HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-6-5, Page 5121
Full weight of tea in
every package
TEAIS good to
Sold only in sealed packages
Ace 4RA:eam
The finishing touch to a good meat—Silverwood's
Ice Cream,
Its creamy taste and pure fruit flavors are a real delight,
Many fine dishes can be served with ice cream,
making dainty desserts for special occasions.
Slverwood's is pure pasteurized cream— hornogenized.
Bricks In all
Look for the
For Sale by Wilson & Simms
How Can ISave-s
With Profit?
In May
Cost $4.04
in June
Cost $4.05
tivAiLingit Stamp!
Nth 114 bavtht WA:r
roof Mia sign la
Many wage-earners are asking them-
selves this question.
They do not want to put a quarter in
the bank at a time, and before they
know it, it is gone for trifles.
The Government has provided a simple
plan to enable you to save that quar-
ter in such a way that it will earn you
more money.
Twenty-five cents buys a Thrift Stamp.
Sixteen Thrift Stamps become a War
Savings Stamp, for which the Govern-
ment will pay you $5.00 fir► 1924.
If you lend the Government your sav-
ings in this way, you can make your
money earn over 4% % compound in-
terest as often -as you save $4.00 odd.
This h not only easy and profitable in-
vestment, but patriotic investment, be-
cause the Government needs money
for the heavy financing of the recon-
struction period.
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Your Country—Invest Them in
War Savings Stamps.
Is a Pure Bred Standard Bred Stal-
lion. He hes been ;enrlo led and i'nF-
spec'ted Form :ALF. 'His enrolment
number is 5348. His sire tie Exponent
47150 and his dam Maybar, recorXi,2.25.
He has ars excellent pedigree, tracing
back to Hamblet urian ,10, Reid Wilkes
Mambrino Chief George Wilkes and
Blue Bull. He'• .te1,1 . stand for mare's
during June orally at R. T. • Lukler's
stable. Exie;ter..f ,Terms, $25 to insure.
RED HEIR 5021 •
The famous Willkes Standard bred
TTtrotting Sltapltion wiibI be at his own
stable, Metropolitatn, Hotel, Exeter; for
season at 1919.;, See cards for ped-
igree and terms.—Wm. Mitchell.
Unexcelled dining car service
Slletepiing cars on night trains am
Parlor cars on principal ,day trains:
Full 'information from a,ny Grana
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, Toth/go'N. J. DORE
Phone 46w Avant, .Exetee
_Miss Annite Witten ,w•ae the! guest of
Miss Edna B,riintnell ,over the week-
end -Fred Simmons ams enjoying the
hot day; taking his friends; out art his
new ,Grey Dort.—George Dalrample
has treated his friends to a Baby
Grand Chevrolet.—Tihe Misses Mater
of Seafiorth spent the week end under
the parental roof. — - Little Mins!
Oughtoi.of Seafor'th.visitte•d the Miss-
es -Bolton over the week end. -Miss
Rossi,e ,Bajaadfoat ait'tendeld, tire'pie*
from Exeter to ,Grand Bemnd, June 3rd.
—W. L. Iuei,+s,Balne and family visited
relative.; at Winjc1 eesee Sunday.—What
about :the b.ee at 'thee! Gemetery ?
is the root of nearly all digestive
evils. Ifyour digestion is weak or
out of kilter, better eat less and use
� I
the new aid . to ',better digestion.
Pleasant to take --effective. Let
Xi -plaids -help straighten out your
' digestive troubles.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the headers of our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,
Hyman Shotkin, Toronto, aged 6 ee
years, was fatally injured by an auto.
Col W. A. Bishop, V.C:, has been,
ordered by his doctor to take a com-
plete rest.
Judge Charles Chamilly de Lori -
mien, of the Quebec Superior Court,
died at Montreal, aged ZG,
The allies will recogaeze the Gov-
errlrrreut of Admiral Kolchak and
Gen. Demkim conditionally,
Premier Borden and Maj. -Gen..
Morrison were tendered an enthus-
iastic reception at Ottawa.
Llewelyn Roberts, formerly of St.
Catharines, was found on the Island
shore, Toronto, with his throat cut..
The body of Captain Fryatt will be
brought home to Englandand given
burial similar to that of Miss Edith
The commission inquiring. inta;iln-
dustrial conditiona heerd testimbny
from Toronto representativeg of var-
ious activities.
Col, H. A. C. Machin and others
hotly criticized prohibition legisla-
tion at a meeting of the Citizens'
Liberty League, Toronto..
A joint congress of the Canadian
Public Health .Association and the
Ontario Health Officers' Association
is in session at Toronto,
The French Government has secur-
ed from the German peace delegation
an assurance that it will ask for no
further extension of time.
The India Office annoyances that
the request of the epnimander-in-
chief of the Afghan ore for an
armistice is merely a device to gain
Nathaniel Brown, a returned sol-
dier, lately married, who had started
fire ranging a week before, was
drowned Friday evening in Kapuska-
sing river.
The bakers at St. John and Mil-
ford, N.B., and Halifax, have been
notified by the Cost of Living Com-
missioner to reduce their prices,
which are found too high.
Joseph Manion and his wife of
Huntley, and Mrs. Ryan of Ramsay,
were instantly killed, and Mr. Ryan
seriously injured, when a motor car
was struck by a C.P.R. train at Carle-
ton Place.
The Austrian peaee terms will be
submitted bythe allies on Friday.
St. Thomas citizens carried two
money by-laws by large majorities.
Two thousand soldiers arrived in
Ontario from the Aquitania and
Sir Robert Baden-Powell inspected
Boy Scouts at the University Sta-
dium, Toronto.
The Ontario Medical Association
opened its annual session by a round-
table dinner.
Hydro charges in Guelyh have
been reduced for power to $19 per
E. R. Vincent, of Guelph, was fat-
ally crushed when a packing case
fell on top of him.
A further increase in savings de-
posits of $33,000,000 is shown by the
April bank statement.
Admiral Kolchak is again advanc-
ing against the Bolsheviks, who are
falling back on the Volga.
Win. J. Quinn, of Odessa, was
drowned at Kingston, while working
outside a boat on a scaffold, which
gave way.
Sir Thotuas White announced in
the Commons last night that the bud-
get would be brou alit down. on
Thursday of next week.
John D. Hahn, of Kitchener, drop-
ped dead while talking with a friend
on the street, waiting for his doctor
-to perform a minor operation on him.
Lieut. W. H. Fenton, M.C., was
chosen U. F. 0. candidate for North
Bruce at the next provincial election,
and John F. Ford, of Trafalgar, was
nominated as U. F. 0. candidate for
The 'bill for the incorporation of
the Canadian National Railways Co.
was read the third time in the Sen-
ate yesterday, after two ainendments
from the Opposition side had been
The Italian troops who occupied
Sokia, fifty miles southeast of
Smyrna, Asia Minor, have re -'embark-
ed on their transports. They turned
over the control to Turkish military
Isaac Johnston died at Halifax at
the age of a hundred years.
The joint Congress on Public
Health has concluded its sessions.
Graduates in the department of
social service, University of Toronto,
received their diplomas.
The Province of Ontario is borrow-
orrowing four million dollars in the United
States at 4.90 per cent.
A conferenoe to consider means of
combating venereal disease in Can-
ada is called at Ottawa.
Returned soldiers and trade union-
ists of -Cape Breton are, it is said,
about to form an alliance.
Greek- troops are reported to be
advancing from Smyrna toward Mag-
nesia, ' the `Turks retiring before
The Michigan State Legislature
legalized ten -round boxing bouts in
which referees will be permitted to
give decisions.
Frank Bull of Toronto beat Jake
Schiffer of Buffalo in their return
bout. . Schiffer, recently got a deci-
sion over Bull.
Hydro municipalities' representa-
tives empowered Sir Adana .Beck to
i e with at w th e pm -1
oyes on the Chip-
pewa canal work.
Hawker and Grieve were received
by ;X£ing George at Buckingham
Palace and subsequently saw Queen
Mary and the Prince of Wales.
A. Radial Railway car was hacked
to pieces at the rear of the Ontario
Agricultural cloacae. It is alleged
the vandalism was;. by students:
Wom4n.will bepermitted to cepa
pete for the King's Prize at Bisley
this year. Canada's team is con-
sidered to have an unusually good
The threatened strike of .Hydro
employes has been averted, the men
getting an eight-hour day, dpuble
time for Sundays and holidays, and
time and a half for all other over-
The - Regina and, the Carmania,
with Canadian tropps aboard, docked
at Halifax.
The Toronto job printers accepted
the offer of the employers of $32 for
a 48-hour week,
Mr, Bonar Law states in the House
of Commons that Anglo-American re-
lations are most cordial.
According to data just published,
the Germans lost 198 submarines
during the course of the war.
The Balkan States have asked the
allied powers for further time to con-
sider the peace terms offered.
The fruit crop prospects in Nia-
gara peninsula are somewhat dimin-
ished by the leaf curl and brown rot.
As an outcome of the war grenade
throwing has replaced the Marathon
on the program of the next Olympiad.
Commander J. K. L. Ross will re-
tire the famous stake horse, Sir Bar-
ton, at the end of the present
The members of the Canadian
Corps Cavalary Brigade have been
invited to volunteer for strike duty
in ease the need arises.
Vera de Lavelle, the girl who was
mixed up in Frank McCullough's es-
cape from the Toronto Jail, has also
escaped from the same jail.
The Sault Ste, Marie branch of the
G.W.Y.A, unanineouslyy voted to op-
pose the Calgary resolution asking
for a gratuity from $2,000 down,
Lincoln. County Council, after
meeting for two hours, adjourned till
June 15, deeming farm work more
important than county business just
The Toronto physicians in conven-
tion at the Physics Building scored
the action of the Strike Committee
in assuming to exempt them from a
strike call.
Dr, E. T, Edie of Galt, for many
years a well-known physician in Grey
county, is dead.
Between seven and eight thou-
sand Toronto workmen went out on
a general strike.
A decrease is reported in the num-
ber of communicable diseases in the
province for the month of May.
liitindred of Brockville citizens in-
spected the interior of the. German
submarine UC -97, which is proceed-
ing up the lakes.
Premier Lloyd George says the
Germans will have to sign the treaty
either at Versailles or in Berlin. The
allies will not give way.
The Russian Soviet Government
has decid. a to recruit. Russian pris-
oners from Gexrnany for the "Red"
army wherever possible.
Owing to the strike situation, the
annual convention of the G.W.V.A.
scheduled for June 5-14 at Van-
couver, is postponed until further
Hope Township Council will raise
each', year a memorial fund, at the
rate of one mill on the dollar, to
assist disabled soldiers and their
Lieut, -Col. C. A. Denison is retir-
ing from the position of chief ac-
countant of the Standard Bank, after
forty-one years' continuous service in
that post.
Wm. Douglas, a returned soldier,
was buried in Owen Sound with mili-
tary .honors; his son, Carpi. George
Douglas, arrived home the night be-
fore he died.
Two new cores were delivered by
the Germans to the Peace Confer-
ence. The first concerns German
property in allied countries and the
second has to clo with the Turkish
public debt. -
A large tierce cf Bolsheviki is re-
ported to b4 no. ilizing at Jazanka,
in the Suchen t.. ining district, ac-
cording to a deeeatch from Vladi-
vostok. They meu,tate an attack on
the allied :nine guards.
Eugene N. De Schelting a Russian
diplomat, speaking at Montreal un-
der the auspices of the Alliance
Francaise, averred that there are 62
secret Bolshevist societies in Canada,
and that those in Montreal have
15,000 members.
The Royal Canadian Dragoons
were accorded a tine reception in
Rev. John Somerville, D.D., treas-
urer of the Presbyterian Church, is
Jess Willard has arrived at Toledo
and will go into training for the bout
on July 4.
Hawker's airplane, which was sal-
vaged, is to be placed on exhibition
in London.
William Wedd, the last survivor of
the old Upper Canada College, died
in his 95th year.
The U. S. naval plane, NC -4 has
completed its flight by reaching Ply-
mouth on. Saturday.
The Quebec Board of Trade op-
poses •further nationalization of rail-
ways for the present.
Harley Shepard, reputed one of the
best swimmers in Brantford, was
drowned in the Grand river.
Norma Yvette Richard, two years
old, died at Montreal from swallow-
ing a ring in a package of candy. •
Join Fitzgerald, a C. P. R. line-
man,'of Indian river, near Havelock,
was drowned at Tharnesford while,
The troopships Megantic,. Meta-
gama and Corsican are making slow
Passage up the Gulf and river owing
to fog.
Pasquale Catalano, of Thorold,
was shot ' and probably mortally
wounded at St. Catharines, the as-
sailant escaping.
two drivers and a mechanician
were killed and tun others injuredred in
the 500 -mile automobile race run at
Indianapolis on Saturday.
Probably the largest family in On-
tario isthat of Mr. and Mrs; Albert
Schingh, 'of :Ottawa; whose ;twenty-
first baby: was born on Thursday. ,
East Middlesex Liberals in,conveg
tion at London Saturday were told.
of plans: ;tg 0,rgan1ae associatlans im
31 Federal constituencies in. Ontario.
1': D1601'S
611 41
ImiladiKtheTwodbY. , uia•
e INFANTS . Cull nxtti
'hereby ot�6 t
ileetfidaessaa l ne
neither um,
Mineral cam`
Y �oaa
mop sit
Vonstipa1ionand iarrhoea
and Feverishness and
!,O,tSS OR P
Tnn C A Cow'ntt�
1 ion & sew'nor ^--,
tt b wu.1th+ uid
Exact Copy of Wr. pper,
For Infants and Chiu l len.
Mothers Know That
Genuine CasLria
Bears the
for Ovr
Thirty Years
TMs. aa$MANR 114aMr1401'r', Mar Yo.4K
hte4srs. F. Th feel and R. E. Appel
were visitors in t tch:ene.t'.—i fr. R. J.
Kalbflieisch of the 11 ol(sons Basil;
staff, Alvixlston, spent the week' -end
at his home.—Mrs. Maggie McWaters
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Well
of :this village was wilted in marriage
in Detroit on May 21; to Mr. Wagner
of that city. 'They will restide in De-
troi —Tu
rs<iaZJune 5th the first
half holiday in un'cwill be observ-
ed. All stores w(;11 close at 12 o'clock
noon and .remain closed until Friaday
morning.—Dr. .A, J. Mckinnon attend-
ed a convention at Toronto for a few
days.—Miss Margaret. Stelck, nurse of
Guelph, is nisliting at the, home of her
mother Mrs. M. Stelck,r-Mr. and Mrs,
Sol. Bechler and Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
Gingerich are visiting reliatives at
Pigeon, Mich.—The Canadian Bank-
er's Associatilon have again announc-
ed a competition for _boys and girls
under 17 years of age, to be held in
connection with the Zurich Fall Fair,
Liberal cash prizes are offered to
boy; and girls who exhibit pigs or
calve. at the Zurich Fair,—Jfe;ssrs,
Stewart and Clifford Stelck, eons of
Mr. Levi Stelck of Dauphin, Man, vis-
ited ;relatives here thus week. They
both enlisted in the Canadian Navy
and were stationed at Halifax and are
on their way home ito Dauphin.
Many have their worst colds
during the warm months. A
very little of
Scott's Emulsion
after meals, puts that quality
into the blood that helps thwart
that rundown condition that is
so depressing. Build up your
vitality—try Scott's.
Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont; 19.6
Learn to Drive With
It Makes time and patience. 'to learn
to drive an automobile. The many .in-
tricate ,parts of a carr are not easily
understood. It !takes months of con-
stant driving before you pan master)
the details of drivpng any automobile
suilicienily to justify you in, taking a
chance with an expennsive. new car.
Buy a used car first and;, learn to
master thoroughly the fine points of
driving a car before you s.pen;d your
hard learned cash for a new; one. Good
used ,cars are adv.*ti.seld alt bargain
prices ;every day in the, class3a,fiedcol-
tunas of The London Tree, Press, Fore
a few hundred dollars—often as low'
as ,$150—you can buy a car' in excel-
lent mechanical condlttson. The ap-
pearance of course, may not be just
what you would like, but nleitth:er
would the appearance ,of a new car
after n few encounters with telegraph
poles andother immovable objects.
Listen 10 y!our judgment rather than
your pride and buy a used car first
Read the Want Ads in The London
Fres Press and in your local paper,
too, to -day for bargains in used auto-
mobiles. If the particular car you
.want isn't advertised to -day, read
these ads• again to -'marrow and the
next day. Eventually the car you
want will be advertis'e'd., Everybody
should read Want Adis, They save
time, money and worry.
et 'Centralia, on Saturday, June 7th;
'at '-1 o'clock, the following, `
Plors;es.-1 aged horse, horse 11 yrs.
horse 7 years horse 6 years.
Livery Equipment.—Platform wager.
2500 lbs. capacity; platform wagon,
2000 lbs cap.; duplex wagon, 1500 lbs
cap„ single democrat, nearly new; wa-
gonette, 6 passenger; dray; 2 top
Surreys; 1 Stanhope buggy nearly new
2 set of new trunk sleighs; 3- seated
pleasure sleigh; single slci h ; Glad-
stone cutter; 4 single cutters, some
nearly new; double covered pleasure
sleigh; 2 set of solid nickle bus or
trunk harness, 1 nearly new ; 1 Glad-
stone collar and hames, neatly new ;
set carriage harness, solid me el e near
ly new; six set single, harries', ; ;et of
double breast collars ; about ten good
robes ; 3 pair good woollen h•ankets ;
6 good rugs ; quantity dusters wh'ps,
bits, sweat pads, halters, boo ;, ••al-
lars, bridles, pole straps, bells, stable
blankets, forks, shovels, 2 clocks,
brooms, wrenches, jacks, pictures,
clipping machine, sewing ma.:hine, cu-
shions, top seats, notes, wh tlLetrees,
neckyokes, rubbers, writing desk, 2
stoves, 12 chairs, lounge, plow, scuf-
tier, set harrow's, 20 foot ladder, 12
foot ladder; new wheelbarro v ; ow -
bars, barn jack, clothes line reel, new ;
bedstead, torchlight, large whitewash
and spray pump, coal oil heater, ouan
tity of good tools; 2000 fee. ro..-k elm
oak, basswood and ash lumber, all
dressed; cement pounder, oil or gas
tank, quantity of whiffletrees and
neckyokes, all turned; baseball bats;
number of stall posts already groov-
ed out; cupboard, refrigerator, 3 bus
tops and cushions, boring maca'ne,
2 crosscut saws, 2 buck saws, scy,he.
hays -fork, car and pulleys, tent, 8
window awnings, grass seeder; one
Fox Terrier dog, Etc.
Real Estate—A twofstarey brick
house on 3-5 land, with livery stable
70x81, woodshed and henhouse, hard
and soft water, etc.
Also one -storey frame house, goad
stable and large bene -house, lot being
3-5 acre.
Terms—$10.00 and under cash; over
that amount 6 months' credit oa ap-
proved joint notes. A discount of 6
per cent. per annum off for cash en
credit amounts.
Terms of Real Estate, 'made known
on day of sale.
G. G. ESSERY, Prop.
C. W. Ro bins on & F. Taylor, Au: ts.
F. Coates, Clerk.
Notice to Creditors
Of the. Estate of Thomas Ellerington
late of the Village sof Exeter, .n
the County of Huron, Genthane-,
Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121
of the Revised Statutes of Ontar`o,
1914, notice is hereby given that all
creditors and others having claims or
demands against the estate of Thomas
EEllerington, late of -the Village of x •-
eter, in the County of Huroa, who
died on or about the Eighth day of
June, A. D. 1918, are on or before
the Sixteenth day of June, An 0.;1919
to send by post, prepaid, to .Isaac
R. Carling, soiicittor for the Execut-
ors sof the said deceased, their C,hristr-
fan naives and surnames, address and
des;cfriptions, the full particulars' of
their chaims, a statement of theiri ac-
counts and the nature of the secur-
ities if any, held by them
And take notice 'that after said
last mentioned date the said Exacta -
tor:: will procieed to distrli:bute the
assets of the deceased among the per -
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which they ~hall
then have notice and that the said
Executor.; will neo be fable, for
said assets or any part thereof, to any
person or persons ruf whose claims
notice shall' not' have been `received
by their 5olacr,io. at the. time of ,:stick
distribution: ,
Dated at Ei to f, tat 27th ''day of
May, A.D., 1919.
. Solicitor fo.- Execui' -s
Exeter P. O.