HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-19, Page 3GE ANS TO ATTEND FIRST LEAGUE MEETING ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS Conclusions of the Peace Conference in Final Answer to Germany Show Modifications in Minor Details --Buns Withdraw War Material From Probable Line of Allied Advance. A. despatch from Paris says:.- the amount Germany is able, to pay,' The reply of the Allies to the Ger- and will fix that amount within man voltinter-proposals will be incor- three or four months instead of two porated in the treaty itself, years from the time of signing.. No time has been fixed for Ger- The Germans will be informed also many's entrance into the League of that the Army of Occupation will be Nations, but if she conforms to the reduced to something more than 100, conditions, it is expected that she 000, with a comparatively moderate will be represented at the first rneet- annual amount payeble by Germany ing of the assembly, These Condi- for its maintenance, tions are: lst, the establishment of A despatch from Coblenz says; -1 a stable Government; 2nd the sign- The movement of war material by -the', ing of the Treaty of Peace; 3rd, the Germans from territory beyond the loyal execution of the Peace Treaty. occupied territories continues, ae- A proposed fourth condition, relative cording to German newspapers. The 10 Germany's abolishing compulsory begiinping of this withdrawal was military service, was finally omitted, made several weeks ago when there as it was considered that the treaty was a hitch in peace negotiations. :sefficient:y provided for Germany's The withdrawal of troops from vari- dirarmsmcnc . ous sectors opposite the allies' bridge- The ecri.eus differences in the heads is also reported. 'Council of `‘our over modification of Several days ago the removal of the German treaty have yielded to material from the Frankfort area the spirit of compronnie, The treaty began. The most of this material will he unnnceifleel except in minor is going in the direction of Cassel, details. but the (german • pleninatenti- but there are no indications that it aries in the Pinel ecmi uiiieation from is being unloaded there, that city the poe,-eee will rset certain aeeer- being on a line over which the allies auces designed to remove their oh- wanld advance should they be ord- jections to whet thee termed hopes- ered to move further into Germany. sible condition:. Beyond the Coblenz bridgehead The amount of ra,lar ttion is not much war material has been with. fixed, but the (ie•rreen; v ill be told drawn for a distance of more than that the :eiliel Re:aeetien- muni:- 60 miles, In the Ruhr district the cion will eenei.h.,r ionre:enteticns military retirement is virtually cane from the (ern;r:in Can r.n sion as to ;mete. MGa.etsiOM 25 to 26e lb; 10 lb. tins, 24% to 25e; kr 60 1b. this, 24 to 25e; buckwheat, 60 ib. tins, 19 to 20c.; comb, 16 oz., 54.50 to 55, doz.; 10 oe., 53,50 to 54 dozen, Tread cttiff a- Maple products ----Syrup, per imper- Toronte, June 17. 'lin. S�'Ii^nt- nal gallon, 52.45 to $2,50; per 5 =- Toronto. 1 Northern. $2.24%; otic. 2 penal gallons, $2.35 to 52.40; sugar, Northern, 52,21%; No. 3 Northern, lb„ 27e. 52.17?; No. 4 wheat, $2.111<s, in` 4 store Fort Wi fare. Provisions --Wholesale. Manitoba Oat a- -No. 2 (`1V, 'W e; Smoked meats• --Hams, lied., 46 to No. 8 CW, 7 k .te: ext.•a No. 1 feed,: 47e; do, heavy, 39 to 40c; cooked, 60': 76.14e; No. 1 feee, etc,, „�; No. 2 feed, to 62c; rolls, 35 to 36e; . breakfast 69%e, in store Fort William.bacon, 47 to 50e; backs, plain, 60 to Manitoba barley*—No. > QW, 51.:t0; 51e;boneless, 55 to S7o; clear bellies,; No, 4 CW, 51.25; rejc?ted. 51.15; 33 to 35e, feed, 51.15, in store Fort William. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, American corn—Nominal. i 32 to 33e; clear bellies, 31 to 32c. Ontario oats—No. 3 white, 77 to Lard—Pure tierces, 36 to 35%e; '79e, according to freights outside, : tubs, 36' to 37c; pails, 3C% to 37�� c; Ontario wheat—No, 1 winter, per . prints, 37? to 38e. Compound car lot, 52.14 to $2,20; No. 2 do, $2.11 ; tierces, 30% to 31e; tubs, 31 to 31%e; to 52.19; No. 3 do, 52.07 to 52.15a Pails,. 31% to 313 e; prints, 32 to f.o.b.! shipping points, aceording to f Ontario wheat—No, 1 spring, 52.09 Montreal Markets. to 52.17; No. 2 do, 52.06 to $2.14; No. 1 Montreal, June 17.—Oats, extra 3 do, 52,02 to 52.10, f.o.b. shipping: No. 1 feed, 89%c, Flour, new stand- points, accoiding to freights.fand grade, 511 to 511.10. Rolled oats, Peas—No. 2, nominal. ! bags 90 lbs., 54,10 to 54,25. Bran, Barley—Malting, $1.28 to $x+32, • 541 to 541.50. Shorts, $'44 to $44.50.. nominal. i Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, 540 to Buckwheat --No. 2, nominal. :541. Cheese, finest easterns, 28% to Rye—No. 2, nominal. 29e, Butter, choicest eramery, 55 to Manitoba flour --Government sten- 56e. Eggs, selected, 54 to 55c; No. dard, 511, Toronto. 1 stock, 51 to 52e; No, 2 stock, 46 to Ontario four—Government stan-; 47c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, dard, 510.75 to 511, in jute bags, To-, 51,90 to 52. Dressed. hogs, abattoir ronto and Montreal, prompt ship- killed, $30 to 530.50. Lard, pure, ment. I wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 37c. Milifeed--Car lots, delivered Mon- treal freights. bags included. Bran, Live Stock Markets. $42 per ton; shorts, $44 per ton; good' Toronto, June 17.—Heavy steers, feed four, 52.80 to 52.90 per bag. 513 to 513,25; choice butchers' steers, Hair No. 1, $32 to 535 per. ton; 512.50' to 512.75; butchers' cattle, mixed, 520 to 524 per ton, track, To -,choice, 512.25 to 512.75; do, good, ronto. 1511.25 to 511.75; do, medium, 510.50 Straw—Car lots, 510 to 511 per to 510.75; do, common, $8.75 to $9.25; ton, track, Toronto. bulls, choice, 510.50 to 511; do, med., --- $9.50 to 59.75; do, rough, 57.50 to Country Produce—Wholesale.. 1'57.75; butchers' cows, choice, 510.50 to $11.25; do, good, 59.75 to 510.25; Butter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 38 do, med., 38,50 to ,�9; do, com., 5",25 to 40e; prints, 40 to 42c. Creamery, to 57.50; stockers, 58.75 to 511.75; fresh made,51 to 51e solids, 50% to 51c; prints,' feeders, $12.50 to 513; canners • and Eggs—New laid, 40c. cutters, 54.25 to 55.75; milkers, good ehiekens,1 Dressed poultry—Spring to choice. 590 to 5150; do, com. and 60c; roosters, 25e; fowl, 82 to 35c; med., $65 to 575; springers, 590 to ducklings, 32e; turkeys, 35 to 40c' $160; light ewes, $10 to 512; yearl squabs, dos., $6. Ings, 512 to $13; choice lambs, 518 to Live poultry—Spring chickens, 50e; 519; spring lambs, 511 to 514; calves, roosters, 25e• fowl, 32 to 36c duckl- good to choice, $15 to 517; hogs, fed ings, lb., 35c turkeys, 30c. and watered, 522.50; do, weighed off Wholesalers are selling to the re_cars, 522.75; do, f.o.b., 521.50. tail trade at the following prices Montreal, June 17.—Choice steers, Cheese—New large, 28 to 33%c; $11.50 to 514; commoner quality, twins, 33% to 34c; triplets, 32 to 59.50; butchers cattle, $7.50 to 512, 33c• Stilton, 34 to 35c. calves, 56 to 512; choice select hogs, Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 47 to 52.1 to 521:25.. 48c; creamery prints, 54 to 56c. Margarine -35 to 38c. Eggs—New laid, 49 to 50c; new laid, in cartons, 51 to 53c. Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, 60 to 70c; roosters, 28 to 30c fowl, 57 to 38c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; duckl- ings, lb., 35 to 38c; squabs, doz., 57; geese, 28 to 30c. Potatoes—Ontario, f.o.b., track Toronto, car lots, $2; on track out- side, $1.90. Beans—Canadian, . hand-pick, bus., 54.25 to 54.50; primes, $3 to $3.25; Imported hand-picked, Burma or Indian, $3; Limas, 12c. Honey—Extracted clover: 5 Ib. tin, • The "Big Four" Hereafter To Be Styled "The Big Five" A despatch from Paris says:— Baron Makino, Japanese delegate, to- day joined Premiers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando, and Presi- dent Wilson and the Council, known as the "Big Four," will hereafter be styled nth@ "Big Five." The decision adding Baron Makino to the Council is explained by the fact that his Gov- ernment must be given an opportun- ity for full concurrence, if full ad- herence is expected. YOUR SYSTEM° Is ALL RUN DOWN, I BUT THiS HOME- TRADE TONIC !IWtt,l. PUT YOU 1 ON YOU!?' MP. fN NO TIME A COMMUNITY is no better than thTHE WRGe men and 0. c�omenE ho ill © in it- If YOU and i do ILL aur Community SUFFERS. But it is useless to look far away for the remedy, The REAL RE3IEDY is near at hand. It is W who are able to KILL or CURE. The WRONG MEDICINE kills—the nidi cine that bears the out -or -town label. But the TONIC that cures is the PRACTICE of "tradat-home." Let us al l- -each one of us---fromthis day on practice and preach "TRADE AT HOME.' CANADA AND SHIPPING. Tansportatlon is the Vital Question of the Moment For British Empire. The "Daily Express," of London, England. recently. under the heading of "inter•Imperial Shipping: Plea for Building Tinder State Aid and Con- trol," contained a statement from a "prominent Canadian business man who just arrived in London." He stated that in his opinion the vital question of the moment was tonnage, and that Canada was unable to send to Europe all the urgent materials she can supply for purposes of reconstruc- tion if shipping is not available. He added:— ".As a nationalization of shipping would mean England's doom as a mer --- chant marine power, we must look to some other method of control such as subsidy or reduced taxation for ships trading inter -imperially, but in order to give effect to our imperial pro- gramme something more solid than high-sounding phrases and copy -book platitudes such as 'Trade follows the flag' must be used as the real connect- ing link. Practice must follow, and, indeed, aught to precede phrases. The Em- pire's resources are boundless, and we ought to harness them by action rather than eloquence, "Britain's financial burden has been the greatest in the war, and in order that she shall quickly recuperate the trade of the Empire must be develop- ed. "In developing our land areas in Negro Laborers to be Interned Until Repatriated HOW THE PENSIONS DIFFER, Those Paid by Britain Not Any Too Generous, Compared with the annual pensions granted by the Overseas Dominions and other countriea to their totally disabled married soldiers, those paid by Great Britain cannot be said to err on the side of generosity, says an Eng- lish paper. From the following table, which gives the respective pensions at a glance, it will be seen that the 'United Kingdom comes fifth on the list, New Zealand pays each totally dis- abled married soldier $780, and 5130 for each child under sixteen,. Canada—$725, and $100 for each child under seventeen. Australia --5585, and $130 for the first child and 565 for others under sixteen. United States --$562.50, and $125 for each child up to three under eighteen. United Kingdom -$3557.50 (plus 20 per cent. bonus for period from Nov- ember, 1918, to June, 1919), and 587.50 for the first child to 552.50 for others under sixteen. Germany—$30 to $325, which, from January, 1919, has been increased from 50 to 100 per cent,, owing to the higher cost of living. Italy—$310, and $27.50 for each child under twelve. France -5240, and $20 for each child, This, however, is being in- creased. Canada we have had to link up place to place with railroads. That was vital to the development of dominions overseas. P These railroads have had to be built with Government aid and under a certain amount of Government guidance and control. Just as inter- nal transport was needed and must increase, so external transports is now of vital and urgent moment. How this is to be attained must and should be the work of legislation without delay." BRITISH HOLD OESEL ISLAND A. despatch from Paris says: --The Council of Four has sanctioned the occupation of Oesel Island, which commands the entrance to the Gulf of Riga, by British troops. The Esthonian Government agreed on the occupation as a guarantee for the payment of financial aid to the Esthonians. ti t *"tl" R ". A dspatch from Liverpool says:— It is announced that as a result of a conference held between representa- tives of the Ministry of Labor and the Lord Mayor of Liverpool and the' chief of police of the city, it has been' decided to intern the negroes from' Africa and other countries, brought to Europe to serve as labor battalions. in the war, pending their repatriation. Recently there have been race riots in England and Wales due to the presence of the negroes. PARLIAMENT TO FINISH BY THE 1ST OF JULY A despatch from Ottawa says: -It is expected that Parliament will poo - rogue by July 1. Morning sittings commence on Monday next and the House will sit this Saturday. USE CANADIAN FiSH. Proved to Have a Higher Food Value Than Imported Fish. A Governmental analysis of the food values of certain Canadian fish has just been completed at Ottawa, and the Canadian Trade Commission be- lieves that if the results were widely known there would be a much greater demand for the products of our waters rather than for the foreign brands of fish, which have merely a wider advertisement to recommend them. For instance, In four classes of the much "boosted" Norwegian sprats and bristlings packed as sardines, the calories given are 1,314, 1,640, 1,663 and 1,174. Canadian little herrings, our equivalent fish, also packed as sar- dines, contained 1,332, 1,720, 1,459 and 1,795 calories, respectively, The same revelation is made in the case of herring -the Canadian variety stands out for its better food value. The best known British brand. packed in tomato sauce, contains only 775 calories, as compared with four lead- ing Canadian varieties of 890, 1,061, 1,081 and 1,024 calories. The "calorie," it may be mentioned, is the recognized measure of nutri- ment in foods, just as the pound is for wheat and the yard for length. The higher the calorie for the same price, the better the value of the food. The Trade Commission is omitting no occasion to point out the advantage of consuming Canadian produced food within the Dominion, both for its ex- cellence and for its undoubted cheap- ness compared with imported classes. Hooked! The widow was fair, though faded, and the mother of a charming daugh- ter. "Do you know," she told the young man, "my clear girl is greatly impress- ed with you?" "Really! exclaimed the ardent, middle-aged swain, who loved the daughter. much. "Then you think there is a chance for me?" "Oh, yes," murmured the widow coyly. "Only the other day she said to me: 'Now, that is Just the sort of man I'd like for a stepfather.' She'll be so pleased, dear. Kiss me, George, and then we'll go and tell her!" Milk, cheese and eggs are among the most wholesome forms of -pro- tein. CALGARY STRIKE ENDS IN FAILURE Postal Situation Practically the Only Unsettled Element. A, deapatcb from Calgary says:— With the postal situation practically the only unsettled element of the sympathetic strike in Calgary, the Strike here is regarded as a failure.' Express business in Calgary is now going forward as usual, the Domin- ion Express workers being all on the job with the excerption hf half a dozen. The Canadian. Northern Ex- press workers voted to return to work, were on the job as usual, on Thursday morning, Press telegraphers have returned, freight is being handled with dispatch under normal conditions, and the pose tal employee, who were served with notice of dismissal by the Govern-,. meant for going on a sympathetic strike, are now making a strong efe fort to get their positions back.* The postal strikers have set forth the terns on which they were will+' ing to return to work, and it is said they represent a big backdown !rote their first position. FINANCES OF MUSICIANS. Many Great Composers Have .Failei Into Poverty Through Carelessness, These thrift cnnapei; ns of recent mouths urging all citizens to save money, to' exercise care in all Oar- cll>iees and to inveet in only such un- doubted seurities as government bonds, have been productive of good results. But they came a few genera- tions too late to lio!p some of the great musicians. I'oor judgment in business matters and lack of manage- ment in personal ilna:iees seems to have been the undoing of many of the composers and musicians; True, Ilan. - del accumulated and conserved a con- siderable fortune. Others have lived and died in comfortable circumstances. Yet many have spent years in poverty,. Several died poor or dependent upon their friends. Mozart had what In his day waw considered a good income. But he knew little or nothing of economical management and latterly fell deeper and deeper into debt. His wife and two sons, at his death, were left to struggle in want. Beethoven began life in humble circumstances. The un- certainty of his income blocked his marriage on more than one occasion. Later he was given are annuity by some nobleman. Owing to the strug- gle between France and Austria this annuity shrank very materially, which, together with subsequent prolonged law -suits played havoc with his finances. Schubert's meagre effects at his death have been estimated worth Sf• teen dollars. He usually lived in mis- erable quarters. While his continued poverty was partially due to lack of definite employment, it was more on account of a want of business tact and imprudence. Paganini was an inveter- ate gambler. After making consider- able money he suffered a. big loss in a disastrous speculation in Paris. Prince of Wales' Visit May Be Put Off a Yeal A despatch from Ottawa says:— According to a report current in the capital the visit of H.R.H. Prince of Wales to Canada may ba postponed until next year. No reason is given for the postponement, but it is be- lieved that it has been found that his presence in England is required this, year. Rounding Up the Aliens In the Manitoba Capita A despatch from Winnipeg says:— Special police officers arrested Carl Boisse, a Russian Pole, who is be. lieved to have been one of the a1iee ringleaders responsible for the riot. ing which took place on Main Streel last week. . Two well-known aliens were also arrested at the Swift Cam adian plant. They are charged wits attempted intimidation. Trade opportunities .offered the overseas Dominions are varied and alluring, and the Canadian Trade Comnntission insists again and again that a far larger share of the Do. .minion's financial burden could be borne by manufacturers if they would group themselves to secure this trade, MESt AT tWr X INNO• 'tip' JE2' '313E3E1 `JIR ,5►MRICrMT ib C Al_LiiV4 ON US,TONI. }i 'THINK :Icau P%RE 4011\14 4 T, 50 dON'T• 14 •GST OUT FOR A. MINUTE.- ;-' "--- --- �� 1 KNOW — HE'S EOMiN' THAT'S ALL HELLO- '1E- • OH: IS THIS Ste ,SIMRiGHT VALET WHAT k1E'S tL.L 1'M S ' HE'S NOT COMING- 1'M SO DISP PPOINTED- '' r WELL- I SEE IT wORIsED -GEE: SHELL L tai^ MAfJ wH1=N HE DO S ">,'-„ " SHOw UFS -. ""- _ .c :r m " , �, :; i 1 3' - + ; t _ L '`�(o�J�� ixbx�tldr tis Y. ' II �, �e 5HE T�yOU�H'G; {TWUZ H� VALET'S VOICE ALL RIGHT : CI.AIVCY' SORRY- (C!. `'t �"':a �„ s �, v:> # :C11//-ee4 es:' ^_.Q,, , i d o"• '� - .. 0 j.. '+:v .�, a �.. K T �. LON4�A9e1M ALL ORE�sJED UP I'LL c O TO THE `•moi •-...".` Id s•' �+� -ai{' oma° >>I" `' ' �� F a; t d, •*S�• A .+'r —y yN i\,1)I// os !i ' k ti`s>"x' .... _.� �- `• 1 'kF 6 �,,[7+ *ei I-..t�"C'4 �'r" .�"},+1. j4-,Jw..,s it •-;a `(Ok1'vE TOLQ I IME WEEK.: ill, A. : .. ,t ! VT' �.r! 1��,,,ot r�fi o !ir "3 r. .:,a. S. Q! _, •,. S ,x�, "'F i' Y i` , LSC 3 .. ,�-,�.•-.',::. �yC.,±:/ ' t. ? R• ''l :. 1 A._ xs�•°'4>•'/ i �_ 'ri:+..:- dF''::nuc,.,• •.�P.i-'il._. �. 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