HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-29, Page 8EXE rER AfVOGATV$1.-PBi,7113D Y, M:AY 28 181.8 Exeter Markets Local Doings • Changed each Wednesday Mrs. Blake had the misfortune too 'Fag Wheat ,,,,,, .. 2,11 fall over a chair on Friday last, and Spring Wheat ,,.,... 2.06 to break her arra. Oast, e 70 On Thurtsday the body of the late Barley ,..k.°,,, -, 1.10 William Davis at the Exeter cemetery. Family Flour 5.70 was taken up and placed in a steel Bram, buyer's bags ... 42.00 vault Short;, buyer's "bags 46,00 gr. Ernest Harvey, who was re- ."°""^ ' .'e:,t:.y operated 'on in London, has re:- Egg A Dairy Butter .•- 5a mere anturned to his hoe here is ini- Creamery Butter Lard 37 proving; nicely. Potato.> per bag ...... ......... 1,75 to 2,00 The past four ,or five, warm summer Hay 16,00 day have been busy ones. Seeding IX 21.00 ha, been completed,and tolvnsneople Hoag ,,,.•... ,,,,., have planted their garden stuff, many putting revery"thing in the same day, being afraid of More rain. T riv tt Memorial Church ae*w vi,, ee as usual on Sunday, REV. C U. PHERRILL, B. L)., o l' irkton preach morning an.'I ev ening, Renerneo the dates of C h enamel 'ento .:,sari i'n ai Heaman's Hardware Ma; 29:h. 3i}th and 31st. CARD OF 1°IIANK,S. The to nee of the late Mr.. Jaynes Bisset: d sees to thank the friends and nc:ghbor s for kindnesses shown during the illness and death of their mother. Be your Town decorator, See Chi- siamel I.lemon;,+,tration. at Heamenfs Hardware May 29th, 30th and alar, Harvey's Flour is good flour. NOTICE All shareholders of the Exeter Turf Club who have not paid their fee are requested to do so ort or before June 2nd at sae Bank of Commen e, or to the Set etary, R. G. Seldon, All fees not paid by that date, the membership will be aneelled.—R. G. Seldon, Ser. HOUSECLEANING TIME is here again. Try a bottle of The Waekins Furniture Polish. The Iarge bottle for the small price. Give it a trial and you will be convinced. Wm, Andrew Agent, Phone 43, Exeter. PUPS FOR SA.LE. A number of tint •. is s Cai! e pups for sale. Apply to \Vm. Preszeator, ,Stephen, Exater P. t),, R. R. 1. See Chi-namel Demonstratuon at Heatnan': Hdwe, May 29, 30 and 31. Horsemen ! Get ready to have your Horse Bills printed, and order early so that there will be no delay. We give you sat- irsfaction.—The Advocate. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from that last sack of Modell is the best we everhed in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; ran give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. WANTED Caretaker for Exeter School. Apply in writing on or before Monday, June Znd, at 6 p.m.,. For full information regarding duties see Miss K. MacFaul, Secy -Treats, * • THE WATKINS AGENT .handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the maikert.. Only sold by their agents to the corzsunzer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phonic 43 A 25c. tin of Chv-namel free by buying a 15c. Brush at Heaman's Hdwe during Chi -name' demonstration May 19, 30 and 31. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The r ^-i- cit of the Corporation of County +' `iuron will meet in +he counci• '•nber, in the Town of Goderkh ? Tuesday, June 3rd at 3 o'clock 1 i to. afternoon. All a •c'a.r 1i s must be in the hands of the Cicr': on or before the Monday pre:cedi.v4 the meetimg of the, council. Dates Gcderich, May 17, 1919 GEO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk. Court of Revision WLLAGE OF EXETER N OT: "E is hereby given that a Court ,r' Revision of the Asstessment Roll o: 'he Village of Exeter will hold it. rst meeting in the Town Hall, E .ler, on Monday, the 9th day of June, 1919, at 7,30 p.m. jos: Senior, Clerk, EExeiter, Ont. H a if Holiday We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to ciose our places of business on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and- May W. J. Heaman H. Spackman H. S. Waiters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W`, J. Beer. P. Farayne tri " tiv'erS'. W Grigg Stationery Co. . R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner. S. ,Fitton: • J. Lawson Telephone Office open. The Times The Advocate The fee paid to municipal clerks for making returns of births, marriages and death has been ince eased frons 20 cents to 25 cents for each case. They must now make their returns monthly instead of quarterly. The Z4th was a quiet day in town. (nue of out people attended the .,ports in Clinton and some went to London to see the 18th Battalion re- turn home. The Mitchell sports ow- ing to ;he bad weather were ealied oft. Mr, Wilbur Mttehel?, who recently returned from overiseas, has rented the Metropolitan Hotel from his fatli. er and will take possession June 1st to oonduct the business, Mr. Wm. Mitchell Will continue to live at the hotel, but will devote his, time to his horse. On Friday evening last Miss Stella Gregory entertained thirty of her friends at six o'elock dinner and. an evening "musicale" at her home on William St, The Main Si, church or- chestra was in attendance .ind a most delightful even+ng was spent. The af- fair was in honor o: her guest, Pte. J R. Stuart of the 43rd Camerton Ii&ihlandets of Winnipeg, who has just recntly returned from France, hevuig beer. on active •ervire there lo -over three years. He caiue tarough 1ely without a > ,star„ ttl here 1' he :.sok part in all ane !ear's leieereig during all that tune. At the sieteng c t the armistice he was at v 31- c nc %eft s .•, Previous to enlisting in Winnpeg in 1915, he had been. exteee -«vely engaged for several years in the grain rernn ,sten, business throughout the West. --- MAIN' STREET CHURCH. The ;erviees next Sunday will be conducted by the minister, Rev. Dr, E. Medd. In. the evening service he will give a Prelude on Current Events and Mr::. (Dr,) Nixon, formerly of Calgary, but now a teacher of music in the Regina Cona ea vatory, will sing. Hear her,. Mrs, Nixon is visiting her eousin, Mrs. Dore of towns The church seats are all free, Come in and feel at home. Miss °Eliza Oke of Toronto is vis- iting here. Mrs. Dejean visited in Toronto for a few days, Mr, Leon Treble of London was among the holiday visitors. Mr. Will Manson of London, was up over Sunday with his parents, Mrs. J. ,Willis Powell, who is i11, is visiting her Mother in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Heideman of Toronto were here over the holiday. Miss Susie Case of Jordan spent a few days during the week with friends here. Miss Fern Short of London visited over Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Miss Lela Sanders of Stratford Nor- mal spent the holiday with her par- ents here. Mr, Jonathan I,:ydd has returned from London and is recovering nicely after his op.eratirons. Mrs. Russell Redden and son jack of Windthorst, Sask., are visiting in Exeter and vicinity. Miss Fanny Bowey and gentleman friend, Mr, Kenneth Clarke of London were here over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Percy, Miss Rose and Misses Rousom of London spent 24th at -the home of Mr. W. J. Bissett Mrs. C. Miners of Pt. Edward is vis- iting wihz friends and relatives in town, the guest of her brother, Mr. J. N. Howard. Mr. Samuel . G. F.inkbeiner, and lady friend, Miss Frances M. Tremaine, of Sarnia, are vieieing Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywood for a week. Mr. Rus .'ell• Flynn .of the Bacon staff, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Flynn of London were visitors with relatives over the holiday. Miss E. Eleanor Regan of Main, St. parsonage and Miss Whitlock of Beth- any are attending the W. M. S. Con- vention in Stratford this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of Leam- inLgtonn. are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Medd, Main street parsonage. Mrs. Medd acid Mrs. Ainslie are sisters. County Clerk Holman and son Gor- don; the latter late from overseas, visited for a few days during the Week with friends and relatives in town. Rev. Harvey Posher, late frorm over- seas, is visiibing his coubins, Ma-. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers Mrs. Wm.. Beavers of B;ererylarid and Mrs. Fos - ter of Caledonia also "visited them during the week. Ford Car for Sale -1918 Model. Good as new. Apply to •W. J. Beer. NOTICE REPRESENTATIVE WANTE1). One of the Most progre,sisive .Cai - 'aclien Ltfe'Insuraiice' Companies' with . P over $I f;000'000 ineut anne hi force,rc c , wants .-i'repre.sentative Exeta rud • vicinity. A ,guaranteed continuing re- newal interest agency contract Pa+et- vious lifte,insurance experience inot es- eential. Confidential. Box U, Exeter Read This and Get Your Order in Early. THE COMING TWO WEEKS WILL BE THE LEADING WEEKS FOR Pine Apples SO PHONE YOUR ORDER TO PHONE 56 AND WE WILL DELIVER WHEN PRICES ARE THE CHEAPST AND PINES ARE THE BEST Wilson & Simms Miss Mildred Rowe visited this week in Clinton. Mr, Linden Harvey was home troll) Toronto this week, Mr. WilI Manson ,of London was home for the %%leek end. Mr. and Mrs. B. AL Francis motor- ed to Bright for the week end, Mr, Oscar Andcntson of Sarnia visited his parents here this week', Mr. Coleman Moncur of Peterboro visited his parents here over the week. end. Miss Ella Link of Plattsville was among the number to spent the 24th in town. .Messrs. Victor and Harry Sweet of Windsor visited 'their parents hereon the 24th. Mr. Russell Vanstone of Brantford visited his aunt, Mrs. Amos, over the holiday. Mrs. W. `ti'alper is spending two weeks with friends in Washington and Romeo, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Jones and Mr. and Mrs. F. Durdle of St. Thomas were visitor,=: here this wl4ek. Rev C O. Pherrill, B„ 11„ of ,irk - tori and Rev, A. A. Trumper will ex• t hinge pulpits next Sunday, Mr. Brickwood and daughter Jessie of London visited with Mr, and Mrs, W. Brickwood over the 24th, Jlis� M Blatchford and Miss A. Beverley of Toronto spent the hol- iday with their parents here. Miss Drew of Toronto, who visited Mrs. S. Fitton, sang very acceptably in James Street church Sunday ev'g, Miss Clara Vosper, has returned after several months visit in Toronto and London. She has improved con- elderably in health, Mr ,and Mrs. ,Luther Braund and family of Brantford spent the holi- day oliday with the former's patients, Mr. and Mrs. D. Braund, Mr. S. A. Popie'stone was in town from Blyth 'on Saturday. Mr. Poples. stone has been very illi but he is im- proving nicely now. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Amy and son and daughter of Brantford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. M. Amy and other friends in this vicinity aver the holiday. Mr. Alex Stewart, Mr. W. Dear- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet and daughter, Miss Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt, and Miss Catharine In- wood of London were holiday visitors in town with irelatives. Mr. James A. Sanders of Wood- stock, who, spent the week end here with relatives,. returned home Mon day evening, We understand he has partly closed a deal for the purcha,a of a large retail shoe store in Wood - tock. Mr. D. F. Ferguson, of Winnipeg spent Thursday of last week in -town with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Birney. He intended remaining for several days but owing to the strike and trouble in Winnipeg, which had not begun when he left, he was compelled to return to his home the same evening. HOW'S YOUR BLOOD ,7 Pimples. and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or impover- ished blood should he careful to take only a temperance remedy made of wild roots and barks such as Dr. Pierce's' Golden Medical Discovery is and has been for nearly 50 years. Ingredients. printed on wrapper. The first day you start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accumulation begin to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the eliminative organs. 'In place of the impurities, the aP teries and veins gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this good blood on the skin means that pim- ples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all skin blemishes will disap- pear. Then you must remember that. when the blood is right, the liver, stom- ach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous an g dY will w 1 have no more trouble with indigestion, back- ache, headache. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery to -day at any medicine dealers, in tablet or liquid form, or send 1Oc for trial package to Dr. Pierces invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y Wmasoa,9nr.—+' For • over -three serve 1 suf- fered with stomach and liver trouble. I would bloat up, paps would form on my stomach and causer Me'to.be terribly distress'.d et, times. Y•; Also broke out with ring worms,. ' 1 doctored -and medicine ie took ed ine. butid. d not'get. any relief of irndl Indy advised; Me to try Dodds' Pierce's Golden Medical Dieeoyesy. which I did. and: itLo, thy 'Pleasant Pellets,` and I am glad to lay that these medicines so completely cured me that 1 have never had any return of these aIlments,o— line. rearm= Hoopes, 4 Albert Street. • JONES 1VLAY NlONE 32 CANADA, FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 HOT WEATHER GOODS JUNE COMMENCES THE HOT WEATHER MONTHS. Our stock of summer goods in now; complete. We would advise an early visit to this store to stock up for the hot weather to come, Another Shipment of Colored. Dress Voiles We have just received another shipment of beautiful colored wash voile. These are all in exclusive drees lengths, so the patterns will not be common, Prices $1.00 and '$1,25 a yard. Clearing of Odd Lines of Wash Goods at 39c.! yd 200 yards of fine repos, foulards, muslins, etc., in odd lines and brok- en ranges of patterns to clear this inonth at only 39c, yd. Our Ladies Ready-to-wear Department In this department our summer stock is complete. The very latest styles are here shown:, New Middles, Wash Dresses, House Dreas.es, White Skirts, Suits, Coats, Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Etc„ at remarkably treasonable priees, SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES' ALL WOOL COAT SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS The Mon's Straw Hats are Here Straw Hat time for meta and boys is here again. We have, the very latest styles in Panamas, Sailors, Ete., also a complete stock of common etraw work hats. f; ? ; . Men's Furnishings for Summer This department in aur store is becoming more popular every week, \Ve are ready for summer with new ties, shirts, soft collars, cotton py- jamas and night gowns; leather belts, caps, hats, suits, etc, See our eel- ebrated athletic underwear for the hot weather. Boots and Shoes Our stock of white canvas shoos for ladies, men and children is ready for your inspection. White shoes for ladies will be more popular than ever for street wear We have a complete stock of white canvas shoes with rubber soles for aU outing purposes, A complete stock of Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords now ready for the hot weather, House Furnishings Exceptional values in House Furnishings are being shown for June. JONES & MAY Headlnutairters for 'the Ceiteblratted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing 'feet i! ,O t and •Boy.g, Mr. Wm, Higgins and family, who moved from Exeter to Seaforth a couple of years ago, have now moved to Clinton. WANTED—A good man at Exetdr and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Ponthill Nurserlesl, Pros- pects for business brightest in years. We are offering a complete lists of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginning on new slep.son,'s busirne;ss. Exclu sive territory, high- est .commissions, handsome free out- fit. STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO, ONTARIO. Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guaiianteeed. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VETLRINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened en office in McDoafell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day ar night: Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICI1.. Dr. Henry A. Corsant has Nought he practice of Sweet & Read and ,will continue business at the same stand, Calls promptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amiount of private 'umds to Joan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S7 i .NBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R CARLING,. B. A. Barrister,Solicitor, Notary Public, , Commissoner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons Bank, Etc Money to loan at '-.west rates of Interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. &CENTRAL ems. e,`r Ai'in'QRL'1.. OMT.. We .h'a e Te er ,' h.: Com •'�'erci+i Q1. gYaip, yr . ??7 _1 . SL � i, eshorthasad",De� � "txrie si W ive ,lam nl , y rvii a c` S d s d u tru to ent are mt d. I bass . entering each 'wed• Our graduates seture4pAtiOns of ;Crust. ' Get ,our free catalogue now it may inteilest you. D, A. McLachdrdn, Paitncipal HORSES - WANTED I brant oar unlimited number of Horses in good oonditiion. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pound: up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rouaston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling'a Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladrnan & Staabury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR =Licensed Auctilonleer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Credition, — Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, MuBdilestex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sates a Specialty. Office at Cockshuttt Warkrooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, • fruits, see, teas, coffee and every- thing ih the grocery line. Call and see no. A trial as to quality Will coraoin- 0e. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain Store:. Spring & Summer Shoes Our Stock is now complete with all the new styijes and colors in — High Shoes, Oxfords Pumps. A look at pin• ,stock w6'1 cotnvince yo that our ;pelices are right. ' HOSE -10 dozers Lathes' Black Cotton Hosie. at 25c a pair..., PRINTS See ;.our range of Prints at '2$c :a yaa,d,s ,. •. ,` , SHIR en's ; RTS 11'tex4a. Fuge: Shirts at S1:50. to $:/:.,„9 5 SUI' � S=See' our special order samples for a Madla-Ria m;eaSuro HEINTLMAN 'PIANO' FOR SALE, su•, eavers