HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-22, Page 2sEmo IT TO pArittER'S- ExpEirrs PaY_'„er's can clean or dye carpets, curta.is, laces, draperies, gowns, etc., and make them look like new, Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods, and PRER'S will renew them. We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee \........_ satisfactory work. Our booklet on household helps that save money will be sent free on request to PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. - - Toronto - r ve urClaims .alar A Tea -Pot Test is beth i of A verti eme t than a p..ge "rest 51. . inert Flavored Tea exerley carp. purchase. 59 Witii tWind in Her ]3y ANNIE HAMILTON DONNELL. dace Women' New National Work. School authoritiesare naturally, anx The Canadian Trade Commissi regularity of attend- . - m has a wide -extended `undertaking to . ] , .'t=:}ec the 13xU1e ie .an, promote expansion of Dominion many parents feel that they e had islet eco , . 1 after -tear trade. A. return to pre- n'111y doing thei,i duty m forein�' having taken for her suaject the here leas standards cal:ra*.. meet elle trued, chit+?ren v:hu cornplain of not feeling. ling of the coat of many . eters. To as - Our iv runwell to go, to whoa It is much bet- ,certain whether the 1. •son had been, i ar debt M fou_ years has ^ 1,ional closets fallaatve 1 she aekeci c,ne oaf the }tile most alert business gifts of rite on ixm1 illness and exposing other I-: e was -h. first Feed Csan t , S I people, The work which children lose in fixe; promptly replied the bay: ' The whole -hearted support given school from sickness can be made up; Trinidad's fine share lar the war ick by the women of Canada, singly or far more readily than that lost by to be ec nmemorated be- a mailament: through their organizations, to toad health. S'atisfnctor;,* mental progress at Port_cf-Spain. A meeting was' s control and other war work showed can not be made unless lxealth is first held there recently at which the pro-, 9 how great their collective influence considered. i jest was discussed and agreed to s ith { ;could be. enthusiasm. The Governor (Major On Good Manners. Sir J. R. Chancellor) presided. The i i For the immediate future women On �r mous to securer toga art y o E t#ersl�.eet. aixee on the part of the scholars, wad A lady teacher in a Glasgow school up to nearly $1,500,OOO,OOO. The in- ter For a euua to lose an oe ~ 4 , m } . , i terest payment oe tens Nem ' demand day's sehoo :rag than to risk bxiu,, iog 1 boys to tell the class who Joseph ; a„! tire re _, role, fa `shold influe1 Goad manners can be acquired only site colleted for the monument xs at, .. , m 1 eetrious ea.•.testness. "Dear boy, I' thehometo be of purchases Canadian-made ea an -made by careful study. At least thcan the top of Bxo.. lila}, Port of Spann PART II , i 4. "Th', rrisoi:er at the car trill. yin going to motor thr ugh old age--- goods sed products. This will gate1 not be either laid down by rule or ""'" e .- � `r motor, with the wind it nxr face No,", employment to returned soldiers and obtained by the methods of a corres� plea a state her apt, ondenee, Truly good school man- -Same its yours. your Honor. taut.- her eyes lighting up again with their to the many thousands who were: p Ing moxxth and sevesxteen trays. carr inamitehle humor. "No, I shan't get' formerly in munition -making and` rexs are said to come from the inside finely how it is to be sate ltti- ..eine to the end of the road any sooner! other war work. me a till. I'm on the ragged'. edgefor I'm going a renal -about way!" i Women wlio realize that every dol - myself. No, I'll give you a tip— It was a hippy birthday to Grand,..!lar sent out of the country for those speed up, William, and take it with' mums. She fell be love with her ••,'s° things which can be produced- at you must be extremely clever in order l iax fa.e' open up the' man. ; home adversely affects the finaucia1 to keep people from looking beneath A golden moon to mock the empty- hours— And greening hills, ;Mite clouds. all life aware: Sweet smells of warming earth and songs of birds,, All firings you ever Iowa— And you—not here. And I have wished again for frost and ice Scor"storm to shroud my world with. skies of grey, For earth to tell the earth "there is no hope" It's easier --than spring With you --away. out, and time has not dulled the truth of this assertion. If you are a self-centred person re ttinyour throttle! Enjoy yourself while you "Why didn't you ask me to marry®situation. We have already pur- can." I you instead of Philippa? I'd have, chased $o heavily from abroad dur- "Fifteen do;lare," the Jedge said( jumped at the elmaece" laughed; jug the four years of war that the sternly. i Grandmums, plying him irlth eAa}ing' financial position is critical, + Canada lxas to remit to foreign battle. Observation is the other half, A fear minx:ts later Luther and drinks and ?raving a beautiful time., and even. if it i$ tagged with the Ciranclrnums came face to face. limb. 'Che was in a queer garment of bluets eountrles a sum of recti ares half za term "knocking"' a little criticism of etas }lyra,} -:lot out, .admiration, relief, jeans and a little smudge of black � ;inion dollars a day merely to pay other people's manners will help you over one eyebrow gave her a saucy: our indebtedness abroad. to avoid the same pitfalls yourself: delight shone in his eyes. This was ai,pearan;e. She had been turning' In our total, household purchases„ the kind of 4 (lrandnluxnslThe knocking may be done inwardly: down the grease daps an her Tattle' of Canaday boar about 9Q theex senaf lust as well as outwardly. Imitation', G .mixt ams !car. y p m is usually a bad way to go about t ;a `; calling me tl1 xi, Must be s•Y es, 1 take crire of her myself,"" all that is used in domestic life, the is usually but observingad'.asome person Phi}itai a--•--" i she nodded in anstiter to the unasked' first thins towards relieving and "Or. 1'hilenzaie man! Ilt t are you.' question on Luther's face. "I don't` safeguardaxxg a satiation astheiranother way to go about things,. Grar.emm�l; ": But 1 know. •.I'. e been tract anybody- else. Guess you d}dnrt' bra g of this all -essential fact. When; Table manners are really much 111 ;x` the s ri a ileus nnct +o*fore you got up. I tirovea that as once clearly+ uiulerstaod they easier to acquire than might be sttp- „ lx• t r ` down to E phe Legget's for Aae--' \t ill gladly, as they did in food eo*a-. O a -Wa_n t it fun! ---Von really mean l �� posed, You have only to feel that yet: :ire Philim a'� Luke, Splendid! di! ive'il want a lot to -day." Ides gaze: fro}, bring about a reform. Far every' million dollars retained you can :oak well ttlxile eating and What ere �co.1 .lesalg in tt eee ;+arts°" rested joya.e la on her lovely gifts,' in Canada BY A REFUSAL TO }t improves matters at once, This al game clown to v', you on your • '�I =}3Se ride ail over town to .host i U OTHER THAN CANADI: ?rT gentle art of constantly feeling' that el of t xnte year. Proxy far I'1silippa,, off. See if I don't!" GOODS, a year's unbroken employ- yolm don't make such a bad picture; TkitF e a 'r e=1<il c-- -„ i The next clay Philippa appeared, after all, is really the best and the ., t . her lively your face subdued to a merit can be given to at least 1,QQ0 , :, she stilt you to cam:or, ane in p people. simplest way of all. It can be prac me- old age? :dire child'-•- tial titter`' p pr:ate gentleness. Granciznums Beed at all times, liu;; should, never r z R met lwx at the station and a petrified; . the Canadian Trade Commission i to -morrow ellen carne, You Gay . i is by every means 'encouraging Cana-,, be carried to the point where it ap- Weil, we'll make fire most of it ands cpeech,ess Philippa rode back beside. proaches self-consciousness. dawn manufacturers to ' make the. Mannerisms are, of course, to be eve : high old time in betweenl: nor in the natty little car. re Lut}ler, words, "Made in Caais.da," worthy of! Come on --PR drive you }tome in my. ll ting joyously, the picture sudden-; the highest traditions of an. Indus-} avoided. The person who does every- Come t•ktt hare, round the, eorne ." It a sus+red pathos. Poor I'1►ilippa'. trial people. That standard has al-� tlun},r passible to attract attention is silt led the way to a natty little Her illusions had been so tender and tiresome to look at and usually more trewi lee.. With a whist; of dainty' sweet. She had been ruthlessly rob- toady largely been reached in our, tiresome to listen to. A torte: or bed of a dear Jec?lning Grandmums.` agricultural products. 1 tiresome voce st wearying to lister p.hee1oats she was in !viand the "Don't seal to me," whispered. Now give must turn to the best ac-� to, and one too low is almost as bad, wheel axil. they were off. speak P count the work of Canadians in thou 1. lt'i tate a beauty? S!1e s et Philippa as she descended into Lath- factory as wail as 111 the field. Now'' for the hearer has to stra}n attention thirdanal et i ciimaf; to }leer her. er's arms. Take me out of sight we must induce' our people in city, an order to make out what is being 1 hen ae get out c sight game :here' somewhere yes, slid kiss Inc, I need it. and country to make at home and to said. I£ we could only hear ourselves Fa shod; you what she can do. I've' get yes, iofe course 111 laugh when I produce at home the things we need as others do, it would be of almost just pati} fine enough to be entitled get my breath—of course I?} like it, as much aid as to see ourselves as to a little fun: You may be for our awn use and comfort. o official but I've got to have tame." Large quantities of goods which others see us. honker for me f you want to. That's Out of sight, between kisses, Lush- are of particular interest to women '� Asn thin" I'm t~ particular arioat er remembered something with an Using White Enamel. ?•.. have been for vaary,c imported into To white enamel paint, the best re- sults will be obtained by using two coats of flat house paint, then two coats of good oil enamel paint, being sure to let each coat dry. This treat- lts-•-it's an Invalid Table and a' ment is especially good for iron bed - silk hat anee. There wasn't a soul Foot-ttarnl-- steads. ( thing for our national. finaucisl bet - the cover. However, if you are thoughtful of others, the habit will grow with the least little bit of en- couragement, and this is half the the whose manners you approve will be ---honking. William Stieknel. can't at. al jolt, Philippa's birthday! the Dominion, when"many of them ray I've ever run aver so nmimell as a "Dear, he said with anxiety temp- would have been, had we known what Nees caterpillar. I'll toil you some-� ores? with twinkles,, "I'm afraid you could be effected by patriotic co -op - thin •---" she leaned eideways and won't like what I've got for your oration such as marked war work, whispered sibilantly above the little h'rtltday but its the best I can do• manufactured or Brawn within our car's Barg "I did run over a high own border The one outstanding under it. A child ;must have left it Philippa got her breath then. They; ferment is that we at once CHECK there in the road --it's a low hat laughed together in each other's; THE FLOW OF MONEY OUT - now!" and Grandmums' pleasant arms in joyous abandon while Tablej WARDS, and:that we do everything ?augh rung out. The car was picking and V4 -armor reclined peacefully un- possible to TURN THE STREAM up speed under Grandmums' urging ser' the lilacs. toe. A long, clear stretch of road 1 (The. End.) opened before them. "Wicked to waste it --look behind i Queen Mar and see if William Stickney's ghost Y is Coronet in Chief. ht anywhere in sight: Now see my little lady go" Back in the hamlet of white houses, G-iandmxuns drove up a curving drive and stopped at the door of ane of them. "Herr we are. I'll let you out and then take the ear around. Won't be. hut a minute." Over her shoulder she called happily. "It's scrumptious to have you at last—we don't need Philippa:" The minute she was gone was a terribly" short one for what Luther had to do but he managed it. He was actually panting a little when Grandmums came back but those two frightful birthday packages were no- where in sight. They did not even. protrude tell-tale knobs and ends from under the ' great lilac thicket nearby. "Good job!!" t1iciight Luther re- llevedly. Suppose he' lead not got there and discovered 'ern leaning against the front door! It had been a narrow escape. Luther's mind con- gealed at the awful thought of pre- senting this Grandmums '-with an Invalid Table and 'Foot -weenier. He had seen no evidence' of invalidism or cold feet. Later, up in Grandmmunm's cozy guest room, after a delightful evening on the porch, he found him - seal euddenl.y Iaughing . He sat up in 1'e thy' ber,.ter o do it, `lbe stir -'E mise thata coming to Philippa -- Luther fell back on Grandmtim's fluffy guest -pillows and rolled fol joy. The next day he presented Grand- mums with a' nifty little dashboard clock. two step -mats and a rear rnir- x OT. They made a very presentable a7 nealance spread out on the couch and how Grandmums slid love them. Hee bright t blue eyes so much like Philipea's feaatt beamed, delight. ' 'You ni,iet have been inspired yea ttat :'' C'i.ea she.. "You must have itecwce exactly what `Graad.nuons' tram or their birthdays. And there 1 we s afraid Philippa .might- think :I 1-a7. growing 'old•! Dear boy—" sud- a ;ix.-, her Rands were on his shoulders nee he was tooi:,irig up to him with OF MONEY INWARDS to Canada. That is, we must spend less abroad; we must sell more abroad. The following list, taken from of- ficial returns, is only a partial comn- With the appointment of Queen pilation of the many hundreds of Mary as Colonel in .Chief of the things more which weannually an - Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars, port from the United States, and Her Mafesty becomes the titular head which, with a determined effort and of two regiments. Already she was the co-operative good -will, without Colonel in Chief of the Eighteenth the further use of fiscal machinery, Hussars --"Queen Mary's Own." And could be largely removed from the she is, of course, Commander of Q. M. debit side of our, national bookkeep- A. C. ing. The list only deals with those There are, by the way, five : royal thing which principally concern wo- ladies who are Colonels in Chief. men:- Queen Alexandria holds this rank in Partial List of Canadian Imports. the Yorkshire regiment and the Nine- teenth Hussars, the Princess Royal in the Seventh Dragoon Guards. Prin- cess Mary in the Royal Scots and Prin- cess Louise Duchess of Argyll in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Food Conservation. T vc British soldiers went into a res- taurant in Saloniki and ordered the waiter to bring them "Turkey with Greece." "Sorry, but 1 cannot Servia," re- plied the waiter. "Then bring the Bosphorus!" cried the soldiers, The boss came, • and after -hearing the complaint answered, "I regret to Russia, but you cannot Roumania." So the soldiers went away Hungary. Just then. a Swede put his head in at the door and inquired anxiously, "Albania?" • industries of Mesopotamia. The manufactures of"•Meaopotanlia are few and primitive, Steam :.Ina chiuery was used in the military cloth factory at Bagdad, but the other'in- dustries may properly be classed as handicrafts. Milling; twining, boat building and brick making are carried - on for native consumption, a1id there are a few manufacturers of luxeries, sueli .as silk -weaving, metal -working, and the distilling of the -spirit called arrack. The silk factories of Bagdad are 'famous for the beauty of 'their color and workmanship, and tilemilt:- vittio. of the silkworm was at one time a flourishing industry,, '"k.3 i ,, ,., Article 1918 Cheese Lard Lard Compound, etc- Meats (general) Beef . •... Mutton and Lamb Value $ 114,000 288,000 469,000 728,000 1,788,000 355,00b Pork (barrelled, etc.) .... 2,167,000 Garden and Field Seeds .. 368,000 Tomatoes, canned .... 694,000 Tomatoes, fresh . 530,000 Canned Vegetables and . Baked Beans .... 457,000 Beans 2,593,000 Peau 216,00,9 Cereal Foods 142,.000 Breadst lffs 1951000. Cotton Manufactures (general ..... 8,832,000 Socks 'and Stocings 1,400,000 Other cotton manufactures 1,166,000 Plume and Prunes 1,227,000 Fruits in packages 608,000 Furniture ...... .•.... 1,121,000 P.yrs-caps, Mats, muffs323,000 Gloves and Mitts.. ... %137,000 'Boots and Shoes . t2,999,000 Silk Fabrics (general) ' 3;669,000 Soap .. 865,000. Starch, etc 200,000' Woollen Manufactures (all countries) 6,50.0,000, The Sick 'Child and the Scbool., A day spent in school by a • half - sick child may ,result in .a week of serious illness. If; as so often hap- pens, the slight" indisposition proves to be the beginning of same cam municable disease, the other children in the school are exposed, and . those who are susceptible follow in tura. Ail grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS Q. J. CLIFF • TORONTO TS COYERNENT LEC(NJ RAUB PURITY AND IS ON EACH CAN. F W. CLARK LIMITED wDNTnut 1.1001 no 11 MI "AGATE" FL 0 V RNISH z Stands rough wear and resists water ■ r Sale by an Dealers. CCrfert Lye is e wry powerful cleanser. It is used for cleaning up the ohlest and hardc:t dirt, grease, etc. Comfort Lye is fine for making sink, drains and closets sweet cod clean Comfort Lye Rills rats, mice. roaches and insect rests. Comfort Lye will do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lie is good for making soap. It's powdered, perf tuned and 100% pure. E .vraz ''rrIti Lrrs3�^ sus t**T t.., rt C01111 STROP The Syrup I se r Pancakes A golden stream of Crown Brand Corn Syrup is, the most delicious touch you can give to Pancakes! In the Kitchen, there is a constant call for Crown Brand Corn Syrup for making puddings, candies, cakes, etc Sad the day when -you are too big to en of fi 'slice 'of bread . spread thick ' with Crown Brand! Could that day ever come? Ward it off! Grace your table daily with a generous jug of -Crown Brand Corn Syrup, readfor the dozen desserts`an, dishes it will truly.. Croown”. 195 'Sold by Grocers everywkere—in 2, 5, 10, and 20 pound tins. The' Canada Starch Co. Limited Montreal teettaieeetateeetatatati