The Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-24, Page 5• 124 Now sod b4 or waxed 40f package — a great impr*vetnen over the old lead package OSE TEA1s pod tea, •Sold only in sealed packages INCORPORATED 1855 1•••••••••144— ••••••41 TUE M.OLSONS BANK Capital, & Reserve $8,800,000 Over jt( Branches scattertd throrghont Canada A General Banking Business Transacted circular Letters of Credit Bank Monet; Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest ailo•wed at bigtiesr current rate EXETER BRANCFI T S. WOODS,.)lanager -11. • OA AI Ilk* • **AM VA* * • *** •110••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• *** 111 A* 011 4. 4 • 4 4• 4 • • • • 0 0 • • 3.11••••• " *•'" "e.' 4- ° ^ oc BETTER LIGHTING INCREASES YOUR CLERK'S EFFICIENCY REPLACE the vacuum lamps in your store with HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps. Then watch each clerk's sales climb. The light from HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps, if instalLr! with proper fixtures, is kind to workers' eye. Clzrks don't tire so ea:.!ly; they're Lot so Thay're more alert and are all- to wait on aore customers in less tlzze when the light is right. Experts of the Hydro -Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario recommend HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps for s tom :1' tig. They're worthy of the Commisaion's c rsernent cause :he dual- ity and volume of their li L, ase long life of the lamps and their low curl Will you step into the Hydro Shop and let us prove the wisdom of using HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps in your store? HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION • HYDRO SHOP Hydro Electric System etirrtica Canc. 9;4440, •••••-• : THE DOUBLE, TRACK ROUTh, ' Between • MONTREAL .TORONTO ' DETROIT ' ' and CHICAGO Unexbe],led 'dining car siervi;ee. Seeping cars on niHght .trains and. Parlor cars'; on. Prinelpat'dait- trains Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Toronto N.1. PORE t P110/110 46w 'AgeliE*erter MITCHELL—Thos, Vivian after suf fering for ma,ny weeks died Suniclay aged 72 years. He resided in, Hibbert township for 40 years, and retired to Mitchell ten years ago. He leaves a widow four daughtersithree sons and his father who is 96 years of age. CASTOR IA ' For Infants a.nd Children In Use For Over 30Years Always bears the Signature or Hensall Mts. Brigham, wlio has' been in the West and California and other states &aim- -the past four *airs, is here visitin." her relatives, Mn T. Far- quhar and farnily,—Mrs. (Rev,) A R." R. Garrot s visiting friends at her old home in, .Nissouti,-4�r. George Brooks was taken to the hospital in London a few days" ago to undergo, an operation and as doing nicelyz—Mrs F. Carlio was in Liridistay last week attending' the funeral of her brother, P. II 111ellha1ge3e—Mrsi. J. B. Short ant; daughter, who were spending the w' ter and springY months with Mrs. Short's father, Mn Andirew Johnston and daughter* have gane to Wiadsor to re:4%4.—A union service of the Presbyterian. and Methodist churches was held on Sunday, the Rev. A. E. 0M A., B. Di., preaching.—Mr. John Cantelon, who. was 111 'ate 2‘1101- SO.W., Bank, Toronto, has been appoint- ed accountant here, as successor to ?le. W. Douglas, who has been. ap- pointed manager of a new agency in IValten$ Falls. Zurich Mr So! Kipfer disposed of his property occupied by IN1r, Jacob Kip - ter to Mr Wellington J. Ioltastm— Wori.1 ha. beep. received here of the death of thc. wife of Nit.. Albert Sch- walm which took place oat West. Deceased was a vicitian of the "%flu. Her buSband and two small children survive.—The death took place at Neu. Hamburg on April tith of Mr. Henry Deichert, one of the most prominent residents of thai town. He was 53 years of age.•—Word has. been reealved of, the death of Mr. Eugene Beelgaeal a former resident of St. JoFeph. . Mr. Beci„aneul Passed away at Windso," on April 8th. -4.1r. Da, niel Staubm has returned from Goderich and has moved into the house owned by Mr. John Siemon.—Pte. Edward Fisher, son of Mr. and MF5: Oswald Fisher was givea a hearty welcome Fri/atty.—Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Steinbach of Detroit visited relatives here,—Mr. Henry Deters, who took aver the local Masspyi-Harris agency last December let: sold the implement shoo 3.nd stock to Mr Casper Walper, who has beett appointed local agent for the Massey - Harris implements.—.Conrad Thiel re- cently received word from his son; Adam who is located near, Spirit WIT-. AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY AND EFFECTS The undersigned will sell by public auction at Elizabeth Street, Exeter North or. SATURDAY, MAY 3rd, at I o'clock, p,m, the following,— Eftects—Glass Cupboard,. kitchen Lupboa.rti, siy' doz. kitchen, chairs; %dos diming chairs; extension table, parlor table .2 small tables; Plane -case Sherock-Ianriing organ; 3 rocking chairs 'Imperial Oxford range; small heater; 13-p ece bedroom sutte; single bed with springs and mattress; double bed; Singe: sewing machine; bureau, 2 wash stands picture easel, 4 lentos, i,ev:-ral coir tures, small mats, large clock, 1 :rwung.-e, chest, window shades, 3 cur- • ",'-"•••••• " 41, •••• Does a Farmer Need a Truck? THE farmer with a Ford Truck practically lives next door to the market. He has a choice of markets. Be becomes more independent. He can market his goods when and where he pleases. He sells his crop to the very best advantage. And his hauling costs him less— in labor and money. It is not only cheaper to haul with a Ford Truck than with a team and wagon, it is quicker, it is easier Work. Consider the time and labor the farmer can save with a Ford Truck. With a team the trip to town takes the better part of a day. Price (chassis only) 5750 f. 0. b. Ford, Ont. A Ford Truck makes the same trip in two or three hours. When labor is so scarce, what farmer can afford to waste day after day of his valuable time? Ford Trucks Complete with Body and Enclosed Cab Ford One -Ton. Trucks are now sup- plied, if desired, with standard truck bodies in two types, the Stake Body and the Express Body. In both standard bodies the cabs may be supplied with or without doors, as desired. See these complete Ford Trucks. Consider the matter from every angle: the cost of feeding horses against the cost of running a Ford Truck; the time you lose on the road; the money you lose by being so far froni the best niarkets. There is only one conclusion you can come to. You will have a Ford Truck. 4C-4-4ftecom..- A Standard Ford Bodies 41 4 extra, Get our prices MILO q \TELL, DEALER, Exeter ...Mk A 4. croa0ammaaarararcparc er .Peace River District, Alta.. -fiat while away to town fire of unknown origin totally destroyed his shanty and all the contents, waslung machine, wash boiler; dish•ei., fruit jars, tea kettle and other • .11. -.•ole, tor, numerous to mention. Also 1 general purpose horse, 1 filly 0 ming; 4 years, 1 fresh cow; about 25 hels; single plow, set harrows, nair sle:ghs. There Will also be offered for sale at the same time and place, thp frame house and six lots of land, the prop- e,-ty. of the late James Willis. The house is. in ;good condition, with large cellai and good rooms. There is a ,00d stable and other ,cut -buildings on • Lilt' proucrty, Te -n•;—Rea", E,,tate made knownon day o: !"e: Chattels, cash. C.-kSTOR WILLIS C.W.ROBINSON Admin'erator Auctioneer AUCTION SALE .01,; TOWN LOT & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. At the rear of H. Wter's Shoe Shop Main Street, Exeter, on SAIURDAY, .APRIL 26, I.919 At 2 .6'clock p. m. share, the following Diningroom table, sideboard, 12 Xin- ing chars, number of kitchen chars, 2 rockers, couch, bedroom suite, com- mode chest of drawers, 2 kitchen tables 2 small tabaes, 5 parlor tables } kitchen cupboard; coal .ail stove, 3 - burner Perfection; quantity of mats; carpet ends felt paper, weol carpet; 2 Brussels carpets, 20 yards each; lamps pictures kitchen. utensils; garden tools; sprinkling can; lawta mower and other articles. There will also be sold at the same time and place an excellent building tot ,1-5 of an acre, situated on Will- iam Street, 2nd lot front the South Bouadary. Terms—Cash MRS. A. WALTER, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. 1160901121.10: Ci t 5 f rt of dy 1 Many children and adults are constant sufferers from cold hands and feet and are acutely susceptible to every chill and -sudden climatic change. There is definite help in SCOTT'S ULSION 4 which furnishes fuel f� v'arrn1 the body, helps make pure, red blood and maintain the system in a state of robustness, so that the buffeting winds or the sudden chill of evening are enjoyed rather than feared. For comfort of body and bouyant health, take Scott's Emulsion. Scott & Bowne, Tomato. Ont. is -I3 SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 14, Stephen, for the month of April. Those marleed with an, asterisk w:m absent one exam.—Sr, Comm, Geog, Ilyg., Art., Max. F15O rain. 330-4-T. lills 395, K. Hicks 34 r.,. Brooks 372, A. Anderson 357, I. Essery 355, M. Hodgins 354. Jr. 4— R. Wade 321, H. Hill 300, L. Hanlon 287. 3—Sp. Comn., Art., Writing, max. 300 min. 180—F. Hiata,ble 244, V. Conner 206. According to class standing :-2—M, Neil 211 IL Hi,ks 202, II. Stee;s 1A5. Smith 136, *G. O'Brien S5.. 1-1!. liodgins .L. Wade, 11. Wade, V. Sre!th G. Neil, T. Flynn Sr Pr.—W, Willis. M. Sm;t1t, E. Wade E. M. Weiton teach,i4. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 1. M.7Gillivray, Easter exaininat'ort-,:—Sr. 4—Tom'. Cronyn 465, M. Vras- er 461. 3—Total 600—G. Crony") 487 R. Boyle 460, L Fraser 3s' 2-1 tal 35u—J. Conlin 279, M. Frawr Sullivan 241. 2 C.—J. BivC, P li-r,- nessey. Sr. I—M.. 13o;ie, Sr. —E Sullivan; B. Conl.ri d. Hari7on ****** .; ;;. 13t.Sir •-• -VT WI-IALEN .:To..) late for last wee.; While dr:viag to Graaton Pr.3n, Soo,re had the misfortune to hi buegY ax:e which started the ho: to kick, and the beast severely n aril bruised itself.—Mr. an 1 Mrs. jro, Hutchinson of Exeter North vls1.',4, Mrs Sutherby's.—Letters receir d 1 • frie.ioi. here recently from sa...k e.,;a.i state that they had a sever : -b5 4ard ann lots of snow, so that no lug i Le:ne- dome out there a; MARRIAGE LICENSES ts:•:•r; 5y C. H Sanders at the Advoeate Hee Strictly confidential; no w'tn-.s Overland Model go Touri4g, $r36o Overland Ifoclei 85-4 Touring, $. r4o5 Willy-lCnight Four Touring, $257,$ Willy Six TOUrigg., • • • $2425 o. WM Toronto - LEMON 1111911AWIrIn mil "His Office On Wheels" Model 90 is a business Man's car—a time savii="i money maker. It has riding comfort, power, good looks and economy to brag about: A large per- centage of the Overland owners drive the Model 90 and are as proud of it as we are. Get one—you will like it. 1.0 Purdon and Campbell, Dealers, Exeter Willye-Overland, Litnited, Bead Office and Works, West 'roroeto Branchen Moor*, Winnli4z. Regina sr„nr icnt. • •• • •• Q11, .1i. • 1?, . • • eiL:b ******* ***** **** R.; .71 r• •t -