HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-5-1, Page 5r. 126 Usem�yy t gee sve1 tom. spoonfuls for frve cups El) On TEA good tei Sold only in sealed packages OFSIFIM MQLSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 Over 100 Bre>acbe scattered throughout Canada A General Banking Mr ss Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Mone Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Intent* afler see at IDIOM eurreat rite EXETER BRANCH T S. WOODS, Manager U== • IIIMINIONNIPimenomormorrowseirromommmorrommor r of HYDRO LAMPS SPEED PRODUCTION IF factory production falls below normal when the sun goes down and the lights go on, the fault most likely is with the lighting system,. You may give your working people enough light but it may not be the right quality. HYDRO Lamps are comfortable for workers' eyes. They contribute towards better work- ing conditions. HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps not only give a great volume of light, but their rays are of a quality that prolongs the day artificially—from sunset ' sunrise if you wish. In spite of their greater brilliancy and better q;.•.lity of light, Hydro Gas Filled Lamps consume but little current. Long Life and freedom from mechanical defects are :assured by the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario through tests made in the Commission's laboratories. Owner, manager, superintendent of factory or any person responsible for production is urged to investigate the merits of HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps. Arrange with the Hydro Shop for a convincing demonstration at our expense. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO SOLD BY— HYDRO SHOP Hydro Electric System tui Ct. 1 RAND TRUNK SYS EAY TIME TABLE, CHANGES A Change of Time still be made on MAY 4th, 1919. Information. noi Phoas 46w. in Agent's handaw pr: J. DORS Agent. fixate! GODERICH TIP,—A very pretty wedding was solernni:zed the 23rd inst at the "Springbarnk," God(ericli Tr., the home of Mir. and bIrs. Thos. Cox, when Agnes Olive, their second daugh ter, was united in .marriage to George Herbert Stevenson, M. B. youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Yates Stevenson; Hamilton. CASTO RSI For ,Tnfant>s and Cliitdztt ,In Use ForOver30Yea Always tears '„ the Signature of AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY AND EFFECTS 6 The undea+signed will serf by etibikk auction at Elizabeth Street, Eiteter North oi; SATURDAY, MAY 3rd, att 1 o'clock, p.m, the following,— Effects—Glass Cupboard kitchen cupboard, 3i doz, Webers chairs ;14 doz dining chairs; extension, 'table, P for table .2 small tables; piano -Cane Sher - jock -Miming ng organ; 3 rocking chairs Imperial Oxford rainge ; small heater; 3••peece bedroom suite; sing1e bed with springs and maetrers • double bed; 1 Singer sewing machine; bureau, 2 wash ,toads picture easel, 4 lamps, several pictures, small matt;, Iarge clock;, 1 ;uunge, chest, window shades, 3 cur- tains, washing macb(ae, wa.sh boiler; dishes, fruit jars, tea kettle .and othtier articles too numerous to mention.. ALSO 1 general purpose arse, 1 fil1Y • ornin;b 4 years, 1 fresh cow=; about 25 hells; single plow, set harrows, pair light sleighs. There well also be offered for sale at the same time and place, the frame house and six lots of land, the ,prow- erta of the late James Willis, The house is in good condition, with large cellar and good rooms; There is a good stable and other out••buildings, on the prooerty;. Terms—Real Estate =trade known on day of sale; Chattels, cash. CASTOR WILLIS C.W.ROBINSON Administrator Auctione=er News of Week -rue teuenies " oaor++.e i 15 *e - aide the scope of the vhareh, S< R. Parsons told e meeting in Central Methodist Church, Toronto, The Government will not repeal the order -in -Council prohibiting bet- ting, and there will be no racing en Canadian courses until late summer or fall. Miss Millicent Knowles, whose mysterious disappearance from Guelph' caused anxiety, is at Buffalo Y.W.C.A<, according to a, message from there. A large deputation urging im- provements to Port Stanley harbor was encouraged by the answer of Hon, F. B, Carvell, Minister of Pub- lic Works. Geo, Lucas, farmer, or Shannon - vine, died at Kingston General Hos- pital front having practically all his ribs crushed by a heavy roller when his team ran away. MONDAY. St, Mary's tax rate is 321/4 mills, four mills below last year. Canadian Pacific stock rose 2% points in New York, closing at 162. Charles H. Crysdale, police magis- trate of Oshawa since 1914, is dead. Brig. -Gen. W. S. Hughes has been appointed Superintendent of Peniten- tiaries: Hon. Dr. Beland delivered a stir- ring address at the Ontario Club, Toronto. St. George's Society held their an- nual service. at St, James' Cathedral, Toronto. The strike of Government officials in Cairo is over and work has been. resumed. A destructive fire occurred at=tire premises of the Canada Wire & Cable Co., Toronto. The official count in the Quebec referendum vote is: For, 178,112, against 18,433. Melvin Snyder, while operating a derrick windlass at. Kitchener, was almost instantly killed. The British Foreign Office an- nounces the abolition of all trade blacklists from April 29. Wm. S. Turnbull, postmaster at Galt for the past twenty years, died following a stroke of paralysis. The importance of forest conserva- tion was pointed out to the Canadian Institute, Toronto, by .Robson Black. The Japanese naval squadron which has been visiting in Italian waters, has left For Southern France. Fire destroyed Queen Street Meth- oodist church, Kingston, for the third time in the history of the congrega- tion. Lake Shore gold mining stock ad- vanced 141/4 points on the Toronto and 12 points on the Standard Ex- change, The inhabitants of Olmetz, 110 miles from Petrograd, have revolted against the Bolshevik'. The revolt is reported to be spreading. The Sale of Gin Pills is Greater than Ever Gin Pills! You've heard of them, bi Course, for they are the acknowledged and established remedy for Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Gin Pills have _restored hundreds of Canadian men, and women to health, strength and happiness. Testimonials received by us from persons in all parts of Canada+ tell uq, that Gin Pills have relieved them loom the sufferings caused by. Kidney or BIadder derangements, These testimonials are from, people who have used Gin Pills and benefited by them. In moat eases they wrote us saying: "Publish this letter, so that all sufferers of complaints such as mine may know what Gin Pills did for me." Gin Pills remedy; that's why they have so many friends. Gin Pills have been on the market " for years; in fad,swe believe there. are more Gin Pilleiold than any other proprietary medicine in Canada. From Halifax to Vancouver you can buy. them in any city, town,. village or ham- let. amlet.. Their popularity has been built entirely on the endorsements of those who have been benefited by their use. If you are suffering from Paine -in the Back., Dizziness, Headache, or a General Feeling of Lassitude, you need Gin Pills. Get a box from your dealers; try them, and if they do not help: you, write ns and we will refund you; the purchase prise willingly. Sold by dealers almost everywhere at 60e a ,box. A trial Semplefree if you write, us for it. +The. National Drug & 'Chemieal CO. of Canada, Limited, Tortuit entslwtia U. S. residents,ehouid address N.ia•Dru Co., Inc., 203 Main 8t., Buffalo, . N.Y_• Soss F announcement Electric Starting and Lighting System —Consisting of Generator, Starting Motor and Storage Battery. —An electric system made for Ford cars by the Ford Motor Company of Canada in their own factory; built into the Ford motor which has been re -designed for the purpose. --Controlled from a complete instru- ment board on the cowl. Standard Equipment on Sedans and Coupes A11 dosed models now have electric starting and lighting I system as Standard Equipment. Ford Sedan $31175 Ford Coupe $975 (Including Ford Starter and Lighting System) Prices are f, o. b. Ford, Ont.; and are subject to War Tex. Ford Closed Models will, for a time, take the entire production of Starting and. Lighting Systems. By June 1st, however, Ford Touring Cars and Roadsters will be supplied with Starting and Lighting as Optional Equipment at an extra charge. Samples of the Ford Starting and Lighting System are now on exhibit at all Ford Branches. In the near future we also expect to be able to show a complete sample outfit. You ars invited to call and inspect it, :a -'4 MILO SHELL, DEALER, Exeter 103 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED presided at a meeting of ladies in the that site revealed a fain:a ase, by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- ; home of Mr. Daly and it was then speedily became a comol to t<allap,e. Hee. Strictly confidential;; no witness Kirkton Mr. Alvin Doupe and family of Lucknow and Mr. Bert Doupe of Oshawa visited their many friends here ,during the holidays'—Earl Cope- land, eldest son of Mrs R. R. Cope- land, arrived home from overseas. McKILLOP—The community was shocked to leain of the tragic death at 51 years of age of Mrs. Carswell, wife of ' Rev.. David Carswell of this township, which occurred late Friday night, following- a stroke of appolexy some hours earlier, Mrs. Carswell had 111111.11, F BUGGIES CALL IN when in town and see our Buggiiey. We can surely you satisfacltion. MASSEY HARRIS FARD,I IMPLEMENTS of all Kinds. See than . HOW ABOUT YOUR REPAIRS? Help us give you good service by ordering your repairs early. Always bring art broken part when no..' 'e —thus saving time and mistakes. We specialize in, repair work, carryin full line of MalseyrHarris, also tonnes. Machine repairs. E. M. FRANCIS Honesty is our Policy. y r, 14..;1; 21. No-llsk7e Oe . Live and Let Live our Mo mmommitlionnwl • F 1 ex WithoutOnce Shifting :;ears 4370 Miles in 7 days and 7 nights . In High Gear Breaks High Gear Non -Stop Record Seven days of pounding over country lanes and through blocked city streets in Oklahoma, U. S. A., always in sealed high gear—each dayshowing an average of 624 miles and an average of 20.66 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Not once did. the motor miss an explosion. Not even a spark plug was changed. Let us show you an exact duplicate, of this remarkable Model 90 car. Oraland Model 90 Touring. tuff o Willys-Knight Four Touring, $257$ Overland Model 85-4 Tools:, ✓ i 49S Willys Six Touring • . i?{n/ J: o. G. Wert Toronto Purdon and Campbell, Dealers, Exeter Willle-Oresrand, Limited Head Office and Works, West Toronto Branches: Montreal, Winnipeg. Rama :11