HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-22, Page 4The Exeter Advocate,
Sanders At Creech, Proprietors
Subecription Price -In advance 5.1:50
per y ate in Cascada; $2.00 in thee.
Uotitcd. States. All subscriptions not
d in advance 50c. extra charged.
THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919.
air: Bert A. Rundle last week sold
1511 ante: of land ext the 10th .tend filth
con es;i+ou'to,Mr. James McElrea,;the
•ksmith of Woodham. Peaeseseen
given in Decembers air. elcEiirea'has
old his sheep and resideneee in Wood,
harm to a Mrt��iebber. who will tarry
on the busatess.
Miss Pearl Ross, eldest daughter of
;Ir. Alfred Ross, north of here, died
at her home aged 26 years after a
prclonged illness from decline. One
brother Norman, who lives in London,
two half-brothers and one sister, be-
eidic ; her father, survive. Her re-
mains ware laid to rest beside those
of het niather in Kirk:on eemettetry.
The fancily have the sympathy of e
.large circle of friends.
\ir. and airs. John. Selves spent she
week end with relatives in, St. Marys,
Smith, Heneall, has a true le on
Ora arm for collecting. cream and
eggs. Mr Dallas is is charge and it
is r.• ediess to say has' a large patron
age. -Miss Rae Horton is in. Hensail
on, a visit. -Pee. F. 5. Simmons hats
t tet nee home and ,is allowed a ei,x
ntonth' leave of absence.- Cslo:ne
Township Patriatic Societies are nr -
parint an Honor Roll.
;vlr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning spent
Sunday with friends in \'4 oodham.-
hlr and eirs. Percy Passanore visit-
ed here and at Granton Sunday going
in their new Ov erlic,ttd.-The cantina
ued wet weather has been a .drew -
back to the -farmers, as there is Some
spring grain to sow yet, and it •is
time roars and corn were planted. --
Oscar Morley has started on, a -tetra
route through this section of Ws/
du;ph.-Mr. Frank Gunning of . tit'.,
church wae elected to attend teenier
ence at Godetrch for Cenral eireiet
Rev R. McDerment shipped his
hau ehold effects on Monday, leaving
the following day with hie wife for
his nee field of labor. -,Mrs. eerehueI
F. Towle of Detroit., who spent the
past ;month with her parents, Mr. and
i4Tr.. Wm. Brownless, has retus ned
home. -Mr,. Bussey, vnh-o has been on
the sick list for some; time left Mon, -
to visit with her .sister in Lo,ndo,.n,
with the hope that it will improve her
condi!ane-Mr. J•. P Wray, Toronto,
has atecepted a , ositian as miller welt
the ("lawn Milltg Co.
Wedded. -The home of Mr., and
alre. Charles Johns of the 7th :on-
esessioi, ,of Lssborne was the scent of
a•quiet but pretty wedding, Ashen Miss
Lizzie Henn of that township was .nate
tied to Mr. D. S. Whaley of St.
Marys. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Mr. Parnaby of Elimvi.11e
in, the presence of only_ the immediate
relative. The wedding• march was
played by Mira Mary •
Hern, sister of
the bride. alt. aria Stir;. Whaley left
on a short Stoney moan trip, after
Which -they will actual o St. Marys.
to reside. The many Labors -le friends
will wish for them a Sara and happy
wedded .life.
Mount Carmel
Mrs Nora Regan is serSously iii at
her home.-efr. and Mrs. Jerry Camp-
bell called an friends in Parkhill on
Sunday. -Mr. Mat. Regan was in To-
ronto this week on busefess-Mr. P.
Sullivan purchased a Chevrolet car
last week. -Mrs. John Walker called
an friend.; in Langdon. last week. -Mrs
Wm. McCann of near Khiva is seri-
ously ill. -.vii. Jas. O'Rourke, who has
been in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, for the past two weeks, is im-
proving, atter his recent .one,,-atian.-
Siater St. John, formerly Miss Quar-
ry and Sister Ge;rtetsde, Miss M. C1' -
Brien, of London, visited among
_friend; here a fewer days last week. -
Mrs. Joseph McKeever and Miss K.
Madden .called on friends in. Landon
last woe]:. -Miss Margaret McEachen
left last wteek for Parkhill, where she
has secured a position.
The edator has reason to believe,
that certain irben s i,n our!' last essize
were not correct. We have the name
of the person who wrote these items
and it a tap to him ea explain .himself
peesoanally to the editor. We are on-
ly 'torn pleased to stat: that the wrier
et was not our usual correspondent.'
Remedy Kidney or Bladder troubles
es firm removing the canoe U. yes
are n enterer nee Gin Pills,
50c. a box; Sold atarywhns,
ESTRAY DOG -There strayed on-
to the premises of the undersigned
a Scoth collie dog,, yellow and whie,
With elate spot on tail. Owner can
have ;same by proving property and
paying expenses,
II. F. Eilber, Crediton.
The Evangeliels played their first
tame of the League at Centralia Mon
lay night and muanaged to come out on
top, by a eeone of le to 10. They
played well coneiidering the prat: tice
they had. Their conduct on the field
was e c.ellent The games tor 24th
have been changed and Exeter 'alit
p.;;1' Evengelicals here on 1"ridey ev'g
e:,d Dashwood will play Methodists
here next Monday night.
lhe continued wet.weather is
di couragiang for all. Inn many us-
tancer seeding has been delayed.
Rev. J. G. Litt, Presiding Elder of
Kitchener, officiated at the Comntun.-
au:t Serseere in the Evangelical Church
oa Sunday morning, and Rev. Yager
ui Dashwood in the evening,
Mr. and Mrs. August Kuhn of Exe-
ter motored to town on Sunday and
spent the day here with their tar -
eats; We are pleased is learn 'that
Mr.:iuhe is rapidly recovering his
load health.
Rev. and Mrs. Whiting assisted in.
the servi; es of the Methodist church
is Part:hill on Sunday evening,
The Stephen Council m, the Ilv.-
G siivray Council. in Mount Carmel tea
Tuesday attemos n to let gravel eon.
tra:ts for the Towriine, as well asad
iustinee .her accounts for the past
y ear'e business.
Mrs Sambrook attended the eon
ventlon el the «'.ILS. in Woodham
last Friday
Will Sreith is having stone improve
meet.; made; to his residence spit:ch
eel matte st more convenient.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt of
lwitetener were in :own on Tuesday
tri gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Mr and Mrs. John Steinacher were
in Seberitt v-ille last Friday a .teading
the funeral of the late John Warner,
a son-in-law of Mr. Steinacher. The
deceased fell off a head of hay six
years ago which resulted in. a broker,
back and which left nnmhelpless ever
,ince His widow survives him. We
extent to the bereaved family vur
The first game ot the Creditpn
Ev,-aneelicala with :he Central ,0'fethL
adiat. vvae held in Centralia on Mote -
day averting and xesuited in. a score
o: 134' in faster of our boys. This
seh'edule expects to be a lively one
thi. xo:nine season and we know will
paove lntereeene to all baseball fans
There is some talk of ereceting a
community hall in this velage for the
accommodation of the public. It is
also intended that a library be con-
neette,d therewith, and should he a
plat: e where public may gather an eve
ening and spend it profitably. It re-
mains for the Municipal council to
ere: t this, building on thent being as-
ateured that such a hall is required in
the neighborhood. The Ontario Gov.
ernment passed legislation at thelast
session whereby a grant of 25 per
:eat, is made for such purposes. We
cruet something will be done, as this
hall will flit a long felt want for this
v i? inity.
Mr Donald Patterson, County En-
gineer of Auburn was in the village
ort Tuesday making; an enspectian of
the County Goad Roads System.
Edwin Treitz, son of John Treitt.,
who has been in France since 19'6.
arrived home last week, quite unex-
pe•:teci.. H i9 :n salendid health and
has experienced many thrilling inr•.aa-
ces. He expects ,o go West in he
near future .0 re'ume his duties en
the farm
Previous bo the departure of Pte.
Edgar Fisher, Who was called West
unexpectedly, a farewell was tender-
ed hint on Friday last during :he :loon
hour. Short addresses were made
and he was presented with a rineand
a wain medal, both .of which ;piece
suitably engraved.
The Lutheran Church S. S. picnic
will be held on the church grounds
on June 24. The committee is busy
arranging for a good program both
afternoon and evening. Particular;
ivlrs. Ravelle of 'Grand Bend v-is-
ited her sister :Mrs. Ehlers and _firs.
While playing ball i,n. the school
yard one evening last week Evelyn
Howard was accidenetiy hit on the
mouth ai iih. the, ball, dislocating sev-
eral teeth
The Evangelical parsonage is un
dergoing Biome changes. A new sleep
ing.porch has been added.
Zr and Mrs, John. Weida and their
daughter of near Zurich spent Sunday
with ;dr and Mrs. E. G. Kraft..
Our baseball team played Exeter on
Monday evening and suffered a defeat
but not too badly for the fist game.
Rev. F. Meyer of Zurich occupied
the pulpit in 'the Evange1ica1 Church
Sunday evcnenge.while Rev. Yager was
at Crediton. -
Mr. Sam Hey of Blake was,. a visit-
or in. towel an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Guenther Me and
Mrs. W. Wolfe and Miss E. Wolte
spent Sunday in Creditors.
$15,000,000 STEEL PLANT FOR
Godvaich is .tlo have . a steel plant
lccabec: in that town et a p a -o;ed
cost sof _fifteen rniilioa.. dailerc A ejnor
tion of Godexich Township s .+.o be
itscorporated in the town, and 500 `i¢
more 'houses are to be erected, The
harbor is to he improved, and i,t is said
the poaulation will double. A ,hous-
and acres of land have been purchats-
ed. The Goderich park has beee pur-
chased by a Toronto, syndicate and
a big summer resort will be conduct-
ed The Goceeetch Star has been
purcharied. Mr. Bert McCreath, a
former Godes-ids man, ,is at the head
of the company, which cs called the
Laky 'Huroai *eel. Cerpoiateon elern-
.; ated ,it is, paro-rasa t. to send a big
deatitetioa'tc Gt:awla to.an'terv'eew the
menses ea, C,r.: Puha t Wa lis I: gent: e
herniae.' 3nnpeoaem,ent s.
In the
ililage Of Exeler
Year Princial
1921 $1115.64
1922. 1177.00
By-law No.
,. 1919
A BY-LAW to providefor bor-
rowing the sum of 525,.000.00 to pay
for the cioanstructiaa of a certain Con
:rete Pavement in the Village of Ex-
eter, and to authorize the issue of
debentures therefor: -
WHEREAS, the Municipal Council
of the Corporation, of Exeter and
pursuant to a request of ratepayers,
that it is deatdai ble and in the triter
est of the Corporation of the Village
of Exeter to construct a concr,te
pavement on the Main. Street, begin-
ning at the limits of the southern
boundary, to and including the south
of the Lake and Tham=s Road, with-
in the Village of Exeter.
AND WHEREAS, under an Act of
Parliament, and asprovided by ,h
Provincial Highways Act, and arty
other a. t for the construction, ac-
nui,itioa or improvement of Public
highway,,,, power is given to local
municipalities through the County
Councils while carrying out a plan of
highway improvement under the act
by by-law to make grants to Wines
or Town: not separated from the
County for the purpose of im-
prov e uch portions of highways in
steel village or towns may be d.sig.-
na e.0 in, such bye-law.
AND WHEREAS, 'the Highways
improvement Act and its amend-
ments thereto have established a plan
vh€ ,eby in th' construction of a
hith vay :improvement, and under the
sta'gement of a County Engineer to
the Departm at of Pubic 'Works, and
on the receipt of such statement and
cetaiticate by the Trea,utese of On-
tario, 40 per cent. of the total costs
of the construction will be assum d
and paid for by the Treasury D '-
partment ot the Ontario Gov rnment.
The width of pavement to be au -
preyed by the Provirciad Highways
AND WHEREAS, it has been. t s-
tablished that *t will, require the sum
of $37,000,00 to prepare the roadbed
and to construct a pavement thereon.
AND WHEREAS, under instruc-
tions of the Municipal Council of the
Village of Exeter, estimates .of cost
of the construction of a concrete
pavement have been, submitted, and, in
said estimates the sum of $25,000.00
placed as the sum necessary to
complete the corporation's share of
said concrete pavement construction.
AND WHEREAS, it is necessary
for the said purpose for the said cor-
poration of the village of Exeter to
borrow upoa the credit of the said
Municipality the sum of $25,000.00.
AND WHEREAS, for the purposes
aforesaid it wtili be necessary to issue
debentures of the said Muni.cipalit3: •of
the Village of Exeter for the slid
suns of $25,000.00 and interest as here-
in after provided, which is to the
amount of the debt intended to be
created by this by-law; the proceeds
of the said debentures to be applied
in. the preparation of the road bed
and in the const action of the con-
crete pavement on the said Main
Street of Exeter, and for ro other
per: ose.
AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to
nuke the principal of the said debt.
repayable by annual instalments dur-
ing the period .of fifteen years next
after the issue of the debentures
AND WHEREAS it Wi 1 be neces-
sary to raise es -usually for the period
of fifteen years during the currency
of the debentures to be issued here-
under by a special rate sufficient
therefor on all tit. rateable property
withers the Mui;, pal ty the =um of
2,490.64 for the paying of the s``v'-
eral instalments of praicipal and in-
terest thsreoa at the. rate. of five and.
one half per cent: per annum.
AND WHEREAS, the amount of
the whoie ea. able peoaerty of the
said Village of Exeter according to
the last revis-d assessment roll is the
sun, of $729,790.0e.
AND WHEREAS, the existhig de-
bentture debt of the said Village of
Exeter, 'exclusive of local improve-
ment debtnture debt secured by.
specialassessments therefor amounts
to the sum of 538,003.72 and ton no
part of the principal or interest there-
of i, in arrears.
Therefore the Municipal Council of
the Village of Exeter enacts as fol-
lows: -
It shall be lawful for the Reeve of
the said Village of Exeter to borrow
on the credit of the said corporation
the num of 525,000.00 fear the pur-
utposes herein before set forth and for
that pug' ose to issue debentures oI'
the said Nfunicipaluty to the , amours
of $25,000.00 in sums of net less than
$100 each, and such debentures shall
be signed by. the Reeve of the said
Corporation for the time being and
countersigned by the.Tr'easurer for
the time being of the said c,arporation
and duly sealed with the corporation:
seal thereof, which seal the clerk for.
the time being is hereby authorized
and directed to attach to each of saiid
' The said debentures shall be dated
upon the date ief the issue thereof;
and shall bean interest at the rate 'of
five and one half per' cent. per annum
and the said interest shall be payable.
yearly on the day oaf the month on
which said debenituees are issued and
as to both principal and interest . the
said debentures shall be payable in
annual instalments within fifteen
years, such instalments to ba of .such
amounts that the aggregate amount
payable tor principal -and interest in•
any year shall be egraal as nearly as''
may be to what is p# -able for
cipal and interest dv>;reng each of thtri
other -ymere,.of such feeeloe of fi:ftecikt<t
y*ears. as' hereinafter set, forth.
Interest Amount
$1375.00 $2490.64
132,3.64 2490.64
1248.90 2490.64
1180.60 2490.64
1108.56 2490.64
1032.54 2490.64
952.35 2490.64
867.74 2490.64
778.48 2490,64
634.31 2490.64
534,97" 2490,64
480.15 2490.64
369.58 2490.64
252.92 2490,64
129.84 2490.64
That this by-law shall come into
force and take effect on the day of
the final passing thereof.
That the votes of the e Electors of
the said Village of Exeter entitled to
vote on this by-law be taken on Mon-
day the 2nd. day of June, 1919 com-
mencing at pine o'clock in the fore-
noon and continuing until five o'clock
in the afternoon of the sante day at
the following places, within the said
Village of Exeter and by the follow-
ing Deputy Returning Officers.
Polling sub -division No, 1, at Silas
Handfords, residence, Main Street,
Edward Treble, D. R. 0. Sidney
Davis Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 2, at the
Town Hall, Main Street. Welling-
ton Johns, D. R. 0. James H.
Grieve, Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 3, at Mrs.
Mitchell's office building corner of
Main and Wellington streets, H. E.
Huston, D. R. O. W. P. Abbott,
Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 4, at the
North End Fire Hail, Frederick Wit
wer, D. R, 0. William Brickwood,
Poll Clerk.
That Friday the 30th. day of May
1919, at seven thirty o'clock in the
afternoon, shall be the day and the
clerks office in the Library building
in the Village of Exeter shall be the
place where the. Reeve shall attend
to appoint persons to attend at the
various polling places aforesaid and
at the final summing up of the votes
by the clerk on behalf ot persons in-
terested in promoting or opposing
this by-law respectfully.
That the clerk or the corporation
of the said village of Exeter shall
attend at his office in the said viIlage
of Exeter at eleven o,clock in the
forenoon on Tuesday the 3rd. day
of Tune 1919, to sum up tits number
of votes given for and against this
The above is a true copy of the
proposed by-law which has been
taken into consideration and which
will be finally passed by the
Council of the Corporation of
the village of Exeter, in the
event of the +assent of the electors
being obtained thethereto after one
month from the first publications in
the Exeter Times and the Exeter
Advocate newspapers, which first
publication was on the 15th. day of
May 1919, and at the hour, day, and
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the Electors a poll will be
Every lease holder entitled by
iaw to vote an the proposed by-Iaw
shall at least ten days next proceed-
ing the day of polling file in the
office of the clerk of the Municipality
a statutory declaration stating that
his lease meets the requirements by
law entitling him to vote on such a
by-law. And the names of lease
holders neglecting to file such a
declaration shall not he placed on
the voters list for such voting.
Dated at Exeter this 12th. day of
May, 1919.
Jos. Senior,
Clerk of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter.
FULLARTON-Mr. Wm. Vosper,
one' of the oldest and, most highly re-
spected residents of Fullerton town -
whip, passed away on. Friday, May 9
at the age of 86 years.. He had been
a resident of that township nearly all
his life.
The Ottawa Journal Says: -Thy fact
that 3623 farmers in Canada paid the
federal income tax can't exactly be
taken as an argument farming doesnft
pay, but only that it daesit.'t nay
come taxes,
For Infants and Children
In Use ForOver3OYears
Always bears
Signature of
• A. E. iCUHIl, Manager
J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Branches st attertd tht m ghout Cie ada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Hank Money Orders.
Interest aileareil at highest marrow tate
T S. WOODS, Manager
BRUSSELS -Henry James, pronrie-
ietor of the American Hotel here, and
cue of the best known hotelmen in
He w'a.< 55 yiea,rs of age, and his ail-
ment started some months ago with an
ulcerated tooth.
«'tasterr, Ontario, died ion Saturday
which -
the Win ,ham Hospital, t•n.•
tatution he had been removed tor my C. H Sanders at the Advocate 0t-
'tateatment only 'three days previous, Tice Strictly confidential; no witness
What Is Real Value
You can buy a four -cylinder, 5 -
passenger motor car at a lower price
than the Gray Dort.
You cannot afford a car less good
than the Gray Dort. You do not
want service less complete.
Measure the service abundantly. And for
and satisfaction it heaping value adds
gives you. Judge the economy of operation.
power and quietness
The touring car is$1245; the
of its motor; the size dfl dD refinemts and. the rextra
and comfort of its equipm:flat;
nt, !alp; extra; there
body; its equipment; Alli e aptly a f.o.bChatham and
lso a and sed
and the years of ser- are subject to change without
vice you get from it. notice.
All these things the Chatham, Ont.
Gray Dort gives you ,In the U.S.;-Dort Motor Gar Co.,
Flint, Mich.
T. H. Newell, Dealer
Exeter, Ont.
IL is acooking-19
' cheap fuel for cooking
O ashes to clean up. No fires to build.
What -could be less trouble ?'
A Florence Automatic with a.McClary's Success oven will,
give you the best bakings you ever produced.
No odor. No wicks to ,bother with.
Save fuel, have a cool kitchen. ,sx
Call and see the Florence . in actual operation.
,:.a,i,,,c A.
[Banking Service
'TOUR banking requirements may
' beentrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
• A. E. iCUHIl, Manager
J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Branches st attertd tht m ghout Cie ada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Hank Money Orders.
Interest aileareil at highest marrow tate
T S. WOODS, Manager
BRUSSELS -Henry James, pronrie-
ietor of the American Hotel here, and
cue of the best known hotelmen in
He w'a.< 55 yiea,rs of age, and his ail-
ment started some months ago with an
ulcerated tooth.
«'tasterr, Ontario, died ion Saturday
which -
the Win ,ham Hospital, t•n.•
tatution he had been removed tor my C. H Sanders at the Advocate 0t-
'tateatment only 'three days previous, Tice Strictly confidential; no witness
What Is Real Value
You can buy a four -cylinder, 5 -
passenger motor car at a lower price
than the Gray Dort.
You cannot afford a car less good
than the Gray Dort. You do not
want service less complete.
Measure the service abundantly. And for
and satisfaction it heaping value adds
gives you. Judge the economy of operation.
power and quietness
The touring car is$1245; the
of its motor; the size dfl dD refinemts and. the rextra
and comfort of its equipm:flat;
nt, !alp; extra; there
body; its equipment; Alli e aptly a f.o.bChatham and
lso a and sed
and the years of ser- are subject to change without
vice you get from it. notice.
All these things the Chatham, Ont.
Gray Dort gives you ,In the U.S.;-Dort Motor Gar Co.,
Flint, Mich.
T. H. Newell, Dealer
Exeter, Ont.
IL is acooking-19
' cheap fuel for cooking
O ashes to clean up. No fires to build.
What -could be less trouble ?'
A Florence Automatic with a.McClary's Success oven will,
give you the best bakings you ever produced.
No odor. No wicks to ,bother with.
Save fuel, have a cool kitchen. ,sx
Call and see the Florence . in actual operation.
,:.a,i,,,c A.