The Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-12, Page 4CASTOR IA For Infants and Children i ll Use ForOver3o Years Always, bears the gnature of The Exeter Advocate ,Senders & Creech, Proprietoa•c Subseriptiari Pride—In advance $1.50 g Orr .ear in Canada; $2,00 in the Dashwood "len., '�'i'i11,. Aare., and John,. and one daughter, all of elic:;higan, end, one brother, Mr. Thos. Carey of this place. Mr and Mrs. Jae. Quarry of Strati for were visitors here on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Berry left last week for London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowland :^notore o Goderich on Saturday to visa with friends. \i.iss Madeline Glat,ln left on Sat- urday for London. Hubert Moir at' London is visiting friends: herr this week. 'kited States. Ali subscriptions not vee. in advance 50c. extra. charged THURSDAY JUNE 12th. Ole Grand Bend rox AIRLESS CLINCHER AUTO TIRES lte..y riding as pneumatic tires, ne- -thee solid nor pneuma.iy , no rump:ng. :^toot puncture. eagle- applied, most durable trouble proof, :heaviest in Ise end. BERT HOLT, Agent Grand Bern! SIr and Mrs. Henry Wilson . f _ e- k'na visited around here Suml;ty.-11r vel Mrs. Shepherd of The.iferd visit and at Asaph Gravelle's Sunday.— Mr. Ila? has finished the s.dewatk ier the false,—,A :ante phasic was here Tees s day from Crediton, Exeter awl I o. - est, the first of the season. --1 phages are being filled by campers. It is eseeeied nearly all will be filled by (5th.—Mr. F: celstone has a larg veneer DI men u;o kin; on. his b d eueld;ne, Men are working overtone to have it completed by July lst. • 3, Centralia seer Centralia. Juniors played -4-toe at Dashwood last Thursday aryl made a successful score of S to b ,n Ceentr,aiites favor. A. large crowd 4£ people Atte adle.l tear Geo Es ery's `ale,aturday �f Iirery equipment. A goad sale aaa Me result. although the property was net .:vitt, ^(osis. S. Davis and John x: ssery '_genie, the Conference to G.oderesh ra elle qday, Gent a i.a Seniors and Centralia Jus. - c.; played a friendly game, cef hes ben. here resulting ere a ~seer e toe the erlout team. 'Fels las Anderson had the as , Ft eft ne? tr tall down the zellar state's ea Sunday evening. While sens ;tot ;iaceiy shape:, up no bones were 'nrok err me arc vplea.ed to say. C err Pu r y Simpson hay been e rs t,ne, 1m:eels here the last tee- da,s he his nae returned from ev eGras at tel see e y ears with ...e ale d. ,its see nee Mount Carmel Airs J. F Doyle and son Frank :art Bay Cty, Mich., ate visiting n ears ret naorhood with tri ads. Me Franc Coughlin has engaged a number ci Indians from eleen4 ay .o meat 1•,i:- sugar beets this week. Mr and Mrs. George Fischer and Jeiomes of Preston called m friends hci eon Sunday, jack Madden purchased a Chevro- let car from E. Tiernan last week. Mrs. Busk and family of St. Thomas are visiting her mother, Mrs. 'ora /;Regan. Mr. Darnel Burry vis. ted his sister tilrs. Berry of St. Thanas for a few dby's last Creek. Mr, Mat. Regan. rece,vad the news an W''ednesday of last week of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Pat eck Ra- ve, at the advanlced. age of 7 years. Iters. -Regan and her late husband and family formerly lived here, being a- mong the first settlers of this neigh- borhood. The late Mr. and Mrs Re - gen left here about 27 years ago ens Eve at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Mrs. 'gegen is surviived by a family of six :cons, P. Regan of Ottawa, Tim., Have You Friends Who Suffer? ":fou have friends who are discour- aged, who seem to have lost all inter- est in life, and whose sufferings are acute—beeause they are afflicted with Iidney or Bladder trouble?. Here is your golden opportunity to Re a real friend to your friends. Tell hlrem about Gin Pills, what they have done for others, and about the thou- mands who have found relief by taking .lids remedy. Persuade your friends to try them, .if only a sample box: Mrs. James Harris of Port Bowan took the advice of a find and wrote -us for a free sample. Meat- is her own words the result: "My husband had suffered for some time with lame back and Kidney Troubles. He became so bad, work was almost impossible. So many remedies were tried with- eut effect that he became discour- aged. A friend advised him to give Gin Pills a trial, which he. slid, and to -day he is almost entire- cured." Mte ease of W. T. Baldwin, of Smith. vriie, Ont., is similar in many respects. . Baldwin suffered from a pain in tire back for over three years, Finally on advice from friends he tried Gin dile; with the result that he obtained zelief -from his pain after taking the first box. [ el- ter, Fa -ley of St. Thomas en 'e 1 a.: the Mame of err. H.eo+fintn sver Sunday. 'Nine elen.le eb is visiting rrncrtel• :n Poueas a, present. :sirs J 'tor is visiting her ea,en: 1I: and :1jrs. N. Stirs alter spendia h' pae year in England. Mr nail Mrs. Wm. Brenner o+ Steatites! spent the week end :ntown ens; seeei.3. Neil and Mrs. .i.a: i Nei He Pent.a, are visiting with relatives a ` at pteSent. Mr. and firs. D Meerbur of Clark :at are visit,ng D. and Mrs. J.Har lel. Lucan 1Z:Iht elev. David W;lliams. Bishop Louden, held ordination service on "un:hurl(, wb n the ingmfolloH g Trinityoly a.o ns were adver ed to the priesthood, — Revs. Jos. Chapman, W. D. Davis. R. E Garrett I,. P. Hagg; A, S. Ft- : hell A A DuPlan. The sr:ry ce :•onunenced with a sermon by Rev. ':'anent Hill of Godenich. •Chiselhurst Mrs Rennie tool; charge et the s vice on Sunday afternoon andgave`r aninteresting a! - ,.-> talk on the 'eves ey not- able men. The Honer Roll was dew - orated nicele--Our entererlei e :haat has bought a hands little trunk mer- :haat h will help Sera in his ibusene,s. — On, Thut day eren'gr there will be. alt c cream soeissee sea the store . ,h, estir,` c of she Ila;..::a c. Lumley Fir and Mrs. J , whriolaile u>hte-, Norma. of 4osc l„ v sL`.ie relatives.—IVeed ita.4ae..a received here o." birth ef :youne deu.htertoMr. and 1,,, Geo ,M Donaldoo, hk Seesh:—icse1:TaYFarnee enje;i,g the t MTii,lac, He .a wee a Sunday �o•svisitor ettin . B;a;d_ ftStWs>.- .sA G-er tied ee .;;;a It r Iters dins I ,l:r Mi-Quee •eerener's n eit«•he:; ve e:rn, with her laughter Mrs. Henry, Crediton :'.> :ta 2 from here lies : ,^', Tee day. tee n.l was _ — u� : y`� - t::^.: music... _ elle > \lL \ allee et a:. Joseph Hos- eisa, staff, London. visited he par- ents on Sunda,. .e. me-tina of the t. h Deeeeter' :f' flay Insu ;ant.: a Company was held ' Grand Bend on Saturday. An ass F !neat is being colla o'- tee-heedes o eeed from the pa7_- ' this week. eles. Glanville and neeld of Mani - Lobe is vire:sing her mother Mrs. Ma•v Beiaver, Mrs Chas, Brown and little son o f Detroit are vis ting friends in town The Women? Institute are arr ag- ing to serve ice-cream Saturday eve- nings in Mrs. Ezra Heist's house. The first service was given last Saturday night and was much enjoyed. While •dvtwtng in his 'lane on the farm north of the village last week Fred Heist was unfortunate enough to upset his car. Fortunately no one was hurt, although the car was damaged somewhat Mrs, Sambrook is visiting Mrs. Fo h- eringham of London this week. A petition has been circulated a- mcne t town by the village fathers withof our the object of securing a half holiday during the months of� July and Atteust, It met with a ready response and accord- ingly commencing svth the feest Thursday of July,half holidays will be observed during the months of July and August Miss Lillian Geiser had the mis- fortune to sprain her ankle on Tues. Immensequantities of the have been moved from our yards this past week. People come long distances to get there' a, our yards have the repute - tiers. of putting out test class goods. Aaron. Sweitzer and Lloyd Scroed-i er are learning the auto trade at Marllack's garage. Mr. Zurbrigg of Wingham v: (ted Mr. and Mrs,. Henry Stetnache, fast week Will Smith has taken his traction engine to George Wh;:e & Son's, Lonr don _ear en overhauling. Bill believes in having everything in excellent shape when the threshing season commences We are pleased to state that Jacob Schwarz, who was operated on a few days age for an absess,.js doing nice- ly and rapidly recovering his good health Joseph Heist has re -opened his tile and brick yard and is' busily engaged manufactu -Leg tile just now. Rev. C, W. 'Baker of the Metho- int Church has been attending Con- ereen- e itn Godersch this past week. Eric are pleased to learn that he has been given charge of this circuit for nthe., year, of meeting of., the farmers rf this eighb`orh�ood was held sa the Forest- r's Hell.. on Saturday night with the sew of. torganize ng a club. k:rndei Guttmger ie working - with jos. Lawson just now helping to m Is teed cement trudges' ;Miss;MissG is ella.'Lamport,:hae rerotn ''horn afte ,epend.ung several week:; e�ith relatives till Flltrrt, MF2�,ch. d There is no need for anyone to an ism -vest a sent in Gin_ Pills until they have received a sample free and tried rt them, as Mr. Harris did. Write to -day, e letting us to send a sample box free to ' zonr friend's address. The National Drug & Chemical Ce. of Canada, Limited, Toroeto,:.Ontaries U. S. residents should address`- Na -Din - Ga., Inc., 20-2, Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. 177 e RAISE PIGS PRCFIT4BLY Mustard Can Be Controlled by Spraying. Spray Should De .Applied on Ca. Clear Day as Soon as First ;Mustard Plants Show Flowers. (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture. Toronto.) A NIMALS, no matter wh !rind, always put on weig most cheaply when th are young and the young they are the cheaper the gains, a consequence of this it is essenti that the man raising young stock realize this and give a reasonable amount of attention to the young animals he is expecting. A few days before farrowing the sow should be brought into the pen so thaeshe may become accustomed so tier surround- ings. A close watch should be kept on her during these days in order to ward off constipation, which is the bug -bear of a great many swine breeders. Once this condition oc- curs very little can be done, so it is a matter of prevention rather than cure. When the animal is taken into Whalen Mr. and Mrs. A 'n ert Gunnand Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire vi�',ted with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore ori Sunday.-- Tr. and Mrs, Wm. Hodgson of Gann and Mr. and Mrs. John Hodson spent Sunday at Thames Road with relatives:—MIr, Frank Guru - m, ping attended Con,fr*nee at G.roder'- Few 'ch for Centralia ejrcuit.—,Mr. W. H. Penwarden has sold his 50 acre farm to Wm Smith, a returned soldier, at Elimv'lle,—Oscar Morley of Woodham has bought 80 acmes from Mr, Dins-- .rnore on the 10th of Blanchard and at ,»,?yes th ere this summler—_Mr. and ght Mee Arthur Baker last week motored ey to Zion's He`d-t and are visiting rela- er :v.>> at that place. --If the Good Roads As Glomrt e s:ocould seethe towntine run& nT from Whalen to Woodham we al the new quarter her feed should sloppy and at a laxative nature, liberal supply of roots and a sma amount of linseed oti meal belpin to bring about this condition. Tb meal rati=on for a brood sow ma consist of equal parts ground oat and wheat middlings. At the time of farrowing the so should be left alone but the atten dant should be keeping a watch o her to see that no trouble arises After farrowing the sow should no be disturbed for ten to twelve hours and her first feed should be UW more than a drink of water with little middlings in It, After this th ration may be .increased to full feed taking eight to tea days to do so Whenthe young pigs are weaned the ratios( should be cut down to stop the secretion of milk and. if it is necessary, turn the sow in with the young pigs once a day for a few days. if; when the pigs are born. the? are good and strong and vigorous they. should be lett alone for a while and as soon as the right tinge ar- rives they should be placedto the teat to suck as soon as possible. 1f the pigs are vigorous and healthy. nothing speolal need be done for them until they are two or three weeks old, by which time they should have learned to eat a little bit by picking around their mother's trough. At this time, If it iscon- venient, a small trotsgh. away from the large trough, should be provid- ed and the youngsters should be giv- en skim milk with a little a ;iddline, stirred into it. As the pigs grow older more middlings may be stirred into the milk. Outdoor exercise is very t^;,ort- ant for young pigs and eFu^ ::Flaw: should be need to induce the young pigs to take it, but precantione must be taken to protect the youngsters from. cold winds and the hot sun,. If the sow is turned out with the pigs she should not be given too much range at first unless the little fellows become unduly tired as a result of travelling too far. Boar pigs not intended for breed- ing purposes should be castrated be- fore weaning to get the best results, though there is not much danger in castrating at a latter date provided care is observed in connection with the operation. Clean hands and in- struments and disinfectant on the wound will overcome all danger of infection.—J, McBeath, B.S,9., O. A. College, Guelph. be a 11 wonder what they would think of our coup ;linen around here, This is a main road and used a great deal by autoy,s. It ; t.a+'d to be the worst piece o.+' road ea this part of Ontario. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delb idge and baby, Gordon, of Winlcheisea visited with Mrs. Delbridge's parents here on Sunday, -Wilbert Nielson and wife of near Mitchell motored to London on Sunday and met his brother Alvin, who returned home from Sibera.. They stopped at Whalen and visited their cousin, Mrs, John Wright and Geo. Millson,—Doin't forget the arni- v;;t.ary- here on Sunday, June tend, morning at 10.30 and evenieee at ; p> m,; also the grand strawberry festival on the Tuesday following: Bills will bout for nest week. AILS,A CRAIG e — e Craig 'bureiness nren are oh - e xerv'ne the Wednesday afternoon riot- s 'day during June, July and August le hat: become .a comatose .ustom En nary al; towns and v.ilages through- _ :rut Ontario,—John Alexander, son of n Mr. and firs. John Aletea;nder of town has passed his medical examenaition in t the London :elect -gal College, and is the head of the liet( Lost year e ee made a similar record.—Mr. Mor- e Shepherd. foreman of the Banner e Senns, had the misfortune the other seas. while esti& ng near to tut his na^el so badly as to requ°re several: Selling Cream Pays. Selling whole milk robs the young things on the farm --often the farm- er's own children, of needed milk - supply, hence many farmers are con- tent with Less ready cash secured by selling create in order to have better and more live -stock, and consequently richer soil, which, af- ter all, is the basis of good farming. —Prof. H. H. Dean, O. A. College. Guelph, Shipka Mrs. Ralph Herb and son of Windsor are vicsfieing her brothers, Afetssrs. M. and Wm. Sweitz•er, and other friends for a few weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. John Otto and Mrs. WitzeI of New Hamburg spent several days last week with their brother, Mfr. John Ra'tz.-Mr. Thos. Keys and family at- tended Cosnf'eeence in Goderich on Sunday. -Miss Irene McKeneiie as spending a few weeks with her broth- er in Wine son—Mr. Albert Geiser is all smiles over the arritt*al of a Wee- son.—Miss Pearl Keys sleeted friends in Guelph for a few= days last week. • Greenway Mr, and Mrs. A;, Gollerr and son Geo and Mr. Hartle and Margaret Steeper have returned from a week's yisit ,in 'Detroit,—fir. John Wilson and fam- ily of Arkona visited Mrs. Edwards on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Fos- ter motored to conference in Gode,ricin Sunday in their new car. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Law - relic e Pollock.—Mr. end Mrs. James Wilson and family Ivir•.; and Mrs. R. Wilson motored to Inwood and Alt n-. ston recently.—The annual S. S. rig= nig of the local Sunday School, will be held next . Saturday June 14 at Gran..1 Bend—aMr-, E. Mason is remodelling h',s home and improving it inside and out MARRIAGE 'LI"CENSES ' 1SSCTEr by C H. Sanders it the Advocate Jt net. Strictly confidential; no witnesr, Hensall Fir. `nth of Mich;aan visited whh father and family in the village.— NI- Albert Berry, son of Mr. and 'Mrs, 'John Berry r of the village, who enlist.. , or overseas service in the «lent, t e:t,1hiss parent:seeMr. William n jig"" eesett,?f Ceaora S ask., is visiting parents here,--Robt, Lorimer, well 3eea as the email contttector and slap driver between Heenan and Zur ....o- over r, r years, died ori Suntlat riu was buried on Tt esday in the Union cenetetery. He was a netleat ss. es -e- through a somewhat See ;ss, e, very pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of :ler and Mrs, John Eider, Hensall, on . June 4th. at -high noorr, when their eldest daughrer, Grace Victoria, was iz.ted n ma eemony to Mr. Robt. Mc- Kinley Peck, sort of Mr. and Mrs. \a- a Pe :t or Hensall. The ceremony s- h took, place under a beautiful a n o- bridal u'r+eath and fern, `was peetormed by Rev, George McKinley ;t. London, an uncle of the groom. The bride was daintily gowned in georgette erepe ;over appricot satin, and carried a shower bouquet of roses and lily of the valley. The young couple took a trip to Hamilton and Niagara Falls. CLINTON—Fire of an unknown or_ ;gin caused damage estimated at S8000 to the Snaith Block here on Sunday evening, when Roy Bali's photograph- ic studio, where the fire started, was partly gutted, and the three stores in the building were damaged by water. Hovey's drug store, Johnson's jewel- ry store and Meddes barber shop are housed in the buding and were dame aged by water thrown into: the build - Ins: to. contra: the blaze. Ball and hia family were out 'ef town when the fire started. RELIEF AT LAST I want to help you if you are suffering from bleeding, itching, blind or pro - trading Piles.. I can tell you how, in your own home and without anyone', assistance, you can apply the best of all treatments. P1 L -ES "T I promise to send you a FREE trial e[ the new absorption treatment, and user• ferences from your o*n locality if yon will but write and ark. I assure you of immediate relief. Send no money but tell others of this offer. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Sus 840 Windsor, Ont. DAIRYMEN `here are many ways in which this Bank can assist you int addition, to granting loans when required and providing a safc place for your savings. Call upon us at the first opportunity and let us explain what a complete banking service means to you. THE CANADIAN AN�DIA. N BANI OF COMMERCE EXETER BRANCH - CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH A. E. KUHN, Manager 3. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches scattered tbrorghunt Canada. A Bonsai Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters oil•' Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 'Interest Wawa. at bialfaat /ovreit rate EXETER BRANCH T S. WOODS, Manager MITCHELL --Weddings last week— Mies Pearl daughter of John. A, Hill to Jacl• A. Mathis, C. P. R. '(gent at Puslinch.; On. June 3rd Miss agaes Tomlinson to Norman McNeirn; On May 28th, Sylvia Heale, daughter of Charles S. Thome to William WY, man Stanton of Winnipeg ; On June 3rd, Bessie 4Tay, daughter of Charles B. Walkom, to Albert Earl Pounder of Stratford. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C, H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly rsc tly C tnsf i danitiart • no r witness GRAY DORT The Crowning Virtue Tj XPERIENCED motorists determine a .ud car's value by the service it renders. To them, this is the paramount virtue.. This is one of the qualities that constitute the crowning recommendation of the Gray -Dort car. , You want speed in the stretches, power for hills and poor roads, flexibility and easy pick-up for city driving the Gray -Dort motor gives all these abundantly. Comfort, of course—over any road. A roomy body, deep upholstery, long springs, insure it. In every phase of motor service that men value you'll find the Gray -Dort excels. And this service you get year after year—service far surpassing the price you Day. :::w vi-^ :v:.. The touring car is $1245; the Gray -Dort Special—the car with added refinements and extra equipment, is $135 extra; there. are also a coupe, .and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham and are subject to change without notice. GRAY-DORT .MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham, Ont. In the U.S.—Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich. r H. Newell, Dealer Exeter, Ont. FLORE �lF AUTOMATIC" OIL ICOOK STOVES c N',31y pa 4f9 � ss• � ii GREAT comfort in the heat ' of .summer! No hot range to bother with—no shaking down —no ashes to carry out. No wicks to clean. And remember, no fuel is cheaper than kerosene. McClary's Florence Automatic with a McClary's . Success oven is the finest baking outfit you could use. Have a cool kitchen this summer. Can and see the McClary'LFlorence Automatic in actual operation. S old• bar .yl -w �.• avklins Clary