HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-24, Page 6Positive of to Knowledoe 01 its Matchless Quality and Value has been the k©x ce ul power that has created a sal of ;_5 million packets Annually.„. TRY T a Tea—Pot Test lw letter than a. Volume O Argu mert,S. Bs+s Frederick Wintei °'s Home Coming ll - By HILDA RICHMOND. Milk -;'ed Kiddies. !ant mills. is ,to het children's health, "Why don't you ;keep a cow?"l and realizes that a dollar spent on asked Mint .Anne the morning after l milk for themcould- uld- be invested costed in no them to her arrival at her nieces house, as; better way, she heard the rattle of milk bottles—' drink mill, and they'll never acquire five' of,t£zem... on ti3e verandah, a <ii5ta,.te for it and think it lust for ``I tivaald,'" gaily answered her 1 rtlikes. niece, "if only we were back in then "'You are right about our children country, .instead of temporarily t not having espepially healthy par - housed on a fifty -foot city lot."' eats toitake after, but we are bring - As diem up right, and, Aunt Anne, But who in the world ever drinks I it all?" persisted the aunt. duyou thews. o you know any healthier children As if in answer to her question, "Indeed I don't. I always said how into Circ room bounced the two roly- fucl:y you were to have such healthy poly youngsters, Teddy, the lour- children. Now I know it wasn't luck, year-old, and two-year-old Belle,; but good core and milk" band, in this way; Stitch to the under bright and smiling and ready for; side of the scallops a double fold of cut them in as long and thin strips1 startling conception, But it seems: its possible, I near at hand, and so'ydoes air flight A wire brush with some gritty over indefinite spaces at a speed of cleanser cleans the roasting pan iu 800 miles or aver an hour, two minutes. 1 How about telephotography, or the Save an old white kid or chamois visualising of distant ° objects with the glove if your corset steels and bones' aid of the electric current? It has have a habit of wearing through. A been waiting for development since mend with a fait of this will last al 1881, when it was first brought, to long time. i notice. Experimental results were When the little girls' dresses of ; favorable, but the invention has not embroidered flouncing are too short, I been Rushed as have the telephone, lengthen them without taking off the i airplane and wireless telegraphy, all of which are in practical use and have been advanced by the expendi- ture of billions. Telepathy, or the supersersory transfer of thought and feeling, IA more recondite and nebulous. But, with peace, new wonders will doubt- less unfold, breakfast. Banish the Fly. lawn or batiste about three inches "'Civ don't these children look wide. This gives the appearance of well ?"= exclaimed Aunt Anne, greet-! The approach of warm weather a heal - ".es far as gettieg off is con, erred, ` for lard, sly! I wish I could go into ing them with a hug: and a kiss, "I, brings with it the discomfort of fly- The "notions" counter .Tb most 1 call go in the winter as well as in the chicken business:' don't see whom the take after,` tiros. During the season this house- shops has readymade button holes to rile sumr ler," said I'rederAwk !inter' "Frederick, I"11 not keep you in : Ruth," turning to their mother.; hold peat thrives and multiplies lay offer. They are sold in strips, and But thoughtfully, "The firm is }itways` suspense as to why I wanted you to; `tiNeither you par their father has` the millions, and quickly. Tile house- are great time and lobo aver. for pick-up work there is nothing like having a strip of button holes of your own making on hand. glad when tee offie force sp1es up t come to the farm no;v," said Nellie any health to boast of, What's your wife must wage a definite war too or; mane. aions n August, t, zor- flushing slightly, "I am to he mar- secret'." ' against the fly if she wishes to banish that ms • a busy time for use. of you ; r.ed this Creek and I wanted you and, '"I want my milk,' shouted Teddy.; this death -dealing, . disease -breeding and the children can go, I can mut,' your family to have charge of things .+"Milk! Milk'," echoed Belle. Their parasite from her premises, age." 1 -while I am away. I thought perhaps: mother smiled, I The fly not only carries poison, but "1've always wanted to see your ayou might like to buy the old farm "That's the answer," she said, "It's also typhoid, infantile paralysis and boyhood home," said Mrs. Winter. ; for a summer home. A week or ten' no /aecret," many kindred disease Perms. Food "Of course, we must think of the ex- t days' visit will make you well ae #, "But de you mean,'" asked the that is exposed in warm weather of- pease, but your sister must have l quamted with it in every �vay, anti' Aunt, "that they drink milk in any! fess a very desirable breeding place some ;pedal reason for asking u3 tai your wife and the children can (le -1 quantity? I should think they were for this dangerous pest, come now, cide whether they would like to be' old enough to eat solid food." Clean up the premises and yards "Four elite!" said Frederiels•" I here in the summer." "Oh, of course they eat solid food,. and see that all garbage cans are dis- s a become a art of the ,, h has e • t old supposeshe farmhouse by this time.; Married. To whom , gasped' Aunt, but their diet ..is based chiefly infected and kept covered. Do not Hoer time does fly: She was a slip •i Frederick, staring at his sister, ; on milk. Here, kiddies," pacing allow any piles of rubbish or waste of a girl when I lett and I've never! I suppose you don't remember{ their chairs at the table, "your to accumulate. Do not take a ehance seen her since. You know I was down{ Billy Richards," said `iellie, "It's to, breakfast is ready." on leaving the windows and doors sick with typhoid when her father! be a very quiet home affair, 'rd aai With a merry scramble, the chit- open .in warm, sunny weather, wah- ine': and did not get to the faneral,, you folks are my oily relatives 1 ` dren were in their chairs, and the out placing in the screens. See that She must be twenty-six now, or wanted you with me."I next moment, two Tittle noses were all windows and doors are securely thereabouts, I've new=er wanted to go "Freckled Billy Richard., that tier concealed in the cups of creamy milk. screened. Cover all foods that are ibiutkchorto ee ^hoeafralr7tzriorninas ht ii used to tease you about! 1 guess 1` Not till every drop was drained did exposed with 'wire or mosquito net - night, and as soon as I was old haven't forgotten him. What is he they turn to the wafting cereal, toast ting; these screens can be made by enough I ran away to town. All the. doing now?" and fruit. Before they finished each removing the ends of a box and then boys worth while did the same thing, "Farming," said Nellie- briefly, had demanded and received another proceeding to cover it with wire or My stepfather was honest and just "Ile is on the home place." and he gave me my share when he saw that I wouldn't come bark off (To Le continued.) the main road. Sometimes I think its WAGE WAR ON RATS. would be a good thing for our eliiT- dren to sec the old place eo they could know how much easier they have it than I did," Fourteen years before, yoeng Rats are traditional enemies of Frederick Winter had set out from his country home to try his fortunes mankind. They are the chief carriers in the city, leaving his aged step- for cholera, plague and other epidemic father and his half-sister in the tuck- diseases which have at various times ei-.ip farmhouse under the elm trees. in history. wiped out millions of hu - He did not know that his stepfather ratan beings. Fortunately, man's had to mortgage the farm to give knowledge of science, coupled with Frederick his portion of the estate. his superior cunning, has made it pos- Ilis recollections of the old hoarse sane to control these scourges. But were not pleasant, because he had al- waye longed to get away from the ceaseless vigilance on the part of the Loneliness and quiet of it all. There- health officials at all ocean ports will fere he bad not kept in close toueh always be necessary—at least until with Nellie during the years that had rats are exterminated. 'whirled over his head since leaving Man has another heavy score against tee farm. He was worein,>;• for a these pests. They destoy enormous guott firm and received e good salary, quantities of agrilultural products. almost entirely of milk—I usually so he felt that the old fart,' had no It was estimated, before the war, that make cream soup, creamed toast or i.ttlactions for him, i rats destroyed $76,000,000 worth of some other such dish not only for After some further dieeussion the ii:" itatian was accepted Intl one lilt- ,.win alone, A recent estimate based • other foods are used that the cost is '' lit Freder- 'Tis Very Destructive Animal Should be Exterminated. cup of milk. netting. was quite as near as hostile batteries "Well, I never!" exclaimed Aunt Do not permit milk vessels er. Gould be allowed to approach. t pro - "Why don't you give then! cooking utensils to stand around; rinse ..L__ with cola water and +he., portion as the Spirit of militarism is part vvater instead? They'd drink banished from the world the can- Anne,struetive forces of peace get to work. Their possibilities were never more interesting. It is hard to say how rapid the march of important inventions will be when nations agree to go forward amicably instead of with deadly cross purposes. Carrying on a conversa- tion audibly between distant points anywhere on the globe is an almost NEW WONDERS EXPECTED Marvellous Inventions Inspired by War May be Surpassed in Pewee. Subjects of increasing interest are telephoning without wires and flight by airship across the ocean. Both hopeful waythat such a liv arest h ideas inP ids they may be said to be virtually as- sured and likely to be soon put in operation. These matters are better worth thinking about and spending money on than is poison gas or can- non with a range of eighty miles, though guns of that calibre promote antimilitarism by rendering useless a girdle of fortifications around a city. In the recent war Paris was saved twice by battles on the Marne, which it just as easily." 'Truth is, Aunt," her niece laugh- ed, "water is refreshing, but it hasn't very much food value. They drink plenty of water between meals, be kept carefullyscreened with net - At present, they are having break- fast." ting to prevent sties from coating "But how can you afford to let them near him during the early spring and drink so much. with milk costing summer. what it does here in the city?" First and last of all, swat the fly- "Because I know how necessary it Swat Mm early and late.trIto pox- is for the children's wen -being. I sible with very helye trouble to keep know that nothing so well provides the house absolutely free from this all the necessaryelements ofgrowth menacing pest, First—Keep the house screened, for the young child as milk. There- Second ---Kill each and every fly in fore, I make it their mainstay. The the house, cost per quart is high, I know, but Third—Do not allow food to stand when breakfast and supper consist in an exposed condition. Fourth—Keep the garbage pail well covered. Fifth—Disinfect the garbage can twice a week. Sixth—Do not allow rubbish to ac - cleanse them with hot water very thoroughly. If there are small chil- dren, watch them carefully when they are eating, so that no food is left by them to attract flies. The baby should. sech products annually in Great Bra their supper but for our own—so few ret t aid eke 3uet a t z g ( on n•ar-tune prices, places the loss at greatly reduced. Practically all ick Winter found himself, with his cumulate. wife and three children, standing in; $`,_00,000,000. The latter figure is cakes, crackers and cookies, which Seventh—Repair the familiar sitting room. drinking irg practically the same as the pre -wart altogether too many children make screens and doors every detail of the house that looked estimate of loss in the United States • a practice of filling up on, are ex- ile if t'me had dealt very gently with from the same cause. These animals ' eluded entirely. If a lunch is re- Eighth—See that the screen door 1: it. There was a toarrzl fire Mthe passers remarkable fecundity, which, suited between meals a slice of has a good catch for a quick closing. 1•ci;lit whining stere. Beyond, in the when coupled with their natural ewe' bread and a glass of milk suits them Ninth --Fresh air, sunlight and kitchen another shining store held' themtothrive d admirably, while milk dessert- take art array of pots and kettles that Bent ,n Lea -e i forth appetizing adore. all breaks in as soon as they www' enables !rive an even a mita y, w i e a clean premises prevent disease. c r e in numbers in a great variety ": the place of pie at dinner and a glass �_ .. ..�, "Well, I'm nd to see cr1;t allg, of environments. Every good citizen, ; of milk reduces the quantity of meat Household. Hints.. Fair, Nellie Barton g;:'eeting !Item sit;particularly agriculturalists and grain !consumed." vatted several tinge. "Come right out .and food dealers, should 'rage a rnth- ; "But I fail to understand," Contin- to ten Children yearsofre a age special diet up to supper. You must be getting : le' s mat' on these na stalls _nests. ; ued Aunt Anne, "how you get them Hot drinks are better than cold I to take it so well. Most of the chil- idren I've seen detest milk after they "A time comes in most men's livee when the bell rings for prayer, and uuliappy are they who, when it doeG, have nowhere to carry their heart's supplication,"—A. Birreli, Gane -seated chairs that have sag- ged can be tightened by washing thein in hot water and soap and rinsing them in clear water. Dry in the open air.. SALT All grades. Write for prices.. TORONTO SALT WORKS q, J. GUFF - TORONTO EAGLE 'Writs to -day tor our b td FREE CATALOGUE showing our fun hues of tricycles for shit and Women, Boys and Girls, MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS x ires, Coaster Drakes, wheels, !fuer Tallest I,atups, Bella, Cystometers, Saddles, Eq+lip• utcut anti Parte of 'ntcycles. You can buy your supplies from us at whofoaaIo price., T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre pause Street West. Montreal.. i .:eery lifter your long tr'p,,' Nellie was a tall, good-looking; BRITISH DOGS OF WAR. yoang woman, neatly dressed in a1 ; are a year or so old!, even children dark skirt and white shirtwaist. Her Made Great Record on Battlefields of ; living on dairy farms. every movement spoke of capability 1 Europe, i "Yes, I know," replied her niece, mid energy. After supper Mrs. Win-. ; "but it's the mother, not the children, ter and Evelyn helped Nellie to do I England's dog army rendered gal- who is to blame. Weaning time to the dishes while Frederick, and the; lent service inn the war. Many a sol-' most means jumping from two boye enjoyed the warmth o' the! iter o- es his life to some poor, un- hobyyhood women manhood, skipping by Citrins }p+� ,stave while he told the; cared for, stray dog. For nearly two Childhood altogether, so far as diet hove of old times. } years dogs were employed by the Bri- ; is concerned. As soon as baby be- •2Papa, T thought You said ihia Was i tisk 2s messengers, as sentries, and; tins to take '`so }il foods the mother e horrid place to live," said husk-, as guards, 1 e „ decreases 'the milk supply, She lets' thin and save time, Winter the next day. I think it is; Early m 1917 a war dog school of; the beet place T ever saw. Auntie, t him have tastes of all the victuals ` Two heaping teaspoons of boiled instruction was established by the the grown-ups have, and his stomach, rice contain as much nourishment as let me help feed the chickens and put; g P clnwt. ?lay for the horses, and I'd like' British War Office, and Lieut: Col. gets .too full for milk. Yet all he has two and one-half boiled eggs. • for old people. Delectable dumplings are+` made with dried fruits. Clean lard will remove wagon grease, stove and shoe polish. In hanging •clothes see that they are pulled straight on the litre. Alustless mop,canebe made from the fringe of an old bedspread. Instead of grating cheese for some dishes .that are to be baked, slice it to stay here always" I I'tichardson, who has devoted kis life eaten is not half so beneficial as a "So would I"' said George. `'There's : to training dogs for military and 1much smaller quantity, supplemented the randiest coasting place you ever' police purposes, was appointed corn -1 by a glass or so of molt. saw back of the barn." 1 mandant of the school. Gamekeep- ' tr.f course, if a child really dis- "That's right, there is," said Fred - err, hunt servants and shepherds were lilies milk it may be necessary to do ericl.i suddenly alert. "You can coast: called tip from the army to assist in i a little coaxing, but a little ingenuity nearly half a mile down the hill,: the work. I and patience will usually have the de - Maybe I can find my old sled up in l After a thorough training in Eng t sired effect. Let the mother make the barn We boys used to hitch old s land the dogs were sent to Prance; cocoa or cereal coffee entirely. of 'bag. Feu to the sled to draw it back up and on the battlefields their skill,trilk using only sufficient boiling A bread sponge made with yeast Egg stains may be removed from spoons by common salt. It saves time and fuel to cook a whole pumpkin. at once. Creamed potatoes with cheese make a pleasant change. A flannel hag filled with hot sand is a good substitute for. a .hot water 4*.� t c:.,.3uv e315, ` a its f rat rance is pleasant but the great ,value of Baby's Own Soap is its creamy softening lather which cleanses and beautifies the skin Doctors and nurses recommend Baby's Own. Albert Seers Limited, idles„ Montreal Sold everywhere. hill, ° [ courage and tenacity amazed the "Old Fan has been in her grave' arm• yOften wounded fn the perform - these ten ,years," said :Nellie, "`but': ance of their - duties, they never falter - you -can take Dick." i ed while strength remained to carry "I think this is the nicest house I, ever saw," sa' (oe. The official record of their heroic water to dissolve the powder, and is light enough to use when it is full offer it to the child in winter. In of bubbles. summer, a bit. of sugar or syrup with Molasses cannot be used in metal a few drops of flavoring, added'to utensils, as it acquires a' tiny taste, the milk and the concoction termed Never use butter to fry fish; it 'liquid ice cream' may go down when burns before the fish can have time to cook. Instead of dicing the vegetables, id Evelyn. Auntie let; work tells of successful message -car - nee rummage in the attic-, and 1 found tying through darkness, mist, rain am the nicest old dresses. She said I ' milk alone wouldn't. could use them. for an old-feshionedl a shell lire over the.most difficult "One mother I knew used to paste ground. In a few minutes' time dogs a pretty picture on the bottom of a entertainment when I go home. T• wish v:c ceultl; stay here ale -aye.." have brought messages over ground tumbler, then fill the glass with milk, 1 that would take, a. soldier hours to Her little *girl gladly drank the milk in order to seethe new picture. An- other mother induced her children to drink milk by using pretty,. odd-sliap- 1 ou ci'.lid soon get tired of,ext, 1 cross. dauglte " said Frederick. "It's all; r ;gh; for a day or two, but rery For Muddy]Boats. lonely atter that. "I'm gaii g to help Nellie get herr '`The old broom has apparently out- ed tumblers and cups, while still an - eggs Beady for the market," said lived its usefulness, but saw off .the; other kept on hand a supply of small s Mrs, 'Pinter. "dust think, Frederick! handle eight inches from the broom; Forty cents a dozen! She ships di -1 bore a hole in one of the hack steps reef:." the city customers" and insert the eight -inch stub; then "My check for the eggs last week i trim the broom off square and you ttac $10,90," said Nellie. "I think' have an exceedingly, satisfactory feta': is pi.etty fair for cold weather,' scraper for muddy boots and shoes. lith T. have a rearm poultry house." -And she had almost as much fpr July 1 is set for the date when it ,,healthy, with a look of pride toward ether }sradtice, said Mrs. Winter. t is' hoped. to have the Provincial . ' ` he h' i-, twenty cents s pound for stockyards at Prince Albert, Bask., Pink -Checked Teddy and Belle. "If --mni'rs sausage S1S1114t,seventeen cents; ill operation. she understands how vitally import hard candies, one of which she drop- ped into each: glass. You -.can readily believe the children' never refuse to drink the milk when the last swallow meant a piece'. of candy. "After all, it rests with the mother entirely whether or '`not the children drink: milk and grow strong, rosyand ""'"219= gest . _gym: SUEXPERTS u'rp., RKE Parker's can /clean or dye car -pets, curtains, races, dralpdries, gowns, etc., and make them look like new. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods, and PPRKER'5 will renew them. We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee satisfactory work. Our booklet on household helps that save -money will be sent free on r`e`quest to PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 79i Yonge St. Taranto cell loud/. oad , a . p ao You can went a for Boo Nit 4e3 t 0,phlr 040,0 Moo 4 c et0Ot6rl bre of'4lamonde. 'mop e1e rut nee diamonds, stand mil MinSond testa, ma plc warn:used to/ a Hiatt*.. Oen sand seri! use peony. Simply forward your rrymo Pad (d4taa,, or our bmustsNl cotalna of GPO* !rem ;awaits:, Select tr4ds it rho good, (inked After weaho8 floc days, it You smut SO dins hem, 03 on talment. as Imo at 44 a mom!. Ne. d red tapyddali. t 4. good, m tmm d,*o44e ofpaentha r m. Send od07 40c+rcs—thanre fora nyou decide buy,buy' 6 n}'gn,-SS.T.aoms Diamond Cp• Llhm{ted,itayir- {4, Comfort Lye is a very powerful cleenser.. It is used for cleaning up the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc..., Comfort Lye is fine for making sinks, drains,and closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye 'tills rats, mice, roaches arid inseat pests. Comfort Lye Wil1 do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lye Lye is good for making soap. It's powdered, perfutned and 100% pure.