HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-17, Page 5Fresh rich, full=flavored tea —the same every time fiEDIRosE TEs good tear Sold only in sealed packages THERE is no servant problem k the electri- cal home, for electricity is the most willing, tireless and economical servant that a housewife can employ. Electricity takes the drudgery out of the housework. Instantly available when wanted. Electricity is as obedient and responsive to a woman who touches a tiny button in the home as to a man who throws a monster switch in a factory. An Electric Washer cleans clothes quickly without back- breaking work ; an Electric Iron permits continuous iron- ing and saves expensive, needed fuel ; an Elective Vacuum Cleaner is a vast improvement over the broom, and an Electric Sewing Machine is a wonderful conveni- ence. An "Electric Home" is easily kept spic and span with plenty of time left for other duties. The low cost of Hydro Power reales it economical to use. HYDRO Quality Lamps are tested in the laboratories of the Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario. They give their f ull rated lighting power at a definitely known current consumption. Their durability is assured. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Hydro Electric System HYDRO SHOP Woodham Word was receeeed ,on Saturday of the. death of tire late William Edwards for many years a, resident of, Wood. - bane peeing to Mitchell some ten years ago. Interment was made in Mitchell cemetery April 7th;—Miss Al- da Squire , underwent an operation, for appendicitis under Dr, Campbell of Kirkton and Dr, Stevenson of Lon- don—t/;ss Henre tta, Wynn, who has bee.mi,ll, as able to be out agannr,;=Dav- id Uould'ng had the misfortune to lose a valuable heifer recently, it being smothered in a straw stack. — Sapnet Arthur C. Hopkins has return- ed from overseas, Dashwood Mr and Mrs. A. Ge Edighoffer of Zurich visited friends in town Sunday. lir G. S. ;Howard was: over to Cried- itoi; on Friday evening last addressing the Boys' OOrganization. On. Sunday after Sunday School ses- sion Mr. Harry Guenther was called to ,the front , and after being address- ed by Messrs, G. S. Howard, J. Kea - :ern -Ian and Rev. Yager was pre- sented with a wrist watch by Mr, W. H. Kraft in recognition of hist services for King and Country. Me, Guenther replied, thanking the 'Sab- bath school for the remberaace gift. fir C Steinhagen is ,,visiting with his family at present Mr .Earl Guenther has purchased the livery business, formerly owned by his mother, and took possession; Mon- day Rev Vager is attending Conference thi> week in Tavistock;—Rev, Steph- enson represlenting the Lard's Day A'eance, will occupy the pulpit the morning, and Re.v. Cereinneof Grand Bend in the evening. Let there be a good turn -out at both services —morning at 10, cad evening 7.30. Mr John. Kraft has Iiis house about ready and will move int next week. Mrs. J. Eiclt and daughter, Mildred, ve sited in town this wesek, Confirmation services were held in the Lutheran Church Sunday morning lir Fred. Habener of Zurich spent the week, end with friends here. Farmer: are beginning to make a stir in preaatration for seeding. \Vill those who have children to be- get school this year kindly send them the FIRST MORNING after Easter, so that an may be started together. Mrs. S. J. Adams of London is vis- itini' with relatives here. Sergt. L. Schro,j 1 r of the U. S. army who has been visiting Isis par- enn near Exeter, spent Sundae' in town, Mrs H. Hoffman and daughter, Myr- tle and Alice spent Saturday London News of Week non. Dr. catty tura -cue r.egisfarure his plans for the reform of the edu- cational system of Ontario. Federal Ministers have intimated that they realize that the Hudson Bay Railway must be completed. The Canadian Pacific Ocean ser- vices will resume in May a service of freight steamers to Antwerp. Galt is to plant a memorial avenue and memorial trees elsewhere throughout the city on Arbor Day. President Wilson has sent a se- cond message, ordering•the despatch of the steamer George Washington to take him home. Mrs. A. Hamilton Gault has ob- tained in a French court a divorce from Lt. -Col. A, Hamilton Gault, or- ganizer of the P,P,C.L.I. The Walker -Malone Sunday base- ball bill has passed both branches o! the New York State Assembly and awaits the signature of the governor. The Orange Order in Hamilton has decided to allow no more public dances in the Orange Hall, on the ground that the order is a religious institution. The mayor and an ex -alderman of Kitchener have been served with summons for contempt of court in alleged failure to carry out an order to abate a nuisance. THURSDAY. Rev. Dr. J. H. Hazlewood, of To- ronto. died suddenly, raiment ;C;.tsrca. oc,'r,n held be Toronto for Rev.. Dr. Law, The royal commission investigat- ing license matters began ,its sessions.. Frankie Bull last night knocked out Fred Crompton in their bout at Kingston. The steamship Megantic arrived at Halifax bringing • 2,000 returning Canadian troops. The Bavarian Peasants' Union has published a manifesto against the Soviet Government. No official visit to the United States of any portion of the British fleet is contemplated at present. Transfers of ministers to other conferences were arranged by the committee of the Methodist Church. Seventy-eight Canadian officers and men of the Siberian Porce have ar- rived at Vancouver, invalided • home, Heads of civio departments in Win- nipeg have practically all received increases in salary, ranging from 2 to 16 per cent. The British Columbia Electric Railway Co. has put $50,000 at the disposal of its employes to help them build or acquire homes, Angus Fraser and his wife of Woodstock, aged respectively 79 and til, died within twelve hours of each other from pneumonia. The British House of Commons de- cided that Britain wanted no nego- tiations with Lenin and Bolshevism, and wired Premier Lloyd George its decision, The preliminary peace treaty will require Germany to make an imme- diate indemnity payment on account of 25,000,000,000 francs in cash and raw material. Milk producers of Ingersoll and Putnam districts oppose delivery of milk on Suadays, claiming Sabbath privileges and that the war -time con- ditious have eeased. A deadlock seems to have occurred to the Quebec Police Court proceed- ing's in the case of two men accused of conspiring to defraud in the mat- ter of military exemptions. FRIDAY. The Toronto employes of the Cana- dian Express Co. went on strike last night, Hon. Dr. Cody's new school bill roused an animated debate in the Legislature, The Allied armies that evacuated Odessa were outnumbered by six or seven to one. A farmer in Hamilton township re- ports having sown a field of spring wheat on Monday. Arrangements are being made for the removal of the body of Edith Cavell to Britain. Maj. -Gen. Sir Frederick Maurice declared that a renewal of the war was an impossibility. James Glovanzzo was named by a coroner's jury at Guelph as the mur- derer of Alex Duiki, Canadian Express Co. employes went on a general strike throughout the country at 6 p.m. yesterday. Governor Berkman of Rhode Is- land yesterday signed the bill legaliz- ing Sunday ball in that state. By the end of the present tiscal year Canada's war bill will have amounted to one and a half billion dollars. Toronto Masonic lodges entertain- ed 4,000 returned soldiers and their friends at a banquet in the Armories last night. A tornado did extensive damage about midnight Wednesday at Fargo and Ridgetown and in the surround- ing district. Provision has been. made in the settlement of the Saar problem that the League of Nations will exercise supervision in the district for fifteen years. Dr. George Wetherell, of Burling- ton, was held criminally responsible by a coroner's jury at Brantford for the death of Miss Teresa 'Kew as the result of a criminal operation in Burlington. on March 23. The Independent Labor party of London has read out of the party Ald. John Colbert, the only Labor candidate elected at the last muni- cipal election, for seconding a motion allowing increased fares on the street railway. SATURDAY. Premier Hearst introduced the O. T. A. measure in the Legislature. A number of officers of Gen. Mack- ennna's.army have joined .the Soviet Children Cryo for fLetcher'$ The Kind You Have Allways Bought, and which has been ' in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature :of �'and has been made under his per. sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in t ;s.. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as -good ,' are lmt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children — Eerience a ainst Experimer' . What id 7,._ AS aRIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food;; giving healthy and natural. sleep. The Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALW :SYS t Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THC CGNTAU R, COMPANY, N Kw YORK CITY,. THE GROWTH OF HABIT Robustness to many is almost entirely a matter of habit, the habit of taking care and the consistent use of COTTA EMIJIS1C! The energizing properties of Scott's have bcen proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere. The habit of using Scott's regularly at trying periods as a means of building up strength and thwarting weakness is a habit well worth cultivating. Try Scott's Emulsion for Increased Streni;au;. Scott & Bowue. Toronto. Ont, 18.1? rorces in renege -rye - Federal legislation on prohibition will likely be brought clown in the House shortly after Easter. President Ebert is of the opinion that Germany will have to sign any treaty that the Allies present. A company is to be organized in Winnipeg to furnish aerial transpor- tation, starting with four planes. The grave -diggers in Stettin, Ger- many, have gone on strike, and as a consequence many bodies remain un- buried. The Lapland debarked more than 1,900 returned soldiers at Halifax, including 45 nursing sister and about 50 other ollcers. Volunteers in Canada enlisted for military service to the 15th Novem- ber Iast totalled 465,494, and draf- tees rattees under the Military Service Act to the same date 83,355. Fears .are expressed that` ^ the ad- • 4.,' X.�..s�,..�. ..mom...,. ... n Easy Snowy Wash I ACTUAL SIZE -the 'Bigger Bar" 24:. It's the work of• Comfort Soap— for 25 years Canada's biggest seller. Its big chunky bar means no waste -it's the biggest and best soap for the money , in Canada. There's no need to experiment trust in Comfort. "rd's All Right " PUGSLE7tf, DINGMAN' & CO., LIMITED T000ritO..ON'TF 1 i 1 lit vance of tne i5oisnernrarn ue e cern. Russia may force the Allies to evac- uate Sebastopol on the Black sea at southern end of Crimea. The Railway heard finds 11 e.t, day- light saving is a matter for Parlia- ment. The board, having 1,o juris- diction, cannot Darns upon the merits of the issue one ray or the ether. For a fiagrane crime ae lust a young girl Wm. 'roods was ae tenc- ed at the Sault See. Marie a: e izes to thirteen years in the penitentiary.. and his two sons to six an'i four yep: r s. The epee! /i Commons' co inittee on the C mselidated Railway act ap- proval or e new ciaose enlar_ ing the powate of s Le Railway Compulsion as to control ; rates when affected b speci,il collations. MON eA.Y. - Y The Legeeeturc is expected to pro- rogue o : i'iursd:-y. A n ;rue h..s been Created by the ,• y r,f Toronto. k'ieeen e • i ': d soldiers and their deli; .u.::.t <. .'d over the week - en('. i?r•emier L: ;•J George is expected ;fi return to London during the pres- ent week. James Crowther, of Toronto, was killed by clay f thing on hiiu at the Sun: Brick Works, Five battalions of "Original Firsts" are expected on the Carmania at Halifax this week. Preparations are going forward in Versailles for the reception of the German delegates. The Stratford Brass Co. has eened the working day to nine hours, with ten hours' pay. According to a Constantinople de- spatch British troops have occupied Trebizond, in Asiatic Turkey. New Brunswick's referendum will place other questions before the peo- ple than the broad "wet or dry." Brig. -Gen. A. H. Bell has been ap- pointed commander of the joint Cana- dian camps of Witley and Bramshot. The British crew for the inter - allied military regatta on the Seine at Paris has withdrawn. Canada did not enter, Ontario realized a high price for a $3,000,000 issue of bonds, the money costing the province only a fraction over 5 per , cent. The Brantford Commercial Travel- ers' Club made a house tei house can- vas yesterday to obtain $3,000 for ,the Children's Shelter work, ' Joint lealmerston Robertson, for 3.0 years secretary of teie Manitoba Curl- ing Association; and PrtWlnciai Libra- rian for many veers, . died in Los Angeles, aged 78.. Sasketioon,GsW,V,A,' branch deeid- ed to ask the Gbvernrnent to abandon the scheme of land settlement ,and Fay instead a settled amount to the returned men, Eugene V. Debs, Socialist leader in the United States, has been notified of the Supreme Court's decisign, that h `must serve his sentence`, of, ten ,sap yearsionain e acprt:ison for breech of the