HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-15, Page 8EXErER ADITIMATEt• THUBBDAY, MAY 15 11111E1 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday . Fall Wheat 2.11 Spring Ifftat 2,06 Oats ,„, Nak 70 Dailey ..... FaudlY Flour Eggs Dairy Bdater Creamery Butter Lard e„ Potatoes per bag Hay .. Local Doings Mr, G. A, K. McLeod.is eonlined to his home. through illn.ess Mr. John Taylor has rent- ed the hour owned by Mr. A. C- 1.10 de on the cornon of Ann arid Carling Ntreets, .5.70 ,.. _46 45 to 47 se 35 . 1.75 to 2.00 16.00 _20.00 Trivitt Memorial Church --Noe Sereeesasuuel t,rn Sunday, E. M. Bowey and :kliss. Florrie iDi.opent to eek end in Lon- don. jonerhaa 1,7e....-cld was taken to Loa,l. i uenday to undergo an . •te herniae oanit week and the weigh ein nea busy weighing them, 1.ria theTr going on, tile grass. A Mniti Conn:st nreoiting, singing a4 tnnzZ vej.11. be held in Exe- tor on ),Vednesday, May le, under the ete.peee ot it W. C. T. U.. Fultler porno:entre w„el, he given later. m.imr.....01.4,1•041511101.00.1mIN, CALi STRAYED.-Moath old ealt etreeeed awie; on the 14th May; dark zed., ma:e. Any informatien please nene %nth m.111,:rson, 'Exeter N. TTO,1•RI.I.ran SEED POTATOES FORLE. Eerie Eureka ...Cobblern„ and Greep, :Moureatel-true, to name. from the Government ;seed. Ineyeetern S. J. HOGARTii. SALE A .1074e) Eegmade hand sew- eet reaohiae. eeerly aew Apply to e. .Martor. Seto HOUSECLEANING TIME is here rtgair- lry a bottle of The Weekine , 1.?creltinte Po'.Oh. The :ante bottle for.. the tree'..1, price. Give it a teed:end you ler." 1.te ner.vine.d. Andrew Aelent„ 'Phone 45, Exeter. POTATOES. We Wel Ten $.1.75 on Paeatoes for the next JONES MAY, Ex€.‘tr. 51ANGOLD:,,z.. FOR SALE. Several load; te7 none:olds for sale. Apely tt), W. D. Saadere, Stephen. Horsemen ! Get needy to have your Horse Bills ;elated, and order eoily so that there will be no delay. We give you sat- tsfreeion-The Advonne. --- Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made, from thatlast sack of afoc101 is the best we ever had in, the house"; "Our inead made from alanitteba's Best nee to the top of the oven". This 'e a true story ; ean give. names you wish, Harvey Bros. Harvey's Flour .s good flour. THE WATKINF., AGENT laandle, ands oi pring tonics for both man Med bene also toilet articles. Their dpices and flavor'11,143 are the purest on the market Oely sold by their . Agents to the con.sumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 B. Knight, Chiropractor, will re- sume practice in Exeter, commencing. Friday May and.. a.t Wm. Andrews aesidente, corner of William and. Sanders streets. Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays, 9 u. m. to 3.30 p. ma. Phone 43. LOST- .A. jute horse blanket bet- ween Seesmitla and Harvey Bros. Mill. Finder rewarded by leaving name at W. J. Beer's, Exeter. RED HEIR 5021 The. famous "Wilkes 5tandard bred Stallion will be at his own stable, Metropolitan Hotel. Exeter,for season of 1919. See cards for ped- ence ald terms.-Vv.`m. Mitchell. Corn Growing . Contest. The Exeter Canning Co. is offer - prizes of $25.00 for first, $15.00 fo- second, and $10.00 for third to pe' 'ons delivering to the Canning Fac- tory -.1-ue largest yields and, best qual- ity of corn produced from '10 lbs. of reed corn, or multiples thereof, se- ctv..4.=.d from the Company, on' contract for the season of 1919. EXETER CANNING CO. Rev, S...A. Carriere of Grand Bend occupied Caven Church pulpit Sun, - day, the pastor Rev. Foote, conduct- ing anniversary services at Grand Bend, Cliff. Davin had the misfortune to sestata broken nese on Metidayev- ening while playing baseball. He fail- ed to catch a fly -ball and it struck him a heavy blow, breaking the bore taf the nese Mr. C. L. \Vienne who has can- duoted a grocery and restaurant bus - leen; here for the past three years, has formed a partnership with his brotter-inollaw, Corp, S. W. Simms, who recently returned from everseas. Tuesday was a beautiful Summer day. and although a little late ia ar- riving, it yips fully appreciated. Gar- dening, is now in full swing, and with favorable weather the rest of this week the farmers will finish their eeeding. eMothetOi Day" was duly celebrat- ed in the Methodhst and Presbyterian churehes on Sunday. Aporoeriete earmons and musk' were given, and the white flower was mach in evid- erree. All good men unite in honer- ine the Mothers of Canada. Dr, T. Albert Moore, the general eoretary of :Methodist Evangelism and Social Service, preached excellent eermons o: service in the Meth- odist Church on Sundav-in James St. oltureh n the morn:eeg and in Main St. church in the evereng. Subscrip- tion.' were taken in aid of the work. The Ontario Department of Ag- Houlture has arranged Women't stelae anetings in this locality for the oornint seaem as tollows,-Ailsa Craig June 19; Lucan June 20; Gram - ton June 24; Exeter June 25; Far- quhar June 20; Hurondale Jua' 27; Zoe:oh June 28; Blake June 30; Cre- diton July 2. Min; B. Gilliolm, Bright, will have: eharge of these meetings. The deeth occurrod in Toronto on May 8th of Judge John Winehesee r, eather la-Orw of Mr. H. J. White, who predeaded Mr A. E. Kuhn as maer :leer of the Bards: of Commerce at Exteer and . is now manager of the Port Perry branch of the same bank, Deoeased had been ill eight weeks. He was senior judge of York County, and conducted many important invest- igations in recent years on, behalf of the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments and of the City of Toronto. D. 1). G. M. ELECTED. Mr. W. Braille of Dungannon Lodge was 'elected Disltrict Dep. - My Grand Master of this district at the District Meeting held in) Goderieh on Friday evening, ENJOYABLE EVENING. The G.W.V.A. gave a most suc- cesstul "At Home" and Dance Fri- day evening last. A large crowd was in attendance and a good time was the result, besides a nice sum being realized for the expenses .of the As- sociation_ The London: Harpers were enesent Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is hereby given that a -Ceoort of R.evision of the Aseessment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Cpeditan, on Monday, the 26th siay of May, 1919, •art 1 o'clock p.m. HeateeEilber, Township Clerk. Crediton P.O. Corn Contracts WEDDED. A very quiet wedding took place at James Street Methodist Church parsonage on Saturday evening, May 111, when Miss Hilda M. Preszcator, cedes; daughter of Mr. and Mrs; john Pneszcator of the 3rd concession of Stephen, and Mr. N. Tait of London were united in marriage. The young couple were unattended. They will neside n London AGED RESIDENT PASSES. At "loon or. Wednesday, May 14th, the death occurred of one of Exeter's aged and respe.cted residents in, the person of Fanny Westcott, widow of the late James Bisstt. She had at- tained the great age of 94 years and 6 months. In our next issue we. will give a more extended account of her life. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m. --- EXCELLENT ENThRTAINMFNT. "Confusion", a farcical comedy in three acts, under the auspide,s of the Girls' Auxiliary of Triviitt Memorial Church, was put on in the Ooc.ra House on Wednesday evening last and drew a full house -all being de- lighted with the performance. The cast of characters was an excellent one, and the several parts were tak- ea in pleasing .mantruer by each and ev- ery one. The talent was all local, and its success once mare demenstra- t•es the fact that the most enjoyable entertainments we have in Exeter are put on by our own, people. The prep- aration of the comedy was under the able management of Mes. Ne T. Dore, who also took one of the leading parts Much of the success .orthe perform- anee is due to her skill and untiring efforts. She was well supported by several others who are not .new to this kind of entereeinenent. The pro- ceeds netted over $125.00'. DEATH OF MRS. PEART. The Exeter Canning Company Is oet3xIY t,.0 contract,with farmers 'to grow Corn for 'canning. $10•00 Per ton will be paid same as Jest year. Seed corn of the finest quality arf6- duced price, 15c, ver lb., to growere on contract. - Z7th-4t Exeter Canning, Co. Read This and Get Your Order in -- Early. THE COMING' TWO WEEKS WILL BE THE LEADING WEEKS FOR Pine Apples SO PHONE YOUR ORDER TO PHONE 56 AND WE WILL DELIVER WHEN PRICES ARE THE CHEAPST AND PINES ARE THE BEST Wilson & Simms Half Holiday We the undersigned merebants of this town, agree to close Our pace of business on WednesdaY at 12.30 o'cloole during: the month ot. July and August, with the exception that when a holidaycomes during the, week stores will remain open, S. M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart Jones and May W, J. Neaman H, Specimen HS. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman P. M. Boyle W. J. Beer., P. Frank) Wm, Rivers, Grigg Stationery CO. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M, E. Gardiner. Rev. Trumper is attending Synod in Lon(1on. Rev. Muxworthy of Forest visited her this week. elt.,iers. Wilson and Simms were in London Thursday on. business. Mrs. Amos has returned after spending eeverel weeks in. Brantford Mrs Kent of DaVhwooci was the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper Tues- day Mi5s Irene Howard of Londonees, ited during the week at Mr, E. J. Christie's. Miss Vine Figher has returned to Hamilton. after attending the funeral of the late Mr. Weetcrote. Mrs. Ed. Treble was nt London on Thursday and Friday_ Mrs. C. H, Sanders was also in 'the city Thursr day, Miss alinnie .Lerner, who has been vis3tine, in town with friends re- turned to her home in! Seaforth Mon- day evening, Mr.s. Hodgson and Mrs. R. Skinner and Viola attended the graduation of their ,grandchild and .niece, Miss Steels on WedUesclay last in Wesley Hall, London. Harold Boyle of London was here over Sunday. His sist er Miss Lillian kieturned home after a visit here with friends. The family move to Toron- The death occurred at The Victoria Plome, London, on May7th of an aged resident of Exei ter n the person of Mary Ann Hubbard, relict of the late Joseph Peart, aged 80 years. De- ceased had been failing recently and on the occasion ,of the death of her husband -which took .pi.ace just two weeks before she remarked that she expected to follow him shortly. The late Mrs. Peart was the second wife of Mr. Peart and married him several years ago, after having first Met him while tteavelling an gibe train .,neat Toa -onto where she previously resided During her residence ie Exeterashe made; many warm friends, who held her in high esteem. After her bus- hatid's demise she ,w'etit to the Home at Lend= to spend her terbein'ng days, which Unfortunately were few. The ,IreMaitis were brought here and the, funeral ,top4eplace to 'the Exeter cemetery from. the -deptataOn'the", ar- rival ofthe tie41 Friday ening. to this week. Miss Vicile. Jones, who, has been Mr. Drew engaged in, the Dominion Tax office Sunday with at Winnipeg, returned to her home JONES & MAY reform sz CANADA MOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3020 Stylish, comfortable We have in stock a C/C a la Grfice Corset to suit every type of figure. Come and see them. LADIES' SWEATER COATS FOR SUMMER,-Sweeitee Coats and pullovers will be more popular than ever for the coming sea,sori, for motor- ing and outing weer. This is also a most praetical garment for cool ev- enings etc. We have the largest range in. the cot styfles and pullovers that we have ever shown. Prices moderate. CLEARING OE WASH DRESS GOODS AT 39c. A Ya -Wt) are placing on sale this week hundreds of yards of odd lines of wash dress goods in foilZards, muslins, etc., for quick /selling at 39c. yad. CORSETI-COVER 'EMBROIDERIES At 29c YD. -100 yards of corset cover embroideries, regularly worth up to 45e. a yard. Special selling price for this month at 29c, yard. SUITS AND coATs-We'atill have a nice rang- of spring suitsand coats for Ladies and Misses, which we are offering at greatly reduced pewee. Come early as they will soon. be cleared out. RAINCOATS FOR EVERYBODY -The new raincoats for 'adios, men end boys are now in stock. Lat est styles at reasonable prices. EXTRA SPECIAL -5 dozen. menet fixe negligee shirts, regularly $1,75 to $2.00, to dear thi 's week at 98c, each. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STY LE BOOKS JONES & MAY liencleineters for 'the Celebeatted Saedfard & Lion Bra,ads Clothing for aftn, and Boys. here on Wednesday of last week, and is now in London withher mother. Dr. George Seldon of Vancouver B.C., :%vho has been taking a short course with Mayp Brothers, Roch- ester; Mine., spent the week end with his brother Mr. R. G. Seldom !tele. Me: Seldon and two, children were endthe doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ms -sett of London are here owing to the ill- ness of the former's mother. Messrs!, John, James, Luther, Edward and Ira Bissett were up from London. on Sunday': Mrs. Bissett is seriously ill and being 94 years of age, her recov- ery i doubsful. BEFORE OR AFTER INFLUENZA BY Da. M. COOK The cool fighter always wins and so there is no need to become park-. stricken. Avoid fear and crowds. Ex- ercise in the fresh air and practise th? three C's: a Clean Mouth, a Clean Skin and Clean Bowels. -To carry off the poisons that accumulate within the body and to ward off an attack of the influ- enza bacillus, take a good liver regulator._ to move the bowels, such as -Castor Ofl or a pill made up of May -apple, leave of aloe and root of jalap, to be had at any drug store, and called Dr. Piesai'ii Pleasant Pellets. The system should be built up by the use of a good iron tonic, such as "Irbil... tic" tablets, to be obtained at some drug stores, or that well known blood -maker and herbal tonic made from roots and barks of forest trees -sold everywhere as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Rif- covery. For a tonic that will fee -shin up the blood, clean the digestive tract and put new force and vim into you, I know._ of nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery -and it contains 'no alcohol or narcotic to is perfectly safe to take. WrNDSOR, Orr.-11Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his 'Pleasant Pellets' are wonderful medicines for home use. I used to suffer with weak lungs, sMethering spells and sick -headaches, but since I have taken the above mentioned medicines these conditions have left Me. "Such medicines as Pr. PleM% worthy of praise and I am very glad* add mY testimonial to the thousands of, others." -Mus: ELLEN HAurorKo, 11 Erle Street, West. Knight of his mother Lucan spent here. AVOID COMM' ard COUGHEIZA 6 5n4r-E I kV* k two . ylipH 30 Ftf COUGH,' UAW MIS W1 CffiLDREN Couctung spreads „ Disease Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work guanantee:d. Cash for old tires, TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened An office in McDoners Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or night: Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Conant has bought the practtioe of Sweet & Reid and will cantinue business at the same stand, Cans promptly attended night and day Photne 8. MONEY TO LOAN We ban a large aneount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ANBURY l?..arristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor foe the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money to' loan at 'etwest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. - CENTRAL --c7 A TFORD. ONT. We have Telegearpity; Commercial & Shorthand Depasitanente. W erive isidevidnal inieruptine Students are ,entetieg eaelf weely. Our eracluateS. Seeore'', po'Sitionse. Of , teest. • . Get Our "free catalogue MO* it may inter yoe. - . ID, A. McLachlan, Pr.i.neipaa HORSES WANTED I want am unlimited number of Horses itt goad condiame Geldings 5 year+ old up, weighing from 1500 poundi up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rouastote, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office Over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction „ Guaranteed. C re d iton, - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Midciles,ex and Oxford. Farm Stock $9,1es a Specialty. Office at Cock *butt Watnerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, eptcats, teas, coffee and every. thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- of). Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE -DEALER Exeter Bargain Store Spring & Summer Shoes Our Stock is. now complete with all the new sty0es and colors High Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps. A. 16.01? at our tilfobk wlil convince you thatHooursEp-excioelsdoarzeenrigLhatd.iea, Black Cotton Ho's* at ,25c. a pale. PRINTS -See our range of Prints at 25c a yard. SHIRTS -Men's Finie Shirts at $1.50 to $2.50 )eaele. SUITS -See our order samples for a Mad-itoemeaanre suit. eer HEINTNIAN PIANO` F03-. SALE. , eavers a wl co, ar "sPI Frp a be rot tal blc apt ent thi in. ed eil and and the to . so. mer sen Piga eng the thai rior bor nee we. be Ant may cervi row asiti am( for It addi Gov road per ul 111 PRIe PRIa RIN plur RIN At SE] d4 OLD RE BIG Urr,$