The Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-29, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price --1n advance $1.30
Per yeas- he Canada; 32.00 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
Paid in advance 50c. extra charged.
THURSDAY, MAY 29th, J919
Grand Bend
Fay .rid'ng as pneumatic tires, ne-
ither solid nor pneumatic, ,ao oumpxng,
:;allot puncture, easily applied, most
durable. trouble proof, cheateest in
the end.
BERT HOLT, Agent Grand Bend
7:1i. and Mrs, James Wilson e.f
Sieoeoa v is,ited at P. Baker's May 24
- Ir. Cyrus Green met with an ac -
e: la t t gel week while driving' stakes,
,z re breaking and betting him below
the. eye. cutting a gash which require
ed n dice, attendance, -A b•.g crowd
was here on the 24th, --.Those who
have been sick with the flu are on the
t.h,. 'n ,
n_ of r,John
E gleson
were laid to rest here Fat:
I .mut, Emery Carnere
arrived home
re entiy and wee warmly welcomed.
Emery has spent about three and a
half years of service to England and
Fane with the Canad'an Railway'
•'' grope etellowing ttti h s t' upat;'in
a, t.. iv engineer.
Ma.,.well Touring 1917 Model; good
4110e Will sacrifice for quick sale or
will exchange for light Rather. Box
134, Lucan.
Mr. Lorne McVicar
of Waliaceburg
el,ent a few days recently with rel-
ative:, of this place. -Mrs. F. Smith
And Mrs. Ebey have returned to Loa -
don after spending a few days with
the formeree patients'. -Mr, and Mrs,
Geo. Flynn spent Sunday with relat •
ivee n Parkhill, --A number of people
froth thio vicinity attended the supper
sad convert at Saintabury Monday ev
ening.-Mr. C eafer Atkinson has pur-
elaaaed a new Ford, -Mr. B. Williams
of Chicago is visiting whit his par-
e^at.e of this place, -bliss Violet Pat-
ton of London ie spendnee, a few
day a with her parents here.--Oarin•, to
,u much rain a lot of the farmere 'n
this w eirrrty are just completineethe
eueding this weak.
Rev. McKibbon of Woodham and
our pastor exchanged pulpits on Sun-
day. -On Thursday night Iast there
was a social evening M. the church of
the congregation. Reports from the
diftereazt branches of the church and.
Sabbath school were read and the fin-
ances were found to be is a good
condition, as a nice balance was left
in each treasury. It was decided to
have a picnic for the Sabbath school
and invite the two day schools. A
Ladies' Aid was also organized. The
following officers were elected :-
President, Mrs. Rennie; Vice -Pres.,
Mrs. John Chambers; Secy, Mrs. Wm.
Pybus; Treas., Mrs. McCauig. An ap-
petizing lunch was served.-Mrs,Joltns
of Exeter has returned home after
a pleasant visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Pybuls,-Mrs. G. T. Wren
has returned from a visit with 'rela-
tives in Logana-Geo Eyre is making
some impr+overtzents to his buildings
--Mrs. Aldrich, south of here bad a
thimble party one afternoon lately and
the ladies, report a good time.
CLeN'TON-Death came aleh .•tart -
Rag suddenness to John. R. Suad,era
cock ,of Hulled township on Satur-
day. last, when, after attending: to cer-
tain matters of business in town and
just about to step into his buggy to
go home, he dropped deal upon the
Suffered Since
Kidneys at the Root of the Evil
Think of iti The joys of youth
marred by agonizing pains, and all
hopes of a bright future blotted out
by thoughts of a life burdened with
Backache and other sufferings.
Such was the ease of Mr. A. Cail
until a good friend advised him that
there was a remedy for his trouble
and he would find it if he used Gin
Pills, Read what Mr. Cail says:
"I was troubled with my Kid-
neys since childhood and spent a
large amount of money on doe -
tors trying to get cured. instead
of getting better I kept getting
worse until a friend of mine ad-
vised me to try Gin Pills. I did
so, and after taking one box I was
able to get out of bed and walk
around. Two more boxes relieved
me completely and since then I
have had no return of the trouble."
This remarkable testimonial wag
written by a man whose statement can-
not be doubted. Mr. Cail's reason. for
Writing this history of his Daae was -
gratitude for the relief that Gin Pills
brought him. Wouldn'tyou do the
same if your case was similar, If,yon,,
suffer now -don't suffer any Tonger..,
Use Gip Pills and obtain relief from.
Sidney or BIadder Trouble, and the
pain, suffering and inconvenience that'_
they cause;
50e buys, a box.., Sold .everywhere,;,
Write for sample box.
• The ,National Deng eila Chemicat•: Coe.,
of Canada, Limited, Terblito,.0a'tarot•'.
U. S. reeide`ntg should address Na-Dru-
Co.,.Inc., 202 Main, St., Buffalo, Nee', jas
1\ir. and Mrs. 'Ce. Ross and dau h-
t e.Ooe Pettsbur,g are visiting with Mr.
end 'Nue,. Ed. Wilbert
tilt,iiltan. Ehlers of Brantford
ited weth hips pas°eats over the week
Miss 1Beatrice Graybi(el left Friday
morning .for Toronto.
Mr. E. G. Kraft made a business
trip to Chatham ti!onday.
Moe Otterbein visited'2n. Toronto
over the' 24th.
Mr. Asad Mrs, H. Elsie are visiting
in Sarnia thee week -
Mess Isabel Cameron of Windsor is
visiteag at h,er home.
Nee Waiter Fa.;sold of London spent.
the h't day under the parental roof.
Mr. H. Gainer spent the weekvend
To:santa weth his brother, who re-
•ently ,returned from overseas.
Mrs. Harry Harris of Sarnia vjsit-
eci • a ith relatives over •Sunday
\Ir. McFalls of Exeter spent
the 24th with Mr. Leonard Birk.
Rev and Mrs. P. Graupner left for
et Lome Monday morning.
, Mr. G. Kellerman visited Us son,
'Rev. A. Kelleemaa of Chesley over
Sunday. Mrs.Iwellerman, who has
e ear visit ng for a month in. that town
returned with her husband.
concert under the auspices of
'Sold -are of the Cross' S. S. C falls,
to be given on Juste 13. Fuller an-
eouncemente wilt 'appear later,
Several ar :loads ref 'o n Sao
� y u pt,
~nt over :o Crediton on Monday ec-
M:r:'gt to se'e the ball game. The. boys
net wall ketter success this' week, 2t
:0 7 q,�ilu the ecrore to favor of our
home Leans C.eed:eon Evangeeecalpely
here Sattiiday night. Let there be a
ood. turn, ou. to encourage the boy,.
Mr- Harry Kraft purchased a num-
ber of bui.4.deee lett from Mr. C. Kel-
aema' and -ea -genie;; a tlwel-.
ewe. Wkegeelay extend congratulation:
tater, eee
Pte, Gordon Culbert has been visit-
ing fri ads near Brjnsiey the past
atie'ek,-M'e•srs. Fred Fairhall and
Wesiey 1todgins were in Detroit ov-
er the holiday. -Miss \Vinnie Essery
of London spent the holiday at her
home hare.• -Messrs. Wm. Blair and
Jame.. Godsave visited friends in the
village over the 24th, -A. goodly num-
ber of the people of the village went
.1to Londoa on 'the 24th to see the 18
Battalion return. -Mrs, Anderson and
till •, Mabel Elliott went to Stratford
i'uetdaa as delegates far the Woe
mea's Auxiliary and \fission Circle.
Please remember the Garden Party
in conuectiott with St. Paul's church
Kirkton, on 'Tuesday evening, June 3
at the home :of Mr. Josiah Creery,
Sunshine Limo, Usborlrte.: At 4.30 a
fast ,game: •ot baseball will be played
between Salem and Kirkton, after
avltich Cupp er will be served on the
'earl, A eplendid program has been
arranged, consisting of an address by
Rev. A. A, Trumper of Exeter, songs
by Miss Ready and Kirkton Male
Quartette; Cornet Solos by Corp.
elartin; Re elations by Mess Riddell,
and folk dancing by six young ladies,
rhd Woodham Orchestra will furnish.
iu•ie during the evening, Everybody
come and celebrate the Zing's Birth-
day Adnnisjsion 50e. and 25c.
The anniversary of St, Paul'slchurch
will be held on Sunday: next, when
Rev. A. A, Trumper of Exeter nvrif
preach The Kirkton Male Quartette
w:l1 furtnieh special intake
Rev. A, W. Brown attended the
Dominion Alliance Coaventon in To- I
ronto.-Messrs. Rob:, Paynter and
Sam Tuft.,~ mere appointed delegates
to Landon Cone uence to be held in
Goderich in. June. -The painters are
now at work ,on the Methodist Church
the carp en'tere having . t omnleted their
Mr and .Mrs. Charles Hooper, Ex-
eter, were :he guests of Mr. and Mrs
Albert Gunning aver Sunday.- Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Toohey of Lucan spent
the 24th here the guests of Mr. and
•1Ir'. Thos. Gunning. -Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Neil of Lucas spent Sunday here
at the latter's home. -Mr. and Mrs.
;Melville Hera visited on Sunday at his
sister's, Mrs. Sam Stevenson .of De,-
vizes.-Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Ex-
eter north spent Sunday here at her
sister's, Mrs. Thos. Morley. -Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Gunning spent Sunday at
Woodham with friends. -Mrs. Frank
Squire ver eaably officiated at ,the
organ. Sunday owing to the organist
Miss Perkins, being unable to attend
to her duties. -The anniversary serv-
ices of the Churlcle will be held on,
June 22nd, instead of the 8th as be=
fore stated. -=Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hodg-
odgson and dab:getter, Ruth, spent. Sun. -
day here With the former's parents.
Quite a member of ;our local sports
;rent to Clinton, an the 24th. They
report the crowd large, but the, snorts
hardly up to ithe mask. -Mrs. Hannah
Simmons visited the 'old homestead on
Sunday, we are pleased to note. -Mr.
Rennie spent .the holiday inn, London.
his " former home. -Mrs. Hicks and
daughter .of the Forest City spent 24
with Mrs. Selves and family.,- We
hope to hear ,soon, of a date set for
a, bee at lefcTaggart's Cemetery, which
is sadly -,lin need ,of attenitione Quite
an. improvement resulted from the bee
sat fail. -Gordon Parker drives a
Ford now, -Barton Keys, C. ' P. R,
agent of .Woadseack paid his mother
a short visit.-I-lenry Anderson is
under the doctor',„.care, "
The infuriated populace m .Prague;
erected a gallows un the ..prino„nai'
;treat Whither.they conducted., fifty-'.
>tvett food peoefuteers,"ared =ihi afenetl.
:o parr Them it'n'1e-1s the: 'tbl$k anroath>
theywbul igieeo' laeWareaeatareieoe
eeeee pieeee.e Alla the alleged urofeiders-
'teepee the tidtli ,,, eae, fi •L
0! Exc1rIrl the
1821 $111 64
By-lawNo.... ... 1919
A BY-LAW to provide fo,r bor-
rowing the sum 'af $25,000;00 to pay
for the con:atructian of a certain Con-
arete Pavement in the Village of Ex-
eter, and to authorize the Leslie af.
debentures therefor t--
W HEREAS, the Municipal Council
of the Gorparation of Exeter and
pursuant to a request of ratepayers:
that it es deeerable and in the inter-
est of the Corporation of .the Village
of Exeter to ,construct a concrote
pavement on the Main Street, begin-
ning at the finita of the southern
boundary, to and including the south
of the Lake and Thames Road, with-
in the Village of Exeter.
AND WHEREAS, under an Act of
Parliament, and as Provided by e,he
Provincial Highways Act, and any
ocher act for the construction, ac-
qutsition or ,Improvement of Public
Uighwaya, power is given to local
muni•ipalities through the County
C carrying
oun�xl.s avh•le out a plan of
h ehKay improvement under the act
oy by gave to mak Valeta to Villages
er Towns no, separated front the
t. outaty for the ptirpose of im-
proving such Leortza:es of highways in
tukh village or towns may be dcsig-
na;ed in, such by-law.
AND WHEREAS, the .Highways
improvement Act and its am nd-
:n net th.,r to have established a plan
whet- .eby in th ' conutruct`aan of a
heelavay : mprovement, and under the
statemeat of a County Engineer lo
the Depertnt at of Public \Yorke, and
on t1te rec.ipt of such statement and
caar.:iticate by the Treasumer of On-
tnrio,a40 per cent, of the total cols
of the constructio.t Ne til he assunr d
andpaid for by the Treasury 11 -
partment at the Ontario Gov rnm::nt,
The width of pavement to be ap-
proved by the Provincial Highway,:
AND WHEREAS, it has been e's-
tablished that it will require the sum
of $37,000.00 to prepare the roadbed
and to construct a pavement thereon,
AND WHEREAS, under instrue-
tions of the Municipal Council of the
Village of Exeter, estimates of cost
or the construction of a concrete
pavement have been submitted, and ire
said testimates the sum of $25,000.00
is placed as the sum necessary to
complete the corporation's share of
said Concrete pavement construction,
AND, WHEREAS, it as necessary
for the said ,purpose for the said cor-
poration of the village of Exeter to
borrow upon the credit of the said
Municipality the suns of $25,000,00.
AND WHEREAS, for the purooses
aforesaid it afe be necessary to issue
debentures of the said Municipality pf
the Village of Exeter for the cid
sum of $25,000.00 and interest as here-
in after provided, which ass to the
amount pf the debt intended to be
created by this by-law„ the proceeds
of the said debenturres to be applied
in the preparation of the road bed
and in the const, action of the con -
'rete pavement on the said Main
',erect of Exeter, and for no other
AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to
make the principal of the said debt
repayable by annual instalments dur-
mg the period of fifteen years next
atter the issue of the debentures
ANI) WHEREAS it will be neces-
sary to raise annually for the period
of fifteen years during the currency
of the debentures to be issued here-
under by a special rate sufficient
therefor on all the rateable property
within the Munio:pality the cum of
$2,490.64 for the paying of the sev-
eral instalments of prencipal and in-
tereet thereon at the rate of five and
one half per cant. per annum.
AND WHEREAS, the amount of
the whole rateable property of the
said Village of Exeter according to
the last revised assessment roll is the
sum of S729,790.00.
AND WHEREAS, the exiting de-
benture debt of the said Village of
Exeter, exclusive of local improve-
ment debenture debt securedby
special assessments therefor amounts
to the sum of $38,003.72 and to no
part of the principalhor interest there-
of ie in arrears.
Therefore the, Municipal Council of
the Village of Exeter enacts as fol-
lows :-
It shall be :lawful foal the Reeve, of
the said Village of Exeter to borrow
on the credit of thee said corporation
the sum of $25,000.00 floe The pur-
poses herein before slot forth -and for
that purpose to issue debentures . at
the said Municipality to the amount
of $25,000.00 in sums of not less than
$100 each, and such debentures shall
be signed by the Reeve of the said
Corporation 'far the time bei,ag and
countelr,tigned by the Treasurer for
the time bang of thesaid corporation
and duly sealed with the corporation
seal thereof, which seal the clerk for
the time being is hereby authorized
and directed to attach to each of said
The said debentures shall be dated
upon the date ref the issue therieof;
and shall bear isterest'at the rate'of
five wind .ene half per cent. p et-annium
and the said interest shall be payable•
yearly on the day of the month on
which said debentures are issued and
as to bath pnncip al' and interest the
said debenturtes, than, be payable in
annual, 'instalments within fifteen
years, such: instalments to b2 of such
amounts that the aggregate »' oriiO in"t
payable' for •'orirndlpal- and ,inter'st in
any 'ear shill•" be ' meal' as'nearl ass
na. Ire t(i:A.i,. 'at-•r'sq yam..
v+lf �y"able^ Foie• tjra3i;=
:lime4i44 +tit fust 'd'tYirld "0617-46,0 ffi
ate, eeese lee eta sttclr Pelidede or tit eft
years'ase her eiitaftee's 'feelle.
Interest Amount
$1375.00 $2490.64
1922 1177.00 1313.6.4 2490.64
1923 1241.74 1248.90 2490.64
1924 •, 1310,04 1180.60 2490.64
1925. 1382,0.8 1108.56 2490.64
1926 1458,10 1032.64 2490.6'4
1927 1538.29 962.35 2490.64
1928 1629.90' 867.74 2490,64
1929 1712.16 778,48 2490.64
1930 1806.33 684.31 2490,64
1831 180,5.67 584.97 2490.64
1932 2010.49 480.15. 2490.64
1933 2121,06 369,58 2490.64
1934 2237,72 252.92 2490.64
1935 2360,80 129.84 2490.64
That this by-law shall come into
force and take effect on the day of
the final passing thereof,
That the votes of the Electors of
the said Village of Exeter entitled to
vote on this by-law be taken on Mon-
day the 2nd. day of June, 1919 com-
mencing at nine o'clock in the fore
noon and continuing until five o'clock
in the afternoon of the same day at
the following places, within the said
Village of Exeter and by the follow-
ing Deputy Returning Officers.
Polling sub -division No. 1, at Silas
Handfords, residence, Main Street.
Edward Treble, D. R. 0. Sidney
Davis Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 2, at the
TowHall,Main 1r
Town, n S tiee t, Welling-
ton Johns, D. R. 0. James H.
Grieve, Poll Clerk.
Polling tub -division No. 3, at Mrs.
Mitchell's office building corner of
Main and 'Wellington. streets. H. E.
Huston, D, R. 0. W. F. Abbott,
Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 4, at the
North End Fire Hall, Frederick Wit-
wer, D. R. 0, William Brlckwood,
Poll Clerk,
That Friday the 30th. day of May
1919, at seven thirty o'clock in the
afternoon, shall be the day and the
clerks office in the Library building
in the 'Pillage of Exeter shall be tb.e
place where the Reeve shall attend
to appoint persons to attend at the
various polling places aforesaid and
at the final summing up of the votes
by the cleric on behalf of persons in-
terested in promoting or „opposing
this by-law respectfully.
That the clerk of the corporation
of the said village of Exeter shall
attend at his office in the said village
of Exeter at eleven o,eloek in the
forenoon on Tuesday the 3rd. day
of June 1919, to suxu up the number
of votes given for and against this
The above is a true copy of the
proposed by-law which has been
taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the
Council of the Corporation of
the village of Exeter, in the.
event of the assent of the electors
being obtained the thereto after one
month from the first publications in
the Exeter Times and the Exeter
Advocate newspapers, which first
publication was on the 15th. day of
May 1919, and at the hour, day, and
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the Electors a poll will be
Every lease holder entitled by
law to vote on the proposed by-law
shall at least ten days next proceed-
ing the day of polling file in the
office of the clerk of the Municipality
a statutory declaration stating that
his lease meets the requirements by
law entitling him to vote on such a
by-law.:, •And the names of lease
holders neglecting to file such a
declaration shall not be placed on
the voters list for such voting.
Dated at Exeter this 12th. day of
May, 1919.
Jos. Senior,
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter.
AILS A CRAIG -On Tuesday of last
week Mrs. John C. Dearman died very
suddenly at her home, here. The de-
ceased had been in failing health for
the past two years, but was up and
around until a few hours prey anus to
her death. She vias in her 76th year
and lived for years in McGillivray
prior to moving to Ailsa Craig. The
family consisted of ;nine children, four
sons and five daughters, one daugh-
ter having predeceased her some years
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 3OYears
Always bears -
Signature of
AS at 3oth November, 2918
Paid-up Capital
Reserve Fund
Total Assets .
• - 24.9,151.,9$4
• - 353,158,816
A. E. KUHN, Manager
J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. 5. KENT, Manager
capital ital eserve '$81800,000
Over 100 Branches scattered thiol ghc,rrt Canada
A Sineral Banking Business Transacted
Gtroulwr .Letters of Credit
lank Money Orders
!Interest of b.'u* at twbest .e erreet rate
T S. WOODS, Manager
Y . .A.,' •••uYq..... a.4444440 •.e,».,.,
RUSSELDALE-Mr. David Cottel
purchased Mr, Alex. Hodgert's tine
farm, containing 81. acres, with good
bank barn: There is no house, on the
place, but the land is equal, to any 'n
the 'township and the purchase is ::on.•
sidered a good one as the. price Dahl
was only $5000.
by C. H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Increase Your Efficiency
A Gray Dort will increase your efficiency -
will speed up your work and increase your
Because the Gray Dort is a car that does
things. A car that takes you where you
want to go -and takes you on time. A car
that is always ready for instant service.
And wherever you go -you go in comfort.
Driving or riding, the roomy body, the deep
upholstery, the long springs, smooth out
every road.
Ride in a Gray Dort -drive it yourself. The
Gray Dort dealer is at your service.
The touring car is $1245; the Gray Dort Special -the car with
- addedrefinements and extra equipment, is $135 extra; there
are also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham end
are subject to change without notice.
GRAY DORT MOTORS, ; LTD, Chatham, Ont.
Ia the US. :-Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich.
Gii&y DORT
T. H. Newell, Dealer
Exeter, Ont.
Ne 419
1414, 1414. l.; yi.
1414, I
1. ria'
.L.. � - 1414 „"'•f i. 1414, L?r. '.ry,
1,9r2rOpir' ,P4
,, :t.r-.�oi ,s .'7)0x.,1
., e. ,•q k...t^o-.. v.,,^ 1414... .
THE blue flame from the Florence
-wickess burner is always steady,
always under perfect control. A special
jacket holds it directly under the cooking
utensils -giving a quicker, more econ-
omical heat.
Used with McClary's Success oven, the Florence
Automatic is a wonderful baker.
There are no wicks to clean, no odors, no trouble.
Let us give you a demonstration of the Florence
Automatic in actual operation. a 1
I I•t' 1414 1414 r,.-.
_ 14.14 ......�
ld:b �. C>r . ., 1414
,�.A. ,� 1414 �in
Y . awk,
.14 li
._ r4 1414. . •- 1414