HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-3, Page 4CASTOR IA
For Tnfants and Children
In Use For fiver 3O Years
Always bears
'Signature of
The Exeter Advocate
Sander. & Crewe''., Proprietors
Subser pte>,i Price---lrz advance $1.50
,ler , e it in Canada ; $2.00 in the
.Mined St:t'e'a. A'I s€.b'seriptions not
(zaid in advance 5ec. extra charged
If You are renewing ar suberrib
seat for any of the Canadian daily or
weeny papers yott may de, so at this
office. We have always tackled after
ode "t •,.:.res, of o:ar subscribers and
are , i do.ng ,,<i. ANN a can gave. :t to
yo, ..fel as well aa ;ave all expell-
xpen,e, oer)eet;-or., and no'tva.days it
e. • •calf deed tests n eazh he
gd r etjo-tery to order a ;tape.
ee )V..lee Sat lee)
Credit 0.77
•... etel.e dente! Atli.'
0..0 w,.. ,. ..
ac« w1€y e't'
rr v ath ;:1 H^,"ilei ne
A.. MEi.:dh:. k.
1}' i•
T 3 t
A vere p tatty weelline wee eeiree
til est tin, home of :rt.:
Smith when thele eldest 'aeghten,
Dela ua:wc d .xa it hes:y a^s ' ,
tnaP-i?n.n .b. to Mr. t ',, e :an E. Sine
To :he ....vete stra ne lr in_:ve. tree
Need.: t MareMarele plare.1
i to beide Li
v.n.i.ti.. bride cnitere-1 the pa for On -
an tat' her: t`atiter. ,.e wee l Taut •
gett< nicht `1 trimmed with siiti'=-
la ;.n l peerie. She wee; l
a heel
\z ° trIrrentl 'vial: pearl
and r ar ted a beautifui bouquet o
t\ hrte bridal to t a with streamers
sweet peen The br de was attended
by herrte' -, Miss B - t. a ., who were.
an ap of gee -getter d ere. trimmed
with beads, and carried .. bouquet of
pink catnatione. The groan was at-
tended by his cousin. Mr. Harold Gres
Or Ma t • Eldon, brother of the
bride a,.ted as ring -bearer. carrying
the- ring In e little gold basket. Sh •
was ;dressed in White linen. Little
Velma Gettinger, cousin of the bride,
acted as flower girl, carrying abasket
of American beauty roses. She wag
dressed in a white hand -embroidered
voile The parlor was beautifu'ly de-
corated with an arch of white lattice-.
work deco,•ated with evergreen, Amer-
ican beauty roses and ferns. After the
ceremony which was perormed by
fir Hauch, the guests entered the
dining room and partoak of a surae-
tuous supper. The din:ne mom was
beautifully decorated with pink and
white drapings and hanging baakets of
American beauty roses in entre and
corners of the table. The ;;room's
gift to the bride was a cheeee for
$50 to bridesmaid a string .ole pearl.,
to the „ r.
roomsman a tie pal set- with'
pearls, to newer girl and ring bearer
signet rings and to the pianist a gold
bro:oeh set with pearls. The young
couple -received many beautiful and
costly gifts, among them being ahand,.
some cheque from the bride's par •
encs. They will reside on the g-oor's
fa -m near Crediton..
The lame ief Mr. and rap's. W. B.
(heeter, Crediton, gay with a riotous
p-t}fus_ou o offal:- , ores, mareeterites
and Canterbury y bells, was the scene
of a p >ttv\eddeig Saturday after.
n rase when thel (lauighter, Else
Mee, wales melted in zaa~Tiage, to Dr. j.
leimore Truemner of Chesley, the
Rev. Haul candle:tine the cere-
alone The b "de, a\ h•i was given away
by her fathee, wore a dainty gown at
v1tite ge.orget* . beaded in white, with
p etti tulle vele :•aught with orange
leo tae. and car: ieci a bouquet of
reef: e Miss Pee -1 'Geiser was her sis-
r . e-1 leedeerene 1, wearing ng pink creme
tetio. and cares—leg pink roses and
. e t}'a, while 1 the Miss Geet:'t:de
leeasad, au tI of the gcoerri made a
paddy tower g'rl tri emtoroldere.el
white voile. and a s - e l a bael et of
sweM pea-, in color. The ee a neaseett.^.r
-a :: M. Olt: 'nue:nner, and the we
ne neinwa, p aye' by 1t >s Ad-
" Ca.e.e Late- Dr. ....1 )Ire.
tel :est 7. or Tee oato, a ten:,
t, \ re it. e the be..."..de travel ^:
..it - 'S. Ore lie..
'7.• ti. re de F' ,,b1L.7e.•a, A
Lvttt,w ; , th S.'•*:
p! .1,.:eie e Y • Lulu .‘70,4
t1e pleer R.t„ka
li to "a rot Ra ala 171 . .r,
ilea w I. Also Inerte aiee
i : t ytt die 6t, le et titan i ee, in
Tienn)n of H ail S. h e
Wash The Kidneys!
After Bad Colds or Influenza
Look to Kidneys and Bladder!
Spraying With . ordeaux Mixture
Proven Very Effective.
Machirtere Must Be Kept Well Oiled
11 It es to Work Efficiently—
An Expert fliseussee the Question
From Every Ailed,.
(Contributed say ones, t(. 1).epa rtment or
Agriculture Toronto.)
ATE Blight and Rot .of Pota-
toes can be preventedby
spraying with Bordeaux rnix-
ture. Cn'ntmence spraying
when the plants are from Eve to
eight inches high and keep the fol-
iage covered with Bordeaux through-
out the season. Take special care to
see that"the spraying is very thor-
oughly done if the weatiier is at nil
damp about. the 1st; of Bill
Blight often begins about this time`
edd a ld don .4i n A„`ec ware or t:•'
tato bee€lee « ttt lee.: pato
3 I lbs. :o /note 4 t gale of the ..
q..:i '3R`, c,e O. en ,. a 2 lb.. .,
aretf;t + a a. 1 lb. of Pade
green oti 2 t'' ^t€°t tb t t
£.+tat: A.tri hn aiti be nee:,
&none le"nee t in—the c.
ter "t:. eoentei sill'..ter the n *
tats 'I,,.• telt pet t,c+t•eu
. one ra e• .. : prr.y
A °t e , e tt "tz jars ono
t Gone
' .. aeen
,. uneder.
; .. ett'ende-
.e...1 p eve - ..s it: 4 „nee in .•,veey eee.f.
:D: "1- •elille and 'i l'2. w?.
b• .i .... zee..-
\ : y ., f : r... Tiiex
. .
• a . i ) :.v, $1 'i'.
i+ -.a 1, . _ i,.
S heo. tears have
.i tin :r• :etaa.on:., a r:ti:b h
rl tvsd.
la Raplee anddaughterr
O'to ; M . and :Mrs actin.
Se▪ seitece and M- ea! sirs W•trill Lw-
. tt lg enq 3.n Park, tire fiat -.:':g nith
.(':".:nee here.
tt....` Hensall
Mr. Thomas HurisOn is here from
Michigan vesitin; his rnothei —Mr. W.
B Elder o£ Tneento, sae of Mr. anel
eine John Eider, 1i:ease-II, was with
Lieut. Jones can this afr flight from
Toronto to London, where the fram-
er met his death, when the aeroplane
in whit h he was making a flight with
a passenger, crashed to .earth. but
aro. t. :V e.y Mr. Elder was not the
pa s:;ngL ne ;h: tame 1I.;s l)oNaahy
McDon k. who is attends.; the Nor
rnn at Stratford is hens for the -hal
td ,— Jelin , ...eel Russell. ens of Nile.
and Mae E »',k 1iersha.l nee also
h.' ne from the. B'llev "e schael for
vn ttt:c-n.--Mrs Sf,.t'e !ad Toronto is
✓ s "_z}e hex sister, Mrs. Wm Me -
tie ee.i.-An uhie tannate toed n:
h p en>d to ;the •Party, who -s en -
.ea ed 'with In Rabt. ;Munn 4)..e. the
3 tl < en etsem. Hay, Mr. Mural was
fete n:; one of his outbuildings raisetl
and ea the. proreee :of the i' ork \Ir.
Purdy chaneee to put h is !rand, on a
*Haber that Mr. Das -id Sidreay was
lee b n., with a. -s adze and l.}efot.e it
v a :e, feed what ,hal hepu. ned, Mr.
Ptj a'• lost..twco of Ids l neers 1}\' the
shao. nee. . large number If \la-
. n ;ort; Heanall and ,_strict snot-
.e,/ td C}intoe to witness the in-
.:C.17a° of Ct,,; e o;. and Hensail :oleo-
.. der
or the sn o n na 1" ata'tih; the
,t .r t.cn ben be„nz.:' jra!:r.rt tete an thee
rile .. \ 'et. Bta ahara•t 's ep nd :t:; a
es s e e with 1 • a .. v. "a1 B l e b de
oa, elpl and other falces. Albe t White
Beat er.1 .s seen,^ two
hila:. here—NI!, !rine Pn n
v feed her fit rt,. Mee -1
$. Bird of rho.
v • tats; et Mr. E. Ran,
l y Alex N"t.ed tt 'hieh.ir
Far .,.." empee ed by 'de
eieednet ,dol
1 e e L 1e ni..ee
neer Street — Edwe
▪ :heed $ >:et'. deo.=
.. ..
t y . week
e4->.. e.twerine of CS*'t-;y ed„ u
Ill tc' 111.411t itla ii..irae ;;a r:..,d,
an -be fore: ef a tee :List. This can
*tie' be be eotett when 'the sol".It.oa 'z
opiied with good tenesinee. so as -o
..sure ease -dine every teenier: of tee
i plant. The tees regalis fro:9, pr,,y-
ing are obteizzed when potato spray-
ers are used whish ate fitted with a
i T -joint atsacntnent so as to insur-
e covering both surfaces of the lea+"
a at each spraying. hen the plana
I are large k has been found that it 1
t pays to go over each row twice at
each spraying.—Prof. J. E. Howitt, 1
. 0. A. College, Guelph..
Da,bwood, Obt, June 9, '19
( lx rel ' make public a. o`o; :o An-
o' e.v Musser, sser, Charles Beaver and
t ii` i f'a'rt Re trree nel for the hares
. 1 have made and circulated against
•ie.:m I had no intention whatever of
eaueist: harm to their good. name and
eharateter and hereby retract anyth"ng.
that I may have said which may be
detnimenial to them.
1 sine erely regret my a tions. l
Owing to bad
colds, over -eat-•
ing or intemper-
ance, or to the
after effects of
acid and toxins
(poisons), are
stored up in the
body and cause
backache, lum-
bago, rheumatic
pains and stiff
It is most es-
sential that
treatment be di-
rected. towards
prompt casting out of the poisons from
the body which cause these. pains and
aches. This means that the "excretory
organs—(the bowels, skin'andkidneys)—.
should be excited to their best efforts.
Every one should clean house—internally
—and thus protect one's self from many
germ diseases, by taking castor oil or a
pleasant laxative such as Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, which are made of May-
apple, aloes and jalap. Take these every-
veryother day. This will excite efficient bowel
action. If you suffer from backache, irri-
tation of the bladder and the kidneys,
shown by the frequent calls to get out of
kiwi at night, considerable sediment in
the water, brick -dust deposit,perhaps
headache in the morning, you.. should
obtain at the drug store` Anuricir (anti -
uric aeid), firstput up by Dr, Pierce.
To build up the strength and improve
the blood, take an iron tonic such as
4`Ir-ontie," manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
to be had in tablets at drug stores, or
some good herbal tonic such as Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
made from wild roots and barks without
alcohol, and put up in tablets or liquid.
We, the undersigned business men
of Dathwoad agree to ,:loan our ref •
spec tiva= places . of business every
Thua;sda5 afternoon from 12 o'clock
noon. to fallowing morning commesa - I
ing June 26th, and ending Aug. 28.h,
except when a holiday comes the me- i
ceding day, then. the business places
will be open Thursday afternoons...
Philip Fassold
Wee. Wolfe
Alex Zimmer
John Draft
Edward Nadiger
Peter Mcisaac
E F. Kraft
Thomas Klump
Louis Adams
l Welfib.
Miss L Hartl:ieb
Canadian Bank Commence, F. S.
Kent, Manager.
Reid, Edigho£fer & San.,
David Tiernan
Hartman Elsie
!Messrs. Reid and Edighoffer ship-
ped a car load of cattle to Torontto
this week. They motored down.
Mr. and Mr sr Joe. Gossmaa, Mr'
and Mrs • Vi. Gassman. and Mrs. Hill
ger of Port aurae. spent a few days
with relatives in town.
Miss Hillman has returned to het
home .in Newbury. '
Pte Chester Gasser of Toronto
spent a few days at his home here;.
A hearty reception was tendered him
on his arrival.
Mrs. Ed. Siebert of Detroit is ''vis-
iting with her pareavts.
Mr and Mrs,. •Beehr of Capias, Michi
have been visiting relatives cin this v'.c-
inity for the past few weeks.
Miss Kinzlie of Credeton is this
week presiding at this examination
Centre, while Mr. Howard is per-
forming a similar duty at Crediton.
Mr, and Mrs,. Aclam Man,tz: of Tad-
istock 'called an friends in town, Sun-
rlaMr, Addison :Tiernan is this week'
visiting en Stratford.
Quite a numbe-, from here spent the
Int ;in. Godenich, while others were
an Grand Bend and Centralia,.
SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. Neo„.5'
U br,nne ,—Jr.' 4—P. 'IvIcFalls ' 67, F.
Tri o d. 60.' Sr. 3-H: Kesitle 76; C. Day-
,• 74: E. •Moir 67, •`L, Ford
C' out 51. L. Yellow 5Q Jr. II)., I.
F arae 9J, M. Harris 86, P_. Frayne 33
G F"ay tie $2, 11.'Harris 78, J. Airth
73, I -r Fisher 72„M. Kl'('•uufeldt 64:
Sr. Ii., L. Brock 63, Ie Bio'o 61, r M.
Geo. Mawson., teat h l
rite Importance- of Beeping 3Mach•
inery Properly Oiled.
The importance of keeping mach-
inery properly oiled may be better
realized when we try to compute, in
dollars and cents, the annual sacri-
fice in machine efficiency through
friction, Carelessness in lubrication
may easily reduce the efficiency of a
machine fully fifty per cent.. At the
same time the machine itself is wear-
ing out faster, on account of the
needless friction, than owing to the
real work done.
The microscope reveals the fact
that the surface of the most highly
polished shaft ever made is as rough
and untrue as a rough casting ap-
ppears to the unaided eye. In prac-
tice it is not possible to make a metal
surface that is absolutely smooth,
incompressible, or even a true circle,
hence Inequalities of pressure at the
oea.rings, grinding and tearing of the
metal fibres, causing friction, 'produc-
ing factors of inefficiency and wear
and tear. Though these faults of con-
struction cannot be avoided, we can,
in a great measure, overcome the
effect in machinery, by Judicious
application of a lubricating agent.
The lubricant cons.sts of minute
balls or globules. These readily in-
sinuate themselves between the faces
in mutual contact forming a cushion,
keeping the metals apart. Its use :s
not only to reduce friction, but also
to carry away whatever excess of
heat is :generated. All liquids havenot
sufficient sustaining powers to be
used as efficient Lubricants. Some
cannot be retained between the
metals; others do not cling together
persistently enough. To resist the
tendency of the metal to tear the
lubricating film apart, these globules
must have a good deal o1 internal
strength, and must stick together
well. They must also cling wellto
the metal, or they will be squeezed
out of the bearing.
The oils and the tats are the prin-
cipal lubricants. Thee mineral oils
are thin, and so are lard, olive, and
sperm oils. Castor oil, neatsfoot, tat-
low and rape are thick. Nothing is
better for. high speed bearings and
light spindles or shafts than sperm
oil, but it is costly; for heavy bear-
ings castor oil is superior to this, but
it is also expensive.
But there is relatively little pure
lubricant used in machinery, for it
is usually more economical' to em-
ploy a compound oil, compounded for
special uses,'than to use pure lubri-
cants which, after all, are often heav-
ily adulterated --- gum, soap lime,
alumina soda, and tree acids have
their own distinct purpose to serve
in the composition of cheap oils. The
chief advantage, however, pertain-
ing to the use of compound oils is,
that the objectionable qualities, of
one kind of 'lubricant can be neu-
tralized by mixing it with a lubricant
of another. kind. ,For instance, vege-
table and. ; fish oilsare drying oils,
that -is.they oxidiee rapidly, arid,.
cause . gureming or clogging of the
bearings to which they are applied,
andif allowed to droit and accumu-
late upon dust, cotton waste, and
timber are liable to -develop an in-
ternal, heat that will cause spontan-
eous con bastion. Mineral oil does
not oxidize; neither does animal. But
mineral oils have what is termed a
low flashing point; that is, they fire
or ignite at a low temperature, some
at 21.2 degrees Fah., or under.
Animal oils develop fatty .acids, and
these corrode and pit the surface of
the metal which they are used : co
lubricate.—Prof. John Evans, O. A.
..n..1 ';-'s.
Ge -...l: t,127.7:15,.. BrXteed
. -
-n .. b lease \A. —ClaSy
Hai t e L ant,.€. Wate lee a few three
;r,, end whale there p.t en ne i a l:._
ra=:dent, proeerty1 lie \v l get
s 5c ort en September wheel he'eel:
.cent tv that io' n with his fatray.—
The n.aeriage . eak pia a at St. I31a :'-.
Chtt ch here on June 24, >1 Mr.
Andrea C. Lutz of \ ei sley rp.,
• A t,oireette Fo tel. of Hay. Fr.
i M Stroeder performed the cere-
zz cn —A very pretty lawn wedding
.'i- nin:ze:i on. Wednesday, June
le. at Fairview Farm, Stanley, the
home of M:. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot
Sauble Lite, when, their eldest (laugh-
her, Verda AIvednetta was united
near -:age tc Mr. William M. Cameron
of $ea c rh.—Mr. Chas. Oswald of To-
ronto Fa v ening re:ati. es and fr ,enie 4
ul t1b's v-tv>ica.—'lir. J. Preeter a-
t,ended the Liberal Convention at foe
rcnt'o last a reek.—Rev. F. B MMe r.t
is attending the camp meeting hel
Carric;~,t: Mrs. Kuntze and Miss
Hawn of Elmira visitied at the Eva.-'
ge_cal per;image. 1f . and Mrs. H C.
Zapfe. M. Jake Giageriich and chil-
dren returned home after spending
two weeks f a Michigan.—Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Steckle of Stanley mourn the
death of their sevens -year-old son,
Owen. which 'took place Friday. De-
leased had been an invalid gr*a:e
biz'tii.-Mr. and dila C. Smith of
Detroit are vrelting at the home of
Oesch, Sr.
The Rev. Wm,. and Mrs, Lowe =o±
this v •nage were presented b y the
L.O.L. No. 662, with two handsome
wicker chairs, prior to their denart-
ur in Jule for St...John's parish',
near London.
Carliele—EmerY.—•The Carlisle-Ein-
ery wedding, which took place in All
Saints' Church, Windsor, on Wednes-
day morning, lune 25, drew perhaps
the largest congregation that has ever
assembled to witness a wedding in
that church. It was the occasion of
the marriage of May Emery, youngest
daughter of Capt. and Mre, R. Em-
ery to Rev. Canoe( Arthur Carlisle,
the rector of the church, the Right
Ret David of,
D.. D., of Lon-
:on.do'n. performing the ceremony.
'fc'lo•.•. 60. Jr. 'II., G. Hicks til College, Guelph,
SCHOOL REPORT of S. Sr. Not 3,
Stephen, being the Promotion Exam-
inations jr.
xaminat`tio:ns:Jr, 4—Honors, Ruth tarp 77;
Pass, Frank Parsons 69, Herb Schroe-
der 65. Sr, 3—Pass, Gertrude. Knight
63. Harold Penhale 62; Failed, Alice
('?,re,szctator 55, "Banal Preszcator- 54,
EXETER In tAl'eC"i
CREDI1t`ei I3it".i;C}i
seasereeere=reed.. ... a'.
A. E. KUFHN, Manager
J. A. MrDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Established in 11135
Capital and Reserve S8,800,()0n0.
Over 1CO Breeches
Open a Savings Account
With the Molsons Bank
And pay your accounts by cheque. You avoid
the risk of carrying sums of n oney, and the
cheque is an absolute receipt. Interest atlowed
on deposits.
T. S. WOODS, DManeger,
Early Fruits
hroughoui' the
Year ! ..
Strawberries, raspberries,
blackberries with all their
flavor,perfectly preserved icer( y p ry in
wholesome Lantic Sugar. Buy
your preserving
sugar in the original
is 2 and 51b earth's - lo, 20 and 1oo1h bag
Stella Dearing 43 Jr.. 3—Promoted
from 2nd class—lienors, Florence
Schroeder 81, Rosa Dearing 79, Marie
Willis 77, Mildred Jory 77. Sr. 2
Ella Dearing, Madeline Dearing, lien.
ree ,Schroeder. Primer -Bernice Sand-
ers Earl Christie, Margaret, Penhale,
Murray Scott, ;Evelyn Greenwood,
Greta Dearing.
Florence I.. Treebner, Teacher,.
Grand Bend
Easy aiding as pneumatic tires, nen
ither solid nor pneumatic, no pumping,
cannot purecture, easily app'l'ied, most
durable, trouble proof, cheapest in
the end.
BERT HOLT, Agent Grand Bend
McCIaiys SunIfneiurace
\OULDyou:. exprimentwith such
an important thing as the heating
of your home
:It is a job for experts. The comfort of your.
liome for years depends on it.
You can call on us to sell you not merely
a furnace, but C O.M F OR T - guaranteed.
McClary's heating engineers will advise
you and plan your heating system,
Without charge.
Ask • about the LITTLE DRAFTMAN that turns
10 ` on the drafts. and regulates them a'tttomatically..
Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins
A li( t
T is as necessary to select a safe
place for your savings as it is
to save, yet few give this matter
much thought, and many lose their
savings because of ignorance or
carelessness in this respect.
For over fifty years The Canadian
Bank of Commerce has been serv-
erying the people of Canada in in-
creasingly large measure, until at
the present time it has over 470
branches providing complete bank-
ing facilities in all parts .of the
CAPITAL PAID UP . $15,000,000
I RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000
EXETER In tAl'eC"i
CREDI1t`ei I3it".i;C}i
seasereeere=reed.. ... a'.
A. E. KUFHN, Manager
J. A. MrDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Established in 11135
Capital and Reserve S8,800,()0n0.
Over 1CO Breeches
Open a Savings Account
With the Molsons Bank
And pay your accounts by cheque. You avoid
the risk of carrying sums of n oney, and the
cheque is an absolute receipt. Interest atlowed
on deposits.
T. S. WOODS, DManeger,
Early Fruits
hroughoui' the
Year ! ..
Strawberries, raspberries,
blackberries with all their
flavor,perfectly preserved icer( y p ry in
wholesome Lantic Sugar. Buy
your preserving
sugar in the original
is 2 and 51b earth's - lo, 20 and 1oo1h bag
Stella Dearing 43 Jr.. 3—Promoted
from 2nd class—lienors, Florence
Schroeder 81, Rosa Dearing 79, Marie
Willis 77, Mildred Jory 77. Sr. 2
Ella Dearing, Madeline Dearing, lien.
ree ,Schroeder. Primer -Bernice Sand-
ers Earl Christie, Margaret, Penhale,
Murray Scott, ;Evelyn Greenwood,
Greta Dearing.
Florence I.. Treebner, Teacher,.
Grand Bend
Easy aiding as pneumatic tires, nen
ither solid nor pneumatic, no pumping,
cannot purecture, easily app'l'ied, most
durable, trouble proof, cheapest in
the end.
BERT HOLT, Agent Grand Bend
McCIaiys SunIfneiurace
\OULDyou:. exprimentwith such
an important thing as the heating
of your home
:It is a job for experts. The comfort of your.
liome for years depends on it.
You can call on us to sell you not merely
a furnace, but C O.M F OR T - guaranteed.
McClary's heating engineers will advise
you and plan your heating system,
Without charge.
Ask • about the LITTLE DRAFTMAN that turns
10 ` on the drafts. and regulates them a'tttomatically..
Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins