HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-26, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, TRURSDAY, JUNE 26 .1919. - 5 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fa!1 Wheat ....,.,. 2.11. Sprin„ Wheat e 2.06 Oats , 75. Barley . . 1.20; Family Flour 5.10 Bran, buyers bags 42.00 Short:, buyer's bags 46.00'. Dairy Butter. 42 to 44 Creamery butter 56 Lard 38. Potattee, pe, bag 1.75 to 2.40 Hay . ......... ........ 16.00 Hogs 72 00 Eggs - T r1 vitt Memorial Church a1O_NL AY. JUNE 30th AT a P. M. CONFIRMATION SERVICE Sermon by BISHOP WILLIAMS REFERENDUM \MEETING. Stephen Tou-nshia will be .organ- ized ata meeting to be held in the Township Hall, Crediton, or. Wednes- day hely Znil ae S p.m. County. Osfi- eers of the Huron Temperance As- ec eiatien writ be present. Miss Emma Griesbach B. A ., Sec'y 1iireasurer et the Provincial U.F.W,A is expected to visit in the neighbor- hood o': Exeter and Seaforth during the first week of July. It is expected that she will organize and address Bev eral new branches of the LaF.W.A. The shortage of domestic help is only one of several important and serious problems to be solved in many farm homes. :Miss Gresbach's address will be found both helpful and interesting.' STRAY CATTLE Strayed from E 1-2 Lor 2L Con, S. Hay Township, three yearling calves, two red and one white. Any info m- atior. 1eadune, to recovery of same wall. be su_tabi. : ewarded. Oscar I:lopt Phone IS -4:13 Zurich Zurieh, Ont, LAWN SOC IAL on Tr `t Memor- ial Church lawn on Friday e•reri,ng, June 27th Band in atten'anee. Ad- mission 10,:.. refreshments extra. WANTED—Woman to do family washine at her home for summer cot- tage an. Maple Grove Grand Bend, Laundry will be sent and caked for. Apply Post Office Box 672, London. • B,ierling's Store, Exeter North; will be closed Wednesday r-tghts during June, July and August. PUBLIC MEETING. A public meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Library on Wednesday, June 25th at 3.30 o'clock. Miss Gilholm of Brierht will speak on "Our Privileges and Re- sponsibilities as Canadian Women", :An invitation is given to all women and girls to attend. IBI. G Amos, E. A. Hastings, Pres, Sec'y A Special Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held ,in, the Farquhar I8[all, June 26t1i, at Z,30„ at which Miss D. Gilholm of Bright will give an ad dress on "Our Opportunity" There will also be solos and readings given. Lunch will be served by members of the Institute. Everybody welcome. Mrs. T. Cameron, Pres, Viola Hunkin, Sec.-Treas. WANTED—Man with mechanical in clinations to work in. factory. Ad- dress Box 564, St. Marys, Ont. Harvey's Flour is good flour. WANTED Two dining room and two upstau maid: wanted; also housekeeper. Fare paid Auply, VENDOME HOTEL, SARNIA ONT. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "are td we made from that last sack of Model is the best we everhad in the house"; "Our bread made from. Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey ,Bros. 1111.111. THE WATKINS AGENT ,handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beset; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andre,v, Agent, Exeter, ,Phone 43 MAR:t:AGE LICENSES ISSUED by G H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness require Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to Biose our places of business on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. S. M. Martin` and. Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and May W. S. Heaman H. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wm. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe, B. W. F. Beavers, M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton J. Lawsori—Telephone Office open. The Times The Advocate ; ';' Local Doings Thedford' tax rate ;for 1919 is 35 mals, Toronto ie enjoying a street ear lstrike Ode/fellows Grand Lodge meets :rt London, in June of next year: Tweets% two thousand pea. le eroas the border at Windsor ever clay. Mr. Silas Handford, we regret to say, .continues quite ill at his home. Quite a number from Exeter at- tended the races at Lucan on Satur- day afternoian. , Some Exeter bowlers are 'attend— ees the Scotch Doubles at London Thistle Greens. Mr: Ingram, who last week under- went an operation, at the 1Iyndmart Hospital, is dig s1ery nicely, Mrs. Fowell has had a handsome •cottage built at Grtand Bend, and it will be fir ,shed in a week or two. Last Saturday was midsummer day— the longest day of the year, and the days lave now taken on the shoed- ening proca,ss. The rain of Thursday last; was very la ea omc, It .settled the dust for a while and was of great benefit to cropa of all kinds. Hie Lordship, the Bisltotu of Huron will coutiont Confirmation, Service in the Trivitt Memorial Church lfonday evening, June 30th. The Toronto Huron Old Boys' As- sociation intend: running their en- nuel .excuesion 'too Queenston, Heights and Niagara. Falls on Jody 9th. On T'hursday last a liberal coat of oil w•av sprinkled tart Main street, It' sway a pretty mussy affair for a few days, but is gradually improving. Mr. Hector Heywood has moved his fancily here from London. Mrs. Heywood's mother. Mrs. Parsons has also moved here. They will reside on Andrew Street, The howlers who went to Clinton last a ele did not ('get in the prize Cast W J, N'eateau,'s rink was with - et , few points of at, however, --win_ Ina; three games and losing one. Mr. Bice of Ingersoll,: who "sante time since acquired the south half of the old Carling block, is hav- ing the property renovated and will shortly open un a. grocery and meat shop. Among the soldier boys who lately arrived in Canada and came home this week are, Driver W. P. Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs,. David . Mack of Exeter, Gunner R. L. McFalls of Lucan, Sergt, Dick and Driver Hab- kirk of Seaforth, Signaller Elliott of af;,telrell and Corp. King of Bayfield. CURE FOR INFLUENZA. Spanish influenza and pneumonia are no more to be feared than a boil on the back of you: r neck, according to Dr, Charles • H. Duncan, who in an ad- dress before the convention of the Al- lied Medical Association of America dee'eribed his method of combatting Spanish influenza by means of "im- munizing a patient to his own Poison." Upon 246 patients ill with pneumonia and influenza. Dr. Duncan said, he had used the 'treatment "without a single fatality or any complications_" It will stop any cough, except tuber- culosis, inside of 24 hour: SWART ZB AUGH—DITZELL, Those who attended the •evangelistic servicer: conducted in. Exeter by the Johnston Evangelistic party sometime ago will be specially interested in the announcement of the marriage of Muss Gladys Jane Ditzel to Mr. Ray Gil- bert Swartzbaugh, which took place June 18th. Mx: Swartzbaugh was the lmusical director of the party and Miss Ditzel was with the party as accomp- anist when they were in Exeter.. Miss Ditzel is a graduate of the Mood y Insltitute in Chicago. Hiea;'father is a wealthy oil man of Kansas City., Met Swartzbaugh has taken a position with him. HIS FAREWELL SERMONS. Rev. J. Wt Baird, who goes to Hamilton next week after three, years as pastor of James! Street Meth- odist Church, preached his farewell sermons on. Sunday last. Next Sun- day he takes charge of the Sun- day School Annivexisary Services at Elimvilie, but will be at James Street Sunday School in the afternoon,' when special p atriotitc servlces will be held Rev Mr. Wilson, whotakes Mr. Baird's place here, will° occupy the James Street pulpit for the fifrst time on July 6th. Next Sunday Rev. Parnaby of Elirnville wild take Mr. Baird's work here. EXETER WON AT DASHWOOD. The Exeter Methodists defeated the Dashwood Evangelicals at Dash- wood an a church league game) of bail on Monday ;evening by a score of 18 to 11., The score went along very nicely for the first four innings. In, the 5th Dashwood got four, but Ex- eter came. x-et.ercame back with 9 in the 6th,. The players were- Ester—Ford 2, Medd 1, Hardy 3 Wates er 4. Harness 2, Russell ]., .Bind 0 Lawson 2, Heaman 2• Beavers 3 —Total 18. Dexhwood—Rinker 0, Neeb 2 Gals er 4 Ireland 2, Kellerman 1, Wile t 1 Guenther 1, Miller 0 G uenthen 0— Total 11. BOUGHT BUSINESS. Last week Messrs. T. 0, and H. 0. Southcott ptaschased the stock and business of Reeve B. W. F, Beavers svho has been conducting a dry goods and shoe store here for several years, and will ,get possession, on, July 2nd. T. O. will conduct the, business while Ti. 0, will continue his duKtescr trlave1Iiier, Mr. ;Beavers 'has. -been. • a successful business inazs while in Ex- eter and we trust that he will con- tinue to reside in. town. We bespeak for Southcatt Bros. a fair share of the patronage of the town and neigh- borhood. T. Ot, has had a long ex- ee ce ', the store o A. Stew- art, inf J. Stew art, and should be well fittea. to succeed in burliness. The number of illegitimate births in the British Isles is roughly 50,000 per anatunY. Before Magistrates. Sanders and ( Beavers on Tuesday the two young menu from Dashwood pleaded guilty oof taking the cider some weeks ago and a fine of $1.00 and costs tea's imposed. Dr. Jeff, Woods' rink of bowls from London had an unp1ea aunt: experience on their way to Clinton last Wednes- day. The car turned turtle in. the ditch and the occupants were buried uuderfe,eatlu, Luckily other cars were following and they were soon, releas- ed, Dr. Woods was considerably bruised, but otherwise they were un,- iciured, The top, windshield and steering wheel of the car were brok- en, but the trip was continued on its own, power. So much has been written, about bird protection from the 'extreme Point of view of the reformer that many men of moderate views have got the idea that protection spells total prohibition of shooting, instead of what it really means. the prevention of extermination and the building up of the reserves of wild life to a point when the sports roan may feel that his future as a sportsman. is safe under the regul- ations o: the Migratory Birds Con-. vendors Act, while the same law acts as a check onthe decrease of the non -game bird poeulation of our county as well. KEW--•GREh'iNE A, quiet _ wedding was solemnized at home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Esel- tine, 2 Metcalfe St,, St. Thomas, the home of the groom's sister, on Sat- urday, June 21st when Rev. H, Kew and Annie Lapreada, youngest dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Greene of Exeter were married by Rev, W. H. McGillivray of Knox ehureh, The happy couple will make their home in St, Thomas, mawMr. Douglas Stewart of London is home for holidays, Mica Dorothy Mellott, of London is visiting with relatives hon. :11rs. D. Johns and ?hiss Lille have t \ Mrs Johnsed t Johnston of Californialit liyis- iting 1lrs. Amos for a few weeks. Mrs . Becher and children of New Hamburg are visiting relatives here. L1r alorrrrion of London visited his aunt :Mrs T. HG • Newell, last week. His Honor Judge Digi. -son.. of Gori.• prich was in town on bustniess Friday Mr. and Mrs, ,Frank Hunt of Lom- don spent Saturday in town, with rel- atives. Mr Wm. Hili of Toronto vistyted with his father Mr. Ged,. Hill ovatf Sunday Mrs Thos, Jones and daughtter, Mies Mable. are visiting with friends in, Detroit Mebsrs, A. Ji alcDonall and Fred.. Eilerington motored to Toronto on business last week. Mr Glen Myers of Kenwanee,. I1L, spent a few days with Mr. and :errs, Ed. Short last week. Arthur and Robert Johnston of De- troit are visiting their uncle and aumit, Rev, and Mrs, Footeli Mr. Gordon Taylor, who reoently returned from +dverseas, left Monday morning for Toronto. Mr T We. Hawldshaw of Hamilton visited with his father here the lat- ter part of last week. Mr and Mrs, Frank Hurnt of Lon,- don onedon spent Saturday here at the home of the Dormer's sister, Mrs. L Arm- strong. Mrs. S R. Eacrett and little son Reg. of Brantfordare guests of Mr and Mrs. M Eacrett and Mrs' B. W. F. Beavers Miss Ida Wambold of London is spending a few weeks with friends is sad arotinrl ,Exte er, the guiest of the Misses Dinney. Mr. and Mrs5 R(, NI. Rowe and daughters. Misses Vera and Reta, and Dr. Kinsman spent several days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Gregory and family motored over from Strat- ford and spent Sunday with his mother and other relatives here. Pte. Roy Sanders of Winnipeg, who has beers. overseas for tsvo years, i4 visit :ne . his uncles, Meserst T. GI. and W. E Sanders, ors his way home(. Miss Lela Sanders and Mits(s Reta Rowe, who havie just finished their examinations at Stratford Normal, re, turned to their homes here Thursday night. Mr W. A. Gregory left Tuesday morning to visit his sisters( in Chicago Toledo, and Gibsorsburg, Ohio.' He willl treturn to Exeter before going back west. Mr. Ed. Fowell of Win(clsor an.; iv - ed here by ,motor on Wednesday ev- ening last. His niece, Mee. W. W. Taman, after a visit ett Windsor, re- turned with hien. Mr. and Mrs:. Bert Burkell and daughter Evelyn, and Mrs. Linton. of Toronto spent a few days the guests of Mr, and Mrs. WI. J. Robinson of Stephen and Mrs. E. Sanders of Exeter. Me and clil'Irs.Ro Robert Mawhinney, ac- companied by Mr. cared Mrs. Eel(. Harness and daughter Greta, motor- ed' to Alv iiston on Saturday to spend the week rend with Mr. and Mrs. RI T. Bxand of that place. Miss Gertie -Short left Thursday for. Columbus, Ohio, where she will attend the Missionary Conventioneer three weeks, after which she will go to Brandon 'to asaurne charge of a government' controlled school.` ' Mrs. B W. F. Beavers attended 'h meeting of County Temperance, As- sociation in Clinton last week, rndr•Ias appointed at the meeting to •epr. - ent the WC:'T,U, fbr South Huui,ron Nfrs. A L. Cooper ,Clinton:for Cen- tre Huron, and Mrs. McGuire of Brussels for North 'Huron, Mrs. Bea- vers Was also appointed one of the Vice. Presidents of the organization MARRIAGE RIAGE LICENSES' ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Tra Stcee will close each Wednesday afternoon at 12.30 during June, July and August, NOTION—Owing: to Tuesday July let being a holiday this store will be open Wed. afternoon, July 2nd learing Sale ofmash Dress Goods IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK WE PLACE ON SALE; THIS WEEK MANY MORE PIECS OF WASH DRESS GOODS, IN VOILEs,. MUSLINS, FOULARDS, REPPS, ETC., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THESE ARE.RhAL, BARGAINS, GENUINE SCOTCH GINGHAOIS These genuine Scotch Ginghains in. large Plaid Effects .are. Very ;poi - ular for dresses this season. We have several pieces to select from and the colors are guairanteed absolutely fast, Price 50c. yard Heavy Canadian Gingha„nus at 35c. yard, CLEARING OF GIRLS' WASH DRESSEs,. We still have a few Girls' Summer WA.sh Dresses left in Sizes Z to 16 years which we offer at reduced prices for etuiek selling. LADIES VOILE BLOUSES AT $1,39. 5 dozen Ladies' White Voile Mouses nicely embroidered designs, — Were marked $1,75 to $2.5.0 each; slightly soiled, sizes 36-42, to clear at $1,39 each, LADIES' CREPE KISIONAS AT A BARGAIN 5 only Ladies' Fine Quality Crepe Kimonos. in Plink, mauve and reduced this week to nearly half price, blue; LADIES' LISLE K.OSIERY AT 40c. A PAIR 15 dozen pairs of Ladies' Finn Bla.:k Lisle Hosiery --old stock— well worth 65c. pair, sizes 9, 9 1,-2, and 10; very special value this month at 40c, a pair. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS . We have an immense stocky of Ladies' Ready1-to-Wear Skirts, Wash - Skirts, House Dresses, Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Etc„ at very attract- ive prices. JONES & MAY - Headquarters for alfa Cnlebfrated Sandford & Lunt Brajnds CIothing fp; Kern and Bois. WANTED—A good man at Exeter and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Fonthill Nuree nes. Pros- pects for business brightest ion years. We are offering a complete Hatt of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in hardy Canadian grown stock. Start inn now by beginning on new dep;sonis business. Exclu sive territory, high- est commissions, handsome free out- fit STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO, ONTARIO. Vulcanizi$g ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work guarnaar.teekt. Cash for old tires." TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP, Exeter. NOTICE Dr. Wm. Swleet ,begs to inform the. public that Dr. Henry A. Corselet did not purc.hese the oractitce of Drs. Sweet 8s Reid, and he wishes to an- nounce nnounce that he has formed a partner- ship with Dr. A. M. Vinungi Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 120, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT V7sininar} Surgeon, wishes to an- nounce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James Street, next door to Overland Garage, and: aporec- iates the patronage he has received in the old stand and hopes; for a contin uance of the emeriti his rsew office. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. - `MONEY TO LOAN Wye hake a Marge amount of private funds to loam on, farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S7 ANB URY Bar;iosters, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Slo'1icaltor, Notary Public, Commtsstsoner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Horsey to loan at yowest rates of interest, Office—Mair Street, Exeter. /CENTRAL 7 �f 2�% %.7111.1cTFORO- ONT. We have Telegraphy, Commercial 5c Shorthand Depaaitmet ts, We "give 'individual instruction,. Students are entering each weak. Our graduates secure ,positions of, trust. Get our free catalogue -110V7 it may iratesest you. D. A. Mc L a c h l a n. , Pri.'ruca,pa' HORSES WANTED I Rant am unlimited number of Horses in good condition Geldings 5 year+ old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Marco from 4 ,years old pfront 1300 pounds up. Pm ring titig required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rot4Istcat, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling"s Law Offloe Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto ' University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over GZadmaa & Steatbmy's Office, Mann Street, Exeter FRANK, TAYLOR Lioensed Auctilorfeer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable Satisfaction Crediton,. — Ontario. C. W. ,ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE1iR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, PortAclitesex and Oxford. Farm Stocka Specialty. Office at Contrive We erooms, next door to Central or0e6. Merin Street, Exbtex. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, frui6s, /ems, teas, coffee and eve j'- thsng in the grocery line. Cell and see na,, A trial as to quality Will col vis- ce. Produce taken in exchange 'Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R • N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE 'DEALi,k. Exeter BargainN Store White S For Day or Evening. Wear If you are dressed for morning w,osk at home FLEET FOOT. WHITE CANVAS `SHOES will prove cool, and comltortable. If you are meting Shopping, Motoring Etc., wear WHITE FLEET 1 OOT SHOES to be fashionable, cozy and newt footed. Our 'stock, of WHITE FOOTWEAR contains a e Oxfords, Pumps and ,High Shoes,and11 the leading kinds of High are .moderately priced. HOSIERY to suit all our lanes of Shoes. Plenty' of Summer Underwear. Get one got our MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS. B. W. F. eavers