The Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-8, Page 8EXETER A;DYO-CATk,,-THURSDAY) MAY El f More wet weather during the week sae ne Exeter MarketsI Local D�zn�rs I. ty dem ed the seeding again Changed each .Fall Wheat .,. Spring Wheet Oats.......... Barley Family Flour Eggs Dairy iButtter Creamery Butter Lard Potat=oes per bag Haag Hogs Wednfesday ,,..,. 2.11 000044,.4.. 2,06 0000,:... 70 ,...5.70 45 45 to 47 . 35 .".1.75 to 2.00 16.00 21.50 Trivitt Memorial Church saissase Seseeses as usual'. on. Sunday. The Lose T :mpBranee Leg'aan un- der thre captains will . olleet old rubbers t al of their fiends on Sat- urday more', • stere, May, 10th. Kind- ly have 'ui'bses ready and so help the boys. SEED PO l' ATOES FOR SALE. Ear::. Fere : t i . bbiers', and Grp en Moues. :7u tet name. from th Gova:.n.arest , ed. Inspected. S. J. HOGARTH. "In Memoriam" notia s, without e verse attae•hed are 50e. per insertion, FOR ti 41,E A (Jones) English' -made hand sew- ziy path ne, nearly new. Apply to S. Martin & Son, F ARASOLS FOUND. At the Trivia Memorial t•herch a couple weeks ago two cerasaols. Own- esrs can have same by paying for this adveetiaernent. HOUSECLEANING TIME is here again. Try a. bottle of The Watkins Furniture Polish. The large bottle fo: the small price. Give it a trial antd you well be convinced. \'4 rn. Andrew Agent, Phone 43, Exeter. POTATOES. W lt•=ii pal $173 for Preteen's `Or the nexttwo weeks, eks, JONES & MAY. Exeter. MANGOLDS FOR. SALE. Several load.; of rnangolds tor sale. Apply to W. D. Sanders, Stephen. 0,000. Horsemen! Get ready to have your Horse Bills printed, and order early so that there will be no delay. We give you sat- isfaction. -The Advocate. Reports in regard to our flour are great. "Bread we made from thatlast sack of Modell is the best we ever had in the house" • "Our bread made from Mani'.entes B; st goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story ; .*an give names it you wish. Harvey Bros. WANTED -A maid for general housework; small family, good wages. Apply to T. S. Woods at The Moi - sons Bank, Exeter. Harvey s Flour is good flour. 0001110.0•••••••••••.-406•004. THE WATKINS AGENT .handle., sa kinds of ;prang tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market, Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 B. Knight, Chiropractor, will re- sume practice in Exeter, commencing Friday May 2nd.. at Wm. Andrews residence, corner of William and Sanders streets. Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. 9 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. Pho-te 43. LOST- A jute horse blanket bet- ween Sexsrnith and Harvey Bros. Mill. Finder rewarded by leaving same at W. 3. Beer's. Exeter. RED }Pea 5021 The fanoes \\ar'kes Standard bred tTrottin- : S `a'# -an will be at his own stable, \°e rnpolitan Hotel. Exeter, for steasoe of 1919. See cards for ped- i,gre e - a sd terms. -Wm. Mitch ell. Corn Growing Contest. The Exeter Canning Co. is offer- ing peels of $25.00 for first, $15,00 for sec -"+d. and $10.00 for third to Persons d .',iv:xing to the Canning Fee - tory th argest yields and best qual- ity of cern produced from 10 Ibs. of seed corn. or multiples thereof, se- cured fro. n the Company, on contract for the season, of 1919. Zw. EXETER CANNING CO. Court of Revision TOW -;SHIP OF STEPHEN NOTIC E is 'hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As'siessment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its f rst meetingin. the Town Hall, Crediton, pan Monday, the '26th day of May, 1919, a,'t 1 o'clock p.m. HeSee,Eilber, Township Clerk. Crediton P.O. Corn Contracts The Exeter Canning Company is ready to contract with farmers 'to. grow Corn for canniag, $1.0:00 neer tan w tl be paid same es last year. Seed corn of the finest quality at re- duced price„ 15.c, ,per lb., ° to growers on contract. ,27th -4t. Exeter Canning Co. We have some aio- ads ets this vicinity, that ,surelyneed sone attention. \1r. E. F. Davis, brother oaf Mrs,, Fred .May, is quite seriously ill at his home in T,iilsenburg Evangelists Hanley and. Fisher are conducting services in Clinton, : em- mencine en Tuesday ,last The Oddfeiilows Dienict meeting is to be head in Goder.n h this Friday Friday .even -ng. Past Grandy E. M. Dignan and H Jennings are represeia- Mews of Exeter Lodge. A former Exeter boy, Mr. Thomas Beaman, son of .the late William Bal - man, was married at Windsor on April .?8th. to .l,lwss';laire, daughter et Mrs. Margaret Dayville. Tom's old friends here will wish him prosperity and' happiness. The mari'iege of Russel. J. Foster and Miss Annie Mason, both former, ly of Forst, hook place at Regie rtes: early.. They will reside in that sett, M: ss Mason is a daughter of \Ir. Chas. Mason of Detroit, a form rr resident of Usbotrnr'. and wee - known in Exeter. Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore of Tor- or.tre general secretary of Evangelism and Ser.:,ial Service .of the if:'tthodist ehur,h, will preach in James SIV•'et .-hur.h next Sunday for'noon at 11 o'clock and will also preach in Main St. church next Sunday evening at onlock. lie will speak in, the inter- est of the Evangelism and Social Ser- ve -is Department, and otferiags and contributions in aid of the work wall he taken. To these services the l'ub lit ;s cordially Invited. They who hear him have th. gain. -+0,000 NEARLY A FIRE. The Times Office narrowly cscap- tit struetior, on. \Vedeesday .afternoon las., when the %ri. tow sill of one of the rear windows got on fire, Isom an unknown rause. The window cask was destroyed, but the lire was soon extinguished by chemicals and water. BANKING HOURS, On May 12th the banks throughout Canticle will go on new. hours end will -.rpen during the week at 10 and close at 3 o\ lock, the hours on Saturday sten. 0,30 and 12 noon. Recently the beaks have opened a.t 9.30 in the morning and closed at 2.30 ;n the af- ttrnoon. r I'r GA.RNE l' FORD RETURNED Pte Genet Ford, son of Mr. O. Ford of Exeter, who enlisted in the 161st Huron Batta eon, and went ov- seas and to ,Fi1 nee with the other boys of the battalion, returned home on 'Tuesday n>torxiiing. He arrived home trathcr unrexpectedly, as his name only appeared in the official list of arrivals the day before. Garnet spelt a year in France and although he saw servic,e in many of the heavy engagements, he wags ,not wounded arad returns iu good health, and looking well. We join, in welcoming him home to family and friersds. CORP., JEFFREY RETUNED, Corp. Wm. Jeffrey, M.M., has ar- rived at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey of Usborne, Corp. Jeffrey is another of the 161st boys, who went to France with the first draft from that battalion in 1916 and became attached to the 58th. For distinguished service he was giv- en the Mettary Medea, After the sian:n' of the armistice he became very el „t Belgium, and he left Eng- land just recently as a cot ,casg, but is happily n.ow able to walk about, and his many friends will hope for an early and complete recovery. 0.,,000_ ADJOURNED VESTRY MEETING. The adjourned vestry meeting of the Trivia Memorial Church was held in. the: Scholl Hall on Monday ev n.. with the rector, Rev. A. A. Trum- per in the chair. The Auditors' Re - pert was read by C. H. Sanders, which showed receipts for the past year of 82192.38, and an expenditure of $2109.7b, leaving a balance of $82.- 60. The report tops .ordered to be . printed for di.etributilan among the members of the congregation. The "Budget" suggested by the Bishop was further duscusned and a commit- tee was appointed to make a canvas of the ceang:rega*.ion. GORED BY A BULL. J..4.. Coughlin of Timone}, wells known in this vicinity, being a former resp dent of Stephen as a catitfleman, was baldly gored by a, ferocious bull at the Union Stock Yeses, Tpronto, on \m'etdlneesday. He entered the pen, where the menial was tethered, and while he had his backs turned, the an- , imal charged and ,threw him against' the well. He wags ,thrown this way four ,tunes, the last time landing in a trough, w1>tere he could not be Reached by the atni,mal, which was tethered. He was in a badly bruised condition when. he was taken home, but later was in. much more favorable condition. - - TOWN BASEBALLLEAGUE ORGANIZED. Friday evening last a number of th-e local fans met andorganized for the coming baseball season,. It was de- cided to form a. League in town,, and the following teams have entered - Clerks, Bankers, and .High School. Games, win be played on a _regul,ar schedule, and some good sport wet put be ap an. A team to represent the town will be picked from, the League. Prlepa.retteas are beiat,g ,made to nut the diamond in, shape, A canvas is on for help along frna,ca;aii lanes. The flowing ' executive was'" npnoiq�gtecl,_ Ion,-iesPldeats,' W J. Russell, Wk. S`:`, Cole, B. W. Fs Beavers, C. L. Wil- son, R. G. Se4tdton. ; Pa esilden,t, W. 3. H•eaman; 1.st Vice -Pres., T. M. Thom- son: 2n? Vine -Pres., F. M. Boyle ;: Sec. -Tr as., C. E. Stock; C•omnittee, fresh School, C. 'Ford,' L. Beavers; ceeeles, ; C. Rii .ers,, W. Harniexs ; T makers, ,A. A. ingrem, II; G. 1 -laze - ton. Mr. Leon Treble has accepted a position in London with Lawson & Jones, prin,'ter • and lithographers, We are pi),eesed to see. Mr: A. E. Kuhn out again, .after being confined to Abe house for s : v'era6 weeks. Mr. Ernest Harvey underwent an operation in London this week for chronic appendicitis, and is doing very nicely. Mr. Albert Penwariden of Usbeenle dlelt+'vered a spanking fine team of greys to Mr. ,G. Dew last week for shipment to Montreal. Needless to say the price was a good! one, Mr. E1, Snell left Friday for Lone don. where he ursd"erweart an opera- tion for the removal o a growth at the back of his ear. The latest re- port ,says the oneraltion was a sue-- ee:sssand the patient is, doing ni ely.. BAUCK FROM OVERSEAS. Lorne Cudmore, son. of the], ate Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cudmorc, who enlisted at Beeler with the 161st Battalion, returned on Tuesday but went thru to the home of his brother in Kippen the same evening. Lorne went to F ratsce when the 161st was broken up and clueing the last year saw con- stant fighting. His mother died since he went oversme. He returns in goad health. MARRIED AT GONDREAU. Announcements have reached Exe- ter of the insula;.: of Irene, daugh- ter of Isar. and Mrs. Qtsackaefnbush, of Clondrtau, Ont., formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Robert \Villiain Rumiey' of Tor onto, or May 1st. Aii.^•s Irene was well and favorably known in Exeeer,. as a young lady of many fine quelit- t.s gifted in the musical and literary arts. \Ve underetoaad Mr. Rumley is a member of Knox College s,taff, Toronto, Rev, Bard was in Toronto last week for a few days. Miss Margaret Mu.xtvorthy of For est spent a day or two here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior visited in Toronto with their son last week, Mr \V taut Handford and son. vis- ited the form 'es sister in Sarnia this week. Mr. Alert Dow returned last wee'. from Winn peg, where he scent sees eral weeks. Rev. Doan of Hensel.' preached ac- ceptably in James Street church on Sunday evening. Dr. kinsman and Dr. Roulston at- tended the Dental Convention in, Tor - route last week. Mr. John Quail of Sea,forth was here over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Esteterhrook. firs. Daly and daughter of Edmane ton. are teeter„ Beth the fermer's win- ter, Mrs. John hawkskaw, Mrs. Newman, who has been visit- ing, hes parenuts, Mr+. and Mrs. R. G. Seidon, returned to Kingston Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Latimer Grieve of Lon- don are visiting relatives here. Ow- ing to ill -health Mr. Grieve is obliged to take a few weeks off to recuperate, The Misses Hilda and Gladys tie gra- der of London and Pte. F. L. Miller of Guelph, who spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Daniel Schrader of Ste- phen, have returned to London. Capt, W. Bryant of Thedford was in town Friday shaking hands with old friends. The Capt. intends reviv sig the Tribune at Thedford which sus - °ended publication, a couple years ago Mr. Russell Balkwill recently 01 the Back of Commerce staff in Toronto, who has been visaing hire at the home of his father, Mr. \m, A, Balkwill, left Wcdnresdav for Winnipeg, he having been transeerred to that city. Mrs. Gee. Connor and daughter, Thelma, who have been residents of Exeter for several years, lett Wed- nesday morning for Windsor, where Mr. Connor has been for sometime, and where they intend making their future home. The family will carry with them the best w.`.shes of many friends, SPRING FEVER Following Colds, Grippe, Thin, Watery or Poisoned Blood (By DE. VALENTINE MOTT.) At this time of year most people suf- fer from what we term "spring fever" because of a stagnant condition of the blood, because of the toxic' poisons stored up within the body during the long winter._ We eat too much meat, with little or no green vegetables. Bloodless people, thin, anemic people, JONES & 1LAY MONS 32 CANADA POOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 8-3410 Clearing Spring Suits & Coat Prices Greatly Reduced_ COMMENCING- THIS WEEK WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK. OF LADIES' AND MISSES' SPRING SUITS AND COATS Al GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Wt. HAVE A NICE RANGE OF GAR- MENTS LEFT TO SELECT FROM MARKET? DOWN TO PRICES THAT SHOULD CLEAR. THEM OUT AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS O1PORTUNITY, SPECIAL FACTORY COTTON, 1Sc. YARD -7 YDS. FOR Si \Ve place on Salve this week Five Flunked yards of Factory Cotton 34 inches wide; mace even wea.v;e; a real Bargain at 15c. yard, on 7 yards for $1.00. BOYS' WASH SUITS. We Have a big range of Boys' Summer Wash. Suits for ages from 3 years to 8 years, which we are selling at prices Lower than the actual cost of the materials to -day, MONEY SAVING IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS We have art immense stock A Rugs Congoleums, Linoleums. Oil- cloths, Curtains, Curtain, Nets, Screens Window Blinds, Etc., which in some cases we are offering below to--day;awhotesale price. Heavy quality floor Oilcloth, very special at 60e. a yard. Congoleum Rugs at less than present wholesale price LADIES' SILT+, POPLIN SKIRTS r T $7.50 EACH. Ladies' Fine Quality Silk 1'oplinSkirts, in Brown, Toupe, Blare, Navy Green and Griey all sizes, very special this month at $7.50 each. New Middies, Wash'-dsiesses, Wash Skirts, Unidiertvca.r, Hosiery. Watch Voiles, Etc., are now .ready for your inspection. Ladies Black Cotton Lisle hosiery, regi ,arty SOc pear, to clear this month at 35c. peer, or three pair for$1.00. Men's Heavy Grey and Brown Cotton Socks at a35c. pear, 3 pr. $1.00, ASK FOR ONE. OF OUR STYLE BOOKS JONES & MAY head mercers for the Cetlebfralted Sandford & Lion, Breads Clothing lee Ment and Boys. Miss Olive Prior is visiting, in Wind- sor. AVOID COUGH& and COUGHER '! Coughing SpDiseasreads e 6 si>scE a 1870 Iltra- Id� - 34 DROP.? ,i CTIV COUGHJ' BALF 'fills FOR CHILDREN Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guaranteed. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opert;ed an office .igen McDoaieles Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention uaid to all calls day or night: Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Hemtry A. Corsant has bought .he practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand, Calls - promsatly attended night and day Phone 8. those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and feel that tired, worn or feverish condition in the spring- time of the year, should try the refresh- ing tonic powers of a good alterative and blood purifier. Such a tonic as drug- gists have sold for fifty years, is Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is a standard remedy that can be ob- tained in tablet or liquid form. Made without alcohol from wild roots and barks. Occasionally one should "clean house" with castor oil or tiny pills made up of the May -apple, leaves of aloe and jalap, and sold by, almost all druggists in thin country as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. SARzrra, Oyr.-"I was in a very bad condition.,, I could riot. eat without feel- ing distressed. Had indigestion; so badly I was always, in misery. I had liver irouiile as wel' ,` and the two just put me 'down and out' for about five years. I. had many good doctors but got no relief. I took Doctor Pierce's' Golden Medical Discovery and before I had taken two. bottles ,1 was much improved, and 'in lees than six. months I was well. I could at anything and do my work with pleasure,,." --Meas. ANNIE B..ascolr, 226 Burand MONEY TO LOAN --We berme a large amount of private 'ands to loan on. , farm and village. property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S1eiNBURY Barenters, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Banrnster, Slolaiciltor, Notary Public; .. ommiseioner, S�oliciear for the Mal- Shoes ® Caps �° Suits V wvest rates of interest, - Office -Main Street, Exeter. If you want 'to have, our "boy o y b y or girl wear a pair of neat, nifty shoes 1 0l t k HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties hravi,ng the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Roteston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 2�INSMAN, L. D. S., D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Unii rersity Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office aver Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctilan!eer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton - Gn'tario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED - AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middpessex asnd Oxford. Farm Stock' Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockslrutt Wa rooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- t?nng ill the grocery line, Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- C'e. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE E THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain Store - , aur stock aver. We can give you prices' on these ]sines that diefy CENTRAL i competition. Ladies' fine shoes in all the leading shades and styles, including Ox- fords, Pumps, Strap Slippers;` Etc. We have the agency for the'' Inv ictus Shoe. rpade fy Geo. A. Slater, Limited, Montreal, for either men or women, They - ;are a little higher in price but much highers.in quality. CAPS - A special buy of Boy's and Men's caps to sell at 50c., $1.50 and $2.00 each, SUITS Let us sellou a made-to-ineasure X to ineasure suit from our samples; • and made by Greene Swift, Limited. They are guaren.teecl to fit. • W. F. Beavers sse es. 0 N We have ,TeJtega+aphy, Comm erciI,1, a Shorthan•,.d Depairtm,erlts. We i,ve individual it tructipe. Studen Es are entering each weplo. Our giaclua S'ecure _ i,ti s is trust. ,p os>�, Get, -OUT free catalogue now it may u n eo est 6•u .. I D. A, McLach,',an, Print pre 75:c,,