HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-1, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, MAY ' 1 1BIB Exeter Markets Changed each Wednfeeday Fa.1 Wheat x 2.11 Springg Wheat ,..,eY, ....., 2.06 Oats Noe .,r• 70 Barley e5 Family Flour ....,.... 5.70 Egg:. ... 44 Creamery Butter ... 69 lea'ay Butter ........., 55 Lard ettee. 35 Potatoes :.... ..... $1.50 -$1.75 Hay ..,,,. 16.00 Hogs tee e t 21.50 Trivftt Memorial Church EXETER OPERA. HOUSE iL t ! i CON'U I N A Three AG t Comedy, given under the auspices at The Girls' Auxiliary of the Priv . 'tlemor:al, Church on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1919 At a .15 o'clock, sharp. Admasscoa Saw. Reserved Seats SOc v h'.dren 254. Seat. tet e.ae at Howey's Drug Store. "In Memoriam" not F'es, without a. averse attached are 50c. per insertion. FOR SALE A (Janes) Enelish-mads hand sew- ing matiLne, nearly new. Apply to S. Martin & Son. PARASOLS FOUND. At the Trivet. Memorial Chrenh a couple tt eel:s ,slit) two parasols. Own- ers can have same by paying for the advert isernent. '--M-, HOUSECLEANING TIME is here aeaar.. f rti a bottle of The \S'a'ssing Furniture Polish. The large bottle for the small price. Give it atrial and you will to convinced. Wm, Andrew Agent. Phone 43, Exeter. M1D-SU MMER OPENING. Sato day, May 3rd, we will, have Display of New Trimmed Hats, Trine. risings rm- rriiri;s and Materials. Your inspection is respectfully Invited. Values that cannot fail to appeal to every keen buyer E. T. V. CURLISS. POTATOES. As the erass seed season over we will take potatoes our store is open -JONES is about any day & MAY. Ml ANGOLDS FOR SALE. Several loads of mangolds for sale. Apply tc W. D. Sander, Stephen. Horsemen t Get ,reedy to have your Horse Bills printed, and order early so that thea will be no delay. We give you sat- isfaction. -The Advocate. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE -Early Eurekas, Cobbler; and Comet (late). -W. F. ABBOTT, Exeter. Reports in regard to our flour are great, "Bread we made from thatiast. sack of Model+ is the best we ever had in. the house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top of the oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. WANTED -A maid for general housework; small family, good wages. Apply to T, S. Woods at The Mol - sons Bank, Exeter. The Oddtfe"lo,vs will attend divine servi_e in James Street Church on Sunday, Ma, 4th, meeting at Lodge Room at 10.3'1 a.m. All brethren are reii.iested to attend. -j, C. Snell, N.G. THE WATKINS ,AGENT eiandlee all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toile( articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on. the mae'ee:_ Only sold by their agents to the consumes. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone43 I.FY 11. were asked by a business man what kind of a position you were be t to iified to fill, pori would net ie -state to tell. Why wait to b- seed? Wtv not put an;advrctis .,,eet in the 'BETTER SITUATLGN•e WANTED" COLUMN OF THE 1,,+)NDON FRES PRESS and i".farm :,uudreds of business men what position rou want and why you .know you eel fill it efficiently and loyally. Of r;purse, you will read, every day, rh,. Help Wanted columns in The Lona • -n Free Press classified. Hundreds of progressive people owe their initiel recess to a little ad. in The London Free Press Help Want - d colirrnr's Corn Contracts The Exeter- Canning Company is ready to .corstrsact with farmers " .o ow Corn for `cazrnin;g, $10.00 per .ton met be pard same as last year. Seed corn of the finest quality at re- duced price, 15c. per Ib., to growers on contract. Z7tb-4t. Exeter Canning Ca. .Local Doings Harvey's Flour is good flour, Mr. Fred Wells, late from over- seas, ha;s .been engaged as car etaker of the Bowliafg Green • Two ,or three nosed and snowy days last week. and also the Sunday night rain further hampered the seeding o0-. eratione �n this neighborhood. The Epworth League anniversary services in Main Street church Sunday last conducted by Rev. Ferguson of London were bright and interesting. .ahem: are still a few people who forget "copy" for a eewepaper should. be written on one side of the paper only. Miss Ethel Case, London Road north ts unable to attend to her teachMg duties this week owing to illness. Muss Ruby Wood of towte is filling the vacancy at the school, The last of .the series of concerts saint on during the winter attracted a good house on Wednesday evzning. :Mlither liixborn is a €irst-class en- tertainer and pleased his audience. Word has been received from Pte. C. H. Me Avoy that he is now. on his last leave, which he is spending at Brtt.sret's, His next move will be to England prior to .his sailing to Canada. The adjourned Vestry meeting of Tii itt .Memorial Church, will be held in the Swlroo: Hall on Monday even - lag next, when the auditors' report will be eeceiv d and other business troneeeeed. The social evening given by, the Men's Club an Thursday evening last for the returned soldiers was a Most pleasing affair. The program and loosen were greatly enjoyed by all. and a ,goodly number was present. ,he late Anthony Tyelall, who passed at' ay on the 21st, att his home in Tuc_kersntith. and .vha. e re.. n, ere,• wv2, !interred. in. the Exeter cemetery on the 23rd, was barn in Ireland and fifty-five years :ago ne settled on a farm one ..nd 2 quar'tar nti:c•= from Exeter, some 23 y. ars tater reoviter into Tui kersmith. His ,vlfe died tic, yva s ago. One son ti.r'rry survive; at home. The Ontario Government has de Bided to take over all stored liquors held by vendors in the provinces+i;th 'et ono month, their li,`ense>s hav,ng r tr. u' April Ise, and no dery sures •' 1 he iesued. All these establish- ments have been requested not to put in any more draught whiskey, as the Government wishes to take over as little of :his as possible, as it intends that all liquor sold shall be in sealed bottles, All bottling necessary, such as that of giro and rye, will be done in Toronto by provincial; officials: NEW SCHOOL JANITOR The appliteation of Mr. Joie). Par- son; as janitor of the Exeter School was on Friday evening accepted, at a spevia'. meeting of the School Board. Mr. Parsons entered on, his duties on Saturday last, NATIVE OF EXETER DEAD. Mrs,. Carrie Knight received. word of the death of her cousin, Mr. Fred Drew, ort April 21st in Chicago. Mr. Drew, whose home is in Ontario, Cala is the Pacific Coast represientl ,tive of the International Harvester Company, and he, with Mrs. Drew, was in Chic- ago, attending a meeting of the com- pany On Goad Friday he took cold which meekly developed into pneu- monia, and while in delirious condition h. jumped from the window of the hotee al, fracturing his skull in the fall, and dying shortly afterward. His l,vife tvae in. the room with him at the time, but she was unable to prevent hint getting out of the window, When he heard the hospital attendants conte to the door, The late Mr. Drew was 41 rears 01 age. K•ie was, born in Ex- eter, and went` to Ontario. Cal., when a child with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drew. He is the last of the family, but is survived by h"s wife and three children, and mother. The late Mrs. Frank Knight of Ex- eter was a sister. Old friends of the family will regret to hea,r of his un- timely ernd. DEATH OF JOSEPH PEART. There passed away at his home, Huron street, cm Sunday last another of_Exeter's oldest and much', esteemed citizens, .in the persona' of Joseph Peart, who had reached the great age of 91 years, and who was noted far his strict integrity and honesty of pur- pose. Nearly all his life deceased was of a healthy, robust type and' scarce= ly knew what. it wasr to be ill• For the past four or five years, however, he has been gradually falling, butt scarce- ly ever incapacitated, even to the last. Mr. Part was born in Te:ttney, colnshire,'England, and came to Cana- da in the ,Year 1851, first 'settling in Hope township, near: Port Hope. At Tyrone on the 25th day'of December hewas merr,Ved to Grace Varesetone, and at that place went on a rented farm. From here they moved to Bow- rnanville, and in 1870 • moved tothe tpwnsliip of Usborne, whtere he tilled the soil till he moved ho Exeter about 32• years ago. In the year 1892- ire was bereft of his agedl partner- in life and was again married girt 1903., to Miss Hubbard- of Tononto, who was' also a native of England Deceased was foe many yeatrs a member of the Firee for the but itVltelGhodist denomination, greeter part of his life he hasi beery a member of the Metthodist Church„ be- ing a devoted and cons;tistent Christ- ian and a faithful and earnest worker in the Master's great cause. In poll,- tics he was a s'tauinch Reformer, but was an ardect supporter of, the Union Government, He was a man much re- spected as a friend and neighbor, and was esteemed, by all who knew him, Bies,des his wife he is survived by two tions -by his first wife -Samuel of Guelph and John of Exeter; arse seven gran.d(cKelren, and six great- grandi-chiidrean,, The funeral took place to the Exeter Cemetery on, Tuesday; conducted by Rev. Baird, ass- •sJtated by Rene . Dr. Medd, Rev, Kee- tie and Rev: Yeand, The pall beav- ers were his Igralidsosas'and.gramd sons int -law, Russell, Williem, Archie andDriver Chas, ,Peart, Harold Scott and Mr. Passmore. HEALTHFUL ADVICE. Duringthe aftermath of in- fluenza or any other prostrating illness, the logical tonic is SCOTT'S EMULSION which enriches the blood and strengthens the whole body, via nourishment. Ifou would re- new your strengths--trScoff's.Scott & eowxie, Toronto, Ont. 19-1 BOARD OF HEALTH. ANNUAL NOTICE. Citizens are called upon to observe the usual precautions as addopted in former years. CLEAN UP. BRUSH UP. Remove all filth from Cellars, Stables, Outhouses and 211 places were it usually will collect. All old Tins and Refuse, if collected and Placed out on the street in boxes or barrels in front of the premises will be collected by the Municipal Teams! and conveyed to the Dump Ground. Collections made as follows, on Fri- day May 2, on Streets east of plain from the south boundary, On Sat- urlay May 3rd„ on streets west of Alain from the south boundary. ,A fee of 10 and 20cts, will be charged by the teamster. By Order, Board of Health. H. B. Huston, Chairman, B. Knight, Chiropractor, will re- sume practice in Exeter, commencing Friday May 2nd„ at Wm. Andrews residence, corner of William and Sanders streets. Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays, 9 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. Phone 43. LOST— .A jute horse blanket bet- ween Sexssuith and. Harvey Bros. Mill. Finder rewarded by leaving same at W, J. Beer's, Exeter, T. W. J. Heaman was in London for a few days last week. Mr. Wm. Talbot .of London called on. friends in town Tuesday. - Miss Lillian Boyle ;of London is vis- it n;: with friends in Town this week, Miss Stella Gregory has returned home, after visiting in Stratford with her brother, W. H. Gregory. Mr. Samuel Peart of Guelph and Mrs Stewart of Sea,forth attended titre funeral of the late Joseph Peart. Mr. Elder Elliott, wife and family, after a month's visit with relatives ie town, have returned to their home in Flint, Mlich, Privates Douglas Stewart and Fred Brimacombe did not :arrive home un- til Friday evening. They are bothiiin excellent health. Mr. Dyer Hurdon with lois wife and son Richard of Buffrlo spent Monday here, having come over to see his brother Private Eric Hurdon, who arrived home on Saturday. MIr Grafton Burdett of Detroit, re- cently of the United States army, was h visitor with friends here this week. Mr. Burdett was formerly a clerk in the Bank of Commerce here. Wm. Goodwin, a former employe of the Jackson Manu,£acturing Co., at Ex- eter who era fisted at Goderich and hent overeeas as a ettnecpat of the Bugle Band, is here for, a few days. Private Wm. Triebner, who recent- ly arrived home from overseas, left on Thu(rslday for Ca;(gdry to obtain his dis'chargee. He will remain in that city where he was living before he en- listed. Mr. A. L. Handford with his son of Renfrew, and Mrs. Thornton of Sarnia spent a few days here during the week at the home of the farmer's pa;ren:s, Mr. And Mrs. Silas Handford. Mr, Thornton tvhs also here for the week end. Pte. Charles Heaman of the West, son of the late Jeremiah Hebman, of London Road South, and Who. recent ';y returned from three -years over- seas with the Canadian fiightine- forces, visited his sisters, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Wm. Baker. this week. Gosh! How my back aches! After influenza or colds the kidneys and. bladder are often affected -called "ne- phritis ne- phritis," or inflammation of the kidneys. ' This is the red -flag of danger -better be wise and -check the further inroads of kidney disease by obtaining that wonder- ful new discoveryof Dr. Pierce's known "Anuric" (anti ric), because "Anuric" expels the uric acid poison from the body', and cures those pains, such as backache, rheumatism in muscles and joints. Naturally when the kidneys are de- ranged the blood is filled ana with poisonous waste matter, which settles in the feet, ankles and -wrists; or under the eyes in bag like formations. Dr. Pierce's Anuric is many times more potent 'than lithia and often eliminates uric acid as hot tea melts sugar. Poax Homs, Oarr'.-"Dr, Pierce's Anuric is the best kidney remedy I have ever taken. For many years I' suffered wits, my kidneys. I would ._have backaches, MY eyes would puff, and 1 "would have dizzy spells. I sloe sufend with my bladder, would have scaliinft, and secretion would be thick and full of sedi- ment. I have taken nearly every well- known kidney. on the ,market have received more relief since tains Anuric than ever ba fore. My back does not boder me and the excretion has cleared and does not smart or burn. I am better in every way than I have been for years.—Cans. Scow. PoxSt& JONES & MAY !'[IONS 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS MAY IS THE MONTH IN WHICH MOST MOTHERS CALCULATE ON GETTING THEIR BOYS A NEW SUIT FOR SUNDAYS. BOYS LIKE TO COME. OUT WITH A STYLISH NEW SUIT AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, JUST AS WELL AS THEIR GROWN UP BROTHERS -AND SISTERS. -" COME TO. THE STORE THAT_ GIVES -YOU -A BIG SELECTION TO PICK FROMAND-AT MODERATE PRICES. Boys' Buster Brown Suits These ere for the hittle fellows, age 2 limas to 7 years. We have a nice ,assortment ,priced low, cost you less than buying the goods, and mak ing them. Bloomer Suits For .Boys, age. 8 to 17 years. Belted or Waists -.line effects. .Beautiful new Patterns, maide wiltit plain or slash pockets. Aiso a lot of Odd. Suits for school -to clear at 56,50 each, Young Men's Suits We ;expect a new shipment of thea Jas this week. All pial:: in the nCW Weis'tt-line effect, New patterns and colors. Came in and look them ov- er. They will please you. For older men. ,wanttag Plate sack suits, we can give you a good range at from $15 to $25. Men's Rain Coats VISI`I OUR STORE FOR RAINCOATS, We can give you a fine assortment in both Boy's and Men's and the pi eces will suit you. Our Shoe Department FOR LADIES High laced Empress Shoes in, Kid, Patent, Mahogany land two toned effects. OXFORDS AND PUMPS \\re Wave the finest 'assortment o.3 these we :ever carriie,d. Already wa have sold dozens of pais,. Come before the sizes get badly broken, as low ,shoes are in demand everywlldre, this year: MEN'S SHOES. The big sellers this year are Browns. Are styles and prices are right CHILDREN'S $HOES, He;rdquairters for the famous Classic Shoes, in all the new styles of High Lace, Low Slippers, or Strap Sand(1sts. Also big range of Heavy Shoes for Men and Boys. House Cleaning Items New Wall Papers, Linoleumns, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Blinds, Oilcloths, etc. Come with the crowd to this Store for your House( -Furnishings. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STYLE BOOKS JONES & MAY Hea:detenters for 'the Cet1ebtratted Sandford & Lion Brainds Clothing for Men and Boys. Judge Dickson of God!es'ich was in town over Thursday night on busii- ness. • AVOID COUGHS' and cOUGHERA Coguntun9 reads / pDisee.se / eee t ' tl1;ill HLOH 30 DROPS-SiloRPCOUGHJ' MLF THIS FOR CHILDREN • • Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guananteeid. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. . NEW VETERINARY. ' • A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened an office .in McDorlell's Stable, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or might Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Conant has bought the practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue bushiness at the same stand. Calls promptly attended night and day • Phone : 8. MONEY TO LOAN We havie a large amount of private funds to loan on fain and village property at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & S IANBURY Barristers, Soldcitora, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister; Solicitor, Notary Public, -ommissliloner, Solicitor foe the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at iow-est rates of interest. Office-Maiirs Street, Exeter. CENTRAL STRATF'ORD. ONT. Is recognized es one of the most re- liable Commercial SSchools in Can- ada. - The . instructors are - experienc- ed ,and. the ';Courses are ;up -co' -date, Graduates. are- placed in positions and they meet with success. Students May enter, at ask), time. Write a tosace for free catalogue. IL A+ MoLeobl e. Psis► HORSES WANTED I want an =limited number of Horses in good oorulition. Geldings 5 year •" old up, weighing from 1500 pound, up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up, Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Roa 1ston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladmaa & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter 'FRANK, TAYLOR ' Licensed Auctioneer for Couarities ,of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton,. - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR - AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sates a Specialty. Office at Cocksd utt Wan:r'ooms, next door to Central' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line, °ail and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange - Jas. Gould Furniture ` and Undertaking R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALI.R y Exeter Bargain Storm Shoes , CapsMilt.. � If - you want to have your boy or girl wear a paix of neat, nifty shoes o look ourion ,stock over. We can give you prices on these lutes that 'djefy Ladies' fine shoes in all the leading shades and styles, .including Ox- fords, Pumps, Strap . Slippers, Etc, We have the age cy for the Inv ictus Shoe made fy Geo. A, Slater, Limited; • Montreal, for either men or wonrets;' They ,are a little higher int price but much higher in quality. -CAPS --.A special=buy, of Boy's and Men's caps to sell at 50c., 75c., $1.50 and$2.00 each. SUITS Let us sellyou a made -to -measure m to measure suitfrom a . ,. and made by ,Greene: £wift, L,gti imited.` They are o r tamples, er�ir,te�ed`, to fit. B. �V. F. Beavers