HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-19, Page 6By Agronomist. This Department is for the, use of our farm readers who want the advice. of an expert on any question regarding soli, seed, crops, etc. if your question is of sufficient general interest, it will be answered through this column• if stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a complete answer win be mailed to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publishing. Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto,' .After -Value of Fertilizer. 1 the rest of the field but. I am not No matter whether a farmer buys . sure enough to say except that I fig - a ready -mixed fertilizer or one thate ureal at the time that it was mighty is made up of the separate Farts and, good pay for the fertility used even mixed at home there is the "after-': if the onions hadn't been taken off value" to take into et .a.eidcrationi the year before, and I might add, too; 'when figuring the benefice derived' that the nest year after beets this from the fertilizer., field was in corn and the difference So many times we seem to think ' could be seen even then. dust what that :. h .fever we are ahead for the it was I could not tell, but it was to be seen easily during the growing one se: sen is what our fertilizer is worth to us. That ie a safe place to: C- oia. stop figuring nn right. but it is not? Your Iron Ch re Boy. af' is .^I]e. I can .ai nt figure that; The modern gas engine is a. highly every sit liar I have spent for fertiliz- er has made me from $2.00 to $ 3,00 efheie:it and never -tiring helper, in :n.r,:c:.•e_: l,re,.mt-ion. This is on capable of adapting itself to almost the a v<r tats. of tour e, and I know "ors known need for power on the- m! st tie a i that have made much farm. t As the first and foremoet censidera-- I?ra e2 . iYTatt, G: a-15,• Luke 18; 1 -XJ. The sexual foliation is impaired Mixt are fresh and rich in reserve forces, say o. And eau should have seen more than thi t,an is gas engines is file f of ..> year.: hail held of 'Text, 4: 6. the toieneo-poisoned; and the victims in factors of softy, needing neither ho,. place higher the hired man step- Tla., �t,ir.. a_ I hi aGolden eat, flail. re: •n reen o sea Pre- employing their power, the 'first are notably weak -blooded (anemic), tobacco nor any other stimulant. ped after they. It NV -as ver; Blain two 1 acre: a . e...• .:. front ea flair~ a farmer or other user net de r. And tobacco pxedispases the boy to Surely a substance winch coal so pro- that my good words had tivatrmetl his vi6 ti this t i. lal was in potatoes :. .. ,, i ow to make them ?1Tatt. G: 5-1a. The Laxd s Praye four ads to know i� int only h a '� "as the tuberculosis. The most injurious way foundly affect the immature organ- heart. He not only took better Pare aril hal elver .a,a2 h.ansreai pounds, .. .1. ,. • Do not pia Jesus said,. lin, but also to understand the vert- „ a= of using tobaeea is the cigarette, ism, .is Tike to avoxlc--,has with de- he the ear es after that than he hail to the a• ra3 of v€.naplet£ fertilizer.hnd, us ways—the best ways—to put hypocrites. They pray "that they , H' clan a: had one tl>auasand, a a• o may be seen of men." They desire large,y because the filmes axe inhaled plorable frequency worked dcstrua- done; all the ztarl lie did oi: floe frxm T e field them to work. vire have titin opine Y poise le a , the a.re of a high-grade:.,. i, ,„' standing out in the a reptatatian fax sanctity which may and also because of the temptation five and permanent changes in the was better, onion fs:a• '•'car. The year the onions gasoline e es vncr eoves thele heighten their influence among the to smoke many, cigarettes; next comes tender organs and tissues, were s'ei: itc al it iso, rather airy xti.d, ellen, z3 e. e thea the pipe; especially if it be seldom so a gee deal of fertility was not, through summer and winter, covering.. 1 Better thesecret prayer P p p "' ,.. geed a.e.al ,-,.• whiela God hears,. the prayer in which TSE CHE ;IFUL CKER1Th started lige a.. Friel -41y Sovi W1tk crank ,and. ser Iin race. , Dvt: office. boys 'bind. traffic, Cops Soon put me 1"rrly pace , - i2iM •C`Arirt INTERNATION A.L LESSON JUNE 15. : By jehaa I3.. 1 -tub er, AM, !•D T..: Vic*,. Y.�•T`..—. '1••cr,�7P°� - . --.y� �y,'; Dr, Huber will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health, If your question is of general interest it will be answered through these columns; if not, It will be answered'personatty If stamped, addressed envelope is en• closed. Dr. Huber will not prescribe for individual cases or. make diagnosis.. Address Dr, John S. Huber, M,D., care of Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto IN TEN YEARS 500 Dollars If deposited at 3% amounts to $697.75 But if invested in our 5ye% Debentures will amount to..$860.20 The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Dftice 20 King St.. West. The Cigarette Smoker. the Calabar bean, cocoa, arsenic Asthma is not rare among smolt- gentian, strychnine, cinchona, Indian Better Than a Praise in Pay. err; the breathing of such sufiexdrs hemp, alcohol, coffee, tea, The best After one of our hired men had reason for saying that these things been with us a few weeks, I noticed is, deepened and quickened, and short- . are beneficent when judieiousiy used that the horses began to look a great windedness results. The weed pro- is that the demand for them is im- deal better than they had before. duces by irritation reddened, even peri Live, worldwide, and not to b , They not only looked sleeker, but they "pink eyes," which le a contagious denied, and that they certainly ;tie took on flesh and did their work more when slow- ly aw- tide an exhausted or a misused or- easily; that, too, without using any ganfsm over physical and mental rnoee hay or grain. crises. To the beginner in their use It was simply the care the new the mast of them are unpalatable; man took' of them. He was always and it is not Likely they would be quiet when around the hems, he taken m any degree at all were it kept the pores of their skin open by has come even from tobacco being not that the moderate and occasional the use of a good comb and brush, applied to a hollow tooth; in a pa- use of them has been found salutary, and he was regular in doing' his work, tient who took snuff for ten days to even necessary. But the bodies of Seeing these things, I thought it euro a cold. w the ebdd, the growing boy, the youth, was no more then fair that I should affection;; or the nicotine,l ly and continuously absorbed from the digestive tract' may induce ---how often has it not induced—blindness, acute or permanent and hopeless. In- deed, such blindness—aniblyopia— peep e. .e er se r cleaned, and the nicotine allowed to. Questions and Ansn err, :a, . la.'=t to at year. The year fail- them up with some frail covering likegather; the least injurious is the Question, --14 niece was bitten by t1 =:.`. a.e and corn the field a b;aitil.cc or an old liar rat 'eraks. the heart speaks and the soul goes lc • i 1'" few . ' n engine in such a situation is a.er- the to Rini in desire and faith, Nor cigar. Other thing, being equal, the a large yellow mag last winter • and -1 ; l�:ui=: t1 to ~oral along with a ;e , direct in is there need of "vain repetitions" or` more excessive the indulgence, the bad her wound treated locally. The ares a'.:: n:::g, It. which had hem in tuls abtect to all the and should of `much speaking,=' for God knows more the smoke is inhaled, and the dog was not ]tilled. Pleasfi state. pela ties two years instead of onions due. tie, of the weather, a + of need of tease who call upon Him, tti td d aodlvok. It younger the "sport," the worse are whether or not she can get hydropho- the a the other two area were. The' Iso e expec a 4a o g 'Mirk. k :� � eerie 1` special en��io boost' with the is o the old onion esi bed than on the p .r simplicity, its brevity, and Its cm-, perhaps every, people or tribe that symptoms and if there is a cure other part, Besides that it was of various adaptations of shafts, put- our explorers and discoverers have Answer—Your niece is Ga£e, t �„�• xehensiveness. falling upon the' , , olid ilea, is a cx, I ne of the " aratri ties" the savings after the bite hydrophobia need not fall. Such a reverence due to His name, for the, one 1 f the p b f ed. a 1 of ,rie was nearly a ton better 1 h' ', Jesus gave the ill-effects, c biz. during the hot weather of this eines be housed e all e, i The disciples e ise remarkable for its i Tobacco has ,its analogue among coming summer: Please also give the a i, , If tatter - re� eterl;• .eys, belts, cite, where the..sane can p e°ever visited. fax adults this plant Is symptoms. do not arise within a month L ou ti ibe lied 'ma t,0. heavenly Father, it leads for th enough to M £ , ?t:l P.M mart.etalal£ at refit bolted cleave to :a,I once. That. of coaarse, was one res-; the be t arrangement o House e•an be built at a place con- coming of Tits kingdom, for daily, an cs o e h d'fi that t I yield—it so rle mature sr. all i deliverance from evil. This is "tl solid 1 t bl The f It i� I a trraibie at all to have „ son why there was so Ino: it i erenedd lenient to •all power work it is needed food, for forgiveness of sins, and for issaes Such also are he ear that it was so is baa=, mar.:e a e. "the, quently proved by photographs taken! other part of the field was rather' the cream separator in a house ,aa.., prayer.ta that8 1-14 teaches Parables of fray of the scene. Write on the back of soft :joining the engine -room and leen= the film or glass negative with a steel And while I lam mentioning it I' provide a shafting to run this separa-f el!, ["The unjust judge." The par— tie acid ordinary black or red ink and want to add that here is one point' tor. An engine of sufficient power? able presents an argument from the the lettering will come out gray on ateeit fertilizer that we do not con- to do several things at once is the less to the greater witness, If the the print. If figures or letters are shier enough ---early maturity. With, most profitable plan, and then so ar- less proves the case, how much more,desired directly the pictures, bi me this is worth fully as much as the' range the work that it can operate convincing will the greater be if carbonate of soda, mixed with enough large szel,is, In fact, in man cases; moxa than one thing at a time. ;the unjust and selfish judge can be water to make it flow from the pen, gy g There is even a way of having; moved by continual pleading that will makes a cheap and permanent white that i • titst whet ofit it meansrity. Ini several beds made for one' particular not be denied, how much more will ink t le s rt Born e early maturity. e,In - f the good and just God be moved to the share quicker sew y that wei gave,' type of engine. In this case rhe en- tot act on behalf of His ow& Men ought, When you have acquired skill in it is a way of getting an` gine is wheeled about on its truck making pictures the farm papers will early corn than breeding eorn up,fi the required place, where a firm bed', thereform always to pray, and not 'Choral', beth methods of course, will, is ready, bolted down, and then put' to faint"Faith in God means such pay you uro mn1uto. $ When you get each for any to work, i trust and confidence in Flim as will P'lnis they help have trother just thatc instance of the! In putting up shafting and pulleys,~ not despair of His goodness, but will this fair remember to send only clear, after -value of fertilizer in my own` You should know about what speed keep watch, wait patiently, and keep seapaycl Hake prints printed ltedno telll ssyto 8 on rain"Praywithout ceasing." per, etl eaienee. A field of a little over the pulley is required to run to per- a<p praying.„ g. A special implement, new ways of y. two ::res was nlanted to onions from form the chosen work satisfactorily. The Pharisee belonged to a rel- doing things, hemenn day, the traef The wood saw will necessarily have ect society of men who were zealous g , g the seed and twelveit hundred pounds to maintain the ancient laws and cus- tor in action, a day's outing in the of a complete fertilizer was used to; to run very swiftly. The fanning mill , count, and fillip the rile suggest toms of Israel's religion. In their Y g g the acre. The onions were fair. The a certain speed, the cream origin, one hundred to one hundred, the kind of pictures wanted by the next year this field ani another part' separator another, and the pump still, and fifty years before the birth of Earle papers. next to it was in sugar beets. The' another. It would never do to have _. total acreage cane to about four, IChem all the same. You can get the. Christ, they were sincere and honest,I . . think. Now, when one looked over the required information on all these; even if narrow, champions of the an- i g g seasonthings front the maker of your en-' tient faith against Greek aria other wastitrin,i the growing therei+ innovations. They became, for a was not much r ffere.nce to be seen, gine. They know best what their but when you got under the leaves engines can do. They will be able to time, an active political party, but there was a lot of difference: When; suggest valuable economies in other' now, under Roman rule, they were the yield was measured the two acres, ways of operation, as well as various chiefly interested in preserving, that bad fertilizer went almost twenty': uses, which you never dreamed of. , through a display of religious formal - tons to the acre. To anyone who is 1 —se---- i ity, their hold upon the minds of the = not used to the beet crop let me say Flour should be sifted just before' common people; and their influence that twenty tons is a mighty satisfac used, in making measurements. 1 in the great Jewish council which tory yield. 1 have raised slightly less; The slogan of the Canadian Trade' controlled purely Jewish affairs of than ten tons to the acre and thought!Commission, "CANADA -PRODUCT,” religion and morals. While there were it was a fairly good crop. I am sorry; is to be a guarantee of good quality, still good men among 'them, many that I can't give the exact yield oft fair price, and all around high level. were merely wearing a mask of piety rig:7=77 • 4. The btu a &` -deadliest foe !iltRO,s QANI11IRN1110- PC115Qi! Qllita 0, .0 �STRICTLY PUREirk , ,, 91.cay.w.Rasruiu•, 4?�^ �ET after _' �'"- cess .,e.se •> Mr. Potato �'ll iii Il'` Bug early and often with Munro's Pure Paris Green. It is the most efficient bug exterminator on the market. Sprayed on thoroughly it rids your plants of the pest and permits the development of bigger and better potatoes. Munro's Pure Paris Green (GOVERNMENT STANDARD) is a fine, fluffy powder that sprays out evenly, covers thoroughly and adheres to the foliage without scorch- ing it. It has better "killing records" than any other insecticide and is much the cheapest judged by results. • At hardware, drug, grocery and general stores. Make sure you get the genuine Munro's Pure Paris Green manufactured by C RT ,I 1N, 1MITED nufacturers, Exporters and importers, Crown Diamond Paints, dhemicalS, Dye Stuffs and Tai"I`ners SuPPlies. and well deserving the name of hypo- crite which Jesus more than once ap- plied to them. They "devoured wid- ows' houses and for a pretence made .long prayers." "The publican" was a tax collector, in the employ of the Roman 'Govern- ment, and so was looked upon as a traitor to, or as an outcast from, his own people, who hated their subpec- tion to a foreign power. The Phar- isee exalted himself in. his prayer, the publican humbled himself. The parable illustrates well the saying of Psalm 51: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a con- trite heart, 0 God, thou wilt not de- spise." Compare also Ira. 57: 15. The old English poet, Richard Crashaw, writes: "Two went to pray? Or rather say One went to brag, the other to pray. One stands, zip close, and treads on high Where the other dares not send his eye; One nearer to God's altar trod, The other to the altar's God." Perhaps no prayer of penitence has been more often repeated than that of the publican, and it has often been the last uttered prayer of the soul about to meet its God: And it has many times been the wisest and -best` to whose lips it has come. They have Put to the test and have proved the Saviour's words that "he that humbl- eth himself shall be exalted." The Camera on the Farm.. The camera ,is a valuable asset to the• fanner for advertising his farm and its products. If he has a brood mare or a valuable bull for sale the camera will truthfully portray its image on paper and carry a forceful message to the prospective purchaser. A. good photograph with age, pedi- gree and other details written' on the back tells instantly just what the critical buyer/wants' to know. A dated negative is undisputable evidence. Damage accidents' are fr- MR. FARMER INVEST YOUR MONEY In an Implement Shed Ask your LUMBER DEALER For Plans and Prices. ye:Pt 1IICS WILL SERVE YOU WELL EVERYTHING that you could ask in easy riding,extra sY mileage, staunch wear and r'reedOna from ordinary tire troubles, you will find in Dominion Bicycle Tires. They are "Unquestionably The Best Tires" Be sure to ask your dealer for DOMINION TIRES that have proved theirhighquality and durability under every road condition, ' sant b t theLeadinag 7 Dealers ON RUBBER •0[tq, [t fDr " 100 % Pure" Paint The Paint 'for wear and weather. Senour's Floor Paint The old reliable — it wears, and wears, and wears. "Neu -Tone" The sanitary washable Flat Oil Paint for Interior Decorations. "Wood -Lac" Stains Improve the new.- renew the old. Q. "Marble-ite" The one perfect floor finish—will not mar or scratch white, under hardest wear. . "Varnoleum" beautifies and preserves Oil Cloth and Linoleum. Every unpainted surface, inside and out. side your home, is losing money for you. 12" Wear and decay start at the surface. Paint protects the surface and prevents decay. Paint preserves wood, metal, even. brick and cement; not only the outside of the house, but also the walls, floors and furniture in it. . give you the paint and varnish best suited for every surface, to protect as wellas beautify; to save repairs; to add value to the whole property. Paint, to save money. • Write for copies of our two books—"Town and Country Homes "and "Floors Spic and Span". Mailed free on request. 139 !REENSHIELDS AVENUE,, M MONTREAL: