HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-12, Page 8BXE rER ADIIO ATEA THURSDAY, 'INE 12' 18113 Exeter Markets Changed each Wedr'Jssday Fa=I Wheat . .... , 2.11 Spring Wheat —.a— .....aa, ..,.,, 2.06 Oats Earles Family Flour 5.70 Wan. buyer's bags 42.00 Short , buyer's bags 46.00 Enda•.... .... 42 Dairy' But'er 42 to 44 Creamery Butter SS Laird .A 37 Pota. a par bag 1.75 to 2.40 stay 16.00 Hogs .... ... 2a L50 7a. L207 Trivitt Memorial Church Sara -are, usua: as Sunday,. Swain; Subject, „ •i,.ieieasness... EXETER METH. DEFEAT C'LEDITON METH, The Crediton Methodists came out Friday eveniug and played a game of baseball wall the Exeter Methodists and hent down to defeat 1e to 7 in a Ale .ilea game. The game was a little late at starting. This wakes three etc ,F °ht wins for the Exeter team. The r ateter boys expect to go to Centralia Friday evening. The line up for the Friday evening game was-- t'rediton M---Sirnc,1; Hedden, 0; W. King. to; Filber. v; Chamber, 1;. Swartz, 2: Beavers, Winer, 1; Xing, 0. Exeter—. Russell, 3; Witwer, 3: Ford, 1; Ieanaan, 1: Hardy, 2; Hind 2; Statham 0: Lawson. 2; Taylor 2. Score by innings. Crediton -- 1 3 2 0 1- i Exeter — 4 5 3 4 -16 Dr. Wm Sweet begs to inform the Public that Dr. Henn} A. Corselet 4id not purchase the r+r»„t.ce o; ors. Sweet & Reid. Baerlinga Store, Exeter North, w :ll to closed Wednesday fights durnnl; June. July a^d August AUTO LICENSE LOST—Meeker No. 14553. Rct..-r. .o a'ae. Re- ward, DECORATION DAY Sunday, June 15th, w., be ,observ- ed as Decoration Day by the Odd- _'eilews of Exeter, who ;-e requested •to meet at the Cemetery et 3 o'clock in,, -the afternoon. Harvey's Flour is good flour. orlsimasm. WANTED. Two td"ni% room dad two upstai;t .maids wanted; also housekeeper. Fare paid. Aup1y, VENDOME HOTEL, SARNIAA, ONT. HOUSECLEANING TIME is here again. Tay a bottle of The Watkins Furnittare Polish. The large bottle for the small price. Give it a trial and you we'll be convinced. Wm. Andrew Agent, Phone 43, Exeter. Horsemen! Get ,ready to have your Horse Balls printed, and order early so that there will be, no delay. \Ve give you sat- isfaction.—The Advocate. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from thatlast sack of Modell is the best we everhad in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to The top of the oven". This is a true _tory; can give names if you wish, Harvey ,Bros. r - THE WATKINS AGENT handles - all kind; of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma- k'et Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Anti ea, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 WANTED -A good man at Exeter and Ht. -on County, to represent the old rehaaae F•onthill Nurseries. Pros- pect.: for business brightest in years. We are offering a complete list of ail lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in. hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginning on new $;elasanrs business. Exclu save territory, high- est commissions, handsome free out- fit. STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO, ONTARIO. Half Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of bus..:ess on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July ced August, with the exception that ss an a holiday comes during the week steres will remain open. S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. lleaman H. Spackman H. S. Walters ire G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wm. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton, J. Lawson—Telephone Office open.. The Times The Advocate Choice Dairy Butter for Sale. Wilson & Simms r" Local Doings The weather has been right for the garden aad field crops, and prospects are bright. Mr. Wiliam Smath, London Road Sautit, had a horse killed by izghtxuag during the storm tom, Thursday .ass. In eonuecton with the I-Iuroa. Co. T antperance Convention ial, Clinton on iiia 17th a banquet wit be given at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Haviland addressed the Young Ladies' Bible Class of James Street Church on W.C,T.U1 work Sunday iii; to moon. F \`m. Mason of Blyth was beforte Judge Diel;,son at Gorier"'ch last week on a charge of receiving stolen goods Th. Vase was disin s';ed. : session of 'the County Court is, being held in Gocip .ch this week, Judge Dickson presiding. Next week there will be a siitteng of the Supreme Court. Mr. John Beer, otih'o has been op- e::.t at hra Batching machine here fot the Exeter C;s. ming Co., is now work - Feltz an Mr. Jos eh Creere's farm in Usborne. Atter thirteen days of hot. dry wether which made crops grow won- dertully on the ra:at that aceontpan. Jed th.; storm of Thursday last was welcome and t?itereased the growth greatly. Mr. Wright, organist of James St. Methodist church, rec'cived word on', Thursday of the sudden death of his father at Collingwrood, and left for that town the next morning to be Pressent at the funeral. At the: annual Hutton Synod meet- -mg it v decided to end the financ- ial year of the Anz1'aa chutehes on December 31 of each year, instead of Easter as beretofot"iet The change rs a decided improvement. Mir. Alvin MlcMfalion, divinity stud- ent, son ,of Mr. John, McMlahon of the Township snf Hay, and who re; ;ntly returned from 'overseas,, occupied the punt of Caren Presbyterian church en. Sunday very. acceptably. Mavis, the little daughter of Mfr. and ;firs. Albert Spencer, was Pain- fully burned one day last week when a lighted ma .•h caught her .clothing on lire. The another quickly smoth- ered the flames, but not before one side and arm were blistered severely. An Exeter rink ,of bowlers took part in the Mintee games in London on Wednesday of last week, but was unfortunate, winning one out of four games. The rank consulted :of W. J. fiearnan.. J. A. Stewart, W. W. Taman and R G. Seldon. Sunday last was Choir Sunday in Main Suet •church and the morning service was largely of a musical nat- ure, the choir and many, of the child- ren rendering an etcelletnt musycai program. De. 11edd was home for both services and p.reethe,d In the evening. The cases of Whiitesides vs. Vincent; and \Vh'testides vs. Remphf and Bayne ham came up before Mag a rare W. D. Sanders at the Toni, Hall, Exeter on 1londay last, and owing to the ,non appearance of Vincent were adjourned until next Monday at 1 p.me standard time. The charge in. the information eaith that the defendan(cs did take a quantity o1 cider, the personal prop- erty of Jacob Hartleib. BARN BURNED. During the thunder and lightning storm on Thursday afternoon Mn Robert Sillery of Usborne lost a barn on his fifty acres ton; the Sth conces- sion, it hang been struck by light- ning. The barn, had not been used much of late and there was not a great deal is the building, so that the loss is not as great as it otherwise might have been. WENT IN DITCH. Mr, Win. Signs narrowly escaped inr- jur; Sunday evening when the Ford car he was driving skidded ;n the e et grass as he was passing a buggy, the occupant sof wh,:l:h he said, did not give hien roam to pass. The accident happened south Of town, in front at Mr. H. Jones' farm, where the ditch is deep. Winieon the car skidded he shut off the gas before it turned over on its side. Mar, Sims was not hurt but the cad was damaged considiere ably, every spoke in one wheel being broken, ,the tvaanjdshiteid smashed and the top and one fender; bent. SELDON VS.: COLWILL An interesting court case is to be tried in Goderjch this wieek. R. G. Seldon bought a large auamtity of wheat from W. T,. Ctolwill; of Centra- lia about a year and half ago. Before cLelis era,- Mr. Seldon sold the wheat to the Lucian, l'EiUiang Cta:, the company to team the wheet to Lucan. Selden paid Colwiil1 has nrlce: The Lucan company ion weighing in the wheat found it to bie ;of, certain weigIi;t.-noti as much by about 2,2001 as Mr. Seldon ,expected. The result was he brought suit against the company for the diffte(raence. The defendaatt won. both at Goderich and at Toronto.; .Now Mr. Seldon beings suit against Mr. Colwail for the amount of claim, and th e costs of the former catse.• ACCIDENT., Mr. Fared:Fenton. and Lie 13te. Dimon ES of McGillivray townshkitp met with a very unpleasant accndent on, Saturday last which might have resulted seri- ously. They were delivering a horse to one of ''thee buyetrEst in town and just as they wbtr'e entering the village on I-lufront street ,leadiing the horse beg hind a sulky, the atnnrnal. took fright arid jumped onto' the carta Datxonr, ;who had bald of the tope attached to the animal was thrown from the rib and in some way dragged about thirty rods, with the result that he was arendered utnconscalouisa by a con- ctissnon sof the brain and he received several. scalp wounds: 'Bluth Iorsleis got away but were aft'erwalyds cap- turfed, Mr. D3no,nts wiauteds were dreissed by a physis. am and there will not likely be any bad cre,stu its'., _Mr. Fc Ston 'escaped ,injury. Mrs, D. Johns and Mliss Lilla are visiting in Sax+nia, Mr. Douglas Stewart of London was home ,over Sunday. Mr. Sid. Andrew of Lontdon, spent Saturday in tovart with friends, Mrs. Taman left on Wednesday to visit .Fez: Detroit arid Windsor, Mfr. Fred Tuc;2t!er of Clinton spent a few days in town, wish friends, Mrs, J. A. Macdold return;ed,last week from avisit in St. Thomas. Mrs. Senior and daughter Miss Bl'enehr were in London Tuesday, Mfr. Leon Treble and Gerald Fitton of London were home over Sunday, Miss Lilly Davis of Loudon, is vis- iting her parents in Exeter North, :arm. (Rev,) Martin of Landon is spending, a week with Mrs. Gladman. Mrs. (Dr.) Kydd of :London: ;=isit,ed Mrs. (Dr.), McGillicuddy during the iweek. Miss Thelma Ford viswted with her aunt, Mrs. Prodgers in London last week. Mrs, Irwin bf Inge •soil as visiting her parents, Mr. and tiles. Daniel Davis.' Miss Wilson of Petrolea is visiting her.grandparents, 1tlr, and Mrs, C. H. Harney, .17 Melssrs, Herb Ford, Fred Hogarth and H. T. Ross')e are in Godteriebt this seek as jurors, Mn Geo, Case of Toronto attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr, Haw- kin: last week. Mr Hugh Eac.rett of Detroit is risking his brother, Mr. M Eao(rett, and other relatives. Mr, John Lewts of Brooklyn, Ont, visited has Metter, h1ra, Silas Hanel: - ford, over the ssiseeic end. Mr, AtiStrn W. Ford of Detroit is visiting with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford during the week. Miss Rebecca Hawkins left Tues- day morning for Calgary, where she will visit with relatives for a time, Mrs Arthur Andrews of Detroit is rating With relatives in, town, the guest of her uncle, Mr, Jas, Gould. Mn and Mfrs. W. Armstrong and Mfr: and Mrs. Gordon Heywood: spent the week -end with relatives ,;n 1,011- don. ondon. Mi. Geo. C. Laithwltite of Edin- burgh, dinburgh, N. Dakota, visited w th his daughter. Mrs. Richard Murphy, last 1`icek. Mliss Gladys Ford, nurse of Sarnia, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, arrived home Friday to recuperate. Mir. Russell Brown of St. Catharines visited his aunt Mrs. Thos, Bisset of Usborne .last week., He recently re- turnedfrom overseas. Mfrs Wm. Howard left Tuesday morning for Weteskiw,in, Alta., where she intends making her home with her daughter, Mrs. French, for sometime. Mr, Drew Knight was home over Sunday from Luella. He has 'been t>landferred to the G. Ti R. Station at Tara. ,for which place he left on Monday. Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Glavin of De- trait, who are visiiteng witth relatives and friends around ;their Fold home in McGillivray, after a couple years ab- sence called on, friends in town Mon. - day evening. Mr Joseph Craig, :of Windsor, for- merly of Exeter, who returned two weeks ago fnoni three and a half years overseas. ;spitted with relatives here during- the week. Joe went over with the 33rd, came through without a scratch, and is now, only a little over 22 year; of age. Mr. Richard Jennison, who returned from' overseas a few days ago was a pleasant caller on the Advocate on Thursday last. Mr. Jennison was a- mong the early recruits going over- seas and relates many interesting in- cidents 01 the war, he having spent the greater part of his time in France. Before leaving` for overseas Mr. Jen- nison was a resident of Parkhill, but is now visiting among fritends at Grand Bend, prior to leaving shortly for the West, where his family—twos sons and two daughters— now resides. Mr. Jennison was born near St. Jos- eph. • In The Spring -Time. Any fool knows enough to carry an umbrella when it rains? but the wise man is he who car- ries one when it is only: cloudy. Any man will send for a dec- for when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts proper measures befog his ills become serious. During I hard winter or the following sprint. one feels rundown, tired. out, weak. and nervous. Probably you have suffered from cold .; or influenza which has -left you thin, weak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It" is time for house-cleaning. A good, old-fashioned alteative and temperance tonic is one made of wild rootsand"barks without the use of alcohol, and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, in .tablet or liquid form. This is nature's tonic, which restores" the tone- of the stomach, activity of the liver and steadiness to the nerves, strengthening the:whole system. CENTRAL BtrrrE, SASK. -" I have used the Giolden Medical Discovery' for a number of years and am pleased to recommend it as a blood pur. ifier. I know it has no equal. I think my boy would not be alive to -day had it not been for the Discovery.' I also keep it on hand for cough* as it differs so from other medicines, instead of otfothe sachhrugh Citfitoodthe stomch'Ma. PRY syrups JONES & ILAN 1R1ON 32 - CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Tl ,S;Eoire will close each Wednesday afternoon at 12.30 durin g June, July and August.; :Gift Suggestions for June Brides JUNE, THE MONTH OF WEDDINGS, IS HERE. WE,HAVE A VERY large stock of Table Limens and Napkins. Sets of Table Cloths with Nap kens to match in puree Linen, Linen. Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, Diaosser Scarfs, Turkish and Fine Towels, Bed Spreads, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Etc., at very moderate prices. DINNER SETS A good Dinner Set is always a very welcome gift for a bride. We have a number of .good pa}ttkrns in hill 97 piece Danner Sets to select from at 525.00 the set, (much lass than present Drices). s TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. In preparation for the coming holiday ,season, we have a good, stock of Trunks, CIO) Bags,. and Suit Cases at reasonable prices, Rot Weather (Foods LADIES' WHITE, WASH SKIRTS The White Wash Skirts for summer are here. .Tatese are shown in good qualities of f',ig`ule, Poplin and Gaberdine. \lake your selections now while tthere ,is a large range to choose from, SILK POPLIN SKIRTS This is the most papular line of 'Skirts wje have ever shown. All popular colors, including Black—very :special, at x,7.50 each;. BOYS' WASH SUITS Boys' Wash Suite, ages 2 to 6 years, in good fast colors and up-to- date Styles. These are selling fast. . OTHER HOT WEATHER GOODS FOR LADIES. New Middies, House Dresses, Sll k and Lisle Hosiery, „Undlc rig ear, parasols, Etc., axle here in great abu ndance for the hot weather. New Blouses in Crepe and Voile for Ladies just pieced in shock. FOR MEN See our Special Panama Hats at from $3.00 to $4.00 each. Our Busy Shoe Department By .keeping the ,most reliable makes of Shoes and selling at chose prices has made this a Big Department at our store. Some lines we are showing just now— WHITE OR BROWN OUTING SHOES—ALL STYLES FINE KID OXFORDS AND PUMPS FOR LADIES. DARK BROWN SLATER SHOES FOR. MEN, MEN'S BROWN OR 'BLACK WORK. SHOES. Men's and Boys' Suits VISIT OUR CLOTHING REPARTMENT READY-MADE OR TAILOR-MADE SUITS. ALSO BIG RANGE BLOOMER SUITS FOR BOYS. JONES & . MAY Headquarters for 'the Cel Urged Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing fea Men and Boys. ' Mr. James Frayne of James Street church and Mr. Chas. Tuckey of Main Street church attended the con- fet{ence of the Methodist church in Godexlich, as lay delegates. Me„,s s. Nelsen and Francis Hip:,, re- cently returned, visited in Belief il1e and Tox}on;to tthts week. Francis has since reported to the head office of the Domisiiom Bank for return to duty. Vulcanizing ALL ,KINDS OF TIRES. All work guaeanteetd;. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. • Exeter. NOTICE , Dr. Wm. Swleet begs to inform the public that Dr. Henry A. Corsaut did not purchase the ;Practice of Drs. Sweet & Reid, and he wishes to an- nounce that he has formed a partner- ship with. Dr. A. M. Vining( Calls promptly attended to day or night. phone 120, Exeter. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Corsarnt has bought ,he practtioe of Sweet & Red and will continue business at the xatnae stand, Calls promptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We haevte a large amtount of private 'usnds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of 'interest. GLADMAN & STSNBURY Barristers, Stalicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Sialwciltor, Notary Public, :r'ommisssaner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at 'west rates of interest. Office—Main Street, Exe:ter, • CENTRAL s"t'RATFORD.. ONT. We have .'1 eaego+aphy, Commerc,ul Si Shorthand Departments. We give individual instruction. Students are entering each week. Our graduates secure positions of trust. Get our free catayague now it may inteaiest you. 1). A, McLachlan, Principal HORSES WANTED I want Horses in good cmdid Geldingso5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mases from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rot#tston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain ar any bad effects. Office over Gladsnaa & Stanbury's Office, Main Str1et, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctilanleer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reastona(b1e and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON '• LICENSED AUCTIONEi R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Pert& Mniad{tesex and Oxford. Farm Stock a Specialty. Office at Cock Wattjerooms, next door to Central Hate', Matra Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, glees, teas, coffee and every- thing hi the grocery line. Oirll and dee ns. A trial as to quality will convin- CO. Produce taken in exelange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R.'. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALI.R Exeter Bargain Story White Shoes For Day or Evening Wear If you are ,dressed for 'morning w.oal at home FLEET FOOT, WHITE CANVAS SHOES wealprove coal and con -Oat -table. If you are goeng Sha,ppin,g, Moitoring Etc., wear WHITE FLEET ,FOOT SHOES to be fashionable, cozy and neat footed. Our stock of WHITE FOOTWEAR contains all the leading kt'ilntdstiaf Oxfords, Pumps and High Shoes, and are moderately pried HOSIERY to 'swift all our lines of Shtoea. Plenty of Summer Underwear. Get one ,sof our MADE -TO -MEASURE ' SUITS, B. WF Beavers:. 1 ti of tt 1,11 E'. b Pt Cf, en bi to do si T, NV; af, \,Tl apt ce ixtl BF so, tic us int is an in in ret mil sn, ant