HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-22, Page 8r EXETER ADVOCATE, TULTRO AY, MAY Za Exeter Markets . Changed each Wednte.sday Fa 1 Wheat 211 Spring Wheat ,, 2,06. Oats , 70 Parley .. 1.10 Family Flour 5.70 Bran, buyer's bags ..... ,,, 42.00 Short:, buyer's bags 46,00 E:;,:;; 47 Dari Better 45 to 47 Creamery Butter 58 Lard 37 ,Potatoes per bee 1.75 to 2.00 Hay ,.,,..,., 16.00 hogs 21.00 Trivitt Memorial C Furth Serveees as :tette,'. on Sunday, Remember he date: of Chi,-namel ;.}emonetration Heaman s klardware Ma: 29th, 3Jth and 31st. SALES.d.AN WANTED. -Lubricat- ing Oil, c;:Lae, Specialties, Paint, Part. or u h e ti ne. Comas eision basis. Man with oar tee rig preferred.-Rie- erside Rs. Clevelaatd, Ohio, A Medal Contest in reeitittg, singing and instrumental will be held in E. -se - ter on Wednesday, sda. May 28, under the auspiceauspicee ot the WL C. T. Lr.. Fulll:r partinu,are w41.g,ivenlater. w Harvey's Flour is good flour. SEED .t'OT A-rOES FOR SALE. Early Eureka t.Cobblers), and Gr. en Mouneaia-true te> name, from the Government seed. Inspected. S. J. HOGARTH. HOUSECLEA,NING TIME is here again. Try a botte of 'The Weskits Furniture Polish. The large bottle for the small price. Give it a trial and you will Le..onvinced. \Vm. Andrew Agent, Phone 43, Exeter. POTATOES. We :e•i'S pay 51.75 for Potatoes For the next two weeks. JONES is: MAY, Exeter, Citi-namel Demonstration flearnaree Hdwe. May 29, 30. and a1. Horsemen ! Get ready to have your Horse Bills printed, and order early so that there will be no delay. We give you sat- isfaction, -The Advocate, Reports in regard to our flour are T^t "Bread we made from thatlast sa k of Modejl is C i eeit ewes in the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the. oven", This is a true story; can. give names if you wish. Harvey Bros, THE WATKINS AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for bath man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 A 25c. tin. of Chi:-namel free by buying a 15c. Brush at Heaman's Hdwe during Charnamel demonstration May 29, 30 and 31. MEETING OF HUON COUNTY COUThe council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in he council chamber, in the .Town of Godcrich on Tuesday, June 3rd at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A]' accounts must be in the hands of the Clerk o.i or before the Monday preceding the meeting of the council. Da'.cl Goderieh, May 17, 1919 GEO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk. Court of Revision VILLA:3F. OF EXETER NOTICE i; hereby given that a Court ,of P.evi'.:ioa of the` Assessment Roll of the Vi'lage of Exeter will .hold itne fi t meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, • the 9th day of June, 1919, at 7.30 .p.m. Jos. Senior, Clerk, Exeter, Ont. Court of Revision TOWNSIEP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is- hereby .given that a Court of Revis'on of the As's'essment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its firs.. meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on .Monday, the 26th d'ay of May, 1919, at 1 ,o'clock p,m, Henri, Eilber, Township Clerk, . Creditors P.O. Half Holiday rsi We the -undersigned d m erchants g of this town, agree to close our places of business on Wednesday at 12.30 o'clock during the month of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. S. M. Martin and Son. 5: A. Stewart Jones and May W. J. Leaman, H. Spackman I1 S. Walters G. ; A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer.. P. Frayne Wm. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M, E. Gardiner.eeer esee Local Doings Rev. Baird and Dr. Medd exchang- ed pulpits Sunday evening. • On May • 28th them -will be a total eclipse of the sun, visible; in Canada Mr, 'Wm. Leavitt • has floored part of the rink for roller skating and for danceng. • The Exeter Salt Works Company is hetviee e new pan installed >'n their Lundin;, Sa:turdae. next, May 24th, is a pub- lie holiday and places of business• will be closed. Be your yawn decoratter's See Chi- namel Demon+tration a't Hearnjanfs Hardware May 29th, 30th and 313t. Rev. A. A. Trurnper prepched 'pre- paratora . sermon en Caven Presbyter- ian church on Friday evening, :utd the comrnun ^r.. ,service wwas held on Sun- day. Mr. Eli Snell has returned fewer. London, and his operation is sa,id to have been a success. Mr. Jonathan Kydd's operation for hernia was also a stun:etre, Mr. Chas. Perkins was 'n London Cast week consulting specialists re- garding a trouble behind the eye, and w.e underi tared the report' is not en- couraging A telephone invention is being tried out io Toronto which promises to re- nonitio Wille the hello talks. By means of a multiplex ,eleohony :apparatus at least ten simultaneous conversations and several telegraph messages may be tranMml.ted over a single copper wire for practically unlimited dista.n- r..s.\s a trial four newspaper men r a rried on conversations, and every word came clearly and distinctly. ABOLISHES PEW RENTS. .1.t a Trustee meeti ng of Main St. \Iethodier Church as Monday even- ine it ‘1 0,:, decided un:tn'rnousl; to ;east: renting pewts in the church. The swats. are now free. The ohurch h.:s had a most prosperous year in ew err tlepartme,nt of service under the bleesing ot God. The Church an- r. w• st.ary m:41 be in October next, TEACHERS WANT HIGHER SALARIES. At a meeting of the teacher, tot W. Huron In ,era Borate held in Exener r e 'eptly the question of salaries was cl ne u,scci and the following schedule e+a• drawn up, -Rural teachers lades - shit -more First year's 'expenienee $800; Second y tar's experience 5900; Thhd year',+ experience $1000. After th's a yearly inn reale of 850 for eight or ten year,. This schedule will be present- ed at the atnnuai O.E.A. for discussion the neetine. to be held in Toronto in the neer future. ,r.a,.r ,:'1.e.:.•,. A FORMER RECTOR, Rev. R. J. \i: Perkins, .cede; of st. Jams rl•n,r,-1x: -. Ingersoll, a tormer rector of the Trivitt :Memorial Church Eeseter, who resigned here about 13 31ears ago to go to Ingersoll, has tendered hie resignation to that cong- regation to accept the appointment of rector 'af Christ Chutrch, Chatham. He will succeed the Rev. Canon How- ard and expects to enter u;ron itis new pastorate about July 1. The an- nouncement was received with sur- prise and regret, not only by his own congregations, but by citizens as a whole. Rev. Perkins has many warm fiend.; here who will be pleased to learn or his advance in the ministry ae rector of Chatham. G. W V. A. CONVENTION. Mr. Elmore Harness was is Winds, sor last week attending the G.W.V.A convteniiron as delegate from the Ex- eter branch. The convention decid- ed not to enter politica, but declared in favor of old age pensions, a muni - mum wage, and Government pension for all workers, whether able to work or not; also in favor of the prohibi- tion rofexportation of food from Can- ada to foreign countries until the Can- adian demand is supplied; total disa- bility pensions of 51000 for soldiers and the disenfranchisement of desert- ers, defaulters and conscientious ob- jectors The prohibition question was not discussed. Rev. C. Ew Deak- in; was re-eleoted president. S. A. C. BRANCH ORGANIZED. At a meeting of citizens in the Public Library on Monday evening a branch of the Soldiers' Aid Commis - 8i011 of Ontario was organized. • Mr, Jackson, who comes from the On,- tario Governrnent, was here for the purpose and outlined the aims and objects of the Commission, which are brief. are to give a fitting reception to the soldiers as they come home, to find suitable employment for the oeturred men, to hear complaints and assist in correcting- theme -and to help in. the vocational training and farm settlement schern`es. The following officers were .elected, -Pres., W. G. Medd; Vice„ J. A. Stewart; Sec,;- Treas., F. W. Gladman; Finance Com. R. G. Seldon, J. W Taylor, T. S, Woods; Employment Coin., S. _Martin, R. N. Creech, W. W. Taman; Recep- tion Cont., B. W. Ft, Beavers, Rev, Trumper, W. J. Heaman, War veter- ans are reques';ted to make their wants or complaints known to the officers and receive what as'siistas ce may be possible t>r necessary. The Ladies' A1id, Si. Paul's church, Garden a a 1�,n•kton, purpos:e having Party on the 'evening of Jus -se 3rd, at. the horse of Mr. Josiah Cree,ry, Sun- shine Line Utslbosr(el., : One of the events of the evening will be a base- ball game. The Woodham Orchestra will furnish music; and a good pro- gram is being arranged, Further par- ticulars next week. PUPS FOR SALE A ;number of first-class Collie puts' for sale. ,Apvlry to Wm. Preszcator, Stephen, Ex:e!ter P. 0.4 R. R. 1. CARD OF THANKS• Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 'Woody • and family desire to express their grate- ful appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of their son, Mr, A. E, Wood. Read This and Get Your Order in Early:.. THE COMING TWO WEEKS WILL BE THE LEADING WEEKS FOR Pine Apples S0 PHONE YOUR ORDER TO PHONE 56 AND WE WILL,DELIVER WHEN PRICE` ARE THE CHEAPST AND PINES ARE THE BEST Wilson & Simms NOTICE All shareholders of the ExeterTurf Club who have not paid their feo are xenuested to do so on: or before June Zncl at the Bank of Comnteree, or to the Secretary, R, G. Seldon, Alk fees not paid by that date, the membership will be cancelled. -R. G. Seldon; Sec,. pOME RINK, Haan; :erected a floor for dancing and roller skating 1 wash tea announce that the First Jitney Dance will be held Friday night, May 23rd. General admission 10e.; and 5c, a dance. • Mr. Jas, Morrow, writing from tar.. ivi,cre. Man.: as s,--"' 3 W'e are having lovely .seedin weather. Practically all the grabs is sown except barley, and everything looks proimiising for a good crop.' \1r. Fred Davis, M.P,t'., brotheriof Mrs. Fred May of town, was hard Int by the recent heavy storm in the west. He rutty a large cattle ranch and it is estimated that his loss will be about 525,000. Cattle and sheep were bur- ied and died through wan: of feed and from cold. Mr Fred Tu. k.er wa+ dowa from Clutton ,over Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Hill and son, Francis, vis - 'ted .n London Saturday. Mr. Norman Nor•y returned Tues- day from Windsor, where he nes been working Mises Stella and Cora Sanders were home from Business College at Strat- ford over Sunday. Rev. A A. Trumper and wife .went to Loathe'? Monday peeet 4 1",(3 Uie'detrth of the lateen•' U k1e, .re're" Tlen Brown, nurse of Toronto,. spent a few days with Mrs. Jeckell, sr., London Road north. Miss Williams, who has been -pend- ing the millinery season ww;lth Miss M. Armstrong, 'ret;>arned to her home in Clinton last week. Mr. Bush of St. Thomas was hefe on Saturday attending the funeral of 'the late Mr. Woody. Mr. Bush j$ the father of Mrs, Wood. Misses Alberta and Hildred Horton of Toronto were here this week to meet their father, Mr. Hillutry Mor- ton who returned from overseas. Mr, John Newicombe who has Leen' very all for several weeks of pneu- monia, and is uuow recovering, is here visiting at the hortre of his =then His old friends are pleased to know he is recovering nicely. Mrs, Albert Ford left Saturday for Sarnia, where her daughter, Miss Gladys, who has been nursing in the Sarnia Hospital, underwent an opera- tion last week Lor appendix:ltl s!, The operation was a success and 'Miss. Ford is recovering nicely. Mrs. Ed. Short is this week attend, - lag the ceremonial function in cannec- nection wwwith 'the gradauatiion class at The Methodist National Training School, Toronto, in which her daugh- ter, Mise Gertie was a successful can did to She ww;iii vislst at her home here for a few days, after which she will leave for Brandon, where she will take charge of a school for the Gov- rernment. IN THE SPRING When Energy and Vitality are Lowest, then -Influenza! (By S. C. BOWER, M. D.) At this time of the year people feel weak, tired, listless, their blood is thin, they have lived indoors and perhaps expended all their mental and bodily energy and they want to know how to renew their energy and stamina, overcome headaches and backaches, have clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin and feel the exhileration of real good health tingling thru their bodies. Good, pure, rich, red blood is the best insurance against ills of all kinds. Yon are apt to suffer from an attack of Influ- enza if yodr health is run down. Purify the blood and you can defy influenza. This is the. time to clean house and freshen up a bit. Drink hot water a half hour before meals, and for a vegetable tonic there's nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the old-fashioned herbal remedy,' which has had such a fine reputation for fifty years. It contains no alcohol or narcotics and is made into tab- letsd liquid. Send 10,. cents to Dr. an� Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial package. ST1LTFORD, ONT,-"For Maar year. I suffered with nuralgia. It would affect my head, extend ing down into my neck and shoulders. I took Dr, Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and was completely cured. I havealsotaken 'Pleasant` Pellets and found them an excellent remedy for' constipat,on, bilious attacks, also stomach .and. liver troubles. They seem to regulate bee's whole system. Ever since' I can remember Dr. Pierce's medicines have been used in my family. I am always ready to recommend them." -W. 7. Tame, 272 Railway Avenue, t e JONES & MAY MOM 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Stylish, comfortable -- We have in stock a C/C a la Grace Corset to suit every type of figure,. Come and see them. if LADIES' SWEATER COATS FOR SUMMER,--Sw,eaiter Coats and pullovers will be more popular than ever for the corning season, for motor- ing and outing wv--ear: This is also a most practical garment f>r cool ev- enings etc. We have the largest range in. the coat styftes and pullovers that We ha. -e ever shown„ Prices moderate, CLEARING OF WASH DRESS GOODS AT 39c. A YD. -We are placing on sale this week hundreds of yards of odd lines of wash dress goods in foulards, muslins, etc., for quick selling at 39c. yad. CORSETrCOVER EMBROIDERIES At 29c YD. -100 yards of corset cover embroideries, regularly worth up to 45c, a yard, Special selling pricy' for this month at 29c, yard, SUITS AND COATS -We still have a nice range of .spring suits and coats for Ladies end yliesses, Which we are offering at great& recii0dd; prices. Come early as they; will soon be cleared out. RAINCOATS FOR EVERYBODY --The new ,.raincoats for melt and boys are none in stock. Latest ,styles at reasonable prices. EXTRA SPECIAL -5 dozen flea's fine negligee shirts, regularly $1.75 to 52.00, to Clear this week at 98c. ,each. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STY LE BOOKS JONES & MAY Head;qurarters for the Celieblraited Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing for Merit and Boys. Rev. Dr. Medd, minister Main St. church, will be in his own pulpit on both services next Sunday. AVOID COUGH& and COUGHERJ`i gpreaads Di3ease SINCE 1870 �ILOH 30 DROP) =STOPJ' COUGH,f .1fIALF THIS FOR CHILDREN Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guarante,eid. Cash for old tures. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VVET.ERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened sn Office sign McDosiell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or night_ Phone ] 20. VETERINARY PRACTICE.. Dr. Henry A. Corsant has bought he practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand. Cans promatly attended night and day :Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN <We have a iiarge amount of private funds to loam on farm and village proberty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ieNBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Sojireiltor, Notary . Public, - `ommissluoner, S.oliiciltar for the Mo 1 oar Bank, Etc. Money to loan at !lawvest rhes: of ltrtere,st. Office -Mann Street, Exeter. CENTRAL s 'CRATFORD. ONT. We ;:have •;Taellegea!phy, Commercael & Shorthand Departments'., We gime' individual instruction: Students are entering each weedy: Our grsduartes. se, u,r'e `poi7itionss of trust. Get .our free cataitogue now it may interest you , D. . A. McLachka;n, Principal HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year' old up, weighing from 1500 pound; up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr, G. F. Rott!lston„ L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Offioe Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honer Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR ' Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. C. W. 'ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sipes a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt ,Wanero,oms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, apices, teas, coffee and every- thing ih the grocery line. Call and See us, A trial as to quality will conv'in- 00. Produce taken in exchEtnge Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain Store Spring & Summer Shoes Our Stock is now complete with all :the stew ;stypes and colors -- in High Shoes, Ogolds, Pumps. A, Iook at our stock will convince you that ^our prires`'are right. °' HOSE -10 dozen Ladies' Black . Cotton Hosie at 25c, a ' pain PRINTS.See. our' range of Prints at 2 c a yaad. - SHIRTS -Men's Fine Shirts at $1,50 to $2.50 s regch' SUITS -Sae our special order sample; for a'A?ad(e{-itis-msasui•e quit HEINTZMAN PIANO FOR SALE, B. F. Beavers