste or half
that amount of the powder form in
forty gallons of water as soon as the
leaves have beco,itte well. expanded.
Particular carie; should be taken .to
spray thoroughly 1140 inner parts of
the-bush.This will kill all the first
brood, If a "second brood appears'
hellebore should be, used instead :of
arsenate of lead; in the proportion
of one ounce to one gallon of water.
Arsenate of lead would be dangerous
on the ripe= fruit. The insect' occurs
everywhere in the province, and
everyone, should prevent. his plants
being weakened-, and• seriously injt 1-
ed by' it, especially as it is so easy
to control:
"'Note.—h'ellebo're loses' its insectie
cilias properties unless '.kept in air-
tight packages. Prof. L' Caesar,
O. A. College, Guelph,
here •owing io the illness of his fati-
ce, Mr. Robert Carlisle of pneunlortei
—John Mitchell had the misfortune to
fa'1 on, the € emnent sidewalk ants break
his knee t al . --ere., Alice llo'okirk of
London spent a week here, later leav-
ing for Blandon, Man., to spend a
month's vacatson withher sisters
that city.—Mr.. Andreer 'ioa •nf Albert
College, Belleville, is spending the
summer vacation at his home here.—
Mr. Alpin McEwen and Mr. Joseph
Hudson have opened a service garage
ea the beildi:lg formerly used for the
same purpose. by Mr. Harry ,Agur.--
A tl&et wed .l'ay; took place on Sat-
urday June Beth at the home of Mr.
and Mrs 'Win. MacKay, Hensel', when
their eldest (laughter Nellie, was
untited in n:a-rings to Mr. Wli:ltaln
S. Sheplie•"d. The ceremony whish
took p_a:'e at 10 o'clock a,m,. was
performed by the Rev. R. E. Garrett
Rector ot tS. Paul's Anglican chug eh
The bride wore a taupe Crede cle-
chenc gown embroidered with old
Rose, and hat to match.. After the
ceremony the happy cou ple' motored
to London where they entre,i'f:ed for
Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo,.
A, E. KUHN, Manager
J. A. t icDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital end Reses ge $8,800,000.
(►vor li?rl I3rarrrh,
The :\f olst)ti1 Bank is all important
factor in Canada's business prosper-
ity, I c i:; 2-uppl3ing many indust-
ries and many farmers with adequate
banking facilities, dins enabling the
development of their business.
fiF 1+}t.- ,t, '•Inca,, AN well is cefninler•'ie.l hu.ii,ess
it. ,nvittd
T S. WOODS, Manager
The Western air
London, Ontario
6th to 13th 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Than Ever
Johnny J. Jones
Auto Entrtance car. Dundee and Egerton Usual Entrance at Gates.
Grand Stand 50c, and 25c.
Prize fasts, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
LTA -COL. We '1a GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary
AS -we sell this furnace it is
, a guaranteed heating sys-
tem. When installation is
planned by out engineers, we
deliver exactly what you want—
Comfort in your home..
If you are going .to install a furnace,
let McClary's engineers show you how
it should be done. They have seventy
years of experience to guide them;
and their services cost you nothing..
Adopt their plan and you are assured
of a comfortably heated home; and a
durable economical heating plant,
Let us tell you more about this
proposition.'' It
Ask about the LITTLE DRAFT-
MAN that turns on the drafts and
regulates them automatically. Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins
Safety Savings
FEW eop le are sufficient.
ly alive to the need of
carefully selecting a deposi-
tory for their savings.
In transacting g business with
this Bank it should be re-
membered that you are 'deal-
ing with an institution that
has grown to be . one of the
great Banks of the world.
THE C�l r ADIA1 � AN
CAPITAL PAID UP .. $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000
A, E. KUHN, Manager
J. A. t icDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital end Reses ge $8,800,000.
(►vor li?rl I3rarrrh,
The :\f olst)ti1 Bank is all important
factor in Canada's business prosper-
ity, I c i:; 2-uppl3ing many indust-
ries and many farmers with adequate
banking facilities, dins enabling the
development of their business.
fiF 1+}t.- ,t, '•Inca,, AN well is cefninler•'ie.l hu.ii,ess
it. ,nvittd
T S. WOODS, Manager
The Western air
London, Ontario
6th to 13th 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Than Ever
Johnny J. Jones
Auto Entrtance car. Dundee and Egerton Usual Entrance at Gates.
Grand Stand 50c, and 25c.
Prize fasts, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
LTA -COL. We '1a GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary
AS -we sell this furnace it is
, a guaranteed heating sys-
tem. When installation is
planned by out engineers, we
deliver exactly what you want—
Comfort in your home..
If you are going .to install a furnace,
let McClary's engineers show you how
it should be done. They have seventy
years of experience to guide them;
and their services cost you nothing..
Adopt their plan and you are assured
of a comfortably heated home; and a
durable economical heating plant,
Let us tell you more about this
proposition.'' It
Ask about the LITTLE DRAFT-
MAN that turns on the drafts and
regulates them automatically. Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins