HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-19, Page 8E' YE r'E8 ADVOCATE, TRURaDAY, JUNE 1,B &BIB Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fail Wheat .., Spring Wheat Oats Barley .........• Family Flour Bran. buyer's bags Shirt; , buyer's bags 1:.g j ..ry Butter Creamery Butter ,.... Lard ,fora: p 'leg liar ..... .Hogs 2.11 2.06 75. 1.20: „ ...5 70 42.00 4600 364 42 to 44 :7 37 1., to 2.40 16.00 21.00 TrivTtt Memorial Church Servsces a: usual on Sunday, Luersn xacc next Saturday. Do not read letter: or hooks when -'rossing the s ree,t. Keep your mind 4a the Lae: the: there is danger and you .sl, tf b. o^ your guard at all times. The titans . .3s o:' H rQIJ Kuntz who h Vietet Hospieal at l-undee foe Ate pas: three weeks, will Irz plea ea tee onew that he has recov- ered r' etottle to he e.b:e; to return home t deo WANTED—Woman to do family weshine at her home for summer cots tape to Maple Grove Grand Bend. Laundry will be sent and called tor. Apply Post Office Bos 672, London. TENDERS FOR WALK. Tender: will be seceived for about 1600 f.et of cement walk at Exeter School Far plans and specifications see the secretary, Miss ss K. MlacFaul ic.nde:, to be in the hands of the .c ret.:. e by Monday evening, June 33 teens l'n„ = Store, Exeter Noe th. will • lee 'ele'Ce Wed o s4 al nights during Juni. July and August PUBLIC Alli T:NSI. pular:. •m c .':n o: the N.VonreaO Institute will : d 4.3 the ! qa gra ont \i'ed.n qday June 25th 3.3e o'clock. Mies G'htern 8r; .ht will speak. en "Our Priv: eese and Re oponsiblistanas t ar.:dia \Vomen", An int.:melon. is given to al: women end or', to attend. Anlage. E. A. liastitli;. Pres. See'y A Special Meting of :he Women's Instituto will be held in the Farquhar Hall, June !6th, at 2.30 at which Miss D. Gliholtn ..et Bright will sive an ad- dress on "Our Optsorttnuty" There will iso be solo'; and readings given. Lunch will be served by members of the Institute. Everybody welcome. Mrs. T. Cameron. Pres. Viola Hunkin, Sec. T rens. STEER STRAYED ED Fro<: Qu. s pasture, r'i'd with e little tt i wh. faso„ no horns, half circle O.. ttom of right ear, weight about e;, i p-eunds. Reward for ar or matio:i that will lead te t reDvery Phone !it Hy:el:nen L -e. A. W. Ether • ington, r 1 n'zt11 P. 0. WANuZ —M en Ait:1 rt rar;.el'n- clinat oane te stork W eeetery. Ad.. dr,.s: B,e.. 564, tit Mra y . Ont. Harvey's Four la go, .d flour. • WANTED. Two dining reorn Send two unseat maids wanted; also housekeeper. Fare paid Apply. VENDOME HOTEL, SARNIA, ONT. Horsemen! Get ready to have your Horse Bills printed, and oiler early so that there wi:l be no de.:a r. We give you sat - tion. -1 he Advocate. Reports in regard to our flour are great, `Bread .. a made from that last sack of Mode: is the best we everhed in the house" "Our bread made from Manitoba's Beet goes to the top of the oven". Tnis is a true story; can give name; .1 you wish. Harvey .Bros. THE WATKINTS AGENT ,handles. all kinds of ;pr ng tonics for both man and beast; also toiletarticles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma- beet. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andre Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 AIARRIA 'i . LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Santers at the Advocate Of- fice. Strict'y confidential; no witness required Ha=f Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business an Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of. June, July and August, with the exception that when a eoliday comes during in the week stores will remain open, S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. Hearnan H. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wm. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co.. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner: S. Fitton. J. Lawson—Telephone Office open, The Times The Advocate Local Doings Rev= Armstrong of I14",riighatn and Rev. Baird exchanged pulaits Sunday. airs. F.- Morley has moved froom Us - borne to the house she purchased c t tt eee on \Vidians Street. Mr. E M. Gardiner, who . recently purchased the William Schroeder .res - wenn or Simcoe Street, has moved thorein. The Western crops arefeet/oiled to be in excellent. condition, the much seeded rain has fallen in many places over the •prairie Ater.nces. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Staffs, an neuna..c'the engagement of their daugh- ter Elizabeth, to Milton P. McCurdy,. of Usborne. The marriage to take p:aee the latter ,art of June. Mr. John Taylor of Taylor's Tire Shop, has leased the auto retrain shop of Mr. T. Baker, and he says he will too into the repairing and nainting of ars, ar well as the vulcanizing of tires Mr. and Mrs John Torrance, Cline ton. announce the engagement of *.heir. daughter. Edith, to Capt. A. Glad- stone, \ irtue, Lethbridge, Alberta, the. marriage to take place quietly :he lat- ter part of Juste. Miss Mary I. Tom, daughter of in- sp,etor Tom, Goderieb, and a student of Trinity College, Toronto, won the Governor -General's Silver medal for the best degree; and also the Govern- or -General's bronze medal for the leadership. of St. Hilda's College. Mr W. D. Sanders was one of a committee to go to Toronto last week too wait on Sir Adam Beck regard- ing the proposed radial between, Park- hill and Gager,;ch.. The rlelegatien was givers a hearing and immediate action was promised to give the in- terested municipalities favorable eon- Sideration, Congratulations are due Mr. Linden Harvey, B.A., son of Air. and Mrs,. J. S. Harvey, graduate of Victoria tin- iversity, Toronto, has tied with Miss Smith for the Governor- General's Goltt Medal, has won the Governor - G, nera;'s Silver 1.iedal, and also the Sandford Gold Medal in Philosophy, Throughout the four years of his un - .ver city course Linden had a brilliant c"14%cr. Play..: now beine ►narked out by the God riff h Chamber of Commerce are expected to culminate in a decision by the C P. R. to transfer its lake pas- senger boat terminal to Goder,ch^,,:rr the e'tablislrment of an. ,;ntercolon.;al scenic' run highway neng Pram Detroit and Windsor along Lakes St. Clairand Huron to Goderich and in, the platin; of Goderich in the lead as a summer ceeort for American tourists in Can- ada. HOT SUMMER, It is reported through the officials of the Philadelphia observatory that a big hole in the sun is responsible for the extreme heat that we have been experiencing, and that we may expect n very hoe summer. MR SELDOM In the case of Seldon vs. Coiwill, a: outlined in Last week's issue of The Advocate, Judge L. H. Dickson at Godekrech on Thursday gave decision in favor of Mr. Seldop. for $280 and osts Mr. Seldon claimed $!95 with rete or the present ca'e, and also ee Togs of the previous case against the i,ru:an Milling Co. Judge Dickson e•'thhC !tl deeis£on as to the elaim for rets of the first case and its appeal. I. r i. 0. F. DECORATION' DAY Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows held 'heir annual decoration service at the i ernetery on Sunday afternoon. The service was admirably taken by the Noble Grand, J. C. Snell, and Past Grand E. Howald as chaplain. The raves of the fallowing brethren were duly decorated,—George Brooks, A. Bagshaw. C Snell, H Lambrook, W. II. Carley, Fred Gidley, R. Crocker, 5. Hodgson, S. Hunter, T. G. Creech R. Knight, G. Rooke, Or. 5. Reid, E. Christie, 5. White, H. Parsons, G. Blatchford, M. Salter, H. Dignan, T. Prior, H, Ball, A. Hoskins, J. Willis, Wm Howard, F. J. Knight, and Lt Hooper, and the fact that the body of :Bra. Sidney West lies beneath the poppies in France was not forgotten. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. The School Board met on Saturday evening at the office of the Secretary. For pupils plans of improvements to school :grounds prizes were awarded to No. 4 first, and. No, 2 second. The Committee that wanted on the Coun- ty Council reported that the C ouncil had placed Exeter on a High School. basis, pnd all that was needed was the ap,-'roeal of the :Minister of Ed- ucation. The three retiring members of the present School Beard were appointed to the High School Board to trepreseant the County, Rev. A. A. Trumper one year, E. M. Dignan for two years, F. W. Gladman for three years. Since the Continuation school had been converted into a 'High School it was decided to advertise in the Globe and the Mail & Empire For a principal and two assistant teachers for the High School. Adjournment was made to June 24th. DRINKWATER—SMITH. The home of 41a+, and Mrs. W. H. Smith, 347 Indian Road, Toronto, was the h scene of f att .e m wedding', Y edd rsvg, when their daughter, Edna, became the bride of Mr. C. W. Drinkwaa;t$er, of London, Ont. The marriage service was mead by Rev. •Dr, Turnbull of West ,Presbyterian. Church. Th.e bride who ,was ,given away by her father, wore a graceful grown of white .char- imeuse and georgette, with with silver lace, her long tulle veil, which was draped with orange 'blossoms, form- ing a train, Her flowers were Ophel- laroses and tp',,ink sweet peas. Her sis- ter, Miss LillXOR Smith, wast in attend- ante and wore a pretty pale pink georgette frock and large black tulle hat, with glycerine ostrich plume and carried pink roses. Mr. Charles Drinkwater, the groom's heether, was, beet ,man. The groom ...is an Exeter Old 'Boy, and will have the hest wish- es of his many friends here, Mrs Perrott is recovering nicely from her recent illness, Messrs. W. 'We 'Taman and W. T. Heenan, took twp rinks Of bowlers to the Clinton tournament Wednesday morning, Dr. ,Vrn Sweet begs to inform the Public that Dr, Henry A. Conant did not purchase the practice of 1)rs. Sweet & Reid. The evening train from London on Monday was over three hours late ,yin Arriving at Exeter, owing to engine trouble below Centralia, Mr, F. C. Wilkin, recently return- ed from overseas, is the, new relieving clerk at the Molsons Bank, Mr. In- grain ss to undergo me operation, The Executive of the Huron Co, Red Cross and War Contingent Asso- ciation met in Clinton unue 7th_ The report of wore; clove (luring the two years and nine no uths of organized county work showed that 102,517 articles had been shipped to Hyman Hall for R. C. and W. C. A. work and 52,710 articles were ship- ped to the same place for Refugee Relief. Although the need of sup- plies is not urgent at present it was decided that the organ;iza„tiest would not be disbanded until further notice Jean. Fitton Sect)*. mouse TWO DAUGHTERS MARRIED. Two daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Freder,iek Luxton of Exeter were mar- ried on \\recisyeeday of this week. The eldest daughter, Miss Margaret A., be- tanie the bride of Mr. Charles Os- car \l'eF:alls of Lulu, the martgat;e talking place in London. The y'ounge est daughter, Miss Edna P., became the bride of MM Jarnes AleCuteheon Irving of Greeefell, Sask., the eeree moray taking place, at \Vinlrteeg„ The brides, with their ,husbands, have the best wishes -of their many friends in Exeter and vie,: sty. ammo Dr. Clair Wood is home for a week o,rholidays, Mr Drew Knight of Tara is home for holidays, Mr. Lloyd Rivers, traveller, is home for belidays, Messrs. Jack and Erie Hurdon have rs turned home. C. 1-I Sanders spent Friday in Theca- forst o,t business. Mr. Willis Powell v,:sited with iris wif eat Sarnia on Sunday. .Arise Bessie Hartnoil of Torontof,,a v:sit;ng with friends here, Messrs. Willis Powell and Silas,. Reid spent Sunday in Sarnia. Mr. A. J. McTavish and vvifetwere up from Loudon on Sunday. Mir, Herb. Southcott went to De- troi.t Saturday for a few days, Mrs, (Rev.) Medd has returned home after visiting friends in Goderich. Hiss Pridham of Seaforth visited at Mr, Thos. Harvey's over Sunday. Mr. Douglas Stewart, and Alex. Stewart were home for the week end. MLisses Clara, Ethel and Margaret Vosper of Toronto are visiting rel- atives here. Mr. Russell Flynn of the Stratford Beacon staff visited with his parents here over Sunday, Mrs. McCreath of Lucknow has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs I. Armstrong. Mrs Gunderson. of Drumheller, Alta. is visitine her aunt, Mrs. Caleb IIey. wood. for a few weeks. Messrs Alex. Stewart and Gerald :Fitton of London spent Thursday tv_ ening with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hiltz and + hild of Detroit are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. L. D. Vincent. Miss Edna Luxton after several months' visit w,th her parents here, tt::turned to the West Monday. Messrs. R. N. Rowe and Clark Fishe- are attending Oddfellows Grand Lodge at Toronto this week. Mr. J. A. Sanders and Iady friend of Woodstock visited with relatives and friends in town over Sunday. Miss Ethel Day, who has been on nursing duty in Toronto for the past month, le val.:foe viat her home here. Mrs. Wm. Rowe and son Corp. Per- cy R. Rowe of Car•sanville, Mlich., vis- ited ireiativo ; here during the week. Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Samuel J. Finkbeiner of Sarnia visited with 'Mr. and Alrs. Bali Heywood last week, while on their wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and son, Audrey, and Mrs. Ben. Tyreman of Seaforth were guests at Main St. parsonage last Thursday. Mr. Francis Hill, who recently re- turned from ,overseas, left last week for Hamilton, where he has accepted, a :position in the Dominion Bank. Mrs. Homer- Bagshaw arrived here from the west on Saturday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. ,Bagshaw intend to re side here for !the summer, at least. Miss Josephine Davis, who visited with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Dyer at Brentford for several weeks, return. - ed home the latter part of last week, Miss F.erne Francis spent the past week visiting her friend Miss Alma Roadhouse of K.imkton and attended her marriage on Saturday to Mr. 5, Russell Gettler. Mass aMuriiel Thoknpooin of George- town, who hats .just finished' her third year studies at Victopia College, To- ronto, pis the guest of her friiend, Miss Josie Belle Medd. Misses Vera Roadhouse of Wing- ham, Ruby, Florence and Mildred Wood of town, and Air. Wilbur Lu- ker of London attended the Gettler- Roadhouse nuptials at Kirktori Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Dew of Snow- flake, i\lan., and Mrs. John Armstrong of Gilmore City,` Iowa, are visiting town with Mr, and Mrs. John Hunter. Mrs., Armstrong is a, sister ,af. Mrs, Hunter. Mrs. C. Skelton Mrs. • W. J. Hearman, Mrs, J. A. Stewart, Miss Kath- leen and Mr. WS,lfrid Stewaet,Messrs., Lloyd Rivers, J. AT. Sauthcott and W. J. Beer took in the steamboat .excur- sion; from Goderich to Detroit Tues-' day. JONES & MAY MOWS 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD - LICENSE NO 8-3620 T O Store will close each Wednesday afternoon, at 12.30 durin g June, July and August Gift Suggestions for June Brides JUNE, THE MONTH OF WEDDINGS, IS HERE. WE HAVE A VERY large stock of Table Linens and Napkins, Sets of Table Cloths, with Nap kilts to match in pure, Linen, Linen, Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, Dziesser Scarfs, Turkish and Fine Towels, Bed Spreads, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Etc., at very moderate prices. DINNER SETS A good Dinner Set is always a very welcome gift for a bride. We have a number of good patterns in, lull 97 piece Dinner Sets to select from at $25.00'th'e set (muchlass than present prices). . TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. In, preraration for the co+miztg holiday season, we have a good stock of Trunks, Clttb Bag's, and Suit Cases at reasonable prices. Hot Weather Goods LADIES' WHITE, WASH SKIRTS The White Wash .Skirts for summer are here, .These are shown in good qualirt es of Biel: , Poplin and Gabeadine. Make your selections now while there as a large range to choose from. SILK POPLIN SKIRTS This is the ,most popular line of 'Skirts we have ever shown. All popular colors, including Black—very fspeciai at p.50 eacbt, BOYS" WASH SUITS Boys' Wash Suits, ages 2 to 6 years, ht good fast colors and up-to- date Styles. These are selling fast. OTHER HOT WEATHER GOODS FOR LADIES. New Middies, House Dresses, Silk and Lisle Hosiery, Undlenvear, Parasols, Etc., ante here in great abu ndance for the hot weather. New Blouses in Crepe and Voile for Ladies just placed in stock, FOR MEN See our Specipi. Panama Bats at from $3.00 to $4,00 each. Our Busy Shoe Department By .keeping the most .reliable makes of Shoes and seating at close prices has made this a Big Department at our store, Some lines we are showing just now— WHITE OR BROWN OUTING SHOES—ALL STYLES FINE KID OXFORDS AND PUMPS FOR LADIES, DARK BROWN SLATER SHOES. FOR MEN. MEN'S BROWN OR BLACr, WORK SHOES. Men's and Boys' Suits VISIT OUR CLOTHING REPARTMBNT READY-MADE OR. TAILOR-MADE SUITS. ALSO BIG RANGE BLOOMER SUITS FOR BOYS. JONES & MAY lieadquu,rters for the celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing itt,t' lborett and Boys. WANTED—A good man at Exeter and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Foothill Nurser"yes. Pros- pect:; for business brightest in. years. We are offering a complete list of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines hardy Canadian. grown stock. Start in now by beginning on new Yeta;son's busine,'ss. Exclu sive territory, high- est commissions, handsome free out— fit. STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO, ONTARIO. • Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. A11 Work guaranteetd. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NOTICE Dr. Wm, Sweet begs to inform the public that Dr. Henry A. Corsau;t did not purchase the nractitce of l)rs. Sweet & Reid, and he wiishes to an- nounce that he has formed a partner- ship, with Dr. A. M. Vvning( Calls promptly attended to day ar night. Ph one 120, Exeter. VETERINARY PRACTICIs. DR. HENRY A. CORSAULT Veterinary Surgeon,. Office & Reid old stand. Calls promptly attended, night and day. phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large arrmonunt of private funds to loam on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S? ANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R.. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Slaliciitoir, Notary Public, Commissioner,S 'upon^ Ear the Mai- sons Solicitor al - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. CENTRAL STRATFORD- -ONT. We have Telegraphy, Commercial & Shorthand Departments; We give individual +nm,structior>,. Students are entering each week. Our graduates secure positions of trust. Getour free catalogue now it ;nay intealest you, D. A. McLachlan, Principal, HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition Geldings 5 year, old up, weiglvbag from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old. up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the. required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G, F. Rotlstom„ L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Offioe Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr.. A. IL KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or _ any bad effects. Office over Goodman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, Ontario,. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, WsidIesex and Oxford. Fane Stock Sates a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wanea'ooms, next door to °erxtral Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Slices, teas, coffee and every thing in the grocery line. Call and see ns. A trial as to quality Will convin• Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROTE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain Store White Shoes For Day or Evening Wear If you are dressed for morning work et home FLEET FOOT, WHITE CANVAS SHOES will prove cool, and conrf+ortable. If you are going Shopping, Motoring Etc,, wear WHITE FLEET FOOT SHOES to be fashionable, cozy and neat footed. Our stock sof WHITE FOOTWEAR contains all 'the le Oxfords, Pumps and High Shoes, and are mod'era tel leading kinds of HOSIERY to suet all our lines of Shoes. Y l• ed, Plenty of Summer U.nderu ear. Get one sof our AIA.D1a-TO-MZ..EASURl?: SUITS. T, a. W. F. Beavers