HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-24, Page 8ESErER ADVOCATE, TRTJR8i iY, APR. 24 1.818 CETER, 11,,ARICETS. Chaog,ed bleb Wedneada Fal Wheat r., Sprung Wheat Oat. ,,..11.. ... et,... , Barley Family Flour Eggs .114.1 C ieanlery Butter Dairy Butter Lard, Potatoes Fa ..,. . 2,11 2.06 70 543 67 35 ,. 5.1.50 --$1,75 16.00 Hogs per cwt. .,. «0.25 Digit t .oria1 Church *OMI( EXETER OPERA HOU$i. FON A Three Act Comedy, given under the auspice; of The GirlsAuxiliary of the Tr v... Memorial Church on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1919 r e.15 o'clock, sharp. Admie e> Reserved Seats aatc Children lac. Sea:. -.a t *tele at Howey's Drug Store. "In Mieno:iiru" notices, without a verse atre hed are 50c. per insertion. HOUSECLEANING TIME is here Agan. Try a bott3.e, of The \; eekfne Furniture Polish, The large bottle for the small price. Give it a trial and you will be convinced. Wm. Andrew Agent, Phone 43, Exeter. +.1.1.11• 4 - MID -SUMMER OPENING. Saturday, May 3rd, we will have a Display of New Trimmed Hats, Trim- ming and Materials. Your inspection is zespectfully invited. Values that carnet fail to APhdal to every keen buyer E. T. V. CURLISS, roma Harvey's Flour is good flour. 1SANGOLPS FOR, SALE. Several, loads of mangolds for sale. Apnlw to W. D. Sanders, Stephen. Records 'auted,—The Soldier') Aid Society are asking for a Blue Amberola Record Shower for the G. W. V. A. Old or new records accep- ted and may be left at Martin's store. SEED POTATOES I'OR SALE-laarly Eurekas, Cobbler; and Comet slate). —W. F. ABBOTT, Exeter. Reports in regard to aur flour are great, "Bread we made from thanes: sack of Mode;. is the best we everhed is the. house"; "Our bread made from Manitoba's Best goes to the top o9 the oven". This is a true story; can give names if you wish. Harvey Bros. AUTO TIRE FOUND. On the London Road. North, on Tuesday, ,.April 8, an auto fire. Own- er can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notce. Anyone wishing to contribute •a blue Atnberola record to the Soldiers' Aid record shower for the G. W. V. A. may leave the same at Martin's store. WANTED—A maid for general housework; small family, good wages. Apply to T. S. Woods at The Mol - sons Bank, Exeter. !r " Nr "13" "111" `RIF Miss Lula I•Iatatings is visiting in Pt.LOCAL . Huran. Mich. DOINGS. nix. Ed 1 owryell returned to Wied- ir# soiaanR1uMosrtselldyB.alkwell of Sande was,Uand Friday, as usual, was. quiethan farthe haudy.. , day in towtn, Easter services an the several; churches of town were appropriate to the occasion. The music, partieularly was bright and pleasing. - :Ir C. B. Snell has purchased the gasoline and auto repair business of Mr. Ed. Snell, taking possession, Wed- nesday morning, with Harold Kuntz as mechanic Pte F'. Brimac ombe, Pte. D. Stew- art of Exeter-, Pte. E. N. Coesriveau of Zurich and Cpl. J. R. Skilton of Brucefield are due to arrive home on Thursday "'The Better 'Ole" a moving pie Luis .shoo .ot mare than, passing Inter - et, eves put on in the Opera House' an Saturday afternoon and -evening ts a large house. ehr Saturday evening the adjourned Magistrates Court on the case of Hart:ere vs. Vincent dismissed the a:tion, the magistrates declining to accept the further evidence that was oft ered. Mrs. Bigelow, of Cornwall, L. organizer, spoke in 'lana Street, . hure)"t an Sunday evening on present day needs and outlook in. the temper- ance line. Mrs. Bigelow is a talented speaker Mr Wright of 4 ellingwood, ewlto presided at the James Street organ on Sunday, -s a musician of great mere it and while quite a young man, should Make a good organist and choiterea,ster. Mr E Howeld, J:?,I).G.P., of E:eeter Encampment of Oddfeliows, svith oth- er camp members and candidates, mot - axed to Gaderich Good Friday and at ,tenaee ri Camp of Instruction. Toron- to Degree Teams put an the work and a most enioyabe time was spent. The Rev. H. T. Ferguson, B.A., B. D. ,znirrister of Centennial Methodist Church .London, will preach both fore noon and evening in Main Street Meth odist Church next Sunday. It will be Epworth League Anniversary day ,anei both services wile be featured by specie'. interest, A SeciaJ ;1.ntening will be given by the `,'m's Club ref the Trivet's Mem oral. Church on Thursday evening :fpr;: 24 to which all returned sot- ;1er, their wives or sweethearts are c tirdially invited. The Club has er- ranged tor a musical, program and a luncheon will be served. Pte George Hicks of Toronto, who.is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Jno. Sanders is a four year veteran of the great tear. Ile went overseas in June, 1915; to France itt, January, 1916 and lett France on Feb. 13, 1919, for demobilization. He was lucky— hav- ing passed through the whole war without injury of any kind. Mr Herman W. Doerr of town re- ceived the sed news last Week of the death of his father, Mr. George Doerr who passed away it hie', home in Kit- chener, on Monday, April 14, aged 70 years. after a short illness. He is sur- vived by a family of six sons and thiel. daughters; also two sisters. His wife had predeceased him nineteeni years. The Easter services in Main Street's hurch last Sunday were considered by many to be the best Easter ser- vices in the history of the church, The musical services were exception- ally tine; and very much praise is due ,lees E. Huston, choir leader and Mrs. Blatchford, organist, and all who as- sisted them for the very succesefull presentation of those elaborate and beautiful services, Mrs. Bigelow of Cornwall, pravin tial organizer for the W. C. T. U. who, with Mfrs, Beavers,, County Pres- ident has been organizing unions at Seaforth eiensell, and also addressed two large gatherings at Blyth on Thursday last, will organize at Zur- ich on, Monday, Crediton on, Tuesday Elimville on Wednesday, Kirkton on "Thursday and Centralia. an Friday, leavinae,Satuziday for Kent County. She is the guest of Mrs, B. W F. Beavers. The Ode/fellows will attend divine service in James Streit Church an Sunday, Nile 4th, meeting at Lodge Room at 10.31 a,m. All brethren are requested to attend. —J. C, Snell, N.G. THE WATKINS AGENT Jrandie, all kinds of sprhig tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Thein spices and flavorings are the purest on the mai kelt. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew,Agent, Exeter, Phone- 43 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Te3ders wall be received for the ex- cavat_-,g of .he basement of the New School at Winchelsea. State price by the c uhi • • a•d of earth removed, work to be ccr. h'ete on or before the 16th day or Ju :e 1919. Also te dee for the hauling of ce- tneet from Exeter; state price by the barrel to be hauled whet required, wills,, wee ' -e about July 1st, 1919. Also te ;dens for hauling lime from Exeter; s see price by the bushel, to be- hauled -hen required during July and August Teniders to be in the hands of the undersigned on or hefare the 30th day of April, 1919. J• W.SKINNER, SItiI , ' Sec. of School Board. FLAX LAT) WANTED. 4'10 ACRE'S FOR GROWING FLAX Apbl} ; to O. ONTARIO FLAX yes. DAVIS, Exeter Narth Phone 13 r Corn Contracts The Exeter Canning Com;pa.ay ready contract with farmers 'to y ta grow: Cornfar canning. $10.00 per ton w/,iL• be paid same as Iasi year, Seed corn of 'he finest .quality at re- duced price, 15c. tier lb.. to growers on contract. 27th -41 Exeter Canning Co. Miss MacFaul, organist and choir leader of the Trivia Memorial Church was very pleasantly surprised after the practice on Friday evening last when. she was presented with a well- thee.d purse of money, donated by;the members of the choir and congrega- tion, as a mark of apnrecivtion of her services as organist and leader of th choir. Miss MacFaul was taken en- tirely by surprise and feelingly thank- ed the donors mast heartily far thee kindly act. WILLIAM F. MAY PASSES. The eatle occurred at his home u Mitch on Monday afternoon, Apr:. List of Mr. William Fisher May, as the age of 62 years, 9 monthe.. De ,eased had been iIl for several week;. of heart trouble, following an attack of influenza, and latterly had beer confined to his roam. The end came suddenly as he was being lifted ti a sitting posture. The family was a, his bedside .at the tirnae. The, late Mx May was a son of the late Thome. day and was born on the homestead south of Exeter. He studied far . a teacher, and taught in the •Higl Schools of Parkhill, Landon and Mit- chell A number of years ago he gav up teaching and took aa life insu r mice, as agent far the Cannel, Mutual,. In this, as .in the teaching profession, he was very successfu.. He was for years a member of th Schoo: Board of Mitchell, and elwayi showed a strong interest in educie tiona- matters, Deceased was a Con, servatitie . in politics, a Methodist •r reag.ion,and was highly esteemed an - respected by all who knew him, ane his circle of friends was very :large Besides his wife, who was forenierl' Johanna Hnnld,ford, sister of Messes Jame•:. and •'Silas Ha,ndforcl of Exeter he; 3,s;; sureiyed by onedaugr ter•,Mis L is. -telly at home and two sons, Malan' and. Feed of the firm. of Jones & Ma- o£ Ea,etee ; Three brothers and Leri sister. ',also :surv:vc,—Joseph of Us borer John of Toronto, George, M-•• J G Jones and Mrs. I: T. Rove of Exeteti The ' funeral: took like at Mitchell an Wednesday .ftCrnorn Miss Mable Walter of London, was up over the halidays. Mr. Jos. Landry of Chatham spent Good Friday in. tower. Mr Drew Knight of Luean was fhome for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell spent the week end an London. efr. Reg. Bissett of Chatham was. home for .the holiday. Mr. Jos Davis was home from Mor- risbure. over the holiday, Miss Vera Sweet of London visited relatives in town. this week. Mr Alex. Stewart of London spent Friday with his family here, Mr: and Mrs. E. Howald were fn Stratford over the week end. Mr Walter Dearing a London spent Waster ii' Exeter with friends. Mr Wm. Arensox of London, spent Good Friday at his home, here. -Miss Fern Short of London Business College ee home for the holidays. Miss Jessie Manson of London was here with her parenta over Easiter. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Verity and dough - spent Easter with relatives here; Mrs Boyle of London: visited her sore: 11r. nook Boyle, here I•fondaya Mr_ Geo Powell of Medford called ora 0,d friends in town Thursday last. *Zr T. W. Iiawkshaar of Hamilton pen' Thursday last here with relat- ives Mho. Margaret Penrice of London spent the week end with her mother here Mr Harley Saaaiders and family of Windsor are visiting relatives here for i a ween* Mr Phil. Rowcliffe of Londlonspent; Frrdav and Saturday in town with friends. Mr. Herb. Pickard visited with his mother Mrs. Richard Pickard during the week(. Mr; Will Foster of Toronto( was the retest of his fathe—in-law, Mr. James limit/fore. \tisv Flo"se Baird of Brantford is visiting he:' parents at James Street parsonace. and Mrs. Chas. Spencer end chile( of the West are visiting, at Mr: A Speacer s. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve of London visited whit their parents here ave- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J Celnevood and Miss Catharine visited Miss Mame Sanders during the week. The Newman. of ICingstoar, is visit- ing with her parents, Mze and ltirs. R. G Seldon. Irl town, Mr John Torrance license inspector at Clinton was .in town on Thursday and Saturday last Hiss Besse Welsh of London vise ited a few days with friends here during the week. • Misses Stella and Cora Sanders at Stratford Business College are home spending the holidays. Mr Burton. Preszcator of Detroit spent a. few days wiith his parents here during the week. Misses Lula Martin, Irene Rivers, Stella Southcott and Anna. Dow spent { Good Frilday in London, Mr D. G. ,Ramsay of Toronto, late frotr, overseas, spent a few days with relatives here during the week. Miss Irma Sweet of Formosa is home spending the holidays with her uar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Sweet. Mr. Garvey Acheson of St. Thomas was up ever Easter Sunday with hie parents. Mr. end Mrs. T. W. Aches'o,t•e Mfrs Jordan, with her children, of Toronto visited this week with her pare Its Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, Mx W. D. Clarke of Richmond, Que.. spent the Easter Holidays with Exeter friends and with relatives in. Chesiey. Misses Reta Rowe and Lela. Sanders of Stratford Normal and Miss Amy Johns of London. Normal are home for the holidays. If a woman is nervous or has dizzy spells, suffers from awful pains at regular or irregular intervals she should turn to a tonic. made up of herbs, and without al- cohol, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Druggists sell it in liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents to the Invalids' hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package. Then, for the liver and bowels nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. - .These are little, sugar-coated ills com osed of Mayapple, pills, , p y pple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap—things that Nature gr the ground. aws. in c 1ATIIAM, oree — e ge a "girl I was wonderfully helped .by•ta1dz Dr. Piercd':t"Favorite Prescrip- tion I had become all run-down, weak and ,iia°kvous.. I';suffered "with. •terrific backache's, I also suffered from suppression and pain. My mother gave me `Favorite Prescription,' and it so completely regulated my condition that I have never had any trouble since Thera is nothing so good fax girls or women who suffer as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription." -Mas. Wm. 141asorr, 156 Welllington Street, E. seeneeselesesellesseeniseellewininseee JONES &MAY !!MONS n CANADA FOOD $OARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 our Wearing Apparel Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits, and Coats ARE HERE SHOWN IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AT REASO-N ABLE PRICES. MARE YOUR 5E- LECTIONS NOW, Gloves WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE RANGE OF KID AND SILK. GLOVES to meet the trade requirements. Every pair guaranteed. Perrin's celebrated kid gloves in Black, White and .Brown at $1.75, V. and. $2,25 pair, "'Kayser" and "Niagara Maid" dou- b1e-tipped Silk Gloves in popular col- ors at from 75e. to $L50 pair. NEW WHITE FRILLINGS THE NEWEST STYLE FOR COLLARS. NEW BLOUSES IN CREPES, SILKS and VOILES— UNDERWEAR, UNDERSKIRTS, HOSIERY, COLLARS, CAMISOLES, BOUDOIR CAPS PARASOLS, ETC., for the Easter Trade. SPECIAL VALUES IN SILK HOSIERY THE NEW SUMMER WASH DRESS FABRICS ARE HERE. Dainty wash tebrics in. Voiles,.. poplin silks, Gaberdines, Etc., are here shown itt a wonderful range of pattetns and colorings. All the better qualities are in exclusive dress lengths. YOU SHOULD HAVE NEW SHOES Our spring stock of shoes for Ladies' Men's and Children's wear, is now complete. You should have new shoes with your Spring Suit or Coat for Easter. RAINCOATS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. :pedal—Girls' school raincoats with hoods attached, very special at $1.75 FURNISHINGS FOR. MEN. — New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Socks, Gloves, Belts, Shoes, Suits, Spring Overcoats, Raincoats, Etc., for your • Requirements, are now ready. HOUSE ,FURNISHINGS We can save you dollars on Ru s, Linolcums, Congoleums, Oilcloths, Cur- tains Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Etc. See our new materials for over -curtains ead draperies. SPECIAL QUILT LININGS. -400 yards 36 ire. wide wrappeeettes and thelaines in goad Paisley patterns and stripes. --,specially adapted for quilt linings -- to clear at 40c. a yd. ASK FOR ONE OF' OUR STYLE BOOKS JONES ,& MAY ttsa dquirten fele 110 CelabuI*4 Sandford b Llos Brandi Ciontladna Nina an d *Ora Mrs Webb of London Townehip vietted her sister, Mrs. George Craw- ley. AVOID COUGH` ani COO GHE ' f`! Cougiung $pr cease s1870 f(! 417! ILOH 30 DRORPTIWRF COUGHJ' •UALV 'flUS WL alILDREN Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work guarrainteet,d. Cash for old tires, TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VETERINARY. A. M. 'VINING, V. S., has opened en office ,in McDoaiell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or might: P.hiane 320. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Corsant has bought the practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand, Calls promptly attended night . and day iPhoai',e 8. HORSES WANTED I want an uneihntttd number of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 150e pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G: J, DOW Dr. G. F. Roues tort,, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday aefterrioons, Dr. A. IL 'K1NSMAN, L. D. 5., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Uaitveroity Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office aver Gladmaa & Stainbury'a Office; Main, Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer foe Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Creditors, Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR far Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock 5a9ec a Specialty. Office at Cockelrurt Workrooms, next door to Central Hots Main Street, Exeter, Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Apices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line, Call and see ne, A trial as to quality will convin- oe. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N: ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE ' DEALER tixiads Ug, loam on farm and village property et low rates of Interest. GL'ADMiAN & S1 ANS URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Exeter BStore ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Sloliiciltos, Notary. Public, eammisslloreer, Solicditor for the Mee - ;One Bank, Etc. Money to loan , at lowest rates of interest. Officee-Main Street, Exe ter. CENTRAL meld t3"(RATFC)R OTT.. Le recognized as one of the most re - Commercial SSchools in Can- Ida. The imtstriictors are experienc— ed' aced 'the Courses are up-io-date. ,raduetee are placed •un ules i:'ioes and -hey meet with success. Students flay easter at any time. " Write a tonce for free catalogue. D. A, McLachlan, Prin hoes -Caps -Suits If you want 'to have, your boy or look our stock aver. We can give y competition. Ladies' fine shoes in, a11 the lead ad fords, Pumps, Strap Slippers, Etc. We have the agency for the Inv Limited, Montreal, for either men or price but nnich higher in quality. ". CAPS"- A special, buy of 'Boy's $1.50 and $2.00 each. SUITS — Let us sell you a made - and made by ,Greene Swift, Limited, �V girl wear a pair of neat, nifty shoes au prides on these lines that 'dlefy in.g shades and styles, ineludieg Ox - ictus Slioe, made fy Geo. A. Slater, women. `They ,area little higher in and Mean's caps to sell et 50c., 7.5c., to -measure suit from our samples r They are guaranteed to fit, F. savers SE is nes fro out B this Th- stat left ton. It i fele es Inr age the be t full buys cord- add] their IIe g take puts adds mos way get mos Way. print It half Pape y re Cord some of ar the Th and rctari btg t' $PRI? PRI ? RT y QRI1, "SE: