HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-3, Page 8• EXETER .A,111111CA'TR, TRURS ].AY, JULY 3 1919 Exeter Markets Changed each Wedelseday Fee Wheat Spring Wheat r .r..,. Oats .... Carley. Family Flour 01. • 2.11 000.0. ,n.tr,. 2.06 75 1.10 70 Bran, buyer's bags 42.00 Short:, buyer's bags 46.00 Eggs .hairy Butter Creamery butter Lard ?cta9oes Hay Hoge `... ,....,42 to 45 56 37 38 ...1.75 to 2.25 ....» 16.00 »:.., 22.00 Trivitt Memorial Church VATTITIONI EVENING SERVICE SPECT AI: THANKSGIVI:G FOR PEACE OR- 'its".lEN OF THE DISTRICT ATTENDANCE ••t sNietCSION'---The fareiai Com- edy .n t..ree get::, that drew suet a large tweet.. will be repeated by the Soldier's ;kid in the Opera House on Wednesday, July 9th. BAND CONCERT IN PARK. The Exeter Band will give an Open Air Contin Vie toria Park ore Sun- day afternoon next at 4 o'clock. Sil- ver collection. IsIONEY LOST. Foldeig packet -book, between Exet- er and Bethesda corner, on .Monday, June 3e, eontaituing between seven and teeht dollars. Finder kindly return to Advocate Office, „esleTOMOBILES REPAIRED. Having resited the meehanical enc, ce the Ford Garage Business e are p araar.d to give full satisfatitean ee, a' whe require service on, eutomo biles cer as engi ne:4 We repair all makee of cars and eng! e., Special eerviee cin Ford and McLaughlin cars ear \Leo Sa.tl. Gas fo- sale. Free air. GRIFFIN BROS. CLERK WANTED, Young lady to learn ideating. in *tore..—Wflean & Siansr WILL SERVE MEALS ON 12th. The ,Ladies of :Iain • t. Methodist Church will serve hot dinner na July 12, in the Basement of the :hurch. Dinner served from 11 to 2. Tickets 60c. Just the ,place to enjoy your diner and rest in the shady lawn. Check room provided, --- TEACHER WANTED. Far S. S. No. 4, lesbo req State qu .lfi ations and salary. Apply to Jesliin Harding, R. B. 1, Centralia., Harvey's Flour is good flour. STRAY CATTLE Strayed from E 1-2 Lot 21, Con. 8, Hay Township, three yearling calves, two red and one spotty. Any inform- ation lcadiug to recovery of same wee be suitably rewarded., Oscar Elope Phone 18-93 Zurich Zurich, Ont. WANTED—Woman, to do family washing at her home for summer cot- tage at Maple Grove Grand Bend. Laundry will be sent and called for. Apply Post Office Box 672, London. Bierling's Store, Exeter North, will be closed Wednesday nights during June, July and August. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from that last sack of Modell is the best we everhad in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of -the oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. t THE WATI(INS AGENT Jtandles= all kind at spring tonics far both man and be t ; also toilet articles. Their spices ar,d flavorings are the purest. on the ma; ket. Only sold by their agent; to the consumer. Wm And:e,v,,Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 TURNING AND CIDER BUSINESS FOR SALE • I ofaer my plant and business .of Tuenea and Cider Making for "sale at a . e isonable price. Good onpor- tunity for the right' man. A1v4BRO SE COT TLE e _ Exeter, Ont. Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of bus Bess on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with theexception p that when a holiday comes during the week stores *i11 remain open. S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. iieaman H. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W, W. Taman F.' M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wm.. Rivers... Grigg Stationery Co. R. N, Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers, M. E', Gardiner. S. Fitton. J Lawson—Telephone Office open. The Times The Advocate MARRIAGE.; LICENSES ISSUED; by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Local Doings Exeter Races e exf 'Wednesday. See the ad, then see the races. Rev. Dr. Medd addressed Caven Sunday Sehoal on Sunday morning last,. Seh-o closed on Friday evening for the summer months. Exandoations are nets oa. Mr. John Hockey has purchased the bariXering business of Mr. Wm. Stew ardson. and took possesision Ju1X 1st. Rev. Vat naby of Blimville ereached vere acceptably on Sunday in James Street church, while the pastor tool; the services at Elintville. The Sunday School service in the James Street church was of a Patri- otie nature on Sunday afternoon and v;,ews of Canada were shown. Rev. J. 'W', Baird, pastor of James Stzleet Church, and teacher of the Ycunee Ladies' Barbie Class, was last week pre1enited with a club bag by 4he class. A special Thanksgiving Service for Peace will be' held in the Trivitt Mem- oriel Church next Sunday evening. The Orangemen of the 'disi,rict will ati, nd en body. Mr Cecil efeLeod has accepted a p sati,'an as barber with Mr. Finale Boyle. He will move here with his family ,as soon as ,he can aeoetere a house in which to acesside, Rev Baird and family leave for Ilanditou this week,. and Rev. Wilson and family arrive here. Rev. Wilson will have charge of the Thursday 'ev- ening prayer service and will preach next Sunday. Friends in Exeter will regret to know that Mr, Wk H. Levett of Lon- don has been, confined to his borne 1hroughh illness for two or three weeks. He is now somewhat better but his recovery is slow, A large number of people gathered in Victoria Park on Sunday afternoon to hear the band which rendered many. bautitul selections. This was the Band's first capaetaS,-ance is the park th i year and their playing was much enjoyed Jule ist was a quiet day in. town. -bane- of our people spent the day at Gr:.nd Beni, Two rinks ,of bowl- ers .skipped by R. N. Creech and R X. Rowe went to Mitchell tourn- ament, and the former missed getting in the prize list by one shot. Two rinks of bowlers also went to the Elmwood tourney at London. They were skipped by R. G. Seidon and W. Rivers, Both qualified for the elimination events, but there lost by two sbots each. The news was received here a few weeks ago and is now confirmed of the death of Miss Florence Graham, nurse, formerly teacher at the Sodom school, Lake Road, Hay. T he .ie ceased was one of a party out fora,n auto ride, when, the car turned turtle pinning the occupants underneiath. One of the nurses was killed inietant- ly and Bins Graham was so badly hurt that she died in the hospital a few days later. A third nurse also died and they were all buried in the on' grave with full mi'ktary honors. SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY. The annual gatrden party given c.n the Trivitt Memorial Church lawn on Friday night last was a stjcoe(a, The' air was iotalete dilly, almost staking it uncomacnitable, but there was a large number in attendance and all siecmed to ,enjoy themselves. Lunch- es, tea ice cream and other delicla.oies were served'as usu'ah The Exeter Band furnished the music and theer excellent • varied selections were. high- ly apertecia.`tred. The proceeds total- led over 580. KILLED BY HORSE. +„ Waiter Magee, who has been work- ing for Matthew Henderson, near St. Thomae on Wiedntesday last was trampled by a horse north of Talbot- viile, and died from his injuries the following day at the Amass Woad Hospital. He was 61 years of age and his nearest. relative< cis Mrs. H. Franede of London. Many residents of Exet- er will remember Mr. Magee, as be resided here years ago, working for Mr. A J: ivlcDonell and others, and since had visited Exeter frequently: He was deaf and dumb. BROUGHT HOME TROPHY Messrs. W. A Hellman, and R. N. Creech of the Exeter Bawling Club took part in the Lendom Thistle Scotch Double Toua+nament on Wed- n,esday and Thursday of last week, andcaptured the premier cup, The London ,Free Press Trophy and two handsome electric table lamps. They won six straight games,—all but one by a good. margin of paints'. The; final game was of 21 ends and was played against an. Exeter Old Boy, Mr. Pester Bawden and his partner Mr. Holden of Ridgetown. S,pte.cetators said that this game was one ,of the best games of finals ever staged in the Forest City. Whether that statement is fact or fiction we are gnat prepared to say. Messrs. J. A. Stewart and R G. Seldott s e.i e also, at the tournam eat and captured third prize un the third event, silvercard trays. • THE WESTERN FAIR. LONDON. Is to be held Sept 6th to the 13th,. The. Johnny J. Jones Midway Expos- iti.on . ones of the largest, cleanest and best attractions on, the rora.d,' has been secured for the exhibition this -year. This show travels in their ,pion, special trains of thirty ,cars, carry their own bands and have thirty shows and rides of the very best that can be procured. Trained elephants almost human in their" acts, Horees' performing all kinds of feats ,o:n, the track ;before the Grand Stand. 'Trained Dogs and Monkeys Durkins Animals in a pane tomtme act that will be something ne w and different. The Al Golden Troupe of Acrobats, ,the bestof their kited The Ernestonas Troupe, the Ducat Bros., the Melburn Troupe and ,others will all apeear twice daily. Fire• works every .night, Plenty of . music all the time, A11 .tnformatiion about the Exhibition on. apelicatioa to the Secretary, A. ivL, Hunt, London, Ort. TRAIN .TIME CHANGES. A change has been made in, time G, T. R, time table, which affects this branch, •mak.ing each train: about ten minutes earlier than, usual,, By, , old time the train going south in, the morning leaves at 8.13; going north 918; in the evening, going south 4.05, and north 5.02. I'HE 12th CELEBRATION. The L. Q L. committee in charge of the 12th of July del(ebeation are sparing no pains nor efforts -to nuke the coning event in Exeter a huge strccesa•• As will, be, seen by the large bill a splendid urogram has been ar- "ranged. Eloquent and talented speak- ere will be present .and four bands have been engaged to furnish music. Many lodges have signified their in.- tentiot to be present and weather nee - mating a most pleasant day ntay be expected. At 2 o'clock a monster pracressiou will be formed aced march to Victoria Park, where the addreses will be delivered, THE RACES Off'. JULY 9. The race meet to take place on July 9th, promises to be ,the biggest event of the kind ever held iut Exeter,• The large purses to be awarded are bound to attract a big field of horses, and already some of the best race horses in Ontario have trade their eateries, There will be four events. In addle tion to the three now on, the bills a named race has been arranged in which a large number of local horses will figure. The purse for this race will be $200, making a total of $1200 for the day. This is one .of., the largest purses in Ontario for one day's rac- ing, The track has beenput in first* condition and it is now pale of the fastest in Ontario. No person, fond of horse ra:ing should miss the races on that day. The Exeter Band will fur- nish music, Mr Alex. Stewart of Londonwas up over the holiday. Mr.. Gerald ,Fitton, is home from London for holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Wes, Snell motored to Toronto this week. Mr. Thos. Hayton of London spent part of the week here. 1Lr. O. Southcott was in Toronto on business this week. Mr. Richard Bissett visited wed" reeatives here last week, Miss Ada Mlergo of Toronto is the guest of :Liss Gladys Ford. Mrs Geo. Weekes .and grandchild of New York are visiting here. Mrs Fowell was en Woodstock over the week end visiting relatives. Hiss Ferne Short of London. is holidaying with her parents here. Mrs. Bartlett and children. of Wind- sor are visiting at Mr. W. W. Tama.n's Miss Catharine Inwood- of London 15 visiting with Miss Mame Sanders: Miss Middleton of Toronto is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs( SV H. Arm- st rcng. Mrs. Thompson of Forest visited with her sister, Mrs. Hodgson, last week. Mt James Sweet of Port Colborne spent the week end with his narentts in town. Quite a number of our young ladies are having an outing at Grand Bend this week, Mr Thompson, teacher in Exeter High School left Friday for his home in Seaford'. Mr and Mrs, W. T.' Acheson, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Levett in Lon- don last week. Miss Anne L. Sanders of Stratford spent a few days during the week at her home .here, Mrs• Skelton, Mrs. Heenan and family spent the First with relatives at Woodstock.' Mr. Waiter Dearing of London vis- itecl with friends here for a few days during ;the week. Mr. Chas. Hampton of Sarnia visit ed with Mr. and Mrs,.. Skinner for a few days last week.. Mr and Mrs'. Geo. Hawkins left Salt erday for a visile in Detldoirt arid other Amarican :cities. Scout C. At Ha.mettlan of the 83rd Eia'ltalion wasea visetiar with Mr. and Mrs. Haviland last week. Dr. Hewitt, witfe and child of Tor- onto are holidaying for two weeks ;in Exeter and at Grand Bend. Mr. Frank Veal of Detroit, after an absence of twenty years, is spending a few days with old friends here. Messrs. A. L. Thos,, and Wilbur Plandford are here owing to the ill - nese of their father, Mr. Silas Head - ford. . Mr. and Mrs!, IA Al Mapare on a motor trip to Hamilton, 'N.iagara. Falls end Toronto, and expert to be away ,two weeks. Sergi. Goldie Cochrane has .e,e- tamed from overseas and \salted with Mrs. Coghranse at 'the home of Mai W. Leravitt. The Misses Vosper, who have been visiting relatives and frieinds here, re - tamed to their h,anie in Toinosftd Fi fj- clay ,evening. Mr. and Mrs, Alhert Pemprase mot- ored here fr,oxn Toronto' and spent the holiday with Mr.. and Mrsl Thos: Btss.ett of Uisborne. Miss Gladys Bedfordeof London is visiting with her sister, Mrs_ W. H. Armstrong. alias Olive Bedford .c as also here over Sunday. Mrs. (Rev.) D. W. Collins with her - daughter Patricia, who has been visit- ing her mothmir at Bea, spent a few days with friends here, Mr Ilubert. Jones, son of Mn' and J G Jories, returned unetp ct- cdk co Suuday at noon, .iron over- scas,enaze "he sp.en,t the mast year. iyr, rn ogle. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner hatareturned after visiting their uncle and' aunt, Mn and Mrs'. Chown; also attending. the graduation, of thee,- can- cel :easter Chown of Owaesa, Micai Seaman Jack Buts, who .formerly resided with • Dr. Kinsman, and en,- Listed in the British Navy, arrived here on Sa e day. He has been :an the Cruiser "Shearness" off the Bermudas, JONES MAY !HONK 12 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 This Stare will close each Wednesday afternolon at 12.30 during June, July and August. NOTICE—Owing to Tuesday July 1st being a holiday this store Ciel, be open Wed, afternoon, July 2ad Clearing Sale of Wash Dress Goods IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCI. WE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK -MANY MORE PIECS OF WASH DRESS GOODS, IN VOILEs, MUSLINS, FOULARDS, REPPS, ETC., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS. GENUINE SCOTCH GINGHAMS these genuine Scotch Giugbams in large .Plaid Effects are very pop- ular for dresses this season. We have several pieces to select from and the colors are guaat,anteed absolutely ,fait, Price SOe, yard,. Heavy Canadian Ginghams at 35e. yard. CLEARING OF GIRLS' WASH DRESSEs, We still have a few Girls' Summer Wta,sh D14.esses left in Sizes 2 to 16 years which we offer at reduced prices for quick` selling. LADIES VOILE BLOUSES AT $1.39. 5 dozen Ladies' White Voile Blouses nicely embroidered designs, -- Were marked $1.75 to $2,50 each; slightly soiled, sizes 36-42, to clear at $1,39 each. LADIES' CREPE i;,IMONAS AT A BARGAIN 5 only Ladies' Fine Quality Crepe Kimonas, in pink, mauve and blue; reduced this week to nearly half priee, LADIES' LISLE KOSIER.Y AT 40e. A PAIR. 15 dozen pairs of Ladies' Fine Black Lisle Hosiery —old stock— well worth 65c, pair, sizes 9, 9 1-2, and 10; very special value this month at 40c. a pair. LADIES' READY -TO- WEAR GARMENTS . We have an immense stock of Ladies' Ready+ -to -,Wear• Skirts, Waslt- Skirts, House Dresses, Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Etc., at very attract- ive prices. JONES & MAY Headqumrters for the Ceclebea,ted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing fog Mem, and Boys. WANTED—A goad man at Exeter and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Foothill Nurserljeis, Pros- pects for business brightest in years. We are offering .a complete list of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in. hardy Canadiangrown stack. Start In now hy. beginning, mai new delesonfs business. Exclu sive territory, high- est commissions, handsome free out- fit. STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO, ONTARIO. . Vulcanizing ALL RINDS OF TIRES. All work guatraiate d. Cash for old tires. TAYtOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. • NOTICE Dr, Wm, Sw4eet ,begs to inform the public that Dr. Henry A;. Coesaut did not purchase the practice of Drs. Sweet & Reid, and he wishes to., an- nounee• that ,he has farmed a partner- ship with Dr. A. M. Vining( Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 120, Efietet, DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT ;',nary Surgeon,, wishes to am nou,nce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and, aporec- iate.s the patronage he hast received in the old stand and hopee for a contin- ua.iice of the isame ire his new office. Calls promptly attended to; day or night,. Phone 8. MONEY . TO LOAN Wye haute a large amount of private funds tta loam an •farm. and village interest. of rmt property at low - rates _GLADMAN & S7 AIN -BURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Siaiaiciltor, Notary Public, Cornmissluoner, Solicitor for the Mal- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at )lowest rates of int,ereist. Office -Manan Street, Exeter. CENTRAL 402 214 T. We ;have .'1 elegy+aphy, CommGrei,.11 & Shorthand Deparlttpente,- We give individual instruc-t.ioa. Students -:ire entering each week,. Our, graduates secure ,positions of trust,. Get our free catalogue now it may kiteliest' you, ID A: mc Lachlan., Princ,ipa'. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number . of Horses in goad condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounde rip. Mares from 4 years old up, weighting frost 1300 pounds up. Parties, having the. regulated stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rotiilston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Casing's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. IZINS,MAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladmao, & Stanbury's OffiFe, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Coutiities of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Pes , Iv1a,ddlies;ex and Oxford. Farm - Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockelhutt Waa erooms, next dolor to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store re For the choicest groceries, fruits, lamp, teas; coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Gall and see ns. A trial as to quality Will convin- ce. Produce taken in ' exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRI.CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALI.R Announcement ... • WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED . 'TEIE STOCh. OF B,, W, F', BEAVERS ANI .EXPECT TO BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS O.N SATURDAY, JULY 5th WI: INTEND TO SPECIALIZE Z IN BOOTS AND SHOES, '; EURN-' ISHINGS, DRY GOODS AarD LADIES REALDYi ;TO -WEAR, OUR AIM ISS TO SELL ONLY MERCHANDISE THAT WE CAN RECOMMEND, TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS GOO , , D S ERVILE, Alen) TO HAVE THEM SATISFIED WITH EVERY, PURCHASE; LOOK 'FOR OUR ADD IN NE \.T WE,ER'S PAPER • Southcott Bros.