HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-26, Page 1rHIRTi;3-SECOND YEAR
During June, July aid Aug-
ust the Advocate will go to press
Wednesday morning. The type
forms will close on Tuesday
evening. Correspondents will
please get their budgets in one
day earlier than before.
Our Corner i
if it is not one Nine it is some;
thing else, Just now it le the potato
bug that needs attention.
The (much" boosted and boasted
boom for Goderich seems to have
been largely hot air. It is stated that
the big plaint artd all the other things
will not 'locate in Godeefeh.
Atl ,incensed expenditure of Ms-
proxerea'tely .half a tnalElort dollars a
year to ii be negessary to take care
of the salary chterledees to be paid to
the .members of the Ontario Civil Ser-
vice as a result of the acceptance by
the Government of general advan,es
'teem -needed by the Civil aeresce
A .newspaeeris Mao sense, a child,
of charity. It earns twice every dol..
lar at receimes, and it is second to no
et teulprisc in contributing to the un -
building of acommunity. Its patro*ts
reap as much benefit from its pages
as the publishers and in calling tor
the support of ,the community 'n
:which it is publ sb;ed it asks for ne
more than in all fairness beirongs to it.
carders s e routes
Rural mail a errs .on onx o s
are complauting that .many of the mail'
bores aro in need :of attention by the
owners. The names are being oblit
anted, the posts are badly tilted
over, and the aprrortohes to them
need levelling. Mail carriers are anx-
ious 'to render good serei(ce, but in
many cases they axe not helped by
box owmces. An hour's work would
improve aondittions very much,
Too poor to '~take a home paper?
Well. that is a distriessfu7 condition.
An observant subscriber advises this
(way. "Tell such to buy a hen, feed
her crumbs and waste from the kit-
chen and she will lay eggs to pay for
t year's subscription; th.etn, work her
up Into ;sot- pit (and she will pay
first cost; so the paper will be clear
profit. Repeat this process year af-
ter year, meanwhile ,leant wisdom and
cease to be ,plant',"
PHONE 61s'
Summer Goods
Summer ins here.' Sete our stock—
And all kinds of
Ordered and Ready-to-
wear Clothing.
W. W. Taman
Tailor & Furnisher
4262 cetei(ans have already settled r Council
on.'the land.
There is a fair yield of fruit pro-
mised la Ontario—particularly alums,
p';aches and apples.
Owing to the holiday on July 1st
that stores of Exeter will be open all
day lt'ec'rnesday. That is, there will
be no Wednesday half holiday.
The scuttling of the German ships
held by the Allies and left ineharge
of German crews, was a chara(etexistic
German trick, and really should have
been expecte.,
Premier Gouin was returned to
power in Quebec Provincial election.
an .lienday, with, a slightly decreased
majorne, The new standing _s 68
Liberals, 9 Conservatives, 2 Labor.
It is proposed to ead the present
session. 'ok the House of Commons by
July let, or soon after, If this is
done the proposed Franchise legisla-
tion, and a number of other matter's
(.sill have to be left over.
Not until a. feat of those who' per-
sist .in using the cuitl-out on thsei
automobiles, are fb ed eta the pike...
tics be diseorstirtuexi. That cut-out
nonsense peens to be nothing short
of wilful desire to attract attention.
It would be just as well for those
offenders not to defy the late, other-
wise they nety be asked some day to
pay a fine
People are warned to be on the alert
for counterfeit coins, particularly hall
dollar pieces. Bad silver is being cir-
culated in \Ve;'tern Ontario, and, it is
only by the closest scrutiny that the
bad ones can be detected. The work
on the hall dollar piece is almost ner-
fect. The only detection, that can b6
discovered is in the milling around, It
is not as perfect as it is on the gov-
ernment money. The die work on the
head and wrieath of maple leaves is
considered an. absolute replica of the
good money..
Higii school boys and girls, but par-
ticularly the former, are being axles
cd by the government employment
bureaus this season en filling the de-
mands for help from the farmers. As'
soon p.s the high school boys fintleh
their rsch.aol term they will have no
difficulty in securing work. For the
last :two years, tbegause of the relax-
ation tof the regulati,crasbyl the depart-
ment of education, the high school
boys and giirls were available for farm
work- in June. This year they will
not finish theliiir examlinatitans until
next month.
_�ilsa Craig June 23—aCrl Robinson.
23 years of age, son. of R..j. Robin. -
son this town, is still in an uncon-
scious condition as the result of be-
ing hurled 25 feet on Saturday :tlter-
noon when his racing car was struck
by the mixed G.T.R, train at 5.30 o'-
clock running from Sarnia to Strat-
ford at Jericho Crossing.
Robinson who is employed at the
Standard Bank here was going to For-
est It is believed that he saw the
tea in coining and that he tried to beat
it out with the car which he has just
had about a month,
The speed of the train was mis-
judged and the locomotive, traveling
at a fair rate of speed, caught the car
fairly in the middle, hurling Robinr-
son out. The driver struck his head
when, he landed and at present there
are 11 stitches in a wound on his right
leg near the thigh: When the injured
man was picked up by the train: crew
he was unconscious.
Immediately after the crash the gas-
oline tank containing 25 gallons of pet
roI exploded and the car was burned
to cinders. Nothing 'is a(eft but the
form of the engine and slime of the
metal work.
The outcome of the cuncussioxi of
the brain which Robinson is suffering
cannot be predicted.
Mitchell, June 20.-Robt. Hodgins,
aged 53, a Hibbert Township fanner,
'was struck by lightning during an
electrical;storm( et 5 o'clock this after-
noon and instantly killed. No one wit-
nessed theaccident, and the body was
not disctovertetd till some time later.
Mr. Hodgson, who lived out the 4th
concession of the township, wasi hoe-
ing nut the field at the time, The late
Mr. Hodgson was born at Whitby,
and had lived ,lin;' Bibbed ;rowneirip
for many years., He Wes- one, . of the
most successful and highly respeigt•ed
farmers of the tawnjship, He is sur-
vived by his wtd.ow, tame' daughterratnd
three sans. David Hodgson of Mitch
ell is a brother.
There was a goodattendance 'at
the South Huron Sunday School con-
vention., held in Brucefield onj Thurs
day June 19. The speakers were Rev
W. T. l ialpenuny of Toronto; Rev. Mr,
McIntosh of Btrucefield, and Rev. Mr.
Doan. sof Hensall.. Supper-- was served,
The officers elected for 1919' are:—
Mr. Holtzman of Credttosi, president;
and Mi. Mec1d `01 Exeiter, secretary.:
By a vote ,of 237 to 138 the Ger-
man parliament deceled to sign the
peace terms as .%m, osed by the Al-
lies unconditionally. The terms will
probably be signed •on Wednesday of
last week. t
Exeter, June 23rd. 1$19.
The second sitting of the Court
of Revision for the Assessment Roll
of the Municipality held in the Coun-
cal Chambers with all the members
The chairman Reeve Beavers in
the chair.
The minutes of the meeting held
June 9th. were read and approved.
The unfinished business was taken
up, Mr. T. R. Carling was heard on
behalf of -the Jackson Mfg. Co. I%1r.
Gladman on behalf of the R. Pickard
estate, Mr. Gladman claimed that
under a signed agreement the Jack.
son Mfg. Co. held a lease on this
property for a term of years which
up to this date had not expired. Mr.
Carling claimed that the Jackson. Mfg
Co. having removed from the premises
es were no longer the tenants, and.
desired that the name should not be
added to the assessment roll as ten-
ants of the property.
On motian of Penhale seconded
by Easton, that the action as taken
at the meeting held June 9th. placing
the Jackson Mfg. Co. name on the
assessment roil of the Municipality
as tenants of the R. Pickard %Ante
store be sustained. Carried.
No further business the court
closed on motion co usy Penhale.
Carried. J. Senrox. sec. B. W. F,
Beavers. Chairtuan
The Council met at the close of the
Court of Revision with nit members
Th i t f tie h ld
e m nu esto e rneetin e
June 9th. were read ani ipproved,
Mrs, S. Fitton and Mrs leaviland
waited on the Council with regards
the placing into effect the curfew
claiming that children under age
were allowed to roam the streets'.
until all hours, church lawn last Friday night was a
Per Elston & Snell that a By -Law decided success. The band was in
be prepared and submitted to the attendance and furnished the music.
Council for approval, Carried. A short program was also given in
Mr. D. C. McInnis, waited on the which 'fns Rain of Walkerton play -
Council regards the street watering ed a. flaw violin selections, Miss Pearl
along Main street and north of the Hoist sang, and the L eague Male
corner of Wellington. Aetiou; Quartette gave one of their popular
deterred. selections.
Petition wag received from rate The Methodist Church Sunday
payers along William street between School picnic was held at Grand Bend
Gridley and Victoria asking that said en Saturday. A splendid time was
portion of the street be watered, spent by all.
Per motion of Snell, Penhale, petition John Trietz has returned from Mt.
be granted. Carried. - Clemens, Mich„ where he was taking
The following accounts were read tegatntent at the mineral baths.
and ordered paid. John Gaiser returned home Saturday
Met Ford labor. cemetery, $10.00; from a business trip to New Ontario.
Cecil Ford labor cemetery $11.00; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestrea+cher
Criediton, agree to close our places
of business on Thursday, at 12,30
o'clock duxin; the menthe of July and
August, with the exception that when
a holiday comes during the week
stores will remain open.
F. W. Clark
J. W. Orme, M. D.
J. H. Holtzman
B. Brown
W. H. Sambrook
Il, Eiiber & Soa.
C. Zwicker
C. Trick
O. Ewald
August Hill
C. Beaver
J. G. Young & Son
Faist Bros.
F. Wuerth & Son
G. K. Eckert, V. S.
Mcisaac & Wolfe
Trevethicic & Hodgins
A. hlorlock. -
We, the undersigned mereheats „
Thomas Buckley and sort of the Vit -
ion Station staff, Toronto, spent last
Sunday here the guest of Edward
A number from here took :ill the
races at Lucan on Saturday. Harry
Yerarley's horse won. second money.
A Hain- Moriock picnic was held at
Grand Bend last Saturday.
lir. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and son
Gerald are in. New York for a few
days' vacation.
The haying season has commenced
Wedding boils will ring in our midst
this eek. More particulars well i ol•
low next issue,
The Strawberry Social given. an -
der th eauspices of the Y.P.A. on the
The Grigg Stationery Co. Library motored to Tavistock on Tuesday.
lsn't it about time - that the boys
e erdstopeed riding their- bicycles on
the sidewalks. There is a by-law to
prohibit this. Why isn't it enforced?
Lite is endangered as .it is uow and
steps should be taken before there is
an accident,
supplies $22.20; Municipal supplies
2.15: 24.35; John Ford, flowers for
cemetery 26.48; ; James Parsons, la-
bor R.13. 2.50; Thos. Welsh, do 2.50;
Richard Davis, team R.B. 24.75; D
Russell, Sr., labor R. B. 7.00; Chas.
Canfield, do, 7.00; John Norry do,
1 5.0 0 ; Walter Westcott, do, 4.00;
John Gillespie, Jr., do, 4.00;.
Passed on motion of Elston and
Snell, Carried. Adj. by Day.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
The Iast regular meeting of the W.
M. S. of Thames Road Presbyterian
Church was held at the Farquhar Hall
to which a large agthering of mem-
bers and visitors attended, and a very
sociable time spent after the business
session also a dainty luncheon was
served: The ladies wished to honor
two of their members, Mrs. W. Af.
Turnbull and Miss Isabell, making
them life members of their society,
in memory of their son, and brother,
Rev. Reg: Da Turnbtt 11, B. A, who
had so nobly given, his life Tor his
country two years previously at Vimy
and who was loved and honored by
the whole community, and whose
memory will always be cherished.
Following is the address and pres-
.e netption
Dear Mrs. and Miss Turnbull,
We, the members of the Women's
Missionary Society, and ladies of the
congriegation of the Thames Road
Church, desire at this time{ to express
to you - aur .sympathy in your great
Sorrow, in giving your only son and
brother for your country's liberty.
You have made the greatest of all
sacrifices, because, when he wished
re go, you gave him up without a
murmur for the sake of liberty and
It can be truly said of your son
that he gave his life for (tis friends,
and we knew that, "Greater( love hatl.
no man than this, that a man lay clown
his life for his friends." He has gone
to be with that Best sof IFiends, be--
caese he 'obeyed what he felt to be
his Lord's command.
Your hearts are sad because he is
not aeturning' with the other boys ; but
you have a•joy that can only be gain-
ed through such sacrificers as; you have
We would -net forget that you also
gave of your means, time , and labor
to the Red ,Cn{os-s and did not stop
till the last bit of work was dune.
la eecognitian of this labor of love,
and in memory tof your; brave son, and
brother. we' ask you to accept these
Life membership certificates; as a
token of our esteem and sympathy.
May the Lord bless argil keep you all
throtigh this. life, and bring you home
to that better p ice where' , friends ,A b S
shal meet to part no more. T sonsj, a Ston
In behalf of the Wornen's: lissio=u- j + s w�•
ary Society, signed,
MITCIIELL, June 23— Wm, Dow
a prosperous farmer of Hibbert Town-
ship, was found dead by his family
about 8 o'clock an Saturday night,
Mr. Dow went .out to repair some
fencing after supper, and as he did not
return, at his usual time, a search was
made and his .dead body found, Heart
failure was the cause of death. Der
ceased was 70 years of, age and leaves
a widow and grown-up family,
The emesis at Lucan on Saturday;af-
sertnaotn,, last were a complete suc-
cess, being largely attended and the
three events keenly contested. 411
were ere wrei11 felled, and partici
Warty the 2.30 class, in which seven,
horsier. istarted. The winners were,—
2,50 Class
Senator .Wilk►es, owned by Litt
,Queers Smith, owned by Yearley,
Sprague McKennie, Campbell
Lady Bingen, owned by Swartz
2.30 Class
Billy Sunday, owner Adams
Pp.eta Boy, owner Shelton
Birdie Hall, enter Rosser
Silver Eel, owner Hodgins
2.15 Class
Charlie Patchett, owner Hodgins 1st
John R. Hall, - owiteer Swartz 2nd
Qro Wilkes, owner Headliey 3rd
Fitz Bingen 4th
The Orangemen of Lucan, accom-
panied a (n
ed by umber of the brethren
from London, attended divine -warship
here on Sunday last. -Mrs. Harrigan
Londa% is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Hennessey, who resides with her
daughter, MTs. Zac McIlhargoy.—J. "B
Ailntitage is'having installed In his
store an soil system, with tanks in, the
cellar; he is also putting down gas-
oline tank .outside to supply the pub-
lic with gasol(iilnel
Weida—In Hay Tp.; rani June, 14th, to
1\2r. and Mrs. Elmore Weida, a son—In
Smalet Staffa, Juste 16, to Mr.and
Mrs Albert t male, (nee Bessie Par -
Margaret Izydd .1 Deaths
Mrs. Thomas : Cameron
Anna Terribtill Fernees—lu. St. 'Marys, on June 14th,
Margaret Jardine, wife of Rrobere G.
Furness,, aged 64 years.
-se Won Lost
Exeter Methodists 4 0
Centralia Meth. - 3 - 1
Crediton Evangelical 2 3
Dashwood Evangelical 2 3
Crediton Meth. 0 " 4
Nelly—In St. Marys, ;on June 14, Rpbt.
kealy, pin his 46th year.
jauve:son eln Blanchard, on June iltli,
Minnie White, beloved wife of Jahn.
H. -Jane son, an ,her 58th year.
MacDonald -At Ansa Craig, on June
23 Archibald McDonald, in his
86th year;
To Learn the "Operating"—good
+wages while learning, short hours, Sat-
urday afternoon off all through the
year; clean. light work, steady and
regu:ar employment, with speedy ad-
san'ement 10 the right girl. Good
,sages to be made here itt sown. Apoiy
Jackson Manufacturing Co. Exeter -
Greatest Program in Western Ontario..
Tuesday,July s
uy �t, 1919
2.10 trot or pace, Puree $350,004
2.25 trot or pace, Purse 300.0(,
2.50 trot or pace, Purse ....,100.0E
Clanton Tournament.) vs. G(U1]ER CONCERTS BY BAND OF THE
ICH (winners of Elyth Compete r 33rd REGIMENT.
Come and have the time of your lite at "Huron's Golden Gate."
\layer Wigle, W. Lane, T. Pritchard,
Chairman of Committee Treasurer. Secretarf
Srmirre—In lovng memory of our dar-
ling baby Orland Hodgson, belovad
child al Francia and Vera Squire,
who diced one year ago to -day, June
26th, .1918, aged 5 months and 20
We often sit and think oT
When we are all alone;
For memory is the only'friend that
But IOUs they know the sorrow
That lies within our hearts eon
Wet loved him; yes, we loved him,
But Jesus loved him more,
And 'gently called him home,
To the hap. y golden. shore,
--His sorrowing Mamma and Dadsse
Grief can call its own. - MARKIAGE LECENSES 1SSU.110
More and mare each .lay we mi r hien by C H. SawdRrs at tiN ,A1v...M... at -
Friends Any think the wound has fire. Strictly cam; vSto
Wednesday, July 9, 1919
$1,000 in Purses
2:30 Trot or Pace, best a in 5 mile heats,
divided 50, 25, 15, and 10 per cent. Purse $300.0
2:24 Trot best 3 in 5 mile heats,
divided 50, 25, 15, and 10 per cent. Purse $300.00
2:10 Trot or Pace, best 3 in 5 mile heats,
divided 50, 25, 15, and 10 per cent, Purse $400.00
Entries close July 4th. Five to enter and four to start
or no fourth money. 5 per cent. to enter and 5 per cent..
additional from winners. Canadian National Rules tc
Exeter Band In Attendance
Peace Time Flour
,War flour is a thing of the past No. more must "Marl;
(Robe's Best" be cut dawn to comply with government war
IniOastirfes. To -day it is the .supenior of any brand ors the
,meet. In war time some ,millers, evading putt a
brand on the market that was better than their contpeeitoee
who answered the need ,of th e country. Now their flour is
so far behind that their sales' are d.rop'urtg fast. Try some
of our new peace time flour.
Extra Quality Feed
We have on hand some choice mixed feed of
wheat, barley and ;buckwheat. Suitable for
chickens ,as pugs. Put t heft Sri eight shape.
• Try it