HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-19, Page 2I NM
Good- Quality Tea, properly brewed
takes away fatigue, and is ab olutely
Exarmless9 as a daily beverage a TRY
e, and you'll 1! lever forsake its .use.
Peter -Peter Marries Ruth
species resemble tiny hammocks at-
tached to the face cf rock or cliff
withspider webs.
A Simple Process That Can Be Done
Cheaply at Home.
In earlier days every trade had its
secrets. They were even called "mys-
Build far To -marrow. Rembrandt s and ltiiltet s pictures, are terries," and were commonly handed
' down from father to son,generation
desirable, as are also Raphaei's 61 - after e
`"I would like to see the� twelve- donnas Landscapes are a propriate. generation.
year-old boyI couldn't handle," the p p blow adays there are relatively few
large, important -looking yvaman dxhe In the bedroom, one's choice may of these, but among them is the pro -
the attention of the entire car as she; have free sway so Tong as the efFect cess known as "dry cleaning." Odd,
sniffed at her Hain companion, "Catch proc.ueetl is restful. Family portraits too, because it is perfectly well
me waiting till my man comes hoarse„ and photographs of one Meade are understood—except by the average
at night to tattle on the children. II appropriate, and any other pictures housewife, who might gain much mi -
them myself." , of which the pe: sen is particularly eriieneo and save herself no little
"les, but you're bit; and strong. I' fond. ictures in the bo 's room should expense by knowledge of it.
nes•er could liek Tom and he klIQWS' y; There are some things that will
' it." ; stimulate him to patriotism, chivalry,; not stand washing with water, They
"That's where you made your misee spirituality, and industry, and should' have, therefore, to be "dry cleaned."
take in letting him know it." cora • foster kindness to animals, "Hosea,' , Among them are furs, delicate laces
from Sarbent's of thh'
merited her companion. "You should'ai;azbent. "'Frieze„e 1 to
P and many other articles. ance.
'kept h' scared. �I it`d k tl els ; The Forge of 'Vulcan,by Vel-# Mistress Housekeeper sends them
All grades, Write for priced:
garment '(or other article), as sada..-
faetorily treated as if she had sent it,
to a shop. But beware of fire. Strike,
no match and permit no open liana.•
where the operation is going an,
Habit of Decision.
Meet people who have succeeded
any direction of activity can trace!
the measure of their success to the
habit of deciding things for theta.
selves. One of the greatest team -toe'
tions we have is to confide in (Mere::
By yielding to it we not only bet: alm-
a nuisance to our friends. but keels all -
lowering our awn powers at e let=
got to jump when I speak, and I never' asquez; "Oath of Iinighthood,” by ofd to a shop, whence they are return-;
have anytrouble." g i "TheAbbeofe tthe'by LighiMBrigade, , fancy ed autifully price. The "done
pa•a'ceup,'Iaightchieflat a
T � ; The little athe ed an u sheretl eacka es,1 by Butler are all good. Animal p for the reason that she is known to
PART II. first Clays when she =and'lei:ry st..rt- as she p p g tures b Bonheur are also desirtable.•
The :teem Caere. small but bright' eta life �eg.,•hei "Seems as if they've all got out from; Pictures bl man- b
e ignorant of the inexpensiveness
until homelike, e, the son bringing out "Can't you see, eliil r>>.::' she be -under my contra!;" she said. "I wish sagges.ing noble vo • af' tit process,
the rich lanes of the Dalt- Ruth and tisaa. "that i enlist have a home of I knew what to do," shoed are appropriate for the girl's; Why should she not do her own
Peter gazed euriausly as she Teel tlaean my own? Do you think I could bear It seemed too bad that someone had. roam. Madonna and mother -and- dry cleaning? She can, if she wishes,
never to sit waning fax you tc, come not told leer what to do ears ago,
child pictures are especially fatting. All she needs is the very simple
from room to raeaaa ""Lied finally into, , ' t y; O "know how.
the library. " to see me? Never to have you come so she wouldn't to -day be envy:eei Age d desirable
are Reynold
s „ a;
Haat home to Mother's for high clays cane her friend who ruled through fear, �,__t„ ,cm,- n_ -t___ nt� t . a A gallon of gasoline with four
Peter saw there inlay thingsholhlaygt Never to have Ruth catme of "the broorastiek." -
he remembered as belonging to his
soap anal
(two quaxts of flour, will furnish the
essentials, Stir thoroughly and work
is, two
�u, a It
d child who
\ee.l as The Dance of the Nymp
and stay with me when Peter must say, the twelve-old-ol
father end that he knew had been in
? h^ eheye only through fcorporal: by Corot.
his mother's roam these past five overnight! a
L t rt', a,- L' ex anht '� es ex to have
n e s an t arou ear of
the joy of hearing my own door open puinshment in four more years is' Most pictures are best framed wr -; the mixture well into the fabric, giv-
earn and • must have been removed and Peter call out, *Where are you,' going to be incorrigible. And the i cut a mat. The exceptions are al
ing special attention to spots, Let
so recently that Peter had not notic- Mother!' d f 'i h children.' mother h d herself '1 f t mall print ar etcirnag and Japanese the dirty gasoline drain off; then'
:. until dry, brushing out all the flour.
and motioned to Ruth and Peter to, Dent you see that this way there some pretty lough sledding in a very
will be two lues for me! When I start while For of a'1 incentives to;mon,i•
ze with the color of the picture,S She will then have a "dry-cleaned"
ed it. Aline Sanford, seating herself You ear, oo. s e ai t xen� mo er yv o prides erre on the
ae l prints. ,
at the desk: smiled upat the picture, do you think I could miss all that ° : that het children fear her, is due for I rinse in clean gaso]ine and shake well
p , , t The color of the frame should tax -
tan the Bauch facing her, i 1 R Water colors and oils are usually
"But rather" Peter began „who' am hungry for font, there will be' good behavior, fear is the least to be; best in dull gold,
is going to live here? It can't be your home for me to go to and mine depended upon. Love is far more
for ukn Weours all ready."
uth broke' hunfor gry to come to; be alone, I ad ha elrmyen lam own better.ble, For thedchildiwho goes right
ct even
I in on is , stupid a d oma. Ruth t' ent, ews little home. Then you two will begin' ' because he would despise himself if
for Mother. She wants a alaame ell to
your life together, just you two as i he didn't, is headed straight for all
herself. But 0 Peter's Mother, I did you should." time.
• I "That's what made you do it,'. I sometimes wonder why it is that
tSains the comet matte you happy with Mother. You know it is," Peter lac- so many women seem ashamed to
usl I've dreamed and dreamed of It ;admit they do not know lust what to row frames, j
Bused her.
—the things that I could do for you: "hush, Peter -Peter," she said., do with the problems that come up Frames of bnight, gold with much
—different things that maybe no orae „ ornament are not good.
:Never for one moment did I think to every* mother. Certainly we are not'.
A flat moulding is better than one
with a decided height at edge.
Frames should be lighter than
darkest part of picture.
A picture with. strong action, color,
or composition needs a wide frame.
Delicate scenes are better in nar-
else had ever thought of, things ,lust that you and Ruth would feel that I ,ail-yv.ige, and why not admit that yve' Rectangular frames are better than•
far you because yen are you. Iround or oval shapes.
thought I could make you happy.,, 9 was in the way. But I remembered what is are best to dly o in many uzzled eto ases. Frames of imitation eireassion
Peter neat oex and sat on his when your father and 1 began lige walnut are in poor taste. i
father's desk, swinging his long legs' together, our joy and wonder, our we were ould onlyily question
o bf or to-dayi
insisting retitleesly. i struggles and heartaches and rap -Y
" Thh; isn't fair, Mother. You let tures. ion the child's doing the thin; which The Reason.
me think you were oirs to live with' "Even now, with other exquisite,' would make us all most comfortable
us." Reproach was it Peter's voice, memories, that memory is one of my' right at this moment, But all too The roses riot by her door
the first reproach for her that Aline best rewards for work faithfully ac.." the most comfortable thing to All through the summertidc,
Sanford had ever heard from him, t eomplis hod. I sit down to rest and ; do is the very worst possible thing, , And down her garden's fragrant
say to myself, 'Now I may play hack. while the course which means most aisles
It was sweet to her fine it showed to those days when we were alone unpleasantness is the one to take if Uncounted blossoms hide.
surely how Peter loved her.
together before Peter came.' I even we are to avoid future complications.
"Peter. I had to do it this watt, (The secret of Chair growth T know:
! !lite to shut you out, Peter -Peter. It would be an cast' matter, for in- It is because she loves them sol)
letfl' 1 ever have persuaded cal you to ,.T;hen the years have gone on into' stance, to keep the furniture nice and ,
let me rent thr: dear little house and! y unseratched, by making the children The childish hearts about her low
make a home for myself °'• middle age for you and Ruth, I want- g
"Ne, vara coati not," Peter answer-. you to have memories of those firstspend all the time in the kitchen or : Like flowers in the sun;
days together as 1 have mine, with driving them outdoors to spend their Her home as rich with peace like that
tall stubbornly.never a third to dim their precious time bothering the neighbors. But: Of dusk when day is done.
**So I had to go ahead and have it to , _ness.yougrower either course is oat at all calculated
oyes end done with before 1 told you, vettewill come to see what it vital part to make them stick; closely at home (The hidden secret I have guessed:
Peter our memories play in our lives. a few years from now, so the problem Her homee by her great love is bles-
Peter was silent. No one search -of unmarred furniture and ch,kdren sed!)
Whatever else goes, nothing can take'
ing hie face would have believed that' using it comes up for solution.
Peters broad smile lay hidden there.; them front you.
"Did you ever see my rase aver' elf it were necessary. Peter, if ma-; This is only one of the hundred and
1:I Gs•i`Oai
Part of the Arts coo -se may i,a emceed lad
M lalC1r E liDLUCATIC), t,
Mining, Chemical, Civil,
Mechanical and Electrical
summit seism!, Setliu"ATt1i'1 Stilts,,
July and August. December tot,; rat
na GEO. Y. CHOWN, Ilniser :a
' one things which puzzle the hearts THE HUMMING BIRD
the nr:h. Peter?" she asked him ter..tk things could not be arranged
pof conscientious mothers. How to
coaxingly otherwise, then I would let you prove
. y ourselves to me and I would try to avoid the constant bic}teringa of bro-
But still no smile from Peter. rove rnvself to vou. 1,V would show , thers and sisters has turned many . a
"-"Take your long legs off my desk
and go idt by Ruth, Peter -Peter," she
commanded. "You're behaving like
a naughty child."
For a moment she paused and the
calm eyes sought the portrait over
the deck and rested there. Drawing
to her the strength or the man's face,
she forgot the two on the couch be-
fore her. She had gone back to those
0 WA
Jij5T' kliT
FOR unrr P
W. C LAP L1,L. RfiJ,,,SY,O, TT.CAL
all the world how gloriously happy. mother's hair gray. Of couzse, you
such a trio as we could he, But I am • can peremptorily order them to be
glad it need not be. Disillusionment still, and they will for that time and
might creep in, little niienaaderstand_ while they are in your presence. But
logs, needle -pricks that might mar they may only step outside to finish
the beauty of our love, This way 1 do' the argument with fists, or an hour
no.. fear. later start afresh before you on some
""I need a home ofGmy own. Out of other subject. How much better to
school hours I can potter about the find some way to work from within
house and do the homely everyday them, and get them to avoid the
duties that keep a woman sane and quarrels voluntarily.
happy. Licca„? thus, I can almost Once in a while a solitary child
dream myself back to the old life • seems to present no particular prob-
with your father," lem. He will be docile, studious, and
Ai last I'.tcher.r smiled his same broad thoughtful, obedient, kind—seeming-
smile but with new. thoughtful, tm_ ly possessing the virtues. But even
derstanding line ial�it, ire gives the wise mother thought for
As they walkedadown.thts street to his very studious habits make it
Peter's house. his mother's step was watchful thecessary at ht giverherd.to"
Ftime tt
light and youthful. Peter was on one play and outdoor life. So, even while
side, Ruth on the other. A week ahead allowing for great difference in tem -
gleamed the day when Ruth would perament, the mother who claims
call her `Mother. Would she love it that her children give her no anxious
as well as the dear "Peter's Mother" moments is either very ignorant of
that Ruth used now?
Wondering over this, she smiled what a. well-rounded life needs, or
thinks her hearers are. Certainly
down into Ruth's face, and Ruth, real, live -wire, normal, healthy, aver -
caught in the sante maze of that age twelve -year-olds can make even
wonderful coming day, smiled back the wisest educators sit up ar.d take
and, forgetful, breathed a low, sweet notice. How much more, then, must
note that re cared the ears of Aline they puzzle a poor, half -prepared
Sanford in -that-cne exquisite word, mother?
Peter's'Don't be ashamed to admit that
mother answered the sweet-
nese that reached her ears with that your children are sometimes beyond
you Y very admission may brine
other exquisite, component note, you help, by getting your neighbor's prepared for millinery and other
"Daughter!" experience. But don't let your neigh- ornamental uses in li rance and Bel -
theonce Peter -Peter was not in bor's boasting of her wonderful suc- gium—though in the latter. country
the dialogue. He, the mighty Sum cess worry you. He laughs best who the industry has been interrupted by
the war.
Ecuador, in South America, Abounds
With "Feathered Jewels."
Not far from the northwest corner
of South America is the small tri-
angular republic of Ecuador. It comes
pretty near to being the least import-
ant country in that continent, but In
one respect it is the most remark-
able. Nowhere else in the world are
there so many humming birds.
Humming birds mostly prefer high
altitudes, and some of them are
found nowhere else than along a belt
of the Andes close to the snow line.
Certain species are restricted to
single mountain peaks.
The Indians of Ecuador, Colombia
and Brazil make profitable business
of hunting humming birds, shooting
them with small pellets of clay dis-
charged from "blowguns." These lat-
ter are weapons of great precision—
long reeds deprived of pith—and do
no damage to the delicate plumage
of the tiny feathered creatures.
It is necessary for the hunter to
know how to skin the birds; and he
must understand the art of preserv-
ing the skins in order that they may
reach the dealer in first class condi-
tion. They are sold to agents, who
ship them to Guayaquil and other sea-
ports, where they are exported to
London is the principal market, and
in that city 400,000 humming bird
skins have been sold at auction in
a single week. But they are mostly
of the Universe to these two women, laughs last, and child training is not
was marching exultantly toward the for to -day, but for the many to -1=r -
dreamed -of day and heard nothing of rows. Twenty years from now you
the magic words passing between the may see which of you has been more
two at his side.
(.The End.) successful. "
Dust shelves with red pepper and
borax or powdered lune to destroy
red ants.
"Father, didn't you tell me it was
wrong to strike anyone smaller than
yourself?" ` "Yes, Willie, that's what
I said." "Well. I wish you'd write
airy teacher a note. I don't think she
knows about IL"
Efforts are being made to harness
for the production of power the swift
tidal currents of the -Bay of Fundy;
where the. tides rise to a greater
height than anywhre else in the
wilt lr3_ ,
This Will Help You to Choose
In a dining room the pictures
should be conducive to happy
thoughts. Cheap pictures and pic-
tures of wooden, looking fruit are not
effective. Appropr'ate pictures for
the dining room are "Spring," by Cor-
ot; "Autumn," by Mauve, "The
Fort!," by. Corot, and "Autumn Gold,'
by Inness..
Pictures of general :interest are
appropriate for the living room. Here
they should be conducive to deeper
thought. Such as Burne -Jones' "Gol-
den Stair,"` and "Spies," Titian's
"Tribute Money," and Van Ruysdael's
"Windmill" are desirable. Many of
No white man ever saw a.humming
bird until after Columbus discovered
America, this feathered tribe being
unknown to the Old World. Tropical
Americahas at least 500 species. The
closer one gets to the equator the
more numerous do humming birds
. They are unlike any other birds in
several respects.' Their mode of flight
is like that of a bee, their wings vi-
brating so rapidly (the rate is esti-
mated at 500 times per minute) as
to make a blur to the eye. Practical-
ly, they are unable to ,walk, relying
wholly upon their :wings for locomo-
tion. •
Their nests , are built chiefly of
plantdawn, interwoven and strength -
erect with spiders' webs. In 'the for-
ests. of Brazil the "'hermit" humming
birds fasten their nests to the encu
of long leaves, so that monkeys can -1
not get at them. The nests of other
More food Pay .[lays for You
tT i T can have more pay days by putting • an Baur or two of your
I kit-) spare time to good use. You can sell us all the spare time
you have. Here's a chance for you to turn into cash something, which
is perhaps going to waste every day. If you will be enthusiastic over
our popular low•prioed. 0,
combination book offer ot"
our official. Illustrated
!'RANK S I M O N D S' Bt`d•
TORY OF' THE tT R 21l A'1'
WAIL we will appoint, you
our representative and will
pay you went, Tako itdvttn.
tags of dais opportunity nnd.
• mail in coupon at once,
Chief of Subscription Staff,
National Culture Association, Z,ttl.,
13e1-131 Caristlne Bldg.. Montreal
Dear Sir:
I can stand more pay days. Please
show me how to get them.
Name ...............•.....•••4••,•
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PfeserBSsZea3 er-L sA,deFr/c an
Eureka Harness Oil
—soaks into leather. Keeps
water out. Prevents drying
and cracking. Keeps harness
strong, soft, pliable—lengthens
its useful life and saves money.
Comes in convenient sizes.
Eureka Harness Oiler
—simple and convenient,
Should be in every barn: --
Mica Axle Grease
—keeps the metal spindle from
contact with the hub -lining.
Coats both with a smooth cover-
ing of mica and the finest grease.
'{ills friction and makes axles
and wheels last longer and run
easier, Helps the horse and
saves wagon repairs. Sold in
many sizes --1 lb. to barrels.
Pr ey"'r""JJ.g. '-''
r� el;
Thousands bf : t"''ip
bait 'Aisseq#.6:t6d
,,a using int c:`�' and 11'iii 3,l'�v�5�"i ilte
that LI$2lla �: X2`3'
Corn ,syrup =rakes prober"SY7"sa 3 s k $5$N
To start w itla,pthe, consisttarv, ; e ms ho ta'tO
be lint rtl;i from then Ver, lietu.,n Of 3i
syrup,; ;'la 3 s.i;0 changer Qf V?dpi so lAS
cryztallizin4 _the sTjrirdt' :..
natural flavour of b.ho fru tg° thea k ,E't:q,ii
1v C �•. �7 is
clualrtg Is excellent t a:1d the iS-w3
not have the eloy mg sweet.'-*
Bless of a?1 sugar.
For better preserves,
use Lily White Corn
Solei by Grocers
2, 5, 10 and 20
pound tans. ,
The Canada Starch.
Galin;hilt'., finned