HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-17, Page 8E XB t! R A 11[AI.ATEt . THUasnA Y, APR 17 1013 EXSTER MARKETS Cbsuesed Each Wedoe3day Fall Wheat ..... Spring Wheat Oats -. Barley Family Flour Creamery Ratter Dairy Butter Egea ... .. Lard .. Potatoes Hay flogs per ewr. 2.11 Z.0& 90 5.70 52 4Z ...$1.50-11.75 b.00 W.25 'l'$ ¢=Memorial Church eessee EASTER DAY , APRII. 20th Hoe E o.t:nnrr.en " 3e and 11 a. Ell, Sunda. S hoce at 3 p. m. The Easter Story _'llu_trated) Fee:n,tn ager and Sermon sst 7 pen. See '.t' MUS'_: by the Choir VESTRY MEETING Apre :i .. ;ennuel Vestry elcetine p.tn CARD c i ^ THANKS Mr. He re Brown desires to thank the nd .:ars and trends who so ltil, liege ens; generously gave their as- srst:c-t. c ` ympa th\ during the ill- ness analTi:I , subsequent sheath of his wife. • It you want bran, shorts, chop. oras or other e evt1 see Harvey Bros. CARL' OF THANKS. ytrs. Thomas C rectos and family de- sire to express their sinters gratitude tt. their many friends and neighbors foe the sultry ke deesse; and expres icons o+ sympathy, extended to them n the recent bereavement; also to tier High and Public Schools, and the T'ruetees :Ind Teacher: for eeautitul floral tributes. w► Oar Harz,.toua s Best earth be beat for Bread makir Harvey Bros. SA ,E! tW 110MEselADE i'OOKING The I .^ i t'.: of the Wt 1I.3 of Mai St, ills iioel.e. C3turesh tell hold sale tai hoc e ,rade.: ooltires in the building north et Mrs Ye * s store, on sheets clay eitemetnz, April 1'th. wits ALTO TIRE FOUND. On the London Rosel, North, en Tuesday, ;April S, art anti, tire. Own- er can has:: sant' by ,Ealy rb et this office and pay-ne for this mot=es. essanwee WASTED—A maid for general housework; small family, good wages. Apply to T. S. \V od' at The Mol - sons Bank, Exeter. easeeeesseessessa WANTED—Wheat. oatss, barley and meted feed.—Ike sees Bros. STEADY WORK At hi hest wages For experienced Operators, Pressers, Oa Mien's lixtx: rlothi.na;. E. G. HACIeBORN cV t'O., 50 York Street, Toronto. TURNIP CONTRACTS TAKEN. The uneiarefign =d will receive can - tract; antract. for turnips to be delivered neat Sall, ---R. G. SELDON, Exeter, FLA:; LAND WANTED. 400 ACRES FOR GROWING ;'LAX Apel; to ONTARIO FLAX CO. MS. DAVIS. Exeter North Phone 1.3 r .2 Corn Contracts The Exeter Canning Company is steady to contract with farmers 'to grow Corn for canning, $10.00 per ton wail be paid same as last year. Seed cern of the finest quality at re- duced prize, 15c. Der lb., to growers on contract. 27th -4t Exeter Canning Co. POUND Doss and other domestic an- imals stray off, get oast or are stolee, every day. The joy of the little "girlie" per - ha .. your little "girlie", at the re. overt' of her beloved "dog- gve" could be Inuit:plied every dee, if those who find dogs would watch the "Lost and Foiled" columns of the Lon- don Free Press, The first thing thatoccurs to unfortumsete posers its to put aa ad. in The London, Fzes Press,The first rst thing that should occur to you when you fiend aoythan,g, is' to read the "Lost and Found" ads in The London Free, Pres, Theo do as you would be done by notify the loser that "you have ,has property and are willing to return it. Read the Want Ads, every, day e he London Free Press Weetern Ontario's Foremost Paper LOCAL D OINc . _ • LOCAL tax :raite for 1919 will be lessereeefasanasesseareessessaassesernessisse 2934 malls. Scnoce closes to, -day for the Res- ter 1ao13days. To -morrow is Good Friday and a. public holiday. et elan -s Gaderich and _Mitchell have adopted daylight saving timet Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie nand daughter visited in London over Sun: day. Rev. Doan. of lensall and, Dr. Medd of Male Street Church, Exeter, ex- changed x- h c.ged pulpits on, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons have nosed to the Mouse on. London Road, re:eptlypurchased from the estate of the late Mrs. Wilson. Surveyors have been engaged dur- ing the week taking levels of Main Strcee't, preparatory 'tea securing es- t:nate.. of the cost of a permanent road for the town. sirs '1 hos. Harton of London. has duet see. of his ,vacant lot on the South Boundary of town. adjoining Mr. Wm. Rush's property on the east, to Thos Creec-h, the pricepaid be- ing .$60 The Se ntar ° RRiEtsey Board at St. eiary , heard the complaint of sub- sa riber:. xegarding the 5c. •harge for conne. tiooaa of the K.iekaton Telephone aril Bch- telephoee Isiaes, but no ac- e way: taken. Foalow;a„ a visit of Messrs. J. W. Taylor and R, G. Seldon to Aliso Craig the Council of that village pas- sed a motion to approve of the peti- eon to the Grand Trunk suggesting that a switch be built at Lucan Crosse in te, ,'.oz.ne.t Huron & Bruce and thi stratt'ord-Sarni41^nes. Mr F. e d.ngton, East of Hensall, this heel": Narcissi us n copy of the Daily Mirror, published in London, i ll:, a'z3 being a pictorial newspaperi r o+ It onstans a picture of his brother, :fir Charles es Aldington, who has lust ome assistant general manager of he Great Western Rahway, a. post r=iZ e'r usually leads to higher thins. '1:l .fl ton at one time man;tged the Seentrae London Tube traffic R:v hes studied railways and as xvat°s ;Ill over: ttter- ':d and Europe. iclN-I\ •LAW serseseess D. Mrs c', W. %Veeh, who has been ead n,. the tyfnter .here with her tt,e: Mrs. Popestone, left Friday Regina. Since she left word has :a ae4eivrd of the death; of her nen-law, Me. Henry Johns, from iter E :uenca .B;ets des hie wife, he is 3ur- v vest by a tittle daughter, aged three years ear ELECTION OF OFFICERS. On Thursday last at the home of Mrs 'Phomas Nestle; the W. M. S. of Main. Street Church elected officers, a: t'ollotrs,—Pres., Mrs. A. J. Ford; 1st 'Vice, Mrs. (Dr.) Medd; 2nd Vice, errs. F. J. N.Viokw,ire; Sec:, Mrs, E. M. feigners; Tress. Misa L. Sweet;. Co .-ties Mrs. S. Lamport; Supt. of. Systematic Giving, Mrs. E. A. Follick; Sec. of Flower Ftut+d., Mrs. J. Elston; Sec, of Life Membership, Mrs. Ward. I itt.tIOR AND PATHOS IN "THE BETTER 'OLE" "The Three efusketeers"—othersvi-se l3ert Ala and Old Bill, are reincarnat- ed in a film version of "The I3etter 'Ole,' Which will be the big picture z.:arty mot -,:e houses for months to come And if the cinema lacks, as al - eases. the dialog that the stage cart iv: us there is ample compensgtion in the setting, for we have vertible wa- episodes, including the passing of the new army thru London streets glowing from the iain, a glimpse of English fields and homes of France. But the Laid Bill and his kind, that devastation might have hap, ened over here, is the meshag.e of the story. That Capt. Bairnsfather's play, so successfully produced in London and New York, offered really ma;n.ificent. opoorturetea to the film producer had lona been obvious, for there are man,y incidents which rho they cannot ap- pea: on .the stage, yet come within the scope of the fem3 , and fill un the in- terstices of the story to the greater satisfaction of the onlookea. From the very start when a picture of the Three Musketeers of the olden time in the picturesque panoply of their period dissq'tved into the three sol- diers of to -day --"Old Bill," "Bert" and "Alf" in the trenches, the miss - in, details of the play are filled in. with a constructive skill which adds enormously to the true understandipg of the story. The introduction of the "poet soldier" as .a sort of explana- tory "chorus" is'one of the happiest touches and few could not feel their heart strings drawn ,tighter at the section of the filth which showed h,ow "the whipper of ,war" descended :upon all British homes, from the lowest -to the highest in the lend. The familiar incidents of the play and appear, am= fled and emphasized! "The Better 'Ole' will show at the Opera House one, night only and matinee, April 39, Seats on. sale at Howley's Drug Store. Anyone wishing to contribute a blue .Amberola record to the Soldiers' ,Aid record shower for the G. W. V. 4A. may leave the same at Martin's store. Mather Hilburn, master entertain- er, will appear in the Exeter Opera House, next Wednesday, April 23rd. under the auspices of the Soldie'r's Aid Society in aid of the G. W. V. A. Hilburn carries his hearers from laughter to tears. Don't miss hear- ing this treat. _ RETURNED SOLDIERS Learn taiheris g and obtain Steady emplaymee,t We will pay You $16;00 per week , Cutting, Pressing' Operating Tailoring; On men's fine' clothing Apel; at once 1' .G" HA.CHBORN & st0..'' 50 York Strut, Tor nto: GIRLS Do you went to learn a trade and have steady employment? We will pay Ineeperieneed girls $14.00 per week While learning Operating Haring°sewing Bastille Tailorin sa, . On mens fine 'clotffing Aphis at once E Cx HACHBORN & CO.:, 50 York Street, T,oromlto. Records Wanted, --The Soldier's .Aid Society are asking for a Blue Aniberola Record Shower for the G. W. V. A, Old or new records accep- ted and may be left at Martin's store. A treat in store for this communi- ty when Mather Hilburn will appear in the Exeter Opera House, next Wednesday evening under the aus- pices of the Soldiers' Aid Society. He is a entertainer of marked abil- ity. Hear him. Tickets 25 & 35e. WANTED Caretaker for Exeter- School. Apply In writing, stating salary', For infor- mation regarding .duties see Miss K. MacFaul, Sec,-Treas Mrs. W. J. Ruslsetll is vi iting fn Blyth. Miss Stella Giities is visgti;ng in Sarni:: Mrs. P. Gardiner of Blyth visited here during the week. Mrs. %Vestcott of Seaforth viaitcd here during the week. Mrs Foote visited her sister in Windsor during the week. .Air. Jof-u Mallett and sonKenneth of eondrn. visited here Thursday last, The :Misses Bennett of T'ometo are visiting their sister, Mrs, 3. A. Stew- art. Miss Ethel, Day of the Byron San- itarium visited at her hontei here over Sunday. Mr. John Creery ;of Alvinstoe is vis- iting with his brother, Mr. Jos. Creery of Usborne. Mrs 'Westlake and daughter, Mrs. Whyte visited a few days. in Cen- tralia Iast week. Mrs. D. Johns and Miss. Lila return- ed Monday from a visit of several week- an Sarnia, Postmaster Russell was in London on Friday being re-examined by the military doctors. Mr. J A. Sanders returned Thurs- day to Woodtstock after a few days' visit with relatives here. Mr. Julius Sokoloff is in Toronto and Mr. Amy Wexler in London spending the Passover week. Mr. Robert Rawcliffe, who has been •snip ioyetd with Mr. J. J. 11lerner, has returned to Exeter to reside. Little Miss Ila Whyte of Centralia visited over the week end at the home of her grandmother, Mrs J. WestJ- lake, h1v Wm. Clark of Barrow Bay, Ont. ns here visiting with his brother, Mr. Thos Clark .and other relatives in Stephen Mrs Jessher son, William of DHamiota,, Mande an..,arrived in town, last week and will visit for a few weeks among relatives. Miss Verna L. Vance, graduate nurse of London visited over the week end at the home of Mrs. J. Weetlakl:,the ;nett of Mrs. J. Whyte. Mr Williamson, sof Burlington., hus- band of the late Addie eforlock, vis- ited here during the week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Birney. Mrs. Ed. Sanders and son, Robt. E., returned Friday evening to Muskegon Mich.. after two weeks' visit with rel- ative, here and in Zurich. Mr. J. A. Macdonald, manager of the Bank •of Commerce at Crediton, will (reside in Exeter and is moving into the Bedford terrace on William street. Dr. W. J. Browning of Ceeedosea, Minn., spent Friday last with relatives here at the home of, his father, Dr. J. W, Browning. The doctor was on his way home from the east. ,` 4 g =P •at e K y to Good Health Watch for these Symptoms Kidney or Bladder affections don't developseriously until. Nature has given you plenty of warning that. the trouble has commenced. Constant headaches, dizziness, pains in the back or sides, swollen joints and ankles, brick dust deposits, or painful urination should make you realize posi- tively and beyond doubt that your kidneys are out of order and need assistance. Nature is wise and never sends out unnecessary or foolish warnings. Her call is for help, and you must do your part by, bringing relief to those over- burdened kidneys, or suffer the conse- quences: Rheumatism, tem Lum b g 'a o , Sciatica, Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, Neur- algia, • etc., are all caused by inflamed or congested kidneys and the conse- quent deranged kidney action. Don't suffer the agonies produeed by these diseases. Help Nature to relieve the congestion—to heal those inflamed kidneys and to make them strong onee more—by taking Gin Pills. Gin Pills are the, • best remedy foil Kidney and Bladder troubles on the market to -day. This is a fact proven' by hundreds of testimonials. Try themi and besure of instant relief. For sale' everywhere at 6Oc a box, A. sample box free if you write to— The National Drug & Cheniieal Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Outerio. U. S. residents should address• Naecru- ao., Inc., 202 Main St;, Buffalo, N.Y, ' 173 JONES & IYLAY ?MINE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3b20 our Easter Wearing Apparel Ladiesand Misses' Spring Suits, and Coats ARE HERE SHOWN IN THE VLRY LATEST STYLES AT REASON ABLE PRICES, MAKE YOUR SE- LECTIONS NOW - Gloves For Easter WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE RANGE OF KID AND SILK GLOVES to meet the Easter trade reauirements. Every pair guaranteed. Perrin's celebrated kid gloves in Black, White and .Brow,. at $L75, $2. e and $2,25 pain. "'Kayser" and "Niagara Maid"dou- ble-tipped. Silk Gloves in popular col- ors at from 75c, to $1,50 pair. NEW WHITE FRILLINGS FOR EASTER. IN WHITE and COLORS. THE NEWEST STYLE FOR COLLARS, NEW BLOUSES IN CREPES, SILTS and VOILES— UNDERWEAR, . - UNDERSKIRTS, HOSIERY, COLLARS, CAMISOLES, BOUDOIR CAPS PARASOLS, ETC., for the Easter Trade. SPECIAL VALUES IN SILK HOSIER' THE NEW SUMMER WASH DRESS FABRICS ARE HERE. Dainty wash fabrics in Voiles, poplin silks, Gaberdines, Etc,, are here shown. in a wonderful range of pattetns and colorings, AR the better .qualities are in exclusive dress lengths. YOU SHOULD HAVE NEW SHOES FOR EASTER. Our spring stork of shoes for Ladies' Men's and Children.'s sear, is now complete. You should have new shoes with your ' Spring Suit or Coat for raster. RAINCOATS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. Special --Girls' school raincoats with hoods attached, very special at $1.75 EASTER FURNISHINGS FOR »t1EN. -- New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Socks, Gloves, Belts, Shoes, Suits, Spring Overcoats, Raincoats, Etc., for your Easter Requirements, are now ready, HOUSE FURNISHINGS Wel can save you dollars on. Rugs, Lirnoleums, Congoleums, Oilcloths, Cur- tains Window Blinds, Curtain, Poles, Etc. See our new materials for over -curtain: and draperies. SPECIAL QUILT LININGS. -400 yards 36 in, wide wrappeeettes and detains in good Paisley patterns and stripes.—,specially adapted for quilt Linin ;s -- to clear e0 40e' a yd. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STY LE BOOKS JONES & MAY 1- eadquarters Ior ;firs Celebrate•® Saadtard & Lion Brands Clothing Mr a an d Boys. Miss Marie Hodgins of Centralira, vis- ited over the week end with her cous- in, Aliso Vioaa Hodgert. AVOID COUCH'' and COUGHER '! Coughing`°[ Spreads A `1 snac£ ,I°LH 30 DRoP.I 3TOPJ' COUGHS LALF THIS FOR CHILDREN Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guaataztteed. Cash for old. tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. NEW VEThRINARY, A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened nn office in McDoefell's Stables, John street, Exeter. Prompt attentiozn, paid to all calls day or night; Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr, Henry A. Corselet has bought the practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand .Calls promptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We .have a large :;eanou,n,t of private fuels to loam on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S7 stNB URY Barr&sters, Solicitors, Exeter • h ISAAC R.. CARLING, B. A.. ster, iltor N Barri Slolwc Public, , b'tary' Luc Commissioner, Soldciltos for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—Mauna Street, Exeter. Is recognized as one of the most re- liable Commercial SSchools in Can- ada The instructorsare experienc- ed, and the .C:ourees are up-to-date;, Graduatee are placed in nositions and tivay meet with success. Students may enter at any time. Wrote a ton.ce for free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Pres HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year* old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, vreighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Roueston, n L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stambury's Office, Maim, Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Creditors, — Onrtatruo. C. W . ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEJ,R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth badclaesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cock net Wainaroome, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thitg in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality Ndill convfn- CO. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R.N. ROWE THE 'FUNERAL ,DIRIsCTOR AND FURNITURE DEALIR Exeter bargain Story Easter Suggestions FASHION DICTATES OXFORDS FOR SPRING: Most effective in- pearance is. the long, slender vamp model wetli tie popular Louis heel. :O As with all our:' models our Oxfords combine with correct style a cap achy for service and any assurance of comfdrrt to time feet. The popu- lar ;arms are black patent, or kid, brown and grey. " MEN'S SHOES in brown, on the narrow Black. • Itoee, lin. or leather cojealoen. WE fiANDLE THE SLATER StiOi. for Men and W little lath- SEE rn- li ti git SEL OUR SPECIAL ORDER SAMPLES FOR A NEW SPRING O' COAT OR SUIT.. VEIt- er priced, but worth it. Women; B. W. a vers